Cream for Easter so that it does not crumble. Cocoa Lemon Glaze Recipe

Kulich is traditional dish on Easter festive table. Each housewife has her own recipe for rich, tasty and fragrant Easter cakes. However, it is important to prepare not only delicious dough, but also to decorate in an original way ready-made pastries. So you need to know how to the right icing, which will differ pleasant taste and appearance. Icing for Easter cakes, which is not sprinkled, should have a uniform and thick consistency. After coating with icing, put the cake in the oven for a few minutes to make the icing more elastic. It is important not to overcook the cake, otherwise the icing may become brittle. In this article you will find how to make the right icing for Easter cake, a recipe so that it does not sprinkle, it is tasty and beautiful.

Glaze with gelatin

One of the icing recipes for Easter cake is to use gelatin, which will give the mass a thick and soft texture.


  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Water - 130 ml.
  • Gelatin - 5 g.

Add 30 ml of water to gelatin. Leave for half an hour to swell.

To prepare sugar syrup, mix sugar and the rest of the water, mix thoroughly and put on a small fire. Stir constantly to completely dissolve the sugar. The finished syrup should be completely transparent and resemble liquid honey in consistency.

Add gelatin to the syrup. Stir, then beat with a mixer for several minutes. The finished glaze should be white. Leave the icing to cool, then spread on the cake. Do this quickly or the frosting may set too soon.

A feature of the glaze with the addition of gelatin is the absence of fragility, so it remains on the cake when cut. To give the glaze a bright color and aroma, you can add natural dyes to it.

Protein non-sticky glaze

Another disadvantage of glaze is its excessive stickiness. To prepare a non-sticky and non-brittle glaze, you can use traditional recipe based on proteins. Its feature is the use of powder instead of sugar, as well as the addition of lemon juice.


  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 250 g.
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml.

We separate the protein. Stir gently with a whisk or fork. Gradually add the powdered sugar while continuing to stir. It is better to buy store-bought powder. It has a finer grind than powder home cooking and also contains starch.

Then slowly add lemon juice. With the help of its quantity, you can adjust the density of the glaze. Beat thoroughly and decorate with icing cakes. This must be done immediately after preparing the glaze, otherwise it will quickly harden.

Glaze on yolks

Traditionally, icing for Easter cake is prepared on the basis of egg whites. However, if you are looking for a glaze that does not crumble, is bright and tasty, pay attention to the recipe based on egg yolks.


  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Powdered sugar - ½ cup.
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 30 ml.

To begin with, powdered sugar must be beaten with yolks so that a thick and high foam is obtained.

Then we proceed to the preparation of sugar syrup. To do this, add a little water to the sugar, mix, and melt over low heat. The syrup should acquire the consistency of liquid honey. Let it cool down a bit. If you introduce the yolks into the syrup immediately, they can curl up. When the syrup becomes warm, gradually introduce the yolks with powder.

Immediately coat the tops of the cakes with the finished mixture. This glaze hardens very quickly, and melt it for reuse will not work.

Icing for Easter cake without the use of eggs

Most often, eggs are used to prepare white icing for decorating Easter cake. However, a delicious glaze with a pleasant aroma and taste of citrus can be obtained without the use of proteins.


  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Lemon juice - 20-30 ml.

For the preparation of this type of glaze, it is better to use purchased powdered sugar. It dissolves completely and does not contain grains of sugar. Gradually add lemon juice to the powder and mix thoroughly. The amount of juice used depends on the desired color of the glaze. Who likes a more saturated color should pour in minimal amount juice.

This icing can be applied with a special brush, or you can simply turn the cake over, dip into the icing and turn it over. The icing sets instantly, and does not require additional baking in the oven.

White chocolate icing

The original way to decorate Easter cakes. Glaze without white chocolate does not crumble if you use aerated chocolate for its preparation.


  • Chocolate - 100 g.
  • Milk - 30 ml.

First, a bar of white aerated chocolate should be broken into cubes and melted in a water bath. Then gradually add milk to the melted chocolate. Its quantity depends on the desired consistency.

The finished mixture must be applied immediately. The chocolate icing is quite sticky, and its color will not be perfectly white. However, its advantages include the fact that it does not crumble, and besides, it is incredibly tasty.

Perfectly white non-brittle glaze

If you want to be perfect white icing, which will not crumble and break, it can be prepared on the basis of sugar and vinegar. This recipe will take some effort, but it's worth it.


  • Sugar - 8 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 3% - 1 tsp

If you are using regular vinegar, it must be diluted with water to the desired concentration. Sugar and water should be mixed and boiled to make a thick sugar syrup. Then gradually add the vinegar.

Refrigerate the resulting glaze. Whisk into a thick foam. To do this, you need to beat it for 10-15 minutes. Spread the finished icing on the cakes before it hardens.

Chocolate glaze

One way to make cake frosting so it doesn't crumble is to use chocolate. In this case, you can use both white and dark chocolate.


  • Chocolate - 50 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 80 g.
  • Potato starch - ½ tsp
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oil - 30 g.
  • Milk - 4 tbsp. l.

Combine powder and milk. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly so that the powder is completely dissolved.

Break the chocolate into pieces and add to the powder. Add butter. Bring the mixture to a boil again to melt the chocolate and butter. It remains only to add cocoa powder and starch, and mix the mixture thoroughly.

Remove glaze from heat and let cool slightly. Apply to the cake with a special brush. This glaze is incredibly tasty and beautiful. You can sprinkle it on top chocolate chips a contrasting shade or colored sprinkles to make Easter cakes even more elegant.

Cooking icing for Easter cake is not as complicated and laborious as baking Easter cakes. However, if you make mistakes or use low-quality ingredients, the glaze will crumble, crumble, and spoil appearance Easter baking.

Every day, the preparations for Easter are getting closer and closer. And the most important of them is cooking. festive dishes. In the previous article, your attention was already presented to the Easter cottage cheese cake. But baking hearty cupcakes is only half the battle. They still need to be beautifully decorated. But how to make icing for Easter cakes, which does not crumble, does not stick, does not crumble, and at the same time looks elegant?

There are several ways to make this fudge. Powdered sugar, chocolate, gelatin can be used as a base, berry syrup, egg white - products for every taste and color. Moreover, any glaze recipe for Easter cake after the holidays, you can safely use it as a decoration for a cake, gingerbread, cookies, eclairs and donuts.

How to make Easter icing - basic rules

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, it is worth getting acquainted with some rules or, I would even say, the secrets of preparing such an ornament. It is advisable to remember them no matter which option you choose.

  1. The finished mass for glazing is most often applied to the already cooled cakes. This is necessary so that the mass lays flat and does not curl.
  2. Fudge cannot be prepared ahead of time. It is applied to pastries immediately after cooking, otherwise it may dry out or harden and be unsuitable for decorating Easter cakes.
  3. If powdered sugar is used according to the recipe, then it must be sifted before adding to the mass. Otherwise, there is a risk of lump formation.
  4. At the last stage of preparation, any icing for Easter cake requires thorough kneading.
  5. You can apply a semi-liquid mixture with a spoon, a confectionery syringe, or simply dip the cake into the prepared mass.
  6. It is necessary to decorate the cake with various sprinkles immediately after applying the fondant, so that they have time to “grab” and hold well on the surface.

Easter cake icing - recipes

For the long history of celebrating Easter in culinary encyclopedias a lot of recipes for icing for Easter cakes have accumulated, which does not crumble and does not stick. Although it’s honestly worth saying that the criterion “does not crumble” is very relative. As a general rule, sugar icing and pure protein icing will still crumble to some extent when cutting the cake. Decoration on gelatin, chocolate or toffee keeps its shape much better.

Sugar icing with lemon juice

  • powdered sugar - 100 g
  • citrus juice - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

To make sugar icing for Easter cake, you can take both lemon juice and orange juice. And if you want colored glaze, then prepare the juice from the berries. Blueberries, blackcurrants, are suitable for this. Sugar must be ground into powder, which must first be sieved. For this, an ordinary strainer is suitable.

Then freshly squeezed juice of a lemon or other citrus is added to the powder. If the mass slowly drains from the spoon, then it means that it is already ready. If it turns out thick, then you need to add more juice. The first layer is allowed to dry and the cake is again smeared with syrup. In this way, cupcakes are covered several times. The thing is that one coating is not enough - it looks too transparent.

Perhaps this is the easiest way to make icing sugar for Easter cake. Master even a small cook - my mother's assistant. We must not forget that this is not the most perfect option- when cutting, the "cap" will crumble a little. But the icing does not stick J, and this is also a virtue.

Sugar and protein frosting

  • protein - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • salt - 1/3 teaspoon

Egg whites are first cooled and only then whipped with salt. Mixer or blender speed should be set to medium. Then sugar is added in portions. It should be small enough. If not, then you can take powdered sugar.

The protein mass with sugar is already whipped at high speeds. When the powdered sugar fudge acquires a tight consistency with no visible grains, the whipping process can be completed. The finished protein glaze with sugar looks like a glossy one and holds its shape well.

This the recipe will do for those who are looking for a way to make white icing for Easter cake. Protein-sugar decoration is prepared simply, does not require a lot of products, but always looks festive. Delicious icing for Easter cake made of sugar and protein does not crumble at first when cut, but I must say that it still sticks to the knife. To eliminate this defect, you need to dry the already decorated Easter cakes in the oven. Only 15 minutes will be enough at a temperature of about 150 degrees.

Protein glaze with gelatin

  • sugar - 100 g
  • gelatin - 1 tsp
  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin

How to make icing for Easter cake for Easter so that it does not crumble and crumble? Try the recipe with gelatin - it's a win-win option, as the gelatin component gives the fondant its gooey properties.

First of all, soak and dissolve the gelatin in a small amount water. While the gelling base is being prepared, beat the chilled egg white with sugar and vanilla. The latter is added to taste and is not added to the protein, but first mixed with sugar.

At the last stage of whipping, a gelatinous mass is laid out in a container. Continue whisking until the mixture becomes fluffy. After that, the azure on gelatin with proteins is ready. It keeps its shape well and does not spread. The top layer of such decoration hardens, but inside the glaze remains tender.

Glaze with gelatin without eggs

  • sugar - 1 cup
  • water - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • gelatin - 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
  • vanillin - a pinch

Gelatin is soaked in a small amount of water (2 large spoons are enough). While it swells, sugar and vanillin are dissolved in the remaining volume of water. To do this, the syrup is slightly heated over a fire, without bringing to a boil. Then pour lemon juice into it.

The swollen gelatin is transferred to the still hot syrup and stirred until it dissolves. The resulting mixture is whipped for 3-4 minutes with a mixer or in a blender. The result should be a white mass in the form of a cream.

Glaze without proteins with gelatin lays down on Easter cake with a very even smooth cap. If the mass has had time to harden, then it can be slightly warmed up in a water bath and it will again become semi-liquid. I love this icing recipe - it really doesn’t crumble or crumble, and when whipped it turns white.

Chocolate icing for Easter cake

  • sugar - 100 g
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 60 ml
  • butter - 50 g

Recipe chocolate icing from sugar and cocoa is suitable for those who love this taste and want to decorate pastries with an attractive colored glaze. Cooking Easter fondant for Easter cakes begins with mixing granulated sugar and cocoa in a saucepan. Pour water into the powder, stir.

Put a piece of butter and put on slow fire. The mass is heated with constant stirring until slightly thickened. To add more flavor, you can also include vanillin in the cocoa glaze recipe.

Chocolate cream decoration

  • sugar - ½ cup
  • cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 50 g
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

This is another icing recipe for Easter cake without egg white. Final result will delight those who do not like sweet cloying, but love everything chocolate. Cream is needed very fatty and preferably thick.

Preparing such chocolate icing for Easter cake is very simple. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and put on low heat. With constant stirring, the mixture is brought first to dissolution, and then to thickening.

There is a variant of a similar chocolate glaze (white or dark - to choose from). To prepare it, you need to heat 30 ml of cream, crumble a bar of high-quality chocolate there and bring everything to dissolution. If desired, you can add a pinch of vanilla or a little orange liqueur to the mass.

Toffee fudge

  • sweets "Iriska" - 200 g
  • coconut oil - 40 g
  • milk - ¼ tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Milk can be of any fat content, you can even take cream. When the mass boils, the fire is reduced, sugar (or powdered sugar) and sweets are added. Toffees for this recipe are better to choose firmer.

The mixture is boiled, stirring, until it becomes absolutely homogeneous. Such icing on Easter cakes definitely does not crumble and does not crumble. She has an unusual taste, and the color turns out to be gently-gentle coffee.

Mashmallow mastic

  • mashmellow - 100 g
  • powdered sugar - 250 g

A chewy marshmallow called mashmallow is freely available at the supermarket. It must be melted in a water bath or, alternatively, in microwave oven. Marshmallows will increase in size and melt.

When the mashmellow starts to stick, pour in powdered sugar (2/3 of the specified volume), mix. After that, the mass is placed on the table and, adding the remaining powder, knead with your hands. The mastic will be ready when it stops sticking to your hands. Such icing for Easter cake definitely does not crumble, does not stick and does not crumble.

Unusual decoration can be used in two ways. According to the first method, the mastic is rolled into a layer and a kind of cap is made on the Easter cake. According to the second method, all kinds of figures, leaves, the letters "XB" and the like are molded from the mass. It turns out very beautiful.

Mirror glaze with gelatin and honey

  • sugar - 150 g
  • condensed milk - 100 ml
  • water - 195 ml
  • White chocolate– 150 g
  • honey - 150 g
  • gelatin - 12 g

In my opinion, this is very interesting recipe. Gelatin fudge is made from white chocolate, condensed milk and honey. The result is a frosting that doesn't break, looks exquisite, and gives baked goods original taste. It must be said that such glossy glaze for Easter cake is also suitable for any other sweet pastries.

The specified amount of gelatin is poured with water (60 ml of the total volume according to the recipe). When it swells well, it is put on low heat and heated with constant stirring until completely dissolved. Gelatin should not be allowed to boil.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, put honey (it is better to take liquid) and pour the remaining water (135 ml). Bring the syrup to a boil while stirring. Chocolate is dissolved in a separate container in a water bath. Then pour in condensed milk, sugar-honey syrup and dissolved gelatin.

So that there are no air bubbles in the future white chocolate glaze, the mass must be passed through a fine sieve. If desired, a drop of food coloring can be added to the mixed mixture and again thoroughly mixed with a blender. After that, the mirror glaze is ready to decorate the cake.

Mirror chocolate icing

This is another very spectacular decoration for Easter cakes. How to make it is described in detail in the video recipe. Let it not bother you that we are talking about a cake, such mirror glaze from cocoa can be safely used for watering Easter cakes and other pastries (cupcakes, jelly desserts). Remember the recipe:

Each way of making jewelry is good in its own way. And I hope that having so many recipes, it will not be a problem for you how to make icing for Easter cake for Easter so that it does not crumble and stick. Let your holiday treats be not only tasty, but also beautiful!

There are many ways to make icing for Easter cake: a recipe so that it does not sprinkle. For this you can use like ready recipes and do it yourself. Many housewives know the following tricks so that the icing lasts longer on the cake and looks beautiful.

little secrets

  1. Proteins must be cold. Otherwise, the icing will stick to your hands and will not last long on the cake.
  2. Be sure to add a spoon to the cold proteins lemon juice. Only not store-bought, but natural, tasty and nutritious. It will allow the glaze to harden firmly and make it very thin and crispy. Lemon juice can be added both to the protein glaze and to the finished mastic.
  3. Do not abuse sugar. If the glaze is too thick, it will not last long and will crumble. Therefore, there should be a lot of powdered sugar, but not too much. Otherwise, the glaze will break and fall off soon. Ideally, any glaze should spread well, easily, but not flow. Then it will not crumble on the cake either.
  4. Do not apply glaze to warm or hot cakes, otherwise it will crack when it cools. To prevent the glaze from crumbling, it must be diluted citric acid or juice. But be sure to apply only on cold cakes.
  5. Glaze can not be heated either. Best applied cold.

Easy frosting recipes

Many of them knew our grandmothers. You can make the icing just plain sugar, without flavor, or with a distinct aroma and sweetness. Here are some easy and quick recipes.

Icing- this is traditional decoration cakes, desserts and sweet pastries, especially Easter. There are many options for its preparation.

Classic and most popular egg white frosting recipe It is prepared very simply, quickly and looks beautiful on Easter cakes.

But it has one drawback - after drying, the glaze becomes very fragile, does not hold well on Easter cakes and crumbles when we cut them.

Today I want to show you unusual recipe icing sugar without egg whites on gelatin, which does not stick to the hands does not crumble and does not break while remaining soft, snow-white, uniform and glossy.


  • 100 gr. powdered sugar (sugar)
  • 2 tbsp water (for powder)
  • 1 gr. vanillin
  • 1 tsp gelatin (5-6 gr.)
  • 2 tbsp water (for gelatin)


Pour a teaspoon of gelatin with two tablespoons of cold boiled water, mix well and leave for a while so that the gelatin swells.

Separately, pour powdered sugar into a saucepan, and add vanilla or a few drops of lemon juice to your choice.

We also add 2 tablespoons of water there, mix well so that there are no lumps of powder left and set the ladle on the stove over medium heat.

With constant stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the stove and add the well-swollen gelatin.

Stir thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

And while the sugar-gelatin mass has not cooled down, beat it with a mixer at high speeds into a strong snow-white foam.

As soon as you feel that the mass begins to thicken - the glaze is ready, in time it will take no more than 5 minutes.

The glaze should be thick, white and glossy.

And if you want to prepare a multi-colored glaze, then at this stage, add to it food colorings.

Since gelatin hardens very quickly, while we are applying the icing on Easter cakes, it is advisable to put the ladle in a bowl of boiling water.

Completely cooled down holiday cakes decorate with ready-made gelatin icing.

Properly prepared glaze in consistency resembles thick sour cream.

You can apply it with a brush, a silicone spatula, or simply dip the cake into the icing.

And while the icing is still liquid, then we decorate Easter cakes with confectionery powders, candied fruits or nuts.

You can also see a very successful and proven recipe for classic yeast cakes that I prepared last year, link -

This amount of icing was enough for me for 4 medium and 5 small Easter cakes, and there was still a little left, despite the fact that I applied the icing in a thick layer.

The glaze hardens very quickly, but dries up and stops sticking after a day.

The peculiarity of this glaze is that even after complete drying it remains soft and elastic, does not stick to hands at all, retains its shape and shine.

After a day, I suggest to see what we got.

The icing dried well, while remaining soft like a marshmallow, and not at all sticky.

And now I will cut the cakes and show how the icing will stick to them.

The icing keeps perfectly on the cake itself, does not reach for the knife, does not crumble and does not crumble, like ordinary protein.

The icing is delicious and more like marshmallows, great not only for Easter cakes, but also for buns, muffins and other sweet pastries.

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Dina was with you. See you soon, new recipes!



It's very hard to find in the store these days. delicious cake prepared according to the rules. Especially this question concerns everyone's favorite glaze. After all, almost always it crumbles and does not allow you to feast on and enjoy a full-fledged Easter cake.

It is worth leaving the idea of ​​​​acquiring store baked goods and independently preparing Easter cakes for the bright holiday. Knowledge of glaze recipes that do not crumble is especially useful. Cooking will not take much time and effort, but the final result can exceed all expectations.

Recipes for icing for Easter cakes that do not crumble

with gelatin

The peculiarity of the recipe using gelatin is that chicken eggs are not needed here. Consider the necessary components:

  • powdered sugar - one glass of standard sizes;
  • instant gelatin - one teaspoon;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - a few drops;
  • a little vanillin;
  • purified water - six tablespoons.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 339 kcal.

  1. Stir the prepared amount of gelatin with two tablespoons of water. Leave to swell for a few minutes;
  2. Pour powdered sugar with purified water (four tablespoons) and place on a fire of minimum intensity. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the solution, achieving its complete dissolution;
  3. Remove from the stove and cool the resulting mixture a little;
  4. Then add the prepared gelatin and beat the composition with a mixer until a mass of absolutely snow-white composition is formed;
  5. Cool the resulting lush mixture quite a bit, and then apply at a fast pace to the finished cakes, as it hardens very quickly.

With starch

Glaze prepared with the addition of starch turns out to be very smooth, shiny and incredibly tasty, since the main products involved in the preparation are white chocolate and butter. Let's take a closer look at the list of ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • chocolate (white) - 100 grams;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • low-fat milk - six tablespoons;
  • cocoa - four tablespoons;
  • starch - one teaspoon.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 1080 kcal.

Stages of preparation of snow-white and delicious glaze, which does not crumble:

  1. Pour the prepared amount of granulated sugar into a container and mix it with milk;
  2. Put on fire of minimum intensity. Constantly stirring the mixture, bring to a boil;
  3. Butter must first be at room temperature;
  4. At the moment when bubbles appear on the surface of the milk-sugar mixture, you can add butter brought to room temperature and white chocolate divided into small pieces;
  5. Wait for the complete dissolution of the added ingredients and then add required amount starch and cocoa;
  6. Stir until a mass of absolutely homogeneous composition is obtained and remove from the stove;
  7. Leave for a few minutes, and then you can start decorating the prepared baking.

The recipe for paska with sour cream is a very tasty and interesting dessert to treat on a bright holiday.

Take note of several options on how to make do-it-yourself cake molds.

With lemon juice

There is also another very interesting option glaze preparation with the addition of lemon juice, which not only makes the dried mixture not crumble, but also gives the dish a luxurious sheen. So, the necessary components:

  • protein extracted from chicken egg- 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • purified water - one glass of standard sizes;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - one teaspoon.

Cooking time - 25 minutes.

Calorie content - 343 kcal.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a syrup consisting of sugar and water;
  2. Put the proteins in a container and beat them with a mixer in a high foam;
  3. Pour the sugar syrup into the prepared proteins in a small stream, while continuing to work with the mixer;
  4. Continue whisking with a mixer until the resulting mixture is completely cooled.

Chocolate glaze

Chocolate icing for Easter cakes has recently become very popular, because it is unusual and beautiful. For cooking you will need:

  • chocolate (dark) - 90 grams;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - three tablespoons;
  • butter - three tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - three tablespoons.

Cooking time - 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 1006 kcal.

Preparation of chocolate icing that does not crumble with Easter cakes:

  1. Required amount orange juice, dark chocolate, granulated sugar and butter place in one common container;
  2. Place on the stove with a fire of minimum intensity and stir until the mixture is completely dissolved;
  3. Remove from the stove, leave to cool, and then proceed to apply the resulting yummy on Easter cakes.

Berry juice is an excellent result

To prepare this unusual type of icing for Easter cakes, you will need:

  • granulated sugar - one glass of standard sizes;
  • berry juice (natural) - five tablespoons.

Cooking time - 7 minutes.

Calorie content - 408 kcal.

How to cook berry glaze for Easter cake, so as not to crumble:

  1. Sugar must be carefully removed to eliminate all existing lumps;
  2. Add the required amount of berry juice to the sugar and mix well. If necessary, you can add a little more so that the composition is not lumpy;
  3. In the end, you should get a composition that resembles sour cream in its density.

Icing for Easter cake is not only tasty addition but also useful. After all, it is her baking that retains its freshness for a longer time. There are many various options cooking, but in order for everything to work out and the icing does not crumble during hardening, you must follow a few of the most important rules:

  1. The finished composition for application to Easter cakes should not have a very liquid state, but at the same time not too thick. Approximately, the glaze should resemble thick sour cream;
  2. In the event that the glaze turned out to be too liquid, it is necessary to add an additional tablespoon of powdered sugar, but if the mixture is still too thick, then you will need to add a tablespoon of hot water;
  3. To powdered sugar also need to be extra careful. First of all, it must be grinded very carefully. And then it must also be additionally sieved through a sieve;
  4. In the event that the fondant for Easter cake is prepared on the basis of butter, it is necessary to pre-lubricate the surface with jam before applying the finished composition to baking. Then the glaze will lie absolutely evenly, and its dried surface will shine incredibly;
  5. When preparing chocolate icing, it is very important to pay attention to the structure of the chocolate used - it should not be porous, otherwise it will surely crumble when cut.

There are many options for making icing for Easter cakes that does not crumble. Each of the recipes has its own specific features in preparation and composition. It is necessary to carefully monitor all the subtleties of the process and then you will definitely get a non-crumbling glaze with a smooth and beautiful surface.