Baking powder at home. Baking powder - what is it? Ingredients, how to cook and what to replace

My friends, today we will talk about how to make baking powder at home or baking powder.

In the comments you often ask:

  1. What is the baking powder for?
  2. What can replace baking powder?
  3. How to prepare baking powder?

In this video I will answer all your questions!

All baking recipes using baking powder that you saw in the video are on my channel. Come in, look, choose your favorite recipes and cook with pleasure!

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  1. Oatmeal honey cake with currants and cream soufflé

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As a rule, we use the usual baking powder or with various additives, saffron, lemon peel, cinnamon.

Additives are a matter of taste, and we will prepare the usual classic baking powder.

For this we need: 3 parts of dry citric acid, 5 parts of baking soda and 12 parts of flour or starch.

You can measure these proportions by weight or any measured capacity.

As a rule, for these purposes, I use a measuring spoon from a bread machine, you can measure both teaspoons and tablespoons.

I will measure with a tablespoon, because. I bake often and baking powder is always needed in the house.

To begin with, let's take citric acid, but since its granules are quite large, it is necessary to grind it.

We measure 3 parts of dry citric acid, in my case it is 3 tablespoons level and send it to the coffee grinder, you can also grind the acid with a blender or a regular mortar.

Acid granules are quite strong, so try to grind it as finely as possible, preferably into powder.

Pour citric acid into a bowl in which we will mix all the ingredients.

A prerequisite - all utensils for the preparation and storage of baking powder must be absolutely dry.

We also add 5 parts of ordinary baking soda there.

And now add 12 parts of flour, starch or a mixture of flour and starch in equal proportions.

Any flour can be used: wheat, whole grain, oatmeal, etc.

Starch can also be taken absolutely any, by the way, baking powder is stored with it much longer.

And another tip for those who are allergic to gluten is that you can make homemade baking powder based on corn, rice, buckwheat flour or starch, since store-bought baking powder is usually made with wheat flour.

We mix the dry mixture well and be sure to sift, do not forget that all the dishes must be dry at the same time so that the reaction does not start.

As a result, from this proportion, 230 g of baking powder was obtained, and these are 23 standard store bags!

The sifted mixture is immediately poured into a jar with a sealed lid, this is an important condition, because. ready-made baking powder is very active and reacts even with moisture from the air.

If you do not often bake, then it is better to cook it in small portions so that it does not cake.

If you plan to make more, then put a couple of sugar cubes in a jar to eliminate moisture.

Keep baking powder in a dry place with a tightly closed lid!

So, friends, I showed you how to make baking powder at home and answered frequently asked questions, but if suddenly they remain - write, I always try to answer all your comments.
I wish you all happy baking!

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Baking powder for dough - VIDEO RECIPE

Baking powder for dough - PHOTO

Without baking powder, any pastry will even look unappetizing: the airy cake will turn into a heavy cake, and delicious pancakes will lose their characteristic holes. However, it happens that the hostess learns about the absence of an additive only in the process of preparing the dish. Empirically, culinary experts unraveled the secret of store-bought baking powder. They found out that its composition does not contain any special components, so making baking powder (baking powder for dough) with your own hands at home is not difficult.

What is baking powder for dough and why is it needed

Baking powder, which is often pictured in cookbooks, is a mixture of various food ingredients that, when used to make yeast-free biscuits or pies, gives the dough a fluffiness and evenly “lifts” it. In other words, it is a nutritional supplement, thanks to which finished products become tasty and airy. The action of this food additive is based on a chemical reaction accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. Its advantage is the absence of the smell of baking soda in finished products.


The composition of baking powder for dough from different manufacturers may vary. However, manufacturers who value their reputation always indicate the components on the back of the package. Thanks to this, even an inexperienced hostess who decides to treat her family with delicious pies for the first time can learn how to make baking powder with her own hands.

The main components of baking powder made by modern manufacturers are: citric acid, baking soda and a mixture of flour, potato starch and powdered sugar. However, the composition of the classic recipe is somewhat different. The founder of the product (British Alfred Bird) recommended using when preparing the dish: powdered rice, potassium tartrate, ammonium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate.

How to make baking powder for dough with your own hands

You can also replace the baking powder from the store with a homemade product that will not differ in quality at all. The main thing is to observe the correct proportions and take the right ingredients that, when in contact with each other, will give the desired reaction. The second rule is to use only dry dishes so that the components do not begin to interact with the liquid ahead of time.

DIY baking powder recipes

Each hostess herself chooses how to make baking powder at home. Some use citric acid for this, others prefer to do without it, and some even think that the original, classic recipe is the most correct one. It is not so important what the baking powder for the dough consists of, the main thing is that it “works”, so you need to choose a recipe with a photo based on what products are available in the kitchen.

With flour

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 79 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The easiest way to make baking powder at home is to mix the necessary ingredients with flour. This option was often used by housewives in Soviet times, when baking powder, like a lot of other products, was considered scarce. If someone managed to get a couple of bright bags, then their price significantly exceeded the cost of homemade baking powder.


  • flour - 12 g;
  • citric acid - 4 g;
  • soda - 8 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour into a deep bowl.
  2. Mix it with the rest of the dry ingredients.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a dry jar with a volume of at least 250 ml.
  4. Stored in a dry and dark place.
  • Time: 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: per 1 kg of flour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 64 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for an afternoon snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Hospitable hostesses who love to treat relatives and friends with a variety of pastries on kefir or yogurt, be sure to know several options for how to make baking powder with your own hands. The following baking powder recipe at home is no less popular, but also does not contain any expensive or scarce products.


  • potato or corn starch - 4 parts;
  • citric acid - 1 part;
  • soda - 2 parts.

Cooking method:

  1. All components are mixed in a dry container.
  2. Store in a dark place.
  3. Add at the rate of 1 tsp. product per 200 grams of flour.

Light, airy dough, it will rise well. And when baked, it will be incredibly magnificent. Cakes from such a dough are evenly and deeply soaked. And in combination with the cream, they give rise to an incredible miracle, generously endowing everyone with vivid emotions and almost childish delight. To prepare such a dessert is the ultimate dream. But who is the "culprit" of the fact that such a dough is obtained? Baking powder! It is this seemingly insignificant component, like the magic wand of the godmother Cinderella, that turns whipped dough into a culinary work filled with air.

How does baking powder work?

Depending on what kind of baking powder you use, it will depend on what happens to the dough, what kind of baking process operates in it. This is either fermentation or the release of carbon dioxide during a chemical reaction. When the baking powder is combined with moisture, the rest of the ingredients, or under the influence of heat, a reaction starts in the dough: carbon dioxide is released, it becomes porous.
The main condition of the baking powder is its full, without residue, involvement. Exact proportions are important here, otherwise, either the reaction will be too weak, or part of the baking powder will remain unused. As a result: the dough has not risen enough or there will be an unpleasant aftertaste.

Soda. How to use it correctly to achieve the desired effect

It would seem that the simplest and most famous baking powder is soda. There are 3 ways to use it in dough as a baking powder:

  • Without any oxidants is added to the dough. Usually this method is relevant if the dough is dense, for example, such as on Easter cakes, gingerbread or muffins. Then soda is used together with baking powder.
  • If the dough contains fermented milk products, lemon juice, honey.
  • Soda is quenched with vinegar. The reaction comes instantly. And this is a huge minus, almost all of the gas immediately evaporates. And even if you start baking the cakes very quickly, this “baking powder” is not enough to get loose and fluffy cakes.

The conclusion suggests itself: it is better to use baking powder than soda (except in some cases when soda is indicated in the recipe). And today we will learn how to make baking powder on our own.

I “peeped” this recipe on the back of the powder packaging. Only there all indicators are in grams. To make it more convenient, I translated it into a simpler and more comfortable unit for many, namely, into teaspoons.

So, what happened, and what we need:

  • Flour (starch) - 12 tsp;
  • Soda - 5 tsp;
  • Citric acid (not granules, but powder, ground in a coffee grinder) - 3.75 tsp.

Remember we talked about accuracy? Otherwise, either a violent reaction awaits us, or an insufficient one if we strongly deviate from the recipe. Moreover, this cooking method, tested by me, has been tested more than once. I have been making baking powder myself for a long time, and I know that no unpleasant surprises await me with it.

If you want, I will also announce the factory indicators:

  • Flour - 12.2 g;
  • Citric acid - 3 g;
  • Soda - 4.8 g.

You may find it convenient to use this measure.
How to cook? There are 2 main points here:

  1. All components are measured with maximum accuracy.
  2. We mix.

The main requirement for dishes:

The dishes where we will mix, the spoon and the jar where we pour the powder must be dry. It is important! It is also important that the jar should be tightly closed with a lid. By the way, I heard, but did not try as unnecessary, that if you do it in reserve, and you need to keep the dryness in the jar as much as possible, then you can put a piece of refined sugar on the bottom.

A little about the ingredients:

  • If you want this powder to last longer, use starch instead of flour.
  • In the composition, I indicated that the powder needed citric acid not in granules. Therefore, we grind the acid in a coffee grinder, in a mortar or wrap it in a clean paper / linen towel and go through the top with a rolling pin (glass).
  • And about soda, too, there is a small remark. There is a better quality soda specifically designed for foodstuffs. Usually it is signed "For baking", and is sold in small bags. That's what we need! See the photo of such baking soda at the beginning of the article)

A nice bonus is that every time we need this dough powder, we don't have to make it. You can prepare baking powder for future use. And I have already said that replacing flour with starch contributes to a longer shelf life. I also add baking powder to

Baking powder on sale can be found under the name " baking powder". It provides baking with friability and splendor. An artificial leavening composition is also called a backpulver, it contains various chemical compounds that allow the dough to rise, improve its properties and qualities. Baking powder was invented in the 20th century and widely used in cooking. Modern manufacturers keep the composition of their product a secret.

Composition of baking powder

In reference publications, you can find the following information about the composition of this product: it contains 125 grams of bicarbonate of soda, 250 grams of cremore tartar, 20 grams of ammonium carbonate and 25 grams of flour, rice or any other, which prevents the reaction of the main chemical components during storage .

When is it advisable to use a backpulver? When to bake a pie, cake, cookies, cakes, etc.

If sourdough acts as one of the ingredients, then baking powder is not required, since the sourdough itself acts in this role. If it was not possible to purchase baking powder, housewives use soda slaked with vinegar, but there are certain subtleties here.

Features of using slaked soda

Soda itself is not a baking powder, so it needs to be “quenched” with vinegar so that carbon dioxide is released as a result of the reaction and provides baking with porosity and airiness. If you “overdo it” with soda, then the dish can be spoiled, as the characteristic taste and smell will be felt too clearly and spoil all the pleasure of eating.

Well, and most importantly, it makes no sense to extinguish soda in the open air, since carbon dioxide will simply evaporate without endowing the dough with the required properties.

Experienced cooks mix baking soda with flour, and vinegar essence or acid is added to any liquid ingredient, such as eggs, sour cream or kefir.

In this case, the dough must be immediately placed in the oven, because the duration of the reaction is short and, having lost time, all efforts can be nullified.

The only plus of using soda in baking is that when extinguishing it, you can often do without vinegar, since sour-milk products and some sour berries and fruits can take on its role and provide splendor and airiness of the muffin.

How to replace baking powder

Bakpulver is often included in the list of ingredients needed for baking. Baking powder is a baking powder, which includes components that can be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

If you have citric acid, soda, flour or starch, you can make your own baking powder. At the same time, it does not need to be dissolved in a liquid: it is mixed with flour and, in this form, is introduced into the dough.

The expected reaction in this case occurs only during baking, which means that you always have time to finish the work you have started while the dough is on the sidelines.

Recipe for mixing baking powder:

  • take 12 pieces of flour. You can take any, both coarse, and wheat, rye, etc. Mix with 5 parts soda;
  • citric acid - add 3 parts to the composition. Although this component, as already mentioned, can be replaced by sour berries, such as black, red currants or cranberries. Only they must be dry and more: in this case, the volume must be increased to 5 parts and even a little more;
  • in a completely dry jar with a tight lid, all the ingredients are laid in the above sequence, after which the container must be closed and shaken well.

Such home-made baking powder has only one drawback - it quickly deteriorates if storage rules are not followed. Moisture must not be allowed to enter.

The amount of baking powder added to the dough

For 1 kg of flour, you need 4-6 teaspoons of baking powder, and if we talk about a home-made product, then this is 2 teaspoons of soda and the same amount of citric acid. In general, it is believed that 1 tsp. soda corresponds to 2-3 tsp. bakery bulk product.

If in your recipe the volume of all components is indicated in grams, then you should know that one tsp. with a slight slide - this is 10 grams of baking powder in powder form. In fatty dough, you need to add more baking powder, and in unleavened bread dough, much less than the usual norm.

Bakers and housewives resort to little tricks when creating pastries. To make the dough soft, elastic, airy and not stick together into a huge lump, many of them use baking powder. This additive is also recommended if there is no yeast in the product. Ready baking powder can be bought at the store. But it can be easily done at home with your own hands. There is nothing complicated about this, since the composition is represented by a combination of only three components. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and strictly observe the proportions.


To prepare the baking powder, you will need to take a clean and dry jar.

You also need to prepare the following list of ingredients:

  • flour - 12 tsp;
  • citric acid - 3.75 tsp;
  • soda - 5 tsp

This ratio of components allows you to get a real baking powder, no worse than the store version. But it is worth considering that it is not recommended to use citric acid in granules. The product is recommended to pre-grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. Flour can also be replaced with starch, which will increase the shelf life of the resulting baking powder for homemade dough.

How to make baking powder for dough with your own hands

To make the dough fluffy and airy, many housewives quench soda with vinegar in the old fashioned way and add the resulting mixture to the dough. It is this component that saturates the dough with carbon dioxide, which, in turn, gives it volume. However, this method is considered not the best, since baking soda often does not acquire the most pleasant aroma and taste. It is much better to make your own baking powder for the dough in the ratio indicated above.

Step 1. So where should you start? You should prepare a dry jar with a lid and a kitchen scale. The ingredients will need to be taken strictly in the proportion indicated in the recipe. It should be borne in mind that a shortage or excess of a certain component can give the baking powder (and then the dough and baking itself) an unpleasant taste or make it completely useless.

Note! The spoon used to mix the composition must be perfectly dry, like the container itself. Otherwise, the baking powder for the dough will crumple.

Step 2 All prepared ingredients, including flour, citric acid and soda, should be mixed in the selected container.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the citric acid used. The granules should be as small as possible. It should be borne in mind that such a product is almost impossible to find on sale in supermarkets. That is why it is recommended to grind the component in a coffee grinder or blender. There is another option: citric acid should be poured onto a sheet of paper, covered with a second one and walked several times with a rolling pin. Starch can also be added to the composition. It will not only improve the reaction, but also extend the life of the powder. There is a recipe in the video below. The container should be closed with a lid.

Note! Flour in the baking powder for dough can be replaced not only by starch, but also by powdered sugar. It must be used in the same ratio. In combination with soda, the product gives an excellent reaction and improves the taste of baking.

Step 3 Now the container with homemade baking powder for the dough should be closed and thoroughly shaken several times. You can stir the mixture with a spoon. But in this case, there is one very important condition: the cutlery must be perfectly dry, without the slightest hint of moisture. If at least a drop of water gets into the baking powder for the dough, then a reaction will be started inside the container. It is unlikely that such a mixture will be useful for baking in the future.