Compote from cranberries. Vitamin blanks for the winter from royal berries - cranberries

Cranberry compote can be made both for "now" and rolled up for the winter, and enjoy it at least until spring, or even until next autumn, depending on how much you cook it.

I will tell and show you both options, everything is extremely simple, fast and a prerequisite - maximum saving vitamins, and therefore - no long cooking, which only kills all the good things.

For compote, which you will cook and drink immediately, within a couple of days, I take both fresh and frozen berries - it does not matter. But for the winter - only fresh. I'm not saying that it won't work with frozen ones, I just haven't personally tried it.
Sort the cranberries, discard the black and rotten ones, pinch off all the tails and remove other debris. Rinse quickly under running water.

Let's make compote "for now".
Pour 1.8 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
For this amount of water we take 200 grams of cranberries, 300 grams of an apple, the zest of half an orange, two or three cloves and sugar.
We take hard, sweet and sour apples. You don’t need to peel the skin, but see the core for yourself - if you eat apples from compote, then it’s better to cut it out, and if you throw it away, you can leave it. Cut apples into small slices.
Wash the orange. Since they are covered with something not the most useful, I will definitely not only wash, but also scald the orange with boiling water. After all, we need exactly the top zest. Remove the thin, top layer without touching the white part.

If the water in the pan boils, it's time to add all the ingredients except sugar. Cranberries, apple slices, cloves and orange peel are thrown into boiling water, the fire is maximum. Let the water boil again, cover the pot with a lid and immediately turn off the heat. The more fruits and berries are cooked, the more they lose all their usefulness, vitamins and all that is good. The compote should be allowed to infuse, absorb the taste and aromas. I always make it before bed, especially since there are very few body movements. During the night it infuses perfectly and in the morning we have the most fragrant compote. and right away, but here we don’t eat either apples or cranberries - they have already given everything good to compote. Therefore, I filter the compote and even then I add sugar, why do we need to put extra sugar and sweeten what we throw out later. But! If you don’t throw anything away, but eat it with pleasure, then add sugar along with everything else. Personally, 120 grams of sugar is enough for me, and you see for yourself and add the desired amount to taste.

And now compote for the winter.

Rinse the cans of soda thoroughly, rinse and put in the microwave, at full power, for 2-3 minutes. That's it, the banks are ready. If you use some other method of sterilization and are satisfied with it, then do it your way.
Put a pot of water (about 3.5 liters) on the fire.

I always do pretty concentrated compotes, since there is not much storage space, but I do all kinds of blanks in order. Therefore, after opening my compote, it will be necessary to dilute it by half with water, that is, from one and a half open liters you will get about 2.5-3 liters of compote.

Rinse the apples well and cut out the core. I do not cut off the skin, I only cut off the spoiled places. Not much cut large slices and add along with cranberries to a jar. I have 1.5 liter jars, 3 pieces, therefore for each 250 grams of cranberries and 200 apples. The weight of apples is indicated already peeled from the core.

So, apples and berries are laid out in jars, the water boiled. Pour boiling water into our jars and let stand for a couple of minutes. Then pour back into the pot. Only water, no berries. I have jars with screw caps. For the convenience of draining, I have a regular lid, which I turned into a "sieve" with a knife. We simply screwed this lid onto the jar and calmly poured the water back into the pan.

Add a kilogram of sugar to the water and bring to a boil again. Again, completely, to the edge of the neck, pour our berries and tighten with sterile lids. I wash the lids and keep them in boiling water for a minute. That's it, turn the jars over until they cool completely. You can store it both in a cool place, and just in the kitchen - it has never been "shot" yet.
Cold winter open and enjoy! Be healthy!

Cranberries have a very specific taste, due to which not everyone likes it. But it is this berry that is very useful for the body, so it must be included in the diet and harvested for the winter. Moreover, in canned form, the fruits acquire a completely different flavor. The cranberry compote is especially delicious. Such a drink can be prepared in huge number He will definitely be in demand.

Cranberry and apple compote: a step by step recipe

Any housewife can make apple-cranberry compote. Its preparation is incredibly simple. The drink turns out to be amazing, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste and rich color.


  • 0.4 kg of apples;
  • 0.2 kg of cranberries;
  • 0.35 kg of sugar;
  • 5 gr. citric acid.


  1. Wash apples in enough warm water.
  2. Put the cranberries in a deep container and fill with water, remove the floating, dried berries from the surface.
  3. Cut apples into thin slices, cut off the middle.
  4. Sterilize the container and put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples into it.
  5. Place cranberries in the next layer in jars.
  6. Pour in the sugar and citric acid.
  7. Pour water into a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes.
  8. Fill the container with boiling water by a third, cover with lids.
  9. After 4 minutes, pour in the remaining boiling water.
  10. After that, roll up the container, put it upside down and cover with something warm.

Cranberry and dried apricot compote (video)

How to cook frozen cranberry compote

In the event that berries from the freezer are used, the cooking process is simplified as much as possible. After all, even before freezing, they were sorted out, washed and dried. Such a compote is no less healthy and tasty than the one that was made from fresh berries.


  • 0.25 kg of frozen cranberries;
  • 0.25 gr. raspberries;
  • 0.3 kg of sugar;
  • 2.9 liters of water.


  1. It is necessary to pour water into the pan and boil.
  2. Then pour sugar and berries into it.
  3. Immediately after boiling the liquid, set the drink aside and cover with a lid.

Cool to desired temperature.

How to make cranberry compote for a child

Due to what to drink them with this healing drink not always possible. Even the legends that the berries were brought by forest animals or a kind wizard do not help. If you add lingonberries, apples and a sprig of mint to this drink, then not a single kid can resist this compote.


  • 0.2 kg of cranberries;
  • 0.2 kg lingonberries;
  • 0.45 kg of apples;
  • 12 gr. mint;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • 2.6 liters of water.


  1. Rinse the berries, put in a blender bowl and chop.
  2. Peel the apples and cut into slices, put in a saucepan with berries and sprinkle with mint, pour water.
  3. Boil the liquid and pour sugar into it immediately.
  4. The syrup must be strained.
  5. Mix the apples themselves with chopped berries.
  6. Pour a little sugar into the syrup and strain again.
  7. Cool the drink and pour into a suitable container.

Serve exclusively chilled.

What goes with cranberries

Cranberry is an unpretentious berry, it is combined with many berries, fruits, even with spices. Due to this, more than one drink can be prepared from it.

Just the ideal ingredients in cranberry compotes will be:

  • apples;
  • mint;
  • cowberry;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • black and red currants;
  • pears;
  • rose hip;
  • grape;
  • plums;
  • mango;
  • cinnamon;
  • blackberry;
  • cherry;
  • apricot.

But spices such as cinnamon and vanillin are highly undesirable to add to these drinks. They are able to spoil the taste, make it overly saturated, interrupt the main taste notes.

Cranberry compote with cherries

It turns out not only tasty, but also fragrant, tonic, easily quenches thirst. Citrus fruits give it a special flavor. Ordinary lemon adds a special charm, piquancy and sophistication.


  • 0.25 kg of cranberries;
  • 0.25 kg of cherries;
  • 65 gr. lemon
  • 45 gr. tangerine zest;
  • 0.35 kg of sugar.


  1. Be sure to wash the cherries and separate from the pits.
  2. Lemons do not need to be peeled, just rinse and cut into cubes.
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan with water, boil the liquid.
  4. Immediately after the appearance of the first bubbles, put the lemon, cranberries and cherries there.
  5. Boil the drink for literally 15 minutes.
  6. 10 minutes after adding the berries, pour the tangerine zest into the liquid.

Pour hot into jars and roll up.

How long to cook cranberries

In order for the benefits of these berries to be preserved even when they are preserved, they are often not boiled at all. It is enough just to pour the fruits with ready-made syrup so that the workpiece is perfectly stored.

Some housewives still prefer to boil berries for compote. It should be noted that they should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. It will be enough for the berries to simmer for only 10-12 minutes so that they start up the juice and give the drink a bright color shade. Longer cooking will lead to the fact that the fruits will turn into gruel and will simply be unsuitable for compote.

Cranberry compote with gooseberries

It's amazing how well cranberries pair with gooseberries. Such a drink will be a salvation in the midst of a flu epidemic. It contains everything in order to prevent the development of the disease as such. If the disease still penetrated the body, with the help of this drink it will be much easier to overcome it. In addition, it has an excellent color, due to which even children perceive it as the most expensive drink in the store.


  • 0.35 kg of cranberries;
  • 0.25 kg of gooseberries;
  • 2.9 liters of water;
  • 6 gr. cloves;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar.


  1. Rinse the cranberries, sort them out, mix in a bowl with half of the sugar indicated in the recipe and grind thoroughly.
  2. Heat water in a saucepan.
  3. Rinse the gooseberries and put them in a blender bowl, chop.
  4. After boiling the liquid, put the prepared cranberries and gooseberries into it.
  5. Mix everything in a saucepan and add the remaining sugar.
  6. Boil the compote in just 15 minutes.
  7. Finally, add cloves.
  8. Prepare jars, wash them and sterilize.
  9. Pour hot compote into prepared container.
  10. After that, quickly roll up the lids.
  11. Banks put upside down and wrap.

When cool, transfer to the cellar.

Delicious cranberry and apple compote (video)

All cranberry preparations are rich in vitamins. Due to this, they are strongly recommended to be cooked at least in minimum quantity to in winter period strengthen immunity, it is easier to cope with colds. Not difficult to weld fragrant jam or jam from these berries. By the very simple blanks compotes count. healthy drink Definitely one of the family's favorites. After all, the red fruits in it no longer have excessive acid, on the contrary, they give sweetness and a delicious aroma. Each jar will be worth its weight in gold, despite the meager price of this blank in the season.

And, accordingly, the vitamins needed by the body. Therefore, for the winter they make various blanks from greens, vegetables, fruits and. Today we will talk about one of the most vitamin berriesabout cranberries.


Before freezing cranberries for the winter, they sort them out, discard sluggish and damaged ones, and remove plant debris. The berries are thoroughly washed and, scattered on any matter, dried well. Dry fruits are placed in plastic boxes or cups and cleaned in the freezer.

At constant temperature -18°C storage period is three years. It is desirable to defrost in portions, since in this form cranberries should be eaten immediately.

How to dry cranberries with the least loss useful substances, we will find out later. The fruits for drying are sorted, cleaned and washed thoroughly. To preserve the maximum of vitamins, the fruits are either blanched for several minutes in boiling water, or kept on steam bath the same time.
Such harvesting of cranberries is carried out two ways:

  1. In a dry, ventilated room, the fruits are laid out on any flat surface and dried until they no longer stick to hands. After that, they are collected and stored in bags made of any natural fabric.
  2. Drying takes place in the oven or microwave, or in a special dryer. At the beginning of the process, the temperature should not be high - up to 45°С, after drying the fruit, the temperature is increased up to 70°С. store finished product in glass containers under a lid up to 3 years.

Important! Periodically dried berries must be inspected and darkened to avoid spoilage of the product.

Harvesting cranberries for the winter without cooking (ground with sugar) will allow you to keep it in fresh and without the risk of deterioration during storage.

For this harvesting method, berries and sugar are taken V equal proportions : for 1 kg of raw materials 1 kg of sugar. The ingredients are ground into a mushy mass with a blender or meat grinder.
ready mix spread in sterilized jars and tightly closed with parchment, you can also use a lid.

Let's consider another way how to sugar cranberries.

The product prepared according to this recipe is stored for no more than two weeks, so you should not make it in large quantities. For cooking, take the same amount of both fruits and sugar (500 g per 500 g).

First, sugar syrup is boiled, then the berries, washed and pierced with a toothpick, are poured with cooled syrup and put in the cold overnight. After that, the fruits are taken out of the syrup, dried, rolled in sugar and stored in the refrigerator. Such "sweets" are useful for children.

This recipe- this is a lifesaver during the period of colds: six teaspoons a day will help get rid of cough and runny nose.

Cranberries and honey in a ratio of 1 to 1 are ground to a puree mass. The mixture is laid out in sterilized jars, stored in the pantry for one winter.

For jam you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 l
Ripe fruits are sorted and washed, then blanched for about five minutes, then left to drain in a colander.
Next, the fruits are ground with sugar and placed in clean and dry jars, after which they are sterilized for 20 minutes, rolled up with lids. When the jars have cooled, they are put into the pantry.

Did you know? In 1816, Henry Hall, a resident of the United States, began to domesticate cranberries. Today, the area with culture covers more than 16 thousand hectares. Cranberries were brought to Russia in 1871 by the director of the Imperial Botanical Garden, Eduard Regel.

Cranberry jam

Jams and Preserves- the best option for the duration of how to store cranberries in winter.

Important! If the recipe has not been violated, the raw materials have been washed, and the product has been sterilized in accordance with all the rules, jam or jam is stored for up to two years.

For jam need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • vanilla.
Pour the washed fruits into a saucepan, add water without covering the contents. Boil the contents of the pan over low heat until the berries begin to boil.
At this stage, add sugar, zest of one lemon and vanilla. With new ingredients, cook, stirring, for 20 minutes. finished products put in sterile jars and close with sterile lids.

For cranberry puree each housewife will determine the number of ingredients herself, focusing on the capacity of the refrigerator and the desired amount of puree.

The fruits are mashed with a blender or meat grinder, then sugar is added to taste. Leave the mixture for a while: the sugar should completely dissolve.
The finished puree in a glass bowl is stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. Provides much longer storage freezer, only in this case the products are transferred to a plastic container.

In ancient times, when there was no talk of refrigerators, our ancestors cooked for the winter soaked products. She was kept in good oak barrels in the coldest corners of dwellings.

Today, soaked cranberries are prepared as follows: for 1 kg of raw materials they take a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt. Dry ingredients are boiled in two glasses of water, cooled and poured over the fruits.
This product is put in a cold place, seasonings are added for piquancy: cinnamon, cloves, laurel.

Soaked cranberries for the winter are stored for up to a year.

Cranberry juice

To prepare juice, the berries (2 kg) are thoroughly washed. Then they are ground into mashed potatoes and put into a saucepan, boiled for ten minutes in 0.5 liters of water, without bringing to a boil.

Next, using gauze, the liquid is separated from the cake. Sweeten the resulting liquid to taste and boil, without bringing to a boil, for another five minutes. The juice is poured into sterile jars and rolled up, stored for about a year.

Cranberry juice

For fruit drink, take 500 g of fruit, 100 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of water. Washed berries are pureed, squeezed over a bowl through cheesecloth, collecting juice. The cake is placed in a pot of water, sugar is added, brought to a boil and left to brew and cool.

The cooled, but warm mass is filtered, the liquid is poured into the prepared jar up to half. Then add pure juice collected earlier. Fruit drinks rolled up in sterilized jars are stored for a year.

Cranberry compote

Cranberry compote not only benefits due to vitamins, but also perfectly removes thirst. It will take:

  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • liter of water.
The fruits are sorted, washed and laid out on the bottom of clean jars. Sugar syrup is boiled, cooled and warmly poured into jars, covering the fruits. Banks with contents are sterilized for 15 minutes. Compote is ready, it is allowed to cool and stored in a pantry or cellar for a year.

Recipes for saving for the winter useful and delicious cranberries simple and won't take long. And the best of them, such as cranberries in sugar, have been tested by the centuries-old experience of their ancestors. Without boiling cranberries for the winter, you can cook both compote and mashed potatoes. Cranberry jelly or fruit drink will help home easily and tasty get rid of annoying colds in the cold season.

General information about cranberries

Cranberry is a small golden-green shrub that grows in swamps in cool areas of Europe and America. It bears fruit from August to September. Its small berries look like rubies that flare on silvery leaves. This berry is amazing in terms of the amount of nutrients it contains:

  • organic acids (ascorbic, malic, quinic, citric, benzoic, ursolic);
  • Sahara;

Cranberries are known for their high vitamin C content.

  • glycosides;
  • pectin substances;
  • vitamins (PP, K and group B).

The unique composition of cranberries makes them one of the best berries for medical and diet food. Cranberry improves immunity, prevents beriberi and vascular sclerosis, easily cleanses the body of harmful elements and substances - that is, it significantly heals a person and makes his life better.

Healthy eating trends over the past few decades have increased the use of cranberries in both nutrition and simple daily cooking. They put this wonderful berry in drinks, as well as in meat and vegetable dishes. Therefore, it is useful for all housewives practicing canning to learn how to make cranberries simple and useful blanks for the winter to enrich her daily diet in the cold season.

Recipes for preserving cranberries for the winter without conservation

In village houses, red berries were often stored in winter, simply laid out in a cold, dry room. It was done in this way: cranberries, which are naturally preserved due to the content of benzoic acid, were sorted out, aired to dryness and scattered in a thin layer in a cool, dry place. After a certain time, the berries were sorted again to remove dried and withered ones. However, in an apartment it is unlikely that it will be possible to store cranberries so simply due to lack of space.

The following methods are more suitable for conditions in modern city apartments.

Attention! When using one of them, it should be remembered: it is better to process cranberries quickly, without putting it off indefinitely, so that the berries do not wrinkle and dry out.

Frozen cranberries

This method is the fastest and easiest. It is ideal for cranberries that the frost managed to "grab". To begin with, the berries should be disassembled, damaged and wilted removed. Then rinse the rest, not sparing water, pour over with a stream of clean cool moisture. When it drains, spread the berries on the fabric in a thin layer and dry. Then separate the ripe raw materials from the "strong". The first is laid out in plastic containers, the second - in plastic bags (form in the form of briquettes).

Frozen cranberries save everything beneficial features

Place containers and bags in the freezer and turn on instant freezing, which will preserve useful properties. At a temperature of -18 degrees, cranberries can be stored for two or more years. Thawed cranberries should be eaten immediately.

soaked cranberries

When there were no refrigerators yet, cranberries were stored for the winter according to the following recipe. Pour berries in oak barrels cold water from a spring, press down on top with a heavy wooden lid and put in a cool part of the house. It is clear that in the city to create this is at least problematic. What to do?

  • Method one. Sort the cranberries, get rid of all imperfect berries. Wash the remaining raw materials thoroughly, pour over with cool purified moisture and transfer to pre-sterilized jars. Fill the vessels with clean water (higher than the level of the berries), close the lids and place in a cold place.
  • Second recipe. To prevent cranberries and water with it from being so sour, weak sweet syrup is added to the workpiece. For 1 kg of raw materials you will need 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. Dissolve the prepared ingredients in 2 cups of water, boil, cool. Pour the berries with syrup and mark in a cold place. To add a spicy note to the taste, you can add cloves, a little cinnamon or allspice peas to cranberries.

Preparations for the winter from cranberries

Today, women do not just save cranberries for the time of cold weather, but create from it delicious preservation with added sugar. have tea with cranberry jam cold in the family circle winter evening– is something better possible? And the cranberry own juice or puree from these berries perfectly help to cope with autumn and winter colds! How to cook these useful things? Very simple!

Cranberries with sugar

Cranberries with sugar

Take large ripe cranberries, wash them, sort them out, dry them. Put in layers with sugar in chilled sterilized jars, shaking the vessels and tapping them to better fill the space. The top layer in each jar is sugar. Cover the finished cranberries with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

Cranberry puree

This option for winter cranberry harvesting is simple. The sorted, washed and dried berries should be crushed in a blender and mixed with sugar in a one-to-one ratio (you can put a little more sugar than berries). Wait a day for the sugar to dissolve. After the lapse of time, place the puree in glass jars and find a place for them in the refrigerator.

Cranberries in their own juice

For this recipe for harvesting cranberries for the period of cold weather, it is best to take raw materials “hit” by frost. These berries are riper, they secrete juice better and do not lose their beneficial properties from heat treatment.

  • First way. Rinse the raw materials, sort out, separate small berries from large ones. Mash small cranberries with a fork, warm slightly and squeeze out the juice. Dry more berries, place in enamelware, add juice (ten glasses of cranberries - half the juice) and heat, not boiling. Mark raw materials in heated dry sterilized vessels. Close the jars with boiled lids and heat in a water bath (liter - for a quarter of an hour, half-liter - for ten minutes). After cranberries roll up, turn the vessels over and cover with a warm cloth.

Cranberries in their own juice

  • The second way. ripe large berries sort, wash and dry, and then put in a steel or enamel pan and warm over low heat or a bath until the juice is released. In the process, the juice will become more, and the berries - less. After completion, the mass is decomposed into hot sterilized dry jars, sterilized and rolled up.

Advice. All the above recipes for cranberry blanks can be an excellent basis for making jelly, fruit drink or a cocktail, as well as for desserts - jelly and mousses.

Cranberry compote

It is quite simple to prepare unsweetened cranberry compote with sourness for the winter, which perfectly saves from thirst at any air temperature. To do three-liter jar compote, you need to perform the following steps.

Disassemble cranberries, wash and dry. Pour into heated jars and pour sugar syrup(water and sugar - proportions one to one). Banks can be preserved and sterilized at one hundred degrees of temperature (liter - a quarter of an hour, half-liter - ten minutes).

Cranberry compote

That's all! It remains to mark the jars with compote in a dark, cool place - and then get them out in the dead of winter and enjoy the sour, but such a summer taste of ripe berries.

Another recipe for cranberry compote. You will need:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Sort the berries, sort out, get rid of imperfect ones. Wash the raw materials with a powerful jet of water (the easiest option is to use a colander).

Place pure raw materials in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Wait until it settles and turn on the stove. Boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add water and cook for another five minutes.

Kissel from frozen cranberries


  • 1.5 stack. frozen berries;
  • about a glass of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp starch.

Kissel can be prepared from frozen berries

Defrost cranberries and grind in a blender. Put the resulting mass in gauze and squeeze the juice out of it. Don't throw away the rest. Boil water, throw cake there, boil for five minutes, remove from heat and filter. Return the broth to the stove and at the moment of boiling add sugar along with cranberry juice.

Reduce the fire level, carefully add the starch, which is diluted in advance a small amount water. Boil for two to three minutes, then remove from heat and set aside. Close the jelly to avoid the appearance of a film. You can drink both hot and chilled.

All of the above cranberries winter preparations will be needed to combat SARS and create the most different goodies. Cranberries in sugar are a wonderful base for tonic drinks, fruit drinks, as well as a filling for baking. The easiest way to store cranberries is frozen or soaked. But regardless of the method of storage, the result will delight all households and the hostess herself.

Cranberry blanks for the winter: video

Cranberries for the winter: photo

Even adults run out of supplies in winter beneficial vitamins in the body, and what can we say about children. It is precisely because of the lack of such important elements that the body is not able to fight viruses and bacteria at the proper level. The immune system simply must be fed from outside. You can make up for the lack of such vitamins with the help of ordinary compotes and fruit drinks. Fruits and berries that were purchased in the winter and frozen perfectly retain everything essential vitamins. Cranberry blanks for the winter tolerate storage very well and do not deteriorate, because they contain a lot of vitamin C.

But not only in cold times we need useful elements. The feeling of thirst always overcomes in the summer, and banal juices and water are already quite boring. In hot weather, there is nothing better than a cool, slightly sour compote. Moreover, such a drink is not only refreshing, but also gives energy and saturates the body with useful vitamins.

One of the most popular representatives of compotes is cranberry. Try to cook cranberry compote for the winter and you will not regret it. Not surprising, because this particular berry is rich in vitamins C, PP and K. It is also an antioxidant. And of course, cranberries delicious berry. There are many cooking methods this drink. Starting from grandma's traditional version and ending with modern fruit drinks.

The first option that you will meet is the classic one. The great advantage of this compote is that it does not require many ingredients. Thanks to the combination of sugar and cranberries, the drink has only a slight sourness, which not only does not spoil the taste, but also adds spice. So, what to cook with cranberries?

How to cook cranberry compote:

  • crumbly sugar - (250 grams)
  • cranberries - (350 grams)
  • mineral water - (several liters)

Cooking technology:

  1. Berries should be well cleaned of twigs, sand and built debris.
  2. At this time, place a saucepan pre-filled with water on the fire.
  3. Mash the washed berries with your hands or a rolling pin into a puree-like consistency.
  4. Add sugar to a pot of boiling water.
  5. After sugar, throw the berry puree into the liquid, which was prepared earlier.
  6. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together and cover the pan with a lid.
  7. Turn off the burner and set the pan aside (a necessary step to preserve the value of all vitamins.)
  8. After cooling, pour the compote into another container through a sieve or gauze (to remove pieces of berry puree)

Compote with cranberries and raspberries

The second recipe is useful for those who are tired of classic version compote with cranberries. It includes the presence of other fruits and berries. Most harmoniously with such a sour taste of cranberries, tender and sweet raspberries are combined. It helps to balance all the taste indicators of the compote and gives an interesting aroma to the drink.

How to make cranberry compote:

  • Cranberries (fresh or frozen) - (300 grams)
  • Currant berries - (250 grams)
  • Raspberries - (150 grams)
  • Sugar as needed

How to cook cranberry compote:

  1. Place a saucepan filled with water on the stove and turn on the burner. Pour sugar into the water to taste.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave until boiling. The question of how much to cook cranberry compote is very important, because we do not want vitamin C to collapse.
  3. Berries get rid of the skin and remove all tails, then rinse under running water.
  4. Only raspberries must be turned into puree by mashing it with a spoon.
  5. Pour all the ingredients into the water that has already boiled.
  6. Leave the pan with compote on the fire for about a quarter of an hour. After the required time has elapsed, turn off the burner.

Compote "Vitaminchik"

The third option for preparing compote will help enrich the body with many vitamins and microelements necessary for health. The drink has an incredible smell of citrus fruits, which are intertwined with hints of vanilla and create a magical aroma. Also, such a compote can be drunk not chilled in the cold season.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cranberries - (250 grams)
  • Cherry, deboned - (250 grams)
  • Lemon - (half)
  • zest of several tangerines
  • Purified water - (several liters)
  • Sugar to taste
  • Vanillin

Cooking technology:

  1. Must be thoroughly rinsed
  2. Rinse the cherries under running water and rid them of seeds and ponytails.
  3. Next up is the lemon. It must be cut into squares without removing the peel.
  4. At this time, put on the fire a pot in which water is collected.
  5. Next, add sugar to the water.
  6. After boiling sugar water, cranberries, cherries and lemons are added to the liquid. It is necessary to move the mixture and leave it under the lid for 10 minutes.
  7. After this period of time, vanilla and tangerine zest should be added to the pan. And leave on fire for another 5 minutes.
  8. Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave the drink to cool for a while.

Spicy cranberry compote

Compote of cranberries (grated with sugar), gooseberries and cloves. Such a drink can charge anyone with an incredible burst of energy. And its pleasant aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. The peculiarity of this recipe is that it can be prepared both in winter and in summer. And it's not a problem if you don't have fresh cranberries on hand. You can do just fine without it if you choose sugar-coated cranberries. The cost of such a product is much cheaper than buying fresh berries. However, the content of vitamins and beneficial trace elements in no way inferior to real berries.

Ingredients needed for the recipe:

  • Cranberries grated with sugar - (350 grams)
  • Gooseberry - (250 grams)
  • Purified water - (several liters)
  • Carnation

Cooking technology:

  1. Pick up in a saucepan required amount water and leave over medium heat until boiling.
  2. Wash the gooseberries and, using a blender, grind it.
  3. After boiling water, send gooseberries and cranberries, as well as the required amount of sugar, to the pan. Move carefully and cover the liquid with a lid.
  4. Leave to cook for a quarter of an hour.
  5. A few minutes before turning off the burner, throw a clove into the liquid and cover with a lid.
  6. Do not open the broth until it cools down so that the compote can infuse and be saturated with the taste of berries.

Berry mix

And finally, the fifth cranberry compote, recipe delicious drink. Compote, which includes a small mix of berries. Such a drink will remarkably relieve thirst and give energy for the whole day due to the amount of predominant vitamin C.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Cranberries - (350 grams)
  • Currant berries (any) - (250 grams)
  • Raspberries - (150 grams)
  • Purified water - (several liters)
  • Sugar as needed, based on your taste preferences.

How to make cranberry compote:

  1. Pour water into a medium-sized saucepan and put on fire to boil.
  2. At this time, wash all the necessary fruits and berries.
  3. Clean the fruit set from leaves, twigs and sand that can settle on the berries.
  4. After the water in the pan boils, you need to add sugar to it and that's it. essential berries. Mix all the ingredients well and cover the container with a lid.
  5. Compote should be boiled for a quarter of an hour, after which you can turn off the fire.

Also not alone cooking masterpiece not without secrets and little tricks. Famous chefs shared their secrets of preparing such a healthy and invigorating drink as cranberry compote. It is worth noting that all of the above recipes are not designed for the long existence of the drink. It is perishable. The most correct solution would be to drink a drink for several days. Keep it in the refrigerator all this time.

You should not be tempted and try to knead the berries with a “crush”. Unfortunately, this does not make the drink any more useful. An unpleasant bonus will also be the need to filter compote through cheesecloth.

So after such a transformation of fruit into puree, lumps and particles of fruit will remain in the liquid, which are not pleasant to feel while drinking. And even more so, do not give to small children.

In addition to the components proposed in the recipe, other healthy and vitamin-rich fruits or berries can also be added to the drink. For example, rose hips, elderberry, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, dried apples, raisins, dried apricots, cut in advance. The most important thing is to add them to the compote only after the water boils. To give cranberry compote more spice and interesting taste, it is worth pouring a little vanilla or cinnamon into it. It is also advised to put a carnation. They should be placed in a container with boiling compote 2-3 minutes before it is ready.

If after cooking you still have berries, then you can cook from them, and, the instructions for the manufacture of which we also included in our piggy bank of recipes on the site.

All five recipes do not require much time and special culinary skills. But despite its simplicity and ease of preparation, the drinks come out surprisingly tasty and healthy. You should include at least one glass of such compote in your daily diet, and you will not worry about possible diseases that may lie in wait for you at every corner. Yes, the range of cranberry dishes is diverse, so do not focus only on drinks, know that you can make pies, sauces, fruit drinks from cranberries, or simply candied berries in powdered sugar.