Gingerbread dough. How to bake gingerbread with icing.

Cooking gingerbread may seem like a laborious task or too simple, as you like. In fact, the gingerbread cookie recipe is somewhere in the middle. Nothing complicated if you don’t go out of your way, add something of your own and measure all the ingredients on the scales.

We will prepare in several stages, there is no other way. The first step is to make the gingerbread cookie dough. We put butter from the refrigerator to the freezer and, while it is freezing, in one bowl we combine almost all the dry ingredients, leaving only the powder aside. I strongly recommend that you sift everything first so that there are no lumps of flour or lumps of spices left.

We take out the butter from the freezer, it should be very cold. It is impossible to take oil less than 82%, it is of poor quality and not even oil at all, Christmas gingerbread will not work with this. Cut the butter very small cubes, about half an inch. You can chop it in a blender chopper instead. The main thing is to touch it less with your hands so that it does not start to melt. We put the crushed butter in a dry mixture and carefully knead it with our hands so that it slides between our fingers. The result should be a small crumb.

Add the remaining ingredients to the gingerbread cookie dough: powdered sugar, honey, yolks.

Knead the dough thoroughly, it should be very tight and smooth. If after kneading the dough does not stop disintegrating, add half a spoon of honey and knead further until a single mixture is obtained. The recipe for gingerbread, although not very complicated, but some effort is needed.

We put the dough on gingerbread cookies in cling film, making a flattened ball out of it.

Wrap on all sides and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Preparing for Christmas Gingerbread Cookie should rest and cool down.

After an hour, turn on the oven to warm up to 175 degrees, take the ginger dough out of the refrigerator and roll it into a layer about 5 mm thick. I recommend one life hack! Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper so it won't stick to the counter or rolling pin/bottle and you won't need to use extra flour.

The dough is rolled out, remove the top sheet of parchment paper. Checking thickness! Gingerbread cookies for the New Year should crunch and delight you, but thick ones will not crunch!

We take cookie cutters and cut out the desired figures from the dough. I have Christmas trees, stars, flowers and hearts. Gingerbread men still look very cool, but I didn’t find them, under New Year all sold out.

Carefully remove excess dough and transfer the gingerbread cookies to the lined parchment paper baking sheet. You can also use a silicone mat. You don’t need to grease anything, the main thing is that there is space between the cookies, as they will increase during baking. We put in a preheated oven for 7-10 minutes, see for yourself, it all depends on your oven! We bake until golden brown.

Now you know how to bake gingerbread cookies! But that's not all 🙂

Set the gingerbread cookies aside to cool. We shift very carefully, at first they will be soft, but then they will harden.

It's time to make cookie icing to decorate beautifully. Take a cold egg and separate the white from the yolk. Attention! The yolk should not get into the protein, even the smallest! And hands should be clean and not greasy. This is important, otherwise nothing will work.

Squeeze lemon or lime juice into protein, prepare icing sugar (put next to it) and start beating. Beat the whites for a long time until they become very thick, then pour in the powder without stopping. It is important! Beat until stiff, adding more powder as needed. Icing for gingerbread should be thick so that nothing spreads.

At the very end, you can add any dye, any color, to the glaze. I didn't add. But I can tell you that dyes can also be natural, for example, beetroot, spinach or carrot juice. Transfer the cookie icing to a pastry bag. Or in a tight bag, like mine 🙂 Mine from Ikea, which is on the zipline, fit perfectly.

Cut off the end of the bag. It is necessary to cut off just a little 1-2 mm, no more! This is important too! And start decorating gingerbread cookies. Here the flight of your imagination will help you! Don't press too hard on the package.

Remember that New Year's cookies with ginger and cinnamon should be cold!

Lay it out conveniently for you, because decorating gingerbread cookies is a long and painstaking process.

I sprinkled some of the gingerbread coconut flakes, it gives the appearance of snow 🙂 Now you know exactly how to decorate gingerbread cookies! Let the frosting dry for 2-3 hours. Do not put in the oven, otherwise it will end 😀

In the morning, gingerbread is even tastier for some reason 😀

They can be packed in beautiful boxes and presented to all your loved ones 😉

Let me quickly summarize!

Short recipe: gingerbread cookies or gingerbread

  1. Put the butter in the freezer.
  2. Cooking the dough: in a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients for the dough, except for powdered sugar, sift them through a sieve.
  3. We cut the butter into very small cubes or grind it in a blender chopper, try not to touch it with our hands.
  4. We put the oil in the dry mixture and grind everything with our hands, passing pieces of oil between the fingers until crumbs form.
  5. Add all the other ingredients for the dough and carefully knead the tight dough (if it falls apart, add half a spoon of honey).
  6. Wrap the gingerbread cookie dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour.
  7. After an hour, turn on the oven to warm up to 175 degrees.
  8. Roll out the dough between sheets of parchment paper 5 mm thick.
  9. Cut out shapes from the dough using cookie cutters, transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving space between the cookies.
  10. We put the gingerbread cookies in the oven for 7-10 minutes until golden brown, depending on your oven!
  11. Take the gingerbread cookies out of the oven and let cool.
  12. Preparing frosting for decoration: In a bowl, beat the cold protein with lemon juice until thick.
  13. Add to the egg whites, continuing to beat them, powdered sugar, a little bit, until a dense consistency.
  14. At this point, you can add any coloring you wish to the glaze.
  15. We put the icing for gingerbread in a tight bag and cut off the tip of it by 1-2 mm.
  16. Decorate the cooled gingerbread cookies as you wish.
  17. Now you know how to cook gingerbread, the recipe of which has come to a logical end.

Recipe New Year's cookies over, so I want to digress a bit. We are on the threshold of the New Year, the biggest holiday in our countries. Each time we are approaching the New Year, we sum up, analyze what has passed and what has been done. So, I wish you all that each of your years be better than the previous one, so that, looking back, you will not be sad that suddenly the year turned out to be the same as the previous one. May all your years be varied and better every time! Like mine 🙂

And yes, stay with me, next year I will also delight you with new interesting recipes! Not to be missed , it's free! In addition, when subscribing, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes of 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating fast and tasty is real.

Vika Leping was with you! Tell your friends about how to make gingerbread cookies, put likes, leave comments, rate, write what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine, and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy! And have a great New Year's Eve!

Ingredients of the recipe

Wheat flour - 175 g;

Butter - 100 g;

Sugar: sand - 100 g;

Eggs - 1 pc;

Baking powder - 1.5 tsp;

Cocoa: powder - 1 tsp;

ground cinnamon- 0.5 tsp;

Ground cloves - 0.5 tsp;

Ground ginger - 1 tsp;

Icing for gingerbread:

Eggs - 1 pc;

Powdered sugar - 0.5 tbsp;

Lemon - 1 pc.

Photo step by step cooking prescription

In Catholic countries, gingerbread is strongly associated with Christmas.

Remember, many Christmas cards depict such painted gingerbread hanging on Christmas trees?

This is what it is - Christmas food and decoration in one.

Recipe These gingerbread treats belong to English cuisine.
I offer you New Year's gingerbread cookies!

Cooking method: how to make christmas gingerbread cookies.

To begin with, we are preparing chocolate gingerbread dough.

Sift the flour with a slide, pour the baking powder into it, add cocoa, ground cloves, ginger and cinnamon.

Here we put the softened butter and grind it with a fork along with flour. We will get flour lumps.

After we drive in the egg here, stir. Add sugar and knead a moderately stiff dough. We form the dough into a ball,

wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

Then we take it out, roll it into a layer about seven millimeters thick.

We put pre-prepared paper stencils (it can be any figures) on the dough and carefully circle them with a knife.

Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, put our gingerbread cookies, coat them with beaten egg yolk on top.

Bake in a well-heated oven for about 15 minutes.

We cool all the gingerbread cookies after baking and after that we apply the necessary patterns with protein cream

(various food colorings can be added to the cream).

Protein cream: beat the egg whites on high speed with a mixer.

When we get a stable foam, pour the powdered sugar in a thin stream.

After squeezing the juice from half a lemon and whisk for another 10 seconds.

Roll out the cooled dough on a table sprinkled with flour into a layer, ~ 7-8 mm thick.
Apply paper stencils and cut out the gingerbread.

Lay the gingerbread shapes on a floured baking sheet.

* Before baking, gingerbread can be greased with an egg, then finished goods will have a nice sheen.

Bake gingerbread ~13-15 minutes at ~180°C.
Remove the finished gingerbread from the baking sheet and cool.

cook protein glaze.
Beat the cooled protein with a mixer at low speed, gradually increasing it.
When the whipped protein does not pour out of the bowl (if the bowl is turned upside down), in small portions add the sifted powdered sugar.
At the very end of whipping, add lemon juice and beat for another 5-10 seconds.

The icing can be tinted in different colors with food coloring.
Put the egg white frosting into a pastry bag and decorate the cookies.

Easter eggs



100 g sugar
1 tsp cocoa,
1 cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg,
180 g flour
1 tsp ground ginger,
0.5 black ground pepper,
1 tsp ground cloves,
1.5 tsp baking powder
2 eggs.

For the drawing glaze:
1 egg white,
0.5 cups of powdered sugar,
1 tbsp lemon juice.

Turmeric, food coloring, wooden toothpick, parchment paper

Combine sugar, butter, cocoa, cinnamon and nutmeg. Salt a little. Heat this mixture over low heat, without bringing to a boil, until the sugar dissolves.

Cool down a bit.

Mix flour, baking powder, cloves, ginger, pepper. Pour the warm (but not hot) creamy-flavored mass into the dry mixture.

Knead the dough. You will get a loose, oily mass. To which add eggs and knead again. The dough should lag behind the hands, be plastic, however, if you feel that a little bit of density is not enough to the desired state - set it, having previously covered cling film, in the cold. The mass will thicken.

If the dough is still watery, add 1 tbsp. flour. Or a couple of spoons. Do not overdo it, the more flour, the higher the likelihood that the gingerbread will turn out tough.

As soon as the dough has acquired the desired consistency, roll up a couple or three balls (to make it convenient to roll out later, they quickly heat up and become too soft, so it’s better to get them out of the cold one at a time, as they are spent), put the balls in a bag and cool the dough for a couple of hours.

Then lay out a baking sheet with parchment paper, grease it with butter.

The board on which you will roll out the dough and grease the rolling pin vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick.

Roll out the ball into a layer (height is about 8 mm), cut out the figures, immediately transferring them to a baking sheet. In general, you can cut directly on it, only carefully, without damaging the paper.

Lay out the figures at a distance from each other, with the expectation that they will increase during baking.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for 10-15 minutes. Focus not on the time, but on the sight and smell. As soon as a thick aroma of spices and pastries appears, take them out immediately. Otherwise, they will burn.

Still very warm gingerbread, place in a plastic bag or in tin can so that they do not get stale (it happens quickly for them).

And prepare the drawing glaze.

For her, beat the protein until it turns into a thick foam and does not flow out of the whipping container when turning over. Gradually add powdered sugar. Toward the end - a drop of lemon juice.

Decorate the cooled gingerbread with the resulting glaze, if necessary, coloring them with turmeric (yellow), beetroot, pomegranate juice or food coloring.

The icing can be applied with a confectionery syringe, either with the help of a parchment bag, from which the tip is cut off, or with a thin synthetic brush, which is painted with acrylic paints (No. 1 and 2 for fine patterns), or with an ordinary toothpick.

The gingerbreads are surprisingly fragrant and tasty, and the painting makes each gingerbread elegant and unique.

After the glaze has dried (you can put it in the oven for a couple of minutes, or leave it to dry on the table), hide the gingerbread in a bag or tin, or wrap it in cling film.

Gingerbread cookies can be hung on a Christmas tree, just keep in mind - they will dry out in the open air and become hard and inedible.

Painted gingerbread- a great gift for the New Year and a delicious treat!

And another recipe! WE WORK WITH GINGER DOUGH

There are a few rules to remember when working with gingerbread dough first. You may find it easier to roll out the dough in a large layer and cut it out on a baking sheet so that the products do not distort when you transfer them from the table to the baking sheet. Unless the recipe says otherwise, leave some space on the baking sheet between the gingerbread cookies so they can rise.

Gingerbread, unlike other cookies, do not become dense and crispy when they are taken out of the oven. So it's very hard to tell if it's done, especially since the baking time depends so much on the oven. As a rule, if the gingerbread has slightly risen and browned around the edges, it is ready. Leave it on the baking sheet for a few minutes, during which time it will begin to become crispy (if the gingerbread is still soft, return it to the oven for a few minutes). It is very common for gingerbread to lose its shape during baking, but this can be easily fixed by trimming it properly after baking.

Large, flat pieces of gingerbread must be refrigerated and stored on a flat surface, otherwise their shape will be distorted. It may be more convenient to bake the gingerbread the day before decorating. If you do this, let it cool completely and then wrap it in parchment or plastic wrap.

Basic Recipes Butter, pieces - 1 cup

Combine butter, sugar and molasses in a saucepan. Place over moderate heat to dissolve sugar. Pour the mixture into a large mixing bowl. Leave for 10 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix flour, cinnamon, ginger, baking soda and cloves. Gradually add dry ingredients to butter mixture. Whisk well. Cover the dough and refrigerate for 2 hours (or until the next day).

Form 8 balls of 5 cm each, 8 balls of 2.5 cm each, 32 balls of about 1.25 cm and 16 balls of about 0.8 cm from the dough. Put the gingerbread cookies on baking sheets covered with foil. Eight large parts are the torso of eight bears. Flatten each ball of dough to a thickness of just over 1 cm. Make eight smaller parts of the head of the bears. Of the 32 parts - paws (arms and legs). Out of 16 - ears. Lay out muzzles and buttons from pieces of chocolate.

Bake at 175 degrees for 10-12 minutes (or until done). Refrigerate for 10 minutes. Carefully transfer the gingerbread cookies to the wire rack. Cool completely and make bows out of decorative confectionery gel (pectin-based glaze).

October 23, 2016 1067

Making gingerbread cookies is magic. It would seem that from regular test and glaze it turns out beautiful, bright pastries, which will not only delicious treat, but also the decoration of the festive tree and the festive table.

You can decorate gingerbread chocolate fudge, glaze with addition food coloring and mastic. Almonds, marmalade, orange or lemon zest are often added to the dough.

Gingerbread with icing: a traditional recipe

For this sweet, as a rule, use choux pastry. This is the main secret to getting successful crumbly gingerbread. After kneading, let the flour mass rest in the refrigerator for at least three to four hours.


  • Dried ginger - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 160 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • Natural honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Star anise - 1 pc.;
  • Cardamom - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • Proteins - 5 pcs.;
  • Powder - 220 g;
  • Muscat - 200 g.

Production time will take five hours.

Calorie content: 332 Kcal / 100 g.

Gingerbread cookies are prepared as follows. Place in a deep bowl natural honey, butter and sugar, put everything on water bath, and keep stirring until a pasty mass is formed. At the end, add a pinch of salt.

Combine all the necessary spices together. If they are not ground, use a coffee grinder and sift through a fine sieve or nylon stocking to get rid of large particles.

Pour the resulting mixture into the mass melted in a water bath and brew the dough, stirring carefully.

Remove the mass from the heat, add half the flour and soda. When the base is completely cool, beat in the eggs and add the remaining flour. Knead a stiff dough, place it in an airtight food bag, let out the air and tie it off. Send to the refrigerator for four hours.

Roll out the flour mass with a thickness of no more than two centimeters, squeeze out the figures with molds, transfer to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, immerse in a preheated electric oven to bake for eight to ten minutes.

When the products are ready, immediately remove them from the paper, then it will be more difficult to do this.

Grind the whites with powder, add lemon juice and mix until smooth. Lubricate the cooled gingerbread cookies with icing, you can leave it white or drip food coloring.

Leave to freeze overnight. The next day, you can draw an ornament, pattern, inscription on top, or limit yourself to what has already been done.

Gingerbread with icing "Kozuli"

Sweetness with such a wonderful name is a kind of traditional Russian gingerbread, usually carved. Distinctive feature is the addition of caramelized sugar syrup and painting along the contour with white glaze.


  • Flour - 600 g;
  • Powder - 210 g;
  • Natural honey - 80 g;
  • Margarine - 90 g;
  • A mixture of spices (nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon) - 3 tsp;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tsp;
  • White wine - 2 drops.

Production: forty minutes.

Calorie content: 350 Kcal / 100 g.

The recipe for gingerbread with Kozuli glaze is as follows. Melt honey and margarine in the microwave or in a water bath, leave to cool. If you start adding ingredients right away, then the dough will be very difficult to roll out.

Beat the powder with eggs, stir into the cooled mass. Melt one tablespoon of sugar in a metal bowl and pour the resulting liquid caramel into the dough. Then send soda, cocoa, spices, knead and add crushed flour in batches.

Knead the dough with a food processor or mixer. Make sure the mass is as uniform as possible. If the base is not mixed well, bubbles will appear on the gingerbread cookies during baking.

Divide the dough into five parts, wrap with cling film and send overnight in the refrigerator or in the freezer for twenty minutes, so quickly, and there is no difference.

Take one lump, knead lightly in your hands and roll into a layer three millimeters thick.

Spread on a silicone mat and bake at 150°C until browned.

Mix the protein with powder, pour in two drops of white wine - and the glaze is ready.

Paint the cooled gingerbread cookies however you like.

  1. To determine the readiness of gingerbread, you need to look at their edges. If a brownish edging appears, you can take it out. After five minutes, the product will no longer be soft as raw dough, but crispy and crumbly;
  2. The main ingredient in this dish is ginger. As a rule, it is put into the dough in crushed form. You can add pieces of ginger with sugar to the cream, this will give an unusual, slightly tart taste;
  3. In addition to spices, you can experiment and mix alcohol into the base: rum, vodka, cognac. In addition to the unusual flavor, they also give the effect of baking powder for dough;
  4. Do not make glaze on water, it will not hold well and crumble. In addition to protein glaze, you can also use honey with the addition of various berries;
  5. Gingerbread with icing is stored for about a year in a dry, dark place, preferably in special plastic bags;
  6. If the dough is rolled out too thin, the gingerbread will begin to bubble and distort in shape during baking. Therefore, the thicker you make them, the more ideal the shape will be;
  7. If, nevertheless, the surface of the product turned out to be uneven, cut off the top layer of baking sharp knife while it is still warm. So the glaze will lay down beautifully;
  8. Can be decorated over glaze with figurines of sugar mastic, squeezed out with the help of special molds;
  9. If you want to hang a gingerbread on a Christmas tree, you need to make a hole for the thread right away, while still in the raw product;
  10. Before preparing the glaze, pass the powder through a sieve or fine cheesecloth twice, so the fudge will turn out better;
  11. To tint the glaze, you can use not only special dyes, but also regular products or spices. So, beetroot juice will give a red tint, raspberry jam- pink, Orange juice- yellow, turmeric - orange, parsley - green. It is enough to drop one drop of these products into the fondant - and the color is ready.

Following the beloved proverb about sleighs in summer and carts in winter, it's time to start preparing for new year holidays. AT last years more and more traditional and we have ginger sweets. Most often, these are thin cookies on which decorations are painted with icing and whole gingerbread houses we already did.

So it's time for gingerbread. Depending on the thickness of the dough that you will roll out, you can get either very crispy cookies, or rather lush gingerbread cookies with a pleasant spicy aroma. And depending on the honey (or syrup) that will be used, you can vary the colors from bright yellow (as in my photo) to almost chocolate (hello, buckwheat honey and molasses).

It's a pleasure to take out all your cookie cutters of the most bizarre shapes and cut out a whole Christmas story with Christmas trees, snowmen and other attributes. And if you tie a few pieces with a festive cord, you get a wonderful gift. Some even hang gingerbread on Christmas trees, as a decoration, the main thing here is to keep an eye on the guests))

Mix butter in a bowl room temperature(115 gr.) and brown sugar (65 gr.). Beat with a mixer diligently, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finer the sugar you have, the smoother the surface will be in the end. You can replace brown with white.

Break one egg and pour 155 grams of honey (or molasses). For more flavor, I used 100 lime and 55 buckwheat. In this matter, you can give free rein to your imagination.

Add spices to your taste. I have cinnamon (1 tsp), ginger, nutmeg and black pepper (1/2 tsp each). And be sure to half a teaspoon of soda, it will just make the gingerbread more magnificent (interacting with honey).

Prepare the flour (375 gr.) And pour it in small batches, each time mixing well (already with a spatula, the mixer will start acting up here).

Add flour until the dough becomes pliable, that is, it rolls into a good ball without sticking to your hands. All my pain is gone. In general, I really like kneading such a dough. From terrible lumps and a mountain of flour, it gradually turns out homogeneous mass, which you want to quickly roll into a layer and start cutting out the figures.

Wrap the finished ball in cling film and refrigerate for at least an hour. You can also overnight, and some even freeze it. If you are in a hurry, flatten the ball, so the dough will cool faster.

And then everything is simple. Spread part of the dough on the parchment.

Cover with the second part of the pegrament and roll out a layer with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm. You may not cover it, but it’s more convenient for me to roll out, the dough does not cling to the rolling pin and it seems that it turns out more evenly.

And then you call the children, husband, friends and start cutting out the figures. There is a whole strategy here on how to arrange the figures in order to use the maximum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe test. But don't worry, gather the rest of the dough into a ball and roll it out again and again and again. The main thing is not to let the dough get too hot. Then the gingerbread cookies will be slightly deformed during baking. If the time is delayed .. yes, just remove the already cut parts in the refrigerator.

We heat the oven to 175 degrees.

Lay out the cut out figures on a baking sheet lined with paper.

Bake them for 7 to 12 minutes. Everything here is influenced by the shape and thickness and the oven and how cold the dough was. Define it like this - if the sides and bottom begin to blush strongly, then the cookies are ready. If you like crunchier ones, keep longer. Do you want really soft ones? Then 5 minutes is enough.

If you want, you can sprinkle the finished cookies with powder, giving them a more winter look. Take colored cords and collect small gift sets. It's still a holiday.

Here are the decorations for the Christmas tree, Bon appetit:)

17 comments for this step

▪ Thanks for the recipe. I made gingerbread for the first time and it turned out great. Tell me about decorating gingerbread with icing. How to achieve fine lines? The bag was pierced with a toothpick, but the protein foamed when pressed on the bag and remained on the bag, and not on the gingerbread.

Thanks for the recipe. I made gingerbread for the first time and it turned out great. Tell me about decorating gingerbread with icing. How to achieve fine lines? The bag was pierced with a toothpick, but the protein foamed when pressed on the bag and remained on the bag, and not on the gingerbread.

▪ Lena, good evening. Bon appetit, glad it worked out. For thin lines: do not beat 200 grams of powdered sugar and 1 protein, but mix gently, the mass will be viscous. It is better to decorate through a pastry bag, of course, with a thin nozzle, but it is also possible through a bag, the main thing is to make a thin hole. I'm sure you will succeed.

Lena, good evening. Bon appetit, glad it worked out. For thin lines: do not beat 200 grams of powdered sugar and 1 protein, but mix gently, the mass will be viscous. It is better to decorate through a pastry bag, of course, with a thin nozzle, but it is also possible through a bag, the main thing is to make a thin hole. I'm sure you will succeed.

▪ In order for the protein to turn out to be glaze, and not cream, 1) you need a little more sugar, and even better, use powdered sugar instead; 2) add it to the whipped protein mass gradually, in small portions; 3) to kill the egg smell, it is better to add 1 tsp to sugar. vanilla; 4) for better dissolution of the crystals, add 0.5 tsp. lemon juice or the tip of a knife citric acid. The acid helps convert the sugar to an amorphous state; 5) the readiness of the glaze is determined by the appearance of gloss and how the mixture holds its shape; 6) you can give part of the glaze a red color by adding a few drops beetroot juice; 7) the package is fine, of course, but if you have a jigging bag or a pastry syringe, the decorative possibilities expand! :)

In order for the protein to turn out to be glaze, and not cream, 1) you need a little more sugar, and even better, use powdered sugar instead; 2) add it to the whipped protein mass gradually, in small portions; 3) to kill the egg smell, it is better to add 1 tsp to sugar. vanilla; 4) for better dissolution of the crystals, add 0.5 tsp. lemon juice or the tip of a knife of citric acid. The acid helps convert the sugar to an amorphous state; 5) the readiness of the glaze is determined by the appearance of gloss and how the mixture holds its shape; 6) you can give part of the glaze a red color by adding a few drops of beetroot juice; 7) the package is fine, of course, but if you have a jigging bag or a pastry syringe, the decorative possibilities expand! :)

▪ Arhimed, thank you for your clear advice and recommendations for frosting.

Arhimed, thanks for your clear advice and recommendations for frosting.

▪ I do it for the second time. the first - everything is fine, on the second, the cookies became just oak after half an hour as they were taken out of the oven. tell me what i did wrong?

I do it for the second time. the first - everything is fine, on the second, the cookies became just oak after half an hour as they were taken out of the oven. tell me what i did wrong?

▪ Svetlana, good evening. It may have been overcooked, but don't worry. Place cookies in a container or jar with an airtight lid and place orange peel, close the jar for a day, then the cookies will be soft :)

Svetlana, good evening. It may have been overcooked, but don't worry. Put the cookies in a container or jar with an airtight lid and put an orange peel, close the jar for a day, then the cookies will be soft :)

▪ I carefully read the advice, as I made gingerbread for the first time. I did it for myself with my son, and for friends with children. Therefore, I put less spices on the advice, I didn’t put pepper at all, I was afraid. Flour - as the author wrote - put it in parts, then knead the dough on the board, it's more convenient. The stove is an old gas stove without a thermometer, so I set it to 3 for 7-8 minutes, no more. Gingerbread cookies are soft and smell wonderful. Thanks for the recipe and comments.

I carefully read the tips, as I made gingerbread for the first time. I did it for myself with my son, and for friends with children. Therefore, I put less spices on the advice, I didn’t put pepper at all, I was afraid. Flour - as the author wrote - put it in parts, then knead the dough on the board, it's more convenient. The stove is an old gas stove without a thermometer, so I set it to 3 for 7-8 minutes, no more. Gingerbread cookies are soft and smell wonderful. Thanks for the recipe and comments.

▪ Thank you so much for the recipe. I've tried several. Yours is the best. Now it's ours family recipe. The dough is soft and elastic. The cookies are excellent. Thank you. It's so nice to feel something Russian, and even with your own hands.

Thanks a lot for the recipe. I've tried several. Yours is the best. This is now our family recipe. The dough is soft and elastic. The cookies are excellent. Thank you. It's so nice to feel something Russian, and even with your own hands.

▪ Tatyana, bon appetit. Everything that is cooked with your own hands is 100 times tastier :).