How to decorate Christmas cookies at home. New Year's cookies: how to cook

New Year- a favorite and long-awaited holiday for many people, it is customary to cook for the festive table different dishes including baked goods. Children especially love it, but adults, having become a little children this evening, will not refuse this treat. good holiday option baking can become cookies, for the New Year it is baked in many countries. With the advent of the sale of the necessary components for traditional New Year's cookies, such a dessert has become quite popular, and with us, baking for the New Year has become more affordable, many are fond of it.

How is Christmas cookies different from others? The secret is simple: the main difference lies in the shape of the products; chefs try to make New Year's cookies with holiday symbols in mind. New Year's baking is often different too spicy taste and an extraordinary aroma, which is achieved thanks to the smells of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and others fragrant spices. It is with spices that New Year's cookies outperform their simpler counterparts.

New Year's cookies are prepared easily and quickly, and you can find any use for them on a holiday, except for treats.

You can decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands made New Year's cookies, you can give them as a gift to a loved one, beautifully putting them in the same home-made box. At the same time, it is desirable to beautifully paint cookies for the New Year with icing, chocolate, and various confectionery additives. This will give a festive New Year's cookies. The recipe will tell you the order of your actions in their manufacture, but it is also desirable to see how experienced chefs make Christmas cookies. A recipe with a photo is just for this. New Year's pastries in 2019 should be very beautiful, the recipe with the photo must be chosen carefully, taking into account the appropriate symbolism. New Year's cookies are suitable, the recipe with a photo for this holiday should please the Pig, the patron saint of 2019. To basic recipe New Year's cookies should add bright dyes and fragrant "fiery" seasonings.

But first, study the experience of the masters, they know exactly how to make New Year's cookies. Recipes with photos posted on our website will help you with this.

Your guests, especially children, should certainly like your pastries for the New Year 2019. Recipes with photos on our website, which is why we recommend to study.

You can safely add vanillin, cinnamon, nut crumbs and other fragrant and beautiful ingredients to any basic version of the dough;

The dough should be put in the refrigerator for 2 hours, it will become more suitable for rolling. It is necessary to achieve a sheet thickness of about 1 centimeter;

Prepare in advance different molds in the form of festive figures: stars, snowmen, snowflakes, Christmas trees, cones, little animals, etc .;

In the absence of molds, you can make a stencil from cardboard and cut out cookies on it, but this is a more difficult way;

You can also make cookies using inverted cups, glasses of different diameters, you can cut out figures with a sharp and thin knife;

Prepared products should be laid out on a parchment-lined baking sheet at some distance from each other, cookies may increase in size. The oven should be heated to 180 degrees, and put a baking sheet in it for 10-12 minutes;

Any cookie recipe for the New Year requires its bright decoration. Melt in a water bath White chocolate, and using a pastry syringe or a homemade bag, color the cookies as you wish;

For this, you can use the glaze, which is prepared as follows: beat the white of one egg with one teaspoon lemon juice and two cups powdered sugar. Powder needs to be added little by little, until the glaze acquires the desired consistency, not too thick, but not completely liquid; Food coloring is added as desired;

If you intend to paint a more complex pattern on your product, wait until the previous layer of glaze dries;

If colored sprinkles, edible decorative balls are used for decoration, then, on the contrary, it is not necessary to wait for the glaze to dry;

It is better to store such cookies in tightly closed cardboard or metal boxes so that they do not harden quickly.

What could be tastier than shortbread cookies? Only homemade shortbread! Today we will talk about various recipes this delicious pastries, as well as how to prepare glaze and cover finished products with it.

Cooking Shortbread Cookies - Basic Recipe

This recipe can be safely called basic. By adding various ingredients, you can achieve perfect different taste. It is very easy to prepare such cookies, you just need to purchase desired products. So let's take the following ingredients:

  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Flour - about a glass (how much dough will take);
  • Vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Moreover, it is better not to save on this product - replacing it with margarine or spread will negatively affect the taste of cookies. Mix softened butter with sugar, add flour.
  2. Knead the dough until you get an elastic "bun".
  3. Now on a floured surface, roll it out and cut out the cookies of the desired shape. For example, circles. If desired, sprinkle each cookie with sugar or cinnamon and place in a preheated oven (temperature 200 degrees). Cookies are baked quite quickly - in 15 minutes they are ready.. Make sure that the products do not burn, if necessary, just reduce the heat.

Chocolate shortbread

Chocolate chip cookies are made based on the above recipe. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa to the dough, then bake cookies.

Both normal and chocolate chip cookie can be done with stuffing. For example, jam, jam or melted chocolate. To do this, grease one cookie with the filling, put another on top. We are waiting for complete solidification and serve sweets to the table.

Shortbread making video

Cooking icing for shortbread cookies

Even the simplest cookies can look festive and original. To do this, it is enough to prepare the glaze. We will talk about several glaze recipes, as well as about christmas decoration finished baking. If you have children, making this dessert can be a real New Year's tradition.

For the first and the most simple option Glazes take the following products:

  • Powdered sugar - about 200 grams;
  • Water - about 40-60 milliliters;
  • Lemon juice - a teaspoon.

Pour some water and lemon juice into the powder. Beat the mixture vigorously with a whisk, and then add the rest of the water. The finished glaze should be glossy. With the help of dyes, it can be painted in any color.

Another glaze recipe is based on butter. We take the following components:

  • Butter - a glass;
  • Sugar - 4 cups;
  • 4 tablespoons of heavy cream;
  • A couple of drops of vanilla extract.

The main task is to beat the butter and sugar well. To do this, use a combine or mixer. As soon as the mass becomes dense and airy, add cream, vanilla extract to it and beat for a couple more minutes.

Decoration for New Year's cookies

Since everyone's favorite New Year holiday is approaching, we suggest you try decorating cookies with a thematic painting.

  1. Cut out cookies in the shape of a boot. We apply red icing to the entire surface, then with the help of white we paint cookies with any pattern.

    You can add some bright colors, but white painting looks best.

  2. Cookies in the form of a Christmas tree are covered with green fondant-icing. Then, using several multi-colored glaze options, we apply small drops (balls), and then draw garlands.
  3. Cut out the dough in the form of a mitten and bake cookies. Now you can give free rein to your imagination - use any colors of the main coating and ornament, you can glue small dragees with glaze as a decoration.
  4. If you are good at sculpting, make sweets in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a dog.
  5. From three circles of different diameters we build a snowman. We bake. Then we cover it with white icing and draw eyes, a nose and a scarf using other colors. For these purposes, you can use gel culinary pencils, which are applied to the inscriptions on cakes and muffins.
  6. And the easiest option is to make round pastries, and then paint each cookie in the form of a decoration ball. You can stick culinary toppings of various shapes - you get a very interesting product.

Painting cookies is very good with kids. They will definitely like the result. In addition, such fantasy products can be hung on a Christmas tree. And of course, self-made sweets are much healthier than purchased ones, which are simply crammed with additives and preservatives.

Remember how we decorated the New Year tree in childhood, how solemnly our parents took out a box with New Year's toys, with what trembling and bated breath we, fearing to drop and break, unwrapped fragile glass balls and figurines neatly wrapped in paper? What just didn’t happen on our Christmas trees - sparkling toys, and colorful garlands, and sweets in gold wrappers ...

Today, it is extremely difficult to surprise our children with New Year's toys with the current abundance, but still possible. For example, take and bake wonderful New Year's cookies. It can be a wonderful gift, and a delicious treat, and decoration of the festive table and Christmas tree. After all, there is probably no greater pleasure than decorating the Christmas tree with cookies of your own making. And although the assortment of cookies on sale is large and varied, no factory-made pastry can resist originality and taste. homemade cookies handmade and decorated. And what an aroma is in the air, mixing with the smell of green needles, and creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, magic and celebration in the house!

For the manufacture of festive New Year's cookies, all kinds of molds are used in the form of Christmas trees, stars, little men, houses, cones, snowflakes, animals, etc. Such molds can be easily found at retail. If you want to do something unusual, but the necessary mold is not at hand, in this case you can cut out a template from cardboard, and use it to cut out whatever you want from the dough. Ready-made New Year's cookies are decorated with sugar or chocolate icing, confectionery powders, beads, and even ready-made sugar figurines- in our supermarkets all this is enough.

How to cook white icing you, of course, know, but just in case, it would not be superfluous to recall the recipe: combine 200 g of powdered sugar with the juice of one lemon and protein raw egg. Beat the mass with a mixer until the volume increases by 2-3 times. If you decide to decorate cookies with multi-colored icing, stock up on the necessary food colors or use natural ones: replace lemon juice with various vegetable juices to get the desired color. So, adding to the glaze beetroot juice, you can get shades from pale pink to lilac. carrot juice will give an orange color, sage broth - yellow, spinach or broccoli juice - green, juice red cabbage- blue or blue. For a brown glaze, add 1-2 tbsp. cocoa, and a red tint will give the juice of fresh strawberries. Before applying the icing to the cookies, lightly dampen the surface with water, and after applying the next layer of color coating, place the baking sheet with the cookies for several minutes in hot oven so that the frosting dries faster.

Do not forget to make holes in the cookies so that this yummy can be hung on the Christmas tree. To do this, take the thinnest medical syringe and carefully cut off the part to which the needle is attached. Raise the plunger and cut holes in the raw cookie, then simply squeeze the dough out of the syringe and use it to roll out the next batch of cookies.
Choose any of the New Year's cookie recipes that we offer, stock up on beautiful baking molds, and then it all depends on your mood and your imagination. And be sure to call the kids - they love to conjure with their mother in the kitchen!

Christmas cookies"Flickering Trees"

300 g flour
1 egg
110 g butter,
110 g sugar
a few drops of vanilla essence
a pinch of salt.

Whisk in a bowl butter until soft, add sugar and beat. Gradually add egg and vanilla. Sift the flour and salt, then add to the dough and stir until combined soft dough. Wrap it in cling film and let it cool for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough on a floured table into a layer 3-5 mm thick, cut out the Christmas trees, make holes, transfer to a greased baking sheet, put in an oven preheated to 190 ° C and bake for 8-10 minutes. Cool, decorate with white icing, balls and thread a ribbon through the hole.

Ginger Christmas cookies "Merry Snowmen"

450-500 g flour,
3 eggs,
150 g sugar
200 g butter,
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp ground ginger.

Thoroughly mix butter and sugar vanilla sugar, add ground ginger and eggs, mix again and add flour and baking powder. Knead the dough and roll it into a thin layer (3-4 mm). Cut out snowmen with a cookie cutter. Line a baking sheet parchment paper and, laying cookies on it, put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Cover the finished cookies with icing and let it harden. Make eyes for snowmen from beads, draw a mouth with melted chocolate.

Christmas cookies "Crystal Dreams"

For test:
300 g wheat flour,
200 g rye flour
2 eggs,
200 g butter,
250 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp ground dry ginger
1 tsp cinnamon,
¼ tsp ground nutmeg,
¼ tsp ground cloves,
¼ tsp ground cardamom,
¼ tsp ground coriander.
For glaze:
200 g powdered sugar,
50 ml orange juice.
For decoration:
50 g dark chocolate,
2 tbsp sugar snowflakes (decorative topping),
1 tsp sugar beads.

Beat the softened butter, eggs, sugar and spices cut into cubes with a mixer until homogeneous mass. Then add the sifted rye and wheat flour with baking powder, knead the dough and divide it into three parts. Wrap each piece in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then take out each part in turn, roll it between two layers of parchment to a thickness of 5 mm and cut out different figures with the help of molds. Put the finished figures on a baking sheet lined with parchment, bake for 12 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Mix powdered sugar with orange juice. Transfer the finished icing to a tight bag, cut off a corner of it, apply icing on the cookies and let it harden and apply a pattern with melted chocolate on the icing, also placing it in a bag and cutting off the corner. Decorate cookies with beads. Some of the cookies can be completely covered with chocolate and decorated with sugar snowflakes.

4 stack flour,
1 egg
250 g butter,
1 stack Sahara,
100 ml of water
2 tbsp honey,
1 tbsp soda,
1 tbsp ginger powder,
1 tsp ground cloves,
1 tsp cinnamon,
1 tsp vanillin.
For glaze:
food colorings red and green colors,
3 egg whites
1 tbsp lemon juice.

Mix flour, soda and spices in one bowl, and in another - melted butter, egg, water, sugar, vanillin. Gradually mix the contents of the first bowl into the contents of the second. Ready dough divide into 3 parts, roll into layers 4 cm thick and refrigerate for 3 hours. Then roll out layers 1 cm thick and cut out the figures. Place cookies on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10 minutes. For the glaze, combine egg whites, icing sugar, lemon juice, food coloring and stir until smooth. Cover the finished cookies with multi-colored icing and apply a pattern to it using a pastry syringe.

300 g flour
1 egg
120 g butter,
4 tbsp granulated sugar,
4 tbsp sour cream
100 g nuts
1 can of boiled condensed milk.

Rub the egg with sugar, add melted chilled butter, sour cream and flour. Knead the dough, divide into 3 parts and freeze. Take out the frozen dough and rub it on coarse grater and lay the crumbs in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with paper. Bake in several batches for 10-12 minutes at 180°C until golden brown. Mix baked crumbs with chopped nuts and boiled condensed milk. Form bumps with a glass, periodically wetting it with water so that the mass does not stick. Put the finished cones on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

230 g flour
1 egg
150 g butter,
16 chocolate truffles
6 tbsp brown sugar
½ tsp baking powder,
1 tsp vanilla,
a pinch of salt.

Mix flour and baking powder, add salt. Whisk softened butter with 4 tbsp. Sahara. Add egg, vanilla and beat well again. Gradually adding the dry mixture to this mass, knead the dough. Roll into 16 balls the size of Walnut. Pour the remaining sugar into the cup and roll each ball in it. Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper at some distance from each other and bake for 10 minutes at 180°C. Put the candy in the freezer for 5 minutes. Remove the finished cookies from the oven, and in the center of each, while they are hot, press the candy. It's okay if the cookies are covered with small cracks. Let the cookies cool for 30 minutes and serve with tea.

350 g flour
2 eggs,
200 g butter,
100 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tsp baking powder
jam or thick jam.

Rub butter with vanilla and simple sugar, add eggs and stir. Then add flour, baking powder and knead the dough. Roll out the dough on a floured board to about 3mm thick and cut out the cookies. Leave half of the cookies unchanged, and cut out the middle of an arbitrary shape from the second. Put the prepared cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 10-15 minutes. When the cookies are ready, let them cool a little and spread the whole cookies with jam, and top them with the cookie in which the holes were made.

350-400 g flour,
3 eggs,

150 g sugar
100 g almonds
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar;
1 tsp ground ginger;
1 tsp cinnamon.
For glaze:
500 g of powdered sugar,
7-8 tablespoons of any syrup,
food coloring (optional)

Pour 2/3 of the total number of almonds with boiling water for 10 minutes to make them easier to remove the skin. Chop the remaining nuts. Pound butter, sugar and vanilla sugar, add eggs to this mass and mix. Then add cinnamon, chopped almonds, ground ginger and mix. Add flour and baking powder and knead not very stiff dough. Then shape into cookies and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Press a whole almond into each cookie and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180°C. For the glaze, mix the icing sugar with the syrup and put the resulting mixture on low heat. Cook the glaze, stirring with a spatula, for about 5-7 minutes (until it evenly coats the spatula). Add food coloring to the frosting, if desired. Dip the finished cookies in warm glaze and let it harden.

150 g flour
75 g butter,
3 art. l. liquid honey,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
¼ tsp ground ginger.

Sift flour and spices into a bowl. Add the butter cut into pieces and rub it into the flour with your fingers until the mixture resembles crumbs. Then add honey and mix to make a soft dough. Put the finished dough for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, wrapping in cling film. On a floured work surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-6 mm. Cut bells out of it. Put the finished figures on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 10 minutes until golden brown. When the cookies have cooled down a bit, cover them with colored icing, let it harden and decorate the bells with edible snowflakes and beads.

500-550 g flour,
2 eggs,
1 orange
150 g butter or margarine
150 g of sugar;
2 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tsp baking powder.
For decoration:
bitter chocolate,
silver beads.

Remove the zest from the orange. Then squeeze the juice out of it (you will need it too). Mix butter with sugar and vanilla sugar, add eggs to the resulting mixture and mix. Add lemon zest and juice. Add flour and baking powder and knead the dough. Roll out the finished dough into a layer with a thickness of about 2-3 mm and use the template to give the cookies a horseshoe shape. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or grease with butter), place cookies on it, place the baking sheet with cookies in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 10-15 minutes.

... Isn't this the most real New Year's miracle, created by one's own hands? May your New Year be as bright, joyful, tasty and unforgettable as magical cookie figures merrily looking from spruce paws.

Happiness and joy in the New 2014!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Christmas cookies with icing will perfectly fit into the festive atmosphere. It can be prepared to please children or presented as a gift to friends and family. Unusual design and delicate taste make this dessert a signature dish.

Choosing a dough for New Year's cookies with icing

For cookies with icing for New Year and Christmas, different dough is used: with or without yeast, with butter, honey, sour cream or mayonnaise. Thematic design will help to decorate festive table. Children will be delighted with such an idea. Puff yeast dough often used to make New Year's cookies. It can be given any shape. One disadvantage of cookies from such a test is the high calorie content. For its preparation, yeast, eggs, flour, milk, margarine or butter, salt, vanillin are needed. Shortbread dough is kneaded on the basis of butter or margarine, sour cream or mayonnaise can be added. You will also need flour, salt and sugar. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator if it turned out too much. Classic variant- eggs, flour, margarine, sugar.

A wide variety of products are used to make New Year's cookies, even beer, which can be a substitute for yeast. Thanks to him, pastries are tender and tasty. Curd dough is especially loved by children. Due to the presence of cottage cheese, such cookies are not only tasty, but also healthy. In addition to cottage cheese, eggs, flour, butter, sugar are usually added to it. As for choux pastry, it can also be used. But there will be slight difficulties in the design, since such pastries often turn out to be shapeless and with an uneven surface. But nothing is impossible.

Cookie frosting recipe

White icing is often made for New Year's cookies, as it is associated with snow, which is relevant for the winter holiday.


  1. Type of dish - pastries.
  2. The weight of the dish is 300 g.
  3. The country of the dish is Persia.
  4. The number of servings is 5.
  5. Calories (100 g) -
  6. Time for preparing -

Glaze Ingredients:

  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • protein chicken egg- 1 PC.

Cooking process:

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.
  2. Break the egg, separate the protein.
  3. Mix lemon juice, protein and powdered sugar, and then beat with a mixer until airy white mass. The content should increase by 2-3 times.
To do colored glaze, it is worth adding food coloring. You can also change the color with the help of natural products, such as beetroot, carrot and other juice. They are recommended to be used instead of lemon.

To prepare chocolate icing for New Year's cookies, add 1 tablespoon of cocoa to the resulting mass. Another option is to melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath, and then add 250 g of powdered sugar, an incomplete spoon of butter and a glass of milk. Stirring constantly, you need to boil the mass until it thickens. You need to use it right away as it dries quickly.


You can make a honey coating for cookies.


  • natural honey (not too liquid) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put it on a slow fire.
  2. Boil until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Let cool a little so that the contents become thicker and become viscous.


Marmalade icing for New Year's cookies is no less popular. You will need the following ingredients:

  1. marmalade - 200 g;
  2. butter - 50 g;
  3. powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Cut marmalade into small pieces, place it in a saucepan.
  2. Add the rest of the food and put the pan on the stove.
  3. It is enough to cook the mixture for about 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir gradually so as not to burn.
  4. When the mass cools down a little, it can be used for its intended purpose.


It turns out a rather viscous mass, which is especially suitable for creating a pattern on cookies.


  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • cream - 150 ml;
  • vanillin.


  1. Melt the butter over low heat, add sugar and cook until the mass acquires a creamy hue. As a rule, 5 minutes is enough for this.
  2. Remove the container from the heat, add the cream and beat everything until fluffy foam.
  3. Put the dishes back on the fire and boil its contents for 5 minutes.
  4. Add vanilla, stir and cool slightly, stirring occasionally.

New Year's gingerbread cookies with icing: recipe


  • flour - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • ginger (ground) - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • nutmeg - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon (ground) - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 30 ml;
  • icing as a decoration.


Gingerbread cookie with icing is traditional decoration table for New Year or Christmas. Give it the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus mittens, decorate with colored icing - the children will be delighted with such an original idea.
  1. Mix slightly melted butter with sugar and beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes.
  2. Then add milk and egg yolk to the resulting mass. Mix these ingredients and add flour, soda, ground cinnamon and ginger.
  3. Grate nutmeg grated, add to the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough and put in a cold place for 20 minutes.
  4. Choose a form. If you don't have a ready-made one, cut it out of thick cardboard. Dust your work surface with flour, take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll out the dough to about 5mm thick. Cut out Christmas cookies using a pre-made or homemade cookie cutter. If you want to hang it on the Christmas tree, you need to provide a hole for the rope. For this purpose, you can use a syringe without a needle, with the tip of which the dough is squeezed through in a certain place.
  5. The resulting figures are baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 8-10 minutes. When the cookies have cooled, decorate them. To do this, you can take an ordinary spoon, evenly rubbing the sweet mass over the surface with it. To draw any pattern on the cookies, use a pastry bag.

Shortbread cookies with icing for the New Year

  1. Type of dish - pastries.
  2. The weight of the dish is 400 g.
  3. The country of the dish is Persia.
  4. The number of servings is 7.
  5. Calorie content (100 g) - 480 Kcal.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • flour - 350 g;
  • cinnamon and vanillin - a small pinch each;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc. (plus one protein);
  • granulated sugar - 150 g.


Making shortbread cookies with icing for the New Year is quite simple. It turns out satisfying, and if you use natural products, then also useful. delicious confectionery make your tea party magical.
  1. Rub softened butter with sugar.
  2. Add the egg and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Add soda, vanilla and cinnamon to the flour, which will provide a pleasant aroma to the pastries. Stir.
  4. Knead the dough, which should turn out cool. So feel free to add flour if necessary.
  5. The dough must be rolled out to a thickness of 5 mm. Squeeze out different figures that correspond to the holiday with forms. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Although, as practice shows, baking does not stick anyway. Place the tray in the oven and bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
  6. Once the cookies have cooled, decorate them however you like.

Sour cream honey cookies with icing

  1. Type of dish - pastries.
  2. The weight of the dish is 300 g.
  3. The country of the dish is Persia.
  4. The number of servings is 5.
  5. Calorie content (100 g) - 400 Kcal.
  6. Cooking time - 30 minutes.


  • flour - 220 g;
  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt and soda - ¼ tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instruction

Sour cream and honey cookies with icing are tasty, but slightly harsh. Such products are perfect as Christmas tree decorations, if you first make holes for the ropes.
  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator first so that it becomes room temperature. Rub it with sugar, honey and salt. Add egg yolk and beat until fluffy.
  2. Mix all ingredients with flour and sour cream. Then add soda.
  3. Knead the dough until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It should not stick to the hands and the table. Roll out a layer 5 mm thick. Cut out shapes and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees until done.
  4. Let cookies cool and decorate with icing or melted chocolate.

New Year's gift or just cookies - decorations for New Year's cookies

As a decoration for New Year's cookies, you can choose ready-made confectionery: beads and more. If you show imagination, it is easy to decorate cookies yourself with the help of multi-colored icing using a pastry syringe. Such products are suitable for a gift or simply become a decoration for a New Year's table or Christmas tree. You can give cookies the shape of balls, a snowman or snowflakes. Or build a Christmas tree.

Or you can show your imagination and create the real ones. culinary masterpieces. Don't be afraid to experiment. Children will be delighted with such an idea, especially if they take an active part in the cooking process. May the New Year and Christmas be remembered by them as something magical.

The New Year and Christmas are coming soon, so you need to prepare and draw up a menu in advance. In this article you will learn a few recipes delicious cookies from different test, shapes, decorations and glazes to decorate them.
Recipe content:

New Year is a favorite holiday for many, and cookies these days are a favorite food. On New Year's Eve, you should definitely do baking and painting New Year's magic cookies in the form of snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees and angels. In addition, a child can be involved in this creativity.

It is not difficult to prepare such handmade cookies, any dough can be used. The main thing here is to skillfully and beautifully decorate cookies: apply a painting with a smooth, shiny and glossy glaze, which will be a real work of art. Coloring cookies is very interesting and exciting. In addition, glaze is not only elegant and beautiful, but also very useful. Thanks to it, products retain freshness longer. And preparing such a decoration is very easy, simple and not expensive. For the simplest glaze, you only need sugar and water. Although there are many decoration recipes.

In order for baking to be always spectacular, beautiful and fragrant, you need to follow certain rules for preparing glaze.
  • The frosting should not be too thick or too runny. Its normal consistency is similar to sour cream. Then it will be well applied to the cookies, quickly grab and will not spread. But if it comes out too thin, then add a little powdered sugar, too thick - hot water.
  • When preparing the glaze, often water is replaced with lemon juice, or a few drops of it are added for flavor. It will give a great taste and smell. For strongly sweet pastries It is better to use more lemon juice, this will create a contrasting taste.
  • A rich taste, a soft and dense texture, the glaze will turn out on proteins and yolks. Protein glaze used to draw patterns, and the yolks give a yellowish tint. For safety, it is advisable to dry such a glaze in the oven. Products are placed in a heated oven up to 100°C. This process will not only bake the glaze, but also protect against salmonella, because. it dies at 70°C.
  • Food coloring is often added to the glaze. Cookies with them are bright, festive and cheerful in appearance. Store-bought food coloring is used, but it is better to add natural coloring products. For example, raspberry jam(red color), turmeric and a piece of butter (orange color), crushed mint (green color). Brown color will give chocolate or cocoa powder. But for this it is better to use not porous chocolate, but ordinary slab chocolate.
  • Applied liquid glaze brush in several layers. For drawing, a confectionery syringe or a regular disposable medical syringe is used.

  • Plain: Mix 200 g of powdered sugar with 4 tbsp. l. hot water and put on a small fire. Cook for 5-7 minutes until smooth. Drizzle hot glaze over cookies.
  • From egg yolks: Whisk 5 yolks with 3-4 tbsp. orange juice to a firm foam. Gradually enter 1.5 tbsp. powdered sugar and stir until smooth. Cover the products with glaze, dry in the oven at t 100 ° C.
  • With rum: 1 st. sift powdered sugar. Add 1 tbsp. water and 3 tbsp. Roma. Thoroughly rub and cover the dessert.
  • Chocolate: Break 100 g of chocolate, add 3 tbsp. hot water and heat until chocolate melts. Put 1 tbsp. softened butter and 100 g of powdered sugar. Stir and decorate pastries.

A simple recipe for New Year's cookies is a lot of happiness, good mood, a little magic and faith in miracles. Then everything will work out! An important point in the preparation of cookies is strict adherence to the recipe. Miscellaneous dough requires a specific approach. Therefore, do not change the technology of preparation and the number of ingredients.

In the preparation of cookie dough, the process of working with butter is important. If it is mixed with sugar by melting on the stove, the product will be oily. Hard and tough cookies will come from chilled butter. Delicate cookies will be if the oil is thawed in advance. To speed up this process, the butter can be cut into small slices.

It is advisable to knead the dough away from the stove. Often the dough should be pre-chilled in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. To prevent the dough from heating up, divide it into parts - while you work with one of them. When you take the dough out of the refrigerator, knead it a little with your hands, and then start rolling it out.

Making homemade cookies with your own hands is very easy to prepare. By connecting all family members to the cooking process, you can arrange a small exciting holiday.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 368 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 10 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Softened butter - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g for dough, 110 g for glaze
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 275 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Protein - 1 pc. in glaze
  • Food coloring

Step by step preparation:

  1. Whisk butter with sugar. Add egg, vanilla extract and flour. Knead the dough.
  2. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm and, using cookie cutters, cut out cookies. Place them carefully on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 190°C for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.
  4. Cool the products for 5 minutes on a baking sheet, then keep on a wire rack until completely cooled.
  5. For the frosting, beat the egg white until stiff peaks form.
  6. Add some of the powdered sugar and continue beating until smooth. Pour in the remaining powder and mix. Add dye and stir.
  7. Decorate the finished pastries with icing and serve immediately for tea drinking.

New Year's Gingerbread Cookie in the form of fairy-tale characters will give a festive mood and perfectly decorate New Year's table. And for applying creative painting, attract children and arrange real mysterious magic.


  • Flour - 200 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Soda - 1.5 tsp
  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Liquid honey - 3 tsp
  • Oil at room temperature - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
Step by step preparation:
  1. In one bowl, mix baking soda and flour.
  2. In another bowl, rub butter with sugar. Add egg and honey. Mix thoroughly and put the mass into a bowl with flour.
  3. Knead the dough until it turns brown. The dough should stop sticking to your hands.
  4. Place the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll out the chilled dough to a thickness of 7 mm and quickly cut out the figures.
  6. Put them on a greased baking sheet and put them in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes. When the cookies turn brown, they are ready. The bread will be soft at first, but then it will cool and become crispy.