Biscuit recipe for a cake is simple in a slow cooker. The most airy biscuit in a slow cooker

Do you want to cook a delicious and simple cake for tea without using the oven? Why not leave the most important part of the job to the modern multicooker? I'm cooking biscuit cake in the Redmond multicooker. In this miracle technique, you can bake an excellent cake without much effort and time. The taste of the cake seduces with unusual tenderness, because soft fluffy cakes are soaked sour cream and complemented chocolate icing.

This recipe will certainly appeal to you also because it consists of a minimum of available products. You just need to cook, and the matter remains small.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: baking in a multicooker Redmond 4502.

Total cooking time: 1 h 20 min.

Servings: 4 .



  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.


  • sour cream - 400 ml
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.

Glaze and syrup:

  • chocolate - 100 g
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water for syrup - 100 g
  • sugar for syrup - 100 g
  • confectionery sprinkles for decoration.

Cooking method

  1. We start preparing the cake with the preparation of cakes. Crack 4 eggs into a mixing bowl.
  2. We beat the eggs into foam.

  3. Add granulated sugar and continue to beat until you get a thick, light mass, doubled in size.

  4. Eggs with sugar are thoroughly beaten. This entire process should take about 10 minutes. Then the mass will turn out really airy.

  5. We remove the mixer and take a spatula. Use it to stir in the flour. To do this, sift it and pour it in parts into the egg-sugar mixture. Knead from the bottom up, but not for long, so that biscuit dough remained airy.

  6. The finished dough lays down beautifully with a ribbon. It is moderately thick and airy.

  7. The bowl of the multicooker must be greased with butter. Put the dough into it. Turn on the "Baking" mode; cooking time 50 minutes. Close the lid and wait for the end of cooking.

  8. When the signal sounds, you need to open the lid of the multicooker and remove the bowl.

  9. With the help of a basket-steamer we take out finished biscuit from the bowl. We let him cool down.
    When the cake has completely cooled, cut it with a sharp thin knife into two parts along.

  10. Now let's prepare the sour cream. Beat sour cream with sugar. The cream is ready.
    Still need to make syrup. To do this, mix water with sugar 1: 1 (100 g each) and bring to a boil. Let the syrup cool down. Can be added with cold syrup food flavoring. I always use rum or brandy in the amount of 2 drops. Only immediately you need to drip onto a spoon, and not into a container with syrup, so as not to spoil it.

  11. Let's start assembling the cake. Put the first cake on a dish. Lay cut up. We soak ½ of the syrup. Or you can use a little more than half of the syrup on the first cake, leaving less for the second.

  12. Generously smear the cake with sour cream.

  13. Now lay out the second cake and repeat the steps: first syrup, then sour cream.

  14. Spread cream over the entire surface of the cake and sides.

  15. You can put the cake in the fridge for now and do the chocolate icing. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the melted chocolate. Mix thoroughly.

  16. Drizzle chocolate icing over our easy slow cooker biscuit cake.
    Sprinkle on top confectionery topping or other embellishments such as coconut flakes, pieces of colored jelly. Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak for at least two hours.

  17. As you can see, it's completely simple recipe cake in a multicooker. I hope you enjoy it. Happy tea.

Note to the owner:

  • Instead of sugar syrup you can use liquid jam to impregnate biscuit cakes.
  • The cake will turn out even tastier if you sprinkle finely chopped walnuts between the cakes.
  • Also suitable for impregnation of biscuit cake oil cream or custard.

Biscuits are great in a slow cooker. They come out lush, airy and tall. The main secret of cooking delicious and fluffy biscuit These are well beaten eggs. If you beat the eggs well, then you will not need either soda or baking powder.

cook necessary products.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until thick fluffy foam.

With one hand, continue to beat the eggs with the mixer, and pour the sugar in a thin stream with the other. Beat first at medium speed. And when all the sugar is poured in, beat at the highest speed for about 5 more minutes. The egg mass should turn white and become quite dense.

Enter flour. It is advisable to pre-sift the flour or pour it into the egg mass in small portions through a strainer. After each introduction of flour, the dough should be gently mixed with a spoon from the bottom to the top.

The dough should be uniform and smooth.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. Pour the dough into the multicooker. Set the program "Baking". At a temperature of 160 degrees, the biscuit is baked with the lid closed for 1 hour.

In an hour, the biscuit will be ready. The top of it will be white, but this does not affect the quality of the biscuit. If desired, the biscuit can be turned over and browned on the other side for 10 minutes.

Remove the biscuit using the steam tray.

The biscuit turned out very high and lush.

Biscuit can be simply cut into portioned pieces, sprinkle powdered sugar and serve with tea.

You can also use it to make all kinds of cakes.

Enjoy your meal!

For the preparation of biscuits, the multicooker is the best fit, since any pastry in it turns out to be excellently tasty and fragrant. It is not necessary to be a good cook to make a biscuit, because thanks to the slow cooker, everyone can handle this recipe. The biscuit cake comes out very tender, light, perfectly baked and does not settle. The main thing is to prepare the dough correctly, and the multicooker will do the rest for you.

  1. The main task in preparing the dough for the future biscuit is to beat the eggs well, since the splendor of the finished dish will depend on this.
  2. Eggs must be fresh.
  3. You can beat eggs with sugar with a mixer, or with a fork or whisk.
  4. Flour before use must be sifted through a sieve, so it will be enriched with oxygen.
  5. Baking soda and baking powder may not be needed if eggs and sugar are beaten properly.
  6. If you add cocoa to the dough - you get chocolate biscuit.
  7. A biscuit in a slow cooker must be cooked in the "Baking" mode.
  8. At the end of the baking process and before serving, the biscuit should be slightly cooled.
  9. If you add fruits or berries to the dough, you get charlotte.
  10. Biscuit cakes can be used as a basis for making cakes and pastries, you just need to add cream or impregnation to them.
  11. The finished dessert can be decorated with icing, grated chocolate, powdered sugar, whipped cream, fruit.
  12. The taste of the biscuit will emphasize and reveal tea or milk.

Biscuit in a slow cooker: a classic recipe

The classic recipe for making a biscuit in a slow cooker is considered the simplest and most straightforward, and it is also perfect for making cakes, you just need to cut it ready dessert lengthwise into several parts and add the cream. Delicious, you will lick your fingers!

  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • vanilla sugar- 20 y.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer until a fluffy white mass is reached (about 10 minutes), which should increase well in volume.
  2. Pour in vanilla sugar.
  3. Add flour sifted through a sieve and mix everything thoroughly, but you can’t use a mixer, it’s better to use a whisk.
  4. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter, put the dough into it and gently level it.
  5. Turn on the "Baking" program and wait 50 minutes.
  6. At the end of cooking, take out the biscuit and let it stand for 10-15 minutes.

Biscuit in a slow cooker with condensed milk

A biscuit prepared according to this recipe turns out to be moist, soft and tender. It is perfect for eating ready-made, because it is good in itself and does not need to be soaked, and for making homemade desserts, using biscuit cakes as the basis for future cake, cookie or pastry.

For cooking you will need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs in a mixer, gradually adding sugar, for 10 minutes until fluffy white foam.
  2. Stir in the condensed milk and sour cream into the mixture.
  3. Mix pre-sifted flour with baking powder and add to the future dough. Mix everything with a whisk or spoon.
  4. Pour the resulting dough into the container of the multicooker.
  5. Turn on the "Baking" mode and wait 1 hour 5 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, we open the lid, but we don’t get the biscuit, but let it stand so that the dessert cools.
  7. Take out the biscuit using the steam tray.

Chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker

Cakes from such a biscuit are perfect for making homemade chocolate cake. The dark biscuit looks very nice. It is tall, tender, moderately moist, and most importantly - extraordinarily tasty! The biscuit can be easily cut into several layers and layered with your favorite cream.

For cooking you will need:

  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer for 7-10 minutes until reaching light color masses.
  2. Pour in the milk and butter and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour flour in small doses, after sifting it through a sieve.
  4. Add baking powder and cocoa.
  5. Lubricate the multicooker saucepan with butter and put the dough into it. Flatten the dough.
  6. Turn on the “Baking” mode in the multicooker and wait 1 hour 20 minutes.
  7. Carefully remove the finished biscuit from the multicooker saucepan and let it stand for a while to cool.

Honey biscuit in a slow cooker

This biscuit is pretty easy to make. The slow cooker will do most of the work for you. The result is a tender, lush, fragrant, very high and incredibly tasty dessert of a beautiful honey color. honey biscuit goes very well with sour cream and whipped cream. You can safely cut the dessert into 3-4 layers, and make a cake or pastries.

For cooking you will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • honey - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder for dough - 1.2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the multicooker bowl.

Cooking method:

  1. Put honey and baking powder in the first container and heat in a water bath, stirring constantly, until a white foam forms (1-2 minutes).
  2. In a second bowl, beat eggs with sugar until the mass increases in volume and brightens (8-10 minutes).
  3. Pour the contents of the first container into the second, stir well.
  4. Add the sifted flour in small pieces and mix everything.
  5. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour.
  6. Put the dough into a bowl.
  7. Set the "Baking" program in the slow cooker and bake for 1 hour 25 minutes.
  8. Open the lid and cool the biscuit in the multicooker bowl.
  9. Put the dessert on a plate and serve with milk or tea.

Poppy biscuit in a slow cooker

Enjoy the wonderful flavor and texture of this easy poppy seed cake. It really melts in your mouth, as it is very delicate in taste and incredibly fragrant. Your family, having tried this dessert once, will ask you to cook it again and again.

For cooking you will need:

  • flour - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • poppy - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • margarine - 110 g;
  • baking powder for dough - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • butter for lubricating the multicooker bowl;
  • dark chocolate (for making glaze) - 1 bar.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and dry the poppy.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar for more than 7 minutes until a light white egg foam forms.
  3. Melt the margarine in a water bath. Add vanillin, a pinch of salt to melted margarine and mix thoroughly.
  4. In small parts, add the flour, baking powder, sifted through a sieve to the resulting mixture and also stir everything.
  5. Pour in the poppy.
  6. Knead the dough so that it turns out to be of medium density.
  7. Pour the dough into the multicooker saucepan, previously greased with butter.
  8. Bake the biscuit in the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes.
  9. At the end of the baking process, open the lid of the multicooker saucepan and let the biscuit stand to cool completely.
  10. For making chocolate icing water bath a container with chocolate is placed and melted to a liquid state.
  11. Remove the finished biscuit from the multicooker using a steamer container, put on a plate and pour over chocolate icing.
  12. You can decorate the dessert with strawberries or other fruits.

Coffee biscuit in a slow cooker

A very original and unusual solution in the preparation of a biscuit is the addition of instant coffee. The dessert has a specific taste and a beautiful dark coffee color. It is best to eat such a biscuit with tea or coffee or make a cake out of it.

For cooking you will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • instant coffee - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. boiling water with coffee until the latter is completely dissolved. Let cool on the table.
  2. Mix sifted flour with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the sugar with eggs until light fluffy foam. Add melted butter and dissolved coffee. Mix the resulting mass with a spoon.
  4. Add a mixture of flour, baking powder and vanilla to the egg-sugar mass.
  5. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with any oil and pour the dough into it.
  6. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and wait 1 hour.
  7. Open the lid of the multicooker and let the dessert stand until it cools down.
  8. Remove the biscuit using a steamer bowl. Enjoy your meal!

Biscuit in a multicooker. Video

With the advent of the electric miracle saucepan, many housewives breathed a sigh of relief, because this smart kitchen appliances not only greatly simplifies the daily culinary chores, but also guarantees high taste qualities dishes cooked in it. Most models of this kitchen gadget are equipped with a special baking program that creates ideal conditions to get quality finished product, so a biscuit in a slow cooker, as a basis for cakes or an independent pie, always turns out to be airy, fluffy and even.

How to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker

The popular name of this flour product is confectionery bread, which is easily explained by the fact that biscuit is the main component of many cakes, pies, pastries and others. delicious desserts. In addition, a skillfully prepared biscuit cake in a slow cooker, simply sprinkled with powdered sugar or decorated with berries, can easily act as self-dish for morning or evening tea.

The secret of lush and tender dough

It is not so difficult to prepare a delicious and fluffy biscuit using a slow cooker, you just need to remember some important points that, regardless of the dough recipe, will help make the finished product a standard of culinary excellence:

    The basis of any biscuit test - chicken eggs, beaten to a thick, strong foam. In order for them to whip properly, they must first be heated to room temperature.

    The container in which the base for the dough will be whipped must be absolutely dry, without any traces of moisture or fat. The same applies to mixer attachments.

    For high, airy and tasty biscuit cake, the flour for it must be sifted at least twice in order to enrich it with oxygen to the maximum.

    So that the whipped foam does not lose its splendor and airiness, add flour very carefully, stirring the dough with a silicone or wooden spatula in a circle, gently lifting it from bottom to top. This must be done quickly, and the movements should be as light as possible.

    If other dry ingredients (soda, baking powder, cocoa, vanillin, starch) are indicated in the recipe, they should be mixed with flour before being added to beaten eggs with sugar.

    Biscuit dough does not tolerate waiting - immediately after kneading it must be poured into a baking dish, so it is better to grease the sides and bottom of the multicooker bowl with oil in advance.

    To finished cake did not settle and did not turn into a cake, for about a quarter of an hour after the start of baking they do not open the lid of the multicooker - this will allow the dough to rise well, fix the shape and height of the biscuit.

    It is better to cool the finished product on a plastic stand for steaming, simply turning the bowl over on it some time after turning off the equipment.

At what temperature to bake a biscuit

As a rule, most models of multicookers are programmed specifically for baking flour products. With the help of ideal temperature conditions biscuit dough in a slow cooker is baked evenly, increasing as much as possible in volume, and its edges do not burn, and the middle does not remain raw. If your assistant does not set the temperature and baking time automatically, the biscuit should be baked at 120-140 degrees. It is not recommended to exceed the temperature of 150 degrees, so as not to overdry the cake.

Biscuit recipe for multicooker

Traditionally, a classic biscuit for a cake in a slow cooker is prepared from only three components: eggs, flour and sugar, but restless chefs around the world are constantly coming up with something new and interesting. So, with the help of a slow cooker, many housewives already bake chocolate, sour cream, honey, and even chiffon biscuits. Below are the original step by step recipes with photo different types biscuit cakes to create your favorite desserts.

Classic recipe

    Cooking time: 1 hour 14 minutes.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 267.2 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

The most affordable and simple biscuit recipe in a slow cooker is prepared according to the classic recipe. Despite the minimum of necessary components and the ease of the recipe, such a biscuit base is ideal not only for simple homemade cakes, but also for beautiful birthday cake. You can soak classic biscuit cakes with sour cream, but oil cream is better for decorating the finished product.


    eggs - 4 pcs.;

    sugar - 1 tbsp.;

    starch - 2.5 tbsp. l.;

    flour - 2/3 tbsp.;

    salt - a pinch;

    vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Separate the whites and yolks. Beat egg yolks with regular and vanilla sugar until a white fluffy mass is obtained.

    Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks.

    Mix starch with flour, sift and carefully fold into the sugar-yolk mixture. Stir with a spatula in a circle to remove flour lumps - you should get a homogeneous thick mass.

    In the main part of the dough, add the protein mass in small portions.

    Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker well with vegetable / butter, carefully transfer the dough into it.

    Cook in baking mode for 50 minutes, then keep the finished cake on heating for another 10 minutes.

Chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker

    Cooking time: 1 hour 12 minutes.

    Servings: 12 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 264.8 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: easy.

For cakes or pastries with a pronounced chocolate flavor you can make a biscuit with cocoa. This cake can be baked classic recipe by simply adding cocoa powder to it. However, it should be remembered that the number given ingredients must be subtracted from the main mass of flour so that in the end the cake does not turn out to be too thick and knocked down. The perfect addition for a cup of tea will be original chocolate cake with orange cream based on cocoa biscuit.


    chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;

    granulated sugar - 280 g;

    cocoa powder - 75 g;

    baking powder for baking - 10 g;

    flour - 165 g,

    vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking method:

    Beat the eggs with sugar until fluffy, thick foam.

    Combine dry ingredients: add cocoa, baking powder and vanilla to flour. Sift several times.

    Pour the dry mixture into the egg-sugar mass, gently stir until all the components of the dough are completely dissolved.

    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter or vegetable oil.

    Transfer the dough to a saucepan, turn on the "Baking" program. Bake a chocolate biscuit for 55-60 minutes at a temperature of 140 degrees.

    Before using the finished product as a base for a biscuit cake, wait for it to cool completely, and then cut into cakes.

Biscuit on boiling water

    Cooking time: 1 hour 18 minutes.

    Number of servings: 6 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 266.5 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

A very lush, light and fragrant biscuit cake is obtained using hot water. In boiling water, you can bake both vanilla and chocolate biscuits. This cake base goes well with butter cream, and if you pour the cake with chocolate icing and decorate with pieces of fruit, you get a beautiful and incredibly delicious biscuit ny cake in a slow cooker.


    large eggs - 3 pcs.;

    sugar - 220 g;

    flour - 155 g;

    vegetable oil - 75 ml;

    boiling water - 75 ml;

    baking powder - 6 g;

    vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    First, using a mixer, turn the eggs with sugar into a lush, strong foam.

    Then mix the pre-sifted flour with vanilla and baking powder.

    Pour the mixture of dry ingredients into the egg-sugar foam, mix thoroughly.

    Pour vegetable oil and boiling water into the biscuit base, mix quickly but gently.

    Put the prepared dough into the greased bowl of the multicooker. Bake for 60 minutes in the baking mode.

On kefir

    Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

    Servings: 5 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 301.1 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Another easy recipe lush biscuit in a slow cooker - on kefir. It uses soda as a baking powder, which reacts with the acidic environment of kefir and perfectly raises the dough. Such a cake layer is often prepared in conventional oven, but in an electric miracle stove, it turns out to be more airy and tender. How to cook a kefir biscuit using a slow cooker, read the following recipe.


    eggs - 2 pcs.;

    sugar - 240 g;

    flour - 185 g;

    kefir - 0.3 l;

    soda - 2/3 tsp;

    margarine - 50 g;

    vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Beat eggs with sugar (regular and vanilla) for 5-7 minutes, until the mass increases and becomes lighter.

    In kefir, extinguish soda. Sift flour. Melt margarine.

    Mix kefir with sugar-egg mixture, mix.

    Pouring a tablespoon, add flour, gently kneading the mass with a spatula in a circle.

    Pour in chilled melted margarine, stir.

    Line the bottom of the bowl with parchment paper and lay out the dough.

    Bake at 120 degrees for 75 minutes.

honey biscuit

    Preparation time: 1 hour 36 minutes.

    Servings: 10 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 289.4 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If your favorite cake is honey cake, make the perfect honey cake for it. Its recipe differs from the classic biscuit dough quite a bit, but the finished product has a very beautiful caramel color, light air texture and pleasant honey aroma. These skins go great with custard, and with creamy ice cream, the dessert turns out to be incredibly tender.


    natural honey (liquid) - 5 tbsp. l.;

    soda - 1 tsp;

    eggs - 5 pcs.;

    sugar - 240 g;

    flour - 325 g;

    vanillin - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

    Honey is mixed with soda, heated in a water bath until it increases in volume and turns white.

    Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer for 7-8 minutes until a thick white foam is obtained.

    Slightly cooled honey is carefully poured into the egg-sugar mixture, vanillin is added, and mixed.

    The flour is sifted, after which it is introduced into the honey base in portions, carefully kneading the mass in a circular motion.

    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, transfer the dough into it.

    Bake on a special program for 75-80 minutes.

Chiffon biscuit

    Cooking time: 1 hour 13 minutes.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 280.9 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

If you want to bake a magnificent, beautiful and tasty biscuit, for which any cream would be suitable, take into service the following great recipe chiffon biscuit cake in a slow cooker. It differs from the rest in its highly porous structure, which gives finished product extraordinary airiness - for this, the chiffon biscuit is often called "cloudy".


    squirrels - 4 pcs.;

    yolks - 2 pcs.;

    sugar - 115 g;

    flour - 135 g;

    baking powder - 1 tsp;

    salt - a pinch;

    vanillin - 1 g;

    milk - 100 ml;

    vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

    Mix flour with baking powder and vanilla, sift several times.

    Heat milk to 35 degrees.

    Beat the yolks with half the sugar until white foam, pour in the milk, beat a little more.

    Mix dry and liquid mixtures, mix well.

    Beat egg whites with the rest of the sugar until fluffy.

    In parts (1/4 each), introduce the proteins into the main dough, mixing it from bottom to top.

    Cook in baking mode for 45-50 minutes.

Biscuit on lemonade in a slow cooker

    Cooking time: 1 hour 48 minutes.

    Number of servings: 6 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 272.3 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Prepare simple, inexpensive sponge cake possible using regular soda like lemonade. The main condition for this recipe is to take only highly carbonated water, which will be able to raise the dough well during the baking process. So that the taste of the biscuit cake does not seem insipid, you can flavor it with chocolate icing or grease curd cream.


    eggs - 3 pcs.;

    sugar - 230 g;

    lemonade - 250 ml;

    vegetable oil - 250 ml;

    flour - 380 g;

    baking powder - 10 g;

    vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Sift flour, add baking powder and vanilla.

    Beat the eggs with sugar until a strong stable foam.

    Pour the butter and lemonade into the egg-sugar mass, stir.

    In portions, add a mixture of dry ingredients, gently kneading.

    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it.

    Bake for 1.5 hours without opening the lid.

Biscuit dough with sour cream

    Cooking time: 1 hour 31 minutes.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 269.1 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A good air base for a delicious birthday cake is obtained from sour cream biscuit, although it may well act as an independent cake. Cook this flour product not difficult, you can use a kitchen machine to facilitate the whipping process. The recipe for biscuit dough on sour cream for a slow cooker is presented below.


    eggs - 4 pcs.;

    granulated sugar - 235 g;

    butter - 110 g;

    sour cream - 220 ml;

    baking powder - 1 tbsp;

    flour - 310 g;

    vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Whisk eggs with sugar until fluffy.

    Pour in the melted (chilled) butter and sour cream, mix thoroughly.

    Combine all dry ingredients, add in parts to the dough base. Mix until smooth.

    Lubricate the multicooker pan with oil, pour the dough into it.

    Bake on a special program for 80 minutes.

Biscuit with apples

    Cooking time: 75 minutes.

    Servings: 7 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 178.4 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you have an electric miracle saucepan and love juicy apple pies, learn how to cook fluffy biscuit charlotte in a slow cooker. Its recipe is very simple, the set of necessary products is minimal and will always be found in the kitchen of any housewife, and the delicate, mild taste and unsurpassed cinnamon-apple aroma cannot leave anyone indifferent.


    eggs (large) - 4 pcs.;

    sugar - 260 g;

    baking powder - 1 tsp;

    salt - a pinch;

    cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;

    flour - 170 g,

    apples - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

    Peel the apples, cut into large cubes, sprinkle a little with lemon juice.

    Mix the eggs with sugar, using a mixer, turn into a lush, thick mass.

    Add all dry ingredients, mix thoroughly.

    AT ready dough put the chopped apples, knead everything until the pieces of fruit are evenly distributed.

    Put the apple-biscuit mass into a greased multicooker bowl, cook in the baking mode for 60 minutes.

Curd biscuit

    Cooking time: 2 hours.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 312.7 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A great addition to your morning cup of coffee light curd biscuit cake. It turns out airy and incredibly tasty, nutritious, but not very high in calories - the best option breakfast and you can't imagine. The recipe for such a dessert is simple, but the result will surely please any hostess. How to cook the most delicate cottage cheese biscuit in a slow cooker will tell the following recipe.


    cottage cheese - 250 g;

    sugar - 1 tbsp.;

    eggs - 3 pcs.;

    butter - 125 g;

    baking powder - 12 g;

    salt - a pinch;

    flour - 260 g.

Cooking method:

    Beat softened butter with sugar until creamy.

Biscuit cakes often serve as the basis for cakes and pastries. Everyone is attracted by the splendor, airiness and low calorie content of this species. home baking. However, many housewives are afraid to bake. Doubts overcome: what if the dough does not rise? Or will it suddenly collapse? Or will it burn? And how you want to find the only right recipe for a very tasty and simple biscuit cake, so that for sure, without unpleasant surprises!

To everyone who starts baking biscuits, I ask the same question: have you already had time to suffer?

Luckily, simple recipes there is a biscuit! I have approached the right biscuit several times, and today I have something to brag about. Using the instructions on this page with step by step photos By following the exact proportions of ingredients and cooking tips, you will bake the perfect biscuit. And the most perfect and simple biscuit is baked in a slow cooker! In addition, one must be able to handle the test, take correct proportion products, and the result will be excellent.

Where is the biscuit easier - in a slow cooker or in the oven?

Biscuit is very convenient to bake in a slow cooker. There it rises and bakes evenly, it always turns out and for sure. The cake you see on this page was made in a VES Electric SK-A12 multicooker. The process is embarrassingly automated - well, no more pain!

The most important thing when baking a biscuit in the oven

When baking in the oven, do not open the door under any circumstances, otherwise the cake may fall off. I did not notice any other difference, but this is not a difference, but a Difference. Plates are different for everyone! There are very capricious ones, with uneven heating, with primitive temperature regulation, especially if they are gas. You set, say, 180 degrees, warmed up, then opened the stove, put a biscuit, and the temperature dropped to 150 and does not return quickly! Or it returns immediately to 250, but time goes by, and we need a uniform temperature from the first to the last minute. Fortunately, there is a very simple solution: we set the oven to 195 degrees, warm it up, send the biscuit there, make sure that the temperature has not dropped below 180 degrees, and that's it. If it fell, in manual mode, without leaving the stove, we bring it to the required level. The main thing is not to leave the stove. FROM electric stoves even easier. The temperature of baking a biscuit in the oven is 180 degrees. Baking time - 20-30 minutes.

The most homey taste

As for tastes, they say they don't argue about them. This is true. But if you are a novice cook, try using the classics of home baking - make a cream of condensed milk with sour cream, and mix chocolate with nuts into it. Or mix whipped cream with sugar, make jam with live berries into an impregnation. We don’t need complex bells and whistles! Such a biscuit cake, with such a decoration, is out of culinary fashion and competition. Well, very tasty!



  • chicken egg 5 pcs.
  • sugar 5 tbsp. l.
  • flour 5 tbsp. l.
  • pinch of salt

Cream and decoration:

  • boiled condensed milk 300 g
  • sour cream 20% 300 g
  • bitter chocolate 90 g
  • walnuts 100 g

How to cook a biscuit cake in a slow cooker without problems

  1. Prepare the necessary products for the biscuit. Remember the composition of a successful homemade biscuit easy: in correct test as many eggs as tablespoons of sugar and flour, that is, 1:1:1. Or like this: delicious dough- this is when 1 tablespoon of sugar (with top) and 1 tablespoon of flour (with top) are added to 1 egg. Do not torture yourself with grams! Spoons work great! The number of products can be varied - increased or decreased, but the proportion must be maintained. One more secret delicious cake on the biscuit dough the fact that the proteins are whipped separately, so that the dough rises perfectly without soda or baking powder. But what should be the eggs? It used to be that they were cold, straight out of the refrigerator - at least that's what my mother taught me. Then the protein meringue, which is part of the dough, will whip quickly and easily. But recently I read in a magazine that it is better to take eggs at room temperature. The warm mass expands better, fills with air and as a result becomes very lush and airy. True, it takes more time. If a simple recipe is for you, it is also quick recipe, cook from cold eggs - for generations the housewives have done great, and you will succeed.

  2. Wash the eggs, pat dry and separate carefully into whites and yolks. The container where the proteins will be must be perfectly clean and dry, this is the key to successfully obtaining a lush biscuit cake.

  3. Pour a pinch of salt (or a few drops of lemon juice) and start beating. As soon as the first foam is formed, you can slowly add sugar with a teaspoon, while continuing to work intensively with a mixer or whisk.

  4. Thus, enter all the sugar and bring the proteins to the state of the so-called "solid peaks" (this is if the container is turned upside down, the proteins will not fall on the table and will not even budge). Then, without turning off the mixer, lay out the yolks one by one, beating the mass after adding each for 30-40 seconds.

  5. The result is a cream-colored air mass.

  6. Set the mixer aside and perform all further actions only with a spoon or spatula. Sift the flour through a sieve directly into the dough.

  7. Gently and carefully, with smooth movements from the bottom up, mix in the flour. This method of mixing is called "folding". The less manipulations will be done at the same time, the more airy the biscuit will turn out. However, make sure that there are no flour lumps left in the dough, knead until smooth.

  8. Put the mass in a multicooker bowl greased with vegetable oil.

  9. Bake on the Baking program for 40 minutes.

  10. At the end of the time, invert the cake immediately onto a steamer and cool completely.

  11. Then it must be cut into 3 parts. For this, it is most convenient to use a regular thread. First, make shallow horizontal cuts with a knife and, inserting a thread into them, slowly draw the thread in a horizontal plane. So the cut will turn out even and beautiful.

  12. Prepare everything you need to cream and decorate the top of the future cake.

  13. For cream, combine sour cream with boiled condensed milk.

  14. Beat thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Lubricate the cakes generously by laying them on top of each other. At the same time, be sure to leave a little cream.

  15. Add the microwave-melted dark chocolate to the leftovers and stir to combine.

  16. Smudge chocolate cream top and sides of the cake.

  17. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
  18. Refrigerate for a few hours, preferably overnight. The simplest biscuit from the multicooker will delight you in the morning. Pour yourself a big cup of tea and enjoy!