How to make and decorate a soccer ball cake (ball). MK

Cakes "Soccer ball" - beautiful and original dish for a boy or a man of any age on his birthday, February 23 or other holidays associated with men or sports.

Such a cake can be given to the winning team in sports competitions or even made into a sweet prize, especially for kids.

According to the principle of creating “Soccer ball” cakes, you can also prepare other spherical cakes: in the form of a tennis or volleyball ball, smeshariki, a bun, a planet, etc.

Soccer Ball Cake Recipes

Cake “A soccer ball can have several design options: a sphere is a whole round ball, a hemisphere is a half of a ball and a regular round cake with a pattern imitating a soccer ball. Another option is a small ball (or several balls) on a football field, that is, on a cake base. In this case, the ball is most often decorative and is made of whole piece any product (chocolate, confectionery mastic etc.)

Of the large Soccer Ball cakes, the simplest are, of course, flat ones. For them, ordinary round cakes smeared with cream are used.

The top of such a cake can be covered with confectionery mastic in two colors, plates of dark and white chocolate, dispense the corresponding “football” pattern with a confectionery syringe with a thin nozzle, sprinkle with grated chocolate and coconut flakes, use marshmallows, marmalade, soufflé and other products of suitable color and texture.

Do not forget that the ball can be not only black and white, but also other color combinations. Men, of course, will prefer the classics, but the kid will be delighted with a brighter ball.

The second option is a hemisphere. There are two options for creating a shape: a special baking dish or cutting cakes from large to small diameter.

With the form, everything is simple - the cake will resemble a half of the ball. You just have to cut it, smear it with cream and put it back together. Just consider the thickness of the cream layers so that your sphere does not stretch upwards, taking on the shape of an egg.

For another option, it’s easier to immediately bake several cakes of different diameters. They can then be cut into thin layers and formed into a cake.

Before coating, the cake should be “polished” - cut the protruding cakes at an angle to smooth out the relief. If this is not done, then either a lot of cream will go to cover the cake, or you will not be able to make the cake neat and evenly please the pieces of the “plating”.

Such a cake can be made without baking - by placing a mass of cookies or crumbled biscuit and cream in a mold. You can also make a cake like a cheesecake, arranging the ingredients in layers, then pour over the gelled liquid cream or soufflé mass.

A full sphere can be made from two hemispheres, but here it is important that the halves stick together well and do not fall apart.

For a sphere cake, use lighter cakes and creams so that the cake keeps its shape well and deforms under its own weight.

Make the bottom of the spherical ball flat so that it moves with careless movement.

If you still need to leave the ball completely round, then cut out a biscuit ring and place the ball on it. The ring can be decorated with a mastic ribbon, masked with cream grass, or decorated in another way.

If your man is an ardent football fan or player, then you can decorate the Football Ball cake with the logo of his favorite team with a scarf or ribbon of the appropriate colors. Just take an interest in all these subtleties in advance so as not to get into a mess.

Sneakers, cups, medals - all this will also complement the mastic cake well.

For a children's cake, you can choose a cartoon design by making a perky face on the ball, attaching handle legs and whatever your imagination tells you.

If you decide to make a cake in the form football field and put a small ball on it, then the composition can be supplemented with football players and football goals.

All this can be fashioned from confectionery mastic. Gates can also be made from icing or chocolate, having previously applied the details to parchment, and after hardening, assemble the structure.

To make a neat marking of the field, first mark the lines according to the template, and already lay cream or mastic on them.

Choose and think over your own cake design so that it becomes unique and remains in the memory of your guests and household for a long time.

Original cakes with a positive meaning are always pleasing to the eye. themed cake"Soccer ball" is unusual and very tasty. You can reduce calories by more light cottage cheese cream or coat the layers with a fat, but such a delicious butter-condensed cream. In any case, the delicacy will be excellent.

Soccer Ball Cake - General Cooking Principles

The basis of the "Soccer ball" cake is a biscuit cake. Each housewife bakes it in her own way. There is a very simple basic soviet recipe, according to which the biscuit turns out high and tasty. You need to take 4 medium eggs, 120 grams of sifted flour and the same amount of sugar, 20 grams of starch. Beat the eggs first at low, then at high speed until a dense elastic mass is obtained.

Sugar is added in the process of whipping in portions. A sign that the mass turned out exactly as it should be is the ability to “draw” with a stream of beaten eggs on the surface. It remains to mix the flour sifted with starch into the sweet egg base, and the dough is ready. When kneading, you need to move the spatula (preferably wooden) from top to bottom so that the dough does not collapse.

Baking a biscuit is simple: preheat the oven, cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper, do not open the cabinet door during baking. Temperature oven- from 180 to 190 ° (be guided by the features of the stove). After the biscuit is baked, it is cooled without removing it from the mold.

The round shape of the ball is given to biscuit cakes using rounded dishes. It can be a vase, colander, bowl, etc.

finished cake you need to decorate by imitating the five- and hexagons of a real soccer ball. Decorate the cake most often with mastic. It is elastic and gives the cake an aesthetic look. More simply, cakes decorated with cream or fruit are made.

Cake "Soccer ball" with curd cream

incomparably beautiful cake- a real quest for the hostess. However, its convenient passage guarantees enthusiastic responses from guests. In this version of the Football Ball cake, two types of cream are used. Be sure to try this amazing delicacy.


five eggs;

A glass of flour;

A glass of sugar;

Vanillin sachet;

3 tablespoons cocoa powder (optional)

A teaspoon of any oil for greasing the mold;

Three hundred grams of cottage cheese;

Three hundred grams of sour cream;

Two hundred grams of powdered sugar;

Good, real butter (standard pack);

A can of good condensed milk;

A jar of peaches in syrup (can be replaced with any fruit and berry preservation);

Half cup apricot or peach jam;

Six purchased meringues (you can make it yourself);

Half a cup of peeled walnuts;

For mastic:

marshmallow packaging;

a tablespoon of water;

Tablespoon butter;

A tablespoon of powdered sugar;

Food colorings(green, yellow and blue).

Cooking method:

From eggs, flour, sugar, vanillin to make biscuit dough on basic recipe described above.

Bake two biscuits and let them cool completely.

canned peaches cut into thin slices.

Rub cottage cheese through a sieve.

For curd cream, combine sour cream, powdered sugar and cottage cheese.

Chop nuts with a knife or crush with a rolling pin.

Cut into meringue pieces.

Cut each biscuit in half.

Line the bowl in which the hemisphere will be formed with plastic wrap.

Lay the first cake.

Soak it in syrup.

Lubricate with cottage cheese cream and cover with nut crumbs.

Lay the pieces of meringue in an even, not very thin layer.

Fill with jam.

Lay the cake. Repeat layers: syrup, curd cream.

Arrange peach slices instead of nuts.

Cover with the next cake, repeat the layers: syrup, curd cream, nuts.

Cover with the last cake and refrigerate for three hours.

Prepare cream by whipping condensed milk with melted butter.

Take the cake out of the fridge and invert onto a plate with foil.

Remove the film and coat the cake oil cream.

Send the cake back to the refrigerator.

At this time, prepare the mastic: put marshmallows and butter in a bowl, pour in water and melt in microwave oven or in a water bath. Gradually introduce the powder until the mass becomes dense, but elastic.

Add dyes to part of the mastic (when mixing three colors, you get black).

Send the finished mastic for an hour in the refrigerator.

Then sprinkle the table with powdered sugar, spread the mastic and cut into polygons desired shape.

The very first to put a black pentagon on the "top" of the "Soccer Ball" cake.

Gradually lay out all the figures.

Keep the cake in the refrigerator until serving.

Football ball cake with cream and chocolate cream

Two types of cream in a cake are always something special. Preparing a delicacy is simple, no special ingredients are needed.


Six chicken eggs;

A glass of white flour;

a tablespoon of cocoa powder;

A glass of fine sugar;

Any syrup from berry-fruit preservation.

Half a liter of cream;

Half a can of condensed milk;

A glass of powdered sugar;

One egg;

A pack of butter;

Chocolate bar.

Cooking method:

Prepare biscuit dough.

Divide it into two parts, add cocoa to one part.

Bake the cakes, cool and cut each in half.

Prepare a white cream: mix cream, condensed milk and two tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cover the bowl with foil, lay out the cakes in sequence, soaking them with syrup and smearing butter cream.

Send for several hours in the refrigerator.

Prepare chocolate cream from melted chocolate in a water bath, melted butter and the remaining amount of powdered sugar.

Turn the workpiece on a dish, coat with the remaining white cream.

Divide the cake into sections imitating the pattern of a soccer ball with a thin spatula or spoon.

Use a pastry bag to fill in the "black" sectors chocolate cream. Remains white cream apply to the "white" sectors.

Keep the cake in the refrigerator and serve.

Cake "Soccer ball" with a chocolate layer

Another version of the popular Football Ball cake is baked from biscuit cakes. Wonderfully delicious chocolate layer will surely appeal to children.


Two hundred grams of flour;

Six eggs;

Two hundred grams of granulated sugar;

Fifty grams of cocoa powder;

sachet vanilla sugar;

One hundred grams of butter;

For frosting:

A glass of sugar;

Half a pack of butter;

Three tablespoons of milk;

Four tablespoons of cocoa.

For registration:

Black mastic;

White mastic.

Cooking method:

Bake two biscuits by combining flour, sugar, eggs, cocoa, butter and vanilla sugar.

Cook thick chocolate icing. To do this, combine cocoa with warm milk and sugar, mix thoroughly, breaking up all the lumps.

Add oil to the mixture and heat over heat until thickened. Typically, this takes 15 minutes.

Remove the finished glaze from the stove and cool.

From the cooled cakes, cut off the side parts so that you get a hemisphere.

Form the contour of the ball by laying the cakes on top of each other and smearing them with glaze.

Spread the rest of the icing over the top of the cake.

Cut the mastic into hexagons using a stencil with a side of 4 cm.

Lay out the mask.

Send the cake to the refrigerator.

Quick no-bake soccer ball cake

It is not necessary to bake the cakes yourself. They can be bought ready-made in the store, significantly speeding up the process of making the Soccer Ball Cake.


Package ready-made biscuits;

Half a kilo of sour cream;

A glass of prunes;

A glass of sugar;

Jar canned pineapple rings;

Tablespoon of gelatin.

Cooking method:

Cut prunes small pieces. If dried fruits are hard, they need to be steamed for about twenty minutes.

Pour gelatin cold water and let it swell.

Mix sour cream and sugar, put prunes and beat with a whisk light cream.

Dissolve gelatin in a water bath, cool.

Pour the gelatin into the cream, mix and refrigerate for twenty minutes.

Line a large bowl with round walls with cling film.

Cut one cake in a circle so that the diameter matches the diameter of the bowl.

Break the rest of the cakes into pieces.

Arrange the pineapples in whole rings along the sides and bottom of the bowl.

Put a layer of cream.

Place biscuit slices on top.

Alternate layers of cream and biscuit.

Lay a round cake on top.

Keep the cake in the refrigerator for one and a half to two hours.

Invert the cake onto a serving platter, peel off the foil and serve.

Cake "Soccer ball" with chocolate cream

The chocolate version of the cake is sure to please both adults and children. Prepared simply and clearly.


five eggs;

A glass of sugar;

A glass of flour.

For cream:

Bank of condensed milk;

A pack of butter;

A tablespoon of vodka, cognac or rum (if the cake is for an adult table);

Dyes (green, brown, red).

Cooking method:

Bake the cake, cool, cut into 2 parts.

Mix condensed milk with butter to taste.

A small amount of condensed milk mixed with water strong alcohol for impregnation.

From the cakes, cutting off the side parts with a knife or washing with a grater, form a ball.

Soak each layer first with syrup, then coat with cream.

Grease the top of the cake with cream and refrigerate for an hour.

Do not throw away the crumb from the cake.

Color the remaining cream in different colors.

Take out the cake, use a knife to mark hexagons resembling a ball pattern.

Fill the polygons with brown cream.

Make an imitation of grass from the green cream along the bottom of the dish.

From the remaining crumbs and white cream, make a soft mass, form from it " ladybugs”, arrange red wings and “plant” on the cake.

Cake "Soccer ball" with marzipan

Almond crumb will come spicy taste this version of the Soccer Ball Cake. Preparing a delicacy is also very simple. The cake turns out to be big - enough for the family and guests.


seven eggs;

Four hundred grams of flour;

Two packs of butter (80 grams in cream, the rest in the dough);

Three hundred grams of sugar;

Two tablespoons of cocoa;

One hundred grams of almonds;

Chocolate bar;

A quarter cup of milk (50 ml);

A glass of powdered sugar;

Three peaches.

Cooking method:

Beat butter and fine sugar.

Crack in the eggs one at a time.

Add flour, milk, mix and bake a biscuit in a round heat-resistant form.

Prepare marzipan. To do this, scald the almonds with boiling water, remove the skin, dry and fry in a dry frying pan.

Grind nuts or grind into flour.

Boil ordinary syrup from sugar and water, throw in almond powder and melt for about four minutes, constantly stirring the mass.

Remove from heat, drain, chop again.

Separate the third part of the mass, mix with melted chocolate.

Wrap sugar white and chocolate brown marzipan in cling film.

Add two tablespoons of boiling water to cocoa.

Beat cream butter, add powdered sugar and diluted cocoa.

Finely chop the peaches.

Cut the biscuit in half.

Smear the lower part with a glaze of cocoa cream, spread the peaches.

Cover the cake with the upper hemisphere of the cake, coat with the rest of the cream.

Cut their white and black marzipan into hexagons, spread them on the surface of the cake, imitating a ball.

Cover the cake before serving with a damp towel so that the marzipan layer does not dry out, keep in the refrigerator.

You can even out the spherical shape of the "Soccer Ball" cake with biscuit crumbs. It must be mixed with cream so that the mass resembles a potato cake. By smearing the contours with this sweet mass, you can make the sphere perfectly even.

To even out the cream with which the sphere is smeared on top, you need to put on a thin glove on your hand. polyethylene film, heat it up under running water hot water, dry with a clean towel and smooth the cream.

Original gifts and interesting treats remain in the memory for a long time. These include birthday cake from mastic. Dessert will effectively decorate any celebration. And if an event is planned for a boy or a man, good choice there will be a soccer ball cake.

Cake "Soccer ball" from mastic

How to make such a beautiful treat? One of the best options is tender biscuit, impregnated with cream and decorated with mastic. Below is step by step recipe soccer ball cake

For the biscuit base, you need the following composition:

  • 5 medium eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 2-3 spoons of Art. cocoa powder;
  • 50 g butter;
  • syrup for impregnation (hot).

For cottage cheese cream:

  • 300 g of high-fat cottage cheese;
  • 400 g sour cream (ideally rustic);
  • 150-200 g of powdered sugar.

For oil based cream:

  • 5-6 spoons of Art. condensed milk;
  • 200 g unsalted butter.

For the fruit filling:

  • a can of canned peaches;
  • 200 ml peach or apricot jam;
  • 5-6 homemade or purchased meringue cookies;
  • 150 g walnuts.

For mastic:

  • standard pack of marshmallows;
  • 180 g unsalted butter;
  • 1 spoon st. milk or water;
  • 1 spoon st. powdered sugar;
  • food coloring of your choice.

That is, it is easy to make a cake with your own hands.

Initially, you should start baking the base.

  1. To make the dough, beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.
  2. Carefully add vanilla and flour, constantly mixing everything with a mixer. The mass should be made very lush.
  3. Then pour the dough into a baking dish, greased with oil. If you are making both cakes at once, divide the prepared dough into two parts and add cocoa to one of them.
  4. Bake the biscuit in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 35-45 minutes.

For this purpose, you can use a multicooker. In this case, you will have to set the kitchen device to the “Baking” mode and cook the biscuit for 65-75 minutes, then leave it for another 15-20 minutes in the heating mode.

For this original treat you will need:

  • 2 biscuit cake rectangular shape;
  • butter cream and condensed milk;
  • syrup for biscuit impregnation;
  • confectionery mastic;
  • green food coloring.

A delicacy in the form of a football field is prepared in several stages:

  1. Soak the biscuit with syrup, spread with cream and place on top of each other.
  2. Trim the edges with a sharp knife so that the workpiece has an even rectangular shape.
  3. Coat the product with cream on all sides in an even layer, refrigerate.
  4. Add green dye to the mastic and roll it into a thin large layer.
  5. As soon as the cream hardens, remove the cake from the refrigerator and carefully place the rolled mastic on its surface, gently press it over the entire surface, cut off the excess.
  6. Put the rest of the cream into a piping syringe.
  7. Apply over the mastic the outlines of the football field and the goal.
  8. Let the cream dry.

  • At this time, add green dye to part of the mastic, roll it into a thin layer.
  • Apply to a hardened rectangular workpiece, gently pressing over the entire surface.
  • Take the remaining biscuit, cut across.
  • Also soak both halves with syrup and glue them together with syrup and cream.
  • Cut out a semicircle shape with a sharp knife.
  • Using cream, attach the above blank to the surface of green mastic.
  • Spread cream over the top biscuit, smoothing its surface and making it more round with the help of cut crumbs.
  • Place in refrigerator to chill.
  • Divide the remaining mastic into two parts, in one of which add any dark dye or cocoa.
  • Roll it into layers, cut out even segments to cover in the form of a ball.
  • Attach them to the top semi-circular part of the cake, alternating in color.
  • As soon as everything hardens, the dessert can be served.
  • A cake in the shape of a soccer ball does not require much culinary experience, and by learning how to make simple figures, over time you can master real masterpieces of culinary art.

    "Soccer ball" is a bright and original cake.

    Such culinary product can be prepared in a variety of designs, various variations.

    Cake "ball" - perfect for celebrating a boy's birthday. You can also bake this confectionery miracle and an adult male.

    This is a bright and beautiful birthday cake, one might say, a work of art. Sometimes they just make a soccer ball, sometimes they also make a field. It all depends on the imagination!

    This cake is usually made with fondant added. According to the principle of such a spherical delicacy, you can make a “kolobok”, and the sun, and any other round object.

    For the preparation of this culinary masterpiece you need to bake biscuits, they can be either vanilla or chocolate, it depends on your taste.

    Flour - 1 tablespoon
    Sugar - 1 tablespoon
    Eggs - 5 pieces
    Vanillin - 1 g.
    Cocoa - 3 tablespoons
    Cellophane bag or cling film
    Cottage cheese - 350 g.
    Condensed milk - 6 tablespoons
    Sour cream - 400 g.
    Butter - 1 pack
    Powdered sugar - 200 g.
    apricot syrup<
    Peaches - 1 canned jar
    Walnuts -150 g.
    Meringue - 6 pieces
    Jam - 250 ml.

    For mastic and decoration:

    Milk - 1 glass
    Butter - 1 tablespoon
    Powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon
    Marshmallows (soufflé) - 1 pack
    Food colorings

    As well as:

    Sugar pencils for signature
    The number on the cake with the date of birth

    How to bake and cook a cake in the form of a ball?

    First, you need to bake a biscuit.

    In order to prepare a delicious biscuit dough, you need to mix eggs with sugar and beat hard, then add flour and vanillin. Bake at a temperature of about 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

    To know for sure that your biscuit cake is cooked, pierce it with a toothpick. If there is no dough left on it and it is dry, then the biscuit is ready.

    It's important to know!

    According to the Ministry of Health, diets, exercise, pills and liposuction are the main methods today. weight loss, however, judging by the fact that the number of overweight people continues to grow, none of them is truly massive and effective. Everything changed when "Bee Slim" appeared, drops for burning fat.

    Says, doctor of the highest medical category, nutritionist, Sauta Leonid Alexandrovich..

    Then, all the resulting cakes should cool. There may be four.

    Each cooled biscuit must be soaked in syrup, curd cream, you can also put meringue and jam.

    Preparing curd creamy mass is easy - you just need to mix sour cream, powdered sugar and cottage cheese and beat.

    It is better to collect the cake in a round dish like a salad bowl so that it takes the rounded shape that we need.

    When the cake is assembled, cover it with cling film, you can pull off the top cakes to make it more round. Then put the cake in the fridge to chill.

    The cooled cake should be smeared with oily cream in order to make it easier to apply mastic.

    To prepare such a cream, mix butter and condensed milk.

    You will get a delicious thick oily cream. He is just what is needed.

    Now prepare the mastic.

    Melt marmeshow candies in a water bath with butter (1 tablespoon), powdered sugar (1 tablespoon), water (1 tablespoon). You will get a homogeneous mass, you need to add dyes to it for a better cake decor.

    Ready mastic should be put in the refrigerator for an hour.

    Then remove the mastic from the refrigerator, roll it out with a rolling pin, like dough. Cut out "soccer ball" diamonds and cover your cake with them.

    At the bottom, you can make green grass, so the cake will look more presentable.

    Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for a while.

    "Soccer ball" can be decorated with candles or confectionery fireworks, you can put the desired number on top. And your creation will be just great.

    In the recipe presented, I suggest making a "soccer ball" in the form of a hemisphere, but you can make a whole ball.

    I offer you a method of making a cake in the form of a whole ball.

    So, you need to prepare and put together two hemispheres.

    Take two identical salad bowls. In total, you need to bake 3 cakes for each salad bowl. The first is like the bottom of the salad bowl, the smallest, the second is like its middle, and the third cake is the widest, this is the top of the salad bowl.

    You need to measure the required diameter and bake 6 cakes, and put 3 in each salad bowl. Cover all cakes with cream, put in salad bowls and refrigerate. Then you need to connect the two hemispheres into a single ball.

    The resulting ball must be covered with mastic. In order for all the rhombuses of the “soccer ball” to converge, you need to consider the dimensions of these rhombuses so that they converge and get a real soccer ball.

    If all measurements are correct, it will not be difficult to assemble such a confectionery miracle. Cover the finished cake with kandurin - for shine. This is a special dye for adding shine and shimmer to confectionery.