What is pectin and where. Pectin in cooking

Pectin or pectin is a gluing substance, a polysaccharide formed from galacturonic acid residues and present in most higher plants - fruits, vegetables, root crops and some types of algae. Being a structural element of tissues, pectins help maintain turgor, increase plant resistance to drought and long-term storage.

Pectin, as a substance, was isolated 200 years ago from fruit juice French chemist Henri Braconnot. The first factories for the mass production of pectin were built in the 30s of the twentieth century.

The use of pectin

Pectin is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In medicine, pectin is used to make physiologically active substances that have beneficial properties for human health. In addition, the structure-forming properties of pectin make it possible to use it as a drug encapsulating agent.

pectins in industrial scale obtained from citrus and apple pomace, sunflower baskets and sugar beet pulp. IN Food Industry pectin is registered as an additive under the name E440 and is used as a thickener for the production of fillings for sweets, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, ice cream, juice drinks.

There are two forms of pectin obtained industrially: liquid and powder. The order of mixing products during their preparation depends on the form of the substance: liquid pectin is added to a hot, freshly cooked mass, powdered pectin is mixed with cold juice or fruit. With the help of packaged pectin, you can make jellies and marmalades from berries and fruits.

Useful properties of pectin

Experts call pectin the natural "orderly" of our body, since this substance has the ability to remove poisons and harmful substances from tissues: pesticides, heavy metal ions, radioactive elements, without violating the natural bacteriological balance of the body.

The benefits of pectin are due to the effect of the substance on the body's metabolism: it stabilizes redox processes, improves peripheral circulation, intestinal motility, and also lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Pectin is practically not absorbed digestive system body, being, in fact, soluble fiber. Passing along with other products through the intestines, pectin absorbs harmful substances and cholesterol, which are excreted from the body along with it. Pectin also has the ability to bind ions of heavy and radioactive metals, due to which it is included in the diet of people who come into contact with heavy metals or are in a polluted environment.

The benefit of pectin also lies in its ability to improve the intestinal microflora, to have a moderate anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa in case of ulcerative lesions, to form optimal conditions for microbiocenosis - the process of reproduction of microbes useful for the body.

All of the above properties of pectin allow us to recommend this substance as a component of the daily diet of every person.

The daily intake of pectin, which significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels, is 15 grams, however, pectin supplements should be preferred to eating ordinary fruits and berries.

pectin in foods

Sources of pectin are apples, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, nectarines, pears, peaches, dates, blueberries, plums, figs. There is less pectin in melons, pineapples, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, green peas.

  • Citrus peels - 30%;
  • Apples - 1.5%;
  • Carrot - 1.4%;
  • Oranges - 1-3.5%;
  • Apricots - 1%;
  • Cherries - 0.4%.

Sweets should not be considered as a source of pectin, because in order to get an amount of a substance similar to the content of pectin in foods, you need to eat about 7 packs of marmalade.

Pectin for weight loss

The cleansing properties of pectin allow it to be used as a component of a weight loss diet. A person who eats the recommended dose of pectin per day, which corresponds to about 500 g of fruits and vegetables daily, needs less food to get rid of hunger. The benefits of pectin are based on its ability to bind "bad" carbohydrates, preventing them from being completely absorbed from the digestive tract.

Pectin is very effective for weight loss in the presence of "stagnant" fat: when weight has been gained for many years. Natural fiber delicately cleanses the body of cholesterol, toxins and toxins, allowing not only to cope with fat deposits, but also to improve the body. Nutritionists are sure: eating 25 g of apple pectin will get rid of 300 grams excess weight in a day.

An example of a pectin diet that will allow you to get rid of 3-4 kg in 1 week:

  • 1 day. For breakfast, a salad of three grated apples is eaten with walnuts, flavored lemon juice. For lunch - a salad of one boiled egg and one apple, mixed with green onions and parsley. For dinner - five apples;
  • Day 2 Breakfast - three apple salad plus 100 grams boiled rice. Lunch - Three boiled apples with lemon juice, 100 grams of boiled rice without salt. Dinner - 100 grams of boiled rice without salt;
  • Day 3 Breakfast - a salad of three grated apples, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar. Lunch - a salad of three apples with two walnuts, seasoned with two tablespoons of honey. Dinner - 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Day 4 Salad of one apple and three carrots. Lunch - a salad of one apple, three carrots with lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Dinner - four baked apples A;
  • Day 5 Salad of 1 grated beetroot and 1 carrot. Lunch - 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, two boiled eggs, one boiled beet. Dinner - carrots mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • Day 6 Repeats the menu of the first day of the diet;
  • Day 7 Repeats the menu of the second day of the diet.

The use of pectin for weight loss eliminates the use of alcohol, coffee and smoking. The pectin diet should be accompanied by a plentiful drink of pure water, green tea or herbal decoctions without sugar.

Apple diet is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. Despite the benefits of pectin for gastrointestinal diseases of varying severity, in chronic diseases (gastritis, enterocolitis, stomach ulcers) the entire daily allowance apples are recommended to be boiled or baked in an oven.


The excessive use of pectin as dietary supplements (it is quite difficult to get an overdose of a substance from natural sources) can lead to a decrease in the absorption of minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron), digestibility of fats and proteins, flatulence and fermentation in the colon.

Pectin is a natural gluing compound that is actively used in the food industry and home cooking. This product does not harm the body, on the contrary, it has many valuable qualities. We will help you figure out what pectin is needed for and what products it can be found in. And, most interestingly, you will learn how to get this useful supplement on your own.

Pectin - what is it: description and types

Pectin (Pectin) - confectionery additive E440 is a purified polysaccharide formed by galacturonic acid residues. In other words, it is a gelling compound of plant origin (found in fruits and some aquatic herbs). From the Greek language "pektos" is translated as "curled", "frozen".

Pectin is produced in the form of powder or liquid extract. On the packaging of a particular product, this additive is listed as E440.

It is known about the technology of pectin production that it is obtained from plants by extracting fruit, berry or beet pomace. The natural substance extracted in this way is popular in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This additive acts as a good preservative. It increases the stability of products during storage.

Pectin is available in liquid and powder form.

Pectin obtained from different plant cultures has a different level of esterification. According to the chemical features, pectin is divided into the following types:

  • low esterified(esterification level below 50%; able to thicken regardless of acidity or amount of sugar, but in the presence of calcium ions);
  • highly esterified(esterification level above 50%; able to thicken at hyperacidity, with a high concentration of granulated sugar or other dry ingredients).
Sometimes buffer salts are included in the composition of E440, after which this polysaccharide can thicken without the presence of acids. Then, depending on the result, two types of jelly are distinguished:
  • thermostable(withstands heat);
  • non-thermostable(destroyed at temperatures above 90–100 °C).

Where and what products contain

The pectin substance enters the human body with berries, fruits, some vegetables, various store-bought desserts and some other food products:

  • fruit crops:, citrus fruits ( , ), ;
  • berry crops:, , And ;
  • vegetable crops: , ;
  • Dessert: jam, jelly, marshmallow, marshmallows, oriental sweets;

Important! In the dry summer season, vegetables and fruits have the highest concentration of pectin. This is explained by the fact that with a small supply of moisture in the ripening phase, the pectin compound intensively accumulates in fruits.

Beneficial features

The benefits of this polysaccharide for the body is difficult to overestimate. Its main value lies in the deep, natural and safe cleansing of all systems. This does not disturb the bacteriological balance in the body. Cleansing is accompanied by a rejuvenating effect.

In addition to the main advantage, the additive has a number of other valuable qualities:
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • contributes to the improvement of hemodynamics;
  • due to astringent and enveloping qualities, it has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, activates the microflora, accelerates the process of absorption of nutrients;
  • has an antiphlogistic effect in case of peptic ulcer in the acute stage;
  • activates microorganisms that produce organic substances;
  • binds and removes heavy metals from the internal organs, heals the body at the cell level;
  • controls the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Important! The intake of pectin is indicated on a mandatory and regular basis for people working in the chemical industry or living in polluted areas. Daily Portion- 15 y.

Benefits for weight loss

Pectin is a real discovery for everyone who wants to lose those extra pounds. The fat-burning effect is achieved through cleansing abilities (E440 eliminates harmful carbohydrates and enhances metabolism).

Plus, pectin contains a rich amount of dietary fiber. In the process of absorption, fiber is transformed into a gel-like substance, thereby slowing down the digestion stage and maintaining a feeling of satiety.

For the purpose of weight loss, nutritionists advise consuming 20–25 g of apple polysaccharide daily. The result will not be long in coming: minus 300 g of body fat every day.

Therefore, when forming a diet, pay special attention to foods with a high concentration of pectin (see above).

Uses of pectin in cooking and how to use it: adding during cooking

Using a vegetable thickener as an ingredient in dishes is quite beneficial. If you bought a pure pectin supplement, then you should familiarize yourself with the rules and tricks of its use in cooking:

  1. Consumption rates of the adhesive vary from 3.5 g per 1 kg of fruit. The maximum allowable amount is 15 g. The more granulated sugar and less water, the less gelling agent is required to be applied. Required amount E440 directly depends on the quality of the additive. As a test batch, you can brew a small batch of thickener first and then adjust the dosage to your liking.
  2. Pectin is added to the boiling syrup. Before this, the additive must certainly be diluted in a small amount of granulated sugar (to ensure its uniform distribution in the syrup).
  3. The pectin preparation should be cooked for 2-5 minutes. With longer cooking, E440 is destroyed, losing its gluing qualities.
  4. Full thickening occurs after cooling.
  5. The high acidity of the feedstock reduces the adhesive properties. In this case, an additional portion of the thickener will be required, or it will be necessary to increase the amount of granulated sugar. A small concentration of acid leads to excessive thickening. Therefore, always add a little lemon juice to sweet fruit preparations.

Application in cosmetology

Pectin acts as a stabilizer in creams, masks, gels and other cosmetics for face.

Pectin is an anti-allergic gelling agent, as well as the No. 1 enzyme in cosmetology. It is not only perfectly absorbed by the cells of the epidermis, but also promotes the assimilation and absorption of other components.

Apple-citrus pectin helps to smooth the skin, even out skin color. The supplement tones the skin, increases the turgor of its cells, and also helps organic matter and other important ingredients to be absorbed into the epidermis.

The substance is the best moisturizer for any type of facial skin. In addition, pectin whitens the skin, eliminates pigment formations, and activates the process of skin cell renewal.

The polysaccharide also has good detoxifying properties and has some effect in protecting against UV exposure of the skin.

Harm and contraindications

Usually, the use of a fruit, berry or vegetable thickener does not have any harmful effects on internal organs. A pectin supplement can harm the human body if you overdo it with its amount.

For example, high concentrations of pectin are dangerous in some shop products and biologically active additives. As a result of the frequent use of such food, the process of assimilation of significant trace elements by the body is inhibited:,. Proteins and fats are also poorly digested, fermentation and flatulence develop, which sometimes leads to the formation of intestinal obstruction.

Important! Remember that during the period of use of gelling substances for food purposes, it is necessary to increase the amount of water or other liquid you drink.

What to replace

A pure thickener is not always easy to find commercially. In such cases, you can try to find a replacement for it in the form of alternative thickeners:

  1. Replace pectin will help apple peel.
  2. A substitute for a gluing additive in dessert recipes can be citrus peel (orange or grapefruit).
  3. help cook thick jam Or real jelly.
  4. , added to harvested fruits with sugar, also thickens delicacies well.
  5. Another excellent substitute for pectin is. And gelatin with various flavors will give a bright color and fruity taste to the dessert.
  6. - mixture made from seaweed Great for thickening jams and jellies.
Each substitute has a different gelling ability. Try various options to decide which adhesive is best for your recipes.

How to make pectin at home

Preparation of the adhesive own kitchen has many advantages. First of all, you will be sure of its naturalness and quality of the product.

So, to prepare natural apple pectin, take the following products:

  • water - 300 ml;
  • fresh apples - 1 kg.
Cooking process:
  1. Divide washed and dried unpeeled fruits into 8 slices.
  2. Transfer the apple slices to a heavy-bottomed bowl and cover with water.
  3. Let it simmer on low heat, avoiding boiling, for half an hour. In this case, stir the mass continuously.
  4. Take a clean vessel, cover it with a sieve and transfer the boiled slices there.
  5. Treasured pectin is contained in strained juice. You can pour it into jars and roll it up or freeze it in ice cube trays.

How to take pectin powder

The powder thickener available on the market today is made from apples. Like any adsorbent, this powder must be consumed in the intervals between meals. To achieve the maximum effect of the substance, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Before you start taking the remedy, read the instructions.
  2. Dilute half a teaspoon of powder without residue in 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. The cooled drink should be drunk 1 glass, 2 times a day.
  4. To prevent painful symptoms in the intestinal area, try to drink more fluids throughout the day.
The positive effect can be felt already after 7 days of systematic consumption.

Recipes and step-by-step cooking instructions at home

Marshmallow with pectin


  • pectin additive - 2 tbsp. l;
  • baked apple puree - 1 cup;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g;
  • a pinch of vanilla or vanilla sugar(can be to taste);
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • powdered sugar.
  1. Soak the pectin supplement for 1 hour.
  2. In apple puree, add a glass of granulated sugar and a little vanilla sugar.
  3. Bring the pectin additive to a boil, dilute, add the rest of the granulated sugar. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Carefully separate the yolk from the protein. Add only the egg white to the puree, stir until a light color is formed.
  5. Slowly pour the syrup into the puree. Mix well.
  6. Beat the whole mixture with a mixer.
  7. Try to form halves of a treat that look like a store-bought counterpart. Do it on parchment paper. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  8. Set aside to dry for 24 hours, then you can glue the halves together.

Did you know? In 2013 in the city of Kharkov was achievedunusualrecord - Ukrainian confectioners prepared the longest chewing marshmallow in the world. The length of the delicacy was more than 68 m. Readyconfectioneryserved to all comers.

Marmalade with pectin


  • fruit puree - 200 g;
  • glucose syrup - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • pectin additive - 10 g.
Cooking sequence:
  1. Warm up the puree.
  2. Mix 20 g of granulated sugar with a pectin additive. Slowly enter this mass into a puree. Stirring continuously and slowly, bring to a boil.
  3. Add glucose and the rest of granulated sugar (180 g). Boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  4. Pour the mixture onto a mold lined with cling film. Try to smooth it out well.
  5. Leave the workpiece to cool completely.
  6. Cut the layer of marmalade into pieces. Roll the treat pieces in sugar or powdered sugar.

Did you know? One of the legends of the appearance of the word "marmalade" is very curious. Once, the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart wished for an unusual dessert for the Middle Ages - she ordered her cook to candied oranges. When the delicacy was cooked, the royal maid (who herself was from France) came to the cook and said that the lady had lost her appetite. As a result, the maid herself ate the sweet oranges. While enjoying dessert, the woman would say in French "Marie malade", which translates as "Marie is ill". Hence the name "marmelade" (marmalade).

The use of E440 in the food and cosmetic industry is growing every year. This can be explained by the desire of manufacturers to make their products more natural.

Pectin is obtained from plants by extracting citrus or apple pulp. The result is a thickener that is actively used in the food industry. On the labels it is indicated as E440.

In order not to harm your body with processed pectin, it is better to get it from plant products that can be bought at any supermarket.

So, it is found in vegetables and fruits: beets, cabbage, apples, plums, lemons, tangerines, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, gooseberries, cherries, oranges, watermelons, cranberries, apricots, peaches, melons, onions, grapes, black currants, eggplant, pears, cucumbers, carrots and potatoes.

Calorie content is about 52 kcal, while 9.3 g are carbohydrates, 3.5 g are proteins and no fats.

Beneficial features

Pectin not only acts as a thickener, but also helps to improve well-being. Due to its beneficial properties, this substance is used in the manufacture of medicines and drugs. Using it in the body:

  • digestion is normalized: it has an astringent and enveloping effect, improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • normalizes peripheral circulation;
  • the level of bad cholesterol is reduced;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer;
  • xenobiotics, biogenic toxins, anabolics and other compounds that can be harmful to health (bile acid, cholesterol, urea) are absorbed and excreted;
  • microorganisms that produce vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract are activated.

In addition, pectin is useful for peptic ulcer disease: its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties improve the patient's well-being.

Helps the body get rid of substances that are harmful to health: pesticides, radioactive particles and toxic metals. It flushes out excess mercury, strontium, lead, etc. from the body. Due to this cleansing effect, he was nicknamed the “body orderly”.

Useful for pregnant women. For example, when you need to get rid of constipation and normalize the stool.

Slimming mechanism

It contains a lot of dietary fiber and valuable substances, but at the same time - low calorie and no fat. Pectin is considered one of the best dietary products. According to nutritionists, by adding only 20-25 g of pectin to the daily menu, you can lose 300 g of body fat per day.

Weight loss occurs due to improved microcirculation and body cleansing. Fats are actively broken down and quickly excreted.

Such a diet will not harm your health, of course, if you are not subject to contraindications for its use.

Harm and contraindication

In case of individual intolerance and allergy to this polysaccharide, it is forbidden to eat it. Pay attention to food packaging - if there is E440.

Excessive use of pectin also threatens with negative consequences. With prolonged use, the absorption of certain substances (magnesium, fat, iron, protein, calcium, zinc) may decrease, flatulence appears.

But overdose is difficult to achieve. Only if you use dietary supplements with pectin without following the instructions.

And again we return to the obvious truth: it is better to receive this substance naturally by simply adding certain vegetables and fruits to the diet. In this case, pectin will not harm your health.

pectin diet

The diet has been approved by doctors and has already helped many to lose weight. With its help, you can get rid of years of accumulation of excess weight. For weight loss, it is enough to eat according to a certain menu for a week. At the same time, in 7 days you can lose from 5 to 10 kg, and some lose weight by 15 kg if the initial weight was more than 100 kg.

The most important rule of the pectin diet is to strictly follow the menu and not make arbitrary changes to it.

Day 1

  • For breakfast, grate 3 apples, add 2 walnuts (chop them) and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Stir and the salad is ready.
  • For lunch, grate an egg and an apple, add chopped greens (onion and parsley).
  • For dinner, you can eat 5 apples in any form: chopped, cheese, baked.

Be sure to read the article, because they are often present in various diet menus.

Day 2

  • For breakfast, grate 3 apples and eat with rice without salt (100 g).
  • For lunch, boil the same amount until the fruits soften, sprinkle with lemon juice and add lemon zest. Together with this dish, you can eat 100 g of boiled rice without salt.
  • Dinner only boiled rice(100 g).

Day 3

  • For breakfast, grate 2 apples and mix with low-fat cottage cheese(100 g).
  • For lunch - 3 apples with chopped walnuts (2 pieces) and 2 tsp. honey. Add all this to a salad bowl or eat separately 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • For dinner - cottage cheese (100 g).

Day 4

  • For breakfast, grate a salad of 3 carrots and an apple.
  • For lunch, make the same salad, but you need to add 2 tsp to it. honey and lemon juice.
  • Eat 4 baked apples for dinner.

Day 5

  • For breakfast, grate a salad of beets and carrots.
  • At lunch, eat 3 tbsp. l. unsalted oatmeal, boil beets and a couple of eggs.
  • For dinner 2 tsp. honey and carrots (in unlimited quantities).

Day 6

Duplicates the menu of the first day.

Day 7

Eat the same as on the second day.

Drink 6 glasses of pure water or unsweetened tea every day. It is forbidden to drink coffee and alcohol during the pectin diet. At the end of the mode, you must smoothly return to the normal menu so as not to spoil the result.

Now you can see how useful pectin is and how widely it is used. The polysaccharide is used in medicine, the food industry and in the dietary field. At the same time, it is available to everyone, and its use does not harm health.

Feel free to add to your diet desired products and enjoy the result!

This substance, discovered 200 years ago, is called an orderly human body. It, like a vacuum cleaner, absorbs all the garbage that prevents the organs from fully working. Experts say that there is nothing better than such cleaning natural way. This substance is called pectin: beneficial features It has long been used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and pharmaceuticals. Women need it for the natural rejuvenation of the body and its safe cleansing. Providing yourself with this polysaccharide in sufficient quantities, you can significantly improve your health.

Meet His Majesty - Pectin

So, pectin: what kind of substance is this, many people know today. It is a polysaccharide (a complex chemical compound) found in plants. Especially a lot of it in algae and various fruits. In the food industry, it is actively used as a thickener, as it quickly turns various masses into jelly (marmalade production, jelly preparation - all this is based on the use of pectin substances). It can be found in common foods under the codename as food supplement E440. In pharmaceutics and medicine, it is used as a physiologically active substance that is very useful for the human body and is necessary for drug encapsulation. On an industrial scale, pectin substances are obtained from:

  • apple pomace;
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • citrus peels;
  • sunflower baskets.

Especially famous is apple pectin, which is considered the highest quality and most useful. For general consumption, this product is produced in two forms - liquid and powder. It was first isolated from fruit juice and soon discovered extraordinary properties that it exhibits when it enters the human body.

Useful properties of pectin

It is high time for women to discover pectin for themselves: its benefits are determined not only within the framework of home cooking. Medicine is the sphere for its active use and direct application. Scientists have established the functions that it performs in the body:

  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • improves peripheral circulation;
  • normalizes intestinal motility: having enveloping and astringent properties, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • with peptic ulcers, it manifests itself as a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory natural remedy;
  • cleans from harmful substances (radioactive elements, toxic metal ions, pesticides) while maintaining bacteriological balance;
  • absorbs and removes biogenic toxins, xenobiotics, anabolics, metabolic products, as well as biologically harmful substances that accumulate over time in the body: bile acids, cholesterol, urea;
  • binds heavy metals (mercury, lead, strontium);
  • reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes;
  • activates microorganisms that are responsible for the production of vitamins.

Given these properties of pectin, it is recommended for use by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, food allergies, and metabolic disorders. But most importantly, it is very useful for women whose problem is in body fat, which they dream of getting rid of all their lives. By improving microcirculation and metabolism, cleaning the body, pectin promotes the breakdown of fats. As a result, kilograms go away, the figure becomes slimmer, the woman becomes prettier. In this case, there are practically no contraindications. The only "but" is an overdose and individual intolerance.

Harmful properties of pectin

In order for pectin to harm the body, you need to try. This can happen in two cases. The first is an allergy to this polysaccharide. The second is an overdose, but for this you need to eat a very large amount of fruits and berries. Only in this case is the substance:

  • interfere with the absorption of minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron) by the body;
  • can provoke fermentation processes in the colon;
  • cause severe flatulence;
  • reduce the digestibility of fats and proteins.

An overdose of pectin, leading to such consequences, can only occur as a result of excessive enthusiasm for dietary supplements saturated with a variety of useful substances. pectin digestible from conventional products nutrition, can not cause any harm to the body - only benefit. Therefore, it remains to find out which products contain pectin in order to increase their amount in your diet.

Foods high in pectin

If you plan such an unusual cleansing of the body with pectin, you need to focus not on the food supplement E440, but on the amount of pectins in plant products. Knowing this cherished list, you can increase them daily use, thereby taking care of the purity of your body and improving your well-being:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • black currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • peaches;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • cherry;
  • apricots;
  • cherries;
  • lemons;
  • pears;
  • grape;
  • tangerines;
  • oranges;
  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato.

A little trick will help increase the dosage of pectin when choosing one or another product from this list. A wise woman should know: the less moisture absorbed by berries, vegetables and fruits during the ripening period, the more pectin accumulated in them. Therefore, find a plus in a dry summer without rain: it is in such weather that natural pectin is provided to you in full.

And other ways to use pectin

In addition to active regular use products, pectin can be delivered to the body almost in its pure form.

1. Dissolve pectin powder (half a teaspoon) in hot water(500 ml).

2. Cool to room temperature.

3. Take between meals 200 ml twice a day.

You can also buy at a pharmacy; pectin sorbents are medicines for effective cleansing of the body: for example, Fitosorbovit, Toxfighter-Lux, etc.

The beneficial properties of pectin are now being studied by scientists around the world. Perhaps its new healing virtues are yet to be discovered. But today it is already clear that pectin is an invaluable substance for human, and most importantly - for female body. Use this to never get sick and always look great.

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Pectins, pectin compounds or pectin substances are polysaccharides formed from galacturonic acid residues. Found in plants and algae. Pectins have found their application in the food industry as structuring and gelling agents and thickeners. Since pectins have a number of useful properties for the human body, they are successfully used in medicine and pharmacology. To obtain pectin compounds in industrial quantities, apple and citrus pomace, sugar beet waste, and sunflower baskets are most often used.

The use of pectin in the food industry

The purified polysaccharide is included in the formulation following products: fruit and berry fillings for sweets, jelly-like confectionery, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, soufflé, desserts, jam, confiture, jam, ice cream, juice drinks with pulp, ketchup, margarine, canned food, dietary and.

What is useful pectin for the human body

- improves metabolism, taking a direct part in the metabolism and stabilization of redox reactions;

— reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;

- stimulates blood circulation;

- activates intestinal peristalsis;

- normalizes the intestinal microflora, eliminates dysbacteriosis;

- cleanses cells from dangerous toxic compounds, including radionuclides, pesticides, salts of heavy metals, carcinogens and toxic substances.

Scientists have noted the ability of pectin substances to activate the processes of hematopoiesis. Sufficient intake of pectin with food leads to an improvement in performance - normalization of humoral and serum factors, regulation of the number of T-lymphocytes, T-hellers.

Empirically, it was found that after eating food rich in pectin, in patients with a decrease in the rate of glucose formation, with a stable level of insulin concentration in the blood. The main therapeutic effect of polysaccharides is associated with an increase in the viscosity of food masses in the stomach and intestines, leading to a decrease in the rate of their transit through the digestive tract, which has a direct effect on the absorption of sugars and fats.

There is a positive effect of pectin substances on the digestive organs. The benefit of pectin lies in the fact that, when bound to bile acids, it reduces the absorption of lipids, while reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Pectin compounds, when they enter the stomach, delay its emptying, enveloping the mucous membrane, while the rate of absorption of sugars is significantly reduced. In addition, pectins significantly improve parietal digestion and contribute to the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Polysaccharides exhibit antibacterial and antimicrobial effects, inhibiting pathogenic microflora and pathogens of intestinal infections, while not reducing the activity of friendly bacteria. Pectins are natural enterosorbents, as they are practically not absorbed by the digestive system of the body. The detoxifying properties of pectin are due to the fact that when it enters the intestines, the substance swells, enveloping the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, thereby leading to a decrease in inflammation, preventing the formation of ulcers and damage, slowing down the destructive effects of some toxic substances that enter with food.

The use of pectin in medicine

Due to the cleansing properties of pectin substances, they are successfully used to treat and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, as well as metabolic disorders, obesity, dysbacteriosis, hypertension, polyarthritis and other joint diseases. In pharmaceuticals, pectin is actively used in the manufacture of capsules for medicinal formulations.

What fruits are high in pectin

The largest amount of natural organic compounds - pectins - is found in vegetables, root crops, fruits.

  1. Vegetable sources of pectin: carrots, Bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini.
  1. Fruits and berries-sources of pectin: quince, plum, cherry, pear, all citrus fruits, figs, pineapple, bananas. A large number of pectin compounds found in (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried persimmons, dates).
  1. Saturated with pectin compounds fruit juices, especially unclarified with pulp: tomato, peach, plum, apple, quince, cranberry, as well as combined ( bell pepper+ tomato, apple + carrot, cranberry + sea buckthorn, etc.).
  1. Grated with sugar or its substitutes, berry mixtures are also a natural source complex polysaccharides: gooseberry, currant, strawberry, feijoa, blueberry, raspberry.
  1. Food supplements with pectin derived from fruits, most commonly from apples.

The daily intake of pectin substances is from 4 to 10 grams per day. If you live in an area with high radiation or work in a hazardous industry, then the recommended amount of pectin per day increases to 15 grams. The use of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits in the amount of 500 grams per day completely replenishes the recommended amount of polysaccharides. It is not advisable to consider industrial confectionery as a source of pectin, since, for example, to obtain 1g beneficial substance from marmalade, it should be eaten at least 7 packs, while you can get the same dose from half a grapefruit or small apple with peel.

The benefits of pectin have long been proven and beyond doubt. Enrich your diet with pectin-containing products, and you will greatly improve the condition and tone of the body. Besides fresh fruits are rich not only in polysaccharides, but also in antioxidants, dietary fiber, organic acids, micro and macro elements, flavonoids, vitamins, easily digestible forms of sugars. Be healthy!