The most magnificent sponge cake. Biscuit

Main components biscuit dough are flour, sugar and eggs. Eggs are beaten with sugar until a fluffy mass is formed, which perfectly holds its shape on a spoon or wooden spatula. Then flour is carefully poured in, and the whole mass is gently mixed. In some cases, flour can be replaced with starch, then the biscuit is simply airy. . biscuit may well contain vanillin, grated orange or lemon peel, almonds or nuts.

Fluffy biscuit (recipe) comes only from the most fresh eggs, this must be taken into account when choosing products for the future cake. duration and correct mode baking also plays an important role in the preparation of biscuits. only in a clean bowl, before whipping, it is advisable to hold them in the cold for several minutes. If even a drop of yolk or fat gets to the proteins, the whipping process will be doomed to failure. If the proteins have been standing for a long time, you can add a drop of vinegar to them or lemon juice to make whipping easier.

Before preparing the dough, the baking sheet is greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or laid out with greased paper. Biscuit dough recipe involves baking cakes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for 40 minutes, while in the first 20 minutes the oven should not be opened so that the biscuit does not settle. The readiness of the biscuit can be checked with an ordinary toothpick, if it is dry, then the cake is ready. The dough for biscuit cakes can be prepared in a warm and cold way.

Cold way.

Divide the sugar in half, with one half beat the whites into a strong foam, with the other half the egg yolks are ground white. Using additional ingredients they are introduced into the yolk mass. Then flour and a third of the proteins are introduced, and only at the very end are the remaining proteins introduced. The baked biscuit should be left for 10 minutes in a slightly ajar oven.

Warm way.

The yolks are rubbed with sugar and, if necessary, with butter. The whole mass is heated in a water bath until the sugar dissolves, with full stirring. Then the dishes must be placed in cold water and leave at room temperature, not forgetting to constantly beat the mass. The yolks become lush, thick. Then flour with starch is added and proteins are introduced at the very end.

Recipe with butter

For the dough: 10 eggs, 900 grams of sugar, 1 kilogram of flour, 200 grams of butter.

Biscuit dough getting ready in the usual way, at the very end, warm, dissolved oil is gently mixed into it. You need to knead as quickly as possible so that the dough does not settle.

Cocoa biscuit dough recipe

For the dough: 300 grams of flour, 30 grams of 360 grams of sugar, 12 eggs, 65 grams of cocoa powder.

The dough is prepared in the usual way, but just before kneading, cocoa powder, previously sifted through a sieve, is added to the flour.

Nut biscuit dough recipe

For the dough: 300 grams of flour, 30 grams potato starch, 360 grams of sugar, 12 eggs, 70 grams walnuts(chopped).

The dough is prepared in the usual way, but right before kneading the grated nuts are mixed with flour. You need to knead the dough as quickly as possible.

with apples

For the dough: 4 tablespoons of flour, 3-4 apples, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 5 eggs, a little cinnamon.

The yolks are whipped with sugar, mixed with chopped apples, and separately whipped proteins are added there. The whole mass is quickly mixed, poured onto a pre-oiled baking sheet and sent to the oven. The cake is baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

So, we have mastered the basic basics of making biscuit dough. Time to head to the kitchen and experiment!

Perhaps the most delicate basis for any pastry is biscuit dough. That is why it is so loved by many housewives. Its preparation will not be difficult, and the result obtained exceeds all expectations. Baking from biscuit dough is distinguished by its delicate taste and splendor. Moreover, based on her own imagination, each housewife can diversify her biscuit by adding grated orange or lemon zest, poppy seeds, ground nuts, cocoa, raisins, and other fillers.

And combining biscuit dough with decoration products - icing, jam, fresh fruit and berries you can get your own unique, which will certainly please all family members, regardless of their age.

The main ingredients for a biscuit are flour, sugar and eggs. However, to get air and light biscuit dough, it is worth remembering some of the subtleties of its preparation.

The quality of the biscuit dough depends on many factors. It is influenced by the freshness of the eggs, the temperature of all the ingredients, the duration of the beating, as well as the correct baking mode.

To get a fluffy porous dough for a biscuit, beaten egg whites are introduced into it, which will serve as a baking powder. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no yolk inclusions get into the whites, otherwise they will not beat well. Proteins must be whipped in a completely clean bowl without the slightest trace of fat until they form a stable foam. If the whites do not beat well, they can be cooled and add citric acid and salt on the tip of a knife.

Protein, yolk mass and flour are mixed very quickly. At the same time, it is necessary to mix them not, but, as it were, lifting layer by layer. Thus, the biscuit dough will be saturated with a sufficient amount of air bubbles.

You can simplify the process by not separating the whites from the yolks. AT this case eggs are immediately beaten with sugar. This technology for making biscuit dough is used when the components are poorly separated from each other, or yolks have got into the proteins. In this case, the biscuit dough will turn out to be denser, but it will not fall when baking.

More crumbly biscuit dough can be obtained by adding starch to the flour.

For classic recipe biscuit dough you need the following components:

  • Flour - ¾ cup
  • Starch - one tablespoon
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Sugar - incomplete glass (about 200 grams)

First, separate the yolks from the whites. Add half a cup of sugar to the yolks and beat them until their volume doubles or triples.

Next, froth the proteins without adding sugar in a separate container. Add sugar only at the end of beating. Beating must be completed when the volume of proteins increases by four to five times, and the proteins themselves form a hard foam.

Add half of the proteins to the pounded yolks and gently mix the resulting mass. Continuing to mix the mixture, carefully add the flour mixed with starch. Add the rest of the proteins and mix the ingredients until you get a dough. uniform consistency.

Pour the batter into an oiled mold or a baking sheet. To prevent the dough from burning, the bottom of the baking dish can be lined. Fill the form by about ¾ and place it in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Please note that for the first 15 minutes the biscuit mold must not be touched, otherwise it may fall. Baking time depends on the thickness of the cake. For cakes with a layer thickness of 3 to 4 cm, it will be approximately 45-50 minutes, and for rolls with a cake thickness of about 1 cm - no more than 15 minutes. The readiness of the dough for a biscuit can be determined by piercing it with a wooden stick. If there are no traces of dough left on it, then it is completely ready.

Since the biscuit breaks easily immediately after baking, it must be kept for about an hour, or better, left overnight, and only then proceed to the preparation of confectionery.

Biscuit dough is quite capricious and not everyone knows how to work with it. There are many secrets that you need to know and follow in order to succeed. Today we will talk about them and prepare the perfect biscuit dough at home. If you follow all the tips from this article, then biscuit baking will always be lush, porous and tasty. Others can be found in the relevant section.

I baked my first biscuit at the age of 9. He was not as lush as I wanted him to be. And I started experimenting. I studied, changed recipes, tried new techniques. For a year I achieved results that suited me quite well. I remember my mother praised me and admitted that even her biscuit did not turn out so magnificent. But her other pastries were chic and it was she who instilled in me a love for pastries.

Mom taught me how to cook a lot of what I can do. Now it was my turn to share my secrets. Mom now also makes wonderful pastries from biscuit dough. Like I said, it's all about the secrets and the recipe.

Types of biscuit

To bake a biscuit, first you need to figure out what types of biscuit dough are and how they differ from each other.


This is the one we cook most often. He has the simplest set of products: eggs, sugar and flour. Sometimes starch is also used in it. This basic recipe is very popular due to the ease of preparation, as well as the use of simple and affordable ingredients. We will talk about it in more detail at the end of the article. There I will share my proven cooking recipe. classic biscuit.


This biscuit differs from others in that the dough is kneaded on whipped proteins with sugar, a spoonful of water and a pinch of citric acid. After adding flour, the dough is baked. Ready-made pastries of a beautiful white color with a delicate crust. A thin piece of such a biscuit looks like the wings of an angel. It turns out to be just as weightless, white and tender. Yes, yolks are not used in the test.


This pastry gets its name from its slightly moist, smooth surface. It's all about vegetable oil, which is part of the dough products. This biscuit is most often used for making multilayer cakes, as pastries keep their shape perfectly.


This biscuit is made using butter. The yolks are not whipped with sugar, but are ground with soft butter, after which they are already mixed with whipped proteins and flour. This biscuit is the basis for making Sacher cake. Read about it on my blog pages.

Biscuit Genoise, or Genoese

For this biscuit, beat the yolks together with the proteins with sugar. Add the melted butter to the fluffy egg mass. And only then add flour, part of which needs to be replaced with nut flour. It turns out fragrant pastries, which serves as the basis for cakes.


This pastry can be considered a kind of biscuit, although outwardly it does not quite look like it. As part of this baking, you will not find wheat flour, as it is completely replaced by nut flour (hazelnut, pistachio, etc.). To prepare the dough, you still need proteins, sugar and powdered sugar. Small meringues are baked in the form of cookies, from which the French prepare chic desserts.

Biscuit Gioconda

For this baking use 1 part wheat flour and 1 part nut flour. The recipe often uses butter. The most popular among the French is the almond Mona Lisa.

Biscuit dough secrets

  1. Only chilled eggs are used for cooking.
  2. Proteins can not be separated from proteins and whole eggs can be beaten with sugar. This is a little easier than separating the proteins from the yolks and whipping the yolks with sugar separately, and the proteins with a pinch of salt and citric acid. In the latter case, the biscuit turns out to be a little more magnificent.
  3. The bowl in which the eggs are beaten should not be greasy. It is better to rub it with a slice of lemon (or vinegar) to remove even a hint of fat.
  4. Sugar for biscuit is used finely crystalline. Large crystals do not dissolve well in the egg mass.
  5. Beat eggs with sugar for about 10 minutes until persistent peaks. The egg mass should increase in size by 6-7 times. Only then ready-made pastries turns out lush.
  6. We use premium grade wheat flour. Before adding it, saturate it with air. To do this, it must be sieved.
  7. Knead the flour with a spatula, not with a mixer! The movements should be smooth, but sure, so as not to destroy the air bubbles in the dough.
  8. As soon as the flour is distributed in the egg mass, you need to stop kneading the biscuit dough.
  9. Pour the dough into a mold, which is greased with butter and sprinkled with flour.
  10. Since the biscuit will increase in volume during baking, you need to fill the form by 3/4 of the volume.
  11. The oven must be preheated for baking.
  12. We bake the biscuit dough immediately after kneading. Every second, the air bubbles in the dough are destroyed and if you do not immediately send it to bake, the biscuit may not work out.
  13. We check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden skewer.
  14. To finished biscuit it was easier to pull it out of the mold, it should be left after baking for 2-3 minutes to cool upside down.

Cooking classic biscuit dough at home

Biscuit dough recipe with photo

To prepare a classic biscuit in a cold way, the following products are needed:

  • eggs (6 pcs)
  • wheat flour (1.5 cups)
  • sugar (1 cup)

Sometimes starch is also added. Then the proportion of flour is changed and 1.2 cups of flour and 0.3 cups of starch are added. Starch is most often added when the roll is baked. Starch allows you to bake more elastic dough, which can be twisted after cooking.

Preparation of biscuit dough

Biscuit dough is the classic and most common version of cake layers and other desserts that we are used to using. In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing a biscuit, and any cook can make it on their own at home with a minimum of effort.

Classic biscuit dough

This biscuit dough is suitable for almost any kind of cakes.

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

First of all, we prepare everything necessary ingredients. We take a form of small size and a diameter of 20 centimeters, grease it with oil and cover the bottom parchment paper. The flour needs to be sifted a couple of times so that there are no extra impurities in it. The whites are separated from the yolks. Be very careful while doing this.

Mix the yolks in a separate bowl with 75 g of sugar and vanilla. Rub them with a whisk until they increase noticeably in volume. Beat the whites with a mixer at low speed until a peak forms. After that, we begin to gradually pour the remaining sugar into it, while the mixer does not turn off.

Add 1/3 of the whipped protein to the yolks, mix gently with a spoon and pour flour into it. Mix well again, add the remaining proteins and knead the dough. Do not overdo it in time, otherwise the air bubbles will disappear and the biscuit will not rise. Pour the dough into the form, level and bake for half an hour. Temperature 180 gr.

In a slow cooker

And again, the owners of multicookers can rejoice, because they are able to make biscuit dough using the miracle of technical thought. Multi-cups are indicated in the list of ingredients as a measure of weight.

What you need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Separate the yolks and beat the latter until peaks form. Add the egg yolks and both sugars one by one and continue beating with the mixer. Gently add flour to the mixture, mix with a spoon or spatula.

After that, grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of oil and carefully pour the dough into it, leveling the surface. Biscuit cakes cook in the “Baking” mode for about an hour. The result will be fluffy base, which can be used to create any dessert.

Biscuit for 4 eggs in the oven

To make the 4 Egg Biscuit Cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • rast. oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.

The simplest biscuit is good to serve at the table as delicious dessert and also apply it for cooking or cakes. About how to make such a delicacy, we will tell in the presented article.

Biscuit recipe step by step

Surely every housewife baked a biscuit at least once in her life. After all, such a product is prepared very easily and simply. If all the recommendations are followed, an incredibly lush, soft and ruddy cake is obtained, which no one is able to refuse.

So to do the simplest biscuit at home, you must prepare in advance:

  • sifted wheat flour - 1 full glass;
  • large - 4 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - for greasing the mold.

Biscuit base kneading

Really ready in a short amount of time. And before you bake it in the oven, you should knead the base well. To do this, medium-sized white sugar is added to the egg yolks and thoroughly ground until white with a large spoon. As for proteins, they are pre-cooled and then whipped into a strong foam. Finally, both components are combined and thoroughly mixed with a mixer. Adding slaked to the base baking soda and sifted white flour, get a thin homogeneous dough.

Baking process in the oven

It is best to bake the simplest biscuit in the oven. Moreover, it is desirable to do this immediately after kneading the base. If you stand it aside for a while, then the cake will turn out not as lush and soft as we would like.

Thus, after cooking, it is poured into a pre-lubricated mold. In this form, the semi-finished product is sent to an oven preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees. It is advisable to bake the simplest biscuit for at least 60 minutes. After this time, it is checked for readiness. To do this, stick a dry toothpick into the product. If it remains clean (without sticky dough), then the cake is removed from the mold and placed on the cake stand.

Proper presentation of the product to the table

As you can see, the simplest biscuit is really prepared very simply and easily. After it has cooled slightly in the form, it is cut into portioned pieces and put on saucers. Before serving, slices of the pie are poured over with condensed milk, liquid honey or soaked in sweet syrup. Use such a biscuit along with hot unsweetened tea.

Making a custard biscuit

Custard biscuit, cooked at home, turns out to be very lush and tender. To make it yourself, there is no need to purchase expensive components. After all, such a delicacy is prepared from very simple ingredients.

So, to make a quick biscuit out of choux pastry, we need:

  • sifted wheat flour - 1.3 cups;
  • baking soda - ½ dessert spoon;
  • medium-sized white sugar - 1 full glass;
  • raw large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - for lubrication of the form;
  • butter - 110 g;
  • low-fat milk - 100 ml.

Dough preparation

For cooking custard base low-fat milk and butter are slowly heated in a water bath, and then sifted white flour is added to them. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they are cooked until they thicken. At this time, the chicken yolks are ground together with medium-sized white sugar, and the whites are beaten to persistent peaks.

After the milky-creamy mass thickens, spread the sweet mass from the yolks to it and stir well. After keeping the products on the stove for about three minutes, they are taken out and cooled slightly. After that, proteins and slaked baking soda are laid out in the dishes. Whipping all the ingredients with a mixer, you get a rather lush cream-colored mass. Then immediately start baking it.

Heat treatment process

The simplest choux pastry biscuit can be baked both in the oven and in the slow cooker. We already used the first device in the previous recipe. Now I want to tell you how to cook such a dessert using the second one.

After kneading the base, it is completely laid out in the bowl of the device. To prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom of the dish during heat treatment, it is pre-lubricated sunflower oil. Having laid out the base, it is closed and cooked in baking mode for a whole hour. If you are not sure that during this time the biscuit is completely baked, then it is recommended to check it with a toothpick. If the cake is damp, then it is kept in the heating mode for about 20 minutes. During this time, it will finally bake, become soft and lush.

Proper serving of homemade biscuit to the table

After cooking custard biscuit turn off the multicooker and open it. In this form, the product is left for several minutes. Then it is carefully removed with a spatula or dumped onto a cake stand by turning the bowl over.

The finished biscuit is cut into portioned pieces and laid out on plates. Pre-sprinkle the cake powdered sugar. It is also often covered with sour cream or oil cream. In this case, you will get very tasty and beautiful cakes.

By the way, if you want to make homemade, then you need to cut it in half (into 2 or 3 cakes), and then grease with cream and decorate confectionery topping. It is better to serve such a dessert to the table after a long exposure in the refrigerator.