Punch recipe alcoholic. Punch: the best recipes

“Sofia, I hope you have prepared
punch in best traditions our house?
Would you like some punch, Mr. Ryder?
There's nothing better than rum punch at this time of day."
"Of course, with pleasure," Ryder replied.

"The Recalcitrant Bride" K. Coulter.

“Ah, Mr. Ryder, how I would like to join you and try this wonderful rum punch,” I involuntarily thought while reading these lines. An amazing thing is that writers and poets of all countries at one time dedicated so many warm words to punch, as, probably, to no other drink. Let's take Pushkin, for example: "And the punch is a blue flame." Apparently he was also true connoisseur punch. What can I say, just the name of this drink is so seductive that you immediately want to try it. It seems to be hiding some kind of mystery, and like a promise to reveal its secrets with each new sip to everyone who eats it. Where is this unusual name? How and when was this magic drink, who has not lost his admirers so far?

It turns out that the wonderful punch is an ancient Indian hot drink, made from five main ingredients: rum, wine, honey (or sugar), water, tea (or fruit juice) and spices, most often it was cinnamon or cloves. Nowadays, such strict rules are no longer adhered to, making some changes to the preparation of punch. By the way, the name itself - punch - indicates the number of ingredients, because in Sanskrit it means "five". In Russia, this fiery drink of joy gained particular popularity in the 18th century, and in the 19th century it was already well known and loved among the Russian intelligentsia. But at the same time, punch was available to the common people. Pairs well with heavy hearty snacks, he was simply indispensable during the big holidays. They still drink and drink punch not only hot, but also cold. However, in essence, it should, of course, warm.

Shouldn’t we start “punching”, as our ancestors used to say in the 18th century, which meant drinking punch in a pleasant, cheerful company. But first, you need to prepare it properly. Believe me, even someone who has never done this will cook a punch at home, his recipe is so simple. Punches are hot and cold, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. It is customary to prepare a hot alcoholic punch as follows: first, sugar is dissolved in hot water, juice, spices are added, and only then - rum or cognac. It is necessary to act in this sequence and not vice versa. You can not pour hot water into cognac or rum, from this they lose their essential and aromatic substances, which will negatively affect the taste of the drink you are preparing. The prepared punch is heated to 60-70°C, after which it is poured into glasses or cooled if this type of punch is served cold.
If, for example, you decide to cook non-alcoholic punch, add tea instead of alcohol. The base juice needs to be warmed up, and then added to it. fruit syrup, tea or milk. It is often served hot as well.

There are a great many recipes for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic punch. Having mastered the simpler recipes, feel free to proceed to virtuoso recipes. The same rum punch, which has several cooking options, is still considered a classic. Rum, of course, remains an unchanged component. Really unique is the champagne punch or, as it is also called, "New Year's punch". The whole uniqueness is that it is served hot, but at the same time, surprisingly, it does not lose its effervescence at all.
Try making your own punch, even if you've never made it before. After all, even the preparation of this drink is an incomparable magical sacrament. And how to make your drink truly exquisite and divinely delicious, our recipes are already ready to tell you.

1 liter of strong black tea
2 stack Sahara,
1 liter of strong rum
2 l red table wine,
½ stack orange juice
½ stack lemon juice.

Dissolve sugar in brewed tea. Dilute the rum with wine and sweet tea and put the mixture on the stove. To add flavor, pour in lemon and Orange juice and heat, but do not boil. Strain the finished punch, pour it into a spherical bowl and, pouring guests into mugs, drink until it cools down.

Punch with white wine and rum

750 ml of rum,
1 liter dry white wine
500 g sugar
1 liter of water
3 lemons (juice and zest)

Heat the sugar along with the lemon zest over low heat in an enamel saucepan. Without removing the pan from the heat and stirring constantly, add the rum and wine. When the sugar is completely dissolved, pour in hot water and lemon juice, mix everything and pour into mugs.

200 ml dry red wine
100 ml of vodka,
500 ml strong tea,
100 g sugar
1 lemon
1-2 cloves,
1 piece of cinnamon.

Bring tea with sugar and spices to a boil and leave in a sealed container for 30 minutes to infuse. Then strain it, add wine and heat it up. Pour in the vodka before serving.

Hot milk punch

50 ml cognac,
50 ml rum,
150 ml milk
1 tbsp Sahara,
nutmeg - to taste.

Bring the milk to a boil. Heat a glass over hot steam and pour hot milk into it, add sugar and mix. Then add rum, cognac and nutmeg to taste. Serve hot.

1.5 liters of dry white wine,
750 ml dry red wine
500 ml cognac,
300 g sugar.

In an enameled container, heat white and red wines to 70 ° C and, adding sugar, mix. Remove from heat and add cognac.

3 lemons
500 g sugar
500 ml of water
500 ml dry wine
150 ml of rum,
150 ml of vodka,
1 stack strong tea.

Grate the zest from one lemon and squeeze the juice from the lemons. Brew a glass of strong tea. Dissolve sugar in water, add lemon juice and lemon zest to the resulting solution. Boil the resulting mixture until it thickens. Then let it cool and add wine, rum, vodka and strained tea. Let the punch rest for 1-2 hours and serve warmed to 65°C.

500 ml of water
75 g sugar
2 stack black tea,
1 liter of red wine
500 ml cherry liqueur
4 tbsp brandy or vodka
½ stack lemon juice
1 lemon (zest)
2 pcs. carnations,
2 cinnamon sticks.

AT enamel pan pour in water, add sugar, cloves, cinnamon and lemon peel. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Then remove from heat and add tea. Mix everything well and strain after 5 minutes. Then add red wine cherry liqueur and cognac (or vodka). Put it on again slow fire and heat up to 80°C. Then pour in the lemon juice and serve hot.

Hot coffee punch

1 liter of strong natural coffee,
200 g sugar
750 ml Cahors,
750 ml brandy.

Pour coffee into an enamel pot, add sugar, Cahors and cognac. Heat the mixture to 70°C and pour into glasses and serve to guests.

Hot wine chocolate punch

250 ml of water
100 g sugar
30 g cocoa powder
750 ml red table wine,
2 glasses of cognac,
1 egg.

Stir water, sugar, cocoa powder and bring the mixture to a boil. Then remove the mixture from the heat and add table red wine heated to 70-80 degrees, mix and, when the cocoa powder settles to the bottom, strain into another container, adding whipped with a small amount water egg and cognac. Serve hot.

Ingredients (1 serving):
200 g of water
20 g vanilla syrup,
20 g lemon juice
2-4 g of dry tea,
2-4 cloves,
1 piece of lemon zest.

Brew strong tea. Then mix juice and syrup, add spices and pour strong hot tea infusion. Drink hot.

Hot egg punch

1 liter of strong tea
200 g sugar
8 yolks,
1 lemon
1 vanilla stick
rum (or liqueur) - to taste.

In a liter of strong tea, boil a little vanilla stick and lemon, cut into pieces along with the peel, then strain, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Rub the egg yolks with sugar, mix with tea, put on fire and, stirring constantly, cook the cream. Remove from heat and continue stirring for a few more minutes. Then add rum or liquor (about 1-2 glasses of rum or liquor per 1 glass), pour the finished egg punch into glasses and serve hot.

100 g of beer,
50 g cognac,
100 g of water
1 tsp Sahara,
1 slice of lemon.

Dissolve sugar in water, add a slice of lemon and heat to a boil. In another container, heat the beer for 30 seconds and pour hot water with sugar into it. Stir, strain, add cognac and pour into mugs.

Punch "Fiery"

500 ml strong tea
150 g sugar
½ sachet vanilla sugar,
½ lemon
¾ stack. Roma,
2 raw egg yolks.

cut into small pieces lemon along with zest. Put in a bowl, add vanilla sugar, fill strong tea and, having covered with a lid, put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil 3-4 times, then remove from heat and strain. In a separate saucepan, beat the yolks with sugar and, continuing to beat, pour hot strained tea into them in a thin stream. In a water bath, stirring constantly, boil the mixture until it thickens. Then remove from heat and, still continuing to stir continuously, pour in the rum. Serve hot.

Punch "Evening by the fireplace"

250 ml dry white wine
70 ml of champagne,
1 tsp Roma,
85 g sugar
1-2 cloves,
1 piece of cinnamon
lemon zest - to taste.

AT enamelware bring white wine with sugar to a boil, then add a piece of cinnamon, cloves and a little lemon zest to it and boil for 2 minutes. Then strain, add rum, pour in champagne. Serve garnishing the glass with a slice of lemon.

2 tbsp. brandy,
750 g red table wine,
500 ml mineral water,
1 lemon
1 orange
75 g sugar
lemon zest - to taste.

Mix sugar, orange and lemon juice and cognac, add lemon zest. Infuse for 1-2 hours, then strain the mixture and pour red table wine and mineral water into it.

450 ml dark rum
2 bottles of champagne
3 raw egg whites,
600 g sugar
550 ml orange juice
220 ml lemon juice
zest of 1 orange,
ice cubes.

Mix egg whites, sugar, zest, orange and lemon juice. While stirring, strain into a punch glass with ice. Then carefully add the rum and champagne. Serve immediately.

Cold punch "Imperial"

500 g strawberries
200 sugar,
300 ml red wine
ice cubes.

Rub the strawberries through a fine sieve into a glass dish. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Pour in red wine. Add ice before serving.

3 pineapples
6 lemons,
1 kg of sugar
1 bottle of champagne
500 ml rum
250 ml of wine.

Squeeze juice from lemons. Peel the pineapple and cut into pieces, mash into a puree. Pour the sugar with lemon juice, add a little water, mix and, bringing to a boil, boil the syrup. Pour boiling syrup over pineapple puree, add rum and keep the mixture under a tightly closed lid until it cools completely. Then add the juice squeezed from oranges to the cooled mass. Pour in the wine and champagne, mix, strain and place in freezer. Serve chilled.

600 ml tea
300 ml orange juice
150 ml lemon juice
175 g sugar
1 orange slice
1 lemon slice
strawberries, mint leaves and ice - to taste.

Pour sugar over tea, add lemon and orange juices, orange and lemon slices and ice. Garnish each glass with a strawberry and two mint leaves and enjoy a nice refreshing punch.

1 liter of tea
175 g honey
250 ml sparkling water,
lemon juice, mint leaves, ice - to taste.

Mix freshly brewed tea with honey and lemon juice. Cool, strain and pour into a container with ice. Then add sparkling water, put a couple of mint leaves in glasses, fill them with punch and serve.

Drinking punch alone is, of course, boring. Here is a great occasion for you to cook punch and gather a pleasant company of relatives and friends. They say that punch should be drunk, sitting down without fail in a circle, so that he has the opportunity to go round several times, while everyone should wish the others health, happiness and success. hot punch will warm your guests in the winter cold not only to the fingertips, but also to the very depths of the soul, and on a hot summer day, a cold punch will refresh and fill you with vigor and good mood.

Happy punching!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Lovers of pleasant and tasty spirits like to experiment with various recipes cocktails. The preparation of various hot and cold non-alcoholic or alcoholic drinks is not only interesting and exciting, but also gives the home craftsman and his loved ones the opportunity to try original and delicious drinks.

Among the common and popular alcoholic beverages among gourmets, punches are highly sought after and popular. What is punch? What is the history of its appearance? What recipes and options for its preparation are there? How complex is the manufacturing technology?

What is an alcoholic punch?

Punch is an elementary alcoholic drink in preparation, which will be a great decoration. holiday table or a friendly meeting. In order to prepare a punch, you do not need to spend a lot of time, effort or money, and you can prepare a drink in different volumes and using more and more new ingredients, thanks to which new cocktail recipes are born.

The punch drink itself includes not only alcoholic, but also non-alcoholic cocktails, which are prepared using fruits and other ingredients. At a time when sailors discovered new lands, the punch recipe appeared, which later migrated to European countries and became one of the most popular in some of them. Since it was the sailors who discovered and brought the punch recipe to Europe, it is natural that this drink was originally prepared on an alcohol basis.

There are an incredible number of punch recipes, and its peculiarity is that any home craftsman or housewife can cook it from the ingredients and ingredients that are at hand. The alcoholic base of punch is most often wine, brandy, rum, bourbon, liquor and dark beer. To the table, this drink is served chilled or hot, and sometimes even burning.

Recipes for alcoholic punches

Hot punch recipes are in particular demand and popularity among users, and the most famous are as follows.

Classic alcohol punch

Classical. It stands out from the rest with a pleasant fruity taste and aroma. In most cases, it is prepared on the basis of rum, and in some cases with wine and liquor. The classic hot punch recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Dark rum - 350 ml;
  • Hot drinking water - 750 ml;
  • Brewed tea - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

How to make Classic Punch:

  • Tea brew is poured warm water and insist for 15 minutes. The result is a clear liquid, so all tea leaves should be removed by straining through a fine tea strainer;
  • Rum is poured into the strained tea leaves and granulated sugar is added, after which lemon juice is squeezed out;
  • The resulting mixture is poured into a metal bowl and simmered for 15 minutes, stirring constantly;
  • The punch is served hot.

Special glasses from which punch is drunk have thick glass, thanks to which it can withstand the high temperature of a hot drink.

Classic European punch

This recipe was brought to Europe at one time, where it not only took root, but also received wide recognition and popularity. As one of the components in this recipe, red wine is used, which has a positive effect on cardiovascular system. The punch recipe should not be confused with mulled wine, because the wine in this case is not a base, but an addition, and high-quality rum acts as an alcohol base.

To implement this recipe you will need:

  • Rum - 1 bottle;
  • Red wine - 2 bottles;
  • Drinking water - 1 l;
  • Lemon - 2 pcs;
  • Orange - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Spices - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  • Drinking water is boiled, granulated sugar is poured into it and it is stirred until it is completely dissolved. The drink is cooled to 50 degrees;
  • Red wine is heated and when it just comes to a boil, add an orange and a lemon 1 each, after cutting them into circles or slices;
  • At the next stage, spices are put into the drink;
  • The remaining citrus fruits are used to squeeze juice, which is added to hot wine, after which it is mixed with water and sugar, right in the drinking bowl;
  • To effectively serve the drink to the table, a strainer is placed above the bowl, where two sugar cubes are placed, which is poured over with rum and set on fire. Under the action of high temperature, the sugar melts and spreads over the surface, setting fire to the entire punch.

Punch is a drink, the properties and effect of which are especially appreciated when frosts begin outside the window or it is time for colds. It is not only pleasant to use, but also good for health.

The word "punch" appeared in everyday life in ancient India, but how its meaning has changed over the centuries! Today, this is the name of almost any alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktail, which contains fruits or their juice, nectar or pulp. That is why there is a wide range of recipes and cooking methods. This list of popular and delicious drinks There is a punch recipe for every taste.

cold punches

Announcements related to the request

Compound: for one glass, take 40 milliliters of light and the same amount of dark rum, half a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, 20 milliliters of lime juice. canned pineapple, lime or orange to decorate the glass.

  • This drink, like many other chilled ones, is prepared quickly. Combine both types of rum in a shaker;
  • Shake them up and add juices. Shake well before serving and garnish the glass with a slice of pineapple or a lime wedge. This drink is perfect for a Hawaiian themed party.

You need: 25 milliliters of Drambuie, a teaspoon of Cointreau, 12 milliliters scotch whiskey 1/3 cup high-fat milk, 8 milliliters sugar syrup, ice cubes, powder nutmeg. These proportions are suitable for creating one glass of punch.

  • The recipe for creamy Scottish punch is as simple as possible. Add all kinds of alcohol to the cooking container, shake well;
  • Pour milk and a little sugar syrup into the mixture, stir and strain into a serving glass;
  • Right before you give the drink, add a few large ice cubes, and sprinkle the top of the punch with nuts.

Compound: a liter of tequila, the same amount of soda and lingonberry juice. For cooking, you will also need two cans of concentrated lemonade or soda without taste, crushed ice.

  • This drink is suitable for emergencies, when in just a couple of minutes you need to prepare a pleasant alcoholic treat for big company. Stir all liquids except soda;
  • Add soda right before serving. Usually such a drink is placed on the table not in glasses, but in deep bowls. It goes especially well with lingonberry oatmeal cookies.

You need: for 6 people you will need a third of a pineapple, 125 milliliters of dry white wine, a bottle of sweet champagne or its semi-sweet counterpart.

  • Separate the pineapple from the peel. Cut the pineapple pulp into even cubes;
  • Mix pineapple and wine in a blender. Wait until a light yellow foam appears;
  • Pass the pineapple scrolled through a blender through a sieve and leave it for 60 minutes in the refrigerator. This is necessary to remove small bones from the mixture;
  • Stir the cooled mixture well, it will resemble ice cream in texture;
  • Pour some mixture into glasses. Top up with champagne and serve to guests. Usually a cold punch with champagne and pineapple is served at the table at the end of the meal, since this drink is by its nature an aperitif.

Punch with raspberries and whipped cream

Compound: 100 milliliters of freshly squeezed fresh raspberry juice, 50 milliliters of vodka, 100 grams of sifted powdered sugar, 500 milliliters of whipped cream or 600 milliliters of regular concentrated; three fresh raspberries per glass.

  • Whip the cream yourself or buy ready-made in the store;
  • Add them to raspberry juice, vodka, add powdered sugar to the future punch;
  • Stir your drink well or blend in a blender until uniform consistency. Pour it into tall glasses and garnish with berries. If you don't want to use real fruit, use gummies.

You need: 3 cups (about 900 grams) watermelon pulp and the same amount crushed ice, 1.5 cups of white herbal vermouth, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

  • In a blender, beat watermelon, wine and sand;
  • Add frozen water to the punch and beat again;
  • Pour it into glasses and serve. Do this as soon as possible to prevent the ice from completely melting.

Compound: cognac, one glass of granulated sugar and three glasses of pure water, orange zest or lemon peel, 4 chicken proteins, lemon and orange juice (the choice depends on the zest you use).

  • Prepare the syrup. To do this, immerse sugar in a saucepan, fill it with cool water and boil;
  • When noticeable steam rises from the surface of the water, put the zest into it and cool;
  • Pour juice, alcohol into cold liquid. Pass your drink through a sieve;
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff, add to the punch and beat again. When serving, the drink should be light and lush.

hot recipes

You need: 350 milliliters of strong dark rum, 750 milliliters of boiling water, 3 large spoons of granulated sugar or a little refined sugar, lemon and 2 teaspoons of tea leaves.

  • Brew warm tea, let it brew for at least a quarter of an hour. Remove the tea leaves from the liquid by straining;
  • Pour rum into a vessel, add sugar to it. Squeeze the juice into the mixture so that the drink acquires a slight sour note;
  • Pour the future punch into a saucepan and cook, stirring, for about 15 minutes. Serve hot.

Compound: two glasses of cherry or cherry juice, 500 milliliters of red wine, 3 cloves, a little strong black tea, a cinnamon stick, 1/3 cup of cane sugar, 50 milliliters of rum and amaretto, as well as 1 medium juicy lemon.

  • Cut the lemon in two. Pour in tea, add spices;
  • When the mixture begins to boil, pour the wine into the warming vessel. Warm up to 80 degrees Celsius;
  • Try a small spoonful of the drink. If it doesn't seem sweet enough to you, add cane sugar;
  • Mix everything thoroughly and mix the remaining ingredients into the punch.

You need: half a liter of semi-sweet red wine, 100 milliliters of herbal cognac, 100 grams of dark chocolate, 100 grams of sand.

  • Break the chocolate into pieces or use a grater. Put it on the bottom of the pan;
  • There also go sugar, red wine. Start brewing punch;
  • As soon as the chocolate has melted, pour all the brandy into the container. Taste the drink and adjust its cloying if needed;
  • Heat the punch to 80 degrees and pour into portioned glasses.

Beer punch with egg foam

Compound: a liter of light beer, 3 chicken proteins and yolks, 12 teaspoons of powdered sugar, unpeeled fresh lemon, cinnamon to the taste of the cook.

  • Using a mixer, beat the eggs and powder into a homogeneous foam;
  • Grate the peel of a lemon on a fine grater, add to the pot with beer. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil it further;
  • Remove punch from heat and stir in egg froth. Pour liquid into glasses and serve hot.

You need: 1/2 cup rum, half a liter cow's skimmed milk, sachet instant coffee, 100 milliliters of strong espresso, 50 grams of dark chocolate. People have come up with many adaptations of the coffee recipe, but this one can be prepared quickly, so let's talk about it.

  • Heat milk over moderate heat. Add chocolate chips and instant coffee to the punch bowl;
  • Mix everything and heat;
  • Pour the rum and espresso into the punch and serve the coffee punch hot.

Compound: 1 tablespoon of vodka, 150 milliliters of blackcurrant juice, 2 dessert spoons liquid honey, a sprig of cat or peppermint, cloves, a tablespoon of sugar. But you can use more or not use at all. These products are enough to create one serving.

  • It will take you 5 minutes to make punch with blackcurrant and vodka. First of all, pour blackcurrant juice into the pan and stir the sand in it;
  • Add cloves and honey to the liquid. Bring it to a boil;
  • Finally add the vodka and strain the punch into a heatproof serving glass. You can decorate the drink with mint leaves.

You need: liter bottle rum and the same, but with dry red wine. Also useful are 400 grams of granulated sugar, a liter of purified drinking water and a lemon.

  • The process of making wine and rum punch is simple. Mix alcohol, sugar and water. Warm the resulting liquid until the sugar dissolves;
  • When the temperature reaches 60-70 degrees Celsius, add lemon juice to the drink. Serve hot in a thick glass, which you can garnish with lemon zest or candied marmalade.

Non-alcoholic punches

Compound: 300 grams fresh berries sea ​​buckthorn, 150 grams of lemon, 100 grams of orange, a teaspoon of ginger, a pinch of cardamom, 1.5 liters of pure water, a glass of refined sugar, ice cubes, 20 grams of fresh mint leaves.

  • Crush the peeled sea buckthorn in a wide bowl. Grind it through a chintz, separate the natural juice and sea buckthorn cake;
  • AT sea ​​buckthorn juice add citrus juices, put the jar of juices in the refrigerator and cover with cling film;
  • Transfer the zest that remains from the fruit to the cake, add mint and boil in water;
  • When bubbles appear on the surface, add spices and sand. Stir, boil and strain the drink;
  • Dip the peeled ginger into it for a couple of minutes, and then mix all the ingredients, pour into a decanter for serving. If the punch is too hot, sprinkle it with ice.

This the recipe will do for a large company, calculate slightly smaller quantities of the drink based on the number of tasters. For 24 people you need: 3 cups of water, 1.5 cups of granulated sugar, 80 grams of packaged peach jelly, 800 grams of canned peach slices, half a glass of lemon juice, 8 bottles of sparkling water, 350 grams of peach nectar.

  • Bring sugared water to a boil, stir until sugar dissolves;
  • Cool the future punch slightly and add jelly powder to it;
  • Dip into blender canned peaches and beat until puree. Pour the jelly into a bowl and add the beaten pulp, nectar and lemon juice. Divide the mixture into 4 parts and place it in containers. Let each cool in the freezer for at least 8 hours;
  • Before serving, let thaw for at least 1 hour, stir the jelly and crush into pieces. Pour the mass into clean glasses, and top with soda. Instead of sparkling water, you can use ginger ale, but then the drink will no longer be non-alcoholic.

Compound:½ cup fresh strawberries (than larger berries, the better), 1 lemon, 2 medium oranges, sweet apple, 3/4 cup granulated sugar, or cane sugar, dried peel lemon, 2 tablespoons tea, ginger and cardamom at your own discretion.

  • This drink takes a long time to prepare. Therefore, do not use the recipe if the guests are already on the doorstep, if you are in a hurry. First, peel the apple from the cuttings and peel. Cut into massive pieces;
  • From peeled citrus fruits, cut out mugs;
  • Add these fruits and strawberries to one container. Leave to brew for at least 30 minutes so that a natural sweet and sour juice appears;
  • Pour boiling water over the tea, after the final brewing, strain and get at least 1.5 cups of black tea;
  • Add the seasonings to the bowl with the strawberries, oranges and lemon. Then pour tea into it;
  • After stirring, let it brew for at least an hour. Before serving, strain the punch and garnish with bright tubes.

You need: 6-10 large ice cubes, 2 Conference pears, 160-170 grams each, 200 milliliters of pure water, half a glass of sweet lemon-flavored soda, 50 grams of verbena leaves, fresh lemon, 150 grams of sand.

  • Remove seeds and skins from pears. Make cubes from the remaining pulp, put in a saucepan;
  • Add the washed verbena there;
  • Pour everything with water, put the punch on the fire. Continue cooking until the pears are soft, i.e. about 15-20 minutes;
  • AT ready drink pour in the lemon juice, remove the pan from the stove or hob and strain it;
  • Pour the punch, soda and ice cubes into a glass pitcher. When pouring into glasses, decorate them with pear or citrus slices.

Compound: liter homemade juice cranberries, 400 milliliters of a mixture of grape and raspberry juices, a cinnamon stick, a small orange, 8 cloves, 4 black peppercorns and 4 glasses of drinkable water.

  • Remove the peel from the orange with a vegetable peeler. Squeeze juice out of it;
  • Create a spicy gauze bag. To do this, take a multi-layer square from it (15 centimeters by 15). Put the zest and spices in the middle, sew with a special thread;
  • Put a bag in a cooking container, fill it with all the products that you have prepared;
  • Close the multicooker lid. Cook the punch on low power for up to 6 hours or medium power for about 2.5. Then remove the bag of cinnamon, pepper and cloves. Pour the rich burgundy drink into heat-resistant glasses and garnish with orange slices.

You need: half a liter of apple and cranberry juice, 250 milliliters of freshly squeezed orange or tangerine juice, 5 strips orange peel, a few tablespoons of ginger root powder, 1 red apple, bee flower honey and star anise, a dozen cloves, 2 cinnamon sticks.

  • Pour the first two juices into a cooking pot. Immerse the zest and all the prepared seasonings there;
  • Heat the mixture until it starts to boil;
  • Pour orange juice into a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of honey, apple slices;
  • Boil for a few minutes so that everything is soaked with new ingredients, and after straining, try to consume it as soon as possible. The fact is that the cooled punch loses its taste.

Compound: half a glass of water, 150 grams of sand, the same amount of crushed ginger, a quarter cup of lime juice, 1.5 cups of unstrained pineapple juice, 3-4 ice cubes, a bottle of sparkling water.

  • Mix in one vessel water, sand and ginger powder;
  • Boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly;
  • Chill the punch syrup. After filtering and cooling for 2-3 hours, add both juices to it;
  • Before serving, add an ice cube and a little soda to the classic punch. And whatever recipe you choose, bon appetit!

Punch is one of the ancient drinks. Originates in India. Represented in those days a hot (heated) mixture of rum, sugar, lemon juice, strong tea leaves. Having appeared in Europe, the punch recipe began to vary due to changes in the ingredients in it. Instead of rum, brandy and wine were used here. Over time, the punch has been transformed, acquiring many completely different recipes along the way of its development.

Punch could be called not hot, but cold drink based on fruits, their juice, berries. Thus, modern punch can be fruit, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, hot and cold, with ice. You can see such an amazing variety of this drink at the top of this page "Povarenka" in the form of a variety of punch recipes that are completely different in composition.

Alcoholic punch

Classic homemade punch is usually based on alcohol. AT winter time year, such a choice of punch recipe will be just right. Punch will warm you no worse, invigorate, cheer you up, disperse the blood. Hot punch recipes can contain alcohols such as rum, cognac, wine (red, rosé and white), liquor, beer, champagne, tequila, whiskey…

As additional ingredients, giving a special taste and bouquet to the drink, hot punch recipes contain chocolate, sugar, lemon, etc. citrus fruit(both their juice and zest), egg yolks and whites, cinnamon, dry cloves, nutmeg, coffee, milk, berries, fruits and their juices ...

Hot punch is made by heating alcoholic ingredients with spices. Often the hot punch is topped with a burning lump of sugar, which is doused with cognac or vodka and set on fire. Punch in this case is very effective.

Or here is an example of a hot new punch recipe. To prepare it, pour four teaspoons of dry black tea with a liter of boiling water, add two cinnamon sticks, a few dry clove flowers, let it brew for five minutes under a closed lid. Now you need to strain the drink, add 250 grams of sugar, one and a half liters of dry red wine, juices from two lemons and four oranges to it. The mixture must be heated without boiling, pour into glasses, rinsed hot water, and serve to the table.

Non-alcoholic punch

Non-alcoholic punch is most often served very chilled. It is prepared from juices of fruits and berries. This fruit punch is especially good in the hot season.

To understand the principle of making a cold fruit or berry punch, you should give a simple recipe for this drink. For example, raspberry chilled non-alcoholic punch is prepared as follows.

Half a liter of cream is whipped with a mixer. 200 ml of raspberry juice, a third of a glass of powdered sugar are added to the cream. Whipped punch is poured into tall glasses, garnished with fresh raspberries and ice cubes.

It may seem strange to us that the etymology of the word "punch" originates from Hindi. Everything becomes clear if you understand the history of this drink. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Great Britain invaded India. So the British military got acquainted with the "chips" of the local cuisine. Among them was "Punch". In Indian this word means "five". That's how many ingredients make up this drink: water, alcohol, fruit juice, sweetener (sugar or honey) and spices. The British changed the word "punch" into "punch", but also brought something of their own to this ancient Indian drink. At first, the alcoholic component was ale, brandy, less often wine. But since 1655, after the capture of Jamaica by the British, rum has become the main ingredient (in the classic recipe). The British popularized the drink throughout the rest of Europe. Thanks to the settlers, he became known in North America. Read on for some tips on how to make punch at home. The alcoholic recipe is not limited to one classic. By changing the ingredients, you can endlessly enjoy different flavors.

Basic rules for making punch

Today, this name means a cocktail in which fruit juice is involved. Moreover, the drink can be with alcohol and without it, hot and cold. Instead of water, you can use tea in it (which makes it related to grog), milk or a drink is regulated by the addition of cognac, rum, or, as a "light option", champagne or dry wine. We put ice cubes in a cold summer punch. The classic recipe involves a high degree of not only alcohol, but also the temperature of the drink. But it should be borne in mind that when heated above sixty degrees, the taste of rum or cognac may not change for the better.

But spices reveal their qualities more fully in a hot environment. Therefore, they are added more to summer punches, less to winter ones. This should be especially taken into account with cloves, whose sharp aroma can drown out delicate taste cocktail.

Punch classic: a recipe for dark Jamaican rum

First we make the syrup. It is better to boil it in a small amount of water, so that later you can adjust the desired strength and sweetness of the drink. When sugar or honey is completely dissolved in water, and the syrup reaches, add spices. AT classic version it's a pinch of cinnamon, one clove and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. We keep the saucepan on fire for another minute so that the spices “open”. Dark Jamaican or Barbados rum (one hundred milliliters) is diluted with half lime juice. Add flavored syrup - as much as you see fit. Pour the hot punch into thick-walled glasses so as not to burn your hands. You can decorate the glasses with slices of any cocktail fruit - pineapple, orange or lemon.

chocolate punch

Making it simple. We break a 100-gram bar of chocolate (dark and without fillers) into small pieces. Put them in a bowl and pour boiled water(half liter). Pour sugar - approximately 200 grams. We heat on a small fire. When the sugar crystals dissolve and the chocolate melts, pour in a liter of red table wine (or sangria) and a glass of cognac. Stirring, bring to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. Pour punch into porcelain mugs. The recipe is alcoholic, and even very, because we use red wine or sangria instead of juice. Chocolate plays the role of spices here. To slightly refresh the warm and cozy taste of a cocktail, you can add a cognac cherry or an orange slice there.

Close relative of the grog

This is a low alcohol punch. Roma goes there with only a quarter of a glass. It is difficult to draw a line between punch and grog - a drink, the main component of which is tea. Such cocktails perfectly warm, tone up and quench your thirst. And the hot punch, the recipe of which is given here, also saturates - after all, it will require 2-3 egg yolks. We make tea leaves - half a liter. In the meantime, cut half a peeled lemon into small pieces, removing the seeds along the way. We put the pulp in a saucepan, pour tea leaves, add a bag of vanilla sugar and (optionally) a pinch of cinnamon. Under the lid, bring the tea to a boil, then filter through a strainer. Grind the yolks with 150 grams of granulated sugar. Cool the tea a little and mix with the egg mass. We put the saucepan on water bath and, stirring, cook until thickened. Cool again to 70 degrees and pour in the rum.

fiery punch

It assumes that you will be making this drink directly in front of the guests. The cooking process is entertaining, and the spectacle is spectacular. As a container, you can use a fondue pot. Pour in a bottle of wine, a glass of water, a glass of cognac and vodka. We fall asleep another 50 grams of granulated sugar. We put all this hellish mixture on fire and heat it up to about 70 degrees. Put cubes of refined sugar in a deep plate - one hundred grams. Pour them with a small amount of vodka and set fire to them. As soon as the cubes turn brown, tip the plate with burning sugar into the fondue maker. Then pour the punch into mugs.

"Black cat"

This homemade punch recipe can be made in five minutes. Let's cook in cezve natural coffe(for two small cups). You can add a pinch of cardamom or nutmeg to it - whatever you like. In a cup, grind two egg yolks with a tablespoon of powdered sugar. Adding dark rum- 70 milliliters. When the coffee is ready, immediately mix it with the egg mass. Pour punch into cups. We savor it hot, preferably with some dessert.

citrus punch

Squeeze citrus juice into a bottle of dry white wine. It can be one grapefruit and four tangerines, or two pieces of orange and lemon. In a word, a mixture of sour and sweet fruits. Pour 250 grams of sugar into the liquid, stir until it is completely dissolved. As a spice that should flavor the punch, the alcohol recipe advises using one or two cloves. Can be put on the bottom lemon peel. Let this liquid brew for about an hour. After that, we take out the zest and cloves, and heat the drink to 70 ° C. Remove from heat and add a liter hot water and a bottle (0.5 l) of rum.

milk punch

Boil a liter of milk, add 120 grams of granulated sugar to it. Stir until the crystals dissolve. When the milk has cooled down a bit - to 70 degrees - it's time to pour in the alcohol. This punch is with rum. The recipe recommends pairing it with cognac. It is best to take half a glass of both alcoholic drinks. Stir and pour into tall glasses. Each glass must be “powdered” with grated nutmeg.


We have already described how to make coffee punch. The recipe "Alcoholic cold glass" is its summer version. It takes longer to cook than hot. We brew sweet coffee with grated orange or lemon zest and cool it. Then we dilute Arabica with citrus juice to taste. We also add alcohol. It can be liquor (for women), cognac or rum (for men). Strain the drink into tall glasses. Beat in a mixer three to four chilled egg whites. We spread a lush foam on top of the drink with a spoon.

People's Punch

Although this drink became famous in Europe thanks to the British, simple people in Russia they have long been pampering themselves with something similar. On Maslenitsa, during folk festivals, they cooked in huge cauldrons by adding honey, cranberry or raspberry fruit drinks to it. But this "apple punch" recipe recommends drinking chilled. The basis for it can be cider. Then the drink will be stronger. But a pulp-based punch without pulp will also come out tasty. We take a liter of cider, mix it with half a glass of any liqueur or cognac, add sugar to taste. Stir until the crystals disappear and refrigerate.

New Year's Punch

We usually celebrate this holiday with champagne. But, having drunk a glass to the sound of the chimes, we puzzle over what to do with the unfinished bottle. And you can make punch with champagne. The recipe gives us two drink options - hot and cold. But champagne cannot be heated. Therefore, we do this: pour large rings of lemon with cognac and set aside for a while. Pour one hundred grams of sugar with mineral water and bring to a boil. Pour in three hundred and fifty grams of dry white wine, add lemons. Again, put on a slow fire. Heat up to 70 degrees and pour into glasses. Glasses should be two-thirds full. And in the rest of the pour champagne at room temperature.

"New Year's Eve with Strawberries"

You can also make cold punch with champagne. The recipe calls for four hundred grams of frozen strawberries, three teaspoons of grated zest and 50 ml of lemon juice to be boiled for ten minutes. After that, the mass should be cooled and rubbed through a sieve. Before serving, fill a jug or a bowl for a punch with a quarter of ice cubes. We spread strawberry puree there, pour two hundred milliliters of champagne, dry white and red semi-sweet wine each. All alcoholic drinks must be very chilled.

bloody punch

Good to use this one for Halloween. Cranberry juice, added, but not mixed with alcohol, due to the different density of the liquids, it gives “bloody” streaks, which is why the drink takes on a gothic look. To increase intimidation, you can stick jelly spiders and worms (Haribo marmalades) on a jug of punch. So, mix in a bowl of half a liter of Pinot Gris wine and apple cider and half a glass of brandy or cognac. We put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit slices - apples, pears, peaches, pineapple slices. We stand at least an hour in the refrigerator. Then add 0.75 liters cranberry juice and serve. The jug can be overlaid on all sides with dry ice cubes - then there will be an effect of hellish smoke.