How to make a delicious curd cream for a cake. Delicate curd cream for biscuit. Super chocolate biscuit.

June 23, 2015 14332

curd cream perfect for a festive biscuit, and for modest treats in the form of muffins or eclairs.

If you know how to cook it properly, you will never have problems with desserts, you will always be able to serve the best treats to the table.

Moreover, there is a large number of recipes for this curd filling so your desserts will never be the same.

If you want to make yogurt at home, first mix a teaspoon of good homemade yogurt into one liter of boiled and chilled milk at just above body temperature. Mix the milk well, close tightly and keep in a warm corner for 5 to 6 hours. Hold a large strainer covered with folded muslin over the vessel. After the yogurt is set up well, turn on the filter covered with muslin. If the weather in your area is very hot, keep the yogurt filter over a bowl in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours until all the water has been drained.

Curd cream goes well with spices such as cinnamon or vanilla.

Don't neglect fresh fruit and berries, which can also be added to add flavor and fruity flavor.

The best recipes for curd cream for biscuit

There are hundreds of ways and recipes, but the classic, curd-sour cream and curd-cream are considered the best.

If you're not making cheesecake immediately, store this thick piece of curd in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use within 24 hours to prevent it from becoming sour. You need a little less than 2 cups of yogurt to make 1 cup of cherry yogurt. The crust was good combination sweets from biscuits with glucose and the crunchy crunch of digestive vessels. We couldn't make out any gelatinous texture in the cake. Popping made from blueberry jam, perfectly complements strawberries.

With mango season right at our door, version 2 of the cheesecake will obviously be made with mango from Alphonse. adhesive film covering a regular saucepan until her edge worked just fine. Without smearing, simply lift the cake by lifting the edges of the film and pour it onto a serving plate.

A simple classic

To prepare cottage cheese cream for 6 servings, you will need products:

  • butter (pay attention to the quality so that it does not have extra odors) - 0.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 150-170 gr;
  • cottage cheese 350-400 gr;
  • vanilla, cinnamon (optional)

Cooking method:

Air classic cream from cottage cheese is ready!

I really liked the idea of ​​using yogurt instead cream cheese. First, we don't have an Indian brand of cream cheese, imported ones have terrible production dates and bomb prices. Not to mention how they fatten up, unless you choose the option with low content fat. Its benefits are rich in calcium, protein and the best thing is that it's just that homemade ingredient in Indian homes. You can use this as a stock or use it to tie a dough.

Too much nutrients for it to drip down. Cream, of course, is high in calories, and there's nothing we can do about it other than exercise some moderation when it comes to consuming it. You can easily adapt this to a diabetic recipe by substituting sugar for sugar. A word of caution - although the cream is very rich, diabetics should be content a small amount slice at a time.

You can see all the stages of cooking such a filling with a delicious curd structure in a classic interpretation in the video:

Delicious recipe for cottage cheese and sour cream

The use of such a filling will not only diversify the gastronomic palette, but also pleasantly surprise your guests.

Many people love biscuit cream cake as he reminds them of his sweet childhood. Since then, the cooking technique has not changed, except for the traditions of recipes. cream cream. There are 7 best recipes cream for the cookie pie we're talking about.

So we have a biscuit, but if you want to make your own, keep in mind that there are a large number of ingredients that can be added, however the technique is the same. As for cream recipes, we are going to learn basic cooking, but you can fix it up by adding your own ingredients.

For cooking curd sour cream for the biscuit you will need:

  • 200 gr of cottage cheese (minimum fat percentage 5%);
  • 400 ml sour cream (20% fat);
  • 200 gr of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

The filling is completely ready and can be used.

Super chocolate biscuit

It is very easy to make such a creamy cake. Start whisking the cottage cheese and cream until you get a thick mass. Add sugar and vanilla. After you've made it, drink the cream pies and decorate the top however you like. Take 3 yolks and rub them with 1 teaspoon of flour and 130 g of sugar. Add half a cup of cream and bring to a thick mass on the stove.

Take 150 g of butter with the rest of the sugar and start adding the cream. When the cream is ready and cooled, add vanilla and mix it. Cold cream can be used to decorate the cake. You can add cognac or rum if you like. You need to take 4 white eggs and beat them citric acid. Gradually continue to add a cup of sugar and beat the mass until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can easily make a soufflé out of it, which will resemble Bird's Milk.

To do this, melt the gelatin (1 tablespoon) over low heat and add to the curd-sour cream.

Soak a biscuit with this soufflé and enjoy the delicious confectionery handcrafted.

And in the video below there is another version of curd-butter tender mass for impregnation of your confectionery:

You will need 15% sour cream, grind it with 2 cups of sugar, add vanilla to your taste and 1 sachet of sour cream trim. You can also use increased sour cream; In this case, you do not need a stiffener. Let it cool in the fridge and start decorating the cake.

Mix 1 egg yolk with a teaspoon of cold water and add 120 g of condensed milk. Place this mass on the oven and stir from time to time. Then add 200 g of butter and 2 teaspoons of cocoa. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. The only drawback of this cream is its high calorie content.

An original and healthy recipe for cream with cream

The advantage of curd-butter cream for biscuit is not only thin palatability, but also in useful properties, because it is prepared from dairy products without the addition of preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Cottage cheese-banana cream for biscuit cake

To prepare this simple cream, take 200 g of butter and grind a thick mass with 270 g of condensed milk. Decorate the cake however you like on each side. These individual buns are not yeast so dense. Always separate them and serve with jam, and if you can find it, thicken the cream. Purchases of purchased buns can be chalky; desired effect for homemade test is something with a solid golden surface and an airy center. Rolled yeast bread rolls studded with currants.

Required Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content - 200 gr;
  • cream - 200 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 100 gr;
  • vanilla sugar half a teaspoon.

They have a slight hint of cinnamon or another warm spice like nutmeg and are baked into a donut-sized snail shape. They are covered with a light transparent sugar icing. Since they are individual buns, they do not require cutting and are more likely to be eaten as a dessert on their own.

This retro, layered dessert almost camps in multicolored sass. It is usually collected in a glass bowl to display the layers in all their outfits. Of the many, many flavor options, sherry, strawberry, orange, and cherry are the most popular. Appealingly, all the home cook is required to do is whip up a four-handed bag of fruity flavored custard powder with milk, let it thicken into a lustrous frothy mousse, and then eat spoonfuls. Infamously created at Eton Boys Private School, when a dish of meringue and whipped, sweetened double cream was dumped and ended up broken into pieces.

The cooking method is quite simple:

  1. Grind cottage cheese, get rid of all the lumps. The most convenient way is to whip the cottage cheese in a blender. If it is not possible to use a blender, then you can again put it through a meat grinder so that the mixture is homogeneous and airy.
  2. In a separate container, mix cream, granulated sugar. Beat these ingredients until they stick together into a homogeneous foam.
  3. Add cream with sugar to cottage cheese and mix slowly to avoid the appearance of new lumps.

Such a cream can be used not only for biscuit, but also for cakes, and airy eclairs, and even as a ready-made dessert.

The modern interpretation goes something like a broken pavlova line. The cream is chilled and the fruit, usually berries, stacked. The size of the meringue pieces comes to the whim of a skipping rope, but no more than a single bite shard. The cookies should be flaky and recline from a short jet to a layer, but fall somewhere in between.

The serving must correspond to the confectioner in the ratio, and top part should be sprinkled with sugar crystals, one is enough for a single serving, and they can be served in the oven or cooled. It's sweet, but eternally dark, slightly liquid cooking from dried fruits, citrus peels and usually perfume. In the world you kept real meat. These days, he usually only has a crushed frock coat pepper to honor his savory sounding name. It is stored in jars and usually languishes in the back of cabinets for at least a decade.

Creamers or portioned vases are perfect for this.

Top with grated chocolate, fresh fruit or berries.

Happy tea!

In the next video, you will see how to make a biscuit-based roll cake stuffed with cottage cheese and creamy soufflé:

Another long-lasting base with short paints, this time filled with egg custard, hidden under a baked layer of grated nutmeg. Cream cakes can be up to 1-inch deep and made into one large cake or individual servings. In Yorkshire they have their version, a cottage cheese tart with an added scatter of the favorite currant. These are seriously addictive babes - the slightly gelatinous, yellow cartoon custard flips the bird in your imaginary "cream anguez".

For all the coffee cakes, fluffy cakes and lemon drizzle that have come his way, this royal sandwich cake is pretty much the best example of a simple British pastry. Two fluffy vanilla sponges are cooled, then filled to a centimeter with oil, plus a generous dab of raspberry or strawberry jam and a top layer of crunchy sugar-sugar or decorative sugar-icing. It was served cut into wedges and eaten with a dainty fork.

The most popular biscuit recipes with curd cream

Quick Recipe

In this option, it will turn out to bake an airy, lush and light biscuit.

Thanks to step by step instructions, baking will not cause difficulties, and the result will be delicious!

You will need:

  • chicken egg - 6 pcs;
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr;
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch;
  • semolina - 200 gr;
  • some salt.

Take the eggs and separate all the whites from the yolks.

Sour cream curd cream with gelatin for biscuit cake

A dense, individually portioned biscuit is served as a cube or dome with a cascading caramel sauce based on brown sugar, which should have a viscosity. If it's not enough moisture for a diner, a slice of ice cream or a splash is often added. custard, which is mixed with toffee in a gourmet sweet blend.

The best thing about Welsh cuisine is that it has names that sound like people from Mordor Cola, Crempogaw, Pubs. These frosted beer flat patties are pan-cooked, dusted with sugar and served with extra butter. We may not have an abundant supply of paw paw, lychee and persimmon, but we always have a reliable apple on hand. People from the coastal region of Dorset bake them into a moist biscuit with sultans. Has a no-frills, pastoral finish and is served cut with wedges.

Set aside the yolks.

Proteins must be beaten with a mixer until a fluffy foam is formed.

As soon as it has appeared, you need to add a little salt, this will allow the proteins to whip quickly and well.

After adding salt, beat the mass for about 5 more minutes.

An original and healthy recipe for cream with cream

These small round pucks are made up of a crunchy dark chocolate top layer, an openwork orange jam core, and a spongy yet firm "biscuit". But is it a biscuit or a pie? According to the taxpayer, it's a cake. First let's prepare the base of our curd pie. To do this, we cut the cookies and melt the butter. In the robot, crush crushed cookies, melted butter and a spoonful of water, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

We distribute the drug in a removable mold, lubricated with a spoon, stretching and pressing firmly so that it is evenly distributed over the base and sides. On the other hand, prepare the filling by soaking the gelatin sheets in cold water within 5 minutes.

It should turn into the most dense consistency.

Add sugar to a bowl with yolks and grind the ingredients until completely combined.

After obtaining the mass, add in portions semolina and keep stirring.

In the resulting homogeneous mixture with yolks, slowly pour the thickened whipped proteins, mixing thoroughly.

Drain the plates and, in a saucepan, heat them with 2 tbsp. cream, stirring until completely dissolved. We put on the skin of a lemon and mix it together with curd, vanilla sugar in a bowl. Beat for two minutes with an electric mixer with metal rods at medium speed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Slowly add the gelatin mixture to the cheese mixture, stirring well. In another bowl, grind the cream, well chilled to the mixer, until thick. When you start taking the body, we add sugar. Mix with cooking cheese and gelatin.

The dough for the future confectionery is ready.

The form must be covered with baking paper.

To carefully remove the biscuit from the paper, grease it with any vegetable oil and sprinkle with some flour.

Pour the dough into a form with paper and send to a preheated oven.

The dessert is baked for about half an hour.

In no case do not try to get it hot out of the mold, wait until it cools to room temperature, and only then carefully remove it.

And now it can be smeared with a cream of cottage cheese prepared in advance, then left for a while to soak and serve with tea.

Super chocolate biscuit

Do you dream of cooking delicious chocolate biscuit with curd cream, but do not know how to make it so that it is tasty and not long in time?

Take advantage of this simple recipe and the result will amaze you.

The components you need to take are:

  • eggs (not very small) - 6 pcs;
  • wheat flour - 150 gr;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • cocoa powder - 4 table. l.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

Pour 100 g of sugar into a container with yolks and beat the ingredients with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Proteins must be combined with the remaining half of the sugar and also beat with a mixer until a fluffy mass is obtained.

1/3 of the whipped mixture must be added to the yolks and no longer beat, but gently mix with a spatula.

Sift the flour together with the cocoa and add to the bowl with the mixture.

We also throw the rest of the proteins into the resulting mass and mix.

Bake the biscuit for about 35-40 minutes.

In the same way, as in the previous recipe, we fill it with cottage cheese filling, which must be prepared in advance using one of the methods described above.

To make the curd cream tasty and airy, use only fresh cottage cheese.

You can decorate the cake with fresh berries and fruits.

Put fruits in interesting compositions, then the dessert will look not only tasty, but also aesthetically beautiful.

It is better to serve a sweet product after at least an hour, so that the curd cream soaks the shortbread.

Biscuit dessert with cottage cheese filling is ideal for a special occasion and for a family tea party.

Enjoy your meal!

The dessert of this article will be a wonderful chocolate biscuit cake, the cakes of which will be smeared with curd soufflé.

This combination is just magical!

Watch the video recipe step by step description all culinary processes:


  • Cottage cheese - 400 grams.
  • Butter - 200 grams.
  • Sugar - 150 grams.
  • Vanilla or cinnamon.

Ideal for soft biscuits

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake is perfect. He has the most tender creamy taste with a slight sourness, which pleasantly complements the sweetness of a soft biscuit, and all together it turns out surprisingly harmonious and absolutely not cloying.

Cake from biscuit cakes with cottage cheese cream will be a wonderful treat at any family celebration or a gala reception. It will appeal to avid sweet tooth and even those who usually refuse desserts, because the curd cream for biscuits is amazingly tasty, airy, and does not seem fat or heavy at all.

The recipe for cottage cheese cream for a biscuit cake can be easily mastered even by beginner home confectioners, because there is nothing complicated in cooking, the most important thing is to pay attention to the choice of products. In particular, the cottage cheese should be quite fat and smooth, too crumbly and grainy will be more difficult to beat.

Curd cream will never get bored; on its basis, you can cook many of the most different desserts, it is equally well suited for spreading cakes, filling tartlets or profiteroles, decorating muffins.

Among the many recipes you can find as classic options delicious curd cream for biscuit cake, and original ones. Cottage cheese goes well with all sorts of additives: vanilla and cinnamon, chocolate, nuts, syrups, liqueurs.

To give even more delicate taste cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake is made with cream, yogurt or sour cream. Sometimes, in order to make the dessert more dense and keep its shape well, curd cream for biscuit cake is prepared with gelatin.

You should definitely cook a biscuit cake with curd cream and fruits at least once, they go well with the sour-creamy taste of cottage cheese. It is better to take sweet fruits: bananas, pears, peaches. Berries are well suited: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, black currants. A biscuit cake with cottage cheese cream and pineapples turns out to be very interesting in taste.

The classic versions of cream for biscuit cake can be considered curd-sour cream and curd-creamy. Based on them, you can safely experiment with additives, changing the taste and texture. A recipe with a photo will help create a stunning biscuit cake with curd cream even for those who have never tried to be a confectioner, and the result will surprise everyone.


The classic sponge cake cream recipe will appeal to everyone who loves an airy texture and mild taste.

  1. Cottage cheese needs to be prepared by rubbing through a sieve, you can beat it with a blender. The main goal is to get homogeneous mass without lumps.
  2. Butter soften at room temperature, cut into slices, add sugar or powdered sugar. Beat the mixture for about 5 minutes, it should turn out to be lush, lighter, and all the sugar crystals will completely dissolve. At the end, add vanilla or cinnamon (optional, you can even all together) and mix well.
  3. Add grated cottage cheese to the bowl with the oil mixture in portions, without stopping whisking. When the mass becomes smooth and homogeneous, the cream is ready and you can coat the cakes with it.

By the way, instead of butter, you can use whipped cream, then the creamy curd cream for the biscuit cake will turn out to be even more tender and light.

Based on this recipe, you can make cottage cheese-banana or cottage cheese-berry cream for sponge cake. To do this, the fruit must be crushed to a puree state and added to the mass at the end of whipping.


Fans of sour desserts should definitely try making curd cream with sour cream for a biscuit cake. Cottage cheese (low-fat) for it also needs to be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of lumps, then combined with sugar and start beating at slow speeds, gradually adding fat sour cream. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, increase the speed and beat for about 3 more minutes to thicken the cream.

To make the biscuit cake even tastier, you can add something to your taste in the curd cream with sour cream: coffee liqueur, grated berries, nuts or spices.

If the mass seems not thick enough, then a biscuit cake can be made with curd cream and jelly. Gelatin must be poured in advance cold water, and when it swells, heat and dissolve. Carefully pour cooled gelatin into ready cream, mix and immediately use the mass to coat the cakes, when it hardens, it will resemble the most delicate soufflé.

By the way, if used fatty cottage cheese, then for a biscuit cake it is better to prepare a curd-yogurt cream so that the dessert does not turn out to be too “heavy”. Yogurt at the same time can be both fruit and without any additives.

The most inveterate sweet tooth will be delighted with curd cream with condensed milk for biscuit cake. You no longer need to add sugar to it, the grated cottage cheese just needs to be combined with condensed milk and beat well. Curd cream can be made with boiled condensed milk to get a pleasant baked flavor, or with regular. In this case, it is better to add a little gelatin so that the cream does not spread.

In order for the biscuit cake with curd cream to surprise the guests, you can decorate it by looking at the ideas in the photo, and also be sure to keep it in the refrigerator for several hours, letting the mass harden.