How to properly open a bottle of champagne. How to open champagne (8 photos)

The procedure for opening a bottle of champagne has always been a certain symbol of the beginning of the holiday, respectively, if accuracy is not observed, the impression of the evening may be somewhat spoiled. It is especially important to have the appropriate skills if you need to open champagne to a girl.

Therefore, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, it is advisable to know how to open champagne correctly.

How to open champagne with a plastic cork

It is immediately necessary to clarify that all types of champagne wines are corked, as this is required by the technical conditions for the manufacture of such a product. A plastic cork seals a product that is not actually champagne wine, and belongs to this category only because of the name.

A feature of such a product is the extremely high pressure inside the bottle, as well as the significant content of carbon dioxide in such wine, which actively forms foam when the bottle is opened.

In order to safely open this type of champagne after unwinding the fixing wire, it is necessary to grasp the end of the cork with your thumb to prevent it from flying out under the influence of high internal pressure.

Basically, you don't have to exert any effort to remove the cork, rather, you will need to hold it to prevent it from being shot, to prevent the wine from foaming and spilling from the bottle.

As the cork moves out of the bottle with gas pressure, it is necessary to control its position in order to prevent a breakdown. When the cork is completely out of the neck, it must be slightly tilted in order to smoothly release carbon dioxide and prevent a shot.

How to open champagne with a wooden cork

Wines undergoing the process of natural champagne (formation of carbon dioxide) are clogged with a wooden cork, so the internal pressure in a bottle with such a drink is relatively low. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to open champagne without cotton.

In this case, after unscrewing the retaining wire, holding the cork in your left hand, turn the bottle behind the bottom with your right hand, as if twisting the neck of the bottle from the cork.

When the cork is almost completely removed from the bottle, it is necessary to slow down its progress in order to avoid a shot.

How to open champagne without a shot

The main condition for quietly opening champagne is the slow extraction of the cork, due to which the gaseous carbon dioxide present in the bottle is smoothly vented into the atmosphere and there is no shot.

To reduce the pressure of carbon dioxide inside the bottle, it is advisable to cool the champagne to about 6-8 ° C before drinking. After that, carefully opening the bottle will become much easier.

Also, when opening, it is desirable to hold the bottle at an angle of about 45 °, this also reduces the likelihood of a shot.

How to open champagne if the cork is broken

Something, but opening champagne in a hussar style, that is, cutting off the neck of a bottle with a cold steel blade, is not worth it. At a minimum, this can cause the destruction of the bottle, and in some cases - cause a serious injury from glass fragments from an exploding bottle.

The best option in this case would be to open the champagne with a corkscrew.

In some cases, this option may not help, then you will have to open the bottle with a self-tapping screw. To do this, you will need a wood screw at least 100 mm long, a screwdriver and pliers of the appropriate size. We twist the self-tapping screw into the remains of the cork, and then remove it with the help of pliers.

How and how to close an open bottle of champagne

As you know, open champagne runs out of steam very quickly, losing its taste and aroma. If after the holiday there is still wine left in the bottle, you need to know how to close an open bottle of champagne.

The surest way to close a bottle of champagne is to use plastic corks from cheap versions of this drink. The central part of the cork does not deform after removal, which makes it possible to reuse it.

You can also close the champagne back using special plastic wine corks sold in specialized stores.

A rather dubious, but well-known way to close champagne is to use a spoon. In this case, a spoon (preferably a silver table spoon) is inserted with a handle into the neck of the bottle. Although it seems absurd, but for several days (according to some reviews - up to one week) carbon dioxide remains in champagne and the wine material does not oxidize.

Another option to close an open bottle of champagne is to take its cork and cut it into a "chop" to allow it to be re-inserted into the bottle, ie close it. Approximately like this:

How to open champagne the Hussar way

A bottle of champagne has become an indispensable and invariable attribute of any festive table. It is it that acts as the personification of a triumph or a memorable event for more than one hundred years. But even a perfectly planned holiday will spoil if a person does not know how to properly open a bottle of sparkling wine. Also, with careless handling of the drink, there is a possibility of harming yourself or others.

For a long time the existence of the drink, certain nuances have developed in society regarding the culture of its use. Unfortunately, even now there are people who are completely unaware of how to open festive champagne correctly and effectively. But adhering to small secrets, a person will not only gracefully open a bottle, but also make a proper impression on others. Such a ritual will look like a great addition to the festive table.

Nuances that provide easy opening of sparkling wines

In addition to the direct ways of opening the drink, there are several small subtleties. They will minimize the likelihood of spontaneous release of the cork from the neck or other troubles. If you take into account all the nuances and properly prepare, champagne will open as if by magic.

  1. Proper storage is very important for sparkling wines. Due to the carbon dioxide content and the strong pressure inside the bottle, the wine should never be shaken.
  2. The optimum temperature for champagne is between 7 and 9 degrees. It is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator. Cooling and storage of the bottle is done in a bucket with ice or cold water.

Important: Try to avoid overcooling the drink, as this will spoil its taste.

  1. Before opening chilled champagne, it is recommended to wipe the bottle with a napkin or kitchen towel. For greater confidence, with the help of them you can hold it tighter when opening.
  2. A bottle with a plastic stopper must be opened carefully, as it is more slippery than a traditional wine stopper.

Ways to properly open a bottle of champagne

Since it is easy to open champagne using the traditional method, it is the most common.

  1. Carefully unroll and remove the muzzle. When doing this, the champagne must not be disturbed, so as not to create a release of carbon dioxide. If the wire breaks off when opening, you can use pliers or pliers.
  2. Holding the bottle firmly at the base, you need to tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees. At this stage, you need to carefully monitor that the neck is not directed at people or interior items.
  3. Gently holding the cork, you need to slowly and carefully turn the bottle clockwise. If everything is done correctly, the cork will easily come out of the neck, making a soft click.

There are more extravagant ways, but for them you need to have a certain skill and skill.

Safe and neat bottle opening option for girls

Since the procedure for uncorking a drink requires a certain physical strength, it is not always easy for a girl to open champagne on her own. To eliminate the chance of a cork shot, here are three tips to make the traditional method easier.

  • throw a towel over the neck, leaving some space inside;
  • place the bottle on a secure surface;
  • make the opening while sitting.

If it is inconvenient to do this at the table, you can put a bottle of wine on your lap. It is important to carefully ensure that the cork does not touch the drink.

This will allow you to safely open the bottle and enjoy your favorite drink. Otherwise, there are no differences with the previous method.

How to uncork champagne without cotton

In order to open sparkling wine without a shot, it is necessary not to interfere with the cork being pushed out by the gases. It only needs to be held slightly at the moment of separation from the neck. You can hold it with a towel, creating a kind of catcher. This will allow you to silently open the champagne without scaring others. An important point is the rotation of the bottle during opening. This should be done slowly and carefully to avoid accumulation of excess gas. After opening the cork, it is recommended to hold it slightly above the neck, bleed off the accumulated excess carbon dioxide.

Opening a bottle with cotton

According to etiquette, loud clap is bad form and unacceptable in a cultural company. But sometimes, situations arise when sparkling wine opens as noisily as possible. In order to open champagne in this way, after removing the muselet, it must be shaken slightly and the cork should not be prevented from being pushed out. After opening the drink in this way, you must wait until all the foam comes out of the bottle, and only then pour the wine into glasses. Be prepared for the fact that the neck of the bottle may fly off along with the cork.

How to uncork champagne if the cork is broken

Sometimes, for whatever reason, opening a bottle can easily become impossible due to a broken cork. If this happens, do not panic and get upset ahead of time, as the situation can still be corrected. And here you can not do without a corkscrew.

Important: Do not use a thick self-tapping screw, as it can crush the cork.

Another common method in the post-Soviet space involves opening a bottle with a self-tapping screw. To do this, it is screwed into the cork, and with the help of pliers it is removed from the neck along with the stuck cork.

Sometimes the way out of this unpleasant situation is quite simple. A broken cork comes out perfectly under the pressure of carbon dioxide, if you gently hit the bottom of the bottle with the base of your palm several times. Before this, you should move away from people and breaking objects, as the cork can shoot at any moment.

You can push a broken cork inward, but then you have to strain the drink to catch all the small pieces. Before that, you need to make a hole in the cork and release the gas. Otherwise, when trying to push through the cork, the bottle is able to explode, unable to withstand the resulting pressure.

How to open champagne with a knife

Before opening a bottle of chilled champagne in this way, guests should be asked to move to a safe distance. This method is called saber or hussar. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to apply a smooth and accurate blow with a sharp object to the seam at the base of the neck. Before impact, the bottle should be slightly tilted for convenience. The opening of champagne by the saber method is accompanied by a loud pop and an abundance of foam, which creates a solemn mood. Do not worry about small pieces of glass getting into the drink. During the shot, everything that breaks off the neck is washed out by the pressure of the foam.

Another way to open a broken cork with a knife is as follows. The top of the cork is cut off to create the flattest possible surface. The rest of the cut cork is pushed a little deeper into the neck. Then the cork is pricked with a knife with a long thin blade and gradually removed with smooth turning movements.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew

Not everyone can have a self-tapping screw at home, and not everyone can open their favorite sparkling wine using the saber method the first time. In this case, the most ordinary corkscrew, which is present in any kitchen, will come to the rescue. It is easier and easier for them to open champagne, but even here there are subtleties.

Before opening, a small hole should be made in the cork to release the accumulated gas and avoid an explosion. Next, using a corkscrew, slowly and carefully begin to remove the cork. It is recommended not to make sudden movements, and not to disturb the drink.

How to open champagne with special tools

Progress does not stand still, and people have figured out how to facilitate and automate such work as the discovery of champagne. Special corkscrews were created, designed specifically for sparkling wines, taking into account all their features. With the help of them, the bottle opens effortlessly in a matter of seconds. Some models are able to catch a cork, others to bite the wire. If desired, everyone will find an instrument to their taste and wallet.

Each person is able to deftly and masterfully uncork a bottle of sparkling wine like a real professional sommelier. To do this, you need to follow little secrets and practice at every opportunity. After some time, you will be able to complement the festive day with an interesting and unusual spectacle, into which you can turn the usual opening of sparkling wine. And following the traditional way will demonstrate to others the culture and gallantry of the owner.

Attention, only TODAY!

Surely everyone can remember the story of how during the festive feast, at the time of uncorking the champagne, the wallpaper was damaged, the chandelier was broken, or one of the guests bathed in champagne splashes. Indeed, some experience and knowledge of several rules is required on how to open champagne in order to eliminate such misunderstandings during ceremonial events. If you approach the bottle preparation process correctly and follow proven recommendations, then even the fairer sex can open champagne without undesirable consequences.

Opening champagne the right way

You should know that real champagne is corked exclusively with a cork from the bark of a cork tree. Plastic corks are used only for the production of the cheapest varieties of sparkling wines. In order to open champagne effectively and safely, it is enough to follow simple rules.

  • Before proceeding with the procedure for uncorking the bottle, the drink should be cooled to a temperature of 6-8 degrees. Chilling champagne more strongly or even more so is not worth freezing. This will significantly impair the taste and aroma of the drink. You can cool the bottle by placing it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, or by lowering it into a special bucket filled with cold water with pieces of ice. This will reduce the carbon dioxide content of the wine and make it easier to uncork.
  • Condensation inevitably forms on a chilled bottle in a warm room. To prevent the wet surface from slipping out of your hands, wrap it tightly with a cloth so that the label is completely hidden.
  • The bottle should not be shaken before opening. Otherwise, a strong shot of the cork and spilling most of the champagne cannot be avoided. The bottle is placed at an angle of 40-45 degrees to the vertical surface, and its neck should be directed in the direction where there are no guests, glass and easily breaking objects.
  • For uncorking sparkling wines closed with cork and plastic stoppers, there are methods that differ somewhat from each other. Effervescent drinks sealed with a plastic cork are among the cheapest sparkling wines and have a higher carbon dioxide content, so when unwinding the wire, it is necessary to firmly hold the back of the cork with your finger and carefully control the movement of the cork up the neck of the bottle.
  • A wooden cork is used to cork high-quality sparkling wines that have gone through the process of natural champagne. This means that they contain significantly less carbon dioxide. In order to avoid being shot, use the following tactic. Hold the cork with your left hand. With your right hand, holding the bottom of the bottle, gradually move it down, twisting it off the cork.

In order not to spoil the general atmosphere of the festive feast, it is best to uncork a bottle of sparkling wine shortly before the start of the celebration. In this case, follow all the recommendations described above.

Champagne is rightfully considered one of the most beloved and sought-after drinks at bachelorette parties and women's gatherings. In such a situation, the question inevitably arises: how to open a bottle of champagne without the participation of men. If a girl opens sparkling wine, it is best to place the bottle vertically on a solid and stable surface. As practice shows, this method is more convenient for the weaker sex.

If after a holiday or a party there is champagne left in the bottle, naturally, the question arises how to close it. In order to preserve the aroma, taste and carbonated state of the drink, one of three proven methods can be used.

  • The best option is to use a plastic cork from cheap varieties of sparkling wines.
  • Buy a special champagne cork, which is sold in specialized stores and departments of supermarkets.
  • Use a cork cork, having previously “sharpened” its lower part like a pencil.

In a situation where the cork breaks during the opening process, you can use a regular wine corkscrew. If you cannot open it with a corkscrew, you can use a self-tapping screw (more than 100 mm long), a screwdriver and pliers.

Opening champagne is a whole science. During home feasts, the bottle is often uncorked with a loud "boom" and escaping foam. The waiters in the restaurant make it much quieter: you can only hear a light pop and notice a little smoke. According to etiquette, this option is considered correct.

Before opening the bottle, the drink must be properly prepared. Four tips will help you easily cope with the task, even if you are doing it for the first time.

  1. Cool your drink. This will greatly improve its taste and reduce the amount of gases. The best and fastest way is to use a special bucket (cooler). Water is poured at the bottom, and ice cubes are sprinkled on top of the bottle. This method will allow you to cool the drink in 30-40 minutes. You can use the refrigerator. But in this case, high-quality cooling will take about six hours. Do not put sparkling wine in the freezer. So champagne loses its pleasant taste, and the amount of gas decreases so much that the drink completely loses its characteristic bubbles.
  2. Prepare a napkin. A chilled bottle, in contact with the warm air in the room, is sure to fog up. It becomes difficult to hold such a vessel in your hands, and in combination with the pressure escaping from the bottle, it is completely impossible. Therefore, so that champagne does not slip out of your hands, it is recommended to wrap the bottle with a towel or napkin, covering the label.
  3. Don't shake the bottle. If you are going to open champagne in the usual classic way, then you should not shake the drink. This will result in excessive gas expansion. In this case, no matter how hard you try, the cork will loudly leave the neck, and the foamy liquid, like an avalanche, will break out of the bottle.
  4. Tilt the bottle. During opening, the champagne is tilted at an angle of 40°. If you hold the bottle vertically, then all the pressure force will be concentrated in the neck. To redistribute it, and thereby reduce it in the traffic jam, it is recommended to tilt the vessel. This way you can control the process. At the same time, carefully inspect the place where the cork will fly if you do not hold it. Never point the drink at people or animals! It is desirable to exclude the risk of cork getting into valuable items.

If you want to speed up the process of cooling the champagne, then add a couple of tablespoons of table salt to the cooler with ice. And don't forget the water. By pouring only ice into the bucket, you will increase the cooling time by several times.

5 methods

There are several ways to open champagne. Of course, in official circles only one is recognized, silent, which indicates the good tone of the opener. But this does not mean at all that other methods are unworthy of attention. What if you want to feel like a hussar? Or make a lasting impression on others?

There is a special corkscrew for opening champagne. This mechanism allows you to easily and safely uncork the bottle. Do not use a regular corkscrew for this procedure, it can be very dangerous. Spinning the corkscrew into the cork, you involuntarily push it inside. And this creates additional pressure, which will lead to the rupture of the bottle.


Peculiarities . This method of opening the drink is used in official circles. That's right, they silently uncork sparkling wine in restaurants. You need to calm down. Most often, a bottle slips out of trembling hands, a cork flies out like a bullet during a fright, and guests are poured over a sparkling drink. So pull yourself together and confidently proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a bottle. Wrap the champagne in a towel and carefully pick up the bottle.
  2. Remove the foil. Find a special tongue and gently pull on it. If you can't find it, then use a knife and carefully pry off the foil. This can be done anywhere. Now remove the formed foil cap.
  3. Spin the Musle. In front of your eyes is a wire retainer called a musele. It protects the cork from premature release during storage or transportation of the drink. Carefully unscrew the latch. In this case, the cork must be held with the thumb. This will prevent an unwanted shot.
  4. Use a towel. Cover the neck with a towel, leaving a small "reserve" for the cork to come out freely. In this case, the latter does not exactly catapult in an unpredictable direction. If you are dealing with a plastic cork, then hold it as carefully as possible. Drinks corked with plastic contain a lot of carbon dioxide, respectively, and the pressure in such a vessel is stronger.
  5. Unscrew the cork. Tilt the bottle and begin to carefully unscrew the cork. Initially, it will go badly. But after a while you will feel how she moves forward. This works the pressure of the gas in the bottle. Continue to control the exit of the cork and remember that the "pocket" formed from the towel will definitely hold it back.

When the cork is completely out of the neck, you will hear a very quiet pop. Now remove the towel and with a straight face pour the sparkling drink into glasses.


Peculiarities . It is usually men who open champagne. But there are situations when girls have to do it. For example, at a bachelorette party. Young ladies should open the bottle elegantly and without a shot.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Put the bottle on the table. It is unlikely that you will be able to hold it in your hand, and even wrapped in a towel.
  2. Prepare the cork. First you need to remove the foil. Then carefully unroll the muselet.
  3. Apply a napkin. Wrap the bottle around and hold firmly just below the neck.
  4. Unscrew the cork. Now cover the cork with a towel and begin to carefully unscrew it.
  5. Eliminate gas. When you feel that the cork is almost completely out, hold it in this position for a few seconds. This will allow excess gas to escape from the vessel.


Peculiarities . This method is suitable if you want to open a champagne with a loud bang and a bubbly jet that shoots up to the sky. It is this opening that is associated with celebration. But the way is quite dangerous. Therefore, before embarking on a theatrical action, remember the main conditions. Such opening of champagne is prohibited indoors. Be sure to take into account the trajectory - in this area there should be no people, electrical appliances.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare the champagne. Initially, it is necessary to remove the foil and remove the muzzle retainer. Do this very carefully, holding the cork with your palm.
  2. shake the bottle. This method of discovery implies a departure from some of the above rules. And if it was forbidden to shake the bottle for silent opening, now you can shake it thoroughly. But at the same time, it is necessary to firmly hold the cork with the palm of your hand!
  3. Let the cork break. Point the bottle to a pre-selected safe location. Remove your palm and let the cork pop out with a loud pop.

It is desirable that the glasses were prepared in advance. As soon as the cork flies out, immediately begin pouring the foamy drink. Otherwise, all the champagne will turn into a fountain.


Peculiarities . The hussar method of opening is another spectacular method. But it is the most difficult and requires quite careful preparation. In this case, the champagne is opened with a knife. Such a focus is almost never obtained the first time. As a rule, only the fifth or sixth bottle can be opened with a knife. The hussar method requires strict adherence to safety precautions. If you are ready, then arm yourself with a large kitchen knife and you can proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare a bottle. Remove the foil from the cork and neck. Carefully unroll the muzzle and remove it.
  2. Take a bottle. Take the champagne in your left hand and tilt it at an angle of 40-45 °. The cork can fly out on its own, so be sure to ensure that it does not harm anyone. Direct the bottle in the direction where there are no people, no valuable items.
  3. Mark the seams. Each bottle has longitudinal seams. Choose one of them. Hold the knife so that the blunt end of the blade touches the neck. Draw the knife several times along the seam and visually select the area to strike.
  4. Cut off the neck. With a sharp strong movement, strike with the blunt surface of the blade at the selected place. But do not hit perpendicular. Position your knife at an angle so that your strike is glancing. It should resemble shavings. If the first time you didn’t manage to “open” the champagne, repeat the blow. And the neck along with the cork will definitely bounce off.
  5. Drain the champagne. Following the neck, a sparkling drink will escape from the bottle. It is very important that some of the liquid must be drained. This will eliminate small fragments from the "cut".

If you are very worried about the fragments, then do not finish the entire drink - leave one or two sips in the glass. The shards won't float in champagne. They will sink to the bottom.


Peculiarities . The fallback method is only resorted to if something went wrong. The most common problem is a broken cork. This situation can confuse even a professional. After all, it is impossible to pull the rest of the cork out of the bottle with “bare” hands. A method that is a bit reminiscent of the “theatrical” will help here. Shake the bottle lightly. After a while, the cork itself will fly out of the neck. Avoid splashing the drink in this case will not work. You can apply another method. To do this, you need to use a regular corkscrew.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Release some of the gas. Do not forget that screwing a corkscrew can end very badly. In the best case, the cork will fly out with the nozzle. And at worst, the bottle will shatter into small pieces. Therefore, it is necessary to release some of the gas. To do this, take a medical syringe and gently insert the needle into the cork. You will immediately hear a hiss. The syringe itself is removed, and the needle is left in the stopper.
  2. Screw in the corkscrew. After releasing some of the gas, you can begin to twist the corkscrew. If there is no corkscrew, then resort to the help of an ordinary screw and pliers.
  3. Pull out the plug. Now gently pull on the corkscrew. If the cork does not come out, then do not pull it with all your might. A sudden movement can cause strong popping and rupture of the neck. Better try to loosen it from one side to the other. And then carefully pull out.

Terms and methods of storage

If you like to buy champagne in advance, then it is important to remember a few simple rules that will reduce the likelihood of a "failure" during its opening. In addition, after the celebration, open bottles of an expensive drink may remain. Don't rush to throw it away. Save it on the second day is quite realistic.

closed bottle

Proper storage of the drink, sustained temperature conditions will preserve all the taste qualities of sparkling wine. Be guided by the following rules.

  • Timing. A drink sealed with a cork can be stored for two years from the date of manufacture. And champagne with plastic - only 12 months.
  • Temperature . It is recommended to store the drink at 5-18°C.
  • Position . The bottle must be in a horizontal position. Otherwise, the crust will dry out and the cork will definitely break during opening. And protect the drink from the sun. Even in 15 minutes, its rays can completely spoil the taste of sparkling wine.

open bottle

  • Storage conditions. If the drink is not completely drunk, then you should not keep it on the table for a long time. It is necessary to tightly cork the neck with a cork. And to protect the refrigerator from unpredictable shots, use the muzzle. In this form, the bottle is placed in the refrigerator.
  • Deadlines. Subject to all conditions, the drink will retain its taste for one day. But it's about the taste, not the bubbles. Carbon dioxide may not be stored.

If you didn’t have time to cork and hide the champagne in the refrigerator, it doesn’t matter. Of course, you should not drink such a drink. But this wine is perfect for marinating meat or making sauces.

Strictly observe safety precautions. Don't pull the cork with your teeth! Never lean over a bottle. Even if it seems to you that the cork is tightly seated in the neck and does not want to come out.

Opening champagne correctly is a whole science. Surely everyone has seen in films how a loud “bang” sounds when opening a bottle and at the same time, foaming, half of the sparkling drink is poured out. That is why there is an opinion that a bottle prepared for a solemn event should “shoot”. In fact, quiet cotton and light smoke testify to the high quality of the drink and the ability to open the bottle correctly. It is this method that requires knowledge of the rules and skills.

Below we will look at various ways to open champagne with a plastic and cork stopper - by hand, with a knife or with a corkscrew. All of them have common rules for preparing and cooling the drink. Compliance with these rules depends on how long the drink will be ready to serve, and its taste.

  • Champagne should not be chilled too much. The optimum temperature is 4-8º C.
  • Cooling is best in a special bucket - a cooler.
  • Water must be poured into the cooler, and then ice is placed there. With this method, the desired temperature will be reached in 30-40 minutes. If you pour only ice, the cooling process will be very long.
  • You can bring sparkling wine to the desired temperature in the refrigerator, but in no case in the freezer. This process may take up to 6 hours.
  • Before opening the bottle, the foil must be removed from it. To do this, it is cut with a knife under the cork, and only then removed.

If there is no ice on hand, you can put the champagne under running cold water. There it will not cool completely, but after half an hour it will “lose” up to 10 degrees. It makes no sense to keep it there anymore, since further cooling is possible only with ice or in the refrigerator.

Chilled to the right temperature, sparkling wine is served to the table in a cooler on a front plate, as the condensate will leave a wet spot on the tablecloth.

The one who will open and pour the drink must perform the following steps.

  • Tilt the bottle at a 45º angle and hold it with one hand underneath. How much to tilt the bottle is easy to determine visually: if the bottle is tilted correctly, the champagne will be about 1 cm from the cork.
  • Remove the wire bridle (musele), while holding the cork on top with your finger.
  • Rotate the bottle (not the cork) and then wiggle it a little while holding the cork firmly, allowing it to come out of the neck gradually.
  • After cotton, you can open and pour a noble drink. It is poured into glasses slowly so that it does not start foaming.

If there are few guests, it is better not to throw away the bridle and cork; sparkling wine may have to be corked for later storage.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew?

Occasionally, it happens that an inch of a plastic or cork stopper breaks off.

If the cork is broken, there are three ways to open the bottle.

  • 1st way.

The remains of the upper part of the cork are cut off with a knife. Then it is squeezed a little inward, then it is knocked out with cotton on the bottom. This method is quite extreme, since the foamy drink also flies out when it is popped.

  • 2nd way.

A hole is made in the cork so that some of the carbon dioxide comes out of it and the pressure decreases. The remains are pressed inward with a thin blunt object.

  • 3rd method - using a corkscrew.

The corkscrew is screwed into the cork and pulled out with it. So that the bottle does not shatter into pieces from excessive pressure, here you also need to pre-make a hole and release some of the gas. This method is suitable if the champagne is sealed with a cork stopper. Plastic corkscrew will not open.

How long does champagne keep at home?

If champagne is purchased for the future, questions arise - how to store it correctly and how long will it retain its taste? The storage time depends on the release date of the drink and how it is sealed. Sparkling wine with a cork stopper will keep its bouquet for two years, but plastic will reduce this period by half - up to 12 months from the date of production.

Such periods are possible only if the storage conditions are observed.

  • Suitable temperature - from +5 to +18º
  • The bottle must be stored in a horizontal position. Otherwise, the cork may dry out and crumble inside when opened.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the light does not fall on the bottle. Bright sunlight falling on champagne can spoil its taste in 15-20 minutes.

After the bottle has been opened, it can be stored for a short time. In the refrigerator, previously opened sparkling wine is stored throughout the day, provided that it is tightly sealed. So much time it will retain its taste. In this case, bubbles of carbon dioxide may not be preserved.

It depends on two components - how long the sparkling wine stood open on the table and how much is left. The more champagne in the bottle and the less open it is, the more likely it is that it will not lose its "sparkling" properties. If the bottle was re-closed loosely or stood for more than a day, the wine can be used to marinate meat and prepare various sauces.