Almond flour and the legendary macarons. Step by step recipe for making almond flour with photo

Today I will tell you how to prepare almond flour at home. The process is simple and not very long. And if everything is done correctly, the quality of the product will be many times better than that of store-bought flour. You will also save money: compare how much almonds cost and how much is good flour from it.

Recipes with almond flour are popular in many European countries. In our latitudes, they are still considered exotic for most people. Fans especially love them: you can cook with almond flour delicious pastries and desserts, and the amount of carbohydrates in the dishes will be minimal, but there will be a lot of easily digestible protein and healthy fats. The taste and the aroma...

As you can see in the photo, almond flour is coarser than wheat or other common baking flour. Her chemical composition also differs from cereal flour, and hence the properties.

You can’t bake bread from it, you can’t fry pancakes, but there is much more interesting options. For example, the basis for the famous pasta cakes (aka macaroons or macaroni) is made from almond flour. Just remember this incredible texture!

You can add flour to biscuit dough, into meringues and puddings, into traditional madeleines and pancakes. I love to cook - it turns out slightly crispy and very fragrant.


● nuts almonds (not fried) - 300 gr.


- First you need to clean the nuts. To do this, throw the almonds into boiling water for literally 1 minute.

- Peel the almonds. This is done simply: lightly press and the nut itself “jumps out” of the peel

- put the prepared nuts on a baking sheet in one layer and send to dry for 30 minutes in the oven (80 ° C). In order for the almonds to dry evenly, they need to be stirred occasionally, then removed from the oven and allowed to cool.

- Pour the nuts into the blender bowl and chop, making stops every 7 seconds

- as soon as the mass turns into a flour-like substance - stop and sift it

Non-crushed pieces of nuts can be re-sent to a blender or left to decorate various dishes.

Don't try to make the flour finer. The almonds may begin to release oil and become moist and sticky. And then it will turn out not flour, but paste

Now you know how to do almond flour at home, and you can cook amazing goodies from it.
It should be noted that nuts can be crushed together with the peel - but then the color of the flour will be darker. I prefer a clean, soft creamy powder. Products from it keep their shape better than in the case of whole flour, and they look more beautiful.

If your almond flour didn't work the first time, don't be discouraged. The process requires some skill, but it develops quickly. And even if you overexposed the nuts in a blender, there was no disaster - almond paste is also very tasty.
In all my recipes, where it is present, it can easily be replaced with almond, so do not rush to throw away the “spoiled” product.

I don’t know how it is in your city, but here in Saratov you can’t buy almond flour in a regular store. When I first decided to make a French macarons cake, I searched the counters not only in the nearest grocery store, but also in large chains of the city. The maximum that I found was almond petals (which are also good only after grinding). Therefore, the choice of whether or not to make almond flour at home was not even there. Definitely a must try!
I bought almonds and started the process.


  • Almonds (I have unpeeled) - 150 g You can use not whole nuts, but almond petals.
  • Water - 1.5 -2 cups

Almonds need to be put in a convenient bowl, with the expectation that we will fill it hot water.

Pour boiling water from the kettle so that the water completely covers the nuts.

Let stand 1-2 minutes.

Drain all hot water and discard the nuts in a colander. Spill with cold water.

After such a contrast shower, the peels from the almonds are removed without difficulty. The next step is to remove the skins and place the nuts on a paper towel so that the excess water is more easily absorbed.

Attention! Almonds should be thoroughly dried! The moisture content of almond flour directly affects the quality of pasta and other products that we will cook from it! Flour by the time of preparation should be dry and crumbly.

It is for this reason that it is better to grind ready-made almond petals than whole almonds. The petals are already quite dry and do not have a skin. If you could find almond petals on sale, give preference to them.

If the almonds are not fresh, a contrast shower to remove the skin may not be enough. Having checked that the skin is not removed or peels off only in small fragments, and not with a cover, you should not waste time in vain. It is better to fill the almonds with hot water again, while leaving it in the water until it cools completely. After that, the peel will be removed even from the oldest nuts!

Before you start grinding almonds, you should dry them well. in a natural way almonds can dry for several days. To do this, leave it in a well-ventilated, bright place and wait until it dries completely.

I usually can't wait to start baking, so I don't wait that long. Dry on a baking sheet in the oven. Here you need to be careful not to allow the nuts to roast! To do this, watch the almonds in the oven, literally not letting them out of sight.

Put the almonds on a baking sheet (I have parchment paper, but this is not at all necessary). In a preheated oven to 140 C, place a baking sheet on the middle level. Dry the almonds for 20-25 minutes, turning the nuts over with a spatula every 10 minutes.

Almonds in the oven should not change color!

After this time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, remove the nuts. We wait for complete cooling and proceed to grinding in a blender or coffee grinder.

I use a Braun blender like the one in the photo.

The power of my blender is 600 watts, on the “Turbo” mode I grind in pulses of 8-10 seconds, no longer!

Almonds release oil very quickly (and we don’t need flour!), to prevent this, you should be careful and crush the nuts in short pulses.

It was precisely because of the walking fears on the Internet that I did not dare to cook almond flour with my own hands for a long time. It seemed to me that I would “spoil” the nuts, the flour would not work, the oil would immediately begin to stand out, etc. The fears turned out to be in vain, you just have to be careful and everything will work out!

Stop the blender periodically and scrape the flour from the corners and sides of the bowl. You need to grind nuts in small portions, for example, I processed this mass of 150 g in three approaches. Depending on the size of the bowl of your blender, the portions may be smaller or larger: the most important thing is that the flour does not cake, but moves freely around the bowl.

Ready flour must be sifted: large pieces, remaining in the sieve - send again to the blender bowl and grind to the desired fraction.

Keep almond flour tightly closed. glass jar(or tightly tied bag) in a dry place. It should be applied only with a dry spoon!

For making pasta and other pastries, you can buy ready-made flour, for example, in online stores. On the You Tube channel, I posted a step-by-step video recipe for making pasta, I invite you to watch it!

I will be very pleased to receive feedback on the recipe: share in the comments whether your flour turned out in a blender, what difficulties did you experience, or did everything go smoothly? Maybe you grind almonds in a coffee grinder? Share your experience with other site visitors!

Thank you! happy baking and only proven recipes!

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Almond flour is not often found in our stores. How to make your own almond flour? It is not difficult at all, and in my opinion, home-made flour even surpasses the purchased flour in quality.

If flour will be used to make french cakes, then it needs to be sifted through a fine sieve, you have to tinker. In other cases (biscuit, frangipane, fillings for pies and cakes), especially fine grinding is not required and the process is not so laborious.

Pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 10 minutes.

Throw on a sieve, rinse with cold water.

After this manipulation, the peel from the nuts is very easily removed. If the almonds were very dry, then you need to repeat the procedure with boiling water again.

It is very important to dry the nuts well, this can be done naturally or in the oven. If time permits, it is better to proceed according to the first option. Put the peeled nuts on a towel to remove excess moisture, then pour onto a tray (plate, baking sheet) and put away from the eyes of the household. As practice shows, peeled almonds attract them much more than unpeeled ones. 🙂 The drying process takes several days, according to my observations, it takes at least two days.

Second option. Turn on the oven at a temperature of 90-100 degrees, pour the almonds on a baking sheet and dry for about an hour. Be sure to keep the nuts from browning. If the oven is electric, then it is easier, with a gas one you need to be vigilant. Then the almonds need to be completely cooled, you can put them in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

Grind dry nuts in a blender or coffee grinder in small portions, I prefer a blender. Grind no more than 20-30 seconds, periodically shaking the coffee grinder or blender. Since the knives heat up during operation and the nuts can release oil, long grinding can result in a paste instead of flour. For the same reason, if you are going to make almond flour for future use and more, take breaks in work - you can eat nuts and cool the blender slightly.

Ready flour should be sifted through a sieve, if large particles remain, grind them again or set aside and use for biscuits. For example, which is used in coconut cake.

In recipes where very fine grinding is not required, you can grind almonds immediately with sugar or powdered sugar, just take the amount of sugar and almonds you need for the recipe. If the snow-whiteness of the flour is not important, then you can not peel the nuts, in chocolate biscuit for example, you won't see a difference. Almond flour can be stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid, in a dry place. I won’t say the maximum shelf life, but a month or two for sure.

Now the absence of this ingredient will not stop you from culinary experiments, and to find out where you can use cooked almond flour, fill out the subscription form and then you will definitely not miss new recipes.

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Almond flour, unlike plain wheat flour, has a tart spicy taste. With her you get great desserts and baking. You can cook such flour at home, and we will tell you how to do it.

Almond flour - how to make it at home?

The main product is the almond. Its amount comes from what you are going to cook and how much flour you may need.

How to make almond flour:

  1. First you need to remove the husk.
  2. We wash the nuts under the tap, transfer them to a deep bowl and pour boiling water over them.
  3. After 5 minutes, drain the water and remove the thin peel from the hot nuts.
  4. We heat the pan on the stove, load the nuts there and cook for 2 minutes. The surface of the dish must be dry. Stir the almonds constantly so they don't burn. Wait for the contents of the pan to cool down.
  5. Close them in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  6. Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder or blender. To prevent future flour from sticking together, grind it together with powdered sugar.
  7. Load nuts in handfuls in several approaches. Turn on the blender for 30 seconds.
  8. We pass the resulting flour through a sieve. Grind the remaining pieces in the sieve again.
  9. It is better to harvest flour in advance and store it in jars.

Almond flour cookies: recipes

Try adding to the recipe homemade cookies almond flour, and you will feel how the taste will immediately change, become refined and tender.

French Macaroon Cookies

You will need:

  • white sugar - 80 gr;
  • almonds - 130 gr;
  • two eggs;
  • vanilla sugar - 40 gr;
  • salt - 5 gr.

We prepare in stages:

  1. We prepare almonds according to the above instructions. Grind it into flour without lumps.
  2. Pour the squirrels into a separate bowl, pour salt to them. Beat the mass with the addition of granulated sugar until it is completely dissolved. Then we pour vanilla sugar and process the mixture until solid peaks form.
  3. Pour the almond flour and mix, making sure that the foam does not settle
  4. The resulting dough is divided into three parts. Prepare food coloring in two colors.
  5. Pour blue dye into the first bowl with the dough, red into the second, dry cocoa into the third.
  6. We collect dough of different colors in a pastry syringe and squeeze it onto a baking sheet covered with parchment. Should be a small circle. We fill the whole pan with them.
  7. We heat the oven strongly, then turn it off and put the cookies in it for half an hour.
  8. Combine couverture with whipped cream and close in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  9. Put another on one colored dough round, placing a layer of filling between them.
  10. A delicious and beautiful dessert is ready. Happy tea.

Oatmeal baking

Such cookies are especially pleasant to eat at breakfast, washed down with milk or kefir.

Main products:

  • salt - 6 gr;
  • one egg;
  • a piece butter- 170 gr;
  • almonds - 10 gr;
  • baking powder for dough - 5 gr;
  • oat flakes - 190 gr;
  • almond flour - 100 gr;
  • brown sugar - 70 gr.

How to make almond flour cookies:

  1. Grind 140 grams in a blender bowl oatmeal. The rest we will use in its entirety.
  2. Combine almond flour, salt, crushed oatmeal and brown sugar in one bowl.
  3. Pour the chicken egg and shift a piece of melted butter. We form dough from the mixture.
  4. Add whole grains and stir.
  5. Spoon the balls of dough onto the parchment paper laid out on a baking sheet.
  6. Press an almond into each cookie.
  7. We bake for 25 minutes in the oven, heated to a temperature of 170 degrees.
  8. We cool the delicacy and serve it to the table.

How to make amaretti cookies

This dessert is the perfect complement to fragrant coffee for breakfast.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • chopped almonds - 390 gr;
  • three chicken proteins;
  • sugar - 80 gr.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Turn on the oven in advance, let it warm up to 150 degrees.
  2. Line a baking sheet with baking paper
  3. In a food processor, turn the peeled almonds into flour.
  4. Pour sugar into it and grind for 15 seconds.
  5. Adding egg whites and continue beating until a soft dough forms.
  6. Scoop out the batter with a teaspoon and place on parchment paper.
  7. Cooking cookies in the oven for 25 minutes.
  8. Cool the dessert and serve it with tea.

Delicious treat with honey

You will need:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • sesame - 35 gr;
  • almond flour - 0.15 kg;
  • nut paste - 100 gr;
  • baking powder dough - 3 gr;
  • honey - 125 gr.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Combine salt, almond flour and baking powder in a large bowl.
  2. Pour honey into a separate bowl and add to it nut butter, mix.
  3. Now we combine the contents of both bowls and mix the mixture first with a fork.
  4. A thick soft dough should form.
  5. Tear off the dough in small pieces from the kolobok and form small balls out of them, no larger than a walnut.
  6. Pour sesame seeds in a saucer and roll dough products in it.
  7. Lay out on parchment paper. We flatten each of them with the bottom of the cup from above to a thickness of 0.5 cm.
  8. We bake in the oven, heated to a temperature of 170 degrees for 15 minutes.
  9. Carefully remove them from the baking sheet onto plates and serve cooled for tea. Enjoy your meal!

Almond Chocolate Cookies

Grocery list:

  • water - 18 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 310 gr;
  • dark chocolate - 100 gr;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • dry instant coffee - 7 gr;
  • peeled almonds - 130 gr;
  • wheat flour - 50 gr;
  • cocoa powder - 200 gr.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Pour the whites into the bowl and turn them into foam using a mixer.
  2. Pour the icing sugar through a sieve and mix.
  3. Combine cocoa in a separate bowl wheat flour, dry coffee, pour water and mix the mass with a mixer for about 5 minutes.
  4. Grind the chocolate pieces and peeled almonds in a blender or in a food processor.
  5. We combine the proteins, cocoa mixture and ground almonds in a common bowl and mix.
  6. We spread a teaspoon of lumps of the resulting dough on a baking sheet. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper first.
  7. It remains to bake them in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

What to take:

  • baking powder for dough - 10 gr;
  • 10 chicken yolks;
  • vanillin - 1 gr;
  • sugar - 105 gr;
  • starch - corn - 85 gr;
  • almond flour - 65 gr;
  • seven proteins;
  • wheat flour - 85 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • warm water - 30 ml;
  • sugar - 120 gr;
  • salt - 2 gr.

How to make almond flour sponge cake:

  1. Pour 120 grams of granulated sugar into the yolks and beat them. Add water, oil and vanilla.
  2. Continue whisking the mixture until a thick mass forms.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine starch, almond and wheat flour, baking powder.
  4. Add the loose mixture to the yolk mass. To mix everything.
  5. Pour salt into the egg whites and shake with a mixer. Pour in 105 grams of sugar and continue to work the proteins to strong peaks.
  6. Gradually combine a mass of yolks with proteins.
  7. Grease baking paper with oil and line a baking dish with it.
  8. Fill in the resulting air dough into the mold and put it in the preheated oven.
  9. Baking time - 40 minutes. The oven temperature is 170 degrees.
  10. We put the finished biscuit in the refrigerator for 5 hours. After that, you can make a cake or pastries out of it. Happy tea!

It is used to prepare almond flour by carefully grinding the kernels. Flour is used mainly for culinary purposes. It is added when baking confectionery and desserts, as well as in sauces, first and second courses.


  • Ground almond kernels contain all the nutrients and medicinal qualities whole almonds.
  • Thanks to this flour, the consistency of many dishes can be made thicker.
  • Gives food a nutty smell and taste.
  • Products with such flour can be prepared very quickly, since, in fact, this flour (nut powder) is a finished product.
  • Baking with almond flour will never come out dry, due to the ability of almonds to retain liquid.
  • Does not contain gluten, a substance that can cause allergies.


Almond flour contains 602 kilocalories per 100 g. Of these:

  • Proteins - 25.86 grams, which is 103 kcal.
  • Fat - 54.55 grams, which is 491 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 3.02 grams, which is equal to 12 kcal.

O useful properties and contraindications of almond flour, you can learn from the article about almonds.

  • A pack of almond flour usually contains 500 grams of flour.
  • One 250 ml glass contains 170 grams.
  • 1 tablespoon of flour equals 32 grams of flour.
  • A teaspoon contains 12 grams of almond flour.

Where to buy and how to choose

You can make your own almond flour at home, but there are some difficulties in this process. Firstly, it is very difficult to get a homogeneous powdered form on your own, and secondly, if you overexpose the flour in a combine or blender, then soon it will begin to moisten and can turn into a thick oil. For these reasons, it is easier to buy almond flour in the store.

Almond flour can be purchased in stores and online. The average price for 1 kg of flour in Moscow and the Moscow region is 640 rubles.

Application in cooking

Made with almond flour:

  • Nut toppings.
  • Sand-nut and protein-nut semi-finished products.
  • Various dough - for pies, muffins and cakes.
  • Edible decorative decorations for dishes.
  • Almond cream - This cream is added, for example, when preparing tartlets and buns.
  • Sauces and soups - Popular in Mediterranean cuisine.


Macaroons (macaroni) are the famous small round-shaped cakes based on almond flour. To prepare them you need:

  • Mix 50 grams of almond flour with 50 grams powdered sugar.
  • Sift the mixture through a medium sieve directly onto the baking sheet.
  • Dry the flour mixture in the oven at 150 degrees for five minutes. Cool the mixture.
  • Sift again and add half the egg white.
  • Take a pan and pour 50 grams of sugar.
  • Pour sugar with 15 grams of water and boil the syrup to a temperature of 110 degrees.
  • Beat half the egg white and pour into the syrup in a thin stream, without removing from heat.
  • Beat until the mixture reaches 50 degrees temperature.
  • Add food coloring and 1 tbsp to the almond mixture. a spoonful of syrup (Italian meringue).
  • Mix lightly.
  • Add the rest of the meringue and mix thoroughly.
  • Don't knead the dough long time so that the circle does not spread.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag.

Preheat oven to 150 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and cut out 3cm circles of dough. In this case, you can use stencils. Leave the baking sheet with the circles at room temperature for 20-25 minutes.

When a thin film appears on the circles that does not stick to your fingers, put the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 13-14 minutes.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and drag the paper from the baking sheet to another surface. Allow the halves to cool, and then remove from the parchment.

Mix 40 grams of chocolate with 40 grams of 33% cream. Melt chocolate with cream in a water bath or in microwave oven. Crush 3-4 cocoa beans. Add to stuffing. Spread the filling with a pastry bag on the round halves.

Top with "empty" halves and connect the cakes.

Send to refrigerator for 24 hours.

Remove the dessert from the refrigerator half an hour before serving so that the cookies are not cold and the filling is hard.

For the simplest recipe for making macarons, see the following video.


Preparation of marzipan dough

Marzipan - ancient pastry. They say that it appeared during the famine, when there was nothing to make bread from except almonds. It is loved and prepared in many European countries. There are two ways to prepare marzipan:

  • cold;
  • hot.

cold way involves grinding all the ingredients and combining them. Use powdered sugar instead of sugar.

hot way involves cooking sugar syrup, and then a combination with ground almonds and with the rest of the ingredients.

In both cases, the mass must be thoroughly kneaded. Only by observing this rule, the dough will turn out like plasticine, and it will be possible to sculpt different shapes.

The main ingredients of marzipan are bitter and sweet almonds and sugar. However, today many variations of the marzipan recipe have been invented. Some of them are kept secret, some are available to everyone. Below are two simple marzipan recipes.

cold way

Peel 200 grams of sweet and 2 pieces of bitter almonds. Dry in the oven and grind into flour. Combine 200 grams of powdered sugar, 1 egg white, 5-6 drops lemon juice, 2 drops of almond essence and a little food coloring. Stir the mixture with ground almonds. Prepare 2 plates 3 cm thick. Wrap in foil and leave for a couple of days.

hot way

Peel 1 cup almonds. Dry in the oven and grind thoroughly. Pour 1 cup sugar with 1/4 cup water and make syrup. Put the almonds into the syrup and heat, stirring, for four or five minutes. Then add some almond essence and food coloring.

Tape the desired shape. You can make sweets, decorative decorations for cakes and many other figures (animals, fruits, flowers, etc.) from this dough.

Mix 300 g flour with 200 g butter. Add sugar, soda (quenched with vinegar), chicken eggs, a little salt and 200 g of crushed marzipan. Knead the dough and refrigerate. After 1 hour you can cook cookies. Finished cookies, if desired, cover with chocolate, or berry or fruit jam.

Chocolate hazelnut cookies

Cookies consist of two parts: dough and filling. For the dough you need 500 g flour, 100 g cocoa powder, 250 g butter, 2 eggs, 100 g milk, 200 g sugar and salt. Prepare the dough and refrigerate for an hour.

Prepare the filling from 300 g of almonds, 100 g of flour, 50 g of sugar, 1 egg, 150 g of butter and half a teaspoon of salt. Combine everything and mix thoroughly.

Roll out the dough on one sheet of cooking paper and the filling on the other. Make one side of the filling 3 cm smaller. Put the filling on the dough and roll into a roll. Put in the freezer. After 1 hour, take the roll out of the freezer and cut it into circles one centimeter thick. Place in the oven at 180°C and bake for 20 minutes.

Almond pie "5 spices"

Grind 120 g of almonds with 3 tablespoons of sugar in a blender. Mix the resulting powder with 80 g of flour and 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon, 0.5 tsp ground ginger, 0.5 tsp ground cloves, 0.25 h.d. ground anise seeds, 0.25 tsp ground fennel seeds. Mix 3 eggs with 1 cup sugar. Beat the egg and sugar in a water bath for 4 minutes. Remove from heat and add salt. Beat some more time. Soften the butter and gradually add the egg and almond mixture. Bake the resulting dough in the oven for 30-35 minutes, covered with parchment at a temperature of 180 ° C.

To prepare the glaze, beat 125 g butter with 125 g sugar. Add 0.5 tsp. almond extract. While whisking, add 125 warm milk. Top the chilled cake with icing. Put in the refrigerator for 8 hours. The pie can be garnished with roasted almonds and candied ginger slices.

How to make at home

To make almond flour, you will need some almonds. First, peel the nuts from the skin, scalding it first with an ode. Then dry in an oven at 100 degrees Celsius. After that, put the dried nut in a coffee grinder or other grinding tool. Grind the almonds for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise it will turn into almond paste.

For detailed instructions on how to make almond flour, see the following video.

Almond flour for weight loss

Although almond flour contains more calories, than other types of flour, including wheat, many nutritionists for losing weight are advised to cook with it.