Lemon icing for Easter. Custard for Easter cake

Icing for Easter cakes can be made in several ways. It can be protein icing, chocolate icing or sugar icing without eggs. Read this article for three options. step by step cooking icing for Easter cakes. Choose the option that you like the most. Let your cakes be very tasty!

This is my favorite cookie icing recipe. Preparing such a glaze is very simple, it turns out white, dense, dries quickly, does not stick, does not crumble and does not sprinkle. To make this frosting you will need:

  • gelatin - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 6 tbsp.

Icing with gelatin: preparation.

1 tsp gelatin pour 2 tablespoons cold water. Leave to swell.

Meanwhile, 1 st. sugar pour 4 tbsp. water and put on a small fire to boil sugar syrup. Cook until the sugar dissolves, be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn.

Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the syrup from the heat. Add the swollen gelatin to it and stir until the gelatin dissolves.

Now take a mixer and beat the resulting mass until it becomes white and thick.

Spread this frosting over your cakes right away as it sets quickly. After the Easter cake has been anointed, immediately pour in the decorations, the gelatin pack has not done its job.

Such a glaze is both beautiful and will not crumble in a few days, will not crumble when cut, dries quickly, it does not need to be dried additionally.

Protein glaze with powdered sugar.

Traditionally, it is customary to prepare icing sugar for Easter cakes from egg whites and sugar. You can also make this frosting with this recipe. For the white frosting you will need:

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - half a glass (can be replaced with sugar, but powdered is better)
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with citric acid at the tip of a knife)
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar- optional for flavor

How to make icing with protein and powdered sugar.

Separate the protein from the yolk. Add a pinch of salt to the protein and beat with a mixer for 1 minute. A thick foam should appear.

Now put powdered sugar (half a glass, or 60 gr.) To the protein and pour lemon juice (1 tbsp.).

Beat the protein with powder with a mixer at high speed until a thick foam forms. Cover the cakes with this glaze and decorate as you like. If you want the icing to not stick, put the cakes in the oven for a couple of minutes to dry the protein.

Chocolate icing for Easter cake.

If you want to diversify your cakes a little, you can do chocolate icing. It is done very simply and quickly.

Take milk or dark chocolate without additives and butter. Proportions 1:1. That is, 100 gr. chocolate need 100 gr. oils.

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in the microwave or in a water bath. Add soft butter (you need to get it out of the refrigerator in advance!) Add to soft chocolate, mix. And again melt everything together until a homogeneous mass is formed. Everything, the icing is ready!

Wait for the frosting to cool and thicken. After that, you can apply it on Easter cakes. You can decorate with grated chocolate and orange zest or sprinkles for Easter cakes.

Bake cookies with love! Happy Easter to you!

Sweet, rich pasochka and lemon glaze with a light pleasant sourness- this is very delicious combination, try it!

Usually we decorate the pastries with protein glaze - from egg white and powdered sugar(or ready mix, which includes sugar, starch and citric acid, but sourness is almost not felt due to its small amount). The dough is sweet, the icing too. For some reason, one portion of the glaze turned out to be more sour than usual - and it turned out to be very tasty! And I thought: what if I make icing for Easter cakes from lemon juice and powdered sugar - the kind with which we paint gingerbread cookies and pour cupcakes? The result is amazing!

lemon glaze perfect for cake sweet dough and it looks very nice, but it is done simply and quickly.


  • Powdered sugar;
  • Lemon juice.

Adjust the amount depending on the consistency of the glaze. More powder less juice- the glaze will be thick; on the contrary, it will be more liquid. The approximate ratio is 1.5-2 tablespoons of juice per 100 g of powdered sugar.

How to cook:

Pour powdered sugar into a bowl, add a little lemon juice (strain through a strainer so that citrus seeds do not get into the glaze).

Rub with a spoon and look at the consistency. If necessary, add more juice or powder.

Drizzle glaze over pasties and leave to harden for 20 minutes.

At first, the glaze is translucent, but, solidifying, becomes matte.

While the icing is still not completely frozen, you can sprinkle with sugar sprinkles. But not right away, because liquid glaze the dressing melts, and after 5-7 minutes.

Hello to all! Here, very soon, the most important Orthodox holiday this year will be on our doorstep. We will give to friends and, of course, the post will finally end.

We will arrange a feast for which we will cook from different products and ingredients. But, let's not forget about the most important dish - about and about handsome Easter cakes.

Of course to do such delicious treats can be difficult, but I think you have already decided for yourself with the most the best recipe, but still you need to elegantly and superbly present his dining table.

How to do it? Of course, with the help of decorating such sweets special glaze or as it is also called fudge. It can be prepared from different ingredients. But, everyone wants her to be not only attractive on appearance, but also so that it does not crumble and crumble when we divide the muffin into portioned pieces and bite, am-am.

Let's figure it out together, and I hope the result will not keep you waiting. Choose your favorite glaze recipes and create in your kitchen.

How to prepare icing for Easter cake so that it does not sprinkle and crumble?

Any hostess at least once in her life made such a cream, and would like the result to be snow-white and such that everyone would be pleased.

I've always had to do protein glaze, but somehow one day I tried another option, and he struck me on the spot. Because the result was stunning, it did not stick almost to the knife and hands, and most importantly, there were no crumbs when you bite off or cut with a knife. Here is the number))). Cool isn't it? You probably guessed it, we are talking about such a cool fudge, which is made without eggs, but based on gelatin.

And besides, you need only three for such watering. simple ingredient, which you can easily buy at any grocery supermarket.

We will need:

  • gelatin - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 100 g
  • water - 3 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Pour half a teaspoon of gelatin into a clean glass container and immediately fill it with water (1 tablespoon).

Important! It is necessary to fill in with hot, but not boiling liquid.

Stir with a spatula until it becomes transparent and uniform in consistency. Let it swell, do not forget to read the instructions on the package and check the expiration date, otherwise this component may not let you down.

2. In another metal container, you can take a ladle, place sugar and pour two tablespoons of ordinary running water. Put on fire and cook until the granulated sugar is melted, be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn.

3. As soon as you see that the sugar has dissolved, immediately add the swollen gelatin and mix thoroughly on the stove.

Then remove from the stove and cool slightly, let it cool down a little. And then take an electric mixer, you certainly won’t get such an effect with an ordinary hand whisk.

4. You will get a white and thick fondant icing, which you will definitely get. And for a little sourness, you can add citric acid here on the tip of a knife or a couple of drops of lemon juice.

5. You need to use it on Easter cakes immediately so that it does not have time to dry out.

Interesting! If you have a thin layer of fondant, it will dry in 7 minutes, but if you apply a thick layer, it will take several hours, so keep that in mind.

Now check it in practice, take a knife and cut it. So how is it? It's amazing, it's true. :)

Homemade icing with powdered sugar and lemon juice

You are probably a little surprised, well, what I decided to show you for a change new version, which is really simple and suitable for decorating any baked goods. Especially if you cook cupcakes and the like.

By the way, the most interesting thing is that this can be done without a mixer, it's like a lifesaver for young and young hostesses who have not yet had time to purchase home appliances.

We will need:

  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp
  • hot water - 1-2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. The first thing you need to do is squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon. This is easy to do, use a juicer or a special grater for this. Or you can cut into pieces and put them in the microwave for 15 seconds, and then you will quickly squeeze the juice from them.

2. According to the plan, you need to add two tablespoons of lemon juice to the powdered sugar, by the way, you can experiment and take Orange juice what will come out? Who will try to do it?

3. Stir the mass with a spoon, and then add water, pour as much as you like, add it a little bit so that it does not turn out to be very liquid. Adjust the density yourself.

Custard for Easter cake

Well, now, I want to suggest that you watch this video, I personally love it very much, probably one of my favorites, but it is important to catch the right and right moment in it. Learn, together with the hostess, and then, you, too, will certainly succeed, for sure.

Icing sugar with gelatin - recipe without eggs

For those who don't like egg white frosting, I personally don't mind it, but when there are children in the family, it's better to use Alternative option to avoid getting an infection. Do you understand what I mean? After all, protein is made exclusively of their raw proteins, but in this one they are not.

But, at the same time, the taste of such charms is awesome, it also looks attractive and beautiful, and besides, it does not crumble and does not break at all, which is definitely important for everyone.

It used to be secret recipe, now almost everyone knows him, the secret is revealed.

We will need:

  • gelatin - 1 tbsp
  • water - 6 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

1. Place gelatin in an empty cup and pour two tablespoons of cold water at once, stir and let it swell for 10 minutes.

3. Stir the mass and put it on the stove, stir and make sure that the sugar does not burn or caramelize.

Important! Cook over low heat and stir very often.

4. As soon as the sugar dissolves, add a lump of swollen gelatin, stir. Take the mixer and start beating until the mass becomes snow-white and creamy.

5. Thus, you need to beat for about two to three minutes. Then move it aside and let it cool, otherwise it will float on ready-made Easter cakes.

6. Once the icing is warm, cover the surface with it sweet pastries and decorate with whatever you want. What a beauty, just creepy).

Important! Do not leave the icing alone for a long time, if it cools completely, it will harden, because the gelatin will thicken a lot. So don't miss this moment.

If this happens, you can put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, and it will again acquire the desired liquid consistency.

Thick white fudge made from sugar and proteins

Now let's focus on protein, before it was everywhere and always decorated with such goodies. The basis is proteins, it turns out delicious and perfect.

There are several rules for making such a cream, but here are what you will learn if you watch this video.

Special frosting recipe if there is no mixer

I decided to show you the option on sour cream, maybe someone wants to do it. Although of course it is most suitable for biscuits or cakes.

We will need:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • sour cream 25% - 1 tbsp.
  • vanillin - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cover any sieve or colander with a gauze cloth, do it like this, as shown in this photo. Place a cup under the sieve. Fold the fabric in several layers. Put fat sour cream here.

2. Cover the sour cream with gauze and put any press on it, for example, a jar of jam.

3. Leave in this position under pressure for 2 hours. Remove the load and unwind the fabric, it looks like cheese in appearance).

4. Place the sour cream in a bowl and add sugar and vanilla to taste and mix with a spoon.

5. Get a thick and sweet coating for any baking with a little sour note.

Chocolate glaze with cocoa powder

But with such a masterpiece that you can make based on milk, such a video from the YouTube channel will help you figure it out. Take note, the recipe is really good, and most importantly, it can then be used everywhere.

We will need:

  • milk - 200 ml
  • what kind of powder - 100 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 50 g

Quick setting icing with starch to keep it from sticking

Well, I also came across such an option that is made with starch, it may be interesting for someone to create one. There is nothing difficult in this either, any beginner can handle it.

We will need:

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - to taste
  • corn starch - 0.5 tsp
  • powdered sugar - 230 g

Cooking method:

1. First sift the powdered sugar and starch through a strainer, and then add the protein of one egg to it.

Important! Take only fresh egg, yolk in this case will not need.

2. Rub these two ingredients with a spatula, this is not done quickly, approximately 10-15 minutes.

3. You can speed up the process and beat with a mixer.

4. So, here's what happened, if desired, for a small acid, you can add lime or lemon juice.

Video on how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with icing for Easter 2019

It's no secret that we all want the holiday to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, so we will definitely try to decorate our delicacies with something special, namely, we will write something interesting and irresistibly magical to amaze everyone. To do this, I propose to watch this video and choose the right option for yourself, take the idea of ​​decors.

Remember that this business has its own subtleties and secrets, read these tips before you start to cope with this business perfectly.

  • Apply fondant to the top of your head bakery product while it is warm.
  • Use a silicone brush to work, it is easiest to work on the surface. You can just dip even in the icing, but it's good if it is protein.
  • The consistency should be homogeneous and not liquid, but rather thick, so that the icing easily lays on the baking surface. If it is too thick, then it can be diluted with water, and if it is liquid, add powder.
  • It is best to take powdered sugar, if you use sugar, then you should grind it in a blender or coffee grinder.
  • Use natural dyes in order to present culinary masterpieces in an original way.

On this, as always, I have everything. I hope you liked the article and you will share it in in social networks and join me in the contact group. Have a nice and positive day everyone! Good luck! Till!

Hello everyone!

Missing new recipes? I definitely and immediately dashed off a whole note with delicious proven fudge recipes for Easter baking. Oh, well, without it, the cake is not a cake. Do you agree? Glaze, all so tender, airy and sweet, beautifully covers the very top of Easter products.

You can, of course, be not particularly religious. But, who has forgotten, I remind you that we are getting ready for the big Bright Holiday. Already stocked up. And also replenished their culinary piggy bank with amazing

Therefore, today about her - icing. Looking ahead, I will say that the ingredients for its manufacture require 3-4 strength and all these products are always at home. The process itself also takes a little time - 15-20 minutes. True, it can take a long time to dry. But not all prescriptions. There are such options that you need not to yawn, but immediately spread on baked goods.

Well, we use the fudge itself not only for pastries, but you can also cover gingerbread cookies. To do this, we glaze from special pastry bags.

How to make icing for Easter cake so that it does not crumble

Such icing with gelatin and lemon juice will never crumble on your baking. And when cut, it remains smooth without any cracks. For these qualities, and also for the pleasant sour-sweet taste, many cooks love it.

It's important to know that our perfect fondant dries very quickly and won't wait for you to bake. Therefore, before proceeding with its preparation, the pastries should be already baked and chilled.

I also advise you to buy fresh gelatin, and not use last year's. Then he behaves as we need.

We need:

  • Water - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Gelatin - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 200 grams;
  • Lemon juice - 7-8 drops.


1. Pour gelatin with 2 tablespoons of cool water and set aside to swell.

2. While it swells there, pour all the sugar into a small saucepan and pour the remaining water. Stir the mass until all the sugar is wet. You may want to add more water, but it's better not to do this - this amount is enough.

3. Put the saucepan on slow fire and cook, stirring constantly. We need to make sugar syrup. When it is all dissolved, the syrup is ready.

4. Cool it for no more than 5-6 minutes and immediately add the swollen gelatin. Quickly, quickly interfere until the mass becomes viscous.

5. We take out the mixer and start whipping the syrup at the highest speed. It should turn white in just three minutes.

6. Now we drip 7-8 drops of lemon juice, continuing to beat the mass. If you want it sour - pour more. And also, if desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and then the icing will turn out chocolate.

7. In 20 minutes, fondant can completely harden. Therefore, without delay, we proceed to the coating. To do this, we dip the Easter cakes directly with the top into the saucepan and turn in a circle. Do everything carefully, trying not to flood all the pastries.

Well, in 15-20 minutes Easter baking can be served at the table.

Kulichiki came out just a feast for the eyes under an airy snow-white cap. We eat with pleasure!

Protein and Sugar Easter Fudge Recipe

I think this is the most popular and classic frosting we know of. But it’s just that sometimes we forget how many ingredients to put in, and therefore we immediately look for a recipe. Another reason is that proteins do not always want to whip into a very thick foam. And without a thick foam, there will be no beautiful snow-white caps at Easter cakes.

But it's good that there are recipes that take into account all the nuances. Therefore, if everything is done according to technology, then the result is always joyful and satisfies any housewife. See the detailed recipe.

Required products:

  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.


1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks into a glass bowl. We do everything very carefully, because an extra drop of yolk in proteins can ruin everything. Immediately prepare more lemon juice and powdered sugar.

2. Put the bowl in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Well-chilled proteins beat better.

3. We take out the proteins after the time has elapsed and begin to beat with a mixer until light foam. With the mixer still running, add the lemon juice. Beat and pour in small portions of powdered sugar.

4. Beat the whole mass at medium speed until strong peaks appear. This fondant does not drip from the whisks of the mixer. It can already cover the tops of Easter cakes.

This glaze will keep for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. And on products it can freeze for several hours. Therefore, do not cover the pastry with a towel until it is completely dry.

5. We spread snow-white lush foam on top of pastries and decorate with various confectionery decorations. It can be multi-colored sprinkles, grated chocolate, waffle colorful leaves.

You can show your imagination and color the already hardened hats with confectionery pencils.

In general, it's all about your invention and good mood!

And then we serve pasochki for tea. bon appetit!

An interesting way to make glaze with milk

I also liked the delicious milk. The preparation time takes no more than 5 minutes and the mixer is not needed at all. And the fudge itself is white-transparent, shiny and tastes pleasantly milky. It also freezes with a bang! Let's watch a visual video.

A simple option for glazing cakes on gelatin

Here we consider the simplest version of fudge with just three ingredients. And for everything to work out, it is important to strictly follow the recipe. And then it's just perfect option! It does not crumble and does not spread, which all hostesses like so much.

We need:

  • Gelatin - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 100 grams;
  • Clean water - 3 tbsp. spoons.


1. Stir half a teaspoon of gelatin with 1 tablespoon hot water but not boiling water. Stir, stir until dissolved, until transparent.

2. In a saucepan, combine 100 grams of sugar with the rest of the water and cook over a fire until completely dissolved. At the same time, stir vigorously with a spoon all the time.

Many hostesses use powdered sugar instead of sugar. It dissolves faster and does not leave any grains in the fudge.

3. Pour in the gelatin mass in a thin stream and knead until smooth.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat. We need to chill her. When it cools down and becomes warm, beat with a mixer into a thick, viscous mass.

6. Therefore, we cover with a thin layer and immediately use the confectionery colored topping.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process. Sometimes the icing may not work, but this happens in very rare cases and depends on the quality of the sugar or gelatin. Therefore, experiment in advance, so that later you can please your family and friends with magnificent glazed pastries.

Awesome chocolate fudge with cocoa

Why not cover the cookies with chocolate yummy? We all love chocolate, so let's use it here. Moreover, the recipe is simple, everyone can handle it. And then the result will please with its deep chocolate flavor and mirror surface.

Required products:

  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Cocoa powder - 50 grams.


1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom. There we add sugar, cocoa powder and 50 grams of water. Put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.

2. In chocolate mass dissolve the butter and remove from heat.

3. Cool a little and glaze the pasties, pouring from above. We decorate to your taste. We let the brown fondant harden and the treat can be eaten with family and friends.

Good appetite!

Colored Beauty Recipe for Covering Easter Cakes

I was inspired last Easter and I created nothing but masterpieces! Well, in my opinion it is, but you can argue and criticize. I will not be offended. And if you like it, follow a simple recipe.

We take protein glaze as a basis. I described the cooking method at the beginning of the note, so cook it first. We also need dry food coloring. At that time I had green, red and blue colors.

Cocoa will also give a beautiful and tasty shade. You can put somewhere 0.5-1 teaspoon of the product in fudge.

We put our fondant in different bowls to paint them each in a different color. Pour the dye literally on the tip of a teaspoon and immediately mix with a mixer.

Here I painted it in a delicate pink color, adding a little bit of red paint.

Here I got a soft blue, like the color of the sky. I liked this shade the most and I applied it to large Easter cakes.

Then I decorated part of the cake with colored sprinkles, part with sesame seeds, part with poppy seeds and even waffle flowers.

Conclusion: you can use different food colorings just try not to overdo it. Let the colors be better gentle and not very bright. Fondant hardens in time in the same way as unpainted. That is, until it completely solidifies, it may take 10-12 hours.

Today I have everything. Got questions? Feel free to ask them below in the comments. And also share useful tips on social media with friends.

The icing on the Easter cake is not just a decoration, it has its own meaning. It symbolizes the pure thoughts of people, renewal, purification and the beginning of a new life, which is why its color has always been snow-white.

But times change and traditions too, because eggs are painted not only red and the icing can be not only white. And even white icing they try to decorate with multi-colored powder and other various decorations. Which, in my opinion, is not bad, because this is a festive pastry and it should be very beautiful.

And so you want your efforts not to crumble at the touch of a knife, so housewives are always looking for that very delicious glaze that does not crumble and does not stick.

Easter egg white frosting recipe

Perhaps the most popular glaze is protein, icing, as it is also called. And this name came to us from England, like the glaze itself. Confectioners of monarchs decorated cakes and other cakes with icing. confectionery, which is probably why it is considered "royal icing".

It requires a minimum of ingredients, it is not difficult to prepare, but there are some subtleties.


  • protein - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - 150 - 180 gr
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

How to do it right - step by step description and tips:

Advice! To make the icing, make sure that the dishes with which you will work are completely dry.

In the air, the glaze hardens quite quickly, so it must either be prepared immediately before being applied to Easter cakes, or kept in a tightly sealed container.

Advice! Of course, you need to decorate fresh pastries, but before applying the icing, the Easter cakes must be cooled. And there is no need to rush and make drafts in this matter. The cooling process should take place naturally.

Glaze can be colored by adding food coloring. You can use it not only for Easter cakes, but also for decorating cakes, muffins, gingerbread, cookies.

By adding more powdered sugar, you will get a thicker icing, from which you can make figures for decoration or paint on products, as shown in the video.

Lemon icing sugar frosting (no eggs)

This recipe will be of interest to those who are afraid to eat raw eggs. Light sourness will give sweet cakes a unique taste. citrus note and no hassle with it. The simplest and easiest recipe.

We will need:

  • powdered sugar - 150 gr
  • lemon juice - 3 - 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. To make the icing tender and airy, you need to without fail sift the powdered sugar to saturate it with oxygen and free it from lumps.
  2. The sifted icing sugar must be thoroughly rubbed with lemon juice. For this recipe, we also do not need a mixer, the icing is of high quality with manual mixing. The proportions are approximate, so the juice should be added in small portions until we achieve the desired consistency - the finished icing should slowly drain from the spoon, not fall in a lump and not quickly run down.

The only negative of this glaze is that it turns out to be “liquid” in color. If you want to get a more saturated color on the cake, you can apply several layers, each time waiting for the previous one to dry completely.

By the way, this glaze can be made orange, cherry and any other, replacing lemon juice with the juice of the berry or fruit you would like to get the taste of.

Advice! If you use colored sprinkles, candied fruits, nuts or other decorations to decorate Easter cakes, then use them immediately after applying the glaze so that they have time to “grab” and keep well on the surface. And that goes for any frosting.

Custard sugar fudge

If for some reason you suddenly do not have powdered sugar, then this is not a reason to refuse to decorate Easter cakes. It can be replaced with sugar, although in this case you have to boil it a little.


  • sugar - 8 tbsp. l.
  • hot water - 6 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice - 8 - 10 drops

See the video for the recipe for making custard fudge.

Icing for chocolate cakes

If you want to please your children with delicious cakes, decorate them with chocolate icing, I'm sure they will like these cakes.

We will need:

  • chocolate - 1 bar (white, milk, dark)
  • heavy cream - 30 ml

How to do:

  1. Pour cream into a bowl that can be put on fire.
  2. Break the chocolate, put into the cream. We put on fire, and constantly stirring, melt the chocolate.

As soon as it melts, immediately remove from heat and immediately apply with a brush to Easter cakes.

Delicious chocolate icing is obtained not only from pure chocolate, using cocoa, you can get a pleasant, delicate fudge with a creamy taste.


  • sugar - 1/2 cup
  • heavy cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 50 g
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Put cocoa, sugar in a bowl, mix well.
  2. Add soft butter and cream.
  3. Put on a small fire and cook until thickened.

Recipe with marshmallows

Want to get frosting with delicate taste like a marshmallow, make marshmallow icing. The glaze turns out to be snow-white, elastic, does not drain, and when dried, it does not sprinkle.


  • marshmallow - 100 gr
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • powdered sugar - 120 gr.

How to cook:

On such a glaze, heavy decorations hold well, it can be applied in a thick layer. But it is important to know that a thick layer will take longer to dry and stickiness may remain.

gelatin glaze

Another glaze that does not sprinkle and is very pleasant to work with. It turns out tender, but at the same time, the snow-white hat sits firmly on the Easter cake.


  • gelatin - ½ tsp
  • water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar (powdered sugar) - 100 gr.
  • lemon juice - ¼ tsp

Step by step recipe with photo:

The icing on gelatin thickens quickly, so it must be immediately spread on Easter cakes. If it still thickens, it can be slightly warmed up in a water bath.

If you apply a thin layer, the glaze will dry in 5-10 minutes, a thick layer will take longer.

In conclusion, I suggest watching a video on how to decorate Easter cakes beautifully and in an original way.

Happy Easter!

Delight your loved ones with festive pastries decorated with homemade delicious icing for Easter cookies. I hope that from the proposed recipes there is one that you will like.

Peace, goodness and love to you.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.