How to make punch at home. Homemade punch - a classic alcoholic and non-alcoholic recipe

Alcoholic punch is an original warming drink with fruit or berry juice, with a sweet refreshing taste. It has been familiar to gourmets since ancient times, since the time when European colonizers settled India, which is considered the progenitor of this cocktail. Today, punch is a frequent guest at many parties, especially youth parties, especially since it is easy to prepare, there are many a variety of recipes at home.

Properties of alcoholic punch

This ancient Indian drink used to be drunk only by certain wealthy classes of people. Rum, one of the components of the punch, was an expensive alcohol.

Over time, the cocktail began to be made without rum and without alcohol, or was replaced with another version of alcohol. By the end of the 17th century, the classic recipe for this drink was returned, however, today there are no restrictions on the type of alcohol. The recipe was diversified by adding both rum and claret, alcohol, wine, grappa or brandy.

For a cocktail, you will need the main five ingredients: rum, wine, regular or cane sugar (honey is used in the classic version), water, tea or fruit juice, spices (cinnamon or cloves). The word "punch" is translated from Sanskrit as "five".

One of the main components of the alcoholic version (according to the classic recipe) is exclusively rum (later it began to be replaced with cognac familiar to Europeans). In this regard, it contains alcohols and ethyl esters. Thanks to the active and tannin components, theanine has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It also has good antioxidant properties.

Due to the presence of alcohols, the vessels of the person who drinks it expand, gastric juice begins to be intensively produced. It also slightly reduces severe spasmodic pain. Due to the presence of honey in the composition, an alcoholic drink is able to tone up and at the same time produce a calming effect.

Punch has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps to restore strength, gives vigor. Due to the presence of juice from a variety of fruits and berries in the composition of this alcoholic drink the body receives certain vitamins.

It is advised to use if you have a poor appetite. It is recommended for relieving muscle spasms, improving vascular work.

A few tricks for making a delicious cocktail

The drink itself is prepared in enamelware. It should be served in clay or porcelain cups. This will allow the drink to keep warm until it is drunk.

Try not to add too much sugar to the punch, otherwise you won't get that great taste of the classic punch. It is best to dilute the sugar in water before adding it to the rum. AT traditional recipe instead of granulated sugar, it is recommended to use honey, which contains much more useful substances for the body.

The ideal combination and proportion of water and alcohol is one to three. When choosing a rum to brew a cocktail, don't look in the direction of sophisticated brands and brands. Such drinks are very good for drinking without heating and diluting with other drinks. You won't get the taste of good rum in a punch.

However, you should not save a lot and take very cheap options, you can accidentally buy a fake that will harm your health. If you don't know which rum is best and you don't have any particular varietal affinity, go for a light rum.

The ideal temperature for heating a punch is 60-70 degrees. The same temperature is recommended for serving the drink.

Its basis is black tea (strongly brewed). Give preference to tea leaves, and not packaged in bags. You should not take flavored options, you will not feel any taste or aroma, but the aftertaste can be felt.

Use spices and spices not ground, but whole. For example, cinnamon in the form of sticks is ideal for punch, cloves in buds, and star anise in inflorescences. Do not forget that spices and spices should be present in the drink only in the amount indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, you may spoil the taste of your punch.

Add freshly squeezed citrus juice. This will help preserve the aroma and flavor of the fruit. Try to choose the hardest berries and fruits. Too soft when heated will turn into porridge and visually spoil the appearance of the drink.

You can serve a cocktail with fruits only if they serve as its decoration.

Important tip: when mixing an alcoholic beverage with water, watch the temperature of the water. If it is too high, the alcohol will lose its flavor and the essential oils may evaporate.

With the onset of a cold, a drink with an alcohol content brings down the temperature very well. Due to the presence of rum, you can reduce the pain in the throat. The simplest recipe that will help alleviate the symptoms of a cold is as follows: brew herbal tea, add spices, honey (do not forget that honey cannot be added to boiling water), add an alcoholic drink (preferably rum). Shake well and serve hot. After that, be sure to cover yourself with a warm blanket and try to sleep. After sleep, you will notice an improvement in your condition.

cooking recipes

The original recipe for alcoholic punch is a mixture of rum with plain water, granulated sugar, a variety of spices and fruits. The liquid must be brought to a boil or heated well, and the drink is ready. At home, it is quite easy and quick to prepare. To do this, you will need to take five main ingredients and mix them.

If you want to add a little different flavor, you can improvise, add or subtract your favorite foods. The classic recipe is rare. In addition to traditional ingredients, people prefer to add pieces of fruit, tea to the drink, replace rum with cognac or bourbon.

There are recipes not only for hot drinks, but also for cold options. There is also a non-alcoholic version, which contains fresh berries and fruits.

In ancient times, the drink was prepared as follows: granulated sugar was poured into boiling water, strongly brewed black tea, a little lemon juice and slightly warmed tea were added. alcoholic drink. The mixture was heated to about 60 degrees so that the alcohol did not evaporate, but, on the contrary, was felt in it as strongly as possible. A little time later, the recipe was improved and they began to add a pinch nutmeg, lemon juice replaced with ordinary water, tea - with spices. Rum remained in the classic recipe, and in the modified versions they began to use instead grape vodka and whiskey.

Classic alcohol punch

Traditional hot drink consists of strong tea leaves, sugar, rum, lemon and egg yolk. In order to cook classic version, you need to do the following:

  • cut one lemon into small slices, remove all the seeds;
  • brew strong tea (you will need one liter of tea), put chopped lemon there, add vanilla sugar (about one bag, 30 grams);
  • put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, covered with a lid;
  • strain;
  • five egg yolks it is necessary to grind with sugar, add them to the pan and mix well;
  • Remove the pan from the heat and pour in half a glass of rum.

Your drink is ready! Remember, a classic recipe means serving hot!

chocolate punch

Fans of experimentation can try to make a chocolate cocktail that you and your guests will definitely like.

For cooking chocolate drink need a bottle of red table wine, half a liter of water, a glass of cognac, a glass of sugar, a chocolate bar 100 grams.

Chop up the chocolate bar. Pour cognac, wine, water into a small saucepan. Pour in chocolate and sugar. On low heat, heat the drink to about 70 degrees. Don't forget to stir. Your punch is ready! Can be poured into mugs and served hot.

The second chocolate recipe:

It will take two hundred grams of water, a bottle of red wine (dry is ideal for this recipe), two glasses of cognac, 50 grams of chocolate (preferably bitter), one egg.

Melt chocolate with water over low heat (for this you need to bring to a boil). The chocolate should completely dissolve. Cool slightly and add slightly warmed red dry wine. Pour through a sieve to remove spices. Then some alcohol (cognac or you can replace it with whiskey). One egg must be beaten with 3 tablespoons of water. Add to drink. That's it, it's ready to use!

fiery punch

This recipe is good for guests: you can put on a real exciting show with the preparation of a fiery punch. Instead of a standard and familiar saucepan, you can take fondue dishes. Pour one bottle of wine, a glass of water into the container. Add a glass of vodka and brandy. Pour 50 grams of granulated sugar. Put the drink on the fire and heat up to about 70 degrees. Put refined sugar (a couple of pieces) in a deep plate. Pour vodka over them and set them on fire. As soon as the refined sugar turns brown, quickly tip the plate of burning sugar into a fondue container and pour into mugs.

The flaming version can be prepared in another way that you will surely like. To do this, pour wine into a container, add spices (here you can show your imagination and use citrus zest, cloves, cinnamon). Heat the liquid, but do not let it boil. Strain the wine from the spices and zest, then you need to squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon, sprinkle with chopped ginger. Pour the wine into a beautiful bowl and place in the center of the table. From above it is necessary to put a small metal grate, on which lay the refined sugar soaked in vodka or cognac. Set it on fire. The sugar will begin to melt and the caramel will fall into the punch. This results in spectacular and bizarre colored spots on the surface.

This method of preparing a fiery version of the drink looks very impressive, especially if there is twilight in the room.

Punch a la Barbados

On an island in the Caribbean, rum has always been a favorite drink. Barbados rum liked the English settlers almost immediately.

It is believed that this drink is one of the main export destinations of the island (along with cane sugar). Here in Barbados, the national pride has become rum cocktail, the preparation of which was practiced in antiquity. The locals even came up with a little quatrain about their punch, the essence of which boils down to the presence of four tastes in the recipe: sour (lime juice), sweet (cane sugar), strong (strong rum), weak (ordinary water).

lime juice

To prepare a drink in Barbados, you will need one part of lime juice, two - cane sugar, three - rum, four - water. The exact proportions depend on the number of people for whom the drink is being prepared. After the liquid ingredients are mixed, the bulk components are added, it is necessary to pour in two drops of a strong Angostura tincture and mix everything well again.

Serve Barbados style rum punch in a large glass with plenty of ice. Sprinkle grated nutmeg on top.

A mandatory rule - to prepare a real Barbados rum drink, you must take only Barbados rum. Cane sugar it is advisable not to replace it with a regular one. You can add pre-prepared syrup.

What is punch and how to make this cocktail at home? Let's start with the fact that punch is a generalized name for cocktails, which necessarily contain fruit juice or the fruits themselves.

More precisely, the original ingredients were juice and rum, and later the juice began to be combined with other types of alcohol such as champagne, wine, cognac, and so on, and also supplemented with ingredients such as spices, herbs, honey, berries and fruits - it was these versions that began to be called classic punch.

Over time, even developed, which respected harmonious combination juice with sparkling water, tea or milk. The uniqueness of the punch lies in its ability to warm and relax on bad days, as well as to cool and invigorate in the hot summer season.

In order to thoroughly understand what kind of drink it is and how to prepare it at home, we will have to familiarize ourselves with various recipes classical alcoholic punch and choose the best ones.

This classic recipe was discovered for the whole world by English sailors, having brought it from India, which is the ancestor of this drink. The presented version of the punch can be drunk both in ice and warm form, depending on desire and preference.

Unpredictable taste and incomparable aroma will open for you a chic alcohol that can quickly relax and significantly improve your mood. According to some tasters, this alcohol is somewhat reminiscent of homemade "grog", which is also based on rum.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. Pour bottled water into a suitable container and boil it.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and brew tea in a boiling liquid.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, filter the broth, removing the tea leaves.
  4. Add granulated sugar to the purified tea and mix until the grains of the latter are completely dissolved.
  5. Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a separate bowl, then filter it through a fine sieve or gauze.
  6. Pour citrus liquid into tea and heat the mixture over medium heat to 80 ° C.
  7. Turn off the heat and pour in a thin stream of rum while constantly stirring the drink.
  8. Then we act according to desire - serve the guests hot or let cool until room temperature and then keep in the fridge for an hour.

Classic Christmas Punch Recipe

It is this version of punch that you can taste at New Year's fairs. Spend a few minutes of your free time and treat your loved ones with a cup of hot, steaming alcoholic drink, which will become an unexpectedly appropriate, excellent treat among friends on fresh air, under falling snowflakes.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. We cut the washed apples in half, after which we remove the core and seeds.
  2. We send the fruit halves into a shallow baking dish.
  3. Sprinkle the fruits with sugar and pour 150 ml of dark ale.
  4. We cover the container with a lid and send the fruit to the oven, preheated to 170 ° C.
  5. Bake the contents of the form for half an hour.
  6. In the meantime, peel the zest from half a lemon, trying to avoid getting white pulp.
  7. Pour the remaining ale and sherry into a large saucepan.
  8. We also add lemon zest and all the spices listed in the table.
  9. We heat the liquid over moderate heat almost to a boil, up to about 75 ° C.
  10. We add the baked apples to the hot mixture and boil the alcohol over low heat for another 6-10 minutes.
  11. Pour hot alcohol into mugs and add half a baked apple to each of them.

Classic Irish Punch Recipe

Irish whiskey is used as the alcohol base, and the fruit base is represented by a seemingly incompatible set of fruits, consisting of a pear, lemon and orange.

This recipe has become considered a classic for a reason - a non-standard, balanced combination palatability ingredients used, expressed in a scrupulous selection of certain spices, fruits and alcohol, surprised even the most seasoned tasters. From the presented amount of ingredients, you get about five liters of a finished cold drink, which is enough for about 20-25 servings.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. First, wash the pears well, then dry them with paper towels.
  2. Cut the fruit in half and remove the core and seeds. After that, cut the fruit into thin slices.
  3. Thoroughly wash the citrus fruits with a hard washcloth, then wipe them dry with napkins.
  4. Without removing the peel, cut the lemons and oranges into thin circles.
  5. In a capacious dish, in which we are going to serve a treat, we lower the chopped pears and citruses.
  6. We also add cinnamon sticks, previously cut into several pieces, and then cardamom.
  7. The resulting mixture is alternately poured with lemon fresh, then orange, and then add cinnamon syrup, orange bitter and Irish whiskey.
  8. Pour in the lemonade last and stir thoroughly.
  9. We cover the vessel with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  10. Pour the alcohol into glass glasses pre-filled with ice cubes, and then sprinkle with ground nutmeg.

Classic American Punch Recipe

The American version of punch is famous for its pronounced berry aroma and refined, intoxicating taste. This alcohol is consumed exclusively cold and is most often used to quench thirst and after a hard day's work to replenish strength and cheer up.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. Pour red wine into a suitable saucepan and dip cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg into it, after which we send the mixture to medium heat.
  2. As soon as the alcoholic liquid boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, and then add to the wine powdered sugar and orange juice.
  3. Boil the resulting mixture for 15 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, wash the oranges and cut them into thin circles or half rings.
  5. We lower the chopped citrus into the boiling mixture, after which we add fresh or defrosted cherries and red currants to the same place.
  6. Boil the hot pot over low heat for another 15 minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the heat and let the alcohol cool to room temperature, and then send it to the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  8. Pour the punch with a ladle into glass glasses, pre-filling them with ice cubes.

Classic sea buckthorn punch recipe

The sea buckthorn version will be very popular with lovers of special, interesting flavors. A ready-made alcoholic drink, in addition to enjoyment and pleasure, can help soothe a headache or toothache, as well as contribute to the normalization of work. nervous system. This punch can be drunk in any form, both warm and cold. Its maximum shelf life can reach one week, but at the same time, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. Pour bottled water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the pan from the stove and add green tea leaves to the boiling liquid.
  3. We insist tea broth under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea and dissolve honey in it and sea ​​buckthorn jam. If necessary, you can heat the liquid so that both sweet ingredients are completely dissolved in the liquid.
  5. Pour in a thin stream quality cognac and stir the hot drink well.
  6. We lower slices of citrus fruits there and let the drink brew for half an hour.
  7. Depending on preferences, we can immediately start tasting, or we can cool the alcohol in the refrigerator, and then try it.

Classic Ginger Punch Recipe

It's no secret that ginger is a storehouse of vitamins and is often consumed during a cold. However, in its pure form, this product is difficult to eat, so why not make a healthy punch based on it, which will perfectly cope with colds and significantly strengthen the immune system.

In addition to medicinal qualities, this alcoholic drink improves performance, invigorates and uplifts the mood.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. Ginger is peeled, washed and cut into thin rings.
  2. Put chopped ginger into a small container, add the rest of the spices and granulated sugar there.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with bottled water and wait for the liquid to boil.
  4. Boil the syrup over moderate heat for 10-15 minutes until a white foam stops forming.
  5. Strain the finished syrup through cheesecloth and set aside.
  6. Pour wine into a clean container and add lemon juice squeezed from half a citrus.
  7. When the liquid warms up to 65-70 ° C, remove it from the heat and mix with tea and syrup.
  8. Serve the punch hot, pouring it into mugs that can keep the drink warm for as long as possible.

Classic tangerine punch recipe

This intoxicant is prepared on the basis of liquor, since its sweetness adds charm to the drink in an amazing way, combined with the tangerine sourness.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. Peel the tangerines, then divide them into slices and carefully remove the pulp from the white film.
  2. We send the tangerine pulp to a blender and grind to a puree state.
  3. Pour water into the pan, and when it boils, we dilute honey in it.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and orange, filter them and add to the syrup.
  5. Add tangerine puree there and bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. Boil the drink for 10 minutes, after which we pour the alcohol base into it.
  7. We remove the alcohol from the fire and let it brew for half an hour under a closed lid.

Classic berry punch recipe

Refreshing and invigorating berry punch good option for friendly gatherings in the shade of trees or romantic evenings under the stars.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. We thoroughly wash all the berries with running water, and remove the seeds from the cherries, if any.
  2. Cut strawberries in half and put in a deep bowl.
  3. We also send red currants, raspberries and cherries there.
  4. Pour bottled liquid into a saucepan and add granulated sugar and citric acid.
  5. We put the container on medium heat and, with constant stirring, prepare the syrup.
  6. As soon as foam ceases to form on the surface of the liquid, and the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, remove the syrup from the heat and cool it to 20-23 ° C.
  7. Pour the cooled syrup over the berries and leave it in this form for at least an hour so that the fruits release the juice.
  8. Stir the berry infusion slightly, after which we pour pre-chilled alcohol into it.
  9. Again we give the opportunity to brew for 20-30 minutes.
  10. Serve punch in tall glasses filled with ice cubes. Any fresh berry can be used as decoration.

Classic fruit punch recipe

Balanced combination of ripe and juicy fruit allows you to taste an excellent alcoholic drink, which, when cold, will invigorate and save you from thirst on a hot day, and when hot, it will warm and relax on a chilly evening.

Required Ingredients

Manufacturing technology

  1. We heat the water almost to a boil, after which we pour sugar into it and cook the syrup.
  2. As soon as the sugar liquid boils, boil it for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  3. Banana, pineapple and kiwi are peeled and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  4. Pour all kinds of juice, cooled sugar syrup into a deep container and lower the chopped fruit there.
  5. Let the mixture steep for one hour.
  6. Before the direct serving of the infusion, pour beer, white wine and cream soda into the fruit infusion.

Classic Punch Recipe Video

I want to draw your attention to other interesting versions of the classic punch, which are popular in all corners of the world and have a large army of fans.

Video #1. This video shows a recipe for a classic orange punch based on sparkling wine and gin.

Video #2. In this video, you will learn how to make delicious watermelon punch on your own in the comfort of your home.

Useful information

  • Separate, close attention deserves "apple punch", famous for its many successful and popular varieties.
  • For general development, I recommend getting acquainted with interesting facts that illuminate.

In my opinion, these are the best classic punch recipes that can satisfy the tastes of almost every invited guest. Write about your own variations of this drink and do not forget to give your opinion on the punch prepared according to the recipes I have presented. Thanks for watching and good luck making your own punch!

Punch is a fairly easy-to-make alcoholic drink, and all you need to make it is the classic punch recipe. It is very well suited for a festive table, unlike cognac and vodka. Of course, you can prepare various cocktails, but they usually require a lot of expenses, sometimes both monetary and temporary.

Punch is very convenient in this respect. It can be cooked in large quantities. It usually consists of tea, sugar, rum, various spices and citrus fruits. However, there are a lot of cooking recipes, and some lovers continue to invent more and more new ones.

Punch is good to drink when there is bad weather outside, and given that it is usually served warm, this drink is a good remedy for colds.

History of punch

Now this delicious drink not uncommon at various events, from social receptions to children's parties. Such a spread is possible because the word "punch" means a whole set of not only alcoholic, but also non-alcoholic fruit cocktails.

Over the centuries of navigation, the discovery of new lands and the capture of colonies, a lot of exotic things have penetrated Europe from across the sea, including recipes for original drinks. Basically, the honor of the discovery belonged to the sailors, which means that they definitely could not ignore alcohol.

So rum, whiskey, tequila and of course came to Europe. Its recipe was brought from India, where this drink was made on the basis of five ingredients (in ancient Indian this word means "five") - sugar (honey), wine, rum, tea and spices.

True, it seems that the Indians meant some other ingredients, because they began to add rum to punch in the Caribbean, and tea, apparently at the same time, in order to slightly remove the bitterness of rum. It is in this part of the world that recipes that have been popular to this day have been created:

  • planter's (Planter's Punch),
  • Barbados rum (Bajan Rum Punch),
  • Caribbean rum (Caribbean Rum Punch).

Apparently, the planters were trying to somehow improve the taste of rum - moonshine from cane molasses, which in those days was disgusting.

In general, a great many recipes for making punch have been invented, and what is especially pleasant: each housewife can quickly come up with a new one from the products at her disposal. Punch is made with wine, brandy, or simply fruit juices. Rum, cognac, bourbon, tea, liqueurs, dark beer, spices, pieces of fruit, honey or other ingredients are added to it, depending on the recipe. The main thing is that it should be sweet and tasty.

Serve it chilled, hot and even burning. Moreover, this recipe is so original that it has become the hallmark of this drink.

Classic alcohol punch

Among the warming alcoholic cocktails, punch stands out with a pleasant fruity taste.

  1. This alcoholic drink, brought from India to Europe, is prepared on the basis of rum, and in some variations on the basis of liquor and wine.
  2. To make homemade punch wrong, you have to work hard, because it is easy to give even to amateurs and beginners, and the ingredients for it are easy to find in any supermarket.

In such a variety of recipes created over hundreds of years since its invention, it is difficult to find a traditional one. We will figure out how to prepare a classic punch, what to use for cooking and how to accentuate the flavor nuances of a strong drink.


The concept of punch appeared after a number of American films, where a punch of bright colors in a bowl with a ladle is an obligatory attribute of parties. It is believed that this drink was invented before the advent of the United States. It is believed that soldiers from England, who were serving in India, did this and brought him home. According to another version, it was invented long before that, and the British East India Company helped it spread around the world. Whoever was the discoverer of punch, pleasant taste his drink pleases us so far. After spreading across Europe, brandy began to be used as a basis, as a more affordable version of the alcohol component.

The traditional punch has 5 ingredients: rum, sugar, hot water, lemon juice and tea, as well as spices to taste.

  • 350 ml dark rum;
  • 750 ml hot water;
  • 2 tsp brewed tea;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • lemon.


  1. Pour the tea leaves warm water. Insist for 15 minutes. You should get a clear liquid, so remove the leaves by straining through a fine sieve.
  2. Pour rum into it, add sugar. Squeeze out the juice of the lemon before preparing the drink and add it to the mixture.
  3. Pour into a bowl and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Serve the punch hot.

Serving in large punches, ceramic or porcelain glasses is considered classic. A glass for mulled wine or grog would also be suitable. Since they are made of thick glass, the glass will retain heat and the punch will stay hot longer.

Beneficial features

Since at that time rum was available only to the wealthy segments of the population, it was replaced with other alcohol. Although by the end of the XVII century. returned to the traditional recipe, the word "punch" today is the collective name for cocktails based on rum, grappa, wine, brandy, vodka, claret and even alcohol.

Wanna cook classic cocktail, completely following the recipe? Then remember a few things.

  • The drink is brewed in enamel bowls and served in bowls and decanters that keep warm for a long time. If you do not have special glasses for hot drinks, you can replace them with thermo mugs or cups made of clay and porcelain.
  • Before pouring the water into the rum, add sugar to it and let it cool down a bit. The main thing is that the sweetness of the drink should not be excessive, otherwise you will not feel the real taste behind it.
  • Sugar can not only be replaced with honey, but it is also necessary. Honey contains more useful substances, and its natural sweetness will make the drink more refined.
  • The correct ratio of alcohol and water is 1:3. That is, for 600 ml of a cocktail there should be 200 ml of rum.
  • When choosing rum, do not focus on expensive brands, this is considered bad form. They are good without impurities and heating, but in a punch they will not be expressed so brightly, you simply will not notice them. Too cheap rum will also not work, because there is a high probability that it will turn out to be a fake.

If you do not have certain taste attachments, of the dark and light types of rum, light is better.The finished mixture over low heat should be heated to 65-70 ° C - this is the recommended punch serving temperature.

A suitable tea would be strong custard, and ideal option- sheet. Take the packaged form only if you are sure of its naturalness. The flavoring in tea with impurities, most likely, will not be felt behind the smell of alcohol and spices, so it will not spoil the drink, but it will not bring any benefits either.

Spices are best used whole rather than ground, although they are interchangeable. By using a cinnamon stick, clove bud and star anise blossoms, you get a lighter and more natural taste. Don't go overboard with their amount, because they can overpower the taste of the rum.

When adding citrus juice and other fruits, remember that it is best to make them yourself before making a cocktail. Preservatives and flavors cannot replace naturalness. Do not choose soft berries, apples, etc., because they will turn into porridge under the influence of high temperatures.

It is better to serve punch “clean”, without parts of fruits and spices, unless they serve as a decoration for the drink. When you mix alcohol with water, it should not be very hot. When diluted with boiling water, it loses its taste, and the essential oil evaporates.

Favorable Qualities of Punch

In addition to the fact that this drink is delicious, in small quantities it is also healthy, because it enriches with useful microelements.

It warms the body from the inside, so it will be useful to cook it after a long walk on cold winter streets. With hypothermia, a hot cocktail will become a healing balm for you. It prevents colds.

In the classic recipe, strong alcoholic drinks - rum, brandy, cognac - serve as the basis.

  • They are aged in oak barrels, so they are rich in useful tannins.
  • Rum and cognac slow down inflammatory processes, protect the body from unwanted external and internal influences on it.
  • Punch is drunk to increase appetite, improve vascular function, and relieve muscle pain.
  • Fruits, which are used to decorate and give a special taste, fill the body with vitamins, tone it up and improve performance.
  • Nothing prevents you from supplementing the drink with those berries that are good for you.
  • Blueberries will improve eyesight, sea buckthorn will reduce susceptibility to infections, and lingonberries will help cope with kidney disease.

Only it will no longer be a classic, but your personal recipe.

Remember to be careful with spices if you have allergic reactions. For the category of people who are forbidden to take alcohol, there are non-alcoholic recipes.

Punch with alcohol for colds

Contrary to the negative opinion that has developed about alcohol, it has beneficial properties. Rum in a punch will help soothe a sore throat with a cold, bring down the temperature and cope with the infection in the body.


  • 1 tbsp warm water;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 40 g whiskey, bourbon or rum;
  • custard / tea in a bag of natural herbs;
  • 1 stick or 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 2 cloves;
  • a pinch of cardamom


  1. pour tea hot water. During a cold, it is better to drink soothing tea from chamomile, lemon balm, etc. herbs.
  2. Add spices without grinding them. If you are using a whole cardamom be sure to remove the seeds from the pod. Steep the tea until the tea leaves take on a natural color.
  3. Strain the liquid through a strainer, add honey there. Remember that honey should not be added to boiling water so that it does not lose everything. beneficial features. So if the tea is too hot, let it cool down a bit.
  4. Add rum or other alcoholic drink to your tea. Stir and drink it while it's warm. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket to keep you warm. The punch should bring down the temperature, and bad substances will leave the body with sweat.

If the punch was made on the basis of herbal tea, it will be much easier to fall asleep at night, in addition, alcohol will relax the muscles and soothe discomfort on the mucous membranes. Remember that this is not a panacea for high fever, so use medication to bring it down.

Classic European Punch Recipe

After it was brought to Europe, the recipe for the drink acquired a local flavor and changed a little. One of the ingredients was red wine, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Do not confuse punch with mulled wine, because the wine in punch is not the base, but an additional component. Although rum will require half as much as wine, the strength of alcohol will take its toll, and it will be its taste that will dominate. The second difference is that the taste of mulled wine will not be as fruity, because less juice is added there, and it is not recommended to drink it hot.


  • a bottle of rum;
  • 2 bottles of red wine;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 oranges;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • spices to taste.


  1. Boil water, put sugar in it and stir until completely dissolved. Leave it to cool down to 50°C.
  2. Heat red wine and when it is almost boiling, add one orange and one lemon each, pre-cut into circles or wedges. Put the spices in there.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the remaining citrus fruits and add to the wine. Combine wine-citrus mixture and water with sugar in a drink bowl.

To make the serving spectacular, place a strainer over the bowl, put a couple of sugar cubes there, pour rum on top and set it on fire. Under the influence of high temperatures, the sugar will begin to melt and, spreading, set fire to the entire punch.

Pour it into cups while hot. Because this drink is not for a feast, but rather for gatherings in a pleasant company, you do not need to prepare a side dish for it or meat dishes. On the table, it will go well with light snacks.

As you can see, the preparation of punch is a very simple procedure. Even by the set of ingredients, it is clear that the drink cannot turn out tasteless. Do not forget about the main rule that makes punch especially tasty: you should drink it savoring, enjoying, and always in a pleasant company.

How to apply

The punch is served in a porcelain, earthenware or earthenware dish, at a temperature of 65 degrees, but there are some punch recipes which are served cold. It cannot be heated above 65 degrees, since alcohol added to the drink can evaporate and lose all its taste.

Punch is somewhat reminiscent of sangria and due to its simple preparation, in many countries it is a traditional drink for parties with a large number of guests.

The classic punch consists of five main components - rum, hot water, tea and lemon juice, but today there are a lot of recipes and you can use different alcohol to make it.

Basic Rules

Alcohol should not be poured into too hot water, as alcohol added to the drink may evaporate and lose all its taste.

  • Wine should be heated in an enameled container to avoid various oxidative reactions with the metal.
  • Before adding water to our drink, sugar or honey should first be diluted in it and then cooled.

And here are some recipes for making punch at home.

New Year

Required Ingredients:

  • Dry red wine - 1.5 l.
  • Orange - 4 pcs.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Tea - 4 tsp
  • Boiling water - 1 l.
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Tea cinnamon and cloves pour boiling water. After 20-30 minutes, when the water has cooled slightly, our infusion must be filtered into an enameled container. Add sugar, citrus juice and wine. Mix everything and cook our drink, not bringing to a boil. We spill and drink.

Cold with rum and wine

Required Ingredients:

  • Rum - 750 gr.
  • Semi-dry white wine - 1 l.
  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons.
  • Grated rind of 3 lemons.

First you need to boil the syrup from water and sugar. We cool our syrup, add lemon juice and zest, mix everything, filter and add rum and wine. We put the finished drink in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Then pour into glasses and serve.

Alcoholic cognac with lemon

Required Ingredients:

  • Cognac - 0.4 gr.
  • Vodka - 0.5 gr.
  • Boiling water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Lemon - 10 pcs.
  • Orange - 5 pcs.

Grate the zest of oranges and lemons and rub with sugar. Peeled citrus fruits, cut into slices and put in a prepared container. There we add the zest with sugar, pour boiling water and mix everything. Let our drink cool down and then add vodka and cognac. Next, the drink must be tightly covered and left to brew for about 3 hours. Strain the punch and it's ready.

Cool with champagne

  • Champagne - 750 gr.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons.
  • Orange - 5 slices.
  • Strawberry syrup - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Strawberries (can be frozen, if not in season) - 250 gr.

Mixing lemon juice strawberry syrup and add berries. We lay out the resulting mass in glasses into equal portions, add an orange slice and pour champagne. Can be served with ice.
This drink is popular among women as it is very light and delicious.

Imperial (the easiest to prepare)

Required ingredients for 10 servings:

  • Semi-sweet rose wine - 1.5 l.
  • Vodka - 300 gr.
  • Cranberry juice - 250 gr.
  • Blackcurrant juice - 250 gr.
  • Grapefruit juice - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.

The recipe is very simple. All ingredients must be mixed and the punch is ready.

Tea with citrus

  • Black tea bags - 2 pcs.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 200 gr.
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice - 200 gr.
  • Vodka - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Fresh mint - 25 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ (sliced)

Brew tea, add sugar and stir. Pour in the juice of lemons and oranges and put mint.
Allow the drink to cool slightly and then add vodka and lemon slices.


Required ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Cocoa - 50 gr.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Water - 250 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Red semi-sweet wine - 500 gr.
  • Cognac - 150 gr.
  1. Add sugar and cocoa to a saucepan with water, put on a slow fire, stir until the ingredients are dissolved and bring to a boil.
  2. Remove from heat and leave the water to cool.
  3. While the liquid is cooling in a separate bowl, heat the wine to 40 degrees and then mix it with water.
  4. When the cocoa settles to the bottom, the drink will need to be poured into another container, leaving the sediment in the pan.
  5. Beat the egg with 50 gr. water and add to our punch along with cognac.
  6. Served hot.

Exotic punch "Passion"

Required ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Light rum - 40 gr.
  • pineapple canned syrup- 10 gr.
  • Red grape juice - 30 gr.
  • Passion fruit juice - 30 gr.

All components must be mixed well in a shaker with two ice cubes. Exotic passion, ready!

With honey and whiskey

Required ingredients for 5 servings:

  • Strong black tea - 1 l.
  • Whiskey - 500 gr.
  • Honey - 100 gr.
  • Sugar - 50 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Brew tea, filter, add sugar, honey and sliced ​​​​lemon. Mix everything until honey and sugar dissolve, cool to 70 degrees and then pour in the whiskey, mix again and your punch is ready!


Required ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Black leaf tea - 3 tsp
  • Boiling water - 500 ml.
  • Apple juice - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 80 gr.
  • Maple syrup - 2 tsp
  • Freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon.

Brew tea, strain, add all ingredients. Bring the resulting drink to a boil and the punch is ready. Pour and enjoy.

Try to cook do-it-yourself punch and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result! Great option for large companies and does not require much time in preparation.

Punch "Hurricane"

In order not to There are no age or other restrictions, just exclude alcohol from the recipe and add one more glass of sugar and water. Then the whole family can enjoy the drink. Compound:sugar, water, pineapple juice, orange juice, rum, rum, grenadine syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, lime juice, orange liqueur, extract, ginger ale, drink ...


Refreshing, delicious fruit punch, perfect for festive table, and especially the next morning after the holiday. Compound: cranberry juice, pineapple juice, orange juice, lemon juice, ginger ale, orange.


Fruit punch is prepared in a multicooker (slow cooker), which guarantees an excellent rich taste and aroma. Ingredients: apple juice, orange juice, lemon juice, honey, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, lemon peel, lemon slices


Wonderful soft drink for Christmas that anyone can cook caring hostess for their household members. Composition: cinnamon, cinnamon powder, cloves, cloves, allspice, ground allspice, cardamom, cardamom, ginger root, orange, cranberry, water, honey, nutmeg

North Scottish Dairy

A recipe for someone who wants to warm up on a cold evening somewhere in the highlands of Scotland… Or anywhere else where it gets cold… Ingredients: Scotch whiskey (Scotch), Drambuie liqueur, eggs, milk


In the cold, it is so nice to warm up with a delicious fragrant punch. I recommend the lemon punch. Ingredients: sugar, water, lemon, dry wine, vodka, rum, tea

Red Wine Punch

Punch - fragrant winter drink. It's good to sit with friends, chat over a glass of punch. Compound:

  • Red wine,
  • cognac,
  • lemon,
  • sugar,
  • sparkling water,
  • mineral water

Fruit honey

Invigorating and cooling punch, recipe with honey and citrus juice. Such a non-alcoholic punch will become an indispensable drink at a hot party. Ingredients: orange juice, banana, pineapple juice, honey, water, sugar, lemonade, carbonated water

citrus tea

Such an alcoholic punch is prepared on the basis of black tea with the addition of citrus juice, mint and vodka. Ingredients: fresh mint, black tea, sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice, freshly squeezed orange juice, vodka, lemon

Hot Sea Buckthorn Punch

Sea buckthorn is amazing useful berry. However, not everyone likes its smell, sour-bitter taste. And yet, a way out can be found! Try to cook hot punch from sea buckthorn natural juices orange and lemon. A pleasant warming astringency will give the drink aromatic additives of mint, ginger and cardamom. Ingredients: sea buckthorn, lemon, orange, ginger, cardamom, granulated sugar, water, fresh mint, ice

with cherry

Do you like soft drinks? Try cherry punch. Ingredients: black tea, water, lemon, cloves, red wine, cherry, sugar, ground cinnamon, vanillin

Cocktail Tai Punch (Ti Punch)

It is a very popular aperitif, adored by the French-speaking inhabitants of the Caribbean. Tai Punch is a sour cocktail based on white (light) rum, which is traditionally made in the French Caribbean, and which has a slightly pronounced taste compared to other types of this strong drink. Compound:

  • lime,
  • sugar syrup


For such a delicious punch, it is enough to mix grape and cranberry juice and lemonade, and also, it is important to serve this cooling drink beautifully. Ingredients: cranberry, water, grape juice, cranberry juice, lemonade, orange, lemon

from watermelon

Your party will be remembered for a long time if you offer guests watermelon punch, refreshing and delicious. Food pansies will become a magnificent decoration of the punch. To make watermelon punch, you will need the following ingredients(for 4 servings):

  • 3 cups watermelon pulp without seeds
  • 1.5 cups white vermouth
  • 1.5 tbsp Sahara
  • 3 cups crushed ice
  • food pansies - for decoration

Watermelon punch is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix in a blender watermelon pulp with sugar and vermouth for 10 seconds to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add ice, garnish with flower petals and serve in chilled glasses.

cold punches

In addition to hot cocktail options, there are many cold recipes for the classic alcoholic punch, which have also been around for a long time. Cold traditional punch is divided into several of the most famous variations: "Barbadian", "Caribbean" and "Planter's Punch".

Barbadian cold

The fact that it is written in the form of rhyming lines of a poem shows how old this recipe is.

The Barbadian version is unusual in that the punch is made with dark rum and served over ice. The rhyme says that you need to combine lemon juice, sugar, Barbados rum and water in proportions 1:2:3:4. A pinch of nutmeg and the popular Venezuelan alcoholic drink angostura will add zest.

Caribbean cold

Want to get into the role of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean? Then this is your option because this rum cocktail is famous in the Caribbean. This recipe is perfect for any beginner.


  • 30 ml white rum;
  • 30 ml brown rum;
  • 80 ml of pineapple juice;
  • 40 ml orange juice;
  • 10 ml of lemon juice;
  • 5 ml of pomegranate syrup.


  1. Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
  2. Shake well.
  3. Serve with ice, mint leaves, cherries and a pineapple wedge.

Planter's Punch

Legend has it that in the 70s of the XVII century. rum production began in Jamaica. The owner of the production, celebrating this event, treated everyone amazing drink under the name "Planter's Punch", which has since taken root well on the island. It must strictly adhere to the proportions.


  • 42 ml dark rum "Myers";
  • 1 tsp liqueur "Grenadine";
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 100 ml orange juice;
  • ½ lime.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lime, add it to the shaker.
  2. Pour liqueur, rum and orange juice into it, add sugar.
  3. Shake well. Strain the liquid into a glass using a strainer, garnish with ice, mint leaves, cherries and an orange slice.

Other recipes

There is no fewer recipes cooking and cold punches, below are the most popular


Rum dark - 50 ml;
Sugar syrup - 25 ml;
Lime juice - 25 ml.

Place ¾ of crushed ice into a glass. Pour the mixture of all the ingredients into a glass, decorate with a slice of lime. Optionally, you can serve a straw to the cocktail.


  • Rum - 1 glass;
  • Water - 750 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Lemon peel.

Mix water, rum, add lemon juice and zest there. All this is boiled and cooled twice. We put on ice, then strain and pour into glasses.

fruity cold

  • Apple juice - 1 liter;
  • cognac or cherry liqueur- 125 ml;
  • Sugar - to taste.

Mixing Apple juice with cognac (or liquor), add sugar, mix, cool. The punch is ready.


  • Sugar - 300 grams;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Lemons - 2 pieces;
  • Oranges - 3 pieces;
  • Egg white - 4 pieces;
  • Rum - 1 glass;
  • Lemon and orange peel.

First, prepare sugar syrup: cook it from sugar and water. Add to the syrup squeezed juice from lemons and oranges, lemon and orange peel. Cool the mixture, strain and pour into a tall narrow container. The shape of the container should be such that it can be placed in a wide bowl filled with ice, where the container can be rotated periodically until the liquid in it thickens.

Whip egg white into the foam, gently mix with the thickened mass and a glass of rum. Serve ready drink in tall glasses.


  • Beer - 2 liters;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Egg - 4 pieces;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Cloves and cinnamon - to taste.
  • Sugar - to taste (about 1 gram);

Cooking process:

  1. In beer, add sugar, cloves, cinnamon, sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon.
  2. Bring this mixture to a boil, then cool and strain.
  3. Beat eggs with milk until foamy and slowly pour into the beer mixture.
  4. Such a punch is served with ice in tall beer mugs.


  • Strawberries - 400 grams;
  • Lemon zest - 3 teaspoons;
  • Lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • Champagne semi-sweet - 200 ml;
  • Dry white wine - 200 ml;
  • Red semi-sweet wine - 200 ml.


  1. Bring strawberries, zest and lemon juice to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. After that, the mass must be rubbed through a sieve and cooled.

Before serving the punch to the guests, we put a lot of ice, strawberry mixture into the bowl and pour champagne, white and red wine into it, always chilled.

Raspberry cold

Raspberry juice - 100 ml;
Powdered sugar - 1/3 cup;
Cream - ½ liter;
Fresh raspberries.

Whip the cream, put them in raspberry juice, add powdered sugar there. Mix thoroughly and pour into tall glasses. Decorate with raspberries.

royal purple

Red wine - 1 liter;
Ginger beer - 1 liter;

Mix wine, beer and ice cubes. Serve in a punch bowl, garnish with thin slices of lemon on top.

Premium Punch

Tequila - 1 liter;
Soda water - 1 liter;
Cranberry juice - 1 liter;
Lemonade concentrate - 2 cans.

  • Mix all ingredients except soda water.
  • Soda water and crushed ice are added just before serving to guests.
  • The punch is served in a bowl.

West Indian

Rum dark - 50 ml;
Liquor "Cream de banana" - 20 ml;
Orange juice - 25 ml;
Pineapple juice - 25 ml;
Lime juice - 12 ml.

Pour all the ingredients into a glass with crushed ice, shake. We decorate the glass with fruits to taste, sprinkle the drink with nutmeg.

Scottish creamy

  • Liqueur "Drambuie" - 25 ml;
  • Scottish whiskey - 12 ml;
  • Liquor "Cointreau" - 1 teaspoon;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Sugar syrup - 8 ml.

Pour all the ingredients into one container, shake and strain into a glass with crushed ice. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Punch "Milky Way"

  • Rum dark - 17 ml;
  • Whiskey "Bourbon" - 17 ml;
  • Apricot brandy - 17 ml;
  • Milk - 115 ml.

Pour all the ingredients into one container, shake and strain into a glass with crushed ice. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Characteristics of punches

Brief characteristics of punches produced by the industry of Russia and neighboring countries.


Punch prepared with alcoholized quince juice, infusions of cinnamon, cloves, bitter almonds, as well as vanillin and lemon oil. The color of the drink is golden yellow. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of quince with hints of spices and citrus. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 38%.

cherry plum

Punch produced using alcoholized cherry plum juice and infusions of lemon peel, cinnamon, cloves, bitter almonds, nutmeg, and vanillin. The color of the drink is golden yellow. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of cherry plum. Fortress - 17% vol.) Sugar - 38%.


Punch produced using alcoholized strawberry juice, infusions of fresh orange peel, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves. The color of the drink is orange. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of orange. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 34%.


Punch produced using alcoholized barberry juice, infusions of fresh lemon peel, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg.

  • The color of the drink is burgundy red.
  • The taste is sweet and sour with a touch of spices.
  • Aroma of barberry and spices.
  • Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 38.5%.


Punch prepared using alcoholized strawberry juice, infusions of fresh lemon peel, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, as well as rum essence, port wine, cognac, vanillin. The color of the drink is orange-red. The taste is sweet. Aroma of grape wine and spices. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 37%.


Punch made with spirited cherry juice, infusions of fresh lemon brambling, bitter almonds, cinnamon, cloves, and bitter almond oil. The color of the drink is dark cherry. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of cherry with spices. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 38%.


Punch prepared with alcoholized apple juice, dried apricot juice, infusions of almonds, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and lemon oil.

  • The color of the drink is golden.
  • The taste is sweet and sour.
  • Aroma is fruity with hints of spices.
  • Fortress - 17% vol.
  • Sugar - 37%.


Punch made with cranberry and blueberry fruit drinks, infusions of fresh lemon peel, cloves, and lemon oil.

  • The color of the drink is red.
  • The taste is sweet and sour.
  • Aroma of cranberries with hints of spices.
  • Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 33.8%.


Punch produced using alcoholized quince, cherry, raspberry juices and infusions of cinnamon, almonds, cloves. The color of the drink is red. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma is fruity with hints of spices. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 38%.


Punch prepared using alcoholized raspberry juice, blueberry juice, infusions of fresh lemon peel, nutmeg, as well as rum essence, vanillin. The color of the drink is red. The taste is sweet and sour, slightly spicy. Aroma of raspberries and spices. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 39%.


Punch made with alcoholized apple juice natural honey, fragrant alcohol of lemon oil, infusions of cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, as well as rum essence and vanillin. The color of the drink is golden yellow. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of honey and spices. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 33.7%.


Punch prepared with the use of cranberry, blackcurrant alcoholized juices, infusions of fresh lemon peel, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, as well as vanillin and port wine.

  • The color of the drink is dark red.
  • The taste is sweet and sour.
  • Aroma of cranberries and spices.
  • Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 32%.


Punch prepared with the use of mountain ash and bird cherry fruit drinks, infusions of tangerine peel, cinnamon, cloves, and vanillin. The color of the drink is brown with a red tint. The taste is sweet and sour with a touch of spices. Aroma of mountain ash and bird cherry. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 40%.


Punch prepared with cranberry and rowan fruit drinks. The color of the drink is cranberry red. The taste is sweet and sour with a slight bitterness. The aroma is rounded with a hint of cranberry. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 35%.


Punch prepared with alcoholized plum juice, prune juice, infusions of lemon peel, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and vanillin. The color of the drink is red with an orange tint.

  • The taste is sweet and sour.
  • Aroma of plums and spices.
  • Fortress - 17%.
  • Sugar - 38.4%.


Punch made with quince juice, lemon peel infusions, vanilla, almond, cinnamon, and port wine. The color of the drink is yellow. The taste is sweet and sour with hints of spices and citrus fruits. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 34.7%.

bird cherry

Punch prepared using bird cherry juice, alcoholized blueberry juice, infusions of nutmeg and cloves, as well as port wine. The color of the drink is dark red. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of cherry and spices. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 33%.


Punch prepared with alcoholized blackcurrant juice, infusions of lemon peel, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and vanillin.

  • The color of the drink is dark red.
  • The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of black currant and spices.
  • Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 39%.


Punch produced using alcoholized apple juice, lemon peel infusion, vanillin, pineapple essence. The color of the drink is golden yellow. The taste is sweet and sour. Aroma of apples with a hint of citrus. Fortress - 17% vol. Sugar - 35%.

The prim English call it "panch", following the traditions of the oppressors of Indian Buddhists and all sorts of Sikhs. Panch from Hindi literally translates as "five", according to the number of ingredients in a classic punch. old recipe: rum, sugar, lemon juice, hot water and tea. Today it is the collective name of all mixed drinks, usually containing fruit juice and pieces of fruit.

And shine, and noise, and the talk of balls,

And at the hour of the feast idle

The hiss of foamy glasses

And punch flame blue.

A.S. Pushkin

Cranberry punch with pepper. Ideal.

  • 2 tsp black peppercorns
  • 2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 1 bottle dry white wine
  • 60 g dried sage leaves
  • 250 ml Benedictine liqueur
  • 60 g of any fragrant honey

Pour pepper into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir it for about 2 minutes until the aroma comes out. Add cranberries, 1 glass of wine, honey and simmer over medium heat for about 7 minutes until the honey is completely dissolved. Gently crush the cranberries with a fork, add the remaining wine and sage. Boil over low heat for another five minutes. Strain through a sieve, mashing the cranberries well. Let the punch cool and refrigerate for a day or two. Before serving, heat to steam and add Benedictine, which can be replaced, for example,. Serve cranberry punch in warm bowls.

Strong punch with gin and Madeira

  • 700 ml gin (preferably Hendrick's)
  • 700 ml madeira
  • 6 slices lemon zest
  • 1 slice orange zest
  • 3 pieces of pineapple
  • 90 g honey
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 pinch grated nutmeg
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp cane sugar

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Pour into a punch bowl or large pitcher. Garnish with orange slices and cloves. Drink big company and wait for summer.

Hot punch with tequila

  • 500 ml tequila
  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 200 ml grapefruit juice
  • 75 ml lemon juice
  • 2 glasses strong tea
  • ½ cinnamon stick
  • sugar to taste

In a saucepan, combine tequila, orange, grapefruit and lemon juice. Add cinnamon and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Before this, you need to brew two glasses of strong black tea. Remove the mixture from heat, remove the cinnamon and add the tea. Sweeten to taste, mix well and pour into a punch bowl. Serve immediately and pour into glasses.

Classic coffee punch

  • 50 ml cognac
  • 200 ml dry red wine
  • 300 ml freshly brewed coffee
  • 1 orange
  • 4-6 sugar cubes

It is advisable to use natural coffe medium roast without aromatic additives. Grind it into dust and brew, for example, in a Turk. Strain through a sieve with a paper towel or through a special coffee filter. On medium heat, heat the wine to 70 degrees, and then add it to the coffee along with the cognac. Wash the orange well with a brush and dry, and then rub sugar cubes on it, which will absorb essential oils. Pour coffee punch into cups and add sugar to taste.

Egg punch or german eggnog

We would like to finish the selection of these amazing warming goodies with a classic punch, which is prepared in Germany. At home, it is called "Eierpunsch". In composition, it is very similar to the one we already know, but the German alcoholic eggnog is always served hot, as it is customary to drink it at Christmas markets.

  • 1 bottle of white wine (750 ml)
  • 4 eggs or 8 yolks
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 standard sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 250 ml strong black tea
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 4 cloves
  • lemon or lemon juice to taste

Prepare 250 ml of strong black tea. Whisk 5 tablespoons of sugar and 4 eggs/8 egg yolks in a bowl. Add some cold wine to it and whisk more vigorously. Now it's time to add vanilla sugar to the mixture, which can be replaced with 2 tsp. regular sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla extract, remaining wine, cloves and cinnamon, iced tea and lemon juice to taste. You can also add 50 ml of dark rum or cognac to the mixture, but this is not necessary.

Put the mixture on a slow fire and heat until a white foam appears on the surface. The main thing is not to let the punch boil. The heated drink must be filtered through a sieve or simply remove the cloves. Egg punch should be served hot in beautiful cups. If desired, you can add a little whipped cream and grated ginger on top. Eierpunsch tastes great with gingerbread cookies. Egg punch can also be made with red wine, but you don't need to add tea.

Bon appetit and warm winter!

Punch, in its broadest definition, is an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink that has been flavored with fruit or fruit juice. This mix first became popular in England when, in the 17th century, the colonialists, along with rich trophies, brought the recipe for its preparation from India. There are so many ways to make punch at home that listing them would take a whole day. A few worth noting are the alcoholic version, which is suitable for holidays and parties with a large number of guests, and the non-alcoholic version of punch, which is ideal for children's parties.

Classic Jamaican Punch Recipe with Rum

Jamaican rum is known all over the world. Let's prepare a classic punch, the recipe of which contains, in addition to this alcoholic drink, other bright, but simple and affordable ingredients. Mixing a drink for a large group of friends will take you no more than 10 minutes. So, you will need:

  • 8 cups orange juice (freshly squeezed is ideal)
  • 8 glasses of pineapple juice;
  • 6 glasses of white rum (you can take traditional Bacardi);
  • 1 cup red grenadine syrup
  • 4 cups Sprite, Schweppes, tonic or any other white carbonated drink.

After you have measured required amount ingredients, simply mix them together in a large serving bowl or carafe, add ice. Try punch. If it seems strong to you, you can add a little more sprite. Traditionally, small pieces of fruit are added to common serving dishes, in our case, you can put slices of orange and pineapple. It will turn out delicious and unusually beautiful. The calorie content per glass of drink is 146 kcal, not so much when compared with traditional alcoholic cocktails. And how to make punch from vodka, read on.

Doing in Russian: punch, recipe with vodka

Fans of stronger drinks will definitely like the following recipe. We make a punch based on vodka. And tasty, and strong, and relatively healthy, if you add natural ingredients as components fruit juices. For him you need to prepare:

  • 1 glass of white rum;
  • 1 glass of good quality vodka, type "Absolute";
  • 1 glass of tequila (regular white);
  • 1 glass of Cointreau or Triple Sec liqueur. If your home bar did not have them, then you can replace them with any fruit liqueur;
  • 350 ml orange juice with pulp;
  • 350 ml berry, better than cranberry, fruit drink;
  • 350 ml of pineapple juice;
  • incomplete three liters of soda like "Schweppes", "Sprite" or mineral water with gas;
  • pieces of fruit for decoration.

This drink is made very simply - chill liqueurs, juices, rum and vodka, then mix together in a large bowl. Top up with sprite, add ice and fruit pieces. And the mix is ​​ready! It's so easy to please a large group of friends on a summer evening. Remember that although you are preparing a classic punch, the recipe can be modified, especially if you do not have certain ingredients on hand. Indeed, at its core, this is a kind of alcoholic (or non-alcoholic) vinaigrette, and in this case you can mix whatever you want.

Non-alcoholic punch - a recipe for children's parties

And if you decide to prepare a drink for a large group of children, you will need the same ingredients that you used in the "adult" version - juice, fruit, ice, carbonated drinks, but you will not add alcohol. It is better to put more ripe berries and fruits cut into pieces and slices - and your kids will be delighted with a bright, natural drink. By mixing various ingredients, you are sure to find your signature recipe.