Tomato paste for the winter. Tomato juice for the winter at home "Vitamin"

There are times when tomatoes in the garden burnt out or began to deteriorate. To avoid the situation of product transfer, you can make tomato juice without a juicer at home. The ground and boiled tomato drink will be perfectly preserved in this form until the winter.

Tomato juice in the diet

Tomato juice must be added to the meal, at least once a day. This life-giving liquid has many properties, namely:

  1. Therapeutic. The composition contains the natural substance pectin, thanks to which atherosclerosis can be avoided. Also, this substance prevents varicose veins, reduces the likelihood of vein thrombosis and has a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system. In addition, due to the presence of pectin, tomato juice obtained without a juicer lends itself to excellent preservation at home, as it has a jelly-like texture. AT pure form pectin is extracted from vegetables to serve food additive, as a structurant, in the production of juices, drinks, yoghurts, mayonnaises and others;
  2. Useful. Vitamins found in tomato - A, B, C, H, P, PP saturate the body and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and others have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  3. Invigorating. Saturated with vitamins, carbohydrates, useful elements, dietary fiber, organic acids, tomato juice simultaneously satisfies hunger and thirst. In addition, one glass of such a drink immediately feels a surge of strength and invigorating energy.

Canned tomato juice

Making provisions from tomato juice is easy, cheap and quick option. Those who have a juicer should not think about wasting time and effort at all. For those who are still wondering how to make tomato juice without a juicer, several options will be presented.

Recipes for making tomato juice for the winter without a juicer

To make juice, you will need tomatoes, salt, a meat grinder, two enameled bowls, a saucepan, a sieve or gauze.

Tomato juice from red tomatoes

Canning steps:

Tomato juice for the winter without a juicer is ready.

For 8 liters of tomato you need 100 g of sugar.

Tomato juice from yellow tomatoes

Fleshy, dense and there is little liquid in them. It is advisable to preserve juice from such vegetables with pulp. To make this nectar, it is better to choose the following varieties: honey drop, honey spas, persimmon.

Canning steps:

Tomato juice with basil

Canning steps:

When cooking a tomato, you need to remove the foam from above so that the juice boils faster.

Tomato juice with garlic

Canning steps:

Tomato juice with pulp and jar sterilization

For those who do not know how to make tomato juice for the winter, a recipe without a juicer and without a meat grinder is at your service. There are also cases when there is not even a meat grinder at hand, and a lot of overripe tomatoes are waiting for their canning.

Canning steps:

Tomato juice without a juicer at home can be closed with various additives: celery, vinegar, bay leaf, can even be combined with other juices: apple, beet, carrot. It all depends on your preferences and capabilities. The canning steps will not change significantly, only the taste will change as a result.

Summer succeeded! Fleshy, bright, filled with summer sun and bird singing, tomatoes just ask for your hands: it is impossible to pass by a bush without picking a couple of pieces and eating them right away.

Alas, the possibilities human body are very limited, it is unrealistic to accommodate all the tomato luxury that the garden is full of this season, which means that we take out a dilapidated grandmother’s notebook from the stash and start creating according to her recipes - time-tested and more than one generation of eaters.

So, tomato paste recipes.

Tomato paste for the winter - a basic recipe

Not a single one can do without this sauce: to make it bright, rich and “correct”, you need the best tomato paste. The best - as a rule, cooked at home, so in anticipation of winter, you just need to roll up five to seven liters of this product!


  • 3 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1/2 cup table vinegar 6%
  • salt to taste.

How to make tomato paste at home

It is better to take tomatoes that are not very juicy - fleshy, elastic, firm, but by no means unripe. The variety "Cream" is optimally suited.

My tomatoes, remove spoiled places. You can not cut the peduncle - we don’t need extra gestures, we save our efforts!

We cut the prepared tomatoes into halves (moreover, it is not necessary to shred them strictly vertically, the division here is absolutely conditional). We put it in a saucepan (preferably enameled), put the peeled onion there, add half a glass of water (no more), cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer the contents of the pan for about 15 minutes - the tomatoes should become soft and let the juice go.

Pass the cooled mass through a sieve. Skins, stalks and seeds should get into the cake. We ruthlessly throw it away, and boil the resulting mass over minimal heat until it decreases in volume by at least 5 times. Stir occasionally so the pasta doesn't burn. At the end, add sugar and salt, taste and adjust the taste. Pour in the vinegar, mix and immediately pour into sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids, roll up, turn over and hide under several blankets until completely cooled. After that, jars of homemade tomato paste can be moved to the pantry and opened as needed.

You will need:

Making juice at home

Now let's figure out how to make homemade tomato juice. The first thing that may come to mind is to squeeze the juice in a juicer. But this straightforward approach will not work to the extent it should. The juice will turn out, but not so thick and homogeneous, it will not have such a large content of pulp.

The juicer will squeeze out the liquid, but almost all the pulp does not fall into finished product. Therefore, other approaches are used: you can, for example, make juice from tomato paste, because most large manufacturers resort to this option. You can also make it from natural tomatoes. Both options are worth considering.

The best way how to quickly make tomato juice is to buy pasta, then for one glass boiled water you need to add two or three tablespoons of such a paste, also a little salt and pepper to taste. The juice should not be thick or translucent. If its consistency is optimal, then it is ready.

But this is a one-time method, you usually need to understand how to make tasty tomato juice in large quantities. Then we need fresh tomatoes.

You wash the tomatoes, then cut them into small pieces and place them in a large pot. She is placed on slow fire. You don’t need to add water, because when these fruits (and a tomato, contrary to stereotypes, is a fruit, although it’s rather strange to hear about it), boil soft, after which they will give juice. Just stir them. After boiling, they should cook for about an hour.

The better the tomatoes boil, the better the juice will come out.

The next step in how to properly make tomato juice is mashing the tomatoes through a sieve. The juice should be thick, like puree. All this is brought to a boil, after which the foam is removed.

Variations are possible. For example, you can still pre-pass the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bslices through a juicer, and then cook for fifteen minutes in enamel saucepan with a piece of coriander until the foam disappears. The consistency of such a product will be slightly different.

Juice for the winter

You can simply prepare this drink, but it is much better to prepare it for the winter so that you can enjoy it without any problems in the cold. winter time when the body lacks different type vitamins - which are just contained in this juice.

Pour the drink prepared at the previous stage into sterilized jars, after removing the foam from it. Roll up the jars and wrap in a blanket. These jars can be stored at room temperature.

This drink can not only get drunk, but also eat. Always a reliable and cost-effective way to process tomatoes that nature has not blessed beautiful shape and standard size. Making tomato juice is easy. At home for the winter, this one is very delicious juice usually rolled into three-liter jars without traditional sterilization in hot water and extra hassle. Read a quick guide to appetizing disposal of substandard fruits and make a harvest. It is enjoyed with pleasure before, during, and after the feast. In a word, a necessary and universal thing.

We prepare delicious homemade tomato juice using a juicer or meat grinder

Almost all juicers (yes, even the one that has been gathering dust on the mezzanines since Soviet times) can process a whole box of raw materials in a matter of minutes. Saving time and effort is obvious! Preparation is simple, fast and vitamin. When cooking is fun!


Exit: about 2 liters.

How to prepare tomato juice for the winter without sterilization simply and quickly at home:

Select the most ripe, fleshy and juicy fruits. Wash. Size and shape do not matter. If you notice a slight damage or an area starting to rot, cut it off. And use the rest to make a canned drink. Cut vegetables into slices. Remove the "piglet" that attached the tomato to the stem.

Pass through a manual or electric juicer. If the cake came out too wet, recycle it. Get a smooth, thick juice.

When there is no juicer, a meat grinder will help out. Whisk the tomato slices right with the skin on until pureed. Use a grill with large holes. Then rub through a fine metal sieve. This will give you a smooth consistency.

Tomato skin contains a large number of vegetable fiber. Not to be thrown away useful product, cook from it . Use pulp instead of whole tomatoes. Adjust the amount of seasonings to your liking.

Pour the workpiece into a heat-resistant dish. Pour in salt and sugar. Add gradually, try not to "miss". Stir. Put on the stove. Cook over medium heat for 8-10 minutes (after boiling). During the cooking process, foam is formed. It is desirable to remove it with a slotted spoon. Tomato drink after heat treatment will slightly change its color.

Pour the juice into prepared (sterilized) jars. Screw on with clean, dry lids. Turn the workpiece over to make sure that the liquid does not leak. Wrap in a thick blanket to slow down the cooling.

Take the cooled preservation to the cellar or pantry, where it will stand until winter. Such juice turns out to be thick, tasty, fragrant, slightly salty and not sour at all. My family members love it!

Delicious juice from ripe tomatoes without adding sugar and salt and using a juicer

Is it possible to make such homemade if there are no juicers? Easily! It will take large saucepan and a metal sieve. The rest is a matter of technique!

Required products:

tomatoes - 1.5-1.8 kg

It turns out: about 1 l.

How to make juice from tomatoes without a juicer and close it for the winter in jars:

This method is ideal for preparing relatively small portions of the drink. In one go I did liter jar. If you have a large pot, you can try making more juice. But you will have to periodically mix the tomato slices so that they are steamed evenly. And yes, it will take a lot of time.

Use only ripe, soft, but undamaged tomatoes. A small speck or flattened side can activate the fermentation process, and the harvest will not last until winter. Therefore, carefully inspect the fruit and remove defects with a knife. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Place in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Put on a small fire.

Cover with a lid. Cook 5-7 minutes. During this time, the pieces of vegetable should become absolutely soft. Then the skin and bones are easily separated from the tomato pulp, and you get a homogeneous juice. Rub the tomatoes through a metal or plastic sieve. To achieve the perfect consistency, use a sieve with large holes first. And then - with small ones.

Return the pureed juice to the saucepan. Bring to a boil.

Pour immediately into sterile jars. The container can be sterilized over steam or calcined for 2-3 minutes in microwave oven at maximum power. Roll up with a machine or tighten with screw caps. The first option is more reliable.

store natural drink from fragrant tomatoes in a dark, dry, cool place. In such conditions, he will successfully stand until winter, or even until the next season. Before use, you can add salt and granulated sugar to taste, season with pepper, herbs or other seasonings.

Additives to help make juice even tastier

  1. Sweet pepper (any color) and fresh garlic. For 5 kg of tomatoes, take 500 g of fleshy pepper and 4-5 cloves of garlic (if you like it spicier - put more). Wash and clean all vegetables and spices. Cut randomly. Process with a juicer. Or turn through a meat grinder, and then wipe through a large sieve. Pour into a saucepan (pot). Boil. Cook for about 10 minutes. Distribute in a sterile container. Roll up. Check tightness, wrap. Cool and hide so that no one drinks the juice before winter. From this amount of products, approximately 3-3.5 liters of drink are obtained. Season with sugar if desired table salt. For 1 liter of product, use 1 tsp.
  2. Celery. For 3 kg of tomatoes, use approximately 0.7-1 kg of stems. Make smooth juice from tomatoes in any way. Pour into a heatproof bowl. Cut the celery into small pieces. Put on the tomato. Cook over low heat until the stems are soft. Wipe. Homogeneous flavored drink, while it has not cooled down, quickly pour into jars (you must first sterilize). Stopper. The yield of preservation is about 2-2.5 liters.
  3. All kinds of spices. ground cinnamon, allspice and black pepper, garlic, dill umbrellas, coriander seeds and other spices will make the taste of the drink special. Spices are put 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking. There are no uniform rules for the number of Be guided by experience and personal preferences. Well, be sure to try everything while cooking!

Have a juicing day!

Tomato juice is very tasty and healthy vegetable drink, which is prepared from ripe tomatoes, by squeezing juice out of them, which must be subjected to heat treatment, namely, boil.

In tomato juice, there are a lot of inorganic and organic matter. The presence of oxalic, citric, tartaric and malic acids in the juice brings great benefits to the body. Also in tomato juice are natural sugars- fructose and glucose.

Tomato juice is prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, to normalize metabolism and improve work nervous system. Tomato juice contains lycopene, which is an excellent antioxidant that can prevent cancer. This drink It has antimicrobial, diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. If you drink tomato juice regularly, it will prevent diseases such as vascular atelesclerosis, and also strengthen the capillaries.

Tomato juice is also useful for the body because it is able to stop the process of decay in the intestines, and therefore improve its functioning.

Tomato juice speeds up metabolism in tissues and therefore it is recommended to use it for overweight people.

Tomato juice can be prepared by adding juice from other vegetables and their pulp. Most often, tomato juice is mixed with sweet juice. bell pepper and carrots. Such a drink turns out to be more saturated and, of course, has large quantity vitamins and nutrients.

It is very important to include tomato juice in the diet of children, as it will help the child's body grow.

Tomato juice is drunk as a drink, and is also very often used in cooking. Juice is added to soups, borscht, stews, or first courses are prepared, completely based on tomato juice. Also, sauces, ketchups, dressings, gravies, tomato paste, it is added to marrow caviar, pepper lecho and many other products of the dish.

Since tomato juice is very popular in nutrition and cooking and is almost indispensable, it is very important to learn how to make it yourself.


  • Tomatoes - 10 kg
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. To make tomato juice good quality, you need to choose ripe and unspoiled fruits that need to be washed well.
  2. Then the tomatoes are cut into several parts, put in a spacious, spreading pan, poured with water and put on fire.
  3. Bring the tomatoes to a boil, then continue to cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Next, the water is drained, and the tomatoes are cooled.
  5. Then the tomatoes need to be rubbed through a sieve into a separate clean bowl.
  6. Grind until only the skins and seeds remain in the sieve.
  7. Then put the tomato on the fire, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  8. Pour the juice into prepared sterilized jars, cover with sterilized and dried lids and twist or roll up, depending on what type of jar.
  9. We turn the finished tomato juice upside down and wrap it with a warm blanket.
  10. When the juice has cooled, it must be taken to a cool, dark place.

Yield of tomato juice: 1 liter of juice should be obtained from one kilogram of tomatoes.