How to make homemade wine from grapes (red or white). Grape wine at home (my favorite recipe)

No water seal?

Well, okay!

An ordinary medical glove will help to make homemade wine.

She will sensibly tell and show at what stage the drink is, will not let it go sour and will greatly facilitate the process.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - general principles of preparation

Good wine is obtained only from a dry harvest harvested in sunny weather. It is desirable that at least three days pass after the rain. You can not use berries sprinkled on the ground, otherwise the drink will have an earthy taste.

Basic Rules:

1. Choose ripe grapes. Unripe berries contain a lot of acid. In heavily overripe grapes, vinegar fermentation could already begin, which will ruin everything and the wine will not turn out.

2. Berries are not washed, as they contain natural yeast. But you need to sort out the grapes carefully, remove rot, rubbish, leaves, cobwebs.

3. You need to crush the grapes with your hands, pestles, well, or with your feet, as they did before. It is not recommended to use a technique for grinding berries that can damage the bones and spoil the taste of the drink.

4. For homemade wine from grapes with a glove, it is convenient to use large jars of 10-20 liters with a standard neck. In this case, the container is filled no more than ¾. There should be room for the foam that rises during fermentation.

5. Do not use metal objects for winemaking. You need to stir the future drink with wooden, glass spoons, spatulas.

The glove acts as a water seal. It does not allow oxygen to enter the drink, but through a small hole on the finger it gradually releases the accumulated gas. The degree of puffiness determines the activity of fermentation. If the wine plays briskly, then the glove is additionally fixed with an elastic band.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (universal technology)

A simple recipe for homemade wine from grapes with a glove, which can be made from absolutely any variety: white, pink, black. You can mix several species if you need to determine the remains of the crop.


10 kg of grapes;

50-100 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice.


1. Dry grapes must be picked from debris, handed over with hands, leaving not a single whole berry.

2. Put the pulp in a large enameled pan or barrel, cover with a clean cloth, leave in a warm place for four days. During this time, the mass will begin to ferment, it is important that there is room for foam, at least a quarter of the pan should be free.

3. Every morning and evening, mix the mass with a spatula.

4. After 3-4 days, active fermentation will begin, the mass will foam well and rise. It's time to remove the pulp. A thick, upper cap is collected by hand, squeezed well, and thrown away.

5. The juice is filtered through 2 layers of gauze, immediately poured into jars, filling no more than 70% of the total volume.

6. It's time to put on the glove. Do not forget to make a hole in one of the fingers for the release of gases.

7. Now the container must be placed in heat (from 16 to 25 degrees) for fermentation. If everything goes right, the glove will inflate completely.

8. Adding sugar. After 3 days, you need to taste the drink. If it becomes sour, add 50 grams of sugar per liter of product. To do this, a small part of the drink is poured, mixed with sugar, heated on the stove until dissolved. Warm syrup is mixed with the rest of the mass.

9. After another 3-4 days, you need to try the drink again. If acid appears, sugar is added again. During the active phase of fermentation (14-28 days), you can add up to 4 times, depending on your taste.

10. After about 3 weeks, the glove will fall off, which means that the active phase of fermentation has ended. A layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle. From it you need to drain a translucent drink. To do this, use a straw, pour the drink into a clean jar. The glove is no longer useful, the jar is closed nylon cover.

11. Now the stage of quiet fermentation or maturation will begin. Its duration is from 40 days to a year. It is not recommended to store homemade wine anymore. During this time, the drink will be clarified, a precipitate may appear again, which must be removed. As soon as the wine becomes transparent, it can be poured into bottles.

Homemade grape wine with glove and water

Cooking technology more light homemade wine grapes with a glove. The addition of water dilutes the cloying taste, the drink turns out to be pleasant, thin. Yeast helps to play this drink.


2 kg of grapes;

400 g of sugar;

10 g of wine yeast;

3 liters of water;

1 tsp almond essence.


1. We sort out the grapes, knead, dilute with filtered water.

2. We leave it warm for 4 days, wait until the wort is ready, filter, squeeze out the liquid.

3. Add 200 g of sugar, yeast and almond essence, stir.

4. Put on a glove, leave for 4 days.

5. Add another 100 g of sugar, stir and leave for further fermentation. Periodically we try the drink, if necessary, add more sugar to your liking.

6. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the wine from the sediment with a thin hose.

7. Remove the glove, cover the jar with a nylon lid, leave for another week. Remove the drink from the sediment again.

8. Now it can be left to ripen for a period of 1 to 12 months.

Homemade grape wine with a glove (fortified)

Correctly, wine gains degrees by adding the right amount Sahara. But at home, it is difficult to achieve a fortress of more than 10 degrees. In this case, alcohol is used for fixing.


5 kg of Isabella grapes;

600 g of sugar;

1 liter of alcohol;

100 g of sugar for every liter of juice.


1. Mash the berries, cover, leave for three days.

2. Strain the juice, squeeze out all the pulp, add granulated sugar, immediately pour out all 600 grams. Stir until all grains are dissolved.

3. Now the future wine needs to be poured into a jar, put on a glove, leave for 10 days.

4. Now you need to add more sugar at the rate of 100 g per liter, while adding 200 ml of water. If you have 5 liters of drink, you need 500 g of sugar and a liter of water. Heat the mixture on the stove.

5. Add warm syrup to the wine, put on the glove again, leave to ferment for another 5 days.

6. Now you need to add alcohol at the rate of 200 ml per liter of drink. Pour immediately into the wine, stir, pull on the glove. Wait for fermentation to complete.

7. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to drain the wine from the sediment, remove it for ripening.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (from juice)

Wine can be made from grape juice. But in this case, it should be fresh and freshly cooked. Extract the juice in any convenient way.


10 kg of grapes;

5 g concentrated wine yeast;

3 kg of sugar.


1. Squeeze out the juice from the grapes, mix with half of the granulated sugar and wine yeast until dissolved, pour into a jar.

2. Install a glove with a small hole, leave for 20 to 28 days.

3. Every 5 days, taste the wine, if you feel acid, add more sugar at the rate of 50 g per liter.

4. As soon as the drink stops playing, remove it from the sediment for the first time.

5. Close the nylon cover, lower it into the basement. The air temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

6. After a month, you can re-remove the drink from the sediment. Leave the wine to mature for 3-4 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove "Muscat"

The recipe for muscat, blended wine, for which you need two grape varieties: "Isabella" and "Lydia". But a mixture of sage, oak bark and elderberry will add a special flavor to the drink.


1.2 liters of juice from Lydia grapes;

0.8 liters of Isabella juice;

320 g of sugar;

Oak bark, sage, elder flowers.


1. Cooking pure grape juice. To do this, knead the berries well, leave for several hours. Then we squeeze the pulp well with our hands, filter the drink through two layers of gauze. You don't need to filter the juice.

2. We measure the amount of juice of each type, following the recipe.

3. 200 g of granulated sugar is added, everything is thoroughly dissolved, a glove is installed.

4. The wine is left until the end of the active fermentation phase. Every 3-4 days, a spoonful of granulated sugar is added to it to maintain the process.

5. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the drink from the sediment.

6. Pour the wine into a clean jar. It's time to add a gauze bag with a piece of oak bark, sage, elder flower. You don't need much.

7. Close, leave for a month.

8. Now the wine must be re-removed from the sediment. This bag with aromatic additives need to be removed.

9. If the aroma of the wine is not rich enough, you can add a new bag of oak bark and sage, leave the drink to ripen for another 2 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - tips and tricks

Optimum temperature fermentation for wine from light berries from 18 to 22 degrees. If the drink is made from dark grape varieties, then it will play better at 20-28 degrees.

Homemade wine is difficult to store. It stands wonderfully in the basement for one year at temperatures up to 10 degrees, then the taste deteriorates.

In winemaking, it is very important not to miss the stages so that the wine does not peroxide, does not turn into vinegar. Usually, a special calendar is created for this, it marks the dates and the number of additives, the fermentation period, and the temperature in the room. Find yours through trial and error perfect recipe.

If the summer was rainy, the grapes were sour or did not have time to ripen in the sun, feel free to increase the amount of sugar.

Grapes turn into vinegar very quickly. Therefore, the harvested grapes must be processed immediately on the same day.

The secrets of winemaking can be studied for almost years. Although everyone can easily learn this art. From the first time, you may not get a masterpiece worthy of world exhibitions, but a home-made drink will be no worse than a store-bought one. Want to try? Then learn simple recipes with photos describing how to make wine from grapes at home.

How to cook

Homemade wine requires three main ingredients. This list includes:

  • grape;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The last component is not used in all recipes for making homemade wine. It is added only if the grape juice is very sour and even reduces the cheekbones. In other cases, dilution with water only worsens the taste of the drink. Making wine from grapes at home begins with the harvest and processing of the crop. On the clusters must remain wild yeast needed for fermentation. To do this, you need to collect fruit after 2-3 days of dry weather. If the grapes are purchased, then the berries cannot be washed.

Making homemade wine after processing the crop includes three stages. step by step instructions how to make a drink can be described as follows:

  1. Getting pulp. It is an intermediate product of winemaking and is a mass of crushed grapes. The combs do not have to be removed, but the wine with them will be slightly bitter.
  2. Wort separation. This stage begins 3-5 days after receiving the pulp. It is from this that the must stands out - unclarified grape juice. This is already wine, but young and not started to ferment.
  3. Fermentation. During this stage, the wine yeast multiplies and converts the fruit sugar from the grapes into alcohol. The must here is separated from the pulp, poured into a working glass container and closed with a stopper with a water seal or a medical glove. At the same step, you can sweeten homemade wine.

Fermentation time

Many factors influence the fermentation of the drink - temperature, amount of sugar and yeast activity. Therefore, there is no exact answer to the question of how much homemade grape wine plays. This process may take about 30-90 days. Fermentation is divided into three stages:

  1. Elementary. Yeast fungi begin active reproduction.
  2. Stormy. Bacteria finish multiplying, occupying the entire volume of the wort. The first couple of days it actively hisses and foams. How long does the wine ferment in this phase? It can play from 0 to 100 days, depending on the desired strength of the drink.
  3. Quiet. The wort calms down, there are already very few bubbles. The foam settles, and fermentation takes place in the lower layers. The duration of this phase is determined by the period of processing by fungi of all sugar into alcohol.

Amount of sugar

Approximately 1% alcohol in ready drink 2% of the sugar in the wort is provided. The sugar content of grape varieties common in central Russia rarely exceeds 20%. They will make a drink with a strength of about 6-7%, a maximum of 10%. In addition, the sweetness of the drink will be zero, and the taste will be sour-astringent. The sugar content of the wort should not exceed 15-20%, otherwise the yeast will stop fermenting.

So how much sugar is needed in grape wine? The product is added fractionally after the juice tastes sour. For each liter, 50 g of granulated sugar is required. They are diluted in 1-2 liters of drained wort, then sent back to the bottle. Do this once every 3-4 days in the first 2-3 weeks of fermentation. When the juice no longer tastes sour, it means that there is already enough sugar and no more need to be added.


AT classic version 10 kg of grapes are taken. If each requires about 100-200 g of sugar, then in general you will need 1-2 kg. In rare cases, water is needed. It is taken at the rate of 500 ml per 1 liter of juice. At the end, the wine is made semi-sweet, sweet or fortified. There is another option - a liqueur drink. The table contains the proportions of homemade wine from grapes in relation to the content of alcohol and granulated sugar.


The content of sugar and alcohol in sweet homemade wine should be between 12-18% and 16-20%. The acidity does not exceed 0.8%. It is better to make such a drink from blue grapes or use nutmeg varieties. Sugar should be added at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 liter of juice. It's in the fermentation stage. Already at the end, you can make sweet homemade wine to your liking by adding a little more sugar.


By traditional recipe fortified wine hail wine at home is prepared with the addition of sugar and alcohol or vodka. The strength of the drink will depend on their quantity. By adding fruits or berries to grape must, you can get different types fortified homemade wine - vermouth, port or sherry. The proportions for them are approximately the following:

  • grapes - about 6 kg;
  • granulated sugar for fermentation - 0.6 kg; for fixing - at the rate of 100 g per liter of must;
  • medical alcohol- 1 l.

To cook at home dry wine with your own hands, you should know that it is made completely without sugar, or its amount does not exceed 0.3%. Fructose from the wort is fermented only by the action of yeast. Sugar is not added for this purpose at all. For this reason, dry wines are considered the most natural, tasty and healthy. Grapes are needed for their production with a sugar content of 15-20%. It is better to take the Isabella variety:

  • from such grapes wine of pleasant ruby ​​color turns out;
  • this variety belongs to the table.


Semi-sweet homemade wine is especially popular. It is more tender, pleasant on the palate and has a clear grape aroma. The composition of such a drink contains no more than 8% sugar and up to 13% alcohol. The low content of the latter makes this wine ideal for an ordinary feast. The proportions of the ingredients here are approximately the same - for 1 kg of grapes, about 800 g of sugar and 1.5 liters of water.


Before you make homemade wine with your own hands, you need to choose the right grapes. Only ripe fruits are suitable. In unripe, there is a lot of acid, and in overripe, acetic fermentation already begins. It is not worth collecting carrion, because it has an unpleasant earthy taste. For winemaking, technical wine grape varieties are suitable. Their clusters are not very large, and the berries themselves are small and fit tightly to each other. Among these varieties stand out Isabella, Muscat, Riesling, Merlot, Chardonnay and Cabernet. Crystal, Kishmish, Druzhba, Rosinka and Regent are also recommended for home winemaking.


  • Servings: 22 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Isabella grape wine is very easy to prepare at home. This variety is unpretentious - the berries are frost-resistant, have a dense structure and pleasant taste qualities. Even white can be made from this variety if green unripe fruits are used. According to the same recipe, a fortified drink is prepared, so you will also need medical alcohol.


  • Isabella - 5 kg;
  • medical alcohol - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the grapes, then mash them with your hands or with a crush. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass jar.
  2. Leave the gruel for 3 days, then add sugar.
  3. Then cover with a lid, send to a warm place to ferment for 2 weeks.
  4. Take a thick gauze, fold it three times and strain the drink through it, then send it to a dark place for 2 months.
  5. After the specified time, pour alcohol into the container. Leave the blank for another 2 weeks.
  6. Then pour the drink into bottles, place them in a horizontal position for storage.

With water

  • Preparation time: 45 days.
  • Servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 96 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

grape wine with the addition of water, it turns out thin and not so cloying, but no less pleasant in taste. Almond essence gives an unusual aroma to the drink. If you don't like the smell, you can add a little vanilla. The technology also involves an ordinary glove. It does not allow oxygen to enter the wort, but releases carbon dioxide through a small hole.


  • wine yeast- 10 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • grapes - 2 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • almond essence - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. First sort the grapes, then mash and dilute with filtered water.
  2. Next, put in a warm place, leave for 4 days, so that the wort separates from the cake.
  3. Then strain the juice, squeeze out the liquid from the cake, pour everything into a glass container.
  4. After squeezing, add half the sugar, almond essence and yeast, mix.
  5. Put on a glove with a small hole in the finger on top, leave for 4 days.
  6. Take a little wort, add 100 g of granulated sugar to it, pour it back.
  7. When the glove stops inflating, remove it from the sediment with a thin hose.
  8. Cover with a nylon lid, let stand for another week.
  9. Remove the wine from the sediment again, you can drink it after full maturation after 1 to 12 months.

From grape juice

  • Preparation time: 76 days.
  • Number of servings: 30 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 133 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

To the surprise of some gourmets, you can make wine at home. In addition to punctuality and patience, nothing is required of you here. But the drink turns out very tasty, and the aroma is simply amazing. Together with the squeezed juice, you can use the grapes themselves. The proportions of sugar, again, can be adjusted to your liking, making it semi-sweet or sweet. dessert wine. As for varieties, it is recommended to use several at once. For example, Merlot and Cabernet make very delicious wine.


sugar - 1.5 kg;

grape juice - 5 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the squeezed juice together with the grapes in a container of a suitable size.
  2. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 3 days. Stir twice a day.
  3. Next, squeeze the mass under pressure or with your hands, then strain into a glass container, put on a glove with a small hole on it.
  4. Insist 40 days in a well-ventilated area.
  5. If part of the wort is not included, then add it every 2 days.
  6. When carbon dioxide ceases to come out, introduce sugar in the indicated amount.
  7. Next, filter the drink, bottle it and insist at a temperature of 11-14 degrees for a month.

Secondary pulp

  • Preparation time: 48 days.
  • Servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 56 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

By classic recipe only must is involved in the fermentation process, i.e. the pulp that remains after filtering is not used for making wine. Although there is a separate recipe for it. Learn how to make a "second wine". It will not be as rich as a first-class drink. This is a matter of taste - some people even really like this wine. Its aroma is not worse, it just has a different shade. The secondary wine from the pulp itself is obtained with a lower strength.


  • purified water - 5 l;
  • dark grape cake - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Transfer the cake to a clean, dry bowl.
  2. Next, add a mixture of sugar and water there.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into 3-liter jars.
  4. Put them on top rubber gloves. On one of the fingers, make a small puncture with a needle.
  5. Leave the drink to ferment until the pulp is compressed and loses its original color. This will take about 40-45 days.
  6. Then strain the wort, removing all the pulp.
  7. Leave the wine for another 3-4 days.
  8. If the taste of the drink suits, then bottle it. Otherwise, leave to ferment for another couple of days.


  • Preparation time: 4 months.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 128 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

By studying the recipe for white grape wine, you will learn how to make unique drink with exceptional aroma and taste. The process will take several months, so be patient. But the result will please not only you, but also the guests. Connoisseurs of noble booze will definitely appreciate this wine. You can adjust the sweetness of the drink yourself. According to the same recipe, the wine is semi-sweet.


  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • grapes - 10 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully sort the grapes, remove the rotten berries, and transfer the rest to an enameled bucket.
  2. Mix the product well. When the juice stands out, cover with gauze.
  3. Insist 5 days in a warm place. Stir the contents several times a day with a wooden spatula.
  4. Next, discard the pulp in a colander, and strain the juice into a glass container, fill it only by 75%.
  5. Add sugar, put on a glove with several punctures on top, fix it with an elastic band.
  6. After 3 weeks, fermentation is almost over. At this point, you can add more sugar to your liking. In this case, leave the drink for another 1-2 weeks.
  7. Then strain the juice into bottles, cork with corks, send to the cellar to infuse for 3 months.

Recipes with a glove

  • Preparation time: 3 months.
  • Servings: 12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 112 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Homemade wine made from grapes with a glove is very fragrant. According to this recipe, it is prepared and varieties of Lydia and Isabella. More precisely, the juice of this grape is taken. A special taste of the drink gives a mixture of elderberry, oak bark and sage. It is added to a bottle of wort in a gauze bag. At the end of fermentation, it is simply taken out, and thanks to this, the wine acquires an unusually fragrant aroma.


  • Isabella juice - 0.8 l;
  • sage, oak bark, elderberry flowers - to taste;
  • granulated sugar - 320 g;
  • Lydia grape juice - 1.2 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the grapes well, and after a couple of hours squeeze them with your hands and strain the juice through cheesecloth into a glass container.
  2. Next, dissolve the sugar, and then install a glove with punctures. Leave the drink until it falls off.
  3. Then remove from the sediment, pour into a clean jar.
  4. Introduce a gauze bag with additives.
  5. Close again, leave for 1 month.
  6. Remove the drink from the sediment again, remove the bag with additives.
  7. Insist for about 2 more months.

From red grapes

  • Cooking time: 73 days.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 147 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The benefits of homemade wine are manifested with its moderate use. , hemoglobin rises and radioactive substances are excreted. From homemade red grapes, the drink turns out to be stronger, more aromatic and tart. All thanks to the bones, which contain tannins in large quantities. The wine is bright and fragrant by mixing the pigments secreted by the skins with clear juice.


  • red grape variety - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the berries, crush them with a crush or clean, dry hands.
  2. Cover with gauze, let stand for three days. Stir contents periodically.
  3. Collect a layer of pulp, squeeze it out, and filter the juice itself with gauze. Pour everything into a glass container.
  4. Then, within 10 days, gradually introduce all the sugar in portions.
  5. Seal the bottle with a punctured pharmacy glove.
  6. Send the container to a warm place for 60 days.
  7. When the glove deflates, you can bottle the juice.
  8. Then send for storage in a cool place.


Winemaking is an art, the secrets of which take years to learn, but anyone can make homemade grape wine. It is clear that this will not be a masterpiece worthy of world exhibitions, but if the instructions are followed, the taste of a home-made drink will be better than that of many store-bought ones. I bring to your attention a detailed technology for making wines (red and white) at home. The recipe uses only grapes and sugar, in rare cases additional water is required.

For home winemaking, such grape varieties as Stepnyak, Platovsky, Rosinka, Druzhba, Regent, Saperavi, Crystal, Festivalniy are better than others, which do not require special care and have a fairly high sugar content. But this does not mean that you cannot make wine from other varieties, such as Isabella or Lydia, you just have to add more sugar.

Before starting cooking, take care of all the containers and appliances used. In order not to infect the juice with pathogenic microorganisms, such as mold, containers must be perfectly clean and dry. Kegs, bottles, buckets can be smoked with sulfur, as is done in industry, or washed with boiled water, then wiped with a dry cloth. I strongly recommend avoiding vessels that have previously held milk, as even thorough cleaning does not always help.


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 50-200 grams per liter of juice;
  • water - up to 500 ml per liter of juice (in rare cases).

It is advisable to add water only if the juice is very sour - it stings the tongue and reduces the cheekbones. At the same time, remember that adding sugar in itself reduces acidity. In all other cases, dilution with water impairs taste and is therefore not recommended.

grape wine recipe

1. Harvest and processing. In order to ensure that the wild yeast necessary for fermentation remains on the grapes, it is advisable to pick the berries in dry, sunny weather. There should be no rain for at least 2-3 days before.

Only ripe fruits are suitable for winemaking. There is too much acid in unripe grapes, and acetic fermentation begins in overripe berries, which can subsequently spoil all the must (squeezed juice). Also, I do not advise you to take carrion, because of which the grape wine has an unpleasant aftertaste of the earth. Picked berries must be processed within two days.

Carefully sort the harvested grapes, removing twigs and leaves, unripe, rotten and moldy fruits. Then crush the berries, place the pulp together with the juice in an enamel pan or plastic bowl, filling the container with a maximum of ¾ of the volume. It is better to crush the grapes with your hands so as not to damage the seeds, which contain substances that make the wine bitter. If there are a lot of berries, they can be carefully crushed with a wooden rolling pin (pestle).

Only wooden fixtures

Contact of the juice with metal (except stainless steel) should be avoided, as this causes oxidation, which impairs the taste. That is why the berries are kneaded with hands or wooden devices, and the pulp (transferred grapes) is placed in enamelware with a wide neck - a bucket or pan. You can also use a food grade plastic container or a wooden barrel.

Cover the container with the pulp with a clean cloth to protect it from flies, put it in a dark, warm (18-27 ° C) place for 3-4 days. After 8-20 hours, the juice will begin to ferment, a “cap” of skin appears on the surface, which should be knocked down 1-2 times a day, stirring the pulp with a wooden stick or hand. If this is not done, the wort may turn sour.

Rapid fermentation of the pulp

2. Obtaining pure juice. After 3-4 days, the pulp will brighten, a sour smell will appear and a hiss will be heard. This means that the fermentation has successfully begun, it's time to squeeze the juice.

Collect the top layer from the peel in a separate container, squeeze it out with a press or by hand. Filter all the juice (drained from the sediment and squeezed out of the pulp) through gauze, pouring 2-3 times from one container to another. The transfusion not only removes small particles, but also saturates the juice with oxygen, which contributes to the normal functioning of wine yeast at the initial stage.

When working with unripe or grown in northern latitudes grapes in rare cases may require the introduction of water. If the juice turned out to be very sour (it reduces the cheekbones and pinches the tongue), add water - a maximum of 500 ml per 1 liter. How more water the worse the quality of the wine. It's better to leave a little hyperacidity, since during fermentation the concentration of acids decreases slightly.

Fill containers with pure juice (maximum 70% of the volume) intended for fermentation. Ideally, these are large glass bottles, on extreme case if the volume of wine is small, cans are also suitable.

3. Installation of a water seal. In order for homemade grape wine not to turn sour, it must be protected from contact with oxygen, while at the same time ensuring the release of a by-product of fermentation - carbon dioxide. This is done by installing one of the water seal designs on the juice container. The most common option is a classic water seal from a lid, tube and can (pictured).

Scheme of a classic water seal Fermenting wine with a glove

The design of the water seal is not of fundamental importance, but in terms of convenience, it is better to put a classic water seal on large bottles, and a glove or a closure in the form of a lid (sold in stores) on cans.

Lid with water seal

4. Initial (active) fermentation. After installing the water seal of the container with fermented juice, it is necessary to provide suitable temperature conditions. The optimum fermentation temperature for red homemade wine is 22-28°C, for white wine 16-22°C. The temperature must not be allowed to drop below 15 ° C, otherwise the yeast will stop before it has time to process all the sugar into alcohol.

5. Adding sugar. Approximately 2% sugar in the must yields 1% alcohol in the finished wine. In most regions of Russia, the sugar content of grapes rarely exceeds 20%. This means that without adding sugar to best case you get a wine with a strength of 10% and zero sweetness. On the other hand, the maximum possible strength is 13-14% (usually 12), with a higher concentration of alcohol, wine yeast stops working.

The problem is that it is impossible to determine the initial sugar content of grapes at home without a special device (hydrometer). It is also useless to focus on average values ​​for varieties, since this requires data on the sugar content of the selected variety in a particular climatic zone. In non-wine-growing areas, no one conducts such calculations. Therefore, you have to navigate by the taste of the juice - it should be sweet, but not cloying.

To maintain normal fermentation, the sugar content of the must cannot be made more than 15-20%. To ensure this condition, sugar is added in parts (fractionally). 2-3 days after the start of fermentation, taste the juice. When it becomes sour (sugar has been processed), 50 grams of sugar should be added for every liter of juice. To do this, pour 1-2 liters of wort into a separate container, dilute sugar in it, then the resulting wine syrup pour back into bottle.

The procedure is repeated several times (usually 3-4) during the first 14-25 days of fermentation. At some point, the sugar content of the wort will decrease very slowly, which means that there is enough sugar.

Depending on the temperature, sugar content and yeast activity, the fermentation period for homemade grape wine is 30-60 days. If the fermentation has not stopped 50 days after the installation of the water seal, in order to avoid the appearance of bitterness, the wine should be poured into another container without sediment and placed under a water seal to ferment under the same temperature conditions.

6. Removal of wine from sediment. When the water seal does not blow bubbles for 1-2 days (the glove is blown off), the must is clarified, forming a layer of loose sediment at the bottom, it's time to pour the young grape wine into another container. The fact is that dead fungi gather at the bottom, being in wine for a long time, they cause bitterness and an unpleasant smell.

1-2 days before removing the wine from the sediment, put the fermentation tank on a raised platform above the floor (50-60 cm). It can be a bench, chair or any other device. When the sediment is again at the bottom, pour the wine into another container (clean and dry) through a siphon - a transparent soft hose (tube) with a diameter of 0.7-1 cm and a length of 1-1.5 m. The end of the tube cannot be brought closer to the sediment, than 2-3 cm.

Drained homemade wine will not be completely transparent. It's not scary appearance drink has not yet formed.

Sludge removal process

7. Control of sugar content. It's time to decide on the sweetness of the wine. Since active fermentation has already ended, all the sugar added at this stage will not be processed into alcohol.

Add sugar, focusing on taste preferences, but not more than 250 grams per liter. The application technology is described at the 5th stage. If the sweetness suits you, you should not sweeten it further. Strong spirits lovers can make fortified grape wine by adding vodka (alcohol) at the rate of 2-15% by volume. Fixing contributes to the storage of wine, but makes the taste tougher, and the aroma is not so rich, alcohol notes appear.

8. Quiet fermentation (ripening). The stage during which the final taste is formed. Lasts from 40 to 380 days. A longer aging of homemade grape wines is not advisable, because it does not improve the properties of the drink.

Place the bottle of wine (preferably filled to the top to avoid contact with oxygen) under the water seal again (recommended if sweetening was done) or tightly close the lid. Store the container in a dark cellar or basement at a temperature of 5-16°C. If this is not possible, the young wine should be kept at a ripening temperature of 18-22°C, but not higher. It is important to avoid sudden temperature changes, for example, day and night, otherwise the taste will deteriorate. The minimum aging period for white wine is 40 days, for red wine - 60-90 days.

When a sediment appears at the bottom with a layer of 2-5 cm, pour the wine from one container to another through a tube, leaving the sediment at the bottom, as described in the 6th stage. As a result, the drink will gradually lighten up.

9. Artificial lightening (pasting). Even after several months in the cellar, homemade grape wine can remain hazy. The problem is solved from impurities. The most common methods are pasting with gelatin or egg white.

Clarification improves only the appearance, but does not affect the taste in any way, so I recommend cleaning only in extreme cases.

10. Bottling and storage. At the last stage (when the sediment no longer appears), the wine can be bottled and tightly closed with corks.

Red wine 6 months aging

Shelf life at a temperature of 5-12°C - up to 5 years. Fortress - 11-13% (without fixing with vodka or alcohol).

The video shows the technology of making wine from sour grapes, in which the squeezed juice is half diluted with water. Only relevant for northern regions with very sour berries, since the addition of water worsens the taste.

Wine made from grapes is the most ancient and noble drink. Properly prepared and consumed in certain doses, it performs healing functions, heals our body, rejuvenates, fills us with strength and energy, removes free radicals and toxins. Wine helps with bronchitis and pneumonia, tuberculosis and many other serious ailments. Therefore, it is not only possible to drink it, but it is necessary - in this the conclusion of physicians is unequivocal.

Homemade wine

Naturally, it's easier than ever to go to the store and buy a bottle of red, pink or white that you like. However, the best is considered a drink prepared by oneself. Here we will tell you how to do it. Where does the process begin, what stages does it go through? What grades to use for production of drink it is better? What to do it in, what container to take for fermentation and what to store finished product? In a word, you will learn in sufficient detail how to do it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations exactly, and everything will work out fine for you!

Choosing grapes

We note right away: there are no special restrictions in the selection of varieties of berries for the production of a drink. This means that what kind of vine grows with you, harvest it from this one. But if you follow the advice of professionals on how to make wine from grapes, then juice from Isabella, Kapsun, Muscat, Lydia, Aligote, Buzoika, Moldova and other southern varieties is better suited. The main thing is that the grapes are well ripened, ripe and sweet. Clusters should be collected before frost and rain, so that they are dry, and the berries do not gain excess moisture and lose their sweetness. In addition, wasps and birds can spoil them. Here are some simple initial recommendations on how to make wine from grapes!

Recipe #1 (for a small amount of grapes)

There are several technologies for preparing a drink. Much depends on the amount of raw material and its grade. It is usually recommended to make with an additional addition of sugar and natural yeast sourdough. The process should begin with the preparation of grapes. Carefully sort the brushes, remove debris, leaves, remove damaged items, etc.

Ideally, all berries are best taken from the bunches. But, of course, this process is time-consuming and painstaking. Especially if you have more than a dozen kilograms of grapes. If you use a special press-press, pass the selected berries through it. Or mash with a mashed potato masher. Or you can use the famous method of the hero of the film "The Taming of the Shrew" with Celentano in the title role and crush with your feet, but to the music.

When the berries turn into a puree, you can start making homemade wine from grapes. Recipes advise transferring the mass to a glass or enamel bowl and heat to 60 degrees (use a thermometer so as not to overheat, otherwise the taste of the wine will not be the same). Then let the puree cool, carefully squeeze through cheesecloth to get pure juice. If it seems sour, pour in sugar syrup(100 g of sugar per half liter of water), mix and put the starter. How to make wine from grapes further: put the container with the juice in a warm place so that the product ferments, for about 2 months. Try again, add, if necessary, sugar, stir to completely dissolve. Pour carefully so that the sediment remains at the bottom, the finished wine into bottles, store it in a cool place. How to make wine from grapes according to the second recipe - read on.

Homemade grape wine - recipe number 2

Sort the harvested crop, separate the berries from the branches. Put them in a deep bowl. Use a wooden or porcelain pestle to crush the fruit into homogeneous mass. Bones may not be selected. How to make wine from grapes based on berry puree: sprinkle it with sugar and put it in a dark and cool place for a week to ferment. Cover the container with a linen rag. After the specified time, strain the wine through several layers of cheesecloth, bottle and store in the cellar. Submit it to meat dishes. According to this recipe, it is good to make homemade wine from dark grapes.

Along the way, take note of another tip. In the room intended for the production of wine, there should be no caustic, foreign odors: they are actively absorbed by the future drink. In general, the ideal container for making and storing wine is oak barrels, enameled pots and buckets, glass bottles.

Sharing secrets

Secret one: why does wine made from grapes (cooking at home) taste better if you separate the berries from the branches? Firstly, in this way you can carefully sort out the raw materials, remove the zvil-covered, overripe, spoiled berries. So, you get a preliminary guarantee that the final product - noble drink- also does not deteriorate.

Secondly, if the berries are crushed together with the twigs, the wine will be bitter and overly tart. Those. is far from the high quality you expect. Thirdly, how to make wine from grapes so that it turns out excellent? Prepared berries should be immediately put on the juice. After all, the fermentation process begins in plucked fruits quickly enough. And it is impossible that he found the grapes whole. This should be done either by pressing or by hand. You can also use a juicer, but this is not the best option. For 4-5 days, let the juice stand warm along with the pomace so that it “wins back”, brews. Then strain, bottle and ferment. This completes the first stage of wine making.

For the juice to ferment properly

If you do not have oak barrels, you can put the drink to ferment in glass bottles with a volume of 5-10 liters. Fill them up about two thirds. There must be free space in the vessels for the emitted carbon dioxide. When the bottles are full, they must be hermetically sealed. And to avoid air ingress, fill the edges of the corks with sealing wax, close up with plasticine or dough. Just be sure to make holes in them and insert flexible tubes (for example, from droppers) through which the gas will come out. Lower the free end of the tube into a bowl or cup of water. Another option, how simple wine is made from grapes, is to put on bottle necks or ordinary balls. Just remember to pierce them with a thick pin!

When juice turns to wine

The next - the second - stage of the transformation of grape juice into the drink of the gods - fermentation. It takes from one and a half to 2-3 months. Containers with liquid should be placed in a cool place, such as a cellar. The temperature there should not be higher than 5 degrees. You should frequently monitor how actively carbon dioxide is coming out of the bottles. Wash the vessels where the tubes are lowered, change the water periodically. If the gas comes out weakly, check the tightness of the plugs. Otherwise, air will get into the wine, and it will degenerate into vinegar. Usually in home winemaking, the production of a drink begins at the end of September - October. Therefore, it will be quite ready for the New Year celebrations!

The final stage

When the wine in the bottles stops playing, it becomes clean and transparent, and the sediment settles to the bottom, it can be filtered again, poured into plastic bottles and drink for festive table. Its strength is about 5 degrees, in terms of taste it corresponds to dry. However, if you like sweeter drinks, the resulting product should be "improved". To do this, pour all the wine or part (only without sediment) of the existing one into one container. Then, for each liter of liquid, add 150 g of sugar (or less, depending on your taste). Dissolve it completely, rinse well those bottles in which the wine was before, and pour again, cork and leave to "play out". The process will be completed in a month, when bubbles stop settling on the walls of the jars. The strength of the drink is 10-13 degrees. Bottle, store in a cool place and drink to your health.

Wine has long been considered sacred. healthy drink, the secrets of which have been passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays there is also great amount connoisseurs of the variety of its flavors. And home-made grape wine is a completely natural, exquisite creation, largely dependent on diligence and adherence to the standards of the technological process of its production.

The secrets of making wine have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. Now everyone can try their hand at making wine at home.

Wine has long been considered a sacred healthy drink, the secrets of making which have been passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays, there is also a huge number of connoisseurs of the variety of its flavors. And home-made grape wine is a completely natural, exquisite creation, largely dependent on diligence and adherence to the standards of the technological process of its production. Anyone can easily master the art of creating a drink they revere. To do this, you just need to carefully study the recommendations for carrying out consistent actions in creating a winemaking product.

Preparation for processing

The most ideal berry for making wine is considered to be grapes. To make high-quality wine at home, it is necessary to use only well-ripened fruits collected in dry weather, in no case after rain. This is necessary so that natural wild yeast in the form of a whitish coating, indispensable for the fermentation process, must remain on the fruits. Berries should not be rotten or frozen. Also, do not use crumbled fruits in order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste as a result. Cut grapes must be processed within 2 days. Harvesting is best done no earlier than the second half of September.

You should know that not everyone is suitable for the production of delicious homemade grape wine. grape varieties. To create sweet wines, Muscat varieties are ideal, containing a large number of Sahara. Table types are best made from not quite ripe berries, using Isabella, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, etc. varieties.

Grapes are considered to be the ideal raw material for making wine.

Grape wine with the addition of water has a subtle taste and becomes less cloying. You can complement the flavor of the drink by adding a little vanilla or almond powder to it.

The process of selecting berries is quite laborious, but necessary to achieve high-quality grape wine with a pleasant aftertaste and aroma as a result.

In order to avoid contamination of raw materials with pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to properly prepare containers, as well as all accessories used. They need to be dry and completely clean. It will not be superfluous to disinfect with boiling water, after which the surfaces should be wiped dry with a clean cloth.


Prepared fruits must be carefully crushed by hand or with a wooden rolling pin to avoid crushing the seeds, from which the product becomes bitter. The resulting pulp is sent to the prepared container, filling about 3/4 of its total volume. It is allowed to use glass, enameled, wooden and plastic containers but not metal.

It is recommended to cover the container with the pulp with gauze or cloth, thus avoiding the ingress of flies, as well as other insects, and remove it for three days in a warm place, excluding sunlight. After a short period of time, the fermentation of grape juice will begin, creating a foam cap on the surface, formed from the skin of the fruit. It must be broken twice or thrice a day, while gently mixing the pulp with your hands, or with a wooden pestle, to avoid peroxidation.

After three days, the juice in the pulp will lighten, a slight hiss will be heard. This will be a signal that it is time to move on to the next step in the preparation of grape wine.

Transfusion and shuttering

The grape juice obtained during the preparation should be placed in glass bottles for further fermentation.

So, we remove the pulp accumulated in the outer layer with the peel into another container, while squeezing the juice out of it. Next, you need to filter all the freshly squeezed juice 2-3 times with a gauze cloth. At the same time, the transfusion process fills it with oxygen, starting the action of wine yeast.

If a recipe for making grape wine with the addition of water is used, then at this stage of production it must be added to the juice in an amount of 30% of the total volume of liquid.

Place the resulting amount of prepared juice in glass containers, approximately 70% of the total volume of the bottle, for further fermentation. In order to avoid peroxidation of the wine, it is necessary to avoid the entry of oxygen into it, at the same time, allowing the release of carbon dioxide. To do this, you will need to install any of the water seal devices on the container. This can be a water seal, consisting of a cap, a tube and a jar, which is usually used for large volume bottles, or a fairly common method using a medical glove, piercing a hole with a needle at the location of any of the fingers.

Adding sugar

At this stage, it is necessary to control the amount of sugar in the resulting wort, focusing on sufficient sweetness to taste.

To make good wine, without disturbing the normal fermentation process, the addition of sugar should be gradual. This means that every 3 days it is necessary to add it at a dose of 50 g per 1 liter of liquid, having previously dissolved in a small amount drained must. A similar manipulation should be done about 4 times in the first 2-3 weeks of fermentation.

An important condition for the technology of preparation quality wine is to continue to comply temperature regime, becoming: 22-28 C for red and 16-22 C for white wines. It is not permissible to lower it to the limit of 15 C, since at this temperature the fermentation process will stop.

Initial violent fermentation

In case of continued fermentation 50 days after the installation of the water seal, it is recommended to drain the liquid part into another container in order to avoid the occurrence of a bitter aftertaste.

The duration of the rapid fermentation stage depends on several factors:

  • yeast activity;
  • quantitative composition of sugar;
  • temperature conditions.

The process continues until the yeast has completely processed almost all of the sugar. This can be determined by the following features:

  • cessation of blowing bubbles with a water seal;
  • blowing off a medical glove;
  • yeast sediment falling to the bottom.

In case of continued fermentation 50 days after the installation of the water seal, in order to avoid the occurrence of a bitter aftertaste, it is recommended to drain the liquid part into another container, leaving the sediment unchanged, and again put it under a water seal for final fermentation.

After that, you need to move on to a further stage of production, namely, the first transfusion, followed by quiet fermentation.

Pouring and silent fermentation

Quiet fermentation of the hop drink lasts about 3-4 months at a temperature of about 10-12 C. At the discretion, a water seal can be installed on the tank due to a slight accumulation of carbon dioxide.

A container with a drink is placed on a raised platform, and it is carefully poured into another, filling it to the very neck using a rubber tube. It is very important not to touch the sediment. Otherwise, the taste of the wine will deteriorate, become bitter, and spoil the overall pleasant sensation of the aftertaste.

The produced product is not yet sufficiently transparent, since its appearance has not yet been fully formed, and it must be fermented and also clarified.

Quiet fermentation of the hop drink lasts about 3-4 months at a temperature of about 10-12 C. At the discretion, a water seal can be installed on the tank due to a slight accumulation of carbon dioxide. During the quiet fermentation phase, the color of the drink will become lighter, leaving sediment at the bottom. Therefore, there is a need for its transfusion once every 30 days. Along with this, the wine will be saturated with oxygen, necessary for its full aging.

When the process of quiet fermentation is over, there is a need to add sugar from dessert wine varieties. You need to know how to do it right.

Sweetening of semi-sweet wines is carried out by adding 50 g of sugar per 1 liter, dessert types - 100-150 g - per 1 liter, liqueur - from 200 g - per 1 liter.

You can also add alcohol or vodka, thus obtaining a fortified wine, but making the taste less fragrant and more rigid.

The presented recipe for making a wine drink is universal.

Creating a quality winemaking product is a creative process that requires specific knowledge and certain skills. You should also comply with the proper conditions to ensure that the correct temperature regime is observed.


Saturated red varieties of wines must be aged for about 1-2 years, light reds - about 1 year, dense fragrant white varieties - half a year, light - 3 months are enough at a temperature of 10-15 C in a dark, dry room. The most suitable places for the full maturation of the product are wine cellars, where the same air temperature is always maintained.

To get the perfect fragrant drink It is advised to use the technique of cryostabilization of wine. The bottom line is its short exposure at a low temperature, for about a couple of weeks. You can use a refrigerator or a basement for this purpose. winter time. This procedure favors the clarification of the product, and also contributes to the rapid and effective disposal of crystalline particles and tartar. Also, exposure to cold helps to cope with excess acid, making the taste of wine softer and more pleasant.

Wine bottling and storage

It is better to pour wine into special strong bottles, corking them with long corks, pre-treating the container with soda solution and then thoroughly rinsing it with water.

Next, we proceed to the next stage of the technology for the production of grape wine, which requires very simple actions. Before proceeding to bottling, the wine must be filtered. This is done using a soft cloth or special filter paper.

It is better to pour wine into special strong bottles, corking them with long corks, pre-treating the container with soda solution and then thoroughly rinsing it with water.

The filling of the container should be complete, almost to the level of contact with the cork, with a small air gap of 1-2 cm.

It is recommended to store wine at home in the basement, provided that there is no high humidity and the air temperature does not exceed 10 C. Bottles filled with intoxicating products should be stored only in the supine position, thereby maintaining their tightness.

Of course, making wine with your own hands is not so easy. But having gone through all the stages of its manufacture, while observing the general recommendations as much as possible, a worthy result of labor is achieved in the form of a pleasant and not only tasty, but also very healthy drink.

Useful properties of hop products

Grape wine contains a rich chemical complex of valuable substances, indicating its medicinal effect on the human body. This has been proven by scientists who have studied the properties of the intoxicating product. So, according to their conclusions, any wines, especially home-made ones, are a valuable healing drink that has a positive effect on human body more so than other foods.

The following can be distinguished medicinal qualities grape wine:

  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • is an anesthetic and wound healing agent;
  • serves as a source of vitamins, various trace elements and amino acids;
  • helps to increase immunity;
  • slows down the aging process of the body.

Grape wine contains a rich chemical complex of valuable substances, indicating its medicinal effect on the human body. This has been proven by scientists who have studied the properties of the intoxicating product.

Even in antiquity, some unusual observation was discovered. It consisted in the fact that due to epidemics of various terrible diseases, entire states perished en masse. But in areas where winemaking was widespread, where people made and constantly drank wine, the impact of diseases was much lower, and the cure rate was much higher.

Grape wine has strong healing effects in the fight against various viruses and infections, and also helps to quickly and effectively deal with colds. Mulled wine lovers should know that this drink was created by one of the ancient pharmacists for the treatment of tuberculosis, colds and general health promotion.

In our time, obesity has become a fairly relevant disease, even in children. The intake of grape wine can contribute to a significant decrease in body weight, by restoring metabolic processes in the body, as well as normalizing the course of the process of splitting fats.

By observing the therapeutic dosage, the use of wine significantly improves normal functioning heart muscle, removes excess cholesterol from the blood, treat depression and gives an incredible surge of strength and energy.

You can make applications and small baths from a medicinal drink, which give the skin elasticity, while making it smooth and tender, smoothing wrinkles and wrinkles, and also help get rid of cellulite.

The healing effect of grape wine prepared according to various recipes, consists of the following:

  • resumption of the body's immune forces;
  • disinfectant property;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • filling with valuable chemical elements;
  • rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Provided technology to create a noble delicious drink from grapes suitable for making wines of different varieties.

You can apply all sorts of simple recipes, and more complex ones using various varieties grapes. In any case, you will get a unique taste of a wine drink. It is only important to have an idea of ​​​​how to make homemade wine, and also to put maximum effort into this process.

Grape wine at home

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