How to preserve apricots. Apricot in syrup: how to preserve to make it delicious

A truly luxurious preservation is apricot slices in syrup. They are surprisingly easy and simple to prepare. simple products- sugar and apricot. This blank is so fragrant and summery that when you open it, you will definitely plunge into a hot summer day. And how beautiful is she? It seems to us that all preparations from apricots - jam, compote, jam - are truly worthy of the royal table. In every spoon, in every fruit, there are not only vitamins, but also aroma and excellent taste.

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for making such apricot halves. But still there are nuances. For conservation, unripe fruits are needed, even with greens. If you take fully ripe fruits, they will spread in your hands and you will not be able to put them tightly in a jar. And when poured with boiling water, they can boil.

You can use apricots of both medium, small and large sizes. The main thing is to carefully separate the apricots from the pits, it is easier and tastier to cook from apricots of a dense consistency. I cooked from ordinary sweet apricots, but my mother cooked from pineapple apricots, they are larger, but also plump, it turned out even more beautiful.

Those. you can take any fruits for harvesting, the main thing is that these are not imported “wax” apricots. If possible, use pineapple apricots or coloring. But also simple wild game(small apricot) will do too.

Taste Info Jam & Jam

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • pinch citric acid;
  • 300 ml of water.

How to cook canned apricots in syrup for the winter

Wash the apricots well. Start breaking them in half. If they break badly, help yourself with a knife. Bones from coloring, can be chopped and added to apricot jam. Throw away the simple bones. We set aside all spoiled fruits, you can cook compote from them for quick consumption.

Prepare jars - rinse them with soda solution and sterilize in a way convenient for you. The fastest is microwave sterilization. Pour 100 ml of water into each jar and put in the microwave for 5 minutes at the highest power. Drain the water. Let the jars cool. You can continue.

Now the most interesting. You can simply put the halves in a jar in bulk, or you can spend a little time and get a lot of fruit in one jar. Take the jar in one hand and tilt it almost horizontally, pour in a few halves. With the other hand, fold the slices one by one, walking along the rim of the jar. To get a circle, you need to fix it in the center with a couple of slices. The photo shows that the apricots are folded one in one in a circle, and in the center there are just two slices.

We add three more rows in this way (or how many will go into the jar).

The photo shows that we fit 4 rows in a liter jar. But the apricots were not large. So yours may be different.

Bring the water to a boil and fill the jars to the very top. Let's stand for 15 minutes. This is necessary so that the jars and apricots are sterilized and the water cools down a bit, otherwise you will not be able to pick it up without the risk of burning yourself or dropping it.

Drain the water into a saucepan. Add sugar and citric acid. The syrup is a must-try. If it's not sweet, add sugar. Do not reduce the amount of sugar.

Bring the syrup to a boil (see that the sugar is all dissolved). Fill the jars again and immediately roll up the prepared lids (they need to be boiled for 4-5 minutes). Immediately wrap the jars until completely cool.

As you can see, the workpiece looks amazing. Apricots will taste sweet with their aroma. They can be added to pastries - pies or pie, or decorate a dessert. But eating them just like that is also very tasty.

It turns out an amazing delicacy in taste, and much more useful than a store-bought product.

Peach - 2 kilograms

Sugar - 400 grams

Water - 1 liter

Citric acid - 2 teaspoons


First of all, wash the fruits under cold running water and dry them with a towel.

Then sharp knife cut each peach along the pit. Now we take the fruit in our hands and with both palms we gradually scroll the halves in different directions. This is the most gentle way to minimize damage to the pulp. So, peaches diverge into 2 halves: empty and with a bone. Carefully cut out the bones with a sharp knife. And only now you can thinly remove the skin with a knife.

We lay out the prepared halves of peaches in pre-sterilized jars. I do it in microwave oven. My jars, pour about 100 ml of cold water and boil at the highest power. Depending on the volume of jars, time may be needed in different ways: for example, a half-liter jar is enough for 4 minutes. We lay the halves tightly, but at the same time do not press them hard so that the peaches retain their shape.

Now bring water to a boil in a saucepan and pour peaches in jars with boiling water. Cover with lids (they must first boil for 5 minutes) and leave for 20 minutes.

Then we drain the water from the cans back into the saucepan, add granulated sugar, add citric acid (we take 2 teaspoons under the knife, that is, without a slide) and cook everything after boiling for a couple of minutes.

Pour boiling syrup over the peaches again and immediately close (or roll up) hermetically with lids.

We turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket or blanket until they cool completely. This technique contributes to slower cooling of the workpiece and additional sterilization of the covers.

That's it - easy, fast, simple and delicious. Homemade canned peaches store halves in syrup in a cool place - cellar, basement or refrigerator (if there is space). And in winter we serve them to our children for dessert or bake something delicious.

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Apricots in syrup

Put whole apricots in a jar, add mint.

Boil syrup from 2.5 liters of water - 1-1.5 cups of sugar, 0.5 tsp of citric acid.

Cook for 5 minutes, pour over the apricots and close.

Fruits and berries


Canned apricot halves in syrup- this is very delicious treat, which is very easy to close for the winter at home. Such a treat can be used both as a snack and as an ingredient for making fillings for a pie, cake, pies, biscuits, muffins or any other pastries. Also, canned apricots are often added to salads, like canned quince. Appetizers are especially delicious. chicken breast and juicy canned apricots, as well as cottage cheese pies cooked in the oven or slow cooker.

It is very easy to find a use for canned apricots, the main thing is to properly and tasty preserve them for the winter in order to keep them for longer. long term. In addition, if you preserve fruits incorrectly, after a while they will appear bad smell and taste.

A special zest to such apricots is given by fresh basil, which is added to winter preparation. Thanks to him, the taste of fruits becomes more saturated, and the aroma becomes stronger and more pleasant.

Such canned apricots can even be used to decorate cakes and pies, and it is very easy to close them for the winter. To do this, you just need to collect necessary ingredients and read our step by step recipe with a photo that will tell you in detail about how to properly close apricots for the winter at home.

In the last article, I showed you a simple apricot jam recipe. Today we will see how you can cook canned apricots. It will be so great to open these jars in winter and enjoy the unforgettable taste of the past summer. For work, we need all the same three components: the berries themselves, basil and water. As in the previous recipe, an unexpectedly excellent result awaits us. I invite you to read the description prescription, see photos showing all stages of preparation. You will see for yourself that there is nothing complicated here. Suddenly you want to make the same spins from apricots for the winter?

canned apricotsgreat way preserve all the elements in juicy and bright fruits as much as possible. Pieces of ripe fruit can be used at your discretion. From them are obtained great desserts. They are suitable for making pies and buns. You can simply put them on a plate and serve on the festive table as an independent dessert.

In this recipe, the preservation includes fragrant basil leaves, which makes the dessert more tender and fragrant. So that the pieces of apricots keep their appearance, it is recommended to use for harvesting firm but ripe fruits(without flaws and roughness).

Ingredients (for 500 ml):

  • apricots (300 grams);
  • sugar (150 grams);
  • basil (1-2 branches).

canned apricot recipe

1. Choose suitable fruits, rinse them with running water. We divide the apricots into two halves and remove the seeds. We spread the prepared orange mass into pre-prepared and heated containers - jars. We try to fill 2/3 of the glass container.

2. Add prepared basil greens to the container. We use spice of any color. If we use red greens, finished product will take on a darker color.

4. Fill with boiling water. We fill hot water the entire container, up to the neck. We cover the apricots with a lid, warm the workpiece in the oven (120 degrees) for 20 minutes. This method of sterilization helps to warm the mass evenly (which minimizes the ingress of bacteria into the jar).

5. Hot apricots with basil hermetically close and turn over. We cover the jars with a warm blanket and leave for 10-12 hours. We send canned apricots with basil for storage.

As you can see, no special culinary delights. Everything is simple and clear. But in winter it will be so nice to open jars with homemade canned apricots, serve them to festive table or just enjoy sitting in front of the TV in an embrace with a glass jar.