How to make pancakes tasty and soft. What to add to make pancakes fluffy

Pancakes have always been considered tasty, simple and satisfying dishes. They are great for breakfast, they are an exquisite dessert after lunch or dinner. Some people think that fluffy pancakes can only be cooked with yeast. In fact, there are other recipes, without this ingredient, that will help you prepare lush and mouth-watering pancakes.
To make the pancakes lush, you can cook the dough on kefir or yogurt. This dish will cook faster than with the addition of yeast to the dough, but in terms of consistency and splendor it will turn out no worse than the yeast counterpart. You don’t have to think about what to do to make pancakes fluffy on kefir, because this ingredient in itself will provide splendor. The fact is that kefir emits carbon dioxide, due to which the dough rises.

When making fluffy pancakes, the quality of the flour used is very important. If there is time, then flour is needed at least three times. Then the flour will be saturated with oxygen, and the pancakes will rise very well. The fat content of kefir or so that the pancakes do not fall off will not matter much. So, there are no special requirements for this ingredient. But, it is believed that on sour kefir or yogurt pancakes turn out to be the most magnificent.

Only from thick dough can you get fluffy pancakes without the use of yeast. The correct dough consistency should be similar to thick store-bought sour cream.
If the hostess will fry without oil, then it is better to choose thin pancakes for cooking. Because it is important not only what to add to pancakes so that they are lush, but also to fry them in a large amount of vegetable oil. As an option, you can use the oven to prepare lush pancakes, then less oil is required.
If they are cooked on soda, then it should be put into the dough at the beginning of cooking, but citric acid at the end. A tablespoon of water is taken for a third of a teaspoon of acid. To make the pancakes lush, after adding citric acid to the dough, you can no longer add flour.

It remains to consider with a specific example what to add to pancakes so that they are lush. We remind you that it is important to prepare a thick dough. From the ingredients for 500 mo of kefir, one egg, one and a half glasses of flour, two tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of soda are taken. The flour must be sifted and mixed with soda, add this component at the very end of the preparation of the dough.

Mix everything very well, there should not be any lumps and it should give the impression that in front of the hostess is not dough, but a bowl of thick sour cream. Now spread the dough with a spoon on a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry over medium heat, covered with a lid. Flip when one side is browned enough.

Attention! To make pancakes lush, you need to know this trick. After the first batch, you can adjust the splendor of the dough. If you want the pancakes to turn out even more magnificent, then you need to add a spoonful of flour to the dough. If you want to make them less lush, you need to add a little kefir.

No need to think long and wonder what to add in order to. Because if you cook this dish on kefir or yogurt dough, all pancakes will turn out delicious and lush. It remains only to wish you bon appetit!

What is the secret of lush pancakes? This question at least once, but any hostess asked herself. After all, to be honest, some pancakes turn out lush, like donuts or donuts, while others have to be content with flat cakes.

Perhaps someone will say that it's all about the experience and skill that comes with age. But in this case, it turns out that the secret of lush pancakes will not yet be revealed to an inexperienced hostess? And is it really so? Today you will receive all the information on how to make pancakes fluffy and delicious. Your family will be just happy.

Great option for breakfast

Many mothers and grandmothers are well aware of how difficult it is to feed a child in the morning. How much effort, time, energy should be spent on this. And the result is not always positive. As a result: adults are exhausted, and the child is in tears and in a terrible mood. What to do? Is there really no way out? And, why not cook for breakfast not annoying porridge, but lush and tender pancakes? After all, with them you can serve any jam (which your child likes), condensed milk or jams. In order for pancakes to be eaten, they must be lush. We will tell you about this further.

The secret of lush pancakes on kefir

Each dish has its own cooking secrets. Write down or memorize the secrets of making lush pancakes on kefir:

  • It would seem, what could be easier? We open the refrigerator, take out kefir and one or two eggs, break them into a saucepan ... That's right! Only, first of all, kefir should warm up a little at room temperature. Sour-milk and milk must be used for baking in a warm form. This is one of the prerequisites for baking to be the most magnificent.
  • Chicken eggs should also be held for some time in warm water or at room temperature.
  • In order for the pancakes to be lush, we need soda. Some housewives believe that the larger its quantity, the more successful the baking is. Completely wrong opinion. Soda should be taken no more than one teaspoon (you can do less or completely without it).
  • Kefir and all other ingredients should be mixed very quickly, and then immediately start baking.
  • In a frying pan for these purposes, it is necessary to pour sunflower oil and heat slightly. Take a small amount of the mixture with a spoon (it should not drain from the spoon) and spread it on the pan.
  • Fritters must be fried on both sides. When you turn them over for the first time, you can close the lid.

The secret of fluffy milk pancakes

Delicious pastries can be made not only on kefir, but also on other drinks. If you decide to take milk, then here, too, has its own cooking secrets:

  • The liquid must be slightly warmed up before use. Milk must be warm.
  • We will take only wheat flour and always the highest grade.
  • Add two teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon. salt. Pour flour, the dough should not be liquid. The approximate consistency is like thick sour cream.
  • But what if the milk has spoiled a little? No problem! We will make magnificent pancakes with sour milk (read on for the secrets of their preparation).
  • You can not add soda. But be sure to take the baking powder, which is mixed with flour. Break the eggs into the sour milk, mix everything well. Now you can add flour and a small amount of salt and sugar. Do not stir the resulting mixture for too long. You can leave it for a while and close the lid. And then start baking.
  • The dough for pancakes should not be too thick, so that the spoon barely turns it. Therefore, be especially careful when taking flour. Its amount per half liter of liquid should not be more than three glasses.
  • Flour should be sifted, thanks to this simple procedure, pancakes or pancakes are more airy and tender. And it is best to do this procedure twice.
  • Do not forget to add oil to the pan where the pancakes are baked. An insufficient amount of it will also not lead the finished products to the desired shape.
  • In no case do not add baking soda to a liquid, especially to kefir (it will immediately extinguish it and the effect of obtaining a magnificent pancake shape cannot be achieved). Soda should be mixed with a small amount of wheat flour.
  • The secret of lush pancakes is quite simple - the desire to please your loved ones with delicious pastries. Of course, you can’t do without the required amount of products either. Delicious and tender pancakes can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also served for an afternoon snack or dinner. They are simply adored by both adults and children.


We think that after reading this article, you have discovered the secret of lush pancakes. Most importantly, always remember that any food preparation depends on your mood. A hostess who starts baking pancakes in a good mood will always get an excellent result. And, on the contrary, if you are in a depressed mood, is it any wonder that the pastries are not so fragrant and tasty at all. We wish you to receive only pleasant emotions, and then your loved ones will certainly appreciate your culinary efforts, and all pastries will be incredibly magnificent.

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Pancakes - this word is associated with distant childhood and mother's pancakes, lush and tasty, with sour cream. Yes, time flew by quickly, and here I am, already a grandmother of six grandchildren who also love pancakes and have to experiment, cook according to new recipes, something more modern, for example, but our pancakes always take priority.

Today, I offer a selection of 9 proven recipes for pancakes on kefir, on milk, on water and yeast pancakes.

Lush pancakes on kefir

We need:

  • 7 tbsp with a large slide (230 g) flour
  • 1 tbsp heaping sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 250 ml kefir 1%
  • 1 tsp without a slide
  • 1 pc egg


1. Pour kefir into a bowl, beat in an egg, add salt and soda, mix with a whisk or whatever is convenient: a fork, a spoon.

2. We begin to introduce the sifted flour into the liquid mixture: first, 2 tablespoons with a slide, mix; two more times 2 tbsp. and mix each time and the last time 1 tbsp. mix.

The dough does not need to be mixed for a long time, it should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Let the dough rest for 5-7 minutes.

3. Heat the pan with oil, spread the dough with a spoon and fry over medium heat. When bubbles appear, flip to the other side and cover and fry until browned.

Tip: To keep the dough well behind the spoon, keep the spoon in a glass of plain water or vegetable oil.

Serve with honey, sour cream or condensed milk.

Pancakes on kefir with green onions

We need:

  • 200 g sifted flour
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 1/2 tsp soda
  • 2 eggs (use 1 whole egg and yolk)
  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • vegetable oil


1. Mix kefir, soda, salt, 1 egg and yolk in a bowl, mix well until smooth.

2. We begin to introduce flour in small portions, after each addition, mix so that lumps do not form.

3. Finely chop the onion and combine with the dough, mix gently

4. We heat the pan, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and spread the dough with a spoon. Fry over low heat on both sides. The main thing is not to overheat the pan so that the pancakes are fried evenly.

Lush pancakes on kefir with apples

This recipe will make 12 pancakes.

We need:

  • 7-8 tbsp sifted flour
  • 1 st. kefir 1%
  • 1 pc apple, large
  • 1 pc egg
  • 1-3 tbsp soda with a slide
  • pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil


1. Combine kefir with soda, add a stirred egg with sugar and salt, mix well.

2. Add flour in batches, first 5 tbsp. with a large slide, then 2 tbsp. flour and 1 more tbsp. without a slide, each time, after adding flour, mix. The dough should gather behind a spoon or fork, than interfere. If the dough does not reach for a spoon, add another 1 tbsp. flour without a slide and mix. Leave aside for rest. Do not mix more dough.

3. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into 6 parts. We cut each part into thin slices, if desired, you can grate it on a coarse grater, but squeeze out the juice. Stir the apples into the dough, slowly. We leave for 5 minutes.

4. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. vegetable oil, warm up and spread the dough with a spoon, fry over medium heat from 2 sides.

Serve with condensed milk and honey.

Pancakes on kefir from pumpkin and apple

We need:

  • 200 g pumpkin
  • 1 piece apple
  • 150 g kefir
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 130 g flour, sifted
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt


1. We clean the pumpkin from seeds and peel, rub it on a fine grater.

2. We also rub the peeled apple on a grater and combine it with a pumpkin, put it aside.

3. In another bowl, beat in eggs, add sugar, vanillin, kefir and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Mix the flour with the baking powder and add to the liquid mixture, mix. With the resulting mixture, pour the pumpkin with apples.

5. Heat the pan with oil, spread the dough and fry over low heat, under the lid. Turn over and fry on the other side, without a lid. Place the fritters on a paper towel and then on a plate.

Serve sprinkled with icing sugar or sprinkle with honey.

Delicious tender pancakes on kefir

We need:

  • 1 pc egg
  • 230 g kefir
  • 5 g soda
  • 40 g (1.5 tablespoons) sugar
  • 200 g flour
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Break the egg and beat lightly. Pour in kefir, add soda, sugar, salt and mix after each ingredient.

2. Sifted flour, add in small portions, and mix after each addition.

The secret to the splendor of pancakes depends on the density of the dough. The dough should be thick and stick to the spoon.

3. Heat the pan with oil, put the dough and fry over medium heat from 2 sides.

Tip: So that the dough does not stick to the spoon, moisten it in hot oil in a pan.

4. Remove from fire. The pancakes are fluffy, tender and tasty.

Secret: Spread the dough with a small dessert spoon so that the pancakes are small and better fried.

Delicious fritters with yeast with a delicate taste

We need:

  • 400-450 g flour, sifted
  • 10 g fresh or 1 tsp. dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 pc medium, egg
  • 1-1.5 tbsp Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (for dough)
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Mix yeast with sugar and pour warm milk, salt and 1 glass of flour. Mix and leave for 30 minutes.

2. Pour a glass of milk into the broken egg, stir, pour into the dough, add gradually the remaining flour, leave for 40 minutes to rest and rise.

3. Fry the pancakes over medium heat, you can with a lid, but you can without it.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Fritters - buns in milk without eggs in a pan

We need:

  • 300 ml milk
  • 30 g fresh yeast (10 dry)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 500 g flour, sifted
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm milk, put in a warm place, covered with a towel, until the yeast dissolves.

2. In the sifted flour, add salt, mix, make a hole and pour the yeast, knead the dough, without eggs. At the end, put vegetable oil in the dough and leave to approach. Do not knead the dough; it must be fried immediately.

3. We put the pan on a low fire, heat it up, but not much. We make koloboks and fry under the lid on one side, turn over and bake without a lid on the other.

Important: So that the dough does not stick to your hands, dip your hands in water.

Tip: For this recipe, instead of milk, you can use warm water and fry without a lid, in the form of rings, pour glaze on top, then you get donuts.

Lush lean pancakes without eggs and milk on the water

Fried pancakes according to this recipe retain splendor on the second day.

We need:

  • 2 tbsp. boiled warm water (1 tbsp = 200 ml)
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 pack (10 11 g) dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 3 -3.5 st. flour, look at the consistency of the dough


1. We dilute the yeast in warm water, add salt, sugar and stir until the yeast dissolves. Add vegetable oil to the resulting mixture.

2. We introduce flour in portions. mix well, the dough should be thick. Cover it and move it to a warm place for 30-40 minutes.

3. Do not lower the risen dough and do not mix. We take with a spoon and carefully put it on a preheated pan with oil. You can fry with a lid, or without, over low heat.

Biscuit pancakes with milk in a dry frying pan

The pancakes look like pancakes.

We need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp flour (+1 tbsp)
  • 1/3 st. milk (80 ml)
  • 1 tsp salt and vanilla
  • 3 tbsp sugar in yolks 1 tbsp. into proteins
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder


1. We divide the eggs into proteins and yolks.

2. Beat the yolks with sugar, salt, vanilla. Pour milk at room temperature and begin to slowly add, stirring flour with baking powder, do not forget to sift.

3. Pour sugar into the proteins and beat until stable peaks. Add them in portions to the dough, gently stirring with a spatula.

4. Sprinkle the pan with oil, remove the excess with a paper towel, spread the dough and fry over low heat.

Lush ruddy pancakes are both a delicious breakfast for the whole family, and a wonderful treat for tea for sudden guests, and a traditional and everyone's favorite dish during the Maslenitsa celebration. Not only constantly decorate our table on Shrovetide, but also small plump suns - pancakes. With honey, with jam, with sour cream. And also with greens inside, with an apple or zucchini, with raisins or cabbage, which only we do not cook fritters. But the most important thing that worries us so much is how to make pancakes plump, fluffy and airy, with a crispy golden crust around the edges. The simplest and most proven are lush kefir pancakes, which are prepared so simply that everyone can learn.

This type of fritters is the most favorite in my family. If I start baking pancakes, everyone immediately knows about it and starts looking into the kitchen when it's ready. An appetizing smell spreads throughout the house and it becomes completely impossible to resist.

The biggest problem with fluffy pancakes has always been that they kind of deflate when frying. First, you pour a thick dough into the pan and they seem to rise, and then you remove the finished pancakes and it becomes thinner before your eyes. Very disappointing, but no less delicious. But in those recipes that I will tell you about today, I have never had such a problem.

If I didn’t intend to specially cook thin pancakes, which I sometimes do, then lush pancakes on kefir almost always work out as intended.

How to cook lush pancakes on kefir - a step by step recipe

This is a classic recipe for lush pancakes, the dough for which is prepared with the addition of kefir. Why did kefir become such an important ingredient? It's very simple, thanks to the natural fermentation process in this fermented milk product, it becomes an excellent leavening agent and at the same time, its milky nature makes the dough sticky and well-setting. Pancakes and pancakes on kefir always turn out well-filled with air bubbles. Thin pancakes will therefore be perforated, and thick pancakes will turn out porous and spongy on the break, since all the air will remain in the form of bubbles inside. It's almost like fluffy buns in the world of pancakes. Delicate and airy. And it doesn't take long to cook.

  • kefir - 1 cup (250 ml),
  • flour - 7 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon.


1. Remove the egg and kefir from the refrigerator in advance, they should not be cold. Kefir is very good to use the one that has already stood for a couple of days and they do not have time to drink it before the expiration date. Usually pancakes in this case are the real salvation of kefir.

Crack an egg into a bowl.

2. Mix the egg and sugar with a fork or whisk. I don't usually use a mixer for fritters, as heavily beaten eggs are not needed.

3. Add a glass of kefir to the egg with sugar in a bowl. Mix everything well with a whisk so that the kefir and egg are combined. Salt the mixture. Optionally, you can add vanilla sugar or vanilla extract, then lush pancakes on kefir will be more fragrant. But personally, I love the natural taste of pancakes.

4. Now take the flour and sift it into a bowl through a sieve or a special sifting mug. Sifted flour is much better, because it sticks less into lumps and makes the dough more airy, which is what we need.

5. Stir the dough very thoroughly so that the lumps are kneaded and it becomes thick and uniform. Only after that you can add baking soda, which will start a chemical reaction with the release of gas, combining with kefir acid.

Some people add soda at the beginning of kneading the dough, for example, they first mix kefir with soda, rejoice at how everything bubbled up, and then put the egg and flour. This is wrong from the point of view of the chemistry of the processes. The release of gas from soda when interacting with acid is not an endless process, it is limited in time, and if you start it too early, then by the time it is time to pour the dough into the pan, it will already end and there will be a minimum of bubbles in the dough. Don't make this common mistake. Baking soda is always added at the end. Only in this way will you get truly magnificent pancakes.

6. If the dough turned out to be too liquid, then add more flour to it. Do this gradually, one tablespoon at a time. The dough for olaii should be thick, like thick sour cream, and drip off a spoon with great difficulty. When pouring it into a frying pan, it spreads quite a bit, this is the second secret of the splendor of pancakes.

7. Heat the pan well and pour in the oil. Oil allows you to get a crispy crust, if you fry without it, in a pan with a non-stick coating, then the pancakes will be lush, but without a crust, but as if velvety.

If you're not sure if the dough is thick enough, try baking one pancake first and see if it spreads out, if it's thick enough, or vice versa. if something is wrong, then you can add a little flour and knead the dough. Taste the pancakes, salt and sugar can still be added to the dough. Our very first pancake is always a test pancake.

Using a spoon or even two, form small pancakes in the pan. They should be no larger than the palm of your hand, usually enough dough to fit in a tablespoon.

8. For frying pancakes, medium or slightly lower fire is best, so that they have time to bake inside and at the same time do not burn outside. Once one side is well browned, flip the pancakes over with a spatula. Ruddy on both sides can be removed.

Well, our magnificent pancakes on kefir are ready. Look how plump and porous they turned out, real donuts.

It's time to call everyone to the table until the pancakes are cold. Get out the jam and sour cream and fly in! Enjoy your meal!

Fritters on kefir and yeast without eggs - lush and tender

Since we are talking about the variety of recipes by which you can cook lush pancakes on kefir, I propose to go through various combinations of ingredients. So in this recipe for pancakes, unchanged kefir remains, but there will be no eggs and yeast will be added. What can perfectly loosen the dough, making any pastry truly lush and airy? Well, traditional yeast, of course. So the recipe for lush pancakes did not bypass this truly magical product. Especially if you find in the store not dry yeast, but real live pressed yeast. That's when your pancakes will not just be lush, but like small ruddy clouds.

Yes, yeast is not always on hand, but if it is, be sure to try making pancakes according to this recipe.

You will need:

  • flour - 1 cup,
  • kefir - 200 ml,
  • pressed yeast - 8 grams,
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Take kefir and heat it to a temperature slightly above room temperature. You can just take it out of the fridge in advance, or you can slightly warm it up on the stove. The body is needed in order for the yeast to begin to revive.

2. Add sugar and yeast to kefir. Stir well so that the yeast dissolves and begins to ferment. Place the bowl in a warm place until foam appears.

3. Pour in the sifted flour and salt and stir well until all lumps disappear. The dough should turn out to be the thickness of good sour cream and slowly slide off the spoon. Cover the dough and put it in a warm place to rise.

4. After the dough has risen and covered with bubbles, you can immediately start baking pancakes. To do this, heat a frying pan over medium heat and pour vegetable oil. Due to the porous structure, fluffy pancakes on kefir will work like a sponge and absorb oil, so watch the amount in the pan so that the pancakes do not burn.

5. Fry the pancakes on each side until golden brown. They also need to be baked inside. In order to find out, take the first pancake that is fried and break it in half, the middle should be well baked. If raw dough remains inside, and the outside is already golden brown or even burns, then it is imperative to reduce the burner fire. Wait with the next batch of pancakes until the pan has cooled slightly and try again. Usually a medium heat is required for successful fritters.

6. Put the finished ruddy pancakes on a dish or in a bowl. Serve still hot and with all kinds of sauces and jams.

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious pancakes on kefir with apples

Did you know that with apples you get simply amazing lush pancakes on kefir? Such pancakes can be prepared both in winter and summer, you just need to find one apple. By themselves, they are sweet and fragrant, tasty both hot and cold. Such pancakes are so delicious that they can be eaten without anything, because the filling is already inside them. My family loves apple pancakes and often asks me to cook them. And I myself use this recipe when, for example, there is no sour cream or jam in the house, in which pancakes could be dipped. Sweet tooths do not agree to eat pancakes without dressings, with the exception of these. Lush pancakes on kefir with apples are a real salvation.

You will need:

  • flour - 1 cup,
  • kefir - 1 glass,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • apple - 2 pieces (medium size),
  • soda + vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Start traditionally by mixing the egg with sugar and salt in a bowl. It is not necessary to beat them strongly, let them foam a little and that's enough.

2. Pour kefir into a well-stirred egg. It is best if it is slightly warmed, and not from the refrigerator. Mix thoroughly.

3. Now gradually mix flour into the future dough. Pour about a quarter and stir until smooth. Add some more and stir again. this method avoids long rubbing of lumps.

4. The result should be a good, homogeneous, creamy dough. Now you can add baking soda to it and start the process of developing bubbles so that the kefir pancakes turn out lush.

5. Now cut the apples into small cubes or straws. You should not rub them on a grater, because then the apples will release too much juice and the dough will become too liquid, you will have to add flour and knead it again. In our case, it is necessary to stir the apples and immediately start baking the pancakes, while there are still bubbles in the dough from the soda, which has reacted with kefir.

6. Put the dough on a heated pan with a spoon. Do not forget about vegetable oil, without it you will not get a crispy golden crust, which we love so much. As soon as the edge of the pancake is browned, it's time to turn over to the other side.

7. On the second side, fry the pancakes for a few more seconds until it is also browned.

Let me share with you my little secret. I always bake only one pancake first, and as soon as it is ready, I take it off and try it. Firstly, this way you can understand whether the pan is hot enough and not too hot, the pancakes will burn or remain raw. Secondly, you can try to find out if there is enough salt and sugar, if there are enough apples in the dough. The first pancake may be a lump, but all the rest should be on top!

Ready-made lush pancakes with apples will gather the whole family by smell, the apples inside will be soft and juicy. Incredible yummy, be sure to try it!

Pancakes with raisins on kefir - simple and very tasty

And here is another very tasty type of lush pancakes on kefir, this time with raisins. Such pancakes, like those with apples, are good on their own, they turn out very tasty and sweet, especially if you are not greedy for sugar. But they also go well with traditional jams, honey, sour cream. Such pancakes are airy and soft, like real small raisin buns.

For cooking you will need:

  • kefir - 1 glass,
  • flour - 2 cups,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • raisins - 150 grams,
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • soda or baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Stir kefir, sugar and salt in a bowl. Add one egg there and beat a little with a whisk until you get a homogeneous mass.

2. Add sour cream to the mixture and stir.

3. Gradually add flour. It is better to sift it before this or sift it immediately into a bowl, for example, through a sieve. So there will be fewer lumps and the dough will be saturated with air.

4. Soak the raisins in hot water in advance so that they are not hard.

5. Well-mixed dough should resemble cream or sour cream in thickness. Now, put baking powder or a spoonful of baking soda into it. Soda will combine with kefir acid and begin to release bubbles, this will make our pancakes fluffy.

6. Now add raisins to the dough and mix.

7. Bake the pancakes with raisins in a skillet over medium heat so that they have time to bake inside. Don't forget to oil the pan. If you do not like greasy pancakes, then it is better to remove them ready-made on paper towels, the oil will be absorbed and the pancakes will not be greasy. If you do not add oil during frying, then the pancakes will not be so beautiful and ruddy.

8. Ready-made fluffy pancakes with raisins are best eaten hot. But they are also delicious when cold. Call the family for tea and bon appetit!

Lush pancakes with greens - a recipe for cooking on kefir

That we are all about sweet, but about sweet pancakes. Not only sweets, you can treat yourself to breakfast, dinner or Shrovetide. How about making fluffy pancakes on kefir with fresh herbs? Sounds delicious, don't you think. And it tastes amazing with sour cream.

You will need:

  • kefir - 300 ml,
  • flour - from 1 cup (approximately follow the density of the dough),
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • green onions and dill - in a small bunch.


1. First of all, prepare fresh herbs, wash them and dry them. Take the kefir out of the refrigerator to warm it up. It is best to use yogurt for pancakes that has already stood for several days in the refrigerator, began to ferment a little more, but has not yet deteriorated.

2. Pour the kefir into a large bowl in which we will knead the dough. Pour salt, sugar there and break the egg. Mix well. A whisk or fork will suffice for this process.

3. Now the most difficult thing is to put so much flour so that the dough is thick enough. To do this, you can only advise one thing - add flour gradually. Put 2-3 tablespoons, stir well, add more. And so add until you get the desired dough consistency for lush pancakes.

4. The dough should turn out to be quite thick and viscous, like cream or fat sour cream. But do not overdo it, it should not become like pie dough. Such pancakes will be dry and poorly baked.

5. Now cut the greens. Cut the onion into very thin rings, because large pieces of onion in pancakes are not very tasty. It is better to cut dill without stalks to make it more tender.

6. Now pour the greens boldly into a bowl and mix with the dough. Adjust the amount of greens to your liking, whether you like it a little more or a little for flavor.

7. Well, it's time to fry our pancakes. When frying, do not skimp on vegetable oil, it is better to let it drain into paper napkins later than the pancakes will burn. Fry them on both sides over medium heat until they are golden brown.

Well, our lush delicious pancakes with greens are ready and we cooked them again on kefir. This is such a useful kefir for making pancakes and fritters.

Eat healthy and make your family happy!

Banana pancakes on kefir - lush and sweet. Step by step video recipe

And one more magnificent pancakes on kefir, which neither adults nor children can resist. Sweet and fluffy banana pancakes. This is a real holiday dessert or a unique delicacy for breakfast. Once I tried to cook them and my family just fell in love with these pancakes. They turned out to be very tasty. Now the presence of bananas in the house very often began to lead to cooking and pancakes. Well, no wonder I found out this recipe.

Like all the recipes in this collection, our banana pancakes are cooked on kefir, which makes them very fluffy. And for me this is a very important criterion, because I do not like thin pancakes. For me, they are all the more good, the more airy and softer the dough and crispy. These pancakes are perfect.

How to cook banana pancakes on kefir, see further in the video recipe. It is very simple and straightforward, anyone can handle cooking.

  1. It is better to sift the flour for the dough beforehand. Then the pancakes will be more magnificent.
  2. Whichever dough you choose, the method of frying will not change.
  3. Before frying the fritters, heat the oil well in a frying pan. You can use vegetable or cream.
  4. Spoon 1-2 tablespoons of batter into the pan. The fritters shouldn't touch each other, so cook them in batches.
  5. Fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the surface is browned.
  6. If you want to remove excess oil from the finished pancakes, place them on a paper towel. It will absorb fat.


  • 250 ml;
  • 40 ml of water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 240 g flour;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.


Mix kefir and water and heat slightly. In another bowl, combine the egg, sugar and salt. Pour in the kefir and mix well. Gradually add flour, trying to achieve a uniform consistency. Add baking soda and mix well again.


  • 125 g flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 240 ml of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add milk, lightly beaten egg and butter and mix until smooth.


  • 300 g of sour cream with a fat content of 15%;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 160 g flour.


Whisk together the sour cream, salt, sugar and egg. Separately combine soda with lemon juice. Add slaked soda and butter to the sour cream mass and mix. Pour in the flour and bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.


  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1½ tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 250 ml of water.


Mash bananas with a fork or puree with a blender. Add salt, sugar and butter and mix well. Pour flour, pour in water at room temperature and mix thoroughly again.


  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 240 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 40 g cocoa;
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 60 g chocolate drops - optional.


Whisk the egg with the sugar. Add milk and melted butter and beat again. Separately mix flour, cocoa, baking powder, soda and salt. Gradually fold the flour mixture into the egg mixture, while achieving a uniform consistency. Chocolate drops can be added to the dough.


  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 75 g flour;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • ½ egg;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.


Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, boil until soft and cool slightly. Then puree it with a blender. Mix flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, beaten egg, cinnamon and pumpkin puree.


  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 170 ml of kefir;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • 2 apples.


Whisk the egg with sugar and salt. Pour in kefir and whisk again. Add flour, baking powder and cinnamon and make the mass homogeneous in consistency. Add apples, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, to the dough, and mix.


  • 4 eggs;
  • pinch + ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 tablespoon + 70 g sugar;
  • 240 g;
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 125 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.


Separate the egg whites from the yolks. With a mixer, turn the whites into foam, combined with a pinch of salt. Gradually add 1 tablespoon of sugar, continuing to beat the mass until it becomes thick.

Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar. Add ricotta, lemon juice and zest and stir to combine. Pour in the milk and stir again.

In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder and remaining salt. Add flour mixture to yolk mixture and stir. Gradually add beaten proteins and achieve a homogeneous state of the dough.


  • 2-3 carrots;
  • 125 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar;
  • 240 ml milk.


Grate the carrots on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Combine flour, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla. Add egg, sugar, milk and carrots and mix thoroughly.


  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • a pinch of baking powder;
  • some vegetable milk.


Grind all the ingredients with a blender, turning them into a homogeneous mass. Oliver uses almond milk in his recipe.


  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 200 g flour.


Add salt and soda to kefir and beat well with a whisk. Add sugar and beat again. Gradually add flour to the mixture, mixing until smooth.


  • 125 g flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 240 ml of any vegetable milk;
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Separately, combine vegetable milk, apple cider vinegar and vanilla extract and leave for 5-7 minutes. Pour the liquid mixture into the flour mixture, mix well and after 5 minutes start frying the pancakes.


  • 330 g flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 5 g of dry fast-acting yeast;
  • 400 ml of water.


Combine flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and yeast. Gradually add warm water and mix until smooth. Cover the container with the dough with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour.

During this time, the dough will rise about twice. Do not stir or shake it.


  • 500 g;
  • 220 g mozzarella;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon dried garlic;
  • a few green onion feathers;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • 50-70 g breadcrumbs.


Puree the cooled potatoes with a potato masher. Add grated cheese, egg, flour, salt, pepper, garlic and chopped herbs. Mix well. Form it into pancakes and roll in breadcrumbs on all sides.


  • 500 g cabbage;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour.


Finely chop the cabbage. Season it with salt and remember well with your hands. If juice stands out, drain it. Add coarsely grated carrots, eggs, sour cream and pepper to the cabbage and mix. Add flour and mix again.