Homemade plum liqueur is simple. Plum liqueur

Homemade berry-based drinks are best addition for dessert. And one of the most delicious is plum liqueur. It’s quite easy to prepare it at home, even if you don’t have own garden or a plot of land in the country, lined with plum trees. During the time of a generous harvest, the price for these fruits reaches its lowest levels, so buying a bucket of raw materials is probably within the power of everyone. And then add sugar and strong alcohol(not necessarily the most expensive, but of high quality), and we get delicious plum liqueur at home, which is certainly much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones fruit drinks. In addition, you are completely confident in its composition, since you made the drink yourself!

Homemade plum liqueur

Ripe (maybe even slightly overripe) fruits of cultivated varieties are well suited as raw materials. It can be Renclod or Hungarian, Mirabelle or egg. If you suddenly come across wild ones, then don’t be upset, just increase the amount of an ingredient such as sugar by about 40 percent, then we will achieve a good result. What do you need to make plum liqueur at home? The simple recipe includes just three ingredients: sugar, plums and vodka. For every 2 kilograms of raw materials (seedless), you need to take half a kilo of sugar and half a liter of vodka. Vodka can be replaced with diluted alcohol (up to 40-45% strength), well-purified moonshine or cognac.

Homemade plum liqueur. Recipe

Plum brandy with gin

One option for liqueur at home is to replace it with rum. What is typical for this recipe: the liqueur is prepared in the microwave using the express method, so to speak.

We will need: 1 kilogram of fresh and ripe plums, half a kilogram of sugar, a bottle of rum, real, pirate (you can also use gin).


“Japanese” homemade liqueur

The Japanese are famous lovers of plum alcohol. Nowadays, quite large jars with unreadable hieroglyphs, filled with halves of plums in an amber, brownish, greenish liquid, have begun to appear in many supermarkets. These are the so-called Japanese “wines”, but in fact they are low-alcohol liqueurs or fruit infusions. They are quite expensive, especially nowadays. But so refined and original drink It is quite possible to prepare it with your own hands in the kitchen.

We will need: several jars with lids that close with a shutter (capacity - 1 liter), 3 kilos of ripe cultivated plums, 1.5 kilos of sugar, one and a half liters of vodka, half a liter of cognac (the aging period of the grape drink is not particularly important: you can take and three years, the main thing is that it is of high quality and not a fake).


  1. We thoroughly wash and sort the plums, removing the pit and tearing off the stem. We break the fruits clearly in half. If they are too hard (which is not recommended), you can lightly cut them at the break to release the juice.
  2. Fill two thirds of each of the prepared jars with plum halves.
  3. Making thick sugar syrup from small quantity water and the entire amount of sugar indicated in the recipe.
  4. Add vodka and cognac to the syrup and mix thoroughly until smooth. Some people prefer to add a few clove buds, cinnamon, ginger, and lemon zest to the filling. But you can completely do without these procedures, since spices only interrupt the delicate aroma of plums.
  5. Pour the mixture into the fruit halves in the jars, let cool and seal. The liqueur will infuse for several months, no less, in cool and dark conditions. After which you can use it.

One of the best dessert alcoholic drinks is homemade liqueur from plum. It is served at room temperature with sweet dishes or coffee. Next we will look at classic recipe and the technology for preparing this simple delicious liqueur. Anyone can make it; the only ingredients you need are plums, sugar and an alcohol base.

Ripe (preferably even overripe) fruits of any cultivated variety, for example, Hungarian, Renclod, egg or Mirabelle, are suitable for plum liqueur. In case of wild sour plums the amount of sugar needs to be increased by 30-40%, but this does not guarantee a positive result, since excess acid may remain.

You can replace vodka in the recipe with moonshine double distillation, cognac, rum or diluted to 40-45 degrees ethyl alcohol. I advise you to use only a high-quality alcohol base, otherwise the liqueur will turn out tasteless.


  • plums – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 400 grams;
  • vodka – 0.5 liters.

Plum liqueur recipe

1. Wash the fruits well, remove leaves and stems, then remove the seeds.

2. Grind the pulp together with the peel to a homogeneous paste. This can be done with a wooden rolling pin, mixer or meat grinder.

3. Fold the resulting mass into three liter jar, add sugar and mix well.

4. Close the jar tightly with a lid, then put it in a warm (18-25°C) sunny place for 3 days so that the pulp releases its juice.

5. Add vodka (alcohol), mix well, seal tightly and place the jar in a dark, cool place (10-18°C) for 35-45 days.

6. Strain the finished liqueur through cheesecloth, then filter through several layers of cotton wool until it becomes transparent.

7. Pour the drink into bottles and cap tightly. Store in the basement or refrigerator. Shelf life up to 2 years.

The result is approximately 1.2-1.3 liters of homemade plum liqueur with a strength of 20-25 degrees. Depending on the variety of fruit, the drink has a beautiful yellowish or amber-brown color with a pronounced aroma and taste of plum.

I already said once that the difference between liqueurs and liqueurs for a less sophisticated taste is often not very noticeable. And I even tried to understand the theoretical principles that explain this difference. But still, for a simple consumer of alcoholic beverages, the criteria for their selection often become the simple-minded “tasty or not tasty” and “like it or not.” Therefore, a few more, since now is the season for collecting it. These drinks are called plum liqueurs, but whether this exactly corresponds to the theory is not important, right?

So, today we bring to your attention two recipes - plum liqueur and plum pit liqueur - we will have waste-free production :) By the way, the number of these recipes in its cookbook can be expanded by showing imagination and changing the recipes for preparing liqueurs from other stone fruits - cherries, cherry plums. The only thing you need to remember is which fruit is sweeter, and based on this, regulate the amount of sugar in the alcoholic drink.

Plum liqueur - recipe number one

First, wash the plums, remove the seeds from them and cover them with granulated sugar - if you have one kilogram of plums, you need to take sugar depending on the sweetness of the fruits themselves, from four hundred grams to half a kilogram. We also add about three cloves, a little vanilla (not vanilla sugar, namely vanilla, if there is only vanilla sugar, you need to add about a teaspoon) and a pinch of grated nutmeg. However, if you cannot stand the smell or taste of any of these additives, discard it. But you need to add a few leaves from the plum tree itself.

Cover this entire mixture with a clean cloth, place it in some dark place and leave it for ten days. After this time, pour one and a half liters of vodka into the vessel, mix and leave to infuse for about a month and a half. Then all that remains is to strain the infused plum liqueur – perhaps several times – and pour it into selected beautiful containers.

Plum liqueur - recipe number two

Here you were preparing something from plums and taking out the seeds from them. Do not rush to throw away this supposedly consumable material. It is quite possible to make an original plum liqueur from it.

To prepare this liqueur, you need to wash, peel and dry the seeds. Then they are crushed - you can use a coffee grinder or a hand mill. Place the crushed mass in a glass vessel and fill it with vodka: a glass of plum pits is required per liter of flammable liquid. Now we wait for a month for the vodka to infuse.

When the appointed time comes, prepare a thick sugar syrup. To do this, take twice as much granulated sugar per half liter of water. Let cool, and while the syrup cools, filter our vodka infused with seeds. We combine the two liquids, just don’t mix them, mix them slowly, stirring constantly. Then we pour liqueur from plums, or rather, from plum seeds, into bottles, take it to a dry, dark place and forget about it for six months: all this time it will still reach the desired condition. And then you can bring a bottle of such an alcoholic drink to the table.

Plums make a very tasty, rich and spicy alcoholic drink. Let's find out how to make plum liqueur at home.

Plum liqueur recipe


  • fresh plums – 1 kg;
  • plum leaves – 200 g;
  • vodka – 750 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 500 g;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • plum leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • nutmeg- taste;
  • vanilla - a pinch.


Now we’ll tell you how to make plum liqueur. We take ripe and fresh plums, wash them, and carefully remove the seeds. Next, sprinkle the fruits with sugar, add spices and plum leaves. Place the mass in a warm place and keep it for 10 days. After the time has passed, pour vodka over the fruit and leave the resulting mixture for about 5 weeks. Then carefully filter the liqueur, pour it into bottles and seal it.

Plum seed liqueur


For the syrup:

  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 500 ml.


Wash dry plum pits thoroughly with water and dry. Then we grind them in a blender, put them in a bottle, fill them with vodka and put them in a warm place for 30 days. After this, filter the mass and mix with pre-prepared sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and place on low heat. Boil the mixture until thickened, stirring occasionally. The resulting syrup should be thick. Pour it into the fruit mixture very carefully. The resulting drink is bottled and stored in a dry place for no more than 6 months.

Plum liqueur


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 350 g;
  • water – 250 ml.


Wash the ripe fruits thoroughly and leave to drain in a colander. Now carefully pierce each cream right to the very seed in several places. Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Place several plums on a slotted spoon and immerse them in boiling water for 20 seconds. After that, put them in a bowl with ice water.Blanch all other fruits in the same way.

In another saucepan, dilute sugar in water and place over medium heat, stirring until the grains are completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a boil, then remove from heat. Fill the jar two-thirds full with fruit. Sugar syrup mix with vodka, then pour sweetened vodka through a sieve almost to the very end, and close tightly with a lid. Infuse the drink in a dark, cool place for 3 months.

If you love homemade alcoholic drinks, then we suggest making or that will appeal to both women and men.