Tips for making peach jam for the winter. Delicious tender peach jam

Every summer I try to make at least a few jars fragrant jam from peaches. I believe that the most delicious jam is made by preserving whole slices of these aromatic fruits. Such jam is not cooked in one day; each peach slice is gradually soaked in syrup and own juice, the jam turns out delicious with clear syrup and neat whole slices of peaches.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Peaches – 3 kg
  • Sugar – 2.5 kg

How to make peach jam in slices

To preserve the slices, I cook this jam for several days. So, wash the peaches thoroughly. In my case, the peaches are unripe and hard.

Cut the peaches into slices and immediately place them in the pan.

Add sugar. We wait at least 8 hours.

During this time, the peaches will release juice, the slices will become slightly sugared and will not become boiled in the future. Next, you need to boil the jam 3 times, letting it simmer for 2-3 minutes (no more than 5 minutes). Due to the long cooling time, this process is delayed. Under no circumstances should you cover the jam with a lid.
If necessary, you can cover it with a clean, dry towel.

Each time you need to wait for the jam to cool completely, which is at least 5-6 hours.

This is what the jam looks like on the third day. You need to stir the jam with a dry spoon.

The fourth time you need to let the jam simmer for 5 minutes.
Pour the peach jam into slices into sterilized dry jars and screw on the lid. The lid must be boiled in advance and wiped dry with a clean towel. That's it, peach jam with slices is ready. Yield: 3 liters, we recommend sealing it in small jars.

We recommend using slightly unripe but sweet peaches; I prefer to roll Crimean peaches.
You can add apricots to this jam, they can also be cut into large slices.
You can also cut small pieces of orange or lemon into the jam, you will get delicious confiture with a sweet and sour taste.
Along with peaches, you can also add nectarines to this jam.
You can prepare rolls with peach jam and make cakes with it. I also recommend wrapping pancakes with this jam; it can be used with pancakes and other desserts.

Surprisingly tender and tasty peach belongs to the Pink family, subspecies Almond. It is believed that the tree was first cultivated in China. In Europe and North America, fruits began to be cultivated a little later.

Beneficial features

Rich vitamin composition And pleasant taste makes peaches one of the most beloved and healthy fruits. They contain iron and potassium. The composition contains fluorine, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and zinc, selenium and manganese. Among the organic acids are citric, tartaric, quinic and malic. Vitamins E, C, PP, groups B and K, beta-carotene is present.

By eating peaches, you can maintain youth and excellent skin color for a long time. Fruits reduce the risk of cancer, stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, and have a beneficial effect on the digestion of fatty and heavy foods. The fiber contained in the composition is an excellent sorbent for harmful substances and perfectly cleanses the intestines. Delicious peach jam will be an excellent product for your table. The fruits are recommended for consumption by people with heart disease and high blood pressure. They should be used with caution if you are allergic to food products. Peaches are not recommended for people with increased nervous excitability.

How to choose fruits

Years differ from year to year, so the harvest may vary. The fruits vary in size, taste and color. Do you want to make delicious peach jam? Choose the recipe at your discretion. Various additives will help make the taste richer.

Fruits can be small or large. To prepare, simply cut them into pieces or halves. It is much more important to choose fruits with a dense structure, not overripe, but quite sweet. This will allow you to get a beautiful product, because the peaches retain their shape. How to choose a fruit? Just press it with your finger: the skin remains intact, but at the same time you feel soft. It is important to choose peach varieties with easily separated pits.


Before making peach jam, the fruits need to be prepared. We wash them and place them on a towel. The blanching process is necessary in order to remove the skin: some housewives think that the skin imparts a bitter taste. It is better to remove it in advance: when cooking jam, it lags behind and it is much more difficult to remove it from the thick mass.

It’s convenient to blanch like this: heat water in a deep bowl, put the fruits in a colander and put them in boiling water for 2 minutes. Prepare a bowl in advance cold water, to dip the peaches into it after blanching. Due to the sharp temperature change, the skin bursts, and it becomes easy to separate it. The prepared fruits are cut into halves (if they are small) or into 4 parts (if large), the seeds are thrown away.

How to make jam quickly

Housewives who make jam every year are well aware that this process takes a lot of time. In fact, cook delicious dessert can be done quickly. Do you like peach jam? A recipe just for you.

If you add sugar to the prepared peaches at the rate of 600-850 g per 1 kg of peaches and leave it in a cold place overnight (this way the product will not turn sour), then in the morning it is enough to boil the mixture for 2 hours over low heat (by the way, choose a container with a thick bottom so that the product does not burn). The jam turns out very beautiful. Immediately after cooking, you can put it in jars and roll it up.

Do you dream of making “Five Minute” peach jam? There are different recipes, we will list a few.

This is a simple peach jam recipe that even novice housewives can repeat. However, the present thick jam obtained by repeated boiling and prolonged infusion.

Classic version

Before making peach jam using this method, the prepared fruits are mixed equally with sugar and left overnight. During this time, the fruits release enough juice. The amount of sugar can be changed, but slightly, depending on personal preference. Ready mixture bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 10 minutes.

The resulting foam must be constantly removed from the surface. Cover the pan or basin with a lid (or paper) and leave for 8-9 hours. During this time, the syrup is absorbed into the fruit. Repeat the cooking, adding 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid, and leave again for 9-10 hours. Boil the third time over low heat for 10 minutes, pour into jars.

Jam in a slow cooker

This recipe delicious jam made from peaches is suitable for those who do not have enough time to prepare it, but have modern kitchen appliances. The preparation of fruits follows a familiar pattern. You can put the slices directly into the multicooker bowl, sprinkling them with sugar. Cut the lemon into slices. Place the bowl in the multicooker and cook for 3-3.5 hours using the “Stew” mode.

Ingredients: peaches (3 kg), 2-4 kg of sugar (as you like), lemon. Please note that we do not add water! After cooking, the jam can be rolled into jars.

Original ways

Peach jam (photo, recipe is in our article) can be prepared quite in an unusual way. The recipe changes quite a bit, but the taste is unique.

Capping jars

This stage is very important, since the product must be stored for at least 6 months and you can be sure that the jam will not spoil. To sterilize jars, you can take a frying pan, pour in some water and heat to a boil. Clean jars are placed with the neck down so that the escaping steam thoroughly sterilizes the inner surface. The dishes are ready.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to use simple jars, the lids of which are rolled up with a special machine. If there are glassware with screw-on lids, they are also used. The lids are first sterilized in boiling water, taken out immediately before rolling and turned until it stops.


The jars are stored in the pantry, where it is dry and there is little light. Some housewives advise keeping jam in the refrigerator, but this option is not suitable for everyone, since jams take up a lot of space on the shelves. regular products, which is not very convenient.

Peach jam without cooking is somewhat similar to preparing peaches in syrup. They are only boiled in syrup, and in my recipe they are sterilized along with the jars. And the syrup is heated separately from the fruit only once. In general, I love this look, I think it’s very simple. Actually, this is so - is it really difficult to put halves of fruits in clean jars, fill them with sugar syrup and sterilize them in a saucepan with hot water?

Without cooking, peach jam is stored in jars closed with a nylon lid. You'll need a refrigerator for storage, but don't expect it to stay there for long. Sweet, fragrant peach halves are consumed quite quickly: for decorating desserts, pastries and cakes, as a filling for puff pastries, all kinds of pies - and you can just eat this charming fruit sweetness.


  • 1 kg of peaches;
  • 800 grams of granulated sugar.


Wash the peaches and dry them with paper towels. Divide into halves, removing the seeds. Place in clean, steamed jars. Sprinkle a small amount sugar (1 tablespoon per jar).

Make syrup from the remaining sugar: pour boiling water over it at the rate of 1 glass of water to 1 glass of sugar. After boiling, cook for 3 minutes, cool slightly - to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Pour the syrup into the jars, place them in a saucepan with water, without covering the lids. Heat the pan slowly and sterilize the jars for 30-35 minutes. Carefully remove using oven mitts and cover nylon covers, keep until completely cool. Then put the jars of aromatic peach jam in the refrigerator.

Try also

First, you need to wash the peaches thoroughly. This is almost the most difficult stage of the entire cooking process, since the rough skin of the fruit perfectly accumulates dirt and dust. Some recipes strongly advise removing it before cooking. In principle, you can do it this way. But there is no particular need for this. Firstly, it is the skin that gives it that amber color for which this jam is so famous. And, secondly, cooking with it is much easier. Skinning peaches is quite a difficult task. To do this, they must first be dipped in boiling water, after making cuts. Otherwise, you will simply have to cut it off with a knife, capturing part of the pulp, which, you see, is not very economical. Well, in order to prevent the skin from slipping off the fruit during cooking and spoiling the appetizing appearance of the jam, you just need to learn how to cook it correctly. Cut the peaches into slices, removing the pit.

Place the prepared peaches in a saucepan and sprinkle sugar on top. The amount of sugar can vary from 1.5 to 2 kilograms. But it is better to put a smaller amount so that the jam does not turn out too sweet. Although, if you consider yourself a sweet tooth, you may not follow this advice.

Leave the fruits to release juice for 4-5 hours, or overnight if you are preparing the dish the night before. Then pour the juice into a separate pan, add citric acid to it and put it on the stove to boil. Lemon acid It will make the jam sour and remove excess sweetness, and will also allow the slices not to boil over and retain their shape. Pour the boiling syrup back over the fruit. Place them on the stove and bring to a boil again. Once it boils, turn off the heat and cool completely.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the jam becomes the thickness you need. After this, transfer it to sterilized jars.

Roll up the lids.

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Fragrant homemade peach jam is wonderful sweet preparation for the winter that the whole family will enjoy. If you don't remove the skin, ready dessert it will turn out like in the picture, but without it the jam will be a rich amber color. Elastic peach slices in thick sugar syrup The slight sourness of lemon perfectly sets off: such a dessert is not a shame to serve even to guests at the festive table!

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for peach jam for the winter, but there are some nuances. For example, for this aromatic preparation It is imperative to take fruits that are not fully ripened and dense, since otherwise the slices will simply boil and turn into puree. I had just such peaches: a very cheap batch was brought to the store, so I already knew what exactly I would cook from them.

In addition, depending on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit, it may take different times for the sugar to turn into syrup. It is important to take your time and then your wait will pay off with interest. The thickness of the peach syrup itself can be easily adjusted by boiling for a longer time. In any case, I am sure that you will definitely prepare the most delicious and fragrant peach jam for your family!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Wash and dry the peaches, then cut the flesh into slices. It all depends on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit! I had very dense and crispy (like apples) peaches, so the flesh didn’t want to come off the pits - I just had to cut it off with a knife. Whether or not to remove the velvety skin is up to you (it doesn’t bother me at all in jam). I indicate the mass of peaches (1 kilogram) in the ingredients in an already prepared form, that is, without seeds. Place the slices in the bowl in which we will prepare the jam.

Cover the peaches with granulated sugar - you will need 1 kilogram. It may seem like a lot, but it will soon turn into syrup. Shake the pan or mix everything with your hands (if the peaches are dense like mine) so that the sugar evenly covers all the slices. In this state, peaches with sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, stirring the contents periodically. As a rule, I keep hard fruits for quite a long time - I add sugar in the evening and leave everything until the morning.

In the morning (or after a few hours) all the sugar will turn into syrup (may remain a little at the bottom) - it’s time to move on to the next stage of preparing peach jam for the winter. Place the dishes on low heat and let the granulated sugar and juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid during this time.

Thus, bring the contents of the dish to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam - there will be quite a lot of it. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the future peach jam cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush here, so you can leave the treat to rest for at least 5 or 12 hours.

Now you need to carefully remove the peach slices from the syrup. It won't be very long, don't worry. We do this in order to thoroughly boil the syrup.

Then pour 50 milliliters lemon juice, which will help the syrup remain clear and not cloudy. In addition, lemon will add a decent amount of sourness to the sweet jam. Cook at medium boil for another 10-15 minutes. A test for the readiness of the syrup is a soft, soft ball: if you drop just a little syrup onto a chilled saucer, the drop does not spread, but holds its shape.

Place the peach slices into the boiling syrup and boil everything together for another 10 minutes over low heat after boiling again. Homemade jam The peaches are ready - close it for the winter.