Gingerbread cookies for the New Year - classic recipes with icing at home. Gingerbread, new year

Approaching new year holidays, and housewives are increasingly asking themselves the question: what to cook so unusual in order to surprise everyone from the first dish. If we are talking about baking, then you need to do it, definitely, Gingerbread Cookie; classic recipe for New Year, as well as options with glaze, we will consider in the article.

It doesn’t matter that the dish will come out high-calorie; it will be simply impossible to resist the pressure of its alluring spicy aroma and the beauty of the original forms.

Cooking gingerbread cookies is not so easy: you need to be able to quickly start the dough, bake it correctly, and, of course, decorate it beautifully thematically. The task is not easy, but even young housewives can solve it.

If you strictly follow all the steps of preparation, then a decent portion of the most delicious New Year's delicacy will succeed.

Homemade Ginger Cookies: Spicy Recipe


  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Ginger (ground) - 2 tsp;
  • Cinnamon - 1-3 tsp (taste);
  • Ground cardamom - 1 tsp;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Soda (food) - 1.5 tsp;
  • Honey - 3 tsp;
  • Sugar - 110 g.

Stage 1: preparing honey for cooking

We heat the honey in a water bath. Gray is not strong, we just need to bring it to a liquid state.

It is impossible to pour the product hot into the dough, so we give honey a few minutes to cool.

Stage 2: knead the dough for New Year's cookies

Rub (in a deep bowl) well softened butter with sugar. You can just beat it with a mixer at medium speed.

Add the egg and cooled honey to the grated mixture.

Beat the ingredients with a mixer until homogeneous mass.

In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour, soda (it is not necessary to quench it separately with vinegar, it is quenched by honey on its own), spices. Thoroughly mix the ingredients so that there is not a single lump.

In small portions, add the spicy-flour mixture to the sweet oil mass. Mix well, otherwise ready dough there will be lumps that will interfere with the full rolling out of the dough.

The dough should be sticky. If it sticks too much to your hands, you can add flour to it, but not more than 1 tablespoon.

After kneading, we collect the dough mass into a lump, wrap it with cling film (as an option, the dough can be folded into a plastic bag) and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. Well-frozen dough rolls out more easily.

Step 3: Roll out the dough with ginger

We take out the frozen dough mass from the refrigerator, knead it with our hands a couple of times, after that we begin to roll it out.

It is impossible to knead the dough for a long time, because from the heat of the hands it loses its density, which means that it will be more difficult to roll it out.

The thickness of the rolled dough should be approximately 0.5 cm, but, if desired, this figure can be slightly changed.

Since our dough is quite thin, it is better to initially roll it out on parchment paper (you can also cut out figures there), which then, together with cookies, will be placed in the oven.

Long rolled out dough room temperature don't hold it, it will "float".

We also remove the rest of the test mass in the refrigerator.

Stage 4: we make New Year's figurines

Using special New Year's forms, we cut out holiday figures from the dough. Do not be afraid to experiment with baking forms, the New Year is a great occasion for creativity and creativity, so create something unusual and surprise your loved ones with goodies.

Step 5: Bake New Year's Gingerbread Cookies

We shift the parchment paper with the figures onto a baking sheet or cover the paper first, and then transfer the cookies to it in turn.

Do as you like, the main thing is that the figures lie at some distance from each other, because during the baking process they will become more magnificent and may stick together


We put cookies on a baking sheet in an already preheated (up to 180 ° C) oven. We bake a treat in the oven for about 7 minutes, no more. If overcooked, the cake will be dry.

We take the cookies out of the oven (they will still be soft), let them cool for a few minutes, only after that they will harden. On this, the main part of the preparation of New Year's gingerbread cookies is over.

If you want to make it even more unusual, then you can decorate the surface of the figures with glaze. It will complete the festive image of your baking and make it a real culinary exclusive on the New Year's table.

In order to get a New Year's mood from just one look at a delicious dessert, you need to decorate the baked figurines, according to the theme of the celebration. Best for decoration icing.

To prepare the glaze, we need

  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp


  1. Beat the egg white, gradually mixing in sugar or powdered sugar (at your discretion).
  2. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add lemon juice to it. You can take more than 1 tsp, but do not overdo it with the amount, otherwise the glaze will turn out sour.

The glaze you prepared will have a white or grayish tint, but this color does not seem festive to all housewives, so we suggest decorating your glaze with food coloring.

Try not to use chemical dyes they are harmful to health. Give preference natural dyes as fruit syrups and berry juices.

Gingerbread cookies are famous for their inimitable spicy and spicy taste. And it is created, as a rule, not only due to the presence of ginger. AT christmas cookies must be placed and additional ingredients that enhance the special taste of the dish.

These products include:

  • spices (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, saffron, etc.);
  • hazelnut;
  • vanillin;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • melted caramel, etc.

Mixing all the ingredients at once is not worth it, but some of them are recommended to be combined with each other. If you put additives in the dough in reasonable quantities, then ready meal will only benefit from this.

If you're not ready to indulge in some super-spicy exoticism, then get busy making the classic gingerbread cookies.

In its composition, in addition to ginger, there are no more spices and spices. The dough is prepared exclusively on the basis of a standard, as for such baking, set of products:

  • sugar;
  • flour;
  • baking powder;
  • butter;
  • fresh ginger root

Cooking technology classic cookies with ginger in many ways resembles a recipe for spicy pastries.

First of all, you can decorate pastries with the help of glaze, and not only sugar. Sometimes, housewives create patterns on cookies made from chocolate icing.

Making chocolate icing is quite simple: you just need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, mix it with butter and cream. Wait for the icing to cool slightly, then apply it with a special brush to the surface of the finished cookie.

In addition to icing, you can decorate pastries:

  • confectionery decorations;
  • small nuts;
  • shavings;
  • sand crumbs with cocoa;
  • powdered sugar;
  • crushed sweets, etc.

The most creative stage of preparation is cutting New Year figurines using special cookie cutters.

Using a certain set of shapes, you can easily cut out any sculptures from dough (Christmas trees, stars, angels, balls, bells, etc.).

But what if there is no such set? In case you don't have cookie cutters, just make your own.

How to make New Year's mold for gingerbread cookies, we will show on a specific example.

How to make bell cookies from dough

  1. We cut out 6 circles of different diameters from cardboard (8.5 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 3.5 - 2.5 cm) and a figure in the form of a carved leaf (no more than 8 cm long).
  2. Thinly roll out the dough, cut out the necessary shapes from it according to the finished template, after which we make a hole in the middle in each of them (except for the leaves). On the leaves we make a hole closer to the top.
  3. Put the cookies in the oven and bake for 7 minutes. Take the cake out of the oven and let it cool down.
  4. We decorate the cooled cookies with icing and leave it to dry for several hours.

    The icing dries for a long time, so if you don’t wait for time and immediately start creating our figure, then the icing will be smeared and ruin the whole preparation. Some housewives advise leaving pastries decorated with icing overnight so that the sweet decoration dries perfectly.

When the cookies with icing dry up, we begin to collect them into a bell.

To do this, we take a gift ribbon (at least 70 cm long, if it is longer, then it’s even better), fold it in half and thread it through the hole of the smallest circle in diameter. We should get, as it were, a medallion on a string.

After that, we pass the tape through all the other circles (starting with a large one and ending with a small circle). When the bell is assembled, we cling the leaves to the side ribbons, and only after that we tie the bell on a bow.

Such homemade cookies- great decoration for Christmas tree and a wonderful gift for family and friends.

New Year's figurines can be stored for a very long time: a month or even more. Pastries with honey added to the dough are especially stored for a long time.

Now you know how to make gingerbread cookies and which recipe - classic or spicy - is better for you to use for the new year.

Do not be afraid to experiment, become real wizards, turn your kitchen into a workshop where New Year's miracles are created with a touch of ginger. Give your loved ones your love and warmth in the form of beautiful holiday cookies, and your loved ones will undoubtedly appreciate your care for them.

Happy New Year!

Which we will consider next, is ideal for the New Year or Christmas table. It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in preparing such a delicacy. You only need to knead the dough correctly, shape the products, bake them and decorate them. By the way, it depends on the last action how your dessert will look. Using a special glaze for gingerbread cookies, you can make a very tasty and beautiful treat that neither an adult nor a child can refuse.

So, in this article, we decided to present you a few detailed ways cooking delicious home baking. In addition, we will tell you about how and with what you should decorate such products.

Gingerbread cookies with icing: a recipe with a photo of the finished treat

Before making such a dessert, you need to decide what spices and spices you want to add to it. Of course, in without fail ginger should be used. As for the rest of the spices, it is recommended to choose them at will and personal taste.

So, how do you make gingerbread cookies with icing? The (classic) recipe for this delicacy requires the mandatory use of such aromatic additive like vanillin. Thanks to him, your pastries will turn out very tasty. By the way, the thinner you roll out the dough, the more crunchy the dessert will be.

So, to make gingerbread cookies, you need to stock up on the following components:

Kneading ginger dough

You should start preparing New Year's gingerbread cookies by kneading the dough. To do this, you need to sift white flour into a metal bowl, and then add baking powder, vanilla, ginger root, grated on a small grater, sea salt, ground cinnamon, allspice and powdered clove buds to it. If the taste of the last three components does not suit you, then you can not use them.

Having prepared the loose part of the dough, you should start preparing the other. To do this, soften cooking oil at room temperature, and then put it in flour and rub it well with your hands until fine crumbs are obtained. As for liquid honey and granulated sugar, they should be combined in a metal bowl and melted over low heat. The resulting syrup must also be added to wheat flour with butter.

After intensively mixing all the ingredients, you should get an elastic and soft mass, which is recommended to be placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.

We form products

Before baking gingerbread New Year's cookies, they must be properly shaped. To do this, the previously kneaded dough must be removed from the refrigerator and rolled out to a thickness of 5 millimeters. The resulting layer must be cut into figures (houses, Christmas trees, bunnies, little men, etc.), using pastry knives for this. If you do not have such a device, then you can take an ordinary glass or glass.

Baking process in the oven

How should I bake gingerbread cookies for the New Year? To do this, you need to take a baking sheet, grease it with lard or oil, and then carefully place all the cut products on it. In this form, semi-finished products must be sent to a preheated oven for 7-12 minutes. It should be noted: the thicker the products are, the longer they should be baked. However, overdrying cookies is also not recommended. It should only lightly brown, become fragrant and very tasty.

Correctly presented to the table

Now you know how to make Christmas gingerbread cookies. After they have been cooked, they should be carefully removed from the baking sheet and put on a common plate. After cooling the products in cold air, you can safely proceed to decorate them. Ready-made cookies should be served at the New Year's table with tea or another drink.

Gingerbread cookies with icing: a recipe for cooking with an egg

There are many options for preparing such a delicacy. The classic was presented above. If you want to make a more satisfying dessert, then we suggest using the method below. By the way, icing for gingerbread cookies also has several recipes. We will describe them a little further.

So, we need:

  • sifted white flour - about 400 g;
  • not rancid butter (you can use high-quality margarine) - about;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fine sand-sugar - about 180 g;
  • high-fat milk - 10 ml;
  • corn starch - a large spoon;
  • ground ginger - 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • baking powder - 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • chopped cinnamon - a couple of pinches (you can not add).

Making dough

Gingerbread cookies with icing, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out to be more magnificent and satisfying than what was presented above. This is due to the fact that chicken eggs are used during the preparation of the dough.

So, to knead the base, you need to soften the cooking oil at room temperature, add sand-sugar to it and beat well with a mixer. Next, add chicken eggs one at a time to the resulting mass and repeat the mixing procedure. In conclusion, it is required to gradually introduce a loose mixture consisting of sifted white flour to the base, cornstarch, ginger root, grated, baking powder and cinnamon. As a result of long and active mixing, you should get an elastic mass.

Product Formation Process

Gingerbread cookies with icing turn out delicious and beautiful, no matter what ingredients you use for the dough. But before you start baking and decorating such products, they should be properly formed. To do this, the kneaded dough must be rolled out into a layer 5-8 centimeters thick, and then cut into any figures. If you make such a delicacy for New Year's table, then it is better to cook cookies in the form of Christmas trees, snowmen, little men, houses, etc. If you decide just to please your guests delicious dessert, then you can cut products in the form of circles or squares.

How to bake?

Now you know that it's pretty easy to shape your own gingerbread in the oven? To do this, all cut products should be moved to a greased sheet, which subsequently needs to be sent to the oven. It is recommended to bake dessert for ¼ hour at a temperature of 204 degrees. During this time, the cookies will rise and lightly brown.

Serving homemade dessert

After ginger treat baked in the oven, it must be removed and placed on a plate. When all the products have completely cooled down, you can start decorating them. How and with what help this is done, we will tell a little further.

Serve a ready-made delicacy to the festive table, preferably with hot tea. Enjoy your meal!

What icing can be used to decorate cookies?

Any icing can give pastries an amazing taste and insanely beautiful. appearance. Preparing such a decoration is quite quick and easy. It is impossible not to say that the icing for gingerbread cookies can be different: chocolate, sugar, honey, mint, and so on. We will present some ways of preparing the mentioned delicacies right now.

Making icing sugar

Before decorating gingerbread cookies, you should properly prepare the icing. For this we need:

  • high-fat milk - dessert spoon;
  • powdered sugar - ½ cup;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch;

Cooking method

As a rule, decorating gingerbread cookies does not take much time. But before proceeding to this process, you should properly make the glaze. To do this, melt the cooking oil in a small metal bowl, and then gradually add the rest of the ingredients to it (powdered sugar, fresh milk and sea salt). In the future, all ingredients must be gently mixed with a whisk until a creamy mass is formed. At the end, vanillin should also be added to the resulting glaze to taste.

White and dark chocolate icing for cookies

This is perhaps the fastest and simple icing, which is very popular with sweet tooth. To prepare it, we need:

  • high-fat milk - a large spoon;
  • sand-sugar - a large spoon;
  • white or dark chocolate - 2 tiles;
  • butter not rancid butter - a dessert spoon;
  • aromatic vanillin - apply to taste.

Fast cooking process

Using food coloring during the preparation of the mentioned delicacy, you can make a very beautiful New Year's dessert. If you cut out Christmas tree cookies, then you need to grease it with green icing and wait a while until the sweetness hardens. Next, the product must be decorated with "balls", using red, orange or yellow for this. sugar syrup. At the end, all cookies should be placed in the refrigerator, and then immediately presented to the table.

By this principle, you can decorate all baked gingerbread cookies of any shape. However, this process should be started only after the products have completely cooled down after heat treatment. Otherwise, the icing will spread, and the dessert will not turn out as beautiful as we would like.

By the way, if a ginger dessert is made for the winter holidays, then it can be additionally decorated with ordinary powdered sugar. This sweetness on the products will look like New Year's snow that has just fallen.

Gingerbread cookies in the form of New Year's figurines are a symbol of Christmas in Europe, like a Christmas tree, a Christmas cupcake and Santa Claus. It is customary to bake gingerbread cookies with the whole family - this charming tradition, which came to us from time immemorial, brings relatives closer and turns Christmas and New Year into the brightest, most comfortable and delicious holidays. I would like to thank an unknown monk who lived in the 11th century, because it was thanks to his absent-mindedness that the classic recipe for gingerbread cookies appeared. Preparing for the monastery's Christmas meal, the monk confused ground ginger with flour, but everyone in the monastery liked the cake so much that the recipe spread to other monasteries. Now homemade gingerbread cookies have turned into a great culinary handmade that decorates festive table for Christmas or New Year. Gingerbread cookies in the form of deer, snowflakes, Christmas trees and houses painted with sugar icing are a very tasty and sincere gift that always evokes joy and warm feelings.

DIY gingerbread cookies for the New Year

The German city of Nuremberg is called the ginger capital of Europe, so many people specially go there for the best in the world.

To prepare the dough, dry products are first mixed - flour, soda and spices, soft butter is rubbed separately with sugar, eggs and honey. After that, the ingredients are combined together, and the dough is kneaded until the crumbs stick together into a dense, uniform ball. Properly cooked dough usually does not stick to your hands and has a marzipan-like texture. Ready dough wrapped in cling film and sent for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. This is necessary in order for the butter to harden, because it is easier to cut out figures from a denser dough using gingerbread cookie cutters.

Next, part of the dough is rolled out with a rolling pin on the table, figures are cut out of it, laid out on a greased baking sheet at a small distance from each other and baked for 5-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C - the baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies. By the way, the other part of the dough is in the refrigerator at this time, otherwise it will begin to melt. For the same reason, the figures need to be cut out as quickly as possible so that their contours are not blurry. By the time the baking sheet is filled with cookies, the oven should already be preheated. When the cookies have darkened slightly around the edges, they are considered ready, but if they are left in the oven for too long, they will become hard. Properly cooked gingerbread cookies are soft at first, and then become crispy.

How to decorate gingerbread cookies

A classic decoration is gingerbread cookie icing, which can be made with 1 egg white, a glass of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. lemon or orange juice. Whisk all the ingredients in a mixer or blender until the frosting thickens. You can add more powdered sugar if the mixture is too thin. The thicker the icing, the easier it is to draw patterns on the cookies.

You can make icing without protein. In this case, for 150 g of powdered sugar, take 1 tbsp. l. water and 1 tsp. citrus juice. Rub the mass until smooth. When the sugar drop does not spread, but remains a ball on the saucer, the icing is considered ready.

Very tasty and custard glaze. To prepare it, boil 50 ml of water in a saucepan, then reduce the heat and gradually add 300 g of powdered sugar. Constantly stirring the mass, pour 1 tsp into it. lemon juice and cook for 5 minutes.

Food coloring can be added to the icing, and use a pastry bag or a plastic bag with a cut off corner to apply patterns. But you will have to draw on the cookies very quickly, because the icing instantly hardens. You can find sample patterns in photos of gingerbread cookies posted on the Internet, or come up with your own design.

Decorated with icing, gingerbread cookies should lie down for 10 hours until the icing is completely dry. Now you can pack new Year gifts without worrying that the cookies will stick together. And if you poke holes in the cookies with a cocktail tube before they're in the oven, you can hang a treat on a Christmas tree or make a spectacular and tasty garland. New Year is the most right time for culinary creativity!

Gingerbread cookies: recipe step by step

To prepare this delicious cookies according to the classic European recipe, you will need the following products.

Ingredients: for the dough: flour - 250 g, butter at room temperature - 70 g, brown sugar - 80 g, egg - 1 pc., cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l., ground ginger - 1 tsp., freshly grated ginger - 1 tsp., ground cinnamon- 1 tsp, ground cloves - 0.5 tsp, soda - 0.5 tsp; for glaze: powdered sugar - 250 g, large egg white - 1 pc. (about 40 g), warm water - 2-3 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., food coloring of any shades, edible beads and snowflakes - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the butter into cubes.

2. Mix butter with sugar and eggs, beat with a mixer for 3 minutes.

3. Add soda, cocoa, spices, ginger and flour to the mass.

4. Using a mixer, knead the dough.

5. Wrap the dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator.

6. Roll out half of the dough with a rolling pin on the table, and leave the other half in the refrigerator. You should get a layer with a thickness of 7 mm.

7. Turn on the oven and preheat it to 180 ° C, cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

8. Cut out the figures with molds and lay them on a baking sheet.

9. Bake cookies for 10 minutes.

10. Do the same with the second batch of dough.

11. Mix all glaze ingredients.

12. Beat the mass with a mixer for 10 minutes. Readiness is checked like this - run a knife over the surface of the glaze. If the trace remains for at least 10 seconds, then this glaze can be painted.

13. Put the icing in a pastry bag and draw any patterns on the cooled cookies.

14. Decorate the icing with bright food beads, snowflakes, or colored sprinkles.

15. Let the cookies stand for 4 hours and serve.

Fragrant gingerbread cookies, smelling of cinnamon, will cheer you up with cold winter evenings, because it is not necessary to bake it exclusively for Christmas!

Gingerbread Secrets

In the process of kneading dough, not everything sometimes goes according to plan, because ginger dough very capricious, often crumbles and spreads. But feel free to make your own adjustments. If the crumbs don't form a ball, add some butter; If the dough is too sticky to your hands, stir in some flour.

You need to learn how to feel the dough, despite the fact that completely different proportions are given in the recipe for gingerbread cookies with a photo, because the consistency of the dough also depends on the quality of the products.

In pictures in magazines, gingerbread cookies have a beautiful shade of coffee with cream. To get this color, you need to add a little dark syrup, molasses, burnt sugar or cocoa to the dough. The easiest and most affordable option is cocoa, with which the cookies will acquire a delicious chocolate flavor.

Sticky dough can be placed between two sheets of baking paper sprinkled with flour, and rolled out to the desired thickness - so you do not have to mix excess flour into the dough, the layers do not stick to the table and turn out to be even.

If you want the cookies to be softer and more crumbly, bake them on a greased baking sheet; if you want crispy cookies, use baking paper lightly dusted with flour.

When you decorate, the icing may set in the piping bag. In this case, it must be put in a cup, diluted a small amount water and rub well. In the process of preparing the glaze, water is always added to it drop by drop to get the right consistency.

Recipe for gingerbread cookies from Yulia Vysotskaya

Shortbread gingerbread cookies according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya are tender and crumbly. To prepare it, you will need 125 g of pre-softened butter, which must be combined with 50 g of powdered sugar, ¼ tsp. grated ginger and zest of one orange. Mix all the ingredients well, sift 200 g of flour into the resulting mass in small portions and add 0.5 tsp. sea ​​salt. Knead the dough, roll it out and make beautiful cookies with the help of molds. Bake it for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and then decorate. However, the cookies are insanely delicious even without fudge and icing.

Yulia Vysotskaya has other interesting recipes- cooked on maple syrup with cream, and crispy gingerbread cookies with spices.

Gingerbread cookies can be different, and it doesn’t matter which recipe you prefer. With the aromas of baking, everything in the house is transformed, and we are getting closer to the New Year's magic and ... to ourselves.

In the West, it is very popular to bake special cookies or gingerbread cut out with figures for Christmas or Easter. Ginger is often added there, because such pastries are considered traditional not only with coffee or tea, warm milk, but also for decorating the Christmas tree. You can bake a dessert according to your favorite recipe, and then decorate with icing.

How to make gingerbread cookies at home

How to bake gingerbread cookies? You just need to follow the recipe and show imagination in decorating. The difference lies in the shape of the products, their decor and sizes, because basic recipes not so much. For the dough, you need to take flour, eggs, butter, ground and fresh ginger, and other spices to taste. Cooking will not take more than 10 minutes - the ingredients are combined and wrapped in cling film, then the mass is removed in the refrigerator for half an hour to harden the butter. After cooling, the dough is rolled out, figures are cut out of the layer.

It is better not to roll out on a floured desktop - it's easier to take 2 sheets of baking paper, put the product between them and roll it out with a rolling pin. Thanks to this trick, the layer will roll out more evenly and will not absorb excess flour, and the countertop will remain clean. Another secret will be adding cocoa, burnt sugar or molasses to the mass - this will give the cookies the desired color, while without them the products will be light gray.

Molds for gingerbread cookies

An important attribute of cooking are cookie cutters, which can be the most bizarre. simple shapes- squares, triangles, rhombuses - are made with a simple knife, circles are easy to make with a glass. On sale you can find various forms for baking - a Christmas man, a heart, an angel, letters, flowers and much more. Having shown imagination, you can make these molds yourself - from a piece of tin or an old aluminum can.

Icing for gingerbread cookies

Glaze is responsible for the sweetness in ginger products, but it is also the most complex component, which takes a lot of time to make. Properly made glaze has a snow-white color, a thick texture and a recognizable taste. Gingerbread frosting recipe:

  1. Take 2 large white eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites with a powerful mixer until foamy.
  2. Add 300 g of powdered sugar. To prepare the pouring glaze, you need to beat it at high speed.
  3. To draw patterns with glaze that will not spread, you will need to thicken it - beat at the highest possible speed.

Ginger Cookie Recipe

There are several varieties of dessert - whether it's a classic homemade gingerbread recipe or a new-fangled version of it. In any case, cooking will be moderately difficult, but the resulting products will overshadow this inconvenience with their taste. For a change, flavors can be added to the dessert - cinnamon, vanillin, syrups. As decorations, you can try hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, raisins, coconut flakes, confectionery topping or edible beads.

Gingerbread cookies with icing

The gingerbread cookies with icing are considered the most delicious and good-looking in the photo, in the manufacture of which it is good to show imagination and decorate in accordance with the holiday. It is better to do this with children - let them draw funny faces, emoticons on New Year's products, decorate as they wish. As a result, it will turn out to cook very beautiful and fragrant cookies, pleasing with their taste.


  • wheat flour - 0.25 kg;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • brown sugar - 80 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cocoa - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground dried ginger - 1 tsp;
  • fresh grated ginger - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon -1 tsp;
  • ground cloves - ½ tsp;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.

Glaze Ingredients:

  • powdered sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • large egg protein - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • food colorings;
  • beads.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens, cut into cubes, mix with sugar, egg. Beat with a mixer for 2.5 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Add flour, soda, spices there, mix with a mixer, wrap the dough in a film, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Divide into 2 parts, roll out between the paper to a thickness of 6 mm.
  4. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, cover a baking sheet with parchment, put the figures there.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes, with a thickness of more than 7 mm, the time becomes longer - 14 minutes.
  6. Allow cookies to cool while making frosting. Combine all its components, beat for 9 minutes with a mixer until a shiny mass is obtained, decorate the cookies.
  7. After decorating, leave the products for 3.5 hours to solidify the pattern.

Gingerbread with cinnamon

The ginger and cinnamon cookie recipe is very appetizing. Products made according to it are distinguished by a pleasant coffee color, original aroma and impeccable taste. By adding kefir, the dough will turn out to be airy and crumbly. You can decorate the resulting products with crushed hazelnuts, any other nuts, candied fruits, chocolate.


  • butter - a pack plus 30 g for lubrication;
  • kefir or yogurt - a glass;
  • flour - 4 cups;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • dry ginger - 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - ½ cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Soften the butter, add soda, salt and 3 cups of flour to it, make small crumbs.
  2. Add kefir, add the rest of the flour and ginger, knead elastic dough.
  3. Roll out to a thickness of half a centimeter, grease with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
  4. Roll up tightly, cut diagonally into centimeter portions.
  5. Bake at 200 degrees for 23 minutes until browned.
  6. After cooling, decorate so that the cookies look good in the photo.

Cookies with fresh ginger

Spicy delicate taste and crumbly texture distinguishes gingerbread cookies with fresh ginger. It is preferable to choose a fresh root, because this way all the benefits and spicy-aromatic properties are preserved. It is important to rub the ginger fruit correctly so that the fibers do not turn out - for this you need to rub it in the direction against their growth. You will get a fine gruel, which is convenient to add to the baking mass.


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • fresh finely grated ginger - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • nutmeg - ½ tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • orange zest - with ¼ orange;
  • flour - a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Put grated ginger on a small piece of foil, put in a heated oven for 10 minutes. Cool, grind in a coffee grinder along with cinnamon, nutmeg and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix with honey.
  2. Add sugar, baking powder, egg, butter, grind.
  3. Gradually add flour, knead a soft elastic dough, wrap in plastic wrap, put in the freezer for a third of an hour.
  4. Roll out thinly, cut out figures, bake at 235 degrees for 17 minutes until the cookies turn golden.

Ginger shortbread

Considered very tasty shortbread with ginger, which is easy to make at home so that it looks good and attractive in the photo. It is ideal to serve in cold weather along with tea or coffee to enjoy the approaching spirit of the holiday. The consistency of sand products will turn out crumbly, and the delicate taste and aroma of ginger will make baking especially warming.


  • soft butter - half a pack;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • baking powder - a bag;
  • grated ginger - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix finely grated ginger root with soft butter, sift flour, add salt and baking powder there.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar and cinnamon, add to the dough, knead until a soft mass is obtained.
  3. Roll out to a thickness of ½ cm, cut out curly products.
  4. Bake on a baking sheet at 180 degrees for 23 minutes until the products turn golden.

Video: gingerbread cookie recipe for the New Year

Cookies with ginger - classic treat, which is customary to cook for Christmas and New Year. It is not only delicious and fragrant dessert, but also a table decoration, as well as a popular present for children and adults. It can be prepared in advance, as the shelf life of cookies is 1-2 weeks. Knowing a few nuances of cooking, you can have in your arsenal a win-win option for fragrant and bright dessert.

Classic gingerbread cookie recipe

Making gingerbread cookies is quick and easy. More time is required for its decor. These are multi-colored glaze patterns, complemented by sprinkles. Thanks to ginger, the dessert acquires a spicy aroma, creates a festive atmosphere and improves mood, especially for children.

Gingerbread cookies with icing according to the classic recipe are prepared from the available ingredients:

  • 100 g of natural butter;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • a good pinch of cinnamon;
  • 3 tsp grated ginger.

The first step is to prepare the flour mixture. For her, flour is mixed with baking powder, cinnamon and ginger. At the second stage, the basis of the test is prepared. During the day, butter is well kneaded with a fork. For convenience, it is kept for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Beaten egg and sugar are added to the butter. All beat with a whisk to an airy consistency. Next, the flour mixture is gradually added to the base.

After combining all the ingredients, the dough is left in the refrigerator so that it grabs and is easier to work with. First, the dough is divided into several parts. Next, the dough is taken out of the refrigerator one piece at a time and rolled out with a rolling pin. The layer thickness is not more than 0.5 cm.

The shape of gingerbread cookies can be so different

Next, creativity begins. Using molds or improvised means, figures are cut out of the dough. These are Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes, little men. The smaller they are, the more interesting and festive the cookies will turn out. It is necessary to work with the dough quickly, as the butter softens, and the base can stick and break. If you add extra flour to the dough, as a result, the cookies will not be crispy and melt in your mouth.

To bake crispy curly cookies, do not grease the baking sheet, but cover it with baking paper and lightly sprinkle with flour. Spread the figures on it and bake for 15 minutes.

After waiting for cooling, you can start decorating. How Christmas decoration frosting is always used.

Perfect Glaze Recipes

To decorate the dessert in an original way, you can use white and colored glaze for the gingerbread. The options for its preparation are reduced to the use or non-use of egg white.

Glaze can be of different colors to implement any confectionery ideas

Recipe 1: A simple, effortless decoration is made with powdered sugar, egg white, lemon juice, warm water. Optionally add any food coloring. The proportions are as follows: for 1 1 protein a glass of powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. citrus juice (orange, lemon), 2 tbsp. l. water. All combine and beat with a mixer until a thick consistency. If the glaze seems liquid, add more powder. The thicker and more elastic the icing, the easier it is to draw on the cookies.

Recipe 2: Protein Free Glaze chicken egg prepared on the basis of water and citrus juice with the addition of powdered sugar. Ratios: 1 tbsp. l .: 1 tsp: 150 grams, respectively. First combine powdered sugar with lemon juice then gradually add water. A mixer for kneading the glaze according to this recipe is not necessary, because there is no protein in it. The icing is prepared in a bowl and thoroughly kneaded with a spoon until smooth and the desired consistency. To check the readiness of the glaze, a drop of the mixture is applied to the saucer, if it does not spread and harden in a matter of seconds, the festive decor is ready. Now you can cover the cookies with it.

Recipe 3: protein-free custard glaze cooked with water and powdered sugar. For her, water is boiled in a saucepan, then the fire is reduced and powdered sugar is gradually poured in, stirring regularly, then lemon is added. Cooking the glaze is enough for 5-7 minutes. The proportions of the ingredients depend on the amount of cookies. This is approximately 350 grams of powdered sugar per 50 ml of water plus 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Recipe 4: icing can be prepared on dry proteins, it turns out to be an intense white color. Proportions: 50 ml cooled boiled water, pinch citric acid, 360 grams of powdered sugar, 4 tsp. without the top of the dry protein. Proteins are poured with part of the water, mixed, left to swell and dissolve. After a couple of minutes, add the remaining ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth.

A pastry syringe is the perfect tool for decorating with icing

Cookies are decorated with a pastry bag or a regular plastic bag with a cut corner. This must be done quickly, as the icing quickly hardens. If this happens, it is permissible to add water to it and continue decorating the cookies.

How long does gingerbread cookie with icing keep? The minimum storage period is 1 week. This is convenient, since you can prepare for the holiday in advance and not burden yourself on the eve of Christmas or the New Year.

Small but important secrets

  1. So that the cookie dough does not stick to the rolling pin, table and hands when rolling out, it is placed between two sheets parchment paper lightly dusted with flour.
  2. To do the right icing, water is added to it in small portions, almost drops.
  3. After applying the glaze, the decorated cookies are left for 8-10 hours to dry. Later it can be packed for presents, without fear that the figures will stick together.
  4. To evenly color the glaze, it is better to use gel food coloring.

Cookies with spicy ginger are prepared quickly and easily. Children can be involved in its preparation and decor, so the atmosphere of the upcoming holidays will be felt brighter. The cookie recipe proposed above is very accessible, and a novice hostess can handle it.