Red currant jelly is a bright and healthy dessert. The best recipes for red currant jelly with cottage cheese, cream, milk, wine

How nice it is cold winter evening open a jar of redcurrant jelly and at least for a while return to summer! The smell of sun and ripe berries lifts your spirits, the slight sourness tickles your tongue pleasantly. In addition, it is also a storehouse of vitamins, which are so lacking in winter. Red currants contain almost as much vitamin C as lemons, there are vitamins A and P, and a wide range of essential B vitamins. This makes jelly from these berries not only a delicious dessert, but also a valuable healing agent.

To bring yourself and your loved ones such joy, you need to know how to prepare redcurrant jelly correctly. Therefore, you can’t do without proven recipes.

Types of jelly and storage methods

Red currant is a storehouse of vitamins and a natural healer

Jelly can be prepared cold or hot. This will determine how to store the finished product.

Table of the ratio of ingredients and closures for various cooking methods

There are many recipes for redcurrant jelly. The ratio of berries and sugar depends on the cooking method, cooking time and the taste of the housewife. Since red currants contain vitamin C, which is a preservative, the jelly can be made with less sugar than listed in the table.

Jelly can be prepared cold or hot The amount of sugar in the jelly depends on the method of preparation and the taste of the housewife. Store jelly in the refrigerator or in a cool place

Jelly prepared coldly, without cooking, should be stored in the refrigerator. Banks, closed parchment paper, cannot be stored in the basement due to high humidity.

Step-by-step recipes for redcurrant jelly for the winter

Red currant is a tender berry, but has one drawback. Hard grains are hidden under the thin skin. That is why it is customary to first squeeze juice from this type of berry, and then make jellies and jams from it. The composition of the berries also contributes to this. Some varieties may contain up to 11% pectin. If there are not enough pectin substances, pectin or gelatin is added.

Pectin is an adhesive and gelling substance of plant origin. Contained in some berries, fruits and vegetables. Gelatin is a gelling agent of animal origin.

There are many recipes for jelly, but the process of preparing berries is the same for everyone.

Instructions for preparing berries

Free the berries from stems and debris

Carefully, so as not to damage, we tear off the berries from the stalks, simultaneously getting rid of litter, leaves and garden insects. Place the berries in a colander or sieve and stir into a bowl of clean water. We remove any floating debris and wash the berries.

Rinse and let the water drain

Remove the colander or sieve from the bowl and let the water drain.

Grind the berries

After this, crush the berries with a masher, pass them through a meat grinder, grind them with a blender or another method, and squeeze out the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth. Or just put it through a juicer. From 1 kg of berries, approximately 0.5 kg of juice is obtained.

Grind the berries through a sieve or colander

So, we have red currant juice. It is from this that we will prepare jelly, depending on the recipe.

Cold way

Since the berries are not heat-treated, all vitamins are retained in the jelly. This method produces the healthiest jelly.

For 1 kg of juice 1.2-1.25 kg of sugar.

Mix juice with sugar

Pour sugar into the bowl with the juice and stir until it is completely dissolved. To speed up the process, the juice and sugar can be slightly heated.

Place the jelly in jars

Pour the juice and sugar into sterilized jars, cover the jars with plastic lids or parchment and put them in the refrigerator.

After a day, the juice gels.

A wonderful delicacy! I just adore it, I’ve made it myself more than once, it’s delicious - both sour and sweet.

The most interesting thing is that it gels itself without gelatin.


Hot way

For 1 kg of berries: 1 kg of sugar and 200 ml of water

Warm the washed berries with the addition of 1 glass of water until the skin bursts.

Rub the mixture through a sieve, add sugar and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. During this time, some of the moisture will evaporate and the jelly will turn out thick. Finished product Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Hot cooking video recipe

Jelly prepared in this way can be stored in the basement or pantry.

It happens that the jelly does not harden immediately or does not harden at all. It depends on the pectin content in the berries. Experienced housewives It is advised to leave the product poured into jars for a day without lids, then the jelly will harden.

Five-minute jelly

For 1 liter of juice 1.3 kg of sugar

Mix the juice with sugar and place the dishes on the fire. Stirring, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Pour into sterilized jars and seal them iron lids.

Video cooking instructions

If you like honey, you can replace the sugar in the jelly with it.

With honey

For 1 liter of juice 0.8 liters of honey

Take light honey, without a strong smell.

Mix the juice with honey and bring to a boil while stirring over low heat. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring and removing foam.

Pour hot into sterilized jars, roll up the lids, and turn over. Can be stored without refrigeration.

With the addition of pectin, agar-agar, gelatin

If the berries are with low content pectin; for better gelling, pectin, agar-agar or gelatin is added. You can buy them in the store.

For 1 kg of berries add 5-15 grams of pectin

For 1 liter of juice 9-13 grams of agar-agar

For 1 kg of juice 20-30 g of gelatin

Sugar is added according to the recipe, but not less than 700-800 grams per 1 liter of juice.

Gelling substances are usually dissolved in water and added to the mass 5 minutes before readiness.

Home appliances make our lives much easier, especially during the period of preparations for the winter. Jelly with the addition of quittin (an analogue of pectin) is easy to prepare in a bread maker.

In the bread machine

For 1.4 kg of berries, 0.7 kg of sugar, 30 g of quittin

In the bowl of a bread machine, mix the berry juice with sugar. Pour the Quittin over the resulting mass; no need to mix.

Close the lid of the bread machine, set the “Jam” program. After about an hour, the jelly is ready, all that remains is to put it in sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

If you have a slow cooker, use it.

In a slow cooker

For 1 liter of juice 1 kg of sugar

Load the prepared berries into the bowl and turn on the “stew” mode. The berries should crack and release juice. When this happens, turn off the device, rub the berries through a sieve or squeeze out the juice in another way.

Pour the juice into the bowl, add sugar, stir. Set the stew mode and bring the mixture to a boil, removing the foam.

Place the finished jelly into jars and roll up or cover with plastic lids.

Advice! If you do not seal the jars tightly, place a circle of paper soaked in alcohol under the lid or simply pour 1 teaspoon of alcohol into each jar. The jelly will be stored longer and mold will not form on its surface.

Video of making jelly “for the lazy” with seeds

This jelly is prepared as usual, but after chopping the berries, the juice is not squeezed out of them, but is cooked together with the seeds and skin.

Both taste and benefit

Ready-made jelly is not only a dessert for tea, but also a filling for pies and cakes, an additive to ice cream and even a sauce for meat.

The time and effort spent on making jelly in the fall is compensated by a vitamin product in the winter and the gratitude of the household.

This year the red currant bushes pleased us with a large harvest. It was planned to make a lot of favorite berries various blanks for the winter. One of the most favorite currant treats is undoubtedly jam-jelly.

Homemade jelly from red currant - this is an incredible combination of sweet and sour taste with a bright note of berry aroma and a thick jelly structure, everyone in our family loves it. If you also have a sweet tooth, then be sure to use my simple and step-by-step recipe with photos and prepare such a tasty, healthy and beautiful red currant preparation for the winter.

We need:

  • red currants 0.5 kg;
  • sugar 0.5 kg (to taste);
  • water 50 ml.

How to make redcurrant jelly

Pick red currant berries yourself or buy them. The berries must be ripe, bright red, without defects. Red currants are difficult to separate from the branches, but this will not be a problem. Berries on a branch are suitable for this recipe.

Wash the currants and remove leaves, if any. Pour the red currant berries into a convenient container, add water, and put on fire.

Bring to a boil over very low heat, stirring constantly. The berries should become soft and the skin should burst.

Rub the berries through a sieve. For jam there will be juice with pulp, and the skins and seeds will be an excellent basis for compote. The cake can be divided into parts and placed in bags in the freezer.

Add sugar to the juice and pulp and mix. Send to the fire. Cook over low heat for 7 minutes.

Pour jam - red currant jelly into prepared jars. As it cools, it will immediately begin to thicken and gel.

Roll up the jars with a special key. Turn over. Cover with a warm towel. Remove after cooling quick jam- store red currant jelly in a dark and cool place.

Captivating aroma, bright color, jelly structure, magical taste - family and guests will be delighted. Delicious thick jelly red currant - this delicacy is certainly worthy of becoming a favorite and a frequent guest on every table. The usefulness of this preparation is off the charts, therefore, you need to prepare more of this jelly for the period of winter cold.

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  • Red currant juice - 500 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 0.75 - 1 kg

Cooking time: 2 hours during the day

Yield: 750 ml - 1 liter of jelly

The recipe for “live” currant jelly allows you to prepare a fragrant, beautiful dessert and at the same time preserve everything useful material summer berries, including vitamins (A, C, E), which are almost completely destroyed during cooking.

How to make red currant jelly without cooking (recipe with photos step by step)

We collect currants. It is better to pick the currants when not all the berries have acquired a dark red hue. Such currants contain more pectin, and, therefore, they gel better.

Separate the twigs and leaves.

The next stage is the most time-consuming. You need to squeeze the berries in portions with your hands through a double layer of gauze, a piece of tulle or even cotton fabric.

Experienced housewives claim that juice obtained using a juicer produces worse “live” jelly.

You can make a very tasty and healthy compote from the squeezes.

If seeds still get into the juice, it is better to strain it through a fine sieve.

Before adding granulated sugar, you need to measure how much juice is obtained; granulated sugar should be 1.5 - 2 times more. It is convenient to pour the juice into a jar, and then use the same jar to measure the sand. Any jar (if poured with a neck) will hold a little less sugar (approximately 850 g per 1 liter) than liquid, but this small error does not matter for the recipe.

Then you need to take a wide container (preferably glass, enamel or stainless steel) and pour all the juice into it. Add sugar in small portions and stir with a wooden spoon for 10-15 minutes. When all the granules have dissolved, add the next portion. This process can be divided into several times, allowing the workpiece to stand for 2-3 hours before adding sugar again, so the sand will disperse even better.

We transfer the finished jelly into a sterilized jar and close it; in the cold it gels in 5-8 hours, the degree of hardness depends on the type of currant.

If there is enough sugar in the jelly, then it can be stored without refrigeration under a screw lid.

What to do if redcurrant jelly is not frozen

You should not expect the same thickness from “live” jelly as from a dessert prepared hot or with thickeners. The wording “can be cut with a knife” does not mean this kind of red currant jelly; you cannot achieve such gelling using a cold cooking method. In the refrigerator, the jelly will become thick in a few hours, but in a dessert bowl on the table it will quickly begin to spread. The advantages of this recipe are not in the density of the workpiece, but in amazing taste fresh berries and vitamin reserves.

However, you can also struggle with the consistency of the jelly. If all the sugar has already been mixed into the jelly, but it still flows from the spoon like liquid syrup, then you can add more sugar in small portions and continue stirring, leaving the jelly for 2-3 hours in between adding sugar. If this measure does not help, and there is a feeling that the sugar is not dissolving well, then you can warm the jelly a little over low heat and continue stirring, without boiling.

How to increase the density of “live” redcurrant jelly

The gelling properties of the workpiece can be increased in two ways:

Redcurrant jelly without cooking with gelatin

The dessert will be much denser if you make jelly with gelatin or another thickener (pectin, agar-agar). The technology for making jelly in this case changes slightly:

  • For 1 liter of juice, take 2 tablespoons of gelatin, dilute in cold water and leave for 1 hour.
  • When the gelatin has dissolved, heat it up a little on the stove and stir in sand.
  • Add a warm solution of gelatin with sugar and 1 tablespoon to red currant juice. lemon juice. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour into jars.

Red and black currant jelly without cooking

The density of the jelly will increase if you prepare an assortment of two types of currants, because... There is a lot of pectin in black currants; the juice of this berry with sugar instantly solidifies, even without refrigeration. For a liter of red currant juice, take half a liter of juice black currant, the juices are mixed, and then prepared, like red currant jelly without cooking, a recipe for the winter will help you do everything correctly. You can use another procedure:

  • mix the sugar well in the red currant juice,
  • add blackcurrant juice and carefully mix the two juices,
  • Some housewives add half a glass of dry white wine to the juice mixture, so the sugar dissolves even better (however, such an alcoholic preparation can no longer be given to children).

Is it possible to squeeze jelly juice through a juicer?

Many housewives prefer to squeeze the juice through cheesecloth manually and claim that this way the product gels better. There is no scientific evidence for such a strategy, because even if the jelly, made using a modern unit, and not the old-fashioned way, does not harden, the reason may not be in the juicer, but in the type of berries or the amount of granulated sugar. The hostess will find a lot of advantages in modern recipe making red currant jelly without cooking, there is no loss of juice through the juicer, very little pulp remains. In addition, the housewife saves her time and does not spoil her hands; they are not corroded by sour currant juice.

The recipe for making currant jelly using a juicer does not differ much from in the classic way. The only difference is that the juice is obtained using a juicer from raw or preheated (to soften the peel) berries. Some versions of the recipe suggest mixing berry juice not with sugar, but with sugar syrup, which must first be prepared. This way the sugar will be better dispersed in the juice.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the site “I am a villager”!
Today we continue the theme of red currants, I’ll tell you about simple recipes preparations for the winter and delicious desserts that can be prepared from red currants.

ABOUT beneficial properties red currant and its use in folk medicine, you can read in, and today we will prepare supplies for the winter.

The most popular preparation for the winter from currants is jelly; it can be prepared cold or hot, without adding gelatin. In both cases, the jelly turns out jelly-like and tasty.

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 1 kg granulated sugar

We wash the berries, grind them in a meat grinder or juicer, or you can use a blender. We rub the finished mass through a sieve or squeeze it through several layers of gauze.

Add granulated sugar and mix. You need to stir until the sand is completely dissolved.

The result is a jelly-like, beautiful mass, put it in clean jars and close with plastic lids. It turns out delicious and vitamin jelly from red currants.

It should be stored in a cool place until spring.

Recipe for hot redcurrant jelly

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 750 g granulated sugar
  • 1 packet of vanillin

Pour the washed berries into enamel pan, add one glass of water and bring to a boil.

We wipe the finished mass through a colander or squeeze it through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, add the remaining sugar and vanillin. Bring to a boil and simmer for one minute.

Immediately remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars, seal with iron lids and set to cool.

This jelly can be stored for several years; I prepare it once every three years. It turns out very tasty, you will lick your fingers.

Redcurrant juice recipe

  • 3 kg red currants
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 500 g granulated sugar

We wash the berries, add water (the berries do not need to be separated from the branches) and cook for 10 minutes. Strain through a sieve or multi-layer gauze.

Add sugar to the resulting juice, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes and pour hot into jars, roll up and store. This juice can be stored for a very long time.

It can be used for compotes, jelly and various desserts.

Redcurrant jam

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 1 kg granulated sugar
  • 1 packet of vanillin

Sprinkle the washed berries with sugar, mix and let stand until the berries give juice. The berries are very tender, they crush easily, I recommend stirring them very carefully when cooking.
Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes; currants themselves are a good preservative and do not require long-term heat treatment.
Cool and pour into jars, cover with plastic lids, or cover with parchment paper.

Freezing red currants

There are several ways to harvest red currants.

  • We wash and dry the berries, placing them on a towel. Place the berries on a baking sheet and freeze. We prepare containers or bags, lay out the frozen berries and close or tie them tightly. Place in the freezer for storage. In winter, you can prepare various desserts and bake pies from frozen berries.
  • Sprinkle the washed berries with sugar and mix using a blender. Place the finished mixture into containers, close tightly and place in the freezer for freezing and storage.

Redcurrant marmalade recipe

Red currant berries are rich in pectin and are ideal for making delicacies such as marmalade.

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 1kg granulated sugar
  • 1 packet of vanillin

Place the washed berries in a basin, add a little water, half a glass, steam over low heat, rub the finished mass through a sieve or squeeze through multi-layer gauze.
Mix with sugar and set on slow fire, boil until the volume is reduced by 1.5 times, add vanillin before the end of cooking.

You can pour the finished mixture hot into jars and cover it with parchment paper and put it away for storage, so you can bake pies with marmalade in the winter.
The hot marmalade mass can be poured onto a baking sheet moistened with water and when it hardens, cut into cubes or other shapes, roll in sugar and serve homemade marmalade with tea.

You need to store this marmalade in a candy box, placing each layer with parchment paper.

And now I want to offer you some delicious desserts and sauce, which I and my family really liked. Try it, it’s tasty and healthy.

For cooking, you can take fresh and frozen berries.

Vitamin cocktail made from red and black currants

  • 1 cup red currants
  • 1 cup black currants
  • 1 glass of water, or sparkling mineral water
  • 6 teaspoons sugar

We wash the berries, add sugar, chop and beat, add water and mix with a mixer again, pour into glasses, add pieces of ice. If you are making a cocktail from frozen berries, do not add ice.

Redcurrant juice mousse

  • 1.5 cups red currant juice
  • 50 g semolina
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar (I get by with 2 teaspoons)

We put the juice on the fire (if you take ready-made juice with sugar, then do not add more sugar), add sugar, heat, add semolina, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Cool the mixture until warm and beat with a mixer. Pour into molds and let cool. A delicious dessert is ready.

Red currant dessert

  • 500 g red currants
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 can of sour cream, 200 g
  • 1 pack of cottage cheese, 200 g

Combine the washed berries with sugar and grind with a blender. Add sour cream and cottage cheese, beat everything together, place in bowls and cool. The dessert turns out very tasty!

Redcurrant sauce for meat

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper mixture
  • 1\2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar, without a slide

We pass the berries through a meat grinder and separate the pulp from the juice through a sieve; the juice can be obtained in any way.

Squeeze the garlic into the juice, add pepper, salt, sugar, mix everything. Delicious sauce ready for meat!

This sauce can also be made from frozen berries.

Red currant is a very healthy and versatile berry; you can use it to prepare a lot of different delicious dishes, desserts are especially good!

I have a lot in my piggy bank delicious recipes red currant dishes. I will definitely share it with you in the near future.

The site “I am a villager” wishes you good health and Bon Appetit!
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The long-awaited time for the berry harvest has arrived. They are ripening in the gardens the best varieties red currant. This berry is loved for its unique aroma and peculiar sour taste. It contains vitamins B, D, E, as well as such a well-known vitamin as vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Regular use red currant increases resistance to stress, insomnia, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses of toxins. In Rus' they gave her the nickname “Berry of Beauty”. Red currant juice perfectly relieved inflammation, acne, and freckles.

The red berry will benefit the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, as it contains a lot of potassium and iron. Perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, preventing swelling. It is very useful for elderly people, as it resists arthritis, rheumatism, and atherosclerosis.

The best way to preserve the vitamin component is to make jelly from red currants. Currants grown in the garden almost always make excellent jelly, you just need to add sugar. And for currants purchased on the market, it is better to use a gelling agent. Then we can say with confidence that in the end you will get jelly.

Let's consider several options for preparing “yummy” red berries.

Redcurrant jelly recipe without gelatin

Option #1. Sweet recipe for cold storage

Required: per kilogram of red berries - 2 kg of granulated sugar. Pre-sterilize jars and lids.

Cooking process:

1. Sort the berries, wash and dry.
2. Grind the berries - crush, pass through a juicer or use a blender.
3. Next, proceed as you prefer - squeeze the berries with gauze or rub through a sieve.
4. Add sugar to the resulting juice in small portions, stirring constantly.
5. If the currant variety is rich in gelling substances, then the mass will thicken right before your eyes.
6. Place the jelly in (sterilized) jars, add a teaspoon (teaspoon) of alcohol. Cover the jars with plastic lids. Store only in the refrigerator.

Option #2. Heat-treated currant jelly

Required: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of granulated sugar, 0.5 liters of water.

Cooking process:

1. It is recommended to sort the currants and wash them if desired. If you don’t have time, you don’t have to remove the branches; they are not a hindrance at the next stage.
2. Place the berries in an enamel saucepan and add 0.5 liters of water.
3. Bring until bubbles begin to form, but do not boil.
4. Allow to cool so as not to burn yourself further.
5. Pour the liquid into a separate pan, it will come in handy later. Squeeze out the remaining mass.
6. Next, rub through a sieve or squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
7. Now mix the juice and broth, which is stored in a saucepan. Strain. Add sugar.
8. Cook the jelly over low heat for 30 minutes. Make sure it doesn't boil too much.
9. Divide the finished mixture into jars, with a spoonful of sugar on top. Screw on lids for canning.
10. Turn the jars over and do not touch them until they have cooled completely.
11. Check the quality of the twist and put it in the cellar.

How to make red currant jelly with gelatin (recipe No. 3 - 5)

Option #3. Redcurrant with gelling agent

Required: for 0.5 kg of red berries - a glass of powdered sugar, 15 g of gelatin, 150 ml of port (liqueur, wine), 150 ml of cream.

Cooking process:

1. Dissolve gelatin in 0.5 cups of water and leave to swell.
2. Add water (a glass) to the washed berries and powdered sugar(2/3 cup).
3. Bring the mixture to a boil, then squeeze well using a sieve.
4. Mix the swollen gelatin with port wine and water (2/3 cup). Cook until the gelling agent is completely dissolved.
5. Mix with the syrup prepared earlier.
6. Pour into molds, cool for about 6 hours in the refrigerator.
7. Prepare currant puree from the remaining cake. Add powdered sugar and cream and mix in a blender.

Decorate the jelly with the resulting puree, fresh berries, and a mint leaf. It will turn out very tasty and beautiful.

Option number 4. Frozen redcurrant option

If in the middle of winter there is a desire to taste aromatic redcurrant jelly, then you can use frozen berries.

Required: for 200 g of red currants, use 200 g of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of gelatin, 0.5 liters of water.

Cooking process:

1. Pour gelatin according to instructions and leave for an hour to swell.
2. Pour frozen red currants into boiling water, add sugar and cook for no more than one minute.
3. Slowly add gelatin mass.
4. Strain through cheesecloth and pour into molds.
5. Cool in the refrigerator - and bon appetit!

Option #5. Redcurrant dessert (with gelatin)

Required: for 150 g of berries - 3 glasses of water, 2 tablespoons of gelatin, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Add sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Pour gelatin with water (2 cups) and set aside for 30 minutes until it swells evenly.
2. Rub the currants through a sieve, add a glass of water and cook. Use only enamel cookware.
3. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula.
4. Strain through cheesecloth, add sugar and lemon juice to the resulting juice. Place on the stove over low heat.
5. Skim off the foam, stirring. Add the swollen gelatin. Wait until it dissolves.
6. Place the jelly in molds and cool in the refrigerator.

It will be tasty and beautiful if you put berries and a mint leaf on top of the jelly.

And finally. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy redcurrant jelly. It can be prepared as a preparation for the winter. Or how delicious dessert. This dish looks amazingly beautiful and is incredibly healthy. And jelly using gelatin adds nutritional value dish.