Lush chocolate biscuit in the oven. Chocolate biscuit cake "Drunken Cherry"

Rich taste and aroma of baking gives cocoa. In some cases, this ingredient is replaced with grated chocolate or coffee drink. The dough is made from wheat flour, sugar, soda or baking powder. The dry mixture is diluted with milk, cream, kefir, boiling water. Also put eggs and butter in the dough.

The five most commonly used ingredients in chocolate sponge cake recipes are:

To give baked goods new taste, add to the dough almond flour, chopped nuts, dried fruits, zest, vanilla.

How to make chocolate sponge cake

The basis for the dessert is prepared in a cold and hot way. In the first case, chilled products are used, and in the second, the ingredients are heated in a water bath. Ready biscuit difficult to cut and does not absorb syrup well. Therefore, it is wrapped in cling film and sent to ripen in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Five of the fastest chocolate sponge cake recipes:

  1. To make the pastry lush, the dry ingredients are sifted through a fine sieve.
  2. The yolks are mixed with milk or water, and then beat with a mixer for 5 minutes. The mixture should double in size.
  3. Cooled proteins are combined with sugar or icing sugar, and then also whipped with a mixer into a strong foam.
  4. Butter is melted into microwave oven or in a water bath. After that, the product is cooled to room temperature.
  5. When all the ingredients are prepared, they are mixed with a spatula. The mixer is not used so that the protein mass does not fall off.
  6. In the hot cooking method, the dough is placed on water bath and beat the products with a mixer. The temperature of the mass should not exceed 38 °C.
  7. It is convenient to bake a biscuit in a baking dish with removable walls.
  8. In a slow cooker, the base for the cake is prepared in the "Baking" mode for 1 hour, and in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.
  9. You can check the readiness of the biscuit with a match or a wooden skewer. To do this, you need to pierce the base and see if the stick remains dry. If not, then the biscuit is returned to the oven for another 10-15 minutes.
  10. Baking is cooled in the mold and only then removed.

The biscuit is cut with a hot knife or kitchen string. Cakes can be soaked in syrup, cream or condensed milk.

The finished cake is decorated with nuts, icing and fresh berries.

How to cook delicious chocolate biscuit so that the cake based on it turns out not only the most chocolatey, but also airy and well soaked? All those who love chocolate will support my opinion that the most a delicious cake just chocolate. And even though it has a lot of calories, and it is not harmless to the figure, but this pleasure cannot be compared with any fruit salad or diet bread!

Even the tastiest chocolate cake we usually cook for special occasions. And if so, then a little tinkering is not so difficult. The result is worth it, because a delicate chocolate biscuit differs from any other cake layer in the most beneficial way. If usually the taste of the cake is created mainly by cream, filling or impregnation, then in the case of chocolate biscuit, chocolate cake gets most of the breathtaking taste thanks to it.

How to make a chocolate biscuit: theory and subtleties

Of all the bases for cakes and pastries, the biscuit has the most magnificent structure. Egg whites serve as a natural baking powder in biscuit dough, the freshness and temperature of which determine how fluffy the biscuit will turn out. The main components of a biscuit are eggs, sugar, flour, and often starch, butter, cocoa. For chocolate sponge cake, cocoa is often used to taste, but it is usually 1 part cocoa and 2 parts flour. In one of the sources, I found the following recommendation: take cocoa in a mass of 10% of the mass of eggs. Some recipes may also use dark chocolate.

How to get a fluffy chocolate biscuit: dough preparation

  • The splendor of a biscuit depends on many factors, and if you try to take everything into account, the result will not disappoint you.
  • Eggs should be at room temperature. This will help the sugar dissolve faster.
  • It is better to beat eggs with sugar for a long time (about 30 minutes) so that the mass in its volume increases by 2-3 times. First beat at low speed, gradually increasing it. The duration of whipping will not be a problem if you have a planetary mixer.
  • The flour and cocoa for the biscuit must be pre-mixed, sifted and mixed into the egg mass quickly (about 15 seconds), since some of the air bubbles in the dough are destroyed when the dry ingredients are mixed.
  • It is worth avoiding mechanical influences on the finished dough: carefully pour it into molds and immediately send it to the oven.

How to bake a biscuit?

Ready dough should not be left standing for more than an hour. You should not be distracted by anything until your biscuits are in the oven. It is during baking that we make the most mistakes that spoil the result.

  • Prepare the forms in advance: line the bottom parchment paper, grease the sides butter.
  • Fill the forms no more than 3/4 so that the risen biscuit does not “run away” during baking.

Advice: Before baking, level the surface of the dough with a knife or spatula, driving the dough against the sides of the mold. This will help keep the cake from puffing up in the middle.

  • You need to put the forms with the dough only in a well-heated oven (180-200 degrees).
  • Do not touch the forms with the dough for at least the first 10 minutes from the start of baking.

When is the biscuit ready for cake assembly?

Before soaking the biscuit, it must be allowed to "ripen". This process takes place 8 hours after baking. The finished biscuit is cooled like this:

  • It is not immediately removed from the oven - it is turned off and left for 5 minutes, and then slightly opened and the temperature is allowed to gradually drop for another 5 minutes.
  • The biscuit is removed from the oven and allowed to cool directly in the mold for about 30 minutes.
  • The cooled biscuit is separated with a knife from the side of the mold.

Advice: At the time of maturation, it is better not to remove the paper from the biscuit - this will prevent it from drying out too much.

During maturation, the structure of the biscuit will become more durable. If you are in a hurry and skip this step, your still-too-fresh biscuit will wrinkle and crumble when cut, and the impregnation will simply soak it.

Impregnation for chocolate biscuit

Once your airy chocolate biscuit is ready to assemble the cake, it needs to be soaked. By itself, it may seem dry to you, but with the right impregnation, the biscuit will get a new taste. The easiest impregnation option is syrup with cognac or dessert wine:

  1. To get 500 g of impregnation, take 250 g of sugar and water, 25 g of cognac or strong dessert wine and a drop of essence to taste - rum, almond or vanilla.
  2. Boil sugar with water and cool to room temperature, and then add cognac or wine, as well as essence.

This biscuit impregnation recipe can be taken as a basis by adding liqueurs and fresh juices. You can also use strong sweet as an impregnation. natural coffe. Just do not forget that such an impregnation will have a rather strong taste that can drown out other tastes and smells.

Moist chocolate biscuit

This wonderful recipe Alina Akhmadieva, a wonderful confectioner, shared a chocolate biscuit at her webinar. Thank her for this great recipe! The biscuit really came out very tasty, and, most importantly, it was very suitable for the cake. It is strong yet light enough.

  • All dry ingredients except soda and vanilla should be mixed in a large bowl: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt.
  • Pour kefir into a separate container, add soda to it, mix and leave for a couple of minutes. The acid in kefir will react with soda and you will get a lush mass.
  • Mix kefir at low speed, add eggs one at a time, then hot water, oil and vanillin.
  • Add dry ingredients in portions, pour into pre-prepared forms and bake cakes at 180 degrees.

Chocolate biscuit for Prague cake

  • Mix flour with cocoa in a separate bowl and sift well.
    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff, adding half the sugar.
  • Grind the yolks into a fluffy mass with the second half of the sugar, add soft butter and 1/3 of the whipped proteins gently mix with a spatula.
  • Add the flour mixture to the batter in batches and fold in the remaining egg whites.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.

Airy chocolate biscuit for Black Forest cake

  • Mix flour, cornstarch and baking powder in a separate bowl and sift. Melt chocolate.
  • Separate eggs into whites and yolks. Whisk the yolks with hot water, sugar and vanilla sugar until thick foam, add melted chocolate.
  • Whip egg whites to stiff peaks and add 1/3 of chocolate mixture.
  • Add the mixture of flour and starch to the dough in portions, and then the remaining proteins.
  • Bake a biscuit in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Biscuit Cake Recipes

Making the right chocolate biscuit at home is not so easy. It is important in preparing the dough to take food at room temperature or warm. So grains of sugar, salt will dissolve faster. The dough will be better. FROM step by step recipes you can make chocolate biscuits for the cake yourself. It remains to choose the filling and cream for dessert. And now you are already an advanced confectioner. Cook delicious cakes at home. Surprise your family and friends with amazing treats.

classic biscuit on egg whites - very lush. After baking and cooling, wrap the biscuit cling film. Leave for 6-8 hours room temperature. Then unfold and cut into pieces horizontally. Get unusual tender cakes for the cake.


For the recipe, take a chocolate bar with a cocoa content of 70-82%. For lovers of intense chocolate flavor we offer to take bitter chocolate 99%. More in the list of ingredients:

  • 100 gr. wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1-2 pinches of drinking soda;
  • 100 gr. margarine (or butter);
  • 2 pinches of vanillin (or 1 tsp. vanilla sugar);
  • 100-120 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 4 selected eggs.

Step by step cooking

The test will not take long. Therefore, immediately turn on the oven to warm up to 180˚C. Chocolate sponge cake recipe step by step:

  1. Combine flour with baking powder. Sprinkle a pinch of soda. It is desirable to sift the mass.
  2. Combine soft margarine with vanilla.
  3. egg whites separate from the yolks. Put them in different bowls.
  4. On the steam bath melt the chocolate. Mix with fat mass. Add yolks. Mix thoroughly with a spatula. Pour the flour into the chocolate mixture in several passes. Mix until the dough is homogeneous.
  5. Beat the whites with a mixer at medium speed. Gradually add sugar. Then turn up the speed. Beat until stable smooth foam. Pour the foam into the dough. Stir from bottom to top.
  6. Grease a round baking dish with a piece of margarine. Lay out all the dough. The biscuit should be baked at 180˚C in the oven. It will take 30-35 minutes.

Has the baking time passed? Check the readiness of the crumb. Pierce wooden skewer. If the skewer is dry, you're done. Leave the chocolate biscuit in the mold until it starts to cool. Go around the edge with a silicone knife. Pull out. Leave to cool at normal temperature on a wire rack.

Recipe with cocoa

Chocolate biscuit recipes are simplified by using cocoa. No need to melt chocolate or whip egg whites. Just mix the ingredients with cocoa. Perfect Dough ready.

Biscuit Ingredients

The most delicious biscuit is obtained from the minimum composition of products:

  • 4 selected eggs;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • 160 gr. Sahara;
  • 200 gr. flour of the highest grade;
  • 0.5 tsp fine salt;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

How to cook

Before cooking, turn on the oven at 180-190˚С. Grease an oven dish with butter. So, how to make a chocolate biscuit:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl. Turn the mixer on the first speed. It is better to use a stand mixer with a removable bowl. So your hands will be free.
  2. Sprinkle sugar over the eggs. Then salt, cocoa. At the end of the flour baking powder. Make sure the mass is well mixed.
  3. Put the dough into the form.
  4. Bake in the oven. After 30 minutes, check the readiness of the crumb. If the center is still raw, bake some more. Enough 8-12 minutes.

This recipe for hastily. Do you have guests in a hurry? Take advantage step by step guide. By the time the guests arrive, there will be a delicious biscuit on the table. It remains to pour the delicacy with jam and quick cake ready.

In a multicooker with chocolate

How to cook a chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker? Almost the same as in the oven. Knead the dough. To cook, select the program "Baking" for 60 minutes. After baking, leave the biscuit in the switched off multicooker for 15 minutes. Only then pull it out.

Proportions of ingredients

For the chocolate biscuit, take the following ingredients:

  • 160 gr. flour;
  • 180 gr. margarine (you can butter);
  • 2.5-3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 70 gr. chocolates;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 180 gr. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • the same amount of baking powder;
  • some salt.


It will take no more than 4-5 minutes to knead the dough. The rest of the time is baking. Detailed description how to make a chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker:

  1. Combine dry ingredients in one cup. These are flour (necessarily of the highest grade), cocoa, soda, salt, ripper. Sift from lumps, excess impurities.
  2. Build steam bath. Melt the chocolate and margarine mixture. Do not overheat the chocolate, otherwise the mass will curdle.
  3. Separately beat eggs with sour cream and sugar. Use regular or brown sugar. FROM cane sugar the crumb of the pie will turn out cloyingly sweet.
  4. Mix sweet eggs with chocolate ganache. Pour in the dry mixture. Mix until you get homogeneous dough.
  5. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with grease. Lay out the dough. Close the lid tightly. Cook in baking mode for 60 minutes.

Did you like the recipe?


on boiling water

Is different in a special way dough kneading. The mass is, as it were, brewed with boiling water. For the filling, take pieces of milk chocolate. The result is a biscuit with chocolate inside.

Required Ingredients and Proportions

Prepare the following foods:

  • 120 gr. milk chocolate;
  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 ml of boiling water;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1 st. l. wine vinegar;
  • 100 gr. margarine;
  • 350 gr. Sahara;
  • 20 gr. baking ripper;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Do you want to replace the chocolate bar with cocoa powder? Take 10% of the weight of the eggs. For 3 cocoa eggs you will need 10-15 grams.

Work algorithm

Repeat the preparation steps. You will get the perfect biscuit cake with chocolate. Recipe:

  1. Combine eggs, milk, soft margarine, sugar, salt in one bowl. Mix with a whisk.
  2. Add flour. Stir.
  3. Pour in hot water. Mix again until a homogeneous preparation is obtained. Add the ripper-vinegar mixture. Stir.
  4. Rub the chocolate through coarse grater or break into pieces. Add to dough. Stir.
  5. Divide the dough evenly into 2 molds. Bake at 190˚C in the oven.
  6. Anastasia Titova


    Cut each pie into 2 layers. You will get 4 cakes for fluffy cake. Layer the cakes with confiture, grease with cream. Put the dessert together.

    On kefir

    A classic kefir biscuit that always turns out airy and delicious. This cake is impossible to mess up. Just 2 recipe steps to combine the ingredients. The oven will do the rest.

    Product set

    For delicious biscuit take the following products:

  • 2 small eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. freeze-dried coffee;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 160 gr. flour;
  • 80 ml sunflower oil;
  • 140 ml of kefir;
  • 160 gr. Sahara;
  • on the tip of a knife of salt.

Cooking process

To prepare chocolate dough, follow the instructions:

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar and coffee. Pour in kefir, oil. Stir.
  2. Add salt, flour, baking powder. Mix until a lump-free consistency.
  3. Anastasia Titova


    Freeze-dried coffee, if desired, replace 80 ml of freshly brewed Turkish coffee or 6 tablespoons of cocoa. You will get the most chocolate biscuit. Put the finished dough into the form. Select the diameter of the form from 18 to 22 cm. Bake in the oven at 180-190˚C for 35-40 minutes.

    Chocolate Chiffon Biscuit

    Chocolate biscuit is called chiffon because of its consistency. The crumb of such a pie is tender, slightly moist. This is a culinary classic. You don't need any special equipment for cooking. Everything is fast and simple. Easy to make at home.

    To bake a chiffon biscuit, you need to take

  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. flour (a glass of 250 ml);
  • 1 st. warm milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 ml of sunflower oil;
  • a large pinch of salt;
  • the same amount of vanilla;
  • 1.5 tsp drinking soda;
  • the same amount of baking powder;
  • 6 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • 50 ml sour cream.

The process of kneading dough and baking

  1. A simple recipe for chocolate biscuit starts with dough. In a bowl, combine sugar, vanilla and eggs. Add oil, milk. Add salt, sour cream. Whisk with a hand whisk until smooth.
  2. Sift flour, baking soda, cocoa, baking powder directly into a bowl. Stir.
  3. Pour in 250 ml of boiling water. Gradually stir into the dough.
  4. Cover the form for the semi-finished product with thin paper. Lubricate with oil. Lay out the dough. Level the top. In the form of 18 cm, the cake turns out to be high - 6-7 cm.
  5. In a preheated oven (180˚С), send the semi-finished product for 35 minutes. Does your oven have a top-bottom heating function? Turn it on. Baking will go faster.
  6. Anastasia Titova


    A light cake will be the basis for a chic biscuit cake. Layer the cakes with cream, decorate with fruits and berries. A chocolate biscuit cake will delight guests at any family holiday. Enjoy your meal.

Good evening, yesterday we celebrated my grandmother's anniversary, my mother baked a simple chocolate cake. I found the recipe on your video channel, and on the site - a full explanation. For the convenience of my mother, I printed it out on a printer. It turned out to be a very tasty cake, although it took a lot of time to prepare. Mom strictly adhered to the recipe in cooking, poured it with chocolate icing and decorated it with flowers from butter cream signed "For our beloved". There is a minus - we regretted that we made only one simple chocolate cake, as it was the center of attention on the table, each guest got a piece and everyone was delighted with delicate taste and chocolate flavor cake. Thank you from my grandmother.
What could be tastier than chocolate, this noble taste with bitterness is appreciated not only by true gourmets, but also by ordinary sweet tooth. Everyone who writes recipes for simple chocolate cakes is a little tricky. There can be no cake, the main ingredient of which is chocolate, simple. All cooking processes should be so scrupulous, because the dough can be hammered with cocoa powder and lose the airiness of the chocolate biscuit, the cream can be broken and the creamy mass will delaminate, and chocolate icing- do not boil or boil and the ganache on the cake will be liquid. So please read carefully simple recipes chocolate cakes, and cook them with care. Dear Emma Isaakovna, I think, thanks to you, chocolate lovers will pay tribute to their mothers and grandmothers, and they, in turn, will be grateful for your advice and recommendations.
Hello Emma and Daniella. easy chocolate cake recipe biscuit dough turned out to be very versatile. I have baked it many times already, I try to change the cream, depending on the cream layer, sometimes there is no need to soak the cakes. I really like custard, it perfectly sets off the taste chocolate cakes and complements them. The cake is soft and moist. Thanks for this recipe.
Good afternoon, dear grandmother Emma and Danielle. Thanks to you, I have replenished my piggy bank of recipes for holiday desserts and everyday sweets. I love baking, I pay a lot of attention to decorating cakes and pastries. Chocolate cakes occupy a special place of my predilection. I have not been interested in simple recipes for a long time, because I think that I have moved to a new level in my confectionery skills and I want to learn modern and more complex techniques for decorating and decorating desserts. I learn from Daniella, I peep what tools she uses, how skillfully she handles creams and icing, how chocolate decor elements are born from her hands. I watch videos, write down something and emphasize new things for myself. Since, I think that the same cake, but decorated differently, will even have different taste. Danielle, thank you for sharing your skills, I admire your sweet masterpieces and always look forward to something interesting.
Video cooking, I walked through your site and was surprised that I have never seen so many pastries and sweets for every taste in one place. Perhaps I saw it, but it’s so family-like and so nice - only with you. I'm sure you take not only recipes, but also charisma. Pleasant and wise Emma, ​​beautiful and elegant Daniella, Leonid is masculinely serious, but at the same time such a direct person. Your family exudes warmth and kindness. Do not blame me, I think all your admirers will agree with me. I don’t know how to cook at all, this business lies on the fragile female shoulders of my wife, but I took note of your chocolate cake, a simple recipe - the wife should cope, and I and my grandchildren, I have no doubt, we will highly appreciate the result. With uv. Michael.

I just adore chocolate pastries I have tried all your easy chocolate cake recipes. I don't know how to decorate, I try to mostly pour icing on the cake or sprinkle with almond petals or coconut flakes. The other day I decided to try my hand at the author's recipe - Daniella's Chocolate Cake, I even made curls. Oooh, I'm just crazy about this amount of chocolate, and the nutty aftertaste in the cakes with the most delicate chocolate mousse, can't be described in words. At the moment, this chic chocolate cake, although not simple, is in the first place for me. I will repeat more than once. Thanks for your chocolates.

Step-by-step recipes for a chocolate sponge cake with berries, nuts and cherries based on cream, custard, chocolate and sour cream, as well as with boiled condensed milk

2018-06-03 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

5 gr.

18 gr.


41 gr.

343 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipe

Chocolate biscuit cake counts classic dessert in almost all world cuisines. Moreover, it is permissible to do it with different creams and toppings. And with which ones we will consider in this collection.


  • four large eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • two bars of dark chocolate;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • not a full glass of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter for the mold;
  • a glass of heavy cream;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • any fruit juice for impregnation.

Chocolate sponge cake recipe step by step

Carefully separate the white and yolk by breaking the chilled eggs with a knife. Pour sugar into the bowl first. Beat until white.

Add salt to the second container with the protein. Beat with clean whisks until the mass increases several times. This will make her stronger.

Transfer the protein to a bowl with the yolk, without ceasing mixing with a spatula. Only after achieving a uniform combination of the ingredients, sift the flour in batches.

Knead the flowing thick biscuit dough. Then quickly melt both chocolate bars in hot milk.

Pour the viscous chocolate into the dough in a thin stream. All this time, mix with gentle movements.

Grease the removable mold from the inside soft piece butter. Pour in the chocolate mixture immediately. Put in the oven.

Bake the chocolate sponge cake for 43-44 minutes, preheating the stove to 180 degrees. Check the cake and turn off the burner.

Leave to cool for half an hour. Then cut the cold biscuit in half (lengthwise). soak each fruit juice.

Pour into a tall container heavy cream. Start active whipping by entering powdered sugar. Make a strong buttercream.

Lubricate one part of the cake with half of the resulting dressing. Cover the second. Slightly (only slightly!) Press down.

Decorate the cake with the remaining cream, for which you can use a pastry bag with different nozzles.

Keep ready dessert important in the cold (basement, refrigerator shelf or balcony in winter time). If you would like to biscuit cakes turned out fragrant, soak them not with fruit juice, but with cognac or rum.

Option 2: Quick Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipe

To speed up culinary process we suggest not to waste time creating a cream, but to take a purchase boiled condensed milk. It is quite thick, so there is no need to beat it with butter and cool it.


  • four cold eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of wheat flour;
  • five tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • berries from jam for decoration.

How to quickly make chocolate biscuit cake

In a dry container of the combine, carefully break everything one by one. chicken eggs. Sprinkle with sugar immediately.

Beat the ingredients with a whisk attachment to form a strong mass. Once this happens, sift in the flour and the planned amount of cocoa powder.

At the end, add soda. Knead the biscuit dough on the slowest speed.

bake high fluffy cake 35-40 minutes. Switch off the stove. Cool the base of the chocolate sponge cake.

Then take the cake out of the mold. Cut lengthwise into two halves. Now open a jar of condensed milk (boiled).

Soak both halves with fruit or berry juice. smear purchased cream first cake. Press him down with a second one. Top again with condensed milk (sides and upper part). Garnish with whole berries from any jam.

Although we make a quick cake, we still recommend leaving it on the refrigerator shelf for a while. In just 30-35 minutes, the biscuit will absorb the condensed milk and become amazingly soft and tasty. By the way, if you do not like boiled condensed milk, replace it with a regular one. In this case, it is better to beat it with butter to make the sweet dressing thicker.

Option 3: Chocolate sponge cake with cherries and sour cream

Cherry and sour cream can be safely called perfect ingredients for filling chocolate sponge cake. Try it, you won't regret it!


  • a glass of sugar and flour;
  • four eggs;
  • sweet syrup for impregnation;
  • 295 grams of fat sour cream;
  • two standard chocolate bars (black);
  • 75 grams of milk for chocolate;
  • 195 grams of pitted cherries.

How to cook

Break the eggs (necessarily cold) into a suitable wide container. Adding white sugar, beat with a mixer until peaks with a strong structure.

Then pour flour in small batches (or better sift). Use a spatula (wooden or silicone) to knead the dough.

At the same time, melt the chocolate fresh milk to a viscous consistency. Pour the mixture thinly into the mixing bowl.

Mix. Pour into a mold with removable sides. Bake chocolate sponge cake for 42-45 minutes at 185 degrees.

After turning off the burner, leave the base of the dessert on the kitchen table to cool. After a couple of hours, cut and soak sugar syrup(cold).

At the next stage, grease the surface of the first cake with half of the fat sour cream. Arrange the washed pitted cherries.

Close the filling with the second cake soaked side down. Cover the surface of the cake with the rest of the sour cream. Garnish with a few berries. Serve after chilling for a few hours.

So that the cherry for decoration does not let the juice out, spoiling the surface of the dessert, we recommend drying it on several napkins after washing so that the fruits become dry. As for sour cream, be sure to take the bold version, it will be easier to decorate the cake. At the same time, do not add sugar to the dressing, which will make it liquid.

Option 4: Sponge cake with chocolate, buttercream and berries

Another cream that is often used for such cakes is oil. And so that in the end the dessert does not turn out to be a little sugary, let's add fresh small berries to the filling.


  • standard glass of sugar;
  • a pack of butter;
  • not a full glass of flour;
  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • four eggs;
  • a package of vanilla sugar;
  • two black chocolate bars;
  • milk for chocolate;
  • syrup for impregnation;
  • a glass of small berries.

Step by step recipe

Knead thick biscuit dough from eggs and white sugar with the addition of wheat flour and dark chocolate melted in a small amount of milk.

Pour the dark viscous mass into a non-stick mold with removable sides. Bake a high cake for 45 minutes at a temperature set at 180 degrees.

Cool the prepared base. Cut. Soak both cakes with sweet syrup. Leave, and at the same time wash a small berry (certainly pitted). Dry with paper towels.

Also send pre-softened butter in a high container. Pour in all the powdered sugar. Beat a homogeneous lush cream.

Cover the soft cake with half the dressing. Fall asleep berries. Spread evenly over the surface.

Lay the second impregnated cake. Coat the sides and top with the remaining oil cream. Complete your chocolate sponge cake presentation with a few berries.

Move the finished dessert to the refrigerator shelf. Store at least two hours before serving.

For this option, any berry of small size, in which there are no seeds, is suitable. It can be blueberries or lingonberries, red or black currants, mulberries or raspberries. It is important to carefully clean the fruits, removing the ponytails, leaves and twigs. Their presence is unacceptable.

Option 5: Chocolate biscuit cake with custard and nuts

We propose to make the next version of the cake with an unsurpassed custard, in which we will add fragrant vanilla, and nuts. It will turn out satisfying and, as always, amazingly tasty.


  • seven eggs;
  • 375 grams of milk;
  • a glass of chopped nuts;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • six tablespoons of flour;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • a couple of bars of dark chocolate;
  • syrup for impregnation.

How to cook

Beat four chilled eggs with a glass of sugar. As soon as the mixture brightens and increases in volume, sift four tablespoons of wheat flour.

While kneading a thick dough, thinly pour in dark chocolate melted with milk (75 ml). Having achieved uniformity, pour into a special detachable form.

Bake chocolate biscuit for the cake at 180 degrees required by the recipe. The approximate time for complete baking is 40-44 minutes.

After turning off the fire, leave the tall cake on the table directly in the form to cool. At this time, boil the remaining milk.

After the start of boiling, add sugar (white). Dissolve it. Then beat in three eggs one at a time. Whisk the contents of the saucepan constantly with a metal whisk.

At the end, carefully sift two tablespoons of flour. Enter vanillin. Thicken to a firm consistency. Remove from burner.

While the cream is cooling, cut the cake that has cooled down by this time into two parts. Soak each with syrup.

Pour two thirds of the fragrant custard onto the surface of the first part. Distribute. Sprinkle with chopped nuts (about half).

Lay the second soft cake on top. Brush the surface with the remaining custard. Decorate with small nut crumbs. Keep cold.

To get a richer and more varied nutty taste, we strongly advise you to take several types at the same time. The main thing is to carefully clean them from the husk, partitions and shell fragments.

Option 6: Biscuit cake with chocolate, condensed milk and cocoa

If you are very fond of chocolate, let's make not only a biscuit with it, but also a used cream. Moreover, we recommend preparing the latter on the basis of ordinary condensed milk and butter.


  • bank of condensed milk;
  • two tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • a pack of soft butter;
  • four eggs;
  • two chocolate bars (black variety);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • cognac for impregnation;
  • a glass of flour in the dough;
  • 74 grams of milk.

Step by step recipe

Cold fresh eggs beat with sugar using a mixer. Sprinkle with flour. Knead the biscuit flowing dough.

In parallel, bring milk and dark chocolate to a thick mixture. Pour in thinly and mix.

Pour the chocolate batter from the bowl into a springform pan with a non-stick surface. Transfer to preheated oven.

Bake the chocolate sponge cake base for about 45 minutes. The desired temperature is 180 degrees.

Leave the fully baked cake in the form to cool. At this time, make a fluffy (without lumps) cream from softened butter, cocoa powder and ordinary condensed milk. For this process, take a mixer.

Put the dressing in the refrigerator, where it will finally thicken. After an hour, divide the cooled cake in half with a knife. Soak both parts with chilled cognac.

Now grease the first biscuit with cream and cover it with the second. Coat on all sides. Decorate with grated chocolate if desired.

We make cream based on condensed milk and cocoa. But you can take one more bar of chocolate instead of the last one. To do this, you need to melt it in a water bath and beat with a mixer.