Biscuit Snickers. Homemade Snickers cake step by step. Children's cake Snickers with meringue "Prostokvashino" - a step by step recipe with a photo.

Good day, dear readers and guests!

Despite the fact that it is pouring rain outside our window, today I am with you with a very delicious dessert. Yes, yes, the weather today never ceases to amaze. Yesterday morning we greeted with exclamations, there was a lot of snow - beauty! And it's been raining all day today. Can you imagine the picture outside the window? I don't even want to look.

Put sugar, honey and water into a small pot with a thicker bottom. The color of caramel should be amber - golden. Add butter and cream of cream, stir to dissolve. Return to the burner and turn the burner on low for about a minute while stirring. Remove the burner again, add peanuts, mix. Refrigerate the mixture carefully. Move to nougat, level, place in the fridge to cool.

Chocolate Layer Ingredients 2. Pour into a mold, smooth with a spatula to cover completely and evenly with the chocolate caramelized mass. Leave the candy in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Cut out and serve the next day.

Let's not pay attention to the dullness outside the window, but prepare a delicious homemade Snickers cake with you and brew fragrant tea! Who is with me?

Cake "snickers" - these are delicate airy sand cakes with meringue, smeared with chocolate butter cream on condensed milk + a lot roasted peanuts! Here is the cake! Want to? Very high in calories? Yes, I know, but you can arrange a holiday for your beloved family on a day off and please them with this yummy. In addition, it is not summer in the yard, but winter, so to speak!

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Sounds super sweet and delicious, so we want it! Because now we cook snookers at home. We have a recipe for homemade biscuit, which in taste does not subside the original. If you add that making bars isn't difficult and all you need are some ingredients, you won't be tempted to try this recipe in your kitchen!

Snickers consists of two layers of chocolate. You're sure to have a good laugh, so get the job done! Preparation: Sugar and glucose are heated to 135 degrees. When the mixture reaches the desired temperature, add honey. Heat up to 145 degrees. Beat the protein with a mixer. While stirring, slowly add the hot syrup.

required products:

for meringue:

  • chilled proteins - 7 pieces or 6, but from large eggs,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • sugar - 250 gr.
  • snickers cake step by step recipe

    At first glance, the Snickers cake may seem very large, and someone will even come up with the idea that it is poorly soaked. How can such a large cake need only one can of condensed milk? Friends, in truth, until I baked this dessert and tried it personally, I was also tormented by these thoughts. But they dissipated in an instant as soon as I tried the cake. It's something with something!

    I'm not a big fan of sweets, but from a piece home baking for a cup of tea or coffee, I will not refuse. fluffy biscuits fragrant is no doubt delicious, but I want to diversify sweet pastries and cook something new. Of course, air cake"Snickers" met all my expectations!

    Cake "Snickers" in the original is prepared from sand cakes. It is very tasty, but if you do not feel like cooking or it is too high in calories for you, then bake your favorite biscuit. But not a simple biscuit, but preferably wet. For example, according to this recipe. But I immediately warn you: the tastes of the cakes are different, besides, the meringue for the biscuit needs to be dried in the oven much longer than in this recipe. Choose!

    I make shortbread dough with powdered sugar. Also instead of 250 gr. clean plum. I take only 100 gr. of oil, and the rest is 150 gr. drain. margarine. While the dough is cooling, you can do the nuts. But I worked with them when the baked cakes cooled down. More on this below. I, for now shortbread dough chilled, cooked for us. How to do it? The dough with frequent touch with the hand begins to stick. Some hostesses wet their hands with water, but I found another way. Take a regular bag, put your hand in it and go! It would be even better if you have gloves at home. Faster with them. Next, you will need to devote time to proteins. To do this, place the egg whites in a large mixer bowl and add a pinch of salt to them. Thanks to salt, the structure of the protein quickly breaks down, respectively, they are whipped faster. At this stage, you can turn on the oven and set the temperature to 160ºС. As soon as the oven has reached the desired temperature, send the baking sheet to the oven for 35 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of baking the first cake, you need to start rolling out the second. Take a new sheet of parchment and do the same as with the first one. When the second cake runs out of baking time, prepare the peanuts. If you have walnuts then they must first be cleaned and only then fried. But remember that peanuts take much longer to roast in the oven than walnuts. I roasted the peanuts in the oven at 180 ºС for 20 minutes. From time to time, stirring and cleaning it from the husk. As soon as the baking time for the cakes is over, increase the temperature in the oven and send the peanuts into it. Roast the peanuts in the oven until tender, tasting them. It will be good if you bought peeled peanuts, but I did not find this. Therefore, after baking, I need to clean the peanuts. Then grind not too finely. Snickers cake will be my dessert for family tea party. And it does not need additional decoration. Unless you need only a very small piece of chocolate. The most successful cream for this cake, I think, is oil on condensed milk. To prepare butter cream, you need to take condensed milk and plums. oil at the same temperature. That is, they should be at room temperature. It is important! First you need to beat soft drain. butter until shiny and lush, and only then add a little bit of boiled condensed milk. Cream is ready! It is not necessary to grease the top cake with cream, just decorate with melted chocolate. Butter cream I love it, so I greased all the cakes.

    That's all the work! Snickers cake can be left for a couple of hours, with room temperature, for impregnation. And if you are impatient, you can start drinking tea right away!

    Preparation time: 2–3 hours.
    Servings: 10–12.
    Kitchenware: baking sheet (cake mold), sheets parchment paper, two or three bowls, a rolling pin, a wooden spatula, tablespoons and teaspoons, a measuring cup (kitchen scales) and a whisk, a blender.

    Almost every adult and child loves imported chocolate bars, but many have not even heard of his famous relative - the cake, which is also called "Snickers" and is prepared with the most delicate meringue. Nowadays, such cakes are made in well-known bakeries, but it is quite possible to cook this treat yourself, at home, so that you can enjoy excellent taste on any day and at the same time not overpay. My grandmother always made a Snickers cake according to her own old recipe, adding a few drops of liquor to the dough, which, combined with meringue and nuts, made the taste of the product inimitably tasty and satisfying.

    Cakes with the lightest meringue as a middle layer of baking are perfect as a sweet children's dessert , steamed with morning milk or kefir. Of course, they should not be served in the evening, as the excess sugar consumed with the cake can prevent children from falling asleep and make them restless.

    Prepare a baking sheet or a cake pan (preferably glass, but if you don’t have one, then plain), sheets of parchment paper, two or three 500-700 ml large bowls, a rolling pin, a wooden spatula, tablespoons and teaspoons, a measuring cup or kitchen scale and a whisk . You will also definitely need a blender with a capacious whipping container at hand, since you will have to beat a lot and hard.

    You will need

    Biscuit cake:

    • 5 pieces. eggs;
    • 100 gr flour;
    • 200 gr sugar;
    • 1/4 pack of butter;
    • 1 tbsp baking powder for dough;
    • 1 st. l. starch;
    • 1 st. l. cocoa;
    • 1/4 tsp vanillin (vanilla sugar);
    • 1 tsp liquor (optional)
    • 1 tsp lemon juice.


    • 400 ml. condensed milk;
    • 3/4 packs of butter;
    • 250 gr roasted peanuts.
    • 3 pieces of egg whites;
    • 200 gr sugar.


    • 1 bar of dark chocolate;
    • 100 ml. fat (from 30%) cream.


    • 1 bar of white chocolate;
    • 50 gr ground raw peanuts.

    The quality of the products you choose for the cake is a guarantee safe food. Meringue, biscuit or even cream made from spoiled eggs or butter can become a source of dangerous infectious diseases. Choose your products wisely and ask sellers to confirm the expiration date of ingredients.

    Snickers cake recipe

    To facilitate the preparation of the cake and improve its taste, lay out butter from the refrigerator 1 hour before start cooking, and be sure to fry the nuts over high heat 5–10 minutes.

    Biscuit cake

    Before using flour for this cake, make sure that it is of the highest grade and be sure to sift it through a fine sieve. The fact is that flour often contains unwanted impurities: lumps, husks and fibers. These little things can hopelessly spoil the taste and color of your product.



    Cake assembly


    If you decide to freeze your cake in order to wait for the right moment to show off your culinary talents, remember that a cake that has been defrosted should never be refrozen. So it's better if you cut finished cake into four parts and you will serve without fear of spoiling your work.

    On this, the preparation of the cake has been successfully completed and you will be able to treat your guests to them, impressing them with the ability to be a good hostess and cook all kinds of pleasant goodies.

    For my part, I would like to draw your attention to a few more sweet products that are suitable for serving on the eve of any important celebration: the first one I often cook as a good substitute for Snickers, the second is original recipe without additives and improvements in case you are afraid to cook meringue for the first time and would like to start with the classics, and the third, one of my favorites, is a signature oriental cake that has the aroma and taste of our childhood years.

    Video recipe for baking Snickers cake

    This cake turned out to be airy and elegant, like a branded Snickers from famous bakeries, as it was made according to the recipe described above, which was implemented in detail on the video:

    All of these recipes have been verified by my family's years of experience in making top quality baked goods suitable for all occasions and for all categories of cooks - beginners and experienced.

    I am sure that now you will never have the question of how to bake a Snickers cake without spending extra time and effort, and I would like to see the comments and wishes of experts on improving the dough, cream or the meringue itself. Thank you for your attention and bon appetit!