Pouring from plums without alcohol. Quick drink with orange zest

Plum berry liqueur is one of the simplest drinks that are prepared at home. It is better to insist fruits on vodka in early autumn, when they are ripe enough and not spoiled by night frosts.

Technological features of slivyanka

Plum pouring on vodka: a classic recipe

First, let's learn a simple seedless recipe, which, in addition to the plum, contains two more ingredients. What exactly is needed:

How plum liqueur is obtained at home is easy to understand from the recipe.

  1. Bones are removed from clean dry raw materials and the halves are distributed among the jars (all dishes must be sterile and not wet);
  2. The berries are sprinkled with sugar and the jars are covered with a cloth;
  3. In warm conditions or under the sun, the dishes are kept for 3 days, but the composition is periodically shaken for uniform juice release;
  4. The workpiece is combined with vodka, the jars are closed with lids and taken out to a cool room, where there are no temperature fluctuations and sunlight;
  5. Once a week, the liquid is poured into another container and returned back, and a month later it is filtered through cheesecloth and bottled.

The term of infusion of the finished slivyanka can be increased up to 6 - 8 months. But if an opportunity is given, the tasting is done earlier.

Quick pour with spices

If plum liqueur is needed very quickly, it can be prepared in just 1 week. The recipe is simplified, but the technology does not detract from the richness and strength of the intoxicating drink. Let's list its ingredients:

To make the liqueur at home, the plums are washed and finely cut, getting rid of the pits. The raw material is placed in a bottle and sprinkled with sugar in layers. If you need a sweet plum, put 2 servings of sugar, if not, they cost half the norm. Fragrant Additives use in an arbitrary amount and pour the mixture with vodka. A plastic cap is put on the bottle and taken out into a dark room. The contents are shaken daily.

On day 8, the product is filtered and bottled. When evaluating the strength of the finished plum, the device shows 34 °.

Homemade plum liqueur without vodka

If you prefer to use soft drinks, plum liqueur without vodka, infused with water, will replace “hot” products for you and picky guests.

How to make non-alcoholic plum:

  1. 6 kg fruit washed warm water, dry on a towel, cut into halves and remove the bones;
  2. The prepared product is placed in a bottle, pour 3 kg of sugar and pour 3 cups of boiled water;
  3. The neck of the bottle is tied with gauze, then it is kept in warm conditions for 4 hours;
  4. With the first signs of fermentation, the gauze is changed to a water lock and the drink is kept in this form for 30 days (fermentation lasts about a month);
  5. The wort is filtered through cotton wool and gauze;
  6. The pulp is squeezed out by hand and the released liquid is filtered through a new cotton-gauze device;
  7. The liquids are mixed and bottled, sealed tightly and taken out to the cellar for 3 months.

Homemade prune liqueur recipes

The benefits of prune liqueur are due to its beneficial influence on metabolism, cardiovascular and urinary system, bile ducts. Prunes have an antibacterial effect and contain such important elements for the body as iron and potassium, fiber and pectins, various minerals.

Pouring from prunes on vodka

For self cooking liqueurs from fragrant prunes will need alcohol or vodka with a strength of about 45 °. The amount of alcohol - 2 liters. For this dosage, take a glass of sugar and 0.5 kg of prunes with pits.

If the prune liqueur seems too strong, the recipe indicates a means for diluting it. This is natural apple juice.

Recipe with citric acid

Consider how even at home you can make prunes liqueur. According to this technology, dried fruits are taken with or without seeds. The main component will need 100 g, sugar - 150 g, vodka - 1 bottle, and citric acid - only a quarter of a whole teaspoon.

  1. Drying is thoroughly washed, thrown into a jar and sprinkled with sugar. Then put citric acid and pour out the vodka. The dishes are not filled to the very neck - a little free space is left for fermentation.
  2. The closed jar is shaken and taken out to a dark room for 10 days. Every day they visit it and shake the contents. On the 11th day, the alcohol is filtered, the prunes are pressed through a sieve and the juice from the pomace is filtered. The recipe is completed by pouring the final product into bottles, for which natural cork stoppers are in store.

So that the slivyanka does not lose its aroma, taste and color, open bottles drink on the day of the feast. Before tasting, the drink is stored in warm conditions (12 - 18°C) without light penetration.

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Plum - leading fruit tree which is valued in our country today. The benefits of fruits, leaves and tree bark are significant, so these components are actively used in traditional medicine. Plum tincture is considered the most useful and healing, and such a composition is prepared at home quite quickly. This tree is valued for its annual fruiting, great taste, rich yield and medicinal properties hidden in the constituents of the plant.

Today, plum is used to make compotes, jams, jams, tinctures. Each type of preparation differs from other fruits in its rich content of active substances, mineral salts and sugars, which have significant benefits for the body.

The plum tincture recipe is quite simple, however, this medicine should not be taken by patients without a doctor's prescription, as an improperly prepared tincture or the use of a large dose of the drug causes poisoning of the body. A tincture of plum berries is prescribed quite often: the remedy effectively treats inflammation, chronic and acute diseases, colds, skin diseases.

Depending on the doctor's prescription, a tincture of bark, berries and plum leaves is prepared with alcohol, vodka or moonshine. However, these drinks are often diluted with water. Properly Cooked medicinal composition stored for a long time and helps with a large number of diseases.

Plum is stunted tree, which, as it fully grows, reaches a height of 3-5 meters. The trunk is straight, branched, with dark brown bark. The branches are powerful, endowed with a lush crown.

Plum leaves are oblong, endowed with a grid, dark green. They grow on thin branches, which are also used in the treatment. The plant blooms in early or mid-spring, depending on the climate and weather conditions. Fruits: oval red, blue or yellow berry, with a dense skin and juicy pulp. Inside the berries have a large oblong bone, which is endowed with an almond flavor.

Fruit picking for plum tincture is carried out in early autumn, as it is at this time that the fruits will fully ripen and become soft and juicy.

Plum varieties

Today there are about 30 species of this tree. Each of them is endowed with a mass of vitamins and active substances that the body needs during the treatment of a particular disease. In Russia, Chinese, domestic, American and Ussuri varieties are common, which grow quickly and bear fruit in the south of the country, the Caucasus and the middle lane.

With the desire and proper care, the tree grows in gardens and garden plots. It is not difficult to grow a plum from a sprout, the main thing is to regularly fertilize the soil, on which all vitamin and useful composition plants.


The leaves, fruits and bark of the plum are endowed with large number sugars and useful elements, so today it is from them that plum tincture is prepared on moonshine, vodka or alcohol.

Leaves can be collected as they bloom, when the tree has already ceased to bloom. The bark is harvested as a tincture at the end of autumn, when the leaves fall. Harvesting of fruits is carried out as the berries fully ripen. To do this, the fruits must:

  • be soft and juicy when cut;
  • fall from branches in the wind;
  • the peel should be covered with a thin coating.

Immediately after assembling the fruits and other components of the tree, it is worth starting to prepare the tincture on the plum, as these ingredients quickly deteriorate.

What does plum cure?

Plum in fresh treats a number of diseases that are considered serious for any organism. Often, this fetus is prescribed for drug therapy, which is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Berries are prescribed for:

  • hypertension;
  • improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • liver pathologies;
  • fight against nervous diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of poisoning.

Plum tincture, in addition to these diseases, treats internal organs, vessels and body systems, bones and vision.

The chemical composition of homemade tincture

When preparing plum tincture at home, you should think about chemical composition medicinal composition. After all, your future health and well-being depends on it.
Plum tincture on alcohol or vodka is endowed with the following components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins, nitrogenous, pectin substances;
  • malic, citric, oxalic and salicylic acid;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose;
  • trace elements (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc);
  • vitamins of groups B, P and A.

Depending on the alcohol solution (tincture of vodka, moonshine or alcohol), in the composition remedy there are additional elements formed as a result of the interaction of fruits and alcohol.

Recipes for making tinctures

Plum tincture at home is prepared simply and quickly. Each recipe should be performed in strict sequence so that the drug turns out to be useful and healing.

  • Berry tincture includes half a kilogram of fresh yellow, red or blue plums and 2 liters of vodka. Bones do not need to be removed for this recipe. We spread the plum (no need to rinse from plaque) in a glass jar or bottle. Add vodka to the container (you can also take other strong alcohol) and carefully close the jar. We put it in a warm place for 2 weeks. The tincture will be ready when the liquid turns red, and the skin peels off the berries. Tincture is taken drop by drop 2 times a day.
  • 300 grams of plum leaves spread in a clean glass container and pour 500 ml of moonshine. Lightly mix the liquid and put in a sunny place. After 1 week plum tincture will be ready. Before use, the liquid should be poured into a small container, while not forgetting to strain. This medicinal composition is added to food and unsweetened drinks, or diluted in water.
  • Pour 2-3 plates of bark with alcohol, previously diluted in water. We shift the mass into a glass jar (if the bark is large, it should be cut into small pieces). The mixture is infused for 10 days in a dark room. Before use, strain the liquid.

What does plum tincture treat?

Tincture on alcohol and vodka fights such diseases:

  • constipation;
  • intestinal atony;
  • cold;
  • bladder disease;
  • purgation;
  • fever;
  • kidney ailments;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • production of blood cells;
  • stomatitis;
  • throat diseases.

The use of tincture is carried out only according to the indications for use, which are prescribed by the doctor. Treatment is carried out along with therapeutic procedures that allow you to cure the disease in a short time and prevent its occurrence.


Before treatment with plum tincture, it is important to take into account contraindications, which, if not observed, can cause significant harm to the body.

Contraindications include diarrhea, diabetes, hyperacidity stomach, allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the fruit. With excessive use, the patient develops diarrhea, poisoning and pain in the intestines.

Plum liqueur is prepared very simply, but at the same time it has an amazing taste and amazing aroma. IN different countries it is made perfectly different recipes and with the addition of various ingredients. We offer you some well-tested recipes for making plum liqueur.

Plum pouring on vodka

If you real gourmet and a connoisseur of home alcoholic beverages, and also like to experiment, then try to cook a delicious and rich liqueur according to the recipe described below.


  • ripe pitted plum - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • vodka - 400 ml.


To prepare this liqueur, it is better to take a sweet and sour plum variety, such as Renklod. So, we thoroughly wash the berries, wipe them with a towel and remove the seeds. Then we put the plums in clean jars, sprinkling evenly with granulated sugar, but do not fill the container to the very top. We close the jars with a strong cloth and expose them to the sun for a couple of days. During this time, periodically shake them so that all the berries are well moistened with the juice that stands out.

After the specified period, fill the plums with clean vodka, tightly close the jars with lids and put them in a dark place for a month. During this time, you need to carefully pour the liqueur from a jar of berries into another container 3-4 times and then pour it back. A month later ready drink strain through cheesecloth and bottle. That's all, the pouring from the plums is ready! We look forward to the holidays and are happy to take a sample.

Plum liqueur recipe


  • pitted plum - 1.5 kg;
  • vodka - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 300g;
  • ginger root - 20 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 0.5 pcs.


Wash the plums well and dry them on a clean towel. Now we take a cinnamon stick, cut into pieces ginger root and lower it to the bottom of the jar so that the liquor has a rich aroma. After that we fill three liter jar plums, cover with sugar and pour vodka, filling the container to the top with it, not reaching the neck by a few centimeters. Then we close the top with a plastic lid and remove the drink for 30 days to infuse in a dark, cool place. After a month, we carefully take a sample and pour the liquor into beautiful bottles.

Homemade plum liqueur

We offer you another recipe for making liquor, but not on vodka, but simply on water. In this case, the drink will turn out during natural fermentation.


  • pitted plum - 6 kg;
  • boiled water - 3 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.


Pour the plums into the sink, fill with warm water and rinse well. Then we transfer to kitchen towel, dry and cut in half to carefully remove the bones from them. Next, we shift the fruits into a glass container, pour in granulated sugar and pour boiled water. We tie the neck with clean gauze on top and put the container in a warm place for about 2-4 days.

When the first signs of fermentation appear, when bubbles and foam appear on the surface of the wort, bottle, install a water seal or simply put on a medical glove with a pierced hole in one finger. We stand the drink for 20-30 days until the fermentation is completely over. Now we filter the wort through gauze and cotton wool. We squeeze the pulp thoroughly with our hands, and again pass the resulting liquid through a cotton filter and mix with the rest of the drink. Pour the finished plum liqueur into bottles, cork tightly and keep for about 3 months in a cool, dark place. After the time has elapsed, the drink can be poured and served to the table for testing.

Homemade plum liqueur is made relatively simply, while the drink has an amazing aroma and a pleasant, light taste. We will look at two of the best cooking recipes. The first requires vodka or other strong alcohol, the second requires only sugar and water. In each case, an excellent dessert spirit is obtained.

Fruit of any variety (blue, yellow, red) will do, but it is preferable to use Hungarian, renklod, mirabelle, canadian or egg plum. The main condition is that all plums must be ripe, but not overripe (otherwise, due to high content pectin will turn out a jelly-like mass) without signs of spoilage or mold. Before cooking, the berries are carefully sorted. Even one bad plum will spoil the taste.

Another important nuance- make plum liqueur with or without pits. Plum pits are believed to be poisonous because they contain cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. But the concentration of these dangerous substances is so small that it is almost impossible to get poisoned. The choice is yours, you can pre-seed, protecting yourself, but then the light almond flavor will disappear.

Plum liqueur with vodka

The simplest option, the liqueur is prepared by insisting the fruit on strong alcohol: store-bought vodka, diluted ethyl alcohol, well-cleaned moonshine or cheap cognac. The alcohol base should be without a sharp smell of fuselage.


  • plums - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine, cognac) - 0.5 liters.


1. Washed plums (if desired, remove the seeds) put in a glass jar or other container, pour vodka (should cover the fruit layer by at least 2-3 cm).

2. Close the container tightly and place in a dark place with room temperature for 40 days for aging. Shake every 5 days.

3. Pour the vodka infused with plums into another bottle and close, and pour the plums themselves with sugar, close the jar and leave for 15 days in a dark place. Shake once a day. Then filter through cotton wool.

4. Mix the syrup obtained at the previous stage (sugar will draw out the remnants of alcohol and juice) with vodka infused with fruits.

5. Filter the drink through cotton wool or another filter (the amount of turbidity depends on the type of plums), pour into bottles, close tightly.

6. Keep homemade plum liqueur in a cool place (basement, cellar or refrigerator) for 6-8 months to improve the taste.

On vodka

Shelf life away from direct sunlight up to 3 years. Fortress - 24-28%.

Classic liqueur from plums without vodka

We will get a fortress thanks to natural fermentation on the wild wine yeast contributed beet sugar and fructose in fruits. The technology is similar to making wine. The taste of the drink is slightly softer than in the first case.


  • peeled plum (pitted) - 6 kg;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • sugar - 2.8 kg.


1. Cut the plums in half, then remove the pits.

2. Put the pulp in a glass container, add sugar and water, mix.

3. Tie the neck with gauze to protect against insects, put the container for 2-4 days in a dark (can be covered), warm place (18-25°C).

4. At the first signs of fermentation (bubbles and foam are visible on the surface, a characteristic smell is felt), install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole (pierce with a needle) in one of the fingers on the bottle.

5. Keep the drink for 30-45 days until fermentation is over (the water seal stops bubbling or the glove deflates).

While the glove is "voting", the liquor is fermenting

6. Filter the plum filling through cheesecloth and cotton. Squeeze the pulp at the bottom with your hands, pass the resulting liquid again through a cotton filter and mix with the rest of the drink.

Plum is very useful and delicious fruit which both adults and children love to pamper themselves. It can be eaten raw, you can make desserts from it. sweet and sour delicious plum also suitable for sunsets. From it you can roll compotes, you can cook sweet jam. You can also make wonderful homemade tinctures from plums. Plum tincture on vodka is always useful, especially since its taste does not lose even to exquisite expensive wines purchased in a store. Our ancestors knew the recipes for plum tinctures on vodka or alcohol. Their preparation does not require special skills and knowledge. The main thing is to have a desire and that's it necessary ingredients, and then do delicious tincture absolutely everyone can do it from a plum.

To exquisite alcoholic drink at home could be available to everyone, we have collected best recipes plum tinctures. In this material, you will find interesting recipe and easy to implement.

Slivyanka tinctures

Recipe 1.

Plum tincture is universal. This recipe is one of the easiest. To get a delicious plum tincture, you only need 1 kg of plums and 2 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol. Even moonshine can be taken as an alcohol basis. First of all, you need to prepare the plums themselves - you do not need to get the seeds. It is only necessary to sort the fruits well, tear off the roots, select the ripest plums and rinse them under running water. Then the fruits should be poured into a three-liter jar, pour them with alcohol and close with a tight lid. A jar of tincture must be placed in a dark place. The air temperature in the place where the tincture will be stored must be at least 20 ° C. In a dark place, plum tincture should stand for about 45 days. After the expiration date, the drink must be filtered and it will be ready for use. The important thing here is that plums will also have original taste, so they can be freely eaten or used as unusual snack. The bottled drink can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 years. I would like to note that plum tincture has a wonderful aroma and pleasant taste, so even the most strict connoisseurs of elite alcohol will like it.

Recipe 2.

Amazing plum liqueur. This recipe is perfect for lovers of sweet alcoholic drinks. For delicious plum liqueur you will need 1 kg of plum fruits, 1 glass of sugar and half a liter of alcohol - vodka or alcohol. Plums need to sort out, rinse well, divide each in half and remove the bones. Then the plums should be laid out in a glass container and each layer should be sprinkled with sugar. When all the fruits are in the jar, you need to leave the container to stand for three to four days in a warm place. The jar needs to be shaken a little daily - then the drain will let the juice out faster and there will be many times more juice. When the juice has covered the fruits, it's time to add the alcohol itself. After pouring half a liter of vodka or alcohol, the tincture should be allowed to brew for at least one month, or more. Approximately once every ten days, the drink should be shaken so that the sugar dissolves faster. When the tincture from the plum has endured, it must be carefully filtered and poured into two floors. liter bottles. Plum liqueur will end up with approximately one liter. Best stored in the refrigerator, or last resort– in a dark place with low air temperature.

Recipe 3.

Alcoholic plum tincture. A recipe that has been proven over the years is a plum tincture with alcohol. To have something to treat friends and treat yourself, you will need one and a half kg of plums, one and a half glasses of sugar and one glass of alcohol. The fruits of the plums must be washed and sorted out, then divided into two parts and the seeds removed. Then a porridge-like mass should be made from the plums and left for a while. In order for the mass to be homogeneous and without skins, it should be rubbed through a sieve. In the resulting mass of plums, add the remaining ingredients - alcohol and sugar. This mixture should be left in a dark place for two months, and when it is infused, you need to pour it into a bottle. It is not difficult to make such a delicious tincture.

Recipe 4.

Delicious dried fruit tincture. The preparation of this plum tincture requires half a liter of vodka, 1 glass of prunes, a pinch of citric acid and 100 g of sugar. Prunes should be washed and poured into a liter jar. Pour sugar and citric acid into the same jar. Then add alcohol here and let it brew in a dark place for 10 days. Daily tincture of dry plums should be shaken. This will help the sugar dissolve. Such a tincture will have a pleasant taste and aroma. I would like to note that its color will also be unusual and saturated. When the mixture of dried fruits and vodka is infused, the liquid must be filtered. This can be done using a special very small strainer. If an ordinary sieve is used, then you can use cotton wool with it - in combination, this will make the tincture transparent and clean. Strained prune tincture is ready to use.

Recipe 5.

Unusual tincture of blackthorn. You can make a delicious alcoholic drink not only from ordinary plums, but also from thorns. This fruit, ripening on a thorny bush, has a tart sour taste. From it you can make a very tasty tincture, which, in addition to everything else, also has healing properties. But first things first. To prepare a tincture of thorn plum, you need to have only one and a half kg of sugar, 4 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol and 4 kg of thorn plum. The thorns should be overripe - then the drink will be more saturated. First of all, you need to carefully sort out the fruits and rinse them well. Then the thorns should be poured into a container in which the drink will eventually be infused. It is better that the container was made of glass - ideal option is glass jar volume of 5 liters. If this is not available, you can use the usual enamel pan. The fruits in the container must be covered with sugar and covered with a dense cloth. The thorn plum should be allowed to brew in a warm place for 6 weeks. Then you need to add half a liter of vodka and leave the mixture for another two months. After two months, you need to add another 3.5 liters of vodka and mix the tincture. Then all the liquid should be put on fire and brought to a boil, but in no case should it boil. When the tincture has cooled, it must be bottled and allowed to brew for another three months, and then you can use it. This recipe has been tested by many consumers and is in no way inferior to liqueurs from ordinary plums. Plus, thorn plum tinctures also have healing properties. In folk medicine, such tinctures are used to treat disorders of the stomach, intestines, and oral cavity. Also, thorn tinctures have a calming effect.

Recipe 6.

A classic tincture of plums with pits. This tincture is prepared based on one three-liter jar. Approximately 1.5 kg of dry plums should be poured into the jar - almost to the very top. Plums need to be filled with vodka (approximately one and a half liters), close the container with a lid and let it brew in a dark place for a month and a half. Then the liquid must be poured into another container, and 350 g of sugar must be added to the jar of plum fruits. Plums with sugar should stand for two weeks in a place inaccessible to the sun. Then you need to decant the juice allocated by plums as much as possible. To do this, you can put the plums in a colander and substitute some kind of container, where the juice will drain. In this position, you need to leave the plums for 10-12 hours, you can for a day. When the juice drains completely, it must be mixed with the previously drained infused vodka and left to infuse for 6 months. This drink is very aromatic and has a rich taste.

Recipe 7.

Exquisite drink with mint flavor. To prepare such delicious and fragrant drink it is necessary to have 1 kg of plum fruits, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of water, 1 glass of sugar, 5-6 sprigs of fresh mint.

First of all, you need to prepare the plums - rinse them, sort them out, then dry them. After that, the plums need to be filled with water and let it brew for two weeks, and then strain. You also need to prepare the syrup. To prepare it, you need to boil water with sugar and let it boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Then, pour the liquid drained from the drain into the container and slowly pour the cooled syrup into it. After a few hours, all the contents must be filtered again. At the bottom of the jar you need to put mint, pour all the liquid there and close the lid. Delicious after a day mint tincture already ready for use.


Before preparing plum tinctures, you need to know the following:

  • it is better to choose not sweet, but sweet and sour plums- then the taste will be more saturated;
  • for those who love extremely strong drinks, it should be borne in mind that alcohol tinctures are much stronger than vodka tinctures;
  • those who prefer drinks of medium or even weak strength should know that you can use a little more water for making syrups / tinctures - then the strength of the drink will decrease significantly.

To make a delicious liqueur from plums, you just need to have a desire. The above recipes are easy to prepare, do not require a large number of funds and time. The only thing you have to stock up on is patience and endurance, because in order for the drink to brew, some time must pass.

Plum tinctures on vodka or alcohol are a great opportunity to surprise guests for festive table and occasionally pamper yourself pleasant taste drink.