White cream cake. Butter All-Purpose Cream

Cake cream is always the perfect complement for almost any baked goods. It does not matter what is taken as the basis of the treat - a waffle, a biscuit or shortbread dough. The main thing is to choose a combination of taste. After all, it depends final result and quality of taste harmony.

Creams for cakes exist great amount and every day there are new tastes and recipes for such wonderful dishes. In this connection, you can always choose exactly what you want for your favorite dish. Custard, creamy, oily, all these additions are prepared in different ways. But you can't do without them.

The main rule when decorating a cake is to decorate it beautifully. Essentially, you need to choose suitable cream and decorate with it baked cakes or other confectionery base. A delicious creamy mass will always emphasize the taste of the product, and without it it is difficult to imagine a real treat.

The cooking options for these products are divided into many categories, to which are added various add-ons. For example, gelatin, fruits, nuts. Creams are not only decoration, they perfectly impregnate the base, acting as a layer of this masterpiece.

Apply the creamy mass with a knife, pastry syringe or other dispenser. Butter is often used for decoration, because it is easy for them to decorate the product, especially if there is not enough skill in such a skillful business. Butter curd cream keeps its shape perfectly, so it is easy for them to level the cake.

Sour cream, after whipping, keeps its shape well and it turns out to be thick, so it is easy for them to decorate the sides and surfaces of confectionery masterpieces. At the same time, they often use food colorings, which give brightness and a variety of color shades.

Known for its superiority and cream "Glasse", which is great for decorating cakes. It has a soft, buttery texture. The consistency of "Glace" is thick and it is pleasant for them to work, because it does not spread.

Butter cream and condensed milk is versatile and goes well with almost any cake. It impregnates products well, filling them with beautiful and pleasant taste. It is widely distributed, it is prepared in a matter of minutes, so special pastry chef skills are not required here.

Protein-custards are a success, both for novice housewives and experienced chefs because they are airy, light, tender and do not contain fat. After decoration, they keep their shape well and do not spread. But when preparing any cream, it is necessary to adhere to the accuracy of the ingredients that are offered in the recipes.


Cream Charlotte for cake

Ingredients: butter, sugar, milk, egg, cognac, vanillin

Today I will tell you how to make a very delicious cream Charlotte for cake. Make it very easy and fast.


- 200 grams of butter,
- 108 grams of sugar,
- 150 ml. milk,
- 1 egg,
- 1 tbsp brandy,
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar.


Cream for eclairs

Ingredients: milk, sugar, wheat flour, eggs, butter, vanilla sugar

The most important thing in eclairs is a successful cream. Classic option counts custard, and it really turns out very delicious eclairs. We will be happy to teach you how to make the right custard.

- 1 liter of milk 3.5% fat;
- 2/3 cup milk;
- 4 tablespoons wheat flour;
- 3 eggs;
- 100 gr of butter;
- vanilla sugar or any flavoring of your choice.


White chocolate ganache for topping cakes

Ingredients: chocolate, cream, butter

Ganache is used by confectioners to pour over cakes. It is not difficult to prepare such a tasty and beautiful chocolate mass that does not spread and looks simply gorgeous. See how to do it yourself at home.


- 210 grams white chocolate,
- 50 ml. cream,
- 25 grams of butter.


lemon curd

Ingredients: lemon, sugar, egg, water, oil

Lemon curd is a cream that I use as a serving for pancakes, cheesecakes or pour over ice cream. The taste of this cream is excellent, refreshing. To prepare such a cream will not be difficult for you.


- 2 lemons,
- a glass of sugar
- 4 eggs,
- 1 tbsp water,
- 50 grams of butter.


white chocolate ganache

Ingredients: chocolate, cream, butter

I suggest you make a delicious ganache from white chocolate. You can beautifully decorate the cake with this ganache.


- 200 grams of white chocolate;
- 200 grams of cream;
- 35 grams of butter.


Curd cream for cake

Ingredients: sugar, cream, cottage cheese

There are many most different recipes cake cream. But we would like to introduce you today to this very thing - cottage cheese. It is easy to prepare, it turns out delicious and is suitable for a variety of cakes.

- fat cream 33% - 200 ml;
- homemade cottage cheese - 300 gr;
- sugar - 3/4 cups.


Cream of mascarpone and condensed milk

Ingredients: mascarpone, condensed milk, cream, vanillin

Half the success of a cake or pastry is good cream. We recommend making mascarpone cream with condensed milk - you can't even imagine how delicious it turns out! You will find all the details on how to make it in our recipe.
- 250 gr mascarpone;
- 3-4 tablespoons condensed milk;
- 150 ml of heavy cream (30-33%);
- vanilla extract to taste.


Custard protein cream

Ingredients: egg, water, sugar, vanillin, lemon

If you want to make a cake and don't know what cream to make, I advise you to make this delicious custard. I have described the cream recipe in detail for you.


- 2 eggs,
- 40 ml. water,
- 150 grams of sugar,
- 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
- lemon.


Lemon cream for biscuit cake

Ingredients: lemon, egg, butter, vanillin, sugar

Excellent option for sponge cake will become lemon cream. It's pretty thick, so it will hold up really well. And its citrus taste goes well with a delicate biscuit.
- lemon - 1 piece;
- egg - 1 pc;
- butter - 30 gr;
- vanillin - 0.5 tsp;
- sugar - 50 gr.


Cream for honey cake with condensed milk and butter

Ingredients: butter, condensed milk

Honey cake is often prepared with sour cream meanwhile, it will be even tastier if you prepare a cream for it from butter and condensed milk. Don't believe? And you try it - see for yourself! And our recipe will tell you what and how to do.

- butter - 200 gr;
- condensed milk - 1 can.


Cream for "Honey cake"

Ingredients: sour cream, condensed milk

I often cook the honey cake and most often I smear it with this cream with sour cream and condensed milk.


- 200 grams of sour cream,
- 250 grams of condensed milk.


Custard for "Napoleon"

Ingredients: milk, sugar, flour, salt, eggs, butter

Perhaps the most popular cream can be safely called custard. Everyone without exception likes it, desserts with it become tasty and beautiful. How to cook a classic custard, our recipe will tell you.

- milk - 250 gr;
- sugar - 180 gr;
- flour - 2 tablespoons;
- salt - 1 pinch;
- egg - 1 pc;
- butter - 200 gr.


Cream of cream and condensed milk for cake

Ingredients: cream, powdered sugar, condensed milk, vanillin

I suggest you prepare the most delicious cream of cream and condensed milk for the cake. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 350 ml. cream;
- 50 grams of powdered sugar;
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- vanillin or vanilla extract.


Butter cream "Five minutes"

Ingredients: butter, powdered sugar, milk, vanillin

From butter and baked milk, a very tasty cream for the cake is obtained. It is prepared in a matter of minutes and even has the appropriate name - "Five Minute". Try it, you will definitely like it!

- 250 gr of butter;
- 200 gr of powdered sugar;
- 100 ml of baked milk;
- 2 grams of vanillin.


Caramel cream for cake

Ingredients: cream, water, sugar, vanillin

Caramel cream is prepared on the basis of cream and sugar, has a smooth structure and a very delicate taste that goes well with any cake layers for any cake. If you do not know how to cook it, our recipe will help you.

- 800 ml of cream;
- 2 tablespoons water;
- 200 grams of sugar;
- 0.5 tsp vanillin.

Any confectionery cream is made by mixing, whipping, and sometimes boiling. As a rule, creams are sweet, delicate taste and high calorie content. Due to their splendor and plasticity, they are widely used for greasing cakes, decorating cakes and pastries and other desserts.

Thanks to the efforts of the famous confectioners of France, England, Italy, recipes for already classic cake creams have developed. Confectioners such as the Austrian chef Franz Sacher, the Bavarian confectioner Johann Konrad Vogel, the Hungarian master Jozsef Dobos and others have made their contribution to the recipe of the creams. This material contains classic recipes the most delicious and famous creams in the world. The recipe for a delicious cream is already half the battle in creating a good dessert.

meringue italian

Italian meringue is, in fact, custard protein cream, it is made from egg whites, sugar, water and salt. This cream keeps its shape perfectly and is widely used to create mousses, decorating confectionery products, and also as a separate dish.

To prepare a protein cream, you need to take the chilled proteins of 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 40 ml of cold water and 120 gr. Sahara. Sugar should be mixed in a saucepan with water, and put on medium heat. At the same time, you need to start the process of whipping proteins with salt. After boiling the syrup for 5 minutes, it should be slightly cooled, and pour into the whites whipped to stiff peaks in a thin stream, continuing the whipping process, for another four minutes. Everything, Italian meringue ready!

Cream classic custard

Custard-type cream turns out to be medium in density, suitable for Napoleon and Honey cakes, it can also be used to grease any sand cakes, fill tubes, eclairs.

To cook custard, you need to take 500 gr. milk, 200 gr. sugar, 5 gr. vanilla sugar, 40 gr. flour and four eggs. First you need to beat the sugar and eggs, then mix in the vanilla and flour. Next, the mass is diluted with cool milk, and mixed well, until completely homogeneous. Now bring the cream to a boil over medium heat. Stir the custard mass constantly so that it does not curl. After boiling, it is cooled, if necessary, beat again.

Custard recipe video:

Bavarian cream

The Bavarian cream is more like not an ordinary cream, but a delicate mousse. For several centuries it has been served as a festive dessert in many countries of the world. The components of the Bavarian delicacy are unchanged: cream, gelatin and classic custard. Berries, chocolate, liquor, rum, coffee and other ingredients can serve as optional additives.

The recipe for Bavarian cream is simple. First you need to prepare a custard from two eggs, 125 gr. sugar, 500 ml of milk and vanilla sugar without adding flour. The recipe is given above. Next, you need to pour 20 gr. gelatin powder 150 ml of water, let it swell for 15 minutes and heat the liquid. Once cooled down, stir it into the hot custard. Now whipping cream 33% fat, they will need 500 ml. Whipped cream is mixed into the creamy mass, and it is poured into molds and cooled for four hours.

Cream "Tiramisu"

This cream is usually used both for the preparation of the famous Tiramisu dessert (a gentle mass is smeared with layers of Savoyardi cookies) and for creating an independent dessert.

The ingredients for the cream are as follows: 500 gr. Mascarpone cheese, 4 eggs, 100 gr. granulated sugar, vanillin. Chilled egg whites are whipped into a strong foam, yolks are whipped into foam with vanilla and sugar. Cheese, mashed with a spatula, is carefully whipped with yolks, then whites interfere with the cream.

Whipped cream

Whipped cream is a very simple, but for many, the most delicious cream. Its application is very wide - from decor to the manufacture of ice cream, mousses and other desserts. Suitable for whipping only very heavy cream- from 30% fat. The main rule for their successful whipping is that everything should be very cold, including the whisk, dishes and the cream itself. Beat them gradually, starting from the minimum speed. High-quality cream will whip very quickly, it will take 5-7 minutes. If desired, you can add powdered sugar to them.

creamy cream

Butter cream is usually quite fatty and very sweet, it is intended exclusively for decorating sweets.

To prepare the cream, you need to take 250 gr. high-quality butter, 200 gr. powder (sugar), 100 ml of milk and a pinch of vanillin. The mass is made simply: the boiled milk must be cooled to a warm state, add all the ingredients to it, except for the butter, beat well, and warm for 5 minutes over low heat, whisking. In a slightly cooled mixture, gently add the butter, continuing to beat the cream.

Protein cream

Protein cream is called because proteins are its main ingredient. In addition to proteins, it contains water, salt and sugar. You can prepare a protein mass in just ten minutes.

From 200 gr. sugar and 100 ml of water you need to boil the syrup (cooking time - 20 minutes). Then you need to beat 4 proteins with a pinch of salt, to peaks, and pour moderately hot syrup into the foam in a thin stream. With the finished mass, you can decorate cakes, fill tubules and baskets.

You can see the process of making protein cream in the video:

curd cream

Cottage cheese cream is no less versatile, it is suitable both for decoration and for filling dough sweets. To prepare it, you need to take 200 gr. butter, 400 gr. cottage cheese, 150 gr. granulated sugar, vanilla. Cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve, and softened butter should be beaten with vanilla and sugar. Then the cottage cheese and sweet butter should be mixed, adding the cottage cheese gradually, and beat until a smooth and even mass is obtained.

sour cream

Cream of sour cream type is less greasy and dense than cottage cheese and butter creams. Its recipe requires the use of exceptionally fresh and fairly thick sour cream, the ideal fat content is 30%.

To prepare sour cream, you need to beat a glass of chilled sour cream with a whisk. Beating the mass is best by placing the container in another, larger one filled with cold water with ice. Whipped sour cream should be gradually mixed with vanilla and four tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Oil cream

Butter cream, like cream, is intended for decoration. To prepare it, you need to beat 200 gr. soft butter with a bag of vanilla sugar and six tablespoons of condensed milk. Add condensed milk to the oil gradually, spoon by spoon. Ready cream can be enriched by adding a spoonful of liquor, cognac, berry syrup to it.

The cream is a lush mass prepared by whipping butter, eggs, cream with sugar and other products.

Due to its high nutritional value, excellent taste and plasticity, the cream allows you to create decorations of the most intricate shapes.

However, along with the advantages, the cream also has a major drawback - it quickly deteriorates and is very sensitive to all kinds of bacterial contamination.

Store the cream in a cold place, given that at a temperature of 2-5 °, the reproduction of microbes slows down.

Bacterially contaminated cream can be a source of disease and poisoning. Microbes can be brought into the cream with raw materials, from dishes or from hands. The cream should not be prepared for the future.

Products with cream should not be stored for more than 36 hours, and with custard for more than 3 hours at a temperature of 5 °. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare cakes and cakes with cream shortly before consumption.

In the manufacture of cream, it is necessary to observe the cleanliness of hands, dishes and equipment. The cream is prepared only from high-quality and fresh products.

Recipe Explanations

Citric acid is found in lemons and some other fruits and berries, but it is obtained mainly by fermenting sugars. Citric acid goes on sale in crystals. 1 spoon of crystal citric acid dissolved in 2 tablespoons of hot water and the resulting solution is used in the manufacture of blanks, dosing it with drops or teaspoons (in 1 teaspoon of acid solution 50-55 drops). The juice from one lemon corresponds to about 5 g of crystalline acid, or 2 teaspoons of its solution.

food coloring

Creams, glazes and other preparations can be tinted with harmless natural and artificial colorants. Dyes quickly deteriorate from the action of light, air and moisture, so they must be diluted in small portions and stored in dark glass bottles. When coloring blanks and products, it should be borne in mind that too bright and unnatural coloring of food causes an unpleasant feeling. Dissolve paints in warm boiled water, the dosage is set at will.

white coloring give powdered sugar, lipstick, milk, cream, sour cream, white creams.

yellow coloration obtained: from saffron diluted in warm water, vodka or alcohol; from lemon peel; from carrot mass, prepared from equal parts of oil and mashed carrots, fried for 3-5 minutes until softened and filtered through cheesecloth or strainer; from powders or pastes of tartrazine and safflower, readily soluble in water.

green coloration obtained by mixing yellow paint with blue or squeezing green juice from spinach.

brown coloring give a strong coffee infusion, a very strong tea brew or burnt, which is burnt sugar.
Zhzhenka is prepared as follows. Pour into the pan 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar and, stirring, heat over low heat until the sugar turns dark brown and smoke begins to stand out. Continuing to stir, gradually add 0.5 cups of hot water and stir until the lumps dissolve.
The resulting sticky dark brown solution is filtered through cheesecloth or strainer and stored in a bottle.
Stir gently with a long spatula or stick to avoid splashing hot burnt sugar. With insufficient burning of sugar, the color will be weak, and the burnt sugar will curl up into a hard lump and there will be little burnt.

Red and pink coloring are obtained by adding: raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, dogwood, lingonberry, currant, cherry juices; red syrups, jams, wines; red cabbage or beets, which are finely chopped, pour the same amount of acidified water, bring almost to a boil and strain; carmine, which is dissolved with ammonia and, after adding water, is boiled until the smell of alcohol disappears.

orange coloration gives a mixture of red and yellow paint, as well as the juice of orange or tangerine zest.

blue coloring obtained from the dye indigo carmine, which is a bluish-black paste, which, when dissolved in water,. forms a pure blue solution.

pistachio coloring formed by mixing yellow paint with a small amount of blue.

chocolate coloring can be obtained by adding chocolate or cocoa powder, as well as when mixing burnt sugar with red paint.

I. Basic oil creams

Oil creams are the most common, they very easily take on various relief forms and keep them stable.
Below are recipes for five basic creams (with different dosages of oil): on condensed milk, sugar syrup, powdered sugar, milk and eggs, on eggs.
Butter, which is the basis of butter creams, must be unsalted, uncontaminated, without foreign tastes and odors.
The main creams are different in composition of products, manufacturing methods, shelf life and taste.
Any of the main creams can be given a different taste and aroma by adding some aromatic or flavoring substance.
Along with recipes for basic creams, the book contains recipes for various flavored creams.

1. Butter base cream with condensed milk

Products / Quantity
(EXPLANATIONS: Stepwise, i.e. if you take 50 g of draining oil, then you need to add 2 tablespoons of condensed milk to it, you will get 110 g of cream at the exit)
Sweet butter, g
Condensed milk, st. spoons
Cream yield, g

Heat the oil in a saucepan to the consistency of thick sour cream and beat it with a metal whisk or wooden spatula until a fluffy white elastic mass is obtained. Then, without stopping beating, pour condensed milk into the butter in small portions and beat for 10-15 minutes until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.
If the condensed milk is saccharified, it must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature.
If the cream "cuts off" (becomes pockmarked), you need to slightly warm it up and beat it. If this does not help, the cream should be cooled, mixed, folded into a fine sieve and, after separating the liquid, slightly warmed up and beat again or add a little softened butter.
Warm cream decorations have a beautiful glossy surface, but the designs from such a cream are not embossed; cold cream decorations - matte, embossed patterns.

2. Butter base cream on sugar syrup

Sweet butter, g
Sugar sand, art. spoons
Water, Art. spoons
Cream yield, g

Pour granulated sugar into the pan, pour in water, stir with a spoon, boil until the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the foam. Cool the finished sugar syrup to room temperature.
Beat the butter as indicated in recipe 1, and while whipping, gradually pour in the chilled sugar syrup in small portions.
Whip until fluffy.

3. Butter base cream on powdered sugar

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Sweet butter, g
Powdered sugar, st. spoons
Cream yield, g

Cream is made in the same way as butter cream on condensed milk (recipe 1), with the only difference being that fine, carefully sifted powdered sugar is added in small portions while whipping.
At the end of whipping, speed up the process.

4. Butter base cream with milk and eggs (Charlotte)

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Sweet butter, g
Sugar sand, art. spoons
Eggs, pcs
Milk, Art. spoons
Cream yield, g
Prepare milk syrup from sugar, milk and eggs. To do this, pour milk into a saucepan, put sugar and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. In a separate saucepan, lightly beat the eggs with a whisk and, without interrupting the beating, pour in the hot milk with sugar in a thin stream. Bring the total mixture almost to a boil, then cool the milk syrup to room temperature.
Whilst the syrup is cooling, beat the butter as directed in Recipe 1.
Without stopping whipping the butter, gradually pour chilled milk syrup into it in small portions and beat until a fluffy cream is obtained.

5. Oil base cream on eggs (glaze)

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Sweet butter, g

Sugar sand, art. spoons
Eggs, pcs.
Cream yield, g

Place sugar and eggs in a saucepan. Heating the mixture to 45 °, beat it with a whisk until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Then, while continuing to beat, cool the mass to room temperature.
In a separate pan, heat the oil to the consistency of thick sour cream, beat it until white and, continuing to beat, gradually pour in the mass of eggs and sugar.
Beat the total mixture until a fluffy cream is formed.

Flavored oil creams

At the end of whipping any basic cream prepared according to recipes 1-5, you can add various substances that give the creams a variety of taste and aroma.
In the recipes for flavored creams, the additives are calculated for a portion of the main cream prepared from 100 g of oil.
If in fact the portion of the main cream is larger or smaller, then the amount of additives of aromatic substances should be changed accordingly.

6. Apricot oil cream

Back to main butter cream(recipes 1-5) add 1 tbsp. spoon apricot tincture or apricot liqueur, or apricot jam syrup. Tint the cream orange (see beginning of page).

7. Pineapple oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of syrup canned pineapple, tint yellow (see beginning of page) and mix well until a uniform color is obtained.

8. Orange Butter Cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add juice from% orange (recipe 129) and juice from orange peel (see at the beginning of the page), you can add 1 tbsp instead. a spoonful of orange juice. Tint the cream orange (see beginning of page).

9. Benedictine oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Benedictine liqueur, color the cream in pistachio color (see at the beginning of the page) and mix well.

10. Vanilla Butter Cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla liqueur, or 2 g of vanilla sugar, or 2-3 drops of vanilla essence. Cream color is white.

11. Cherry Butter Cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cherry juice (recipe 138), squeezed from cherries, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cherry tincture or cherry liqueur, or cherry jam syrup. Tint the cream pink (see beginning of page).

12. Strawberry butter cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from strawberries (recipe 150), or strawberry jam syrup. Tint the cream pink (see beginning of page).

13. Strawberry Butter Cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from strawberries, or strawberry jam syrup, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of strawberry liqueur. Tint the cream pink (see beginning of page).

14. Cognac oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac and mix well.

15. Coffee butter cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coffee liqueur or coffee tincture (see beginning of page). If at the same time the cream turns out to be light, add burnt (see at the beginning of the page).

16. Lemon oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add juice from 1/2 lemon and grated lemon zest, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon liqueur or lemon tincture, or 2-3 drops of lemon essence. Tint the cream yellow (see beginning of page).

17. Raspberry oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from fresh raspberries (recipe 165), or raspberry jam syrup. Tint the cream pink (see at the beginning of the page) and add citric acid to taste (see at the beginning of the page).

18. Tangerine oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from a tangerine (recipe 169), and zest juice from one tangerine. Tint the cream orange (see beginning of page) and add citric acid to taste (see beginning of page).

19. Butter honey cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5) add 2 teaspoons natural honey and mix well.

20. Almond butter cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of roasted peeled finely ground almonds or 3-4 drops of almond essence. Mix the cream well.

21. Butter nut cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 3 tbsp. spoons of peeled roasted finely ground nuts. Roasted nuts pass through a meat grinder. Mix the cream well. To improve the taste of the cream, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of "Aromatic" or "New Year's" liquor. Color the cream with burnt cream in a nut color (see at the beginning of the page).

22. Praline oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 2 tbsp. spoons of praline mass and beat with a spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
To prepare the praline mass, you need following products:
1 st. a spoonful of nuts, 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of almonds, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Prepare praline mass in the following way:
Roast nuts (kernel) and peeled almonds in the oven until golden brown; remove the husk by rubbing the nuts between the palms.
roasted nuts, almonds and sugar, put in a small (untinned) saucepan, put on low heat and stir with a wooden spatula until the sugar melts and becomes a light yellow color. Carefully place the hot, sticky mixture on a lightly oiled baking sheet or plate and refrigerate.
After cooling, the mixture will turn into a hard glassy lump, which must be crushed in a mortar and passed several times through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Skipping the mass for the penultimate time, add cocoa powder to it.
Transfer the finely ground praline mass into a tightly sealed container. glass jar, from which to take the mass as needed.

23. Butter pink cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rose liqueur or a drop of rose oil. Mix the cream well and color pink (see at the beginning of the page).

24. Butter rum cream

To the main oil cream (recipes 1-5), add 3-4 drops of rum essence or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rum and stir well.

25. Pistachio butter cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 2 tbsp. spoons of peeled finely chopped pistachios and mix well.

26. Oil tea cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 2 tbsp. spoons of tea infusion (see at the beginning of the page) and mix well.

27. Blackcurrant oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp at the end of whipping. spoons of juice squeezed from fresh berries blackcurrant (recipe 182), or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blackcurrant liqueur or liqueur. Add acid to taste and color cream pink (see beginning of page).

28. Chartreuse oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Chartreuse liqueur and paint in pistachio color (see at the beginning of the page).

29. Chocolate Butter Cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sifted cocoa powder or 50 g of chocolate. Heat the chocolate over low heat until liquid and quickly mix with the cream.

30. Apple butter cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1 tbsp. spoon apple tincture or 2 tbsp. spoons natural juice(recipe 187). Add food acid to taste and mix well.

II. Protein creams

The basis of protein creams is egg white whipped with sugar. Protein creams are used to spread and decorate the surface of cakes and pastries, as well as to fill tubules and rolled wafers.
These creams, due to their delicate and lush structure, are unsuitable for layering, i.e., gluing baked layers.
Flavors and flavors can be added to base protein creams to produce flavored protein creams.
The dosage of these substances recommended for oil creams from 100 g of oil is also suitable for protein creams made from three egg whites.

31. Raw protein cream(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Egg whites, pcs.
Powdered sugar, st. spoons

Cream yield, g
Pour the squirrels into the pan, put it on ice or in cold water and beat with a metal whisk for 10-15 minutes until a thick lush white foam is obtained, which should be kept on a raised whisk. Without stopping beating, gradually, in small portions, add fine, carefully sifted icing sugar (1/3 portion) to the whipped proteins and continue beating for another 2-3 minutes.
Then take out the whisk, add the rest of the powdered sugar, aromatic substances, paints, citric acid and quickly mix the cream.
Use the cream immediately after production, as it loses its splendor during storage.

32. Custard protein cream(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Egg whites, pcs.
Sugar sand, art. spoons
water, glasses
Diluted citric acid, drops
Cream yield, g

Put granulated sugar in a saucepan, pour water, stir well and cook until the sample is on a thick thread. Pour the squirrels into another saucepan, put in cold water or on ice and beat with a metal whisk until a thick, fluffy white foam is formed, which should be kept on a raised whisk. Without stopping beating, pour ready-made hot sugar syrup into the whites in a thin stream, then beat for another 1-2 minutes, quickly mixing the whole mass.
If you pour undercooked syrup into the proteins, then the cream will turn out to be weak, vague, if overcooked, then with caramel lumps; lumps can also form from pouring hot syrup into proteins in a thick stream and from poor stirring of the cream when hot.
Immediately after brewing, at the end of whipping, add citric acid and for touch-up and taste - paints, fruit juices and other aromatic substances used for oil creams.
The cream should be used immediately after production.

33. Protein-fruit cream (marshmallow)

Ingredients for 240 g of cream: 3 egg whites, 2 tbsp. spoons of jam, jam or marmalade, 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
Heat washed and soaked gelatin in 1/4 cup of water until completely dissolved. Beat egg whites until you get a thick fluffy mass. Heat up jam, jam or jam a little, rub through a sieve, add sugar and cook for 5-10 minutes.
Mix the hot boiled fruit mass with dissolved gelatin and pour it gradually into well-whipped proteins, whisking them continuously. Then add aromatics to taste.
Use the cream immediately, in a warm form, as when it cools it turns into a gelatinous mass.

34. Protein cream from Antonov apples

Ingredients for 450 g of cream: 4 egg whites, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 300 g of Antonov apples.
After removing the core with seeds, bake the apples in a pan in the oven until completely softened, rub them through a fine sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree and boil for 3-5 minutes. Pour hot mixture into well beaten egg whites.
Use the cream immediately while warm.

III. Basic custards

Custards quickly sour and spoil, especially if they are stored in a warm place.
So that the custard does not burn, it must be heated in a saucepan with a thick bottom over low heat and stirred not with a whisk or spoon, but with a wooden spatula that fits snugly against the bottom of the pan.
After cooking, the cream is cooled to about 10 ° in the refrigerator. If there is no refrigerator, the pan with the cream should be placed in cold water or between pieces of ice, covered with another pan (basin), on which also put ice (snow) and sprinkle it with salt. In such conditions, the cream cools quickly.
So that a dense crust does not form on the surface of the cream, it is sprinkled with sugar or the cream is periodically mixed during cooling. Chilled cream is quickly used for the preparation of products.
Custards should not be used to decorate the surface of cakes and pastries, as they do not produce relief patterns.
These creams are used to fill tubes, baskets, rolled wafers, as well as to decorate the surface of yeast products and, less often, to layer and spread cakes and pastries.
When replacing individual products in recipes with creams or adding new ones, you can get flavored custards with different taste and aroma.

35. Custard on eggs(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Milk, cream or water, glasses
Sugar sand, art. spoons
Eggs, pcs.
Cream yield, g

Instead of eggs, you can take twice the amount of egg yolks.
Put sugar, starch in a small saucepan (preferably enameled) and pour eggs; after 1-2 minutes of stirring, add milk, put on the stove and, stirring with a wooden spatula, heat almost to a boil (up to 80-85 gr. C), i.e. until thick (in no case should the cream overheat and bring until boiling, otherwise it will cut off).
Remove from the stove and put the cream to cool.

36. Custard with flour(basic)

Ingredients for 350-400 g of cream: 1 glass of milk, cream or water, 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoons of flour.
Mix the egg with flour in a saucepan until the lumps disappear, add 1/4 of the milk provided for in the recipe, mix again.
In a separate saucepan, boil the rest of the milk with sugar, stirring with a wooden spatula. Pour the boiling milk mixture in a thin stream into the egg-flour mass while stirring with a spatula, then put the total mixture on the stove and, stirring continuously, bring to a thickening, but do not boil.
To improve taste and sterilization wheat flour pre-fry lightly on a baking sheet; you can replace it with starch (wheat, corn, rice).
Cool the cooked cream.

37. Custard Air(basic)

Ingredients for 400 g of cream: 1 glass of milk or cream, 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 4 eggs.
Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the egg yolks with sugar in a saucepan, pour in the milk and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. In another saucepan, beat the whites well in the cold, quickly mix them with the hot mixture. Heat the whole mixture, stirring, for another 2-3 minutes.
The cream will turn out airy, and after cooling it will be slightly gelatinous, so it should be used in products warm.
Finished goods with cream to cool in a cold place.

Flavored custards

38. Apricot Custard

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup apricot marmalade (recipe 119) or puree, rubbed through a fine sieve.
Instead of puree, you can add 1 tbsp to the main cream. a spoonful of apricot tincture or liqueur.

39. Pineapple Custard

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup pineapple juice from canned pineapple or fresh pineapple.
Finely chopped cubes of fresh or canned pineapple can be added to the cream.

40. Orange Custard

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but add 1 more tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and instead of a whole glass of milk, take 1/2 glass of milk and 1/2 glass of orange juice (recipe 129) or, after boiling and cooling, add the juice from the zest from one orange.

41. Vanilla Custard

Add to the main custard (recipes 35-37) made from 1 cup milk, 1-2 g vanilla sugar or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla liqueur.
For the cream intended for the filling, you can use vanilla at the rate of 1/4 stick per glass of milk. Put vanilla in milk before boiling, and then remove it.

42. Lemon Custard

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and instead of a whole glass of milk, take 3/4 cup. After boiling and a little cooling, add the juice squeezed from half a lemon and zest.
You can also, without reducing the milk, add after cooking 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon liqueur or tincture.

43. Custard tangerine

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup tangerine juice and juice from the zest of two tangerines.

44. Custard honey

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but for 1 glass of milk, take 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

45. Custard almond (walnut)

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but add at the beginning of cooking for each glass of milk 2 tbsp. spoons of roasted finely chopped almonds, nuts, peanuts.
The cream should only be used for the filling.

46. ​​Chocolate custard

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but add at the beginning of cooking for each glass of milk 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder or one 50-gram bar of chocolate (no added sugar). Break the chocolate into small pieces.

47. Custard Apple

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup apple juice(recipe 187) or applesauce light color with a pleasant taste. At the same time, increase the dosage of sugar by 1 tbsp. spoon.

IV. Basic buttercreams

Whipped cream cream is distinguished by splendor, tenderness and lightness, high nutritional value and great taste. The preparation of this cream requires the obligatory observance of a number of conditions.
Fresh liquid cream should be heated on low heat for 20-30 minutes at 80 ° (pasteurized), after which the microbes that cause spoilage and souring of the cream die. Then cool the cream to a temperature of 3-4 ° and keep at this temperature for 24-36 hours. During this time, the cream ripens, becomes thicker and foamy.
The best temperature for churning cream is 2-3°C, and already at 10-13°C cream is poorly churned, curdled and turned into butter. Therefore, cream, dishes and whisks should be as cool as possible. The surrounding air should be cold and clean, as extraneous odors are easily perceived by the cream.
heavy cream containing 35% fat, whip well; from cream with 20% fat, cream can only be obtained with the addition of gelatin.
Whip the cream with a whisk, at first slowly, then faster, until a thick fluffy foam is obtained. If the cream becomes curdled during whipping (forms an inhomogeneous pockmarked mass), you should stop whipping, put the cream on a clean sieve and let the liquid drain, after which continue whipping. Repeated failure indicates that the cream was runny or warm and will not make a cream. Such cream can be continued to whip with a wooden spatula until butter is obtained.

Cream of cream must be prepared before use. Products with this cream can be stored no more than 2-3 hours in a cold place.
Cream of whipped cream without gelatin quickly loses its shape and spreads; cream with gelatin retains its shape better and longer, but its structure is not airy, but gelatinous.
Butter creams are used to decorate the surface of pastries and cakes, as well as to fill tubes, baskets and wafers rolled into tubes. For interlayer butter creams used only in biscuit cakes and pastries.
It is not recommended to layer sand and puff layers with these creams, since under the weight of the weight of the upper layer the cream “sits down”, and when cutting and while eating it is squeezed out.

48. Butter cream without gelatin(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanations "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Cream 35% fat, glasses
Powdered sugar, teaspoons
Vanilla sugar, g
Cream yield, g
For this cream, use only 35% fat cream. Pour chilled cream into cold pan, put in cold water, on ice or in snow and beat with a whisk until a thick fluffy foam is obtained. Whisking constantly, add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar little by little, mixing well.
Ready, well-whipped cream is held on a raised frequent broom.
This cream is very unstable during storage, quickly turns sour and spreads.
After whipping, the cream should be used immediately, and products with this cream should be put in the cold. This cream should not be tinted, only vanilla sugar can be used for flavoring.

49. Creamy cream with gelatin(basic)

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 1.5 cups of cream 20-35% fat,
- 1/2 teaspoon of gelatin,
- 1.5 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

Rinse the gelatin in water and put it on a fine sieve, put in a glass, add 1/2 cup of cream and mix. After 2 hours, when the gelatin swells, place the glass in hot water and stir the contents until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then cool the gelatin solution slightly (up to 40-50 °).
Whip the rest of the chilled cream with a whisk at low temperature until a thick fluffy foam is obtained. Without stopping beating, gradually pour in powdered sugar and pour in a thin stream of gelatin solution.
Tint the cream with food coloring (see at the beginning of the page) until it becomes gelatinous, and be sure to flavor it to eliminate the taste of gelatin. Chopped nuts or pieces of fruit can be added to the cream used for the filling. Use the cream immediately after adding gelatin.

50. Creamy egg cream with gelatin(basic)

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 1 cup cream 20-35% fat,
- 3 eggs,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar,
- 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
Prepare the gelatin and cream solution as described in Recipe 49.
Thoroughly grind the eggs with sugar with a whisk, heat the pan with the mixture in a water bath to 40-50 °, while whisking the mixture. Remove the saucepan from the water bath, put it in cold water and continue to beat the mixture until a fluffy mass is formed, cooling it to the temperature of cold water.
In a separate saucepan, beat the chilled cream until thick fluffy foam. Then mix whipped cream with beaten eggs, adding warm gelatin solution (40-50°).
Flavor the cream as described in the recipes below, tint it and quickly work into products until it becomes gelatinous.

Flavored Butter Creams

Flavors and aromas can be added to the basic gelatin buttercreams prepared according to recipes 49 and 50, resulting in a variety of flavored creams.

51. Apricot creamy cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2 tbsp. spoons of apricot liqueur or tincture or 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely grated apricot puree

52. Creamy pineapple cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2 tbsp. tablespoons of pineapple syrup or juice or finely grated pineapple puree. Tint the cream yellow (see beginning of page).

53. Creamy orange cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin juice from one orange (recipe 129) and its zest. The cream can be tinted orange (see beginning of page).

54. Creamy vanilla cream

Add to the cream of the main cream (recipes 49, 50) at the beginning of whipping 5 g of vanilla sugar or before the introduction of gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla liqueur.

55. Cream cherry cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cherry liqueur or tincture, or 2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from fresh cherries (recipe 138) or cherry jam syrup (recipes 140, 141).

56. Creamy strawberry, strawberry, raspberry cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 1/2 cup of juice, jam or fresh strawberries, strawberries, raspberries (recipes 150 or 165).
Tint the cream pink (see beginning of page).

57. Cognac cream cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac

58. Creamy coffee cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coffee liqueur or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of strong coffee infusion made from 1 teaspoon of natural coffee.

59. Lemon Cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin juice and zest from 1/2 lemon or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon liqueur, or 3-5 drops of diluted citric acid (see at the beginning of the page) or lemon essence.
Tint the cream yellow (see at the beginning of the page).

60. Creamy tangerine cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin juice and zest from one or two tangerines (recipe 169) or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tangerine liqueur.

61. Creamy honey cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2 tbsp. spoons of a little warmed natural honey.

62. Creamy almond cream(walnut)

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 1/2 cup of roasted and chopped nuts or almonds, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of "Aromatic" or "New Year's" liquor.

63. Cream praline cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2-3 tbsp. spoons of praline filling prepared according to recipe 22.

64. Creamy pink or rum cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2 tbsp. spoons of liquor "Pink" or 4-5 drops of rum essence, or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of rum, or 1 drop of rose oil.

65. Tea Cream Cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 2 tbsp. tablespoons of strong infusion prepared from 1 teaspoon of dry tea.

66. Creamy chocolate cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin, a mixture of cocoa powder and powdered sugar (1 tablespoon each) or 50 g of preheated chocolate.

67. Creamy apple cream

Add to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before the introduction of gelatin 1-2 tbsp. spoons of apple tincture or 2-3 tbsp. spoons of apple juice (recipe 187), mashed potatoes or finely chopped fresh (canned) apples.

V. Sour cream and creamy sour cream

Sour cream for cream preparation should be fresh, without signs of fermentation, without sharp acidity. It is better to use premium sour cream containing 30% fat.
Just like cream, sour cream must be cooled down before whipping, it should be whipped at a low air temperature.
Sour cream and creamy creams unstable during storage, products with them can be stored no more than 2-3 hours in a cold place.

68. Sour cream without gelatin

Ingredients for 350 g cream:
- 1 cup sour cream

- 5 g vanilla sugar.
Put the pan with sour cream in cold water, on ice or in snow and beat the sour cream with a whisk until a thick fluffy foam is formed, which should be held on a raised whisk.
Sift powdered sugar, mix with vanilla sugar and whisk with whipped sour cream.

69. Sour cream with gelatin(basic)

Ingredients for 350 g cream:
- 1 cup sour cream
- 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar,
- 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
Prepare the cream according to recipe 68, but at the end of whipping pour warm (40 °) gelatin solution prepared in 1/2 cup of water (recipe 49) or milk into it in a thin stream. Cream aromatize different substances, which are added at the end of whipping before the introduction of gelatin.
The dosage of flavoring substances is given in previous recipes.

70. Butter and sour cream

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 1 cup cream 20 or 35% fat,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar,
- 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream 30% fat,
- 5 g vanilla sugar.
Pour chilled cream and sour cream into a saucepan, put in cold water, on ice or in snow and beat the contents with a whisk until a thick fluffy foam forms. Whisking constantly, add the sifted icing sugar and vanilla sugar mixture and mix.

71. Cream kaymak

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 3/4 cup cream 20%,
- 1 glass of granulated sugar,
- 100 g butter,
- 1 g vanilla sugar.
Sugar with cream, stirring constantly, boil until a sample on a thin thread, add vanilla sugar and cool to 15-18 °, beat the butter for 10-12 minutes and gradually, in 5 doses, add milk syrup. Mix well.

VI. Various creams

72. Cream on creamy margarine

Ingredients for 200 g of cream:
- 100 g creamy margarine,
- 3 tbsp. spoons of condensed milk,
- 2 teaspoons of jam syrup,
- 2 teaspoons of cognac or wine,
- 2 g vanilla sugar.
Boil condensed milk and cool. Heat the margarine in a saucepan to the consistency of thick sour cream and beat it with a whisk or a wooden spatula until a fluffy mass is obtained; then, without stopping beating, add condensed milk, syrup, cognac, vanilla sugar and mix well.

73. Peanut cream

Ingredients for 280 g of cream:
- 100 g of creamy margarine or butter,
- 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons roasted peanuts, finely chopped
- 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
- 3/4 cup powdered sugar
- 2 g vanilla sugar.
Beat the butter as described in recipe 72. Whisking constantly, add the peanuts and the mixture of powdered sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar, mix well.

Who can resist a piece of fresh, fragrant and beautiful cake? Such people probably do not exist! There are so many types of cakes in the world: biscuit, chocolate, walnut, meringue and salted caramel cake. And everyone wants to try.

But what makes cakes so unusual and attractive? Of course, cream. He not only has excellent palatability, but also able to turn any pastry into a real masterpiece.

Is it difficult to make cream for the cake at home? The answer is no. You just need to have a little patience.

chocolate cream

This is one of the favorite creams all over the world. It is not only very tasty, but also amazingly beautiful. Due to its color, it is suitable not only for impregnating cakes, but also for decorating the cakes themselves.

How to make a cream of this kind? First you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • three tablespoons potato starch;
  • one hundred grams of dark chocolate (from 70% of the content of dry cocoa product);
  • three hundred grams of butter;
  • two hundred grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour milk into a small saucepan and put on fire. As soon as it boils, take it off the stove.
  2. The yolks will need to be separated from the proteins and beat with a mixer, gradually adding sugar and starch. Should be foamy homogeneous mass and the sugar should completely dissolve. Start pouring milk in a thin stream, continuing to beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer.
  3. Pour the resulting cream into a saucepan and put on a small fire. Bring to a boil. Start stirring slowly for a minute and a half. Remove from fire.
  4. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Add it to cream. The chocolate should melt. The cream must be stirred slowly. Cover the cream and leave to cool on the stove.
  5. At this time, you can leave the oil at room temperature melt. After you need to start whipping the butter with a mixer, gradually adding to it chocolate cream. The mass should be lush and high.

Where can be used?

This creamy mousse is perfect for sponge cakes, especially chocolate and carrot cakes, as well as for muffins or sponge cakes. It will keep its shape great.

This is enough thick cream for the cake. How do you make the liquid version?

apple cream

Sometimes, already in the process of baking the cakes, it becomes clear that the cake will need additional moisture. You can do it as usual and use impregnation, or you can prepare an incredibly delicate apple cream, which, in addition, will perfectly soak the cakes themselves.

To make a simple cake cream according to the recipe below, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • six large apples;
  • two hundred grams of 15% sour cream and the same amount of sugar;
  • one hundred milliliters of drinking water;
  • one tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • ground cinnamon and vanilla sugar (add to taste).

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Peel and chop apples until smooth. Add sugar and water. Place on stove, medium heat. Simmer until fruit softens, about 5 minutes. Remove dish from stove and let cool.
  2. Beat sour cream with powder using a mixer.
  3. Gently add sour cream to apple syrup in portions, while stirring with a spatula. You should get a homogeneous cream.

What cakes are suitable for?

It is perfect for spreading biscuit cakes. In addition, you can eat it just like that, spreading it on a piece of bread.

Protein cream

This cream is often used in the kitchen. Housewives love it for its simplicity and ease of preparation. With a minimum of effort, the result is a beautiful fluffy protein cake cream. How to do and what is needed?


  • 50 milliliters of water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • lemon juice and salt - to taste.
  1. Eggs should be divided into whites and yolks. Squirrels need to be removed in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a small pinch of salt. Beat with a mixer until a dense mass is formed. Without stopping beating, start adding two tablespoons of sugar in portions. Mix the rest of the sugar with water and put on the stove. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for another minute.
  2. While whipping the protein cream, pour in the syrup in a thin stream. The output should be a thick cream.

What cakes are suitable for?

Now that we have managed to make cream for the cake, all that remains is to decorate the masterpiece. This cake is perfect for creating roses and other decorations on the cake. The cream is perfect for cupcakes.

Citrus Kurd

Kurd is a custard that tastes creamy and fresh at the same time. It has a melting and light texture. In cooking, Kurd is an outrageously simple option. How to make citrus curd?

Need the following ingredients:

  • 2 small tangerines, limes, lemons, etc.) or one big fruit(for example, grapefruit);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 180 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • 50 grams of butter.


  1. Heat water to a boil, dip citrus fruits (in this recipe - red oranges) into it for 5 minutes. Pull out, wipe and on coarse grater grate the rind.
  2. Their pulp squeeze orange juice. Strain through a sieve if necessary.
  3. Separate the yolks of two eggs and put them in a bowl, drive 2 more eggs into it. Add zest, citrus juice, sugar. Beat everything with a whisk until smooth. Let stand for about 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve to remove the zest.
  4. Dissolve starch in 50 milliliters of liquid. Put the rest of the liquid in a water bath, stir constantly. After the liquid begins to bubble, pour in 50 milliliters of liquid with dissolved starch. Cook until thickened, remove from heat.
  5. Add oil. Stir until it dissolves.
  6. The cream should cool, while it needs to be stirred. A foam should form on the surface.

Such a curd can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Suitable for both lemon cakes and morning breakfast with toast.

cream cheese cream

Stayed cream cheese in fridge? Where to put him? There is nothing left but to make cream for the cake. The recipe is also good because the resulting amazing cream is suitable not only for lubricating cakes, but also for creating decorations for baking.

Ingredients needed:

  • 250 grams of cream cheese;
  • 1 package of vanilla sugar;
  • 150-160 grams of the fattest cream;
  • 3 tablespoons powdered sugar (this amount can be increased to 4 tablespoons if desired).
  1. Cream must be placed in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Then you need to start whipping the cream until it thickens slightly.
  2. Gradually add sugar and powder, continue beating until the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass.

The cream is suitable for sand cakes or muffins.

Now that you have read this recipe, the question of how to make cream cake quickly will never arise.

Cream of sour cream

This is one of the most simple creams that you can imagine. And he can decorate any cake.


  • fat sour cream (at least 20 percent) - 0.5 kilograms;
  • powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - add to taste.


  1. Sour cream needs to be cooled, if there is additional moisture in the product, drain. To make the cream more magnificent, you can use the trick: put the sour cream in a dense, clean rag and hang it to decant. Excess water will go away after 4-5 hours and the cream will be more magnificent.
  2. Beat sour cream with a mixer, while pouring small quantities powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Continue whisking for at least 5 minutes.

What cakes are suitable for?

Such sour cream is not intended to decorate the cake, but it is able to perfectly soak the cakes. Suitable for both biscuit and waffle cakes.

Many people know how to make a cream for a cake. After all, most fillings for homemade dessert do not require the use a large number time and various components. But for those who still do not have this information, we decided to present several simple and affordable ways that will allow you to make a delicious and beautiful cake with your own hands.

Simple cream for biscuit cake

Biscuit is a very tender and soft cake, which makes the dessert especially tasty and satisfying. For such a product, a thick cream is ideal, which is only partially absorbed into the base. For this we need:

  • unsalted butter - about 175 g;
  • condensed milk - a standard jar;
  • nuts or others additional ingredients- use as desired.

Cooking process

Before you make cream for a cake from condensed milk, you must first remove the butter and defrost it as much as possible at room temperature. Next, it needs to be placed in a blender bowl and beat very strongly at high speed. As a result of such manipulations, you should get air and tender mass. Add a full jar of condensed milk to it and mix well.

If there is a desire, then to the resulting sweet mass, you can additionally lay out nuts, previously fried and crushed into large crumbs. To get a chocolate cream, you need to add about 3 large tablespoons of cocoa powder to the condensed mixture.

Preparing a cake with homemade filling is quite easy. To do this, you just need to grease the cakes with it and refrigerate for several hours. You end up you gotta get very delicious dessert with a distinct aroma of condensed milk.

cream cheese cream

Before you make cream for the cake, you should decide what kind of dessert you want to get. After all, the choice of one or another filling should fully correspond to the cakes. For example, for the famous Tiramisu cake, it is best to use a liquid cream based on cream cheese.

So, we need:

  • powdered sugar - 2 large spoons;
  • large village eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cream cheese mascarpone - 250 g (standard packaging).

Cooking method

Self cooked homemade cream for the tiramisu cake better than that that is sold in powder form. After all, to create delicious and healthy dessert should only be used natural ingredients, not a set of flavors and flavor enhancers.

So, before you make a cream cheese cake, you should break large village eggs, and then separate the whites from the yolks. To the last ingredient, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly with a fork. Next, to the yellow mass, lay out the mascarpone cream cheese and beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained with a mixer. In this case, it is recommended to ensure that not a single lump remains in the cream.

After processing the yolks, it is necessary to start preparing the proteins. They should be cooled, and then beat with a blender until airy, but not very strong foam. Next, you need to lay it out to the creamy egg mass and mix well with a regular spoon. As a result, you should get a not very thick, but fragrant and tasty cream.

It should be noted that for the preparation of the filling for "Tiramisu" only fresh eggs. In this regard, it is better to buy them not in a store, but in the market from farmers.

Cooking a cake with sour cream

Sour cream is a versatile filling that is ideal for any cakes. With it, you can make very tasty and delicate dessert to anyone festive table. For the base we need:

  • village eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized sugar - a full glass;
  • high-grade flour - a full glass;
  • soda and vinegar - half a spoon each.

Cooking cake

Before preparing the cream for the biscuit cake, you should carefully bake the cake. To do this, beat the egg whites strongly, and then combine them with a mixture of yolks and sugar. Next, in the same bowl, you need to extinguish the soda with vinegar and add light flour.

After kneading the base, it must be poured into a greased pan and baked in the oven (about an hour). When the cake is fully cooked, it should be removed from the mold and completely cooled. In conclusion, it is desirable to cut it in half lengthwise.

Cream preparation

Cake with sour cream is prepared very quickly, but it turns out incredibly tender and tasty. For the filling we need:

  • fresh sour cream with maximum fat content - 700 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.

To prepare such a filling, beat strongly milk product in a blender, and then pour powder into it and repeat the mixing procedure until you have a very lush and airy mass.

We form a dessert

After preparing the cream, they should generously grease the chilled biscuit cakes, and then fold them and pour over a little warm chocolate icing. It is recommended to serve such a dessert to the table after aging in the refrigerator for two hours.

We make cream for the "Custard" cake

Custard for a cake is a very high-calorie filling that is suitable not only for the dessert mentioned, but also for various cakes. To prepare it, we need:

  • high-grade flour - about 90 g;
  • sugar - about 400 g;
  • fat milk - about 700 ml;
  • village eggs -5 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - on the tip of a spoon;
  • unsalted butter - about 25 g;

Step by step cooking process

To make your own custard, bring to a boil. village milk. While it is heating on the stove, separate the proteins from the yolks and grind the last component with sugar. After that, it is necessary to put vanillin and high-grade flour into the resulting mass. After mixing the ingredients, they should be poured into hot milk. It takes about 10 minutes to cook the ingredients over low heat. In this case, in the process of boiling, it is required to regularly stir the cream with an ordinary spoon. Next, the finished mass should be cooled slightly, and then add whipped butter.

After all the steps described, you should get a fairly thick and persistent cream. It is recommended to place it in a pastry bag, and then use it for its intended purpose.

Making a delicious cream for dessert from proteins

There are quite a few ways on how to quickly and easily make protein cream cake at home. We present only the simplest. For him we need:

  • egg whites - from 4 eggs;
  • sugar is not very large - ½ cup;
  • fresh cream as fat as possible - 1 cup.

How to cook?

To make an airy and light cake cream, you need to lay out egg whites into a blender and beat them strongly together with not very coarse sugar. After you have formed a rather lush and resistant mass, you should pour heavy cream in small portions into it and continue the mixing procedure. As a result of this, you should get white and air cream, which will easily take any shape you give it.

It should be noted that such a filling can be used not only for lubricating cakes, but also, for example, for preparing eclairs, tubules, custard and sand cakes.

Decorate the cake with cream

Cream for decorating the cake can be easily purchased at the store. After all, with the help of whipped cream it is quite easy to prepare not only a tasty, but also a beautiful dessert. But if you do not want to purchase a balloon with filling, then you can make it yourself. For this we need:

  • unsalted butter - about 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - about 8 large spoons;
  • any dyes - apply to taste.

Cooking cream for decorating dessert

It should be noted that such a cream is very fatty and high-calorie. In this regard, it is recommended to use it only for decorating a cake. To do this, you must first remove the butter from the refrigerator and wait for it to completely soften. Next, beat it with a mixer or blender. After pouring powdered sugar, these steps must be repeated.

After the cream becomes airy and lush, it needs to be divided into portions, pour in certain dyes and mix well with a spoon. By the way, in order to give a creamy decoration a certain color, it is not necessary to purchase nutritional supplements. Instead, you can use beetroot, carrot juice, as well as cocoa powder, grated or melted chocolate, etc. So your dessert will turn out to be more healthy and safe for health.