Christmas figurines made of sugar mastic. How to make a mastic cake for the New Year: photos, recipes

Whatever the holiday is on the nose, housewives always think not only about hot dishes, appetizers and salads, but also about desserts. What to choose in the store? Cakes, candy or cake? Or maybe bake a cake at home? Let's get acquainted with the basic steps for choosing products for a New Year's cake recipe, the rules for their preparation and step by step cooking dessert in the form of a dog - the symbol of the year! So, recipes and nuances of mastic cake on New Year. First general points, and then step by step guide for cooking.

How to make a cake?

You can see how this or that cake with a New Year theme from mastic is prepared and decorated - the photo in this article will be presented. But how to navigate?

We will show you where to start if you decide to make a cake yourself. So, choose what shape the cake will be. If curly, for example, in the form of an animal, think about how to form the cakes, most likely, the cakes will have to be cut. Then you need a prescription. air biscuit, gentle cream and then frosting. If you cover the cake with mastic, pick up food colors of the desired shade. If the cake is for the New Year of the Dog, make brownish or yellow-white wool, a dark nose and eyes out of mastic. Or maybe your "dog" will hold a mastic flower in its paws? Then take a variety of colors.

How to bake a biscuit?

According to your taste and the products at hand, choose a biscuit recipe. If you take the fastest, you will need:

  • a glass of premium wheat flour (if the grade is lower, add 1 tsp. potato starch);
  • a glass of sugar or powder (can be replaced with honey in the same amount);
  • 3-4 large chicken eggs(if there are bananas, replace them in a ratio of 1: 1);
  • 10 g baking powder(the dough will be with him light color, but you can take 1/2 tsp. baking soda with table vinegar).

Mix all the ingredients and bake the biscuit in the chosen form smeared with butter.

And if you want an unusual biscuit, cook it on colored dry jelly. A mastic cake for the New Year will turn out not only appetizing on the outside, but also original on the inside. For a yellow crumb, you will need a pack (160-200 g) of dry lemon jelly. And also:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g margarine (butter or ghee);
  • 200 g wheat flour;

Mix jelly with eggs first and soft margarine and then add dry ingredients.

Cakes will turn orange if you take sea buckthorn or orange jelly.

Impregnation options

As an impregnation, you can take a syrup of water and sugar with a drop of some alcohol:

  • cognac;
  • liquor;
  • White wine.

Other impregnation options are also suitable:

Cream options

For a biscuit cake, the following types of cream are suitable:

The components of each type of cream just need to be beaten to a homogeneous fluffy consistency. More complex creams- custard, with many ingredients and long step-by-step preparation. In our article, this will meet at the end in the recipe for a mastic cake for the New Year.

Inventory to help

In the stores of utensils and goods for pastry chefs, you can buy everything you need to make cakes and pastries of varying complexity. Let's think about what equipment you might need to cook new year cake with do-it-yourself mastic:

  1. Measuring spoons or a glass to follow the recipe correctly, otherwise something may not work out.
  2. Various bowls and cups for mixing food.
  3. Hand whisk and mixer. To create a delicate structure and uniform consistency dough, cream, impregnation.
  4. A biscuit baking dish is the basis of a dessert. It can be of any diameter or size. Indeed, in order to lay out the silhouette of a dog, the biscuit will still have to be cut.
  5. Universal cake cutter - with it you can easily divide the cake into equal parts - two or three at will. That is, you get two or three cakes. Although you can do without this tool, take an ordinary long knife or use a fishing line.
  6. A rolling pin for mastic - it is not ordinary, like for dough, but silicone with a soft structure.
  7. Brushes (flat and oval) - for decoration finished cake multi-colored cream pattern. Beautiful New Year's mastic cakes are obtained if a smooth surface is covered with a discreet pattern.

DIY sugar mastic

What products will be needed:

  • half a kilogram of powdered sugar;
  • pinch vanilla sugar or extract;
  • 4 tbsp. l. boiled or filtered water;
  • 1 tsp gelatin powder;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. Combine gelatin powder with water and leave for 20-25 minutes. Heat until dissolved, but not boiling. Strain.
  2. Add lemon juice, powdered sugar and vanilla to the mixture. Stir vigorously until smooth. The dough should be soft.
  3. Immediately start shaping the surface of the cake or its decoration. The ideas of New Year's mastic cakes are quite diverse - from flowers and ribbons to animal figures, inscriptions and wishes from mastic (in the form of multi-colored letters).

Chocolate mastic recipe

What products will be needed:

  • 200 g chocolate (your choice - dark, milk or white);
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural flower liquid honey.

How to cook:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt. It is convenient to do this in a microwave oven at maximum power - it will take 45-50 seconds.
  2. Mix the mass with honey and knead until a flexible but thick mass is obtained. Start shaping your mastic.

Food colorings

To make the cake original and interesting, you will need dyes to make creams and mastic. It is possible to use special food colors in small tubes. But they are expensive, and if you do not plan to professionally engage in confectionery business on an ongoing basis, then they are unlikely to be useful to you later. So how to be? Prepare your own paints:

  1. Orange and yellow color - tincture of saffron or turmeric (in boiling water, vodka or alcohol), fresh lemon, tangerine or orange peel, young juicy carrot (1:1 vegetable oil and carrots, all fried and then strained through clean cheesecloth).
  2. White color - cream, sour cream, milk, powdered sugar.
  3. green tint - fresh spinach.
  4. Brown shades - instant coffee, cocoa powder, burnt sugar, strong black tea brew.
  5. Red color (including pink shades) - juices of red berries (raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, cherries), their syrups with sugar; red vegetables - cabbage, beets (the vegetable is crushed, combined with acidified water and boiled to a boil, filtered), carmine or paprika extract (combined with ammonia and boiled with water until the smell disappears).

When adding dye, be careful not to add too much dye at once. Otherwise, the result may surprise you unpleasantly, and the cream will become a pretentiously bright color. New Year's mastic cakes should be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Cake decoration - decoration

Finishing can be used for each cake:

  • confectionery crumb (possibly curly);
  • small sweets or lollipops;
  • chocolate figurines.

Chocolate parts can be made independently from natural chocolate. All you need is a variety of molds. First, melt the chocolate with a small piece of full-fat butter (82%) in a water bath. Pour the mixture into molds or pour on food foil in the form of a pattern - stars, hearts, circles or randomly. Place in the refrigerator to set and then use to garnish dessert.

Cake with mastic in the form of a dog

A mastic cake for the New Year (photo below) will be dedicated to the Dog. Follow step by step recommendations and follow the visual finished dessert when making out.

What products will be needed for a biscuit:

  • 4 large eggs;
  • 200 g sugar (or powder);
  • 200 g flour (wheat premium);
  • 1 tsp baking powder (powder)

Cream products:

Products for impregnation:

Products for mastic:

  • 1 kg of powdered sugar;
  • a couple of pinches of vanillin;
  • 8 art. l. boiled or filtered water;
  • 2 tsp gelatin powder;
  • 2 tsp lemon juice.

Take cocoa powder as dyes, concentrated juice cranberries (or syrup) and black food coloring.

How to cook a biscuit:

  1. From the proposed biscuit products, knead the dough and pour it into a round baking dish lined with food foil or thin paper.
  2. Bake at 180°C for about 35-40 minutes.
  3. When the top of the dough is covered with a brownish blush, remove it from the heat. After a couple of minutes, release the biscuit from the mold and foil. Leave on a wire rack to cool room temperature for 3-4 hours.

How to prepare cream:

  1. Prepare water bath. Break the chocolate into pieces and, together with the butter, melt it until a homogeneous creamy state. Cool down a bit.
  2. Mix with cheese and lemon juice.
  3. Beat the mass with a whisk of a blender or a mixer into a fluffy mixture. Cool slightly in the refrigerator.

How to prepare the impregnation:

  1. In a small enameled cup, combine the ingredients for the impregnation and bring to a boil. Then cool.

How to prepare mastic:

  1. See the DIY Sugar Mastic section (above in the article).
  2. Divide the prepared mastic into two parts. Leave one to cover the entire cake.
  3. And cut the second part into small fragments in parts of the dog's muzzle. Mix with dyes. A mastic cake for the New Year (see photo above) will be in the form of a dog. That is, leave a ball of white mastic for the eye sockets, mix a little with black food paint for the mouth and eyes of the animal, with cocoa powder for the mustache and ears, cranberry juice- for tongue. And make most of the mastic a little beige with cocoa to cover the biscuit with this layer.

Instead of cocoa powder, you can use a chocolate mastic recipe to create a beige or brown shade.

How to assemble a dog cake

How to make a New Year's cake from mastic:

  1. With a special string or a long knife, cut a well-cooled biscuit into two cakes of the same height.
  2. Lubricate its inner surfaces with the previously prepared impregnation. Don't use too much or the cake will float.
  3. Place the bottom cake on a flat plate or special cake maker. Spread with a thick layer of cream cheese cream (if desired, you can use another cream recipe). Cover with top crust.
  4. Now roll out the beige piece of mastic with a soft rolling pin. Cover the entire cake with this layer and form a cast of the dog's muzzle with your hands (see photo above). Level the side surfaces.
  5. Then alternately roll out other pieces of multi-colored mastic and make a tongue, ears, eyes and mustaches for an impromptu dog.
  6. Here is the finished mastic cake. For the New Year, this will be a great gift for your family and guests. Cool the dessert a little on the top shelf of the refrigerator and serve.

One of the popular trends in pastry business is the ability to paint the prepared cake by hand. For this, a cream tinted with various shades of dyes and a brush is used. But you need to outline in advance what kind of drawing you intend to create.

Beautiful New Year's mastic cakes are obtained if you draw the muzzle of an animal in this way, draw paws and a tail.

The original appearance of the cake will cheer up guests and turn an ordinary dessert into a small New Year's miracle. Home cake will allow the hostess to demonstrate her culinary skills and the ability to decorate the dish beautifully.

Various figurines, chocolate and mastic products, cakes unusual shape- any pastry can become a masterpiece.

Features and rules for decorating cakes for the New Year

Preparing a dessert for the New Year is different from ordinary cooking - after all, on this day, in addition to sweets, you need to cook a large number of salads, snacks and hot dishes. Lack of experience also affects - after all, cakes with a New Year theme have to be prepared only once a year.

Cake decoration features:

  • No need to make the decorations on the cake too fat - on festive table and without this, there are enough products that are heavy for the stomach;
  • You need to practice in advance in creating jewelry. On December 31, there will be enough worries, and it will be hard to learn something new in the pre-holiday turmoil.

Cake decorating rules:

  • Do not abuse artificial dyes, especially if there are small children among the guests. A beautiful color can be given to the product with the help of berry juice;
  • When decorating a cake, do not overdo it with its design - the product must be stable, and the decorations must hold securely on it;
  • Do not aim to make an exact copy of the cake from the picture - often the most beautiful jewelry are self-created when inspired during the manufacturing process.

In case of unsuccessful design attempts, there is no need to panic - the error can always be corrected or hidden by adding new decorations to the confectionery.

How to decorate a cake for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

There are plenty of ways to decorate the finished cake, but we must not forget that the year of the rooster is coming, and he has his own preferences. Rooster's favorite delicacy is seeds, nuts and popcorn. If all this is not planned in decorating the cake, then the cake itself can be cereal or nutty.

Cake decorating options:

  • Marzipan figurines.

This year, the figurine of a rooster on the finished product is relevant. The bird can be easily sculpted due to the simple shape of its body.

To sculpt a rooster, you will need marzipan - plastic almond paste (preferably several colors) and plasticine handling skills. Ready-made marzipan can be bought at the store by choosing the right colors for your cockerel.

First, we form the body in the form of a droplet, then we make the head out of the ball. We create wings and tail from marzipan cakes, cut feathers with a knife. From red marzipan, add a scallop, beak and beard to the head. Draw the eyes with black dye.

You can add a hen and several chickens to the rooster.

  • Chocolate decorations.

Chocolate for decoration is melted and poured into a pastry bag. With such chocolate, you can draw openwork snowflakes, Christmas trees, snow drifts. Figurines can be placed vertically in the cake - such decoration will be very elegant.

When cutting the cake, the figures will be damaged, so it is better to decorate the cake in cut form. Or group jewelry so that they do not fall under the cut line. White chocolate will create real “snow”, and dark chocolate will make beautiful spruces.

  • Sugar elements.

This method is suitable for beginners who are not sure that they can make jewelry on their own. Confectionery stores have a large selection of ready-made sweet figurines: these are shiny beads, snowflakes, stars, leaves. From this set, you can lay out a picture or decorate the edges of the cake.

  • Fruit decor.

A fruit decoration will be more useful than a sweet design. You can build a Christmas tree from green kiwi pulp and add toy berries to it. Or cut different shapes from fruits and lay them on the surface of the cake. Also, bright berries will perfectly decorate the New Year's dessert.

  • Decoration with powdered sugar.

Having cut out stencils of images from paper, you can put them on the cake and sprinkle the rest of the surface thickly with powdered sugar. With its help, you can draw whole pictures on a confectionery product.

Some jewelry options can be combined with each other, others look better without unnecessary elements. Before you start designing a product, you need to decide on the design and stick to it.

Ways to decorate a New Year's cake with mastic and recipes for its preparation

Mastic is a sweet and very plastic material that can beautifully cover the cake. Various figurines are also made from mastic. Dyes will allow you to decorate the mastic and add brightness to the finished product.

You can buy a ready-made mass, but the most delicious sugar paste is obtained by home-made.

Marshmallow mastic

Marshmallow mastic is quickly prepared and easy to use: it is evenly colored, easily rolled out and takes any shape.

  • Marshmallow (marshmallow) - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

Marshmallow cut into small pieces, fill with water and put in a water bath. When the marshmallows begin to dissolve, you need to add oil to the pan. After the marshmallow becomes homogeneous mass time to take it off the stove.

Now you need to add powdered sugar and mix the mass without stopping.

If the spoon starts to get stuck, stir the mass with your hands.

The mastic should feel like elastic dough, it will be ready when it stops sticking to your hands.

Gelatin-based mastic

It is very convenient to sculpt figurines and decorations from this mastic.

For cooking you will need:

  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Powdered sugar - 500 g.

Gelatin is soaked in water for 20 minutes, and then heated over low heat until completely dissolved. The mass must be stirred and not allowed to boil.

Pour half of the powdered sugar on the table and form a hill with a recess from it. Pour lemon juice with gelatin into it and knead the mastic, gradually adding the remaining powder. You need to stir until smooth, then wrap the mass with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a short while.

Milk mastic

This is a universal mastic - it is convenient to create both decorations and a cake coating from it.

To prepare the mastic you will need:

  • Powdered milk - 180 g;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Powdered sugar is combined with milk powder, lemon juice is added and everything is mixed. Now gradually add condensed milk and stir the mass until a dense state. If the mastic crumbles, you need to add a little more lemon juice.

Ways to decorate a New Year's cake with mastic

  • Covering cakes.

With the help of mastic, a smooth coating of the top of the product and its sides is created. To cover with mastic, the surface of the cake must be leveled - there should be no bumps or pits.

When preparing the mastic for coating, it must be rolled out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cover the product with mastic carefully, smoothing out all the folds and cutting off the excess with a knife. If the mastic is not applied very beautifully, you can hide the flaws by decorating - figurines, icing or cream inscriptions will do

  • Stucco compositions.

Figures of varying complexity are made from mastic. For their manufacture, you can buy ready-made stamps - mastic is applied to them, and then the figure is squeezed out of the mold. The figurines are also molded by hand - the consistency of the mastic resembles plasticine, so even children can cope with modeling.

Rules for working with mastic:

  • So that the mastic does not stick to the table, it must be sprinkled with starch;
  • It is necessary to store the mastic in a hermetically sealed container so that neither air nor water violates the consistency of the mass;
  • Already finished goods from mastic can be lubricated with a solution of vodka and honey (1: 1). The smell of vodka from the product will disappear, and the figures and glaze will acquire a mirror shine;
  • To get a bright color from the mastic, during the preparation of the mixture, you can add coloring juice: beetroot, blueberry, cherry;
  • When adding dyes to the mastic, the mass must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a uniform color.

Ideas for decorating a New Year's cake

In the new year, magic surrounds us everywhere. You can even create it yourself using an unusual cake.

Original ideas for decorating a cake in 2017:

  • Glowing house.

Making and glazing a biscuit house will take a lot of time, but the effect of such a cake will be considerable. The LED is placed inside the house, and the cake itself is served in a room with subdued lighting. Thanks to the light in the windows, the house immediately comes to life, and the cake itself is remembered for a long time.

  • Volumetric figure.

By using a large number mastic, an ordinary biscuit can be decorated as a symbol of the new year 2017 or a large Christmas tree toy.

  • Waffle treat for kids.

If a separate birthday cake, then it can be simply and tasty to decorate waffle sticks. Kids will love the beautiful look of the crunchy treat.

When serving dessert, you can buy instead of ordinary candles sparklers- then the impressions of the unusual appearance products will be even stronger.


When decorating a cake, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • It is necessary to think in advance about the design of the cake and the products necessary for its manufacture;
  • In the absence of experience in decorating confectionery, you should practice and master all the nuances before the new year;
  • All products must be fresh, if possible, use more natural ingredients- fruits, berries, nuts;
  • When decorating a cake, manage to stop in time - a large pile of various decorations can look sloppy.

Unusual and beautifully decorated cake will become the best gift for the whole family.


New Year is no longer presented without a bright and colorful design. Everything is decorated - from the walls and the Christmas tree to festive dishes and desserts. For example, a New Year's cake is very easy to decorate with multi-colored mastic.

In fact, mastic is a thick colored cream that is used to cover confectionery. It hardens quickly, so you can sculpt various figures from it. Want to make your cake unique? Then check out our ideas for decorating cakes and learn how to work with fondant. By the way, for its preparation you need simple products, which are in any supermarket!


mastic recipe

  1. In dishes for microwave oven marshmallows are laid out, poured with juice or water, butter is added.
  2. In the microwave, the resulting mixture is heated at maximum power. Marshmallows should increase in volume and slightly melt. If there is no microwave, you can warm the marshmallows in the oven or in a water bath.
  3. In the melted marshmallows, if desired, a dye of the desired color is added. The resulting mixture is gradually sprinkled with powdered sugar and stirred.
  4. When it becomes difficult to interfere with a spoon, the mass is laid out on the table and kneaded with hands, but at the same time it is sprinkled with powder all the time. The mastic will be ready when the mass stops sticking to your hands.

Cake decoration with mastic: Christmas tree and bows

How to work with mastic?

Mastic gives ample opportunities for modeling decorations and coatings, including New Year's ones. Firstly, you can completely “wrap” the cake with mastic, giving its surface a glossy smoothness. To do this, you need to roll out the mastic well - so that in area it is 1.5-2 times larger than the surface of the cake.

After that, you need to use a rolling pin to transfer the mastic layer to the cake. Now gently smooth the top and sides with a special mastic iron or improvised means (for example, with a spatula), giving the coating a gloss. Usually excess mastic is cut off. Alternatively, you can form a pleated "skirt" at the edge of the cake, and then cut off the desired length.

Cakes covered with mastic and decorated in the form of New Year's gifts Secondly, the surface of the cake can be decorated with a variety of mastic figures. You can sculpt a Christmas tree with balls, make bows or cover the cake with snowflake patterns. The figurines are attached with heated water or melted mastic.

Another culinary secret- openwork patterns are cut out of plastic (for example, the same snowflakes). With these patterns, the surface of the mastic is slightly pressed through, creating an openwork plexus on its surface. Decorating a cake requires a flight of fancy, so just give yourself completely to the pre-Christmas mood and create your own culinary masterpieces! Perhaps our New Year's photo ideas will help you with this:

You can create bows, snowflakes, and even holly twigs from fondant!
Impeccably stylish white cake design: imitation of snow with fondant
You can decorate with mastic not only cakes, but also New Year's cakes!

8 Reviews

    I agree with Svetlana, indeed, it looks very unusual, festive! Ideal for decorating both New Year's cake and pastries, as well as for similar pastries for birthdays, name days and so on.
    There are quite a lot of recipes for making mastic on the Internet, I tried a lot, but it didn’t work for any recipe. I have to try this recipe as above...
    The cakes in the pictures are just gorgeous! So different, unusual, just super! I need to try something similar. And how many ideas of cakes on the Internet!
    Snowflakes and gift wrappers with bows are just as alive! Something incredible!


    The frosting on the cake looks amazing! Has anyone already tried doing it? I have doubts that the marshmallows will melt and will not look like plastic at the same time ... Maybe there is a recipe from natural products?

    • Anastasia

      Oh, yes, now they write a lot of things, especially for the holidays, there are always a lot of recipes. Dig into the internet, and there is a suitable mastic. I made from marshmallows and just from milk powder. I liked the second option more in taste and in how cool it fits even on a cake, even on a cookie. We take powdered milk powdered sugar in the same amount and condensed milk for viscosity. Then we knead all this stuff, and we get a cool milk mastic. If color is needed, then a drop of food coloring, sometimes even juice from vegetables such as beets or carrots, is suitable. Figures are molded from it, do not spread and dry quickly. From marmalade, the taste is different, depending on the manufacturer.


      I tried to make mastic at home, but I did everything completely myself, starting with marmosets (i.e., I also cooked marshmallows myself), but I didn’t find the dye, so I had a big white cake, decorated with flowers. My husband, when he came home from work, was stunned, in honor of which the holiday, that I bought a cake, and it was an ordinary honey cake, on which I decided to practice. Therefore, you can safely decorate cakes at home yourself, and it will turn out no worse than in the store, even much better if you try a little! Good luck everyone holiday decorations cakes and pies, in this case the main thing is a great fantasy!


      I made a mastic according to this recipe. At first, I was also surprised that marshmallows were used to create it, but when I got this edible plasticine, all doubts disappeared. I make the most ordinary biscuit, coat it with condensed milk cream with butter, and then cover it with an even layer of mastic. I make the remaining mastic colored with the help of food coloring and sculpt a decoration for the cake - flowers, leaves, etc., depending on the holiday. It looks very stylish and modern. It is easier, more interesting and cheaper than buying ready-made mastic in the store. And if you cook with children, then this is practically modeling from plasticine - double benefit!


      Great. I didn't know this recipe. Thank you for introducing me. I have a little granddaughter who will be very interested when such a wonderful confectionery is on the table. And the Christmas tree is so relevant in general. A cake house with an open door is something. I have to try, but I'm afraid I won't succeed. Although, in any case, it’s not a house, so I’ll throw something simpler. The main thing is that I will learn how to make mastic itself and create from it, and experience will gradually come. Then, maybe, I will make cakes no worse than yours presented here, and please my granddaughter. And enjoy your work.


      Great decoration for birthday cake, truly fabulous, original splendor, which, of course, will not leave anyone indifferent to the New Year's appetizing masterpiece! This work looks very sophisticated, elegant and at the same time very bright, solemn, for sure, to make such extraordinary beauty, you need to make a lot of effort and show patience! Well, without creative imagination, here, certainly, you can’t do it! The idea is just wonderful and for me not yet tried! I will definitely try to reproduce this miracle, because the holidays are ahead of us!

The long-awaited family holiday - the New Year - is approaching. People are busy decorating the interior of houses, apartments, buying gifts and beautiful festive clothes. Preparations for the holiday are in full swing, it's time to think and draw up new year menu. Particular attention should be paid to desserts and pastries. I would like to please and surprise relatives and friends with an unusual performance of sweet dishes (cakes, cookies). All regular cakes light hand hostesses turn into New Year's. DIY cakes are decorated with New Year symbols using different ingredients and different ways(with sour cream or cream from a mixture of butter and condensed milk, elements with mastic, pieces of chocolate and fruit) or make curly ones - in the form of a Christmas tree, a snowman, Santa Claus or an attribute of the coming year (in 2017 it is a rooster). You need to try to decorate New Year's mastic cakes with simple but high-quality products.

Mastic confectionery

Marzipan is another name for it.

Marzipan figures
Snowmen (suitable for decorating cakes, pastries, cupcakes).

For manufacturing you need:

Food colorings
sharp knife for decorating snowman parts
Special food glue.

We take white mastic, roll balls of different sizes, make a stable base at the largest ball (flatten a little). Rolls up sausages for the snowman's hands. We take black mastic, make small balls to decorate the mouth, use orange mastic for the carrot nose. Then, using food glue, we connect the elements of the body. We decorate the snowman's head with eyes, a mouth made of black mastic, and a carrot nose made of orange. We make flagella from mastic of different colors, then weave them together - we get a scarf, glue it on a snowman. You can make funny headphones: we make two cakes and one flagellum from blue mastic, attach it to the head. The mastic snowman-musician is ready!

The symbol of the coming year is the rooster, so its figurines are popular, or you can make a whole family. For manufacturing, we also take ready-made mastic, food coloring and glue, a cutter for decorating parts. First, we sculpt the body in the form of a drop, then we roll up the ball for the head. We make wings with a tail from flat cakes (roll a ball, flatten it), make cuts on the wings with a cutter, making out feathers. We make a comb with a beard from red mastic, a beak from black marzipan. We connect all the details, draw the eyes with black dye. By analogy, we make a chicken and chickens.

Cake framing

With the help of mastic, an even coating of the top of the cake and its side surfaces is obtained. Before you start decorating a New Year's cake with mastic, you need to get rid of irregularities, if any. Before applying the mastic, it is rolled out to 5 mm. It is necessary to make a mastic coating with care, trying to avoid the formation of wrinkles, cut off the excess. The presence of flaws can be masked with stucco figures.

Mastic mass recipes

1. Marshmallow mastic does not take much time to prepare and is easy to use: it evenly takes on color and is easy to mold. The recipe is:

Zephyr - 150 gr;
Powdered sugar - 200 gr;
Water - 5 tablespoons;
Butter-1 tbsp.

Cut the marshmallow into small pieces, add water and put in a water bath. When we see that the marshmallow begins to melt, add the oil. When marshmallow becomes homogeneous, remove from heat. Pour the powder and constantly interfere with the resulting mass. The consistency of mastic should be like an elastic dough, its readiness can be judged by the fact that it ceases to stick to hands.

2. Mastic on a gelatin basis. It is convenient to form curly ornaments from this type of mastic. The recipe is not complicated.

You will need:

Gelatin - 10-15 gr.;
Water - 2 tbsp. l.;
Lemon juice -1 tsp;
Powdered sugar - 500 gr.

Soak gelatin, then heat over low heat until completely dissolved. The mass must be constantly stirred, not allowing it to boil. Pour half the amount of powder on the table, form a hill, pour lemon juice and diluted gelatin into it, knead, pour the rest of the powder. Knead the mass until smooth, wrap in a film and place in the cold.

3. Milk mastic

it universal recipe, it is equally good for cake coating and stucco elements. For cooking you need:
Powdered milk - 200 gr;
Condensed milk - 1 can;
Powdered sugar - 200 gr;
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Mix the powder with milk powder, lemon juice, everything is mixed. Add condensed milk, stir. If the mass crumbles, add more lemon juice.

4. Honey mastic mass

The recipe is suitable for lovers of this healthy treats. For cooking you will need:

Powdered sugar - 400 gr.;
Honey - 2 tablespoons;
Butter - 2 tablespoons;
Gelatin - 1 pack;
Water - 7 tablespoons

Dissolve gelatin in water, cool. Then add oil and honey, stir until smooth. Add half of the powder, mix again, add the second half, mix the mass again. Mastic with honey should turn out elastic and elastic.

Rules for handling mastic

In order for the sweet mass not to stick to the table, we use starch.
Storage of mastic is allowed in sealed packaging so that the uniformity of the composition is not disturbed.
Decor elements from mastic can be smeared with a honey-vodka mixture in a 1: 1 ratio. The smell of alcohol will disappear, and the elements from it will acquire a glossy sheen.
For the manufacture of mastic of different colors, instead of food coloring, you can use natural juice: blueberry, cherry strawberry
If you add dyes, then you need to mix the mass thoroughly so that the color is uniform.

Mixed cake decoration

For decorating cakes, you can use a combined style: the icing is combined with mastic figures, or the top is decorated with cream and pieces of fruit.

Chocolate decorations

We got this recipe from our grandmothers. Melt chocolate in a water bath, pour into a special bag with a hole. How to make a mastic cake openwork elements: snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowdrifts with snow. chocolate figurines or mastic can be placed vertically, such a cake composition for the new year will look elegant. From white chocolate and marzipan, snowy landscapes (snow, snowflakes, snowmen) are obtained, and from dark chocolate - Christmas trees or houses. Another option: roll out the mastic, cover the cake, cut off the excess, sculpt figures of Santa Claus, snowmen. With the help of glaze we will make the inscription "Happy New Year!" When cutting the cake, the figures can be damaged, so you need to try to arrange the decorations so that the cut line does not pass through them.

Sugar decor

This option for decorating cakes for the new year will be initial stage for beginner confectioners. The stores have a wide range of ready-made decor elements (snowflakes, stars). You can come up with and create a composition of these elements, or decorate the edges of the cake.

Decoration with fruits

Of course, such decor is more useful than sweets. For example, a Christmas tree can be formed from kiwi, supplemented with “toys” (raspberries, currants). You can cut shapes from fresh fruit(bell, snowflakes, a bag of gifts) and put on the surface of the cake for the new year.

Powdered sugar decoration

This method is also one of the easiest. Beginners can use it. We cut out New Year's stencils from napkins (sleigh with Santa Claus, snowflakes, bells), put it on the cake, sprinkle it thickly with powder. So you can draw real landscapes.

5. Cakes in the form of New Year's figures

Cakes and pastries for the new year can not only be decorated with decorative elements, but also shaped in the form of a certain figure.

We take silicone mold or a form with a non-stick coating in the form of a Christmas tree. For baking, take any of traditional recipes biscuit (curd, chocolate or lemon cupcakes). When baking New Year's cakes and cakes, the dough is usually seasoned with spices (cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg) to give the flavor of the holiday. You can apply patterns with protein or sour cream (draw twigs, snow). BUT Christmas decorations we make from mastic or use dragee candies. You can come up with such a plot: sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar, add coconut flakes, we sculpt from Santa Claus mastic with an assistant Snegurochka. Another option: we lay out hazelnuts along the contour of the Christmas tree, we form the needles with the help of coconut shavings, and Christmas decorations from multi-colored candied fruits.

snowman cake

We bake three cakes, if there is a possibility of different sizes, or we make two smaller ones from large ones. You can cover with mastic and decorate with decorative elements (eyes, carrot nose, mouth, buttons). Or cover with icing, and make the elements that form the image of a snowman with a pastry bag and cream, or form the details of a snowman from pieces of fruit or berries.

Many decoration options can be combined with each other, but some cakes look better with a minimum of decor. Before starting the design confectionery you need to choose a design (recipes with photos can be viewed on the Internet) and try to reproduce it. Mastic cake for the new year will be original and tasty decoration your table, and you will surprise and treat your family and friends.

In order to decide exactly how you will decorate your dessert, you need to explore several options and choose the most suitable for you. Don't be afraid to come up with your own original version decor, of course, cakes with your own decoration will become a hit on your New Year's menu.

Today it has become very fashionable to treat guests and treat yourself to a beautiful designer cake for any occasion. Today we will present ideas on how to decorate a cake for the New Year with your own hands.

Each housewife has her favorite and time-tested cake recipes, but you can experiment with decoration. Using various options cake decor, you can turn this sweetness into a work of art.

Let's take a look at some of the most interesting options how to decorate a cake for the New Year.

Today, cakes decorated with mastic are very popular. It can be confectionery facilities of various shapes:

  • Multilayer cakes.
  • Cakes with three-dimensional figures, flowers.
  • Cakes in the form of various characters or objects.

Such works culinary arts require skill and accuracy, knowledge of recipes and an algorithm of actions. Of course, mastic today can be bought in many stores or ordered via the Internet. But done with my own hands it will be tastier and more natural.

Let's look at a few recipes for mastic, this culinary "device" that helps create miracles. And then, let's look at some options on how to decorate for the New Year with your own hands with mastic, using it to cover the cake and create figurines.

Mastic recipe number 1

First you need to prepare everything that we need in the work:

  • Powdered milk - 180 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

When everything is prepared, we begin to make the mastic itself:

  1. It is necessary to combine the dry ingredients: milk powder with powdered sugar.
  2. After adding condensed milk and mix everything thoroughly, knead.
  3. Then add a little lemon juice so that the mastic is elastic and does not crumble.

This is a versatile version of mastic - it is good for covering the cake and for sculpting decorations.

Any mastic can be divided into pieces and give them color. To do this, mix any food coloring into pieces of mastic. You can also use natural natural dyes, such as:

  • - to create a reddish tint;
  • a decoction of carrots - to create an orange tint;
  • decoction from onion peel- to create a brown tint;
  • a decoction of broccoli - to create a greenish tint.

Mastic recipe number 2

Let's get ready for the culinary process:

  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Powdered sugar - 500 g
  • Water - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

And now we begin to mix the mastic:

  1. Prepare the gelatin by soaking it in water for 20 minutes and then heating it over a fire, but do not boil it.
  2. Now we need to stir the gelatin and lemon juice into the powdered sugar. To do this, pour the powder on the table in a slide and pour lemon juice and gelatin into its middle, mix everything thoroughly, adding powder if necessary.

This mastic is good for complex figures.

Mastic recipe number 3

This mastic will be based on marshmallow marshmallows. It's great for wrapping a cake.

For her you need:

  • Marshmallow - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 3 tablespoons.

Let's start creating the mask:

  1. Melt marshmallows in a water bath and add oil to it.
  2. After, you need to remove from the water bath and add powdered sugar.
  3. It remains only to interfere. The mastic must be kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic. You can add a little more powder or starch in the process for hardness.

To cover the cake, roll out the fondant evenly with a rolling pin, but don't make it too thin as it may tear when smoothed on the cake.

Important! Never cover a cake with buttercream on top with fondant. From this, the mastic may melt. If you used oil cream, then make an intermediate layer on top of fruit or another cream (for example, based on condensed milk), or from a dry cake.

Let's look at a few photos of how you can decorate a cake for the New Year with mastic prepared by yourself.

Decor option with fruits

Cover the cake with white fondant. Roll out a sheet of green and red. Cut out figurines of Christmas trees and leaves of New Year's poinsettia with berries. Attach Christmas trees to the surface of the cake, and leaves with berries along the sides.

You can attach the elements to a thick sugar syrup. To do this, boil some water with sugar. Add more sugar to make the syrup thick and sticky. Smear the syrup with a brush flat figures and attach them to the cake.

White mastic

Decor with Christmas trees

Cover the cake with white mastic, and make voluminous Christmas trees from green mastic. Install them on the cake. You can add snowdrifts and snowflakes from white or light blue mastic.

Jewelry box

Here the work will be more difficult - we will try to make a box with Christmas decorations.

To do this, you need to make halves of Christmas balls and a bell from the dough, according to the recipe for the cake. They need to be covered with mastic and decorated with confectionery contours and beads.

After, you need to cover the surface of the cake with mastic, but not smoothing it, but laying it like a fabric in a box with folds and folds. Place decoration pieces on top. Decorate the side with mastic of a different color. You can add a pattern around the edges.

Cake in the form of a gift box

And you can make the cake itself in the form of a large Christmas ball. Please note that the cake must be stable. Make it flat at the bottom and round at the top, like it's in a box. After that, it remains only to cover our sweet ball with mastic and add a fastener, and a mastic rope. You can decorate with liquid cream or chocolate from a syringe, beads or mastic elements: stars, petals, lace.

Now let's look at several options for how to decorate a cake for the New Year with your own hands without mastic.

Chocolate fairy tale

Chocolate icing can be used to decorate the cake. We will make it from dark and white chocolate.

Glaze is very easy to make. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, you can add a little water so that it does not harden quickly.

Chocolate glaze

And now we will analyze several options for decorating with chocolate.


The cake itself can be sprinkled chocolate chips or cover with dark chocolate icing. From white chocolate icing, you will need to use a confectionery syringe to squeeze snowflakes on baking paper and let them dry. They dry quickly. These snowflakes can be put on a cake by smearing sugar syrup for fastening.

Christmas tree cake

Make a Christmas tree cake. Cover it with white chocolate icing. Lay randomly balls of M&Ms candies.

Cover the cake generously with chocolate chips. Make Christmas trees from white and dark chocolate icing. When the Christmas trees are dry, place them upright on the cake. So you get a sweet New Year's forest. You can sprinkle golden confectionery powder on top.

Chocolate version with stencils

For him, we need stencils. They can be cut from any thick paper. Stencils can be anything: stars, Christmas trees, bells and so on. We cover the cake with dark icing. We lay the stencil on the surface after the glaze dries. Instead of icing, you can use just grated dark chocolate.

Sprinkle the stencil with grated white chocolate or powdered sugar. Sprinkle generously. We remove the stencil and get a winter fairy tale.

And now let's look at vitamin options for decorating a cake for the New Year with fruits.

Vitamin decor

Highly interesting design cakes are obtained using fruits and berries. In addition, such a cake will be both tasty and healthy, easier.

Let's look at several options for how to decorate a cake for the New Year with your own hands at home with fruits and berries.

Strawberry and mint

For him, we will need strawberries and mint leaves.

The cake must be thickly covered with cream of cream. Cut strawberries in half and make gnomes out of it. We put the lower part of the strawberries on the cake, then squeeze out a layer of cream and put a cap from the second part of the strawberries on top. On top, add a drop of cream in the form of a pompon. Draw a nose and a smile with chocolate from a syringe. We make several of these gnomes, and then decorate with mint leaves.

Kiwi, cranberry and blueberry

For him, we need kiwi and cranberries and / or blueberries. We cover the cake with any white cream. Cut the kiwi into slices, then cut each slice in half. We lay out a Christmas tree from kiwi slices. We decorate the Christmas tree with blueberries and cranberries.