Protein cream for cake at home. Protein cream - perfect for cake

Protein Cake Cream is easy to make, doesn't run, and has a gorgeous glossy finish. It only requires a few inexpensive ingredients. Whipping bowls must be pre-cooled in the freezer.

Basic protein cream

Protein cream for decorating the cake holds its shape well and is used to form flowers, rims, inscriptions, as well as coating the top cake and sides confectionery. Also perfect as a filling, without flowing from the inside. This effect is achieved due to the presence a large number sugar acting as a preservative.

The proportion is simple - 1 medium-sized egg (it is better to take 1 category) goes to 50 g of sugar or powder. You will also need 3 g citric acid. The initial volume should increase three times.

Cooking process:

  1. The steam bath is installed.
  2. Proteins are separated from the yolks and beaten with a mixer at medium speed for about 1 minute.
  3. Place the pot with the mixture on steam bath and continue to beat for 10-15 minutes (until a fluffy foam forms).
  4. After removing, without stopping whipping with a mixer, sugar, citric acid are added to the protein mass.
  5. We work with a mixer until the cream is completely cooled.

It is necessary to decorate the cake with protein cream immediately, otherwise it will lose its splendor. However, keep in mind that small decor cannot be made from it. You can add color if you like.


How to cook protein cream for baking at home, if you need not only to decorate a confectionery product, but also use it as a filling? Helps simple and quick recipe custard mass.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 50 g of water;
  • 5 g of lemon acid.

This is quite enough to get 225 g of air mass from proteins at the exit to decorate the cake.

Cooking process

  1. Sugar is poured with clean water and boiled over low heat, stirring constantly. The "viscosity" of the syrup indicates its readiness. Be careful! If you overexpose the syrup on fire, ready cream it will turn out with hard caramel splashes. And if, on the contrary, you remove it ahead of time, the cream will not keep its shape.
  2. To whip the protein mass, use a mixer to be in time before preparing the syrup. Confectioners recommend keeping the separated proteins in the refrigerator before starting the process.
  3. With the appearance of strong peaks, they begin to add syrup to the whipped mixture. We work until the cream has completely cooled. To speed up the cooling - put the bowl with the mass in a container with cold water.

This technology allows you to destroy the microbes that contain raw egg product. But rinsing the eggs before breaking them will also not be superfluous.

On gelatin

There is another variation of cooking - on gelatin. This is a particularly good choice if you intend to decorate biscuit cake protein cream. For this you will need:

  • 50 g of gelatin;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 12 g citric acid.

Cooking process

  1. Proteins are separated and put in the refrigerator.
  2. The gelatin is left in cold water for a couple of hours, then put on fire (keep until it dissolves). Never bring it to a boil!
  3. Beat the whites, add diluted citric acid and the indicated rate of sugar.
  4. After obtaining a strong foam, gelatin is added in a thin stream, continuing to work with a mixer.


The recipe for a protein cream for decorating a cake, which holds its shape well and allows you to sculpt various shapes, includes the following ingredients:

Vanillin lovers also add it.

Cooking process

  1. Butter is cut into small pieces and let it heat up to 20-25 ° C (convenient for modeling).
  2. Driven into a saucepan egg whites(raw), add powder, mix with a whisk.
  3. Then they make a steam bath, on which they put a pan with proteins and sugar. The mass is constantly stirred, warming up to 60 ° C.
  4. After 30 seconds, start beating the mixture at medium speed of the mixer. After obtaining the meringue (thick dense white consistency), oil pieces are introduced into it and beaten at a slow speed.

The main secret is that the temperature of the oil and the mixture coincide, otherwise lumps may form or too liquid mass will come out.

Protein-oil cream in a closed container can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days! If necessary, let the mass warm up to room temperature, then beat with a mixer.

Observing the technology, you can get a masterpiece of culinary creativity. By adding gel food colorings- decorate in bright colors. What secrets do you use when cooking? Share ideas and photos in the comments.

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

protein cream for cake decoration

50 minutes

250 kcal

5 /5 (4 )

For a long time I wanted to try making cream from proteins. chicken eggs and finally, decorate your nondescript cakes. And then turned up to me wonderful recipe. It cannot be said that everything turned out well the first time, because working with protein, as you know, is not easy. But experience nevertheless led me to the ideal consistency.

I hope this article will really help those who love to cook confectionery like me. After all, I tried to state everything as accessible and simple as possible, so that every housewife would get the perfect cream the first time. Let's get started!

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, whisk or mixer, glass, dish, wooden spatula.

Before making protein cream, you need to send all the necessary kitchen utensils to a cold place. To do this, leave the bowl and whisk for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator. You need to beat the mass immediately after you take out all the chilled appliances.

Required products

How to make protein cream for decorating a cake at home

I divide the recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes into three steps.

Cooking syrup

Better start with this part of the cream. While the syrup is cooking, we will make the protein mixture.

Preparing the protein mixture

Everything must be done very carefully so that the yolk does not get into the mixture in any case, otherwise nothing will beat. If you are an inexperienced cook, then take another bowl. Drive one protein here and pour it into a bowl. So, if you make a mistake, it will be easier to correct it.

We mix - we conjure

Now we have two bowls of proteins and syrup. It's time to connect them. For this you need In a very thin stream, pour the caramel liquid into the proteins, while keeping the mixer running.
When all the syrup goes into the mass, it will become a little thinner - this is normal. Now for another 10 minutes we continue to beat our future cream at high speed.

After a while, you will notice that your shiny glossy cake decorating cream already holds its shape well, so it is suitable for forming flowers, inscriptions and for implementing bold ideas that you can draw from the Internet resources. Baskets and eclairs can also be filled with this yummy. Choose this option for the base of the tops of cupcakes, which are complemented by fresh fruit.

This product can be made not only in white. I hasten to tell you about how to prepare a multi-colored protein cream for decorating a cake! A dye will come in handy for this: you can use natural dyes if you know how to use them, but with the store things will go faster. The latter are of two types: liquid and dry.

Such dyes are introduced into the cream mixture in different ways. If you take liquid ones, pour them into the protein before kneading it for the first time. And how to prepare a protein cream with dry dyes? They need to be added to the cream at the stage of mixing the ingredients for the syrup. In other words, you color the syrup itself first. And in the case of liquid or helium - a protein mixture.

As I have already noted, kitchen utensils must be left in the refrigerator before making protein cream. I don't recommend doing it in the freezer. If you take out the bowl and beaters from freezer, their frozen upper words will begin to melt and give excess moisture, which is very bad for proteins.

Our task is to beat the eggs dry, without a single drop of water.

For the same reason and we add sugar a little at a time and only after beautiful white peaks have formed. After all, granulated sugar, when dissolved, will also give up its moisture, which will prevent the cream from acquiring a thick consistency. Another important point regarding the material of the dishes - the ideal option is: metal, copper and glass. Plastic and aluminum coating can cause a failed cream.

If you don't know how to make egg and sugar cream when you don't have a mechanical mixer, don't worry. The whisk will have to work longer, but the effect should not be worse. Before the first stage of whipping, I recommend adding a little salt to the proteins. It will make the process easier and faster.

How to decorate a cake with protein cream at home? This can only be done by adding sugar syrup to the egg mixture. When all the liquid on the fire has been boiling for several minutes, you can check the syrup for readiness. Take a glass of water from the refrigerator. Dip a drop of the mixture into it. When you notice that circles with clear boundaries form at the bottom, this means that everything is ready.
The main thing is that these lumps are soft - to do this, crush them with your fingers. If the circles immediately become hard, you have overcooked your syrup, and it is better to start all over again.

Such a protein cream recipe is acceptable for children, since the syrup, by heating raw egg whites to 120 ° C, makes them completely safe.

Surprisingly, you can make cakes decorated with a strong and thick protein cream only with the addition of this syrup. Because the warm syrup, getting into the raw protein with intensive mixing with the whisk of the mixer, begins to brew it, as it were, and the mass is well glued and dense.

It is also worth noting the shelf life of such a product. After its preparation, you will have no more than 2 days, but it is better to start decorating in the first hours after kneading. Being in the refrigerator for a long time, the mass begins to settle, and the decoration will not work out of it.

Video recipe for protein cream for cake decoration

After watching this video recipe, you will get to a real savior who will show and tell you what protein cream is for decorating a cake, give the ideal proportions of the recipe, tell the secrets, subtleties and nuances of its preparation and combine all this into one video.

I often come across reviews from home cooks that it is especially difficult to understand how the consistency of proteins should look without sugar and with it, what color the syrup should be when it is ready, and how not to miss this important point.

In addition, visual perception will help you quickly decorate cakes with protein cream at home. I can only wish you good luck and more delicious cakes.

Protein Cake Cream ( Step by Step Recipe) | Whipped Frosting Recipe


Invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

Perhaps you have some secrets - I will be glad to read and try them. As a sweet lover, I am always interested in learning something new from the world. confectionery art. It is very interesting to see how other people make cake or cupcake decoration with protein cream. Let's create together!

Homemade confectionery compares favorably with their store-bought counterparts in taste. Each housewife has her own signature recipe. But many will agree that the protein cream for decorating the cake in all respects is best suited for cooking at home.
So, how to make protein cream for decorating a cake at home.

A simple recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes

To make a cream for decorating a product from proteins, you will need:

  • protein - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • 0.5 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • salt.

Lemon juice is needed to remove the sugary taste, salt - to facilitate the whipping process.

The eggs must be chilled before cooking. Additionally, you can cool the container for whipping.

Dishes must be clean and dry. Use glass or metal wide bowls. Aluminum, enameled containers are not suitable.

  1. Protein cream for decorating cakes is also prepared in a water bath. Before this, the proteins are beaten a little, and then continue beating in a water bath at the lowest heat.
  2. After a lush foam is formed, set the dishes aside from the fire, continue to work until the mixture has completely cooled. An indicator of quality is the formation of a thick stable mass.
  3. Without stopping work, gradually add sugar. It is necessary to ensure that the sugar dissolves completely, otherwise the cream will not be elastic enough. This will affect taste qualities, as well as appearance products.
  4. At the end, add a few drops of lemon juice, dyes, aromatics.
    This is the easiest protein cream recipe to use at home.

Protein-oil cream for cake decoration

Butter-protein cream is ideal for decorating a cake. It goes well with biscuits.

Would need:

  • protein - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • lemon juice, vanilla sugar

To do it right protein-oil cream for decoration, the oil should be at room temperature. You need to get it out of the refrigerator in advance; you cannot melt it on fire.

  1. Proteins are whipped as usual, at a low mixer speed. After the mass begins to bubble, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar are added to it. The mixer speed is increased.
  2. After the formation of a thick mass, oil is gradually added to the mixture. The process continues until a fluffy homogeneous mixture is obtained. As an additive, you can use chocolate, cocoa, fruit puree.

Protein cream with gelatin for cake decoration

Protein cream with gelatin is great for decorating a confectionery. You can also make a cake soufflé out of it.

The following products are needed:

  • squirrels - 5 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • lemon juice or citric acid.
  1. Gelatin is poured hot water, leave to swell. If, after cooling, lumps are visible, the mixture must be heated until they are completely dissolved, left to cool again. Gelatin should not boil!
  2. Sugar is added to proteins lemon juice, get to work. After increasing the volume by 3 times, gradually add gelatin.
    The process ends once all the gelatin has been introduced.

This protein cream cake decorating recipe can also be used when making candy or dessert.

Protein-custard for cake decoration

It is used for lubricating cakes, filling baskets, tubules.

You will need:

  • protein - 3;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 50.0;
  • vanilla powder - 0.5 tsp. spoons.
  1. Divide sugar into 2 parts. One to use for cooking sugar syrup.
  2. Place sugar in a saucepan, add water, keep on fire until it forms big bubbles. To prevent lumps from forming, the syrup must be stirred periodically during the cooking process. If, when removing the spoon, it stretches in the form of a thread, this indicates readiness.
  3. Proteins are pre-cooled. Shortly before the syrup is ready, start beating them until completely thickened and increase in mass by 5 times.
  4. Pour in the rest of the sugar, vanillin, continue beating. Make sure the sugar dissolves completely.
  5. Then, without interrupting the process, pour in the sugar syrup. The process is continued until complete cooling.
  6. To reduce the time, you can place the container with the mass in cold water.

Your protein cake decorating cream is ready.

How to decorate a cake with protein cream?

To festively and elegantly decorate the cake with protein cream at home, you will need:

  • dyes of different colors;
  • confectionery spatula;
  • pastry bag;
  • nozzles
  1. After impregnating the cakes, proceed to their lubrication. Use a pastry spatula. You need to grease the cakes both on the sides and on top.
  2. The remaining mass is divided into several parts, a dye of different colors is added to each. Fill a pastry bag with it, use nozzles to make decorations in the form of flowers, figures, patterns.
  3. As dyes, you can use beet juice or medical brilliant green.
  4. Additionally, you can decorate the product with shavings and grated chocolate.

Surprise and delight loved ones with your skill.


  • 2 eggs (we only need whites);
  • 6 art. spoons (without top) of powdered sugar;
  • 25 ml of water (chilled boiled);
  • pinch table salt;
  • 1 partial teaspoon of lemon juice.

What protein cream for decorating a cake holds its shape well, does not settle down and is considered to be properly prepared? One in which the ingredients are prepared correctly, of course.

In order for the protein cream for the cake to turn out airy, you need to get the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance, and separate the yolks very carefully so that they do not get into the finished product.

Why is it powdered sugar and not sand on the list of ingredients? With prolonged whipping of protein cream for decorating a cake, sugar dissolves well, but it will not give the whiteness and density that powder provides well.

Salt will not break the taste of protein custard for the cake, but will make the foam denser, do not be confused by this unusual addition.

So, how to make a protein cream for a cake?

Protein Custard Recipe Step by Step

  1. Cooking thick syrup for protein cream for a cake, at home requires accuracy. The syrup should not be left too liquid, as the wet protein cream for decorating the cake will simply spread over the surface of the biscuit. But even caramelizing sugar to the state of candy, the protein cream for the cake will not work. Try to accurately catch the moment when the liquid thickens to the desired consistency;
  2. We prepare the syrup as follows: pour a measured amount of water into an aluminum saucepan, pour sugar and put the container on the smallest fire, stirring from time to time. As soon as the syrup begins to drain from the spoon in a lingering thick stream, it is considered ready;
  3. We separate the yolks from the eggs and use only the whites. Beat them with a mixer at high speed for at least 7 minutes, add salt and lemon juice in the process;
  4. Now, without stopping intensive whipping, carefully introduce the proteins into the hot syrup. The protein cream for decorating the cake according to this recipe should take on a more distinct shape, rise in peaks and not fall off - then you can start shaping the cake.

Protein Butter Cream Recipe

The protein-oil cream for the cake is slightly different in the way it is prepared. The advantages of such a mass are its plasticity and the ability to solidify well in the refrigerator.

In addition, food coloring can be added to the protein-oil cream for decorating the cake and this does not affect the quality of the cream.

To prepare such a dessert, we need:

  • 2 proteins;
  • 125 g sugar;
  • 150 g butter 82%;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla powder.

  1. Without whipping the proteins, mix them with sugar, then put on water bath and bring the mixture to approximately 65-750.
  2. After that, the mass must be quickly placed in a basin with cold water and right during cooling, in the high speed mode of the mixer, beat the mixture intensively.
  3. In the course of mixing, add, in a small piece, softened butter, vanilla, and at the very end, if required, dry or liquid food coloring.

protein custard recipe

If decorating a cake with protein cream involves the formation of a complex design of the top of the product, or a high-density layer is simply required, gelatin soaked and dissolved in a water bath is introduced into the liquid base.

The recipe for protein custard for decorating a cake, in this case, may be with or without the addition of butter - it makes no difference. The main thing is to thoroughly beat the mass after introducing the thickener.

Butter in the recipe for custard protein cream for cake, successfully replaced unsweetened cream 33% fat. Accordingly, if the cream contains sugar, the amount of sugar or powder added is reduced. A protein cream for a cake is prepared according to this recipe using two separate bases - protein and cream, which are then combined.

For the first base, the proteins are well whipped with powdered sugar, for the second, cream is subjected to the same procedure. Then both liquid components are mixed in a dry, clean dish using an ordinary baking spatula. In the recipe for this protein cake cream (pictured), 4 egg whites take 1 cup of powdered sugar and 1 cup of heavy cream.

It is better to use helium or dry dyes for creamy mass - liquid ones will prevent the mixture from solidifying.

Not only the appearance will depend on how to make a protein cream for decorating a cake. finished product, but also the harmony of taste with a biscuit base. Vary the amount of sweet ingredients so that the cake does not turn out cloying.

Enjoy your meal!

Sweet gentle protein cream especially pleases housewives with its versatility. It goes well with cakes, pastries and even sweet pancakes. Very often, eclairs loved by everyone are filled with such a cream.

Protein Custard

Ingredients: 3 raw proteins, 320 g of granulated sugar, 120 ml of filtered water, half a packet of vanillin, 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. Since this recipe is prepared exactly custard, then the first step is to properly boil the syrup. To do this, water is combined with sugar and sent to the fire. After boiling, the mixture is cooked for 8-9 minutes.
  2. Whilst the syrup is being prepared, whip the egg whites. You need to try to combine your actions in such a way that by the time the syrup is ready, a lush foam has already formed in a bowl of raw eggs.
  3. Without stopping whipping, syrup is poured into the protein mass in a very thin stream. It does not need to be pre-cooled.
  4. Immediately after the syrup, the rest of the ingredients specified in the recipe are introduced into the mass.

Whisking continues until the protein custard retains its peak shape well.

Water bath recipe

Ingredients: proteins of 4 chicken eggs, a full glass of powdered sugar, a pack of fatty butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

  1. Proteins are poured into a dry, clean bowl. They need to be chilled first. Start beating with a mixer at medium speed. Gradually to raw eggs Powdered sugar is sprinkled in small portions. As a result, the bowl will contain air light foam.
  2. The container with the base of the cream is sent to an already prepared water bath for 4 minutes. During this time, the powder should dissolve. Cream in a water bath is constantly stirred.
  3. The mass is removed from the fire, combined with citrus juice, melted butter and whipped for a couple of minutes.

It remains to decorate the pre-prepared desserts with cream.

How to prepare stuffing for eclairs?

Ingredients: 120 ml filtered water, faceted glass of granulated sugar, 3 egg whites, a pinch of table salt.

  1. Sugar dissolves in water. The liquid is sent to the fire for 15-20 minutes. A bowl of cold water is placed nearby. After the specified time, you need to add a drop of syrup to it. Got a soft sugar ball? The syrup is ready.
  2. Eggs (whites) are beaten separately with salt. The bowl should form firm peaks.
  3. Syrup just removed from the heat is poured into the whipped mass. This is done in a very thin stream and with continued beating of the mass. First it will settle, and then it will become lush again.

Read more on the site: What to cook from turkey fillet: breasts or thighs?

Beat the protein cream for eclairs until completely cooled.

Protein butter cake cream

Ingredients: 160 g of high-quality butter, 130 g of granulated sugar, 2 egg whites.

  1. Butter is left at room temperature for softening. To make this happen faster, it is better to cut it into small pieces in advance.
  2. Raw proteins and sand are sent to a dry, clean stewpan. It is not necessary to beat the components. Just enough to mix.
  3. A water bath is prepared in advance. With continuous stirring, the mass warms up well. When all the sweet crystals have dissolved, and the proteins begin to become slightly cloudy, you can remove the container from the heat and beat the cream base until smooth and airy.
  4. Next, the container is placed in a bowl of cold water and whipped for another 6-7 minutes. The oil is introduced into the already completely cooled mass.

Until fully cooked, the protein-oil cream for the cake is whipped for another couple of minutes.

With added gelatin

Ingredients: 5 egg whites, 2 tbsp. spoons of quality gelatin, 1 small spoon of citric acid, 10 tbsp. spoons boiled water, 1.5 st. granulated sugar.

  1. First, gelatin, according to the instructions, is filled with water. It should be boiled and cool. The product is well mixed in the liquid and left to swell.
  2. Next, the gelatin must be heated until completely dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the mass to a boil.
  3. Separately, cold egg whites are whipped with the addition of "lemon" and sugar.
  4. When the sweet grains dissolve in the mass, and it becomes quite lush, you can pour in the cooled gelatin in a thin stream.

A variety of desserts are decorated with ready-made cream.

Protein-cream treat

Ingredients: half a standard pack of fatty butter, 20 ml of liquor or white wine, 2 egg whites, 130 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Butter softens beforehand. To do this, it will be enough for a couple of hours to leave it at room temperature. By this time, the butter will be ready for whipping. If you need to speed up the process, you can use the microwave.
  2. With a special blender nozzle, the oil is well whipped.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat cold egg whites. After a minute, sugar begins to pour into them. Gradually, the speed of the device increases.
  4. Next, non-hot butter is gradually poured into the sweet egg mixture. Liquor is added. All this time, the beating continues. After a couple of minutes, the cream will be completely ready.

Read more on the site: Biscuit Cake Dough - 11 Biscuit Recipes

You should not replace liquor with cognac, otherwise the delicacy will acquire an unappetizing gray tint.

With condensed milk

Ingredients: 140 ml of condensed milk, a pound of granulated sugar, a pack of fatty butter, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin, a full glass of filtered water. How to make a protein cream with condensed milk is described below.

  1. Gelatin is soaked in water until it swells.
  2. Then sugar is added to the mixture, and it is sent to a water bath. On the stove, the mass is left until the gelatin and sugar are completely dissolved.
  3. Separately, condensed milk is whipped with softened butter until smooth.
  4. In another bowl, beat egg whites until fluffy. They need to be connected with the components from the second and third steps.

It remains to beat the cream until smooth and decorate desserts with it.

With sour cream

Ingredients: 4 egg whites, a full glass of powdered sugar, 12 g vanilla sugar and 60 g of sand, a glass of very fatty thick sour cream.

  1. It is very important that the proteins are as fresh as possible without interspersing the yolk. They are whipped with powder until fluffy. This process will take 3-4 minutes.
  2. Sour cream is whipped with two types of sugar. You need to work with a mixer for 14-16 minutes. Only in this case the cream will turn out really magnificent.
  3. Both masses are gently mixed with a spatula.

You need to use the finished cream immediately, as it is very poorly stored even in the refrigerator.