How to cook condensed milk in a jar, slow cooker and pressure cooker: the best recipes. Preparation of condensed milk from dried milk

Love condensed milk? Store-bought is not always useful, but homemade condensed milk from milk and sugar, yes, 20 minutes, that's a completely different story. 100% free of chemicals and harmful impurities, only natural dairy products and sugar!

Let's cook the sweetness on our own - delicious, fragrant, viscous, real homemade condensed milk from store or village milk!

And the most interesting thing is that condensed milk is prepared in just 20 minutes! Yes, yes, do not be surprised, this is how much time it will take to cook your favorite delicacy. No 2-3 hours, as some recipes say.

The main thing is to adhere to the above technology so that the condensed milk comes out as it should, and then you can please your loved ones with a healthy dessert, and besides, you will save a lot of money, because cooked on your own at home costs a penny.

  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Butter -15 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g

Homemade condensed milk recipe with step by step photos

Pour sugar and vanilla sugar into a saucepan (the saucepan must be with high sides). I highly recommend this - do not neglect vanilla sugar, it gives an awesome flavor to the finished sweetness in the end.

Brought to a boil.

And left to cook on medium (!) fire, stirring constantly. The milk will froth, resent, and strive to jump out of the pan, but resist the temptation to reduce the heat - it should be medium, and during the cooking process, the milk should foam well and boil strongly. It's like in the photo.

And that's what the right pot is for.

Let's take 20 minutes. By the way, the color will change during the cooking process due to sugar - it will become a little grayish. But do not be alarmed, then, when the mass cools down, it will become a beautiful yellow color.

After 20 minutes of strong boiling, remove the pan from the heat. Do not expect the mass to become denser during this time - it will only thicken slightly in consistency. Then we let it cool down a little, literally 10 minutes, and immediately put it in the refrigerator, where our homemade condensed milk should spend at least 2 hours and cool completely. As soon as it cools, it will become thick.

Well, then you can eat it with pancakes, and with pancakes, and use it to make creams, and add it to coffee or cocoa.

Bon Appetit!

There is hardly a person who will remain indifferent to condensed milk.

This is such a familiar taste of childhood, which is a favorite delicacy of our children.

Have you often thought about cooking condensed milk at home according to recipes from natural products.

But it was believed that this is a very complex and lengthy technological process.

And if it can be done in 15 minutes and according to the best recipes?

Tempting? Let's try.

Condensed milk at home - cooking principles

The most important rule for the successful preparation of any condensed milk recipe at home is strict adherence to the technology of the entire process. Any deviation in the quantity, cooking time, the necessary ingredients of the products, and not their substitutes, may lead to an unsatisfactory result.

Ingredients, which you will need I'm basically the same. Only usage variations change. This:

Milk– use homemade milk or milk with a high fat content, i.e. 3.2%. It must be fresh! It is also recommended to use whole milk that has not been dehydrated or reduced in fat. You will get a very liquid condensed milk if the milk had a high water content.

Powdered whole milk(do not use a substitute) is a powdered food product that is obtained in the process of drying milk. Milk mixtures are prepared on its basis.

Sugar. Powdered sugar can be used in place of sugar in some recipes.

Butter. Be sure to keep it fresh. Oil is necessary in order to give condensed milk fat content.

Cream- it is advisable to take homemade or with a high percentage of fat content.

The very process of making condensed milk at home in 15 minutes is the boiling of milk with sugar while evaporating excess liquid. In production, special vacuum evaporators are used for this. In them, the milk begins to boil very quickly, which entails the evaporation of excess moisture and the gradual thickening of the liquid. At home, according to recipes, condensed milk is prepared in an open way, by boiling and evaporating water with constant stirring. Therefore, if the product is liquid, then there is still a lot of water in it.

Of great importance is the way it is cooled. To obtain a homogeneous mass, it is necessary immediately after preparation to lower the container with the hot product into cold water and cool it to room temperature while stirring. And after that, condensed milk can be put in the refrigerator to thicken.

Also, a successful result depends on the quality of the products, the thickness of the pan, the intensity of the fire. Consider all these factors when preparing.

For such a delicacy as condensed milk, you can not get around the issue of calories.

Remember: 100 grams of condensed milk contains approximately 320 kilocalories.

The range of use of condensed milk in cooking is very diverse: from simply using it in its natural form to adding various methods of preparation to creams of cakes.

These can be: pancakes, pancakes, roll, apple pie, cookies in molds, biscuit, waffle cake with condensed milk, as well as a huge number of cakes in which regular or boiled condensed milk is used in the composition for making cream.

Consider the most popular recipes.

1. A simple recipe for whole milk condensed milk


Milk - 200 ml or one glass.

Powdered sugar - 200 grams (a glass to a strip).

Cooking method:

1. We take a wide and high pan. The wider the surface, the faster and more will be the evaporation of milk, that is, it will boil faster.

2. Pour all the milk into it, pour the powdered sugar.

3. We put the container with the contents on a small fire.

4. After the milk boils, reduce the fire even less. We stir the milk constantly. The whole procedure should take 10 minutes.

5. Then we lower our saucepan into the prepared container with cold water. With constant stirring, cool the condensed milk. Try to keep the water cold all the time (you can add ice).

2. A simple recipe for condensed milk powder


Powdered milk (whole or skimmed) - 200 grams.

Milk (with a small percentage of fat content, approximately 1.7%) - 200 grams.

Sugar - 200 grams.

The amount received is 380 grams.

Cooking method:

1. In a separate container, mix milk powder and sugar. It is better for this to immediately take the pan, which you will put on fire.

2. Gradually add milk and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Use an ordinary whisk for this.

3. Put the resulting mixture in a saucepan over a small fire in order to bring to a boil.

4. With constant stirring, cook the condensed milk over low heat for exactly 10 minutes.

5. Then we turn off the stove, and cool the pan with the resulting condensed milk in cold water.

6. Now you can pour the condensed milk into a regular jar and refrigerate.

3. Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya (“We eat at home”)


Milk (preferably whole) - 200 grams.

Powdered sugar - 200 grams.

Butter - 20 grams.

Quantity received: 280 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the necessary components in a saucepan.

2. Over low heat, bring the milk, powder and butter to complete dissolution. Better not use the most powerful burner.

3. When the mixture begins to boil, i.e. foam will appear, turn the temperature to moderate.

4. Continue to cook, stirring constantly.

5. Time from the moment to boiling until the end of cooking - 10 minutes.

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place in a container of cold water to thicken.

7. After the condensed milk has cooled, pour it into a dry jar and put it in the refrigerator.

4. Recipe for condensed milk with cream


Fresh cream - 200 grams.

Sugar - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Whip fresh cream in a saucepan, gradually adding the required amount of sugar.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan moistened with cold water. This is done so that when heated, your condensed milk, made at home in 15 minutes, does not burn.

3. The specified mass must be kept on low heat, constantly stirring with a whisk. The required time is 10 minutes.

4. When the cream with sugar is brought to a boil, stir for another two minutes and turn off the burner. Cream at this time will be a pleasant yellow color.

5. After the resulting mixture has cooled, it must be beaten a little. If the mixture is too thick, then put it on fire for a while.

If you boil more whipped cream until it thickens, you will get a plasticine mass. You can make cake decorations out of it. To taste, such condensed milk resembles bars.

5. Condensed milk in a slow cooker


Milk 3.6% - 200 grams

Powdered milk - 200 grams

Sugar - 200 grams

Cooking method:

1. We mix all the products in the multicooker bowl. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.

2. Turn on the "Soup" mode and bring the prepared mixture to a boil. At the same time, leave the lid open, as the milk can simply escape. Remember to stir all the time so that nothing burns.

3. After boiling, we transfer the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. The cooking time here depends on how thick you want the consistency to be. The more time, the thicker the condensed milk. In our case, the cooking time is 15 minutes.

4. After the condensed milk has cooled, most likely you will have to use a blender to make the condensed milk homogeneous.

6. Condensed milk according to Dukan, for those who are on a diet

This recipe for making condensed milk at home is for people who are on a diet or for diabetics. This condensed milk has an interesting coffee taste. It cooks in the microwave.


Skimmed milk powder (dietary product) - 3 tbsp.

Cornstarch (food additive for thickening) - 1 tbsp.

Instant coffee (you can take any to your liking) - 1 tsp.

Skimmed milk (0.1%) - 200 ml.

Sugar substitute.

Cooking method:

1. Brew coffee in milk, in other words, dissolve the coffee in warm milk.

2. Mix all other dry ingredients to taste.

3. Add dry products to the prepared coffee and milk mixture. Mix everything and add sugar substitute to your liking.

4. It is necessary to cook in a microwave oven at a power of 800 W, 5-6 times for one minute. Be sure to stir the mixture in between.

5. After the end of the process, cool the resulting product and place it in the refrigerator.

Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes - tips and tricks

Remember that condensed milk will thicken a lot after cooling. Keep this in mind when preparing.

Do not overcook the condensed milk, as it will begin to crystallize in a few days.

If you don't cook enough, it will harden worse.

If you replace granulated sugar with sugar, then the condensed milk will turn out to be watery;

Before using sugar for condensed milk, prepare a light sugar syrup from it. For example, dilute 180 grams of sugar in 100 mo of water. This will help the sugar dissolve completely without leaving grains, and the condensed milk will be of better quality.

If you are worried about strong foam on milk, then add soda to 1 liter of milk at the tip of a knife.

If the cooked product cools slowly, then sugar crystals may form on its surface.

When cooking, it is desirable to use enameled dishes.

You can buy condensed milk, or you can cook it at home in just 15 minutes!

Everyone's favorite milk sweet can be easily prepared by yourself, and it only takes 15 minutes. Condensed milk at home is no less tasty than store-bought. At the same time, in such a treat there are no preservatives, dyes, flavors and other unnecessary harmful ingredients.

Whole milk homemade condensed milk recipe

The simplest recipe for the dessert under discussion involves the use of whole milk (250 ml.). If possible, it is best to take a fatty homemade product. In addition, you will need: 70 g butter, 250 g sugar.

  1. Condensed milk foams very strongly during cooking, so it is most convenient to use a saucepan or a high pan. Milk is poured into the selected dishes and sugar is poured.
  2. The ingredients should be simmered over low heat until the grains of sugar are completely dissolved. In this case, the mass must be constantly stirred.
  3. Lastly, butter is sent to the container, and the mixture is boiled over high heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. It remains to remove the saucepan or pan from the heat and pour the resulting product into a jar.

Surely at first glance it will seem to the hostess that the sweetness turned out to be too liquid. But you need to give it time to cool down well and then the consistency of homemade condensed milk will turn out almost like that of the usual store.

From milk powder

If you decide to choose a recipe from powdered milk, then you still need to add the same amount of whole milk (200 g each). The latter should be with a minimum percentage of fat. You will also need to take 200 g of sugar.

  1. Mix milk powder and sugar well in a saucepan. After that, the whole begins to be added to them.
  2. The mass should be homogeneous without lumps. It is most convenient to use a whisk for this.
  3. On low heat, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. Ready condensed milk is poured into a jar and cooled.

Those sweet dishes that are prepared with your own hands from natural ingredients have a refined delicate taste and great benefits. In order not to buy sweets containing a lot of harmful substances, it is better to cook them yourself, condensed milk at home will be an excellent option. A delicacy is prepared from 15 minutes to an hour, it all depends on the recipe, the taste and consistency of the dish also depends on it, read the article for more details about the technologies.

Recipe for thick condensed milk "Nezhenka" from milk and sugar

A wonderful taste is obtained from condensed milk, prepared exclusively from two ingredients - sugar and milk. Sometimes, to enhance the flavor, vanilla sugar is put in the dish, but this is optional.

Such a budget alternative to store-bought sweets not only saves you money, but also allows you to make condensed milk with the perfect milky caramel color, delicate aroma and the right consistency, the density of which is achieved by cooling, and not by adding harmful preservatives.

Ingredients for homemade condensed milk

  • Homemade milk (3.2% fat) - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar - ½ tsp

How to cook condensed milk

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), pour sugar into it, dissolve and bring to a boil over moderate-medium heat.
  2. When the milk boils, reduce the fire and cook the condensed milk over low heat until the total mass decreases by 2/3. During cooking, be sure to stir the milk.
  3. As soon as you notice that the milk mass begins to thicken and acquires a pleasant creamy shade, then the dessert is almost ready.
  4. In the last minutes of cooking, you can add vanilla sugar. Let it completely dissolve in milk, then simmer for a few seconds over low heat.

How long to cook condensed milk

In order for condensed milk to acquire a consistency similar to store-bought, you will have to spend 1.5 - 2 hours. This time is enough to get light caramel-colored condensed milk.

Remember, the longer the condensed milk is boiled, the richer the color will be.

Do not be alarmed if immediately after cooking the condensed milk is liquid: in order for it to thicken, let it cool.

How to make homemade condensed milk powder

In order to cook homemade condensed milk, it is not necessary to boil it on fire. You can also make a real tasty thick sweetness in a water bath. The following recipe is based on this principle of preparation.

To brew condensed milk you will need

  • Milk (homemade, with a fat content of not more than 2.5%) - 1 cup;
  • Powdered milk (good quality) - 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 tbsp. (taste).

How to cook condensed milk at home

  1. Boil water in a large saucepan.
  2. As soon as it boils, we put the pan in the pan and start cooking condensed milk in a water bath.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a metal bowl or small saucepan. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass.
  4. Boil milk, stirring occasionally, exactly 1 hour. It is not necessary to digest, the necessary density will appear after cooling.

Pour the boiled, still warm, condensed milk into a glass jar and leave the product to cool. After a while, we remove it for storage in the refrigerator.

If you store condensed milk in the refrigerator, the milk will thicken even more and taste much richer.

You can cook homemade condensed milk not only from cow's milk. Excellent in taste and correct in consistency, it is obtained if it is made from cream or goat's milk.

The main difference in the preparation of such condensed milk is the presence of goat's milk in the recipe. We completely replace regular cow's milk with them.

However, keep in mind that simply replacing cow's milk with goat's will not work. The preparation of condensed milk with goat's milk has its own characteristics, and the result of cooking will depend on them.

How to cook condensed milk: a special recipe

Ingredients for homemade condensed milk

  • - 1 liter + -
  • - 2 glasses + -
  • Soda - 1 pinch + -

How to cook condensed milk from goat milk

We start preparing homemade condensed milk by stirring goat milk with soda. To keep fresh milk from curdling, throw a pinch of soda into it.

After that, put it on the fire, add sugar and cook until the milk turns golden. Do not forget to stir the dessert from time to time.

That's all - condensed milk from goat's milk is ready.

Store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. If you are not going to enjoy the dish soon, pour the goodies into sterilized jars and close them with iron lids. Keep the product rolled up for the winter in cold places - a cellar or a refrigerator.

Making a homemade dessert is quite permissible not only on the basis of exclusively fresh milk. Homemade cream will be an excellent addition to the traditional composition.

It will take 1 hour or more to make such condensed milk, but the taste of the delicacy you have prepared will be worth the time and effort spent.

Ingredients for cooking condensed milk at home

  • Powdered milk - 600 ml;
  • Cream - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Making condensed milk at home

  1. Add some water to the sugar. We heat the sweet liquid over high heat, stirring occasionally. It is very important that the water does not boil, because at this stage of cooking the sugar should not completely dissolve.
  2. Next, we prepare the product in a steam bath. Pour cream into a saucepan, add water mixed with sugar, dry milk to them and set everything to bask in a steam bath.
  3. Be sure to stir the milk for the first 15 minutes of cooking, then mix it for 5 minutes every 10 minutes. This is necessary in order to reduce lumps of milk powder. If you have a mixer, use it.

After that, if desired, you can add vanillin to the dish and continue cooking until the condensed milk is fully cooked. When the delicacy is cooked, let it cool down.

Thus, we get a delicious thick dessert of our own preparation.

Nobody likes to stand at the stove for a long time, and it’s useless if there is an amazing quick recipe for your favorite treat.

Many housewives are probably wondering: how much condensed milk is cooked according to this recipe? The answer is very simple - exactly 15 minutes, not a minute more, not a minute less. It is very important not to overcook the dessert, otherwise it will not turn out as tasty and thick as we need.

Quick Dessert Ingredients

  • Powdered sugar - 20 g;
  • Whole milk - 200 ml;
  • Butter - 20 g.

Making boiled condensed milk without sugar

  1. We mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, put it on moderate heat and cook the contents until the butter and powdered sugar dissolve. Do not forget to stir the products during the cooking process.
  2. The appearance of foam will let us know that the condensed milk is boiling. At this point, it is worth increasing the flame to medium, and, stirring, continue to boil the milk.

    If the foam starts to “escape” from the pan, reduce the heat.

  3. As soon as the mass boils, we note the time and cook it for exactly 10 minutes.

How to make homemade condensed milk thick

After cooking, remove the finished dish from the stove and put the pan with condensed milk in a container of cold water. Traditionally, in the process of cooling, the delicacy will thicken.

If this did not happen, then you did not observe the proportions or the time regime. With proper preparation and adherence to the recipe, after complete cooling, the condensed milk will definitely become thick.

Pour a little warm condensed milk into a clean, dry jar, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

As you can see, to create a store-bought Gost analogue of condensed milk without sugar, you need to spend no more than 15 minutes. This is a very convenient recipe for those who prefer to get quick, but effective, results of self-cooking.

Liquid condensed milk "Lakomka": a recipe in a bread machine

To prepare such condensed milk - you need only 2 ingredients:

  • Whole milk - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 cup (volume 200 ml).

How to cook condensed milk in a bread machine

  1. Pour fresh milk into the bowl of the bread machine, add sugar to it, and then cook the condensed milk in the "Jam" mode for 1.5 hours.

The best taste is obtained if you cook the delicacy twice. Then boiled condensed milk will turn out many times thicker, tastier and richer in color.

Secrets of successful homemade condensed milk

1. In order for cooking to be successful, it is necessary to initially choose the right milk.

The dairy product must be fresh, preferably homemade, not containing any impurities and additives.

2. Do not try to shorten the cooking time by increasing the heat. This is fraught with burning milk.

That's all the secrets of making a sweet homemade product called "condensed milk at home." As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in making a delicacy, and achieving a taste similar to the taste of your favorite store-bought sweets is as easy as shelling pears.

Use the simple proven recipes and tips that we have given you - and let your life become even sweeter.

Bon Appetit!

Condensed milk prepared at home is distinguished not only by its "natural" taste, but also by the possibility of obtaining a product of "different consistency": liquid - for pancakes, ice cream, fruit salads, thick - for making creams, super thick - for use in fillings.

Eclairs, shortbread nuts, biscuit and waffle cakes - all this is hard to imagine without condensed cream, but how you want to cook really homemade cakes - without preservatives, dyes and other joys of our sometimes "too modern" food industry!

For connoisseurs of natural products, there is good news - condensed milk at home is not only possible, but also not inferior in taste to the most "advanced" store. True, you will have to wait a bit, because it takes at least two hours to prepare it.

Homemade condensed milk can and should be cooked with a margin, so that for a few more days you can just get it out of the refrigerator to make desserts that have the taste of childhood.

About the recipe for homemade condensed milk

About adding soda: it helps keep the milk from curdling, practically guaranteeing it, even if it's not too fresh. Since I used yesterday's milk, I included baking soda in the recipe. I hasten to reassure: condensed milk has no taste of soda.

If no soda. Condensed milk can be prepared without the addition of soda, but then it should be taken fresh (you must be sure of freshness) and whole (selected).

The ratio of sugar and milk. As for homemade condensed milk recipes, they are different in terms of the ratio of sugar and milk, depending on the desired degree of sweetness. But here every housewife has her own practical secret - with this ratio it turned out pretty sweet for me.

Sugar syrup, not sugar. I highly recommend mixing milk not directly with sugar, but with sugar syrup, so it will better perceive the sweet product and even get thicker in consistency. ( Editorial. In the editorial experience, this was not confirmed, the excellent density turned out without syrup).

About dried milk. Sometimes, for a more expressive milky taste, milk powder (powder) is added to the recipe, usually in a ratio of 1 to 1 with sugar, but then it is better to take half as much fresh product.

Do you want boiled condensed milk? If you want to get boiled homemade condensed milk, cook 1.5 times longer.

Cooking time: 2 hours.
Yield: 1 liter of milk = 500-600 grams of condensed milk.


  • milk (fat content 3.2) 1 liter
  • sugar 0.5 l.
  • soda 0.5 dessert spoon
  • vanilla sugar (optional) 1 tsp
  • water 70 ml

How to cook condensed milk at home

To prepare condensed milk, it is best to use a large pan with a non-stick coating, as sweet milk will foam at first, and then burn to the bottom. If there is no such pan, you will have to stir it very, very often.
Pour vanilla and regular sugar into the pan, pour a little water.

Put on medium heat and constantly stir with a spatula or whisk until all the sugar crystals dissolve and the mass turns into sugar syrup.

Now pour milk at room temperature into the syrup (this is important), mix, bring to a boil.
Milk is better to use fatty and always fresh (even slightly sour milk will curdle when heated).

Prepare half a dessert spoon of baking soda.

After the milk boils for a few minutes, reduce the heat to a small position, add soda.

Immediately stir the future condensed milk intensively, because lush foam will begin to rise on it. After the foam has subsided, set a small fire (less than average) and simmer the milk for one hour, stirring it occasionally and removing the foam from the walls (do not throw away the foam, but put it back into the pan).

After a while, the milk will acquire a light coffee shade. If you need liquid condensed milk, then at this stage you can remove it from the heat.

If you want to thicken the condensed milk, boil it a little more (30 minutes).

Determine readiness by appearance and taste - the longer you boil milk, the thicker, darker and sweeter it will be.

Let the finished condensed milk cool, and then pour into a glass container.

Store in refrigerator. To keep condensed milk at home longer, do not remove the entire jar from the refrigerator for a long time and collect milk only with a clean and dry spoon.


The editors of the site also prepared homemade condensed milk according to the recipe of Elbi and her crumbs, boiling the milk for 2.5 hours. Here's what we got - thick boiled condensed milk of a beautiful chocolate color:

The degree of density can thus be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the cooking time.

Reference. Boiled condensed milk, she milk jam, aka dulce di leche- a very popular product in Latin America. It looks like our condensed milk, but it is probably more correct to call it milk jam. In Argentina, it is often used as a cream for cakes and pastries, or simply as a spread on bread.