Blueberry jam: step by step recipes with photos. How to cook blueberry jam in a slow cooker

What can you say about blueberries? Only that in the summer you need to eat enough of it and be sure to make blueberry jam for the winter.

What is blueberry jam in winter weather and autumn slush? This is the best medicine not only for colds, but also for boredom and blues. This is both a relaxing tea party and an additive for home baking and desserts.

But these are only superficial epithets for jam from useful and delicious berries. It is possible to realize and appreciate all its charms only on personal experience, having in stock a jar - another elixir of health and youth.

Let's ensure a painless winter for ourselves - replenish the bins with jam prepared in a variety of ways.

You can also cook no less tasty and healthy jams:

Fairy tale jam. It is these thoughts that evoke when you try a whole berry with forest scent. And pies with them are just delicious!

What do we need to do in order to get just such a jam, as they say, a berry from a berry.

  1. Select the right material. Berries should be selected, slightly unripe.
  2. Choose the right cooking utensils. It is better to use a pan with a wide bottom and low sides. On a larger area, the berries will feel freer, not crush each other. Be sure to consider this nuance.
  3. Don't close at once a large number of berries. A kilogram of blueberries, well, two on the strength - just right. In a large mass, there is also a considerable risk of crushing the berries.
  4. Be sure to sort through the collected material, get rid of spoiled berries.
  5. Thoroughly wash blueberries from forest debris. To do this, fill it big amount water, drain any debris that floats to the surface. Do the procedure several times.
  6. Dry the washed berries. In small batches, send to a colander to make a glass of water, and then carefully pour onto a clean and dry towel. It quickly absorbs moisture and Fresh air dry on top.
  7. Prepare jars ahead of time. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. It is advisable to pour blueberry jam hot.

Cooking Ingredients

  • Blueberries - 1 kg
  • Powdered sugar - 750 gr
  • Water - 150 ml (use purified)
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

We cook jam

When the jars are completely cool, they can be transferred to a storage location.

For the first time, we provided ourselves with vitamins. Now you can make the preparation for the winter varied using other recipes.

A traditional recipe for making blueberry jam for the winter

The peculiarity and attraction of this recipe is that whole berries are basking in a jelly-like blueberry mass. And you can enjoy a whole berry, and spread yummy on a soft bun. What else do you need for a pleasant tea party?

Cooking Ingredients

  • two kilograms fresh berries blueberries
  • Seven hundred grams of sugar
  • Half a glass of water (st. 200 ml)
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking process

Blueberry masterpiece is ready! This is truly heavenly delight!

How to make blueberry jam for the winter without heat treatment

We need

  • Kilogram of blueberries
  • Two kilograms of granulated sugar.

Cooking process

  1. We sort out the berries.
  2. Fill with water and get rid of debris.
  3. Dry blueberries thoroughly. First with a colander, then with a clean and dry towel.
  4. We twist the berries with a meat grinder or interrupt with a blender.
  5. Mix with sugar. The mass must be mixed well to obtain an even distribution of sugar.
  6. Arrange the jam in prepared sterile jars, close nylon cover. It is better to store it in the refrigerator.

With each taken spoonful of such jam, you will feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy.

The easiest blueberry jam recipe for the winter

Many housewives do not reinvent the wheel and make jam in a simple, tried and tested way. Same a good option. Blueberries are hard to mess up. And the jam turns out well - tasty and fragrant!

For this you will need

  • A kilogram of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of sugar.

How to make jam

  1. Sort out the berries.
  2. Fill with water, remove the floating specks. Repeat the process several times.
  3. Dry the fruits well.
  4. Determine the berries in a convenient saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, set aside until the blueberries release juice. To speed up the process, the mass can be gently mixed several times.
  5. Put the pot on low heat, let it boil. At the same time, mix and remove the foam.
  6. Boil for 20 - 30 minutes.
  7. Pour hot jam into sterile jars, cover with lids.
  8. Now they will need to be sterilized a little. This procedure is necessary so that the jam is guaranteed to stand until the moment when we want to try it. Don't neglect this moment.
  9. IN large saucepan With hot water put the jars, let the water boil. From now on, count down 10 minutes. Exactly so much jam should be sterilized. Don't forget to put a towel on the bottom of the pot. Otherwise glass jars may burst.
  10. After the required time has elapsed, carefully remove the jars and roll them up.
  11. Let cool at room temperature and send to the pantry for storage.

Trying this jam in the winter, we will once again be convinced that everything ingenious is so simple.

How to make blueberry jam for the winter in 5 minutes

An ideal option for women who are always in a hurry somewhere. Simple and fast, and the result is magnificent - jars with excellent jam flaunt on the shelves, and are pleasing to the eye.

We need

  • Blueberries - one kilogram
  • Sugar - one kilogram and two hundred grams.

How to make blueberry jam in five minutes

  1. Prepare the berries - sort, wash, dry. It is recommended to wash in plenty of water, so it is easier to get rid of forest debris and spoiled berries. And you can dry the berries with a colander.
  2. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, mix.
  3. Place the saucepan over a very low heat. Stir constantly until a syrup is formed.
  4. When all the sugar has dissolved, make the fire a little stronger and let the jam boil.
  5. It should boil for those same 5 minutes.
  6. Distribute the jam in prepared sterile jars, roll up.
  7. Cover jars with warm clothes until completely cool.
  8. Store in a cool place.

This is how you can prepare a fortified supply in a short time and not be afraid of bad weather.

By the way, a slow cooker will help to reduce the cooking time of blueberry jam to record times. What do I need to do:

  1. Lay in the bowl the same proportions - 1 kg. berries and 1.2 kg of sugar.
  2. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  3. Then hold the jam in the “Steaming” mode for 2-3 minutes.

All! It remains only to distribute the jam in jars and roll up. So if there is such a wonderful helper in the kitchen - use it and save your precious time.

Do not deprive your body of the care of a wonderful doctor - blueberry jam. Cook, enjoy and be healthy!

Blueberry jam is one of the healthiest and most delicious. It has various healing properties and contains many beneficial trace elements, vitamins, substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. This berry helps fight overweight, improves metabolism, memory, vision, strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity. Blueberry jam is loved not only by children, but also by adults. It is very tender, tasty, with a slight sourness. You can use such a blank on its own or as a filling for various pies, amazed, cakes and other delicacies.

Blueberry jam, a simple recipe for the winter

Blueberry jam for the winter is prepared quite simply and easily with minimal effort and time. For its preparation it is necessary simple products:

  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.
  • With so many ingredients, you can make delicious jam from blueberries, the recipe for the winter of which is quite simple and will suit every housewife.

    Before cooking, blueberries must be sorted out, slightly spoiled berries removed and poured with water so that all debris can be drained along with the liquid. The berries are washed several times and when they are perfectly clean, they must be dried on a towel. Dried, without excess moisture, blueberries are transferred to a saucepan and sugar is poured into it.

    Berries sprinkled with sugar are set aside in a cool room for two hours so that the juice stands out. After the time has elapsed, the container with the future delicacy should be put on fire and cooked for 20-30 minutes, stirring all the time and removing the foam.

    Ready jam transferred to sterilized jars, which must be covered with lids and put in boiling water for 10 minutes to sterilize, and then roll up and cool at room temperature.

    Blueberry jam "five minutes" - tasty and healthy

    Blueberry jam "five minutes" very tasty and healthy. It is cooked quickly, with minimal time and effort, and the berries in the cooking process retain their beneficial features and a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

    Delicious blueberry jam recipe for the winter five minutes , It is easy to prepare and requires simple ingredients:

    • 1.5 kg of berries;
    • 1 kg of sugar.

    To prepare five-minute blueberry jam, you must first carefully sort out all the berries, remove the spoiled ones, rinse well with plenty of water and dry.

    Clean, dried blueberries are placed in a saucepan and sprinkled with sugar, left for 4 hours in the room so that the juice stands out. A container with berries is put on fire, and the jam must be brought to a boil and, stirring constantly and removing the foam that appears, cook for 5 minutes.

    The five-minute blueberry jam recipe is quite simple, so when the jam is ready, it is immediately poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a towel and let cool.

    Exquisite and tender blueberry jam recipe 5 minutes , will please many family members and will become the most favorite delicacy. His delicate taste and exquisite aroma will not leave indifferent even the smallest picky eaters.

    Blueberry jam without cooking - a storehouse of vitamins

    Tasty and tender jam from blueberries without cooking storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is especially useful for those people who have vision problems and who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. You can eat such a delicacy just like that, to improve your health and to prevent infectious diseases.

    To prepare this delicious plain jam Standard Ingredients Required:

    • 2 kg of sugar;
    • 1 kilogram of berries.

    Adults and children will like this delicacy, recipes for blueberry jam for the winter are quite diverse, but due to the lack of heat treatment, many housewives will appreciate this cooking option. To make jam without boiling, you should prepare a bowl, crusher and sterilized jars with lids.

    All blueberries are sorted, twigs, leaves and rotten berries are removed. Blueberries are washed with plenty of water, dried and poured into a bowl and sprinkled with sugar.

    For one kilogram of berries, it is best to take twice as much sugar as blueberries, but if you wish, you can take a little more or less.

    To make the jam tender and fragrant, the berries should be ground with sugar using a pusher, but this process will take 15 minutes, but the result is worth it. If desired, you can grind blueberries through a meat grinder or with a blender, but then the metal parts can oxidize.

    When the blueberry jam is ready, it is poured into a boiled jar, closed with a lid and put in the refrigerator for storage. Such a delicacy can be eaten with oatmeal, pancakes, cook different sauces. A few spoons of jam eaten in the morning will improve eyesight.

    Blueberry jam in a slow cooker - simple and convenient

    Rolling and homemade preparations for many housewives take a lot of time and effort. To simplify the cooking process, you can use a variety of modern devices. Cooking blueberry jam in a slow cooker a pleasure, because it does not burn and it retains many useful substances.

    For cooking, you need:

    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • 1.2 kg blueberries.

    A delicious blueberry jam whose recipe is quite simple, it cooks very quickly. All berries are washed and sorted, then dried on a towel and placed in a multicooker bowl.

    Blueberries are sprinkled with sugar, left for 2 hours and then cooked for 2 hours in stewing mode. In order for the jam to be preserved until the very winter, at the very end it is necessary to turn on the “steaming” mode for one minute.

    When the signal sounds, announcing the end of cooking, the delicacy is poured into jars and rolled up. Delicious blueberry jam, the recipe for which is very simple, is ready and on cool winter evenings, you can please yourself and family members with dishes with hints of summer.

Blueberries are not only delicious, but also incredibly useful berry. It contains great amount trace elements and vitamins needed by a person in the rapid rhythm of modern life. Our ancestors valued blueberries very highly and even called them rejuvenating. Unique medicinal properties forest fruit were recognized not only as representatives traditional medicine but also by well-respected scientists. So, how to cook blueberry jam turned out to be quite easy, it began to be actively harvested for the winter not only by experienced hostesses, but also by those who had just begun to learn the curious science of delicious winter preparations.

What is useful blueberries

The main value of blueberries is antioxidants. They neutralize free radicals that provoke aging of the body, have an effect on malignant tumors at a deep cellular level and prevent the onset of oncological diseases. Pectins cleanse the intestines from metal salts and toxins. Pantothenic acid improves metabolism, B vitamins protect vascular system and lower the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Among other things, blueberries are an excellent natural antiseptic, effectively fight kidney and bladder problems, help with complications associated with diabetes, and have a beneficial effect on the pancreas.

Tip: Blueberries are an excellent antidepressant. If you are overwhelmed by the blues and bad mood, eat a handful of fresh berries or a spoonful of blueberry jam and all sorrows will disappear in just a few minutes.

How to make blueberry jam: the rules

  • Choose strong, slightly underripe berries for jam. Soft fruits in the process of processing are sure to crack and ready meal lose its attractiveness.
  • For cooking, use basins with low sides with a capacity of 2 to 6 kg, made of copper, brass or stainless steel. Larger containers should not be taken, since during the cooking process the berries in them can be crushed. And the risk that the product burns out increases significantly.
  • Strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients indicated in the recipe. In no case do not reduce the amount of sugar otherwise the jam will not stand due date and ferment, turn sour, or become moldy.
  • The jars in which it is planned to pack the finished jam should be thoroughly washed in advance. hot water with concentrated detergent or soda ash. Then pour boiling water over and place on a clean kitchen towel so that the water drains from the walls. Then dry on the stove until the moisture is completely removed.
  • Jam, corked with plastic lids, keep in the refrigerator or cellar. Store metal-wrapped cans in dry, well-ventilated areas.

How long to cook blueberry jam

Regardless of whether you have a gas stove or an electric stove, the jam should be cooked in a total of no more than 30-40 minutes, not counting the standing time. In the first 7-10 minutes after boiling, it is necessary to reduce the heat to a slow one and carefully remove the foam that forms on the surface. When the syrup begins to thicken, the heating power can be increased to a medium level. Throughout the entire cooking period, it is very important to constantly stir the jam and make sure that it warms up evenly and does not burn.

The best blueberry jam recipes

Since making blueberry jam for the winter has become a kind of trend recent years, we decided to find out which recipes are most popular with housewives. After doing a little research, we managed to compile a list of the most relevant and simple ways, allowing you to quickly and effortlessly prepare delicious and healthy blueberry treats for the future.


Blueberries - 2 kg

Granulated sugar - 2 kg

Water - 300 ml

Lemon juice - 1.5 tsp

Dry well washed, sorted berries kitchen towel. Grind two glasses of the total in a blender or food processor. On the stove in enamel saucepan mix half the sugar and water. As soon as the sand begins to dissolve, add the ground blueberries. After 5 minutes, add the remaining sugar and bring the mass to a boil. When bubbles appear on the surface, add whole berries, reduce heat and cook the product for 25 minutes. At the end, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix everything very well. Pour hot jam into pre-prepared jars, roll up tin lids, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket or thick cloth until cool.

Tip: Be sure to harvest blueberries for the winter. It contains a lot of anthocyanins and vitamin C, helps to boost immunity and fights colds and viral diseases.

For those who care about their health and want to eat only healthy desserts, we will tell you how to cook blueberry jam for the winter not with sugar, but with honey.


Blueberries - 1 kg

Honey (forbs) - 1 tbsp

Rum - 2 tbsp

Sort the berries, wash very well, put in a colander and let the water drain. Place in an enamel bowl for cooking and knead a little, without turning the semi-finished product into porridge. The berries just have to release the natural juice. When this happens, put the container on the stove and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to almost a minimum and gently begin to introduce honey one tablespoon at a time, each time mixing the fruit mass very carefully. At the end, pour in the rum and mix again with a large wooden spoon. Arrange hot jam in sterilized jars, cork with metal lids and turn upside down. When the treat has cooled, put it in a cool, well-ventilated place.

Thick blueberry jam


Blueberries - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Pectin - 1 sachet

Sort blueberries, rinse them under running water. cold water and then pat dry on a clean linen towel. Transfer the fruits to a saucepan and lightly mash with a potato crusher. Do not use a blender, as it will turn the fruit into a puree, and for this recipe, the berries should remain only slightly crushed. Then pour pectin into the container and mix the semi-finished product very well. In order to reduce the intensity of foaming, put blueberries in a small piece of oil or creamy margarine.

Put the pan on the stove, make a strong fire and bring the fruit mass to a boil, stirring all the time. Then add the full volume of sugar and heat again strongly. When the jam boils, keep it on fire for exactly one minute, and then put it hot in jars and roll it up.

Blueberry jam: video instruction

Why is blueberry jam not as popular as. Although the berry is very valuable for its dietary qualities. Everyone probably met in a pharmacy medications with blueberries, take at least Blueberry Forte to improve vision. So do not be lazy in the summer, go to the forest and collect useful berries for the winter.

How to make blueberry jam

There are many ways, you can use only blueberries, or add some more berries to the jam. I really like to add strawberries or raspberries. But the main thing to remember is that the less we expose the berries heat treatment, the more valuable the product is, because almost all vitamins and microelements are preserved in it.

I'm preparing for the winter different jam from blueberries, I will provide recipes for your review, suddenly you will like some.

Blueberry jam for the winter, recipe

This is the simplest jam that we make every year. In order to cook it, you need metal utensils, I use a wide stainless steel pan, since its surface does not oxidize from interaction with berry acids. and does not burn like enamelware.

Of the ingredients we need:

  • Blueberries - kilo
  • Sugar - half a kilo

How to make blueberry jam:

Berries brought from the forest must be sorted out from garbage and washed. You can wash them under running water, they are not as tender as raspberries.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar immediately in a saucepan. In this form, they need to be held for five hours so that the blueberries give up the juice. Then we mix everything, I use only a wooden spatula or a deep plastic spoon, set it to the lowest temperature and slowly begin to bring it to a boil.

As soon as the jam boils, we detect 30 minutes, we will need this time for cooking. Now it remains to remove the foam and occasionally stir the contents of the saucepan so as not to burn. At the end, turn off the fire and immediately lay out the jam in jars.

Blueberry jam in a slow cooker

What I like about this option is that you don’t stand and guard near the pan, I practically fell asleep and forgot. But I still drop in a couple of times to stir up the jam, just in case. And this jam is thicker than usual, so it can be used as a filling in pies.

Again, you will need:

  • Kilo berries
  • Half a kilo of sugar

How to cook blueberry jam in a slow cooker:

Berries, as always, sorted and washed. To make it easier to sort through, I pour the blueberries into a basin and fill it with water, all the bad berries and debris float to the top, I drain them and that's it. Then the berry needs to be washed and allowed to dry, you can sprinkle it on the table, on a towel.

Pour the finished berry into the bowl and add sugar there, remembering to mix. We expose: “extinguishing”, 1.5 hours and that’s it. After this time, you can lay out the finished delicious blueberry jam in jars.

Blueberry jam without cooking

Probably the most useful of all, because it is the least exposed to heat. In this recipe, you need to scald all the tools with boiling water so that there is no danger that the jam will suddenly “break the roof”, although this has not happened to me.

As always we take:

  • Kilogram of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of sugar

How to make blueberry jam without cooking:

We carefully sort the berries, we will not need overripe or green ones, we also remove the garbage and rinse well, be sure to dry it. Then, as in the first recipe, they need to be covered with sugar and left to stand out the juice.

When the juice has already stood out, we begin to slowly heat the berries and stir the sugar so that it dissolves. So we heat up to the first bubbles that appear and immediately turn off the stove. We spread the jam in jars immediately. Still, it is better to store it in the refrigerator, although it is well worth it in the cellar.

Blueberries rubbed with sugar for the winter, recipe

We also make “living vitamins” from blueberries, it’s hard to call this jam, because it’s jam that is boiled. This mixture of grated berries is not boiled or even heated. Although it does not need to be stored for long and only in the refrigerator, I always make at least a couple of jars of such vitamins, it's just a miracle.

For vitamins we need:

  • a kilo of fresh blueberries
  • 0.7 kg sugar

How to cook blueberries mashed with sugar:

Berries should be freshly picked, blueberries contain a large amount of acid and it quickly deteriorates. You need to sort them out especially carefully so that no non-standard gets. Rinse blueberries and pat dry to remove excess water.

We disinfect all the tools with which we will work with jam. Pour the berries with sugar and mix, it is more convenient to grind with a blender, the sugar dissolves faster. Immediately lay out in sterile jars. On top, I still pour a small layer of sugar and roll it up, store it only in the refrigerator. I advise you to take the smallest jars in order to eat the jam right away.

Blueberry jam - five minutes

This recipe is popular with all berries, and it preserves the vitamins because the berries are subjected to minimal heat. This jam keeps well.

What do we need for this:

  • A kilo of blueberries
  • 0.7 kg sugar

How to cook blueberry jam for five minutes:

We also sort the berries, rinse and remove excess water. Then for five hours we fall asleep with sugar so that the juice stands out. I fall asleep at night right in the cooking pot and put it in the refrigerator, and cook it in the morning.

It also needs to be heated slowly and after boiling, cook for exactly five minutes, do not forget that the foam must be removed and constantly stirred. Straightaway hot five minutes put into jars.

Frozen blueberry jam

It happens that freezing berries is faster than making jam. There is always an opportunity later to get them out of the freezer and make sweet dessert. Such jam is cooked just as quickly, only you need to give the berry time to defrost.

We will need:

  • Kilo of frozen berries
  • Kilo of sugar

How will we cook:

Sugar, as you noticed, you need more for a frozen berry. Before freezing, we usually wash it and sort it out, so it remains only to defrost and mix with sugar. What I like about frozen blueberry jam is that there is no need to wait until the berry gives juice and the sugar dissolves. Everything happens much faster.

We put the berries with sugar on the weakest fire, start stirring slightly, heat to a boil. Remove the foam and boil for five minutes. Then we lay out the delicacy in jars, pre-sterilized.

Blueberry-strawberry jam

What a miracle, jam out forest berries!!! What a beautiful and fragrant one! Just summer in a jar. By the way, in this recipe I sometimes substitute wild strawberries for gardening, there is not always a harvest for wild berries.

We will take:

  • Half a kilo of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of strawberries
  • Kilo of sugar

How to make Blueberry Strawberry Jam:

We sort out the berries. If blueberries can be washed under the tap, then strawberries are tender and need to be rinsed in a bowl of water so as not to choke. Then we mix the already clean berries and cover them with sugar, set aside for a few hours to give the juice.

When the sugar is almost completely saturated with juice, we put the pan on a quiet fire and start cooking. After boiling, foam usually appears, you need to remove it all the time, do not knead it into jam.

Cook for 8 minutes and remove the saucepan for an hour to cool slightly. Then we repeat everything, only cook for 10 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.

Currant blueberries, jam

In this recipe, I chop the berries, so the children like to smear jam on sandwiches or dip pancakes into it. But you can cook from whole berries, you just need to give time for the juice to stand out.

For this jam you will need:

  • Half a kilo of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of blackcurrant
  • 1.2 kg sugar

How to make jam:

The berry needs to be sorted out, and the currants also need to cut off the tails. You can rinse in a colander under running water, only then be sure to dry it. I grind the berries with a blender, you can do it right away by adding sugar.

The resulting berry mass is set to slowly bring to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes and arrange in sterile jars. Let it cool in the room, then lower it into the cellar.

Blueberry and gooseberry jam

These two berries go very well together. The jam turns out to be very tasty and healthy, we love it with pancakes.

For him you need to take:

  • Half a kilo of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of gooseberries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Glass of water

How to cook blueberry and gooseberry jam:

The berries need to be washed and sorted out, you can do it together, and blueberries and gooseberries are dense berries. We immediately pour them together into a cooking container, pour water and add sugar. Slowly start heating, wait until it boils. After that, we detect 8 minutes, after which we remove the container from the stove. Let it cool down to room temperature for a few hours.

The second time we do everything all over again, just boil for 10 minutes and let it cool again. The third time is the same, just boil for 15 minutes. With this method of cooking, the berries are whole, the jam is beautiful. It remains only to decompose it into glass jars.

Blueberry jam, video recipe