How to make chocolate icing glossy. Ingredients for strawberry frosting

I associate this icing with cake " bird's milk". I think many people know the taste of this glaze, especially those who grew up in the Soviet Union or ate desserts and cakes prepared by our mothers and grandmothers. I offer you a recipe cocoa chocolate icing, which can be used for making confectionery or just eat with a spoon =)

What is needed for cooking

Saucepan or ladle (preferably with a thick bottom)

List of ingredients:

50 gr. butter, fat content 80%;

45 ml. milk, fat content 3.2% (~ 3 tablespoons);

60 gr. sugar (~ 4 tablespoons);

10 gr. cocoa powder (~ 3-4 teaspoons).

Cooking process:

  • cook chocolate icing from cocoa is not difficult at all, but some points in the process should be taken into account. Let's take a closer look =) We start cooking by preparing the ingredients. In a saucepan or ladle (preferably with a thick bottom), we put everything necessary ingredients: butter, milk, sugar and cocoa powder.
  • Next, send the saucepan or ladle to the stove. You can cook chocolate icing from cocoa both in a water bath and by sending the stewpan directly to the stove. If you are cooking for the first time or want to play it safe, then it is better to cook the glaze in a water bath. Of course, the process will take longer, but nothing will burn, and you can easily control the process. And if you choose to cook the icing by placing the saucepan directly on the stove, then the fire must be made a little lower than average and do not move anywhere from the stove, constantly stirring the icing, otherwise it will not work and will burn. Of course, during the preparation of the glaze in a water bath, it also needs to be stirred, but in this case it is less likely to burn if you interrupt the cooking process.
  • Having chosen the cooking method, put the saucepan on the stove and begin the process of making chocolate icing from cocoa. To begin with, we wait until all the ingredients are completely dispersed and turn into a homogeneous mass. Then the mass will begin to boil. It is important to keep stirring the icing at this stage (especially if you have chosen the direct-on-the-stove option). Thus, boil the glaze for 2-3 minutes. Everything, the icing is ready!

Glaze use:

Chocolate icing from cocoa can be used in various confectionery products. It is excellent for impregnating cakes. And if you want to use glaze for impregnation, then after cooking let it cool a little and, while it is liquid, we impregnate the cakes.

I also really like to cover the top of the cake with this icing (for example, "Bird's Milk"), glaze donuts or eclairs. And lately, very often I make from this glaze chocolate smudges on the cake.

Often, cake smudges are made from chocolate ganache(mix chocolate with heavy cream), but when these ingredients are not at home, in my opinion, beautiful smudges can also be made from cocoa chocolate icing. To do this, the finished glaze, it is necessary to intensively stirring, bring to the consistency you need. The glaze should become thicker. The main thing is to monitor the consistency, because. The icing can get very thick and not be able to make beautiful smudges out of it.

I want to show you an example of an unsuccessful drip glaze. In this case, it turned out to be too liquid and smudges did not work out. As a result, the entire glaze glass down.

And in this example, in my opinion, the icing turned out to be a little thick for smudges (although it looks much better than when the icing turns out to be liquid). Don't make the frosting too thick as it will. it can drain very badly (and it won't look nice) or even drip in chunks.

And on this cake, it seems to me, the icing turned out to be of a very good consistency, which made it possible to make beautiful, even smudges.

On a note:

  • For such a glaze, it is important to use high-quality butter. Because more than once it happened that when boiling, the oil separated from the main mass and, of course, the glaze was spoiled.
  • To make beautiful smudges, the cake itself must be chilled, and the icing should not be hot.

Application cocoa chocolate icing very varied. It can be used to soak cake layers, glaze donuts and eclairs, as well as cover the top of the cake and make chocolate smudges. And I think there are many more different options where you can use this glaze. Try and experiment =)

If this recipe turned out to be useful to you, then I will be glad if you leave your feedback about what you got =)

Chocolate icing is very often used to decorate confectionery. This kind of glaze was invented recently. Not so long ago it was considered a masterpiece culinary arts, since the cost of cocoa from which it is made was quite high. This type of glaze was used only to decorate the most expensive and exquisite confectionery. Today, chocolate is accessible to everyone, not just the rich. However, it is not only everyday, but also gourmet delicacy, which is a product of creativity of specialists in the field of culinary arts.

How to make simple chocolate icing?

A simple chocolate icing is sometimes prepared to cover confectionery. Water with sugar is added to cocoa. You will need 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons water. To prepare it, cocoa powder and sugar are mixed with the addition of water. The composition is put on pretty slow fire, it should be cooked, stirring constantly. First, the sugar will dissolve, and then the mass itself will bubble. One minute after the appearance of bubbles, it is removed from the fire.

You should wait for it to cool down a little and thicken. If the mixture is still hot, then it has a liquid state, and in a cooled state, it quickly solidifies and candied. If you need to cook baby cake or custard cakes, then a small amount of butter is added to the icing, which has not yet cooled down. Then the whole mixture is whipped with a mixer. After that, it acquires a milder taste.

How to make chocolate icing with sour cream

To prepare the glaze at home, you can use the most common recipe, its taste will resemble bitter chocolate, which has a specific sourness. It is she who dilutes the cloying sugar, so the presence of sour cream makes glazed cakes delicious in taste.

To prepare a glazed cake, products are taken to cover it, such as:

  • butter (2 tablespoons);
  • sour cream (100 g);
  • cocoa powder (3 tablespoons);
  • sugar (3 tablespoons).

To create a glazed mass, mix sour cream, sugar with cocoa in a saucepan. Boil it over low heat with continuous stirring. After the mixture boils, it is necessary to put oil in it, continuing to cook everything until the products are completely dissolved. Then the composition is removed from the fire, it is not very cool. It is used for glazing muffins, cakes, pastries. This type As the glaze cools, it begins to thicken, but does not become hard.

How is chocolate icing made from cocoa and starch?

Alternatively, you can make the glaze pretty original way. There is a recipe based on starch without brewing the mixture. Sour cream and butter do not need to be added here.

The composition hardens very slowly, so the mass can be applied to both cold and hot confectionery.

Glazed baking coating can be made based on the following components:

  • potato starch (1 tablespoon);
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons);
  • powdered sugar (3 tablespoons);
  • water (3 tablespoons).

Powdered sugar, cocoa and starch are poured into a bowl. After adding sufficiently chilled water, the entire composition is thoroughly mixed. The finished mass is used to cover baking. For example, about 8 mini-cakes (cupcakes) can be covered with this amount of the mixture.

How to make chocolate icing in the microwave?

For those who cook well microwave oven, you can apply the recipe for the preparation of glaze, which contains the following products:

  • milk (3 tablespoons);
  • sugar (1/2 cup);
  • butter (2 tablespoons);
  • cocoa powder (3 tablespoons);
  • bitter chocolate (1/3 bar).

Starting the preparation of the glaze, the milk is heated so that the sugar is dissolved in it. Butter is mixed with cocoa, the mixture is added to milk, chocolate is also placed there. Putting everything in the microwave in a special container, it is taken out after 3-4 minutes. Now the finished mass can be used for its intended purpose.

Recipe for professional chocolate icing

Cooking like a pro is hard enough. However, you can try to make professional chocolate icing yourself according to a special recipe that requires the following products:

  • condensed milk (1 tablespoon);
  • butter (1 tablespoon);
  • cocoa powder (1 tablespoon).

This recipe is pretty easy to remember. Butter melts. After adding condensed milk with cocoa to it, everything is mixed, rubbed to cover the confectionery with finished chocolate icing.

How to make shiny chocolate icing?

There is another recipe for creating chocolate icing without heating all products. As a result, you can get almost real chocolate icing, only shiny.

It consists of:

  • milk (1/2 cup);
  • butter (1.5 tablespoons);
  • powdered sugar (1/2 cup);
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons);
  • vanilla.

When preparing a shiny mass, in order to cover a cake or pastry, cocoa is mixed with powdered sugar, then the mixture should be diluted with warmed milk. It is necessary to put butter in it, which is softened before use. Vanillin is added to the mixture, then it is pounded until a shiny chocolate icing is obtained. To prevent the mass from freezing so quickly, first prepare the confectionery for which it will be intended.

Two recipes for mirror chocolate icing

Products required for glaze:

  • gelatin (8 g);
  • sugar (250 g);
  • cocoa powder (sifted 80 g);
  • cream (80 ml);
  • water (150 ml);
  • bitter chocolate (chopped 50 g).

To make the mirror glaze, soak the gelatine in water following the directions on the package. Take a saucepan, put sugar in it, adding cocoa powder, which has been sifted. Pour water and cream into the composition, put on fire, bring to a boil while stirring. When the mixture has already boiled, the fire is immediately turned off. After adding bitter chocolate, which is crushed, everything is mixed. Then soaked gelatin is added to the mixture, then everything is mixed again.

The composition is left to cool to room temperature. After that, you need to remove the cake from the refrigerator, put it on a wire rack, cover the surface of the confectionery product with the prepared mirror chocolate icing. The resulting mass is decorated only upper part cake or the whole product, and sprinkle its sides with nuts or crumbs.

A special spatula will completely help to decorate the cake with mirror glaze, with which the composition is raked closer to the edge of the sides of the product so that it can flow down.

The drained mass is collected, filtered, and reused if necessary. Then the cake should immediately shift to a dish and refrigerate for 2 hours. When the whole mass has frozen, the cake is served to the table.

Using mirror glaze, you can decorate cakes such as "Bird's Milk", "Daniella", and other types of confectionery.

The second recipe for mirror chocolate icing from Pierre Herme is quite simple. Chocolate, water, honey, gelatin and condensed milk are taken, which must be of high quality. In particular, you should pay attention to the quality of condensed milk and chocolate. You can prepare such a composition for coating confectionery products using instant gelatin, but regular gelatin is also suitable. Take a full tablespoon of gelatin (with top). You can take any honey, but not candied.

First, gelatin is soaked for about 10-15 minutes, so that it swells, in 30-35 ml of water. Honey, sugar, the rest of the water are placed in a thick-walled stewpan and the composition is brought to a boil. It must be boiled for about 2 minutes. After that, the composition is removed from the heat, condensed milk is added there, everything is stirred. After that, the swollen gelatin is laid out so that it can completely dissolve. When mirror glaze from Pierre Erme is ready, then it is used to cover confectionery.

How to make dark chocolate icing?

If you want to make icing for such a popular Sacher cake, then you can combine it with coconut flakes. Products that are used to make chocolate glaze:

  • milk (2 tablespoons);
  • dark chocolate (1/2 cup);
  • powdered sugar (1/2 cup).

All chocolate must be broken and dissolved in a water bath. Next, milk and powdered sugar are mixed, adding the mixture to the melted chocolate. Everything should be put on fire and stirred. You should get a thick chocolate icing for the cake.

How to make hazelnut chocolate frosting?

Often, dark chocolate icing is prepared for cakes, muffins and pastries, but it can be made from white milk chocolate. You can add nuts to it, other mandatory ingredients for chocolate icing:

  • milk (1 tsp);
  • powdered sugar (1/2 cup);
  • butter (1/3 pack);
  • white chocolate (1 bar);
  • vanilla;
  • nuts (various)

The oil must be removed from the refrigerator and left for a certain time so that it softens. Tiles are placed in a small pot white chocolate, which was previously broken. Having added oil there, all the contents are melted in a water bath. After that, milk, powdered sugar, vanillin, nuts are added, everything is mixed and removed from the heat.

Other types of chocolate icing recipes

You can prepare such a confectionery coating for baking not only from cocoa and chocolate, but also from other components, for example, rum, coffee, egg whites, juice various berries and fruits.

To prepare rum glaze, you will need the following products:

  • powdered sugar (200 g);
  • rum (3 tablespoons);
  • hot water (1 tablespoon).

Powdered sugar is sifted through a sieve, then hot water and rum are poured into a bowl. After everything is rubbed with a wooden spoon until shiny glaze. You can make rum glaze using rum essence, which in the amount of 3-4 drops is diluted with 4 tablespoons of hot water.

The main products for coffee glaze are:

  • powdered sugar (200 g);
  • coffee extract (4 tablespoons);
  • butter (1 tsp).

Powdered sugar is sifted with a sieve into a bowl, where oil, hot coffee extract are added. Everything needs to be rubbed with a wooden spoon until a shiny glaze is obtained.

To create a protein glaze, take the following products:

  • egg whites (2 pcs.);
  • powdered sugar (200 g);
  • lemon juice (1 tablespoon).

Powdered sugar is sifted through a sieve into a container, proteins with lemon juice are added there, after which everything should be mixed quickly enough, getting egg glaze, which is seasoned with rum, cocoa, coffee extract, etc.

You can make colored glaze if you use the following products:

  • juice of carrots, spinach, beets, etc. (3-4 tablespoons);
  • powdered sugar (200 g);
  • lemon juice (1-1.5 tablespoons).

Powdered sugar should be sifted with a sieve into a container where juice is added, and then the whole mass is ground into a composition that will be shiny, allowing you to decorate cakes or pastries.

It should be remembered that the heated glaze is not applied to the buttercream.

If necessary, a layer is created, which must pass between the layer of glaze and cream. Otherwise, it is sprinkled with powdered sugar and, possibly, cocoa. It is correct to first apply a thin layer, and then a thicker one. It can be combined with coconut flakes, cognac, vanilla or rum.

Good afternoon friends! Today, professional confectioners have learned how to make real masterpieces by decorating cakes and pastries. These are figurines of people and animals, intricate patterns and paintings, not a cake, but a work of art. Did you know that it is not necessary to be a super-master to amaze your loved ones with great pastries. It is enough to know how to make mirror glaze at home.

The composition of the shiny glaze is a kind of emulsion that has a water part in the form of syrup and an oil component - chocolate. An amazing palette of colors and unusual brilliance, and the surface is so smooth that when you get closer, you can see your reflection. Hence, apparently, the name.

To be honest, for a long time I was sure that all these desserts, amazing the imagination, are nothing more than some kind of clever trick. Well, such a perfectly smooth, shiny coating cannot be edible. But it turned out that it can! And even more - it is not at all difficult to make it yourself.

How to make mirror glaze at home

Do not think that homemade mirror glaze recipes are beyond your power. In fact, you only need to know a few nuances and subtleties, and the rest will depend on your desire and good mood. If this is your first time making icing, then you will probably have questions that I will try to answer as fully as possible:

What can be decorated

A glaze called mirror glaze is prepared to cover mousse dessert products - cakes, pastries, soufflés, since they have a perfectly smooth surface. And this is an indispensable condition for achieving specularity and the desired gloss effect.

For the preparation of such desserts, special confectionery rings or silicone molds which make it possible to obtain such an absolutely smooth surface.

It is sometimes used in traditional cakes, but usually they are not completely covered, but only the top. Glaze in this case flows down beautiful streaks.

What is needed for cooking

Glossage - this is also called mirror glaze, can be made from products that are quite affordable to everyone. These are gelatin, sugar, chocolate, glucose syrup, molasses, food colorings, cocoa, vanillin, condensed milk. Agree, all this is sold in stores.

The cooking technology assumes high accuracy, so in addition you will need:

  • Cooking thermometer to choose the right working temperature.
  • Electronic balance.
  • Blender with a tall glass.

How to choose the right temperature for making glaze

After heating all the components, the glaze is whipped with a blender. At the same time, an indispensable condition for successful glaze is the observance of the temperature regime. Observe working temperature regime very important, since glazing is the final stage in working with cakes. Spoil - nullify all previous efforts.

  • Depending on the type, the working temperature for whipping is considered to be 29 - 39 o C. On average - 32 o C.
  • The lower temperature will cause the mixture to "seize" before it has time to coat the dessert. Although ... there are some subtleties here: if you are going to make beautiful drips on the cake, choose the most low temperature and possible - 29 - 30. At a higher one, the streaks will quickly slide down and freeze in puddles.
  • Too hot glaze will flow very quickly, leave gaps, and you will not achieve the desired effect.
  • It is also important that the cake is well frozen, take it out just before you start working with the icing.

Mirror glaze for cake - basic recipe

This is a universal option for making mirror glaze, having mastered it, you can handle others.

  • Leaf gelatin - 12 gr.
  • Water - 75 gr. (Note that water is weighed in grams).
  • Sugar, white chocolate, glucose syrup - take 150 gr. each component.
  • Condensed milk - 100 gr.
  • Dye - 3 - 4 drops.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Soak the gelatin in very cold. almost ice cold water. You will not find a sheet, take the usual powder, it is also filled with water, but the ratio is 1:6. This means that at 12 gr. powder you need to take 72 gr. water.
  2. Put the condensed milk and chopped chocolate into a glass of a blender.
  3. Separately, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and syrup there, heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Do not stir the mixture, but simply shake in a saucepan or move around.
  4. When the mixture boils, measure it with a thermometer - you need to bring the mixture to a temperature of 103 o C. Bring it up, and immediately remove from heat. It is important to know here: digest - the icing will become too thick, if not cooked - it will drain.
  5. Pour the syrup into a glass of a blender, squeezed gelatin there and monitor the temperature - it should drop to 85 ° C. Stir everything gently.
  6. Add a couple - three drops of the desired dye and start working with a blender at minimum speed. Whisk a little, then decide on a color and add coloring if needed.

Tip: Hold the blender at a 45-degree angle, and only turn the glass as you work. Then you will see how a funnel forms in the mass and bubbles go into it. There should not be many of them, and if you do everything right, then there will not be at all.

If bubbles do form, remove them by straining the frosting through a sieve, then cover cling film so that a film does not form on the surface of the glaze.

After that, put the container in the refrigerator to stabilize for 12 hours (overnight).

In the morning, check the mirror glaze for quality. If you press it with your finger, then it should become elastic and springy.

Before decorating the cake:

  • Warm the icing in the microwave, beat again with a blender and measure the temperature. Working - 30 - 35 degrees - adjust if necessary.
  • Quickly strain the mixture through a sieve and into a jug with a spout (this will make it easier for you to work), and remove the frozen cake from the freezer.

Important! Start decorating the cake right away. If it stands for at least a couple of minutes, condensation will form on it, due to which the glaze will quickly drain. Yes, and the temperature of the glaze will drop.

Colored mirror glaze

As I said above, mirror glaze is a water-oil emulsion. Based on this, dyes are selected for it. They must be both fat and water soluble.

Popular among cooks are confectionery gel colors, which are added in drops to achieve the desired color. In addition, you can take fat-soluble dry dyes.

  • For a stunningly pure white color, add titanium dioxide, a powder that produces a stable white pigment.
  • You will get a mother-of-pearl effect if you add silver or golden kandurin powder.

Attention! The frozen mirror glaze will become more saturated and bright in color than warm. Keep this in mind when adding dyes.

By the way, if you dip a white plastic spoon into the mixture and freeze it, you can find out the color of the future cake without pouring it.

A few more tips:

  • If the icing is glass, collect it and use it for decoration, but only if it does not contain cake crumbs. If hit, pass the mixture through a sieve, and then it can be used again.
  • Make sure that no condensation forms, otherwise the icing will wrinkle.
  • If the icing is too thick, it needs to be reheated in the microwave and continue working. Thus, it can be heated several times.
  • Excess glaze can be collected and left in the refrigerator for a month or more. long storage not provided. Cake, and other confectionery products filled with
  • mirror glaze, cut with a hot dry knife.

Chocolate mirror glaze - recipe

Mirror glaze, which is called chocolate, is most popular in home cooking. And decorate the cake, and the cake, and the soufflé. You will not find molasses, make the syrup yourself, as described below.

  • Gelatin - sachet.
  • Sugar - 240 gr.
  • Water - 95 gr. Molasses - 80 gr.
  • Cream, the fattest, more than 30% - 160 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 80 gr.
  1. Soak gelatin: for powder 30 ml. water, leaf - in 200 ml.
  2. Add molasses and sugar to the water, set to boil, at the same time boil the cream in a separate bowl.
  3. Combine cream with syrup, add cocoa in small portions.
  4. Stir, add the swollen gelatin and start whipping the icing. The temperature of the mixture for decorating cakes is 37 ° C.

Honey mirror glaze for cake

Instead of glucose syrup if you can't find it, you can use ordinary honey with success. Or make your own syrup (recipe below). honey aroma will give your cake a special taste.

  • Water - 75 gr.
  • Sheet gelatin - 12 gr.
  • Sugar, natural liquid honey, white chocolate - each 150 gr. Condensed milk - 100 gr.
  • Dye.

How to make frosting:

  1. The preparation of the mirror mixture is completely similar basic recipe. Just note that honey must be liquid, for this, melt it in a water bath.

Mirror glaze with homemade syrup

This syrup is called invert, which is very easy to make yourself. Used instead of molasses and glucose syrup.

How to cook it:

  1. Take: 350 gr. Sahara, hot water- 155 ml, citric acid- 2 gr. (that's 2/3 teaspoon) and baking soda- 1.5 gr. (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  2. Put sugar in hot water and boil until boiling. When this happens, add citric acid and cook for 20 minutes with the lid on. The syrup will turn a light golden color.
  3. Remove from fire. Dilute the soda dessert spoon water and pour into the syrup. There will be something like an explosion. When the bubbles subside, the syrup is ready. It resembles liquid honey in color and consistency.

How to make mirror glaze:

  • Gelatin - 7 gr.
  • Sugar, white chocolate and invert syrup- each component 100 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 70 gr.
  • Dyes.
  1. Soak the gelatin. Heat water, add sugar, syrup and bring the temperature to 103 degrees. Pour in the condensed milk and add the chocolate. Stir, put the desired dye and gelatin.
  2. Beat with a blender (glaze temperature should be 30 - 35 degrees). Send to the cold. Before using for decoration, heat to the desired temperature.

An article about what you can make chocolate icing from and how to cook it.

chocolate icing for applying to cakes, muffins, Easter cakes and pastries, it is not necessary to cook from chocolate. It can be prepared from cocoa powder with the addition of milk or sour cream, condensed milk, sugar and butter. This glaze is even better in taste and color than chocolate.

That's what advice from experienced pastry chefs when working with glaze:

  • You can add vanillin, rum, cognac, coconut flakes to chocolate icing, they complement each other perfectly.
  • The no-boil icing hardens quickly, so it should be applied immediately after preparation.
  • Can't cover hot glaze cake, where already smeared oil cream, but if necessary, then you should first cover the cream liquid jam or sprinkle with cocoa, and then glaze.
  • You can not cover the cake with freshly boiled glaze, it needs to be cooled a little.
  • First on pastry Apply a thin layer of glaze, and then thicker.

How to make icing for cocoa cake?

Cake decorated entirely with cocoa chocolate icing

Chocolate icing itself - decoration for different desserts. In addition, the icing can even out uneven cakes, so that they can then be decorated with flowers and other products made from butter, protein or sour cream.

Chocolate cocoa icing for cake


  1. Mix in a saucepan half a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons dry cocoa, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk and cook the mixture until it thickens.
  2. Cool a little, add a pinch of vanillin, 30 g of melted butter and whisk until fluffy.
  3. We spread the icing in the middle of the baked top cake, spread it over its entire surface, grabbing the edges so that the icing flows down the sides.
  4. We put the cake in a cold place for the night, in the morning you can serve it with tea.

Cake first covered sour cream and then applied the pattern chocolate cream from cocoa

With this glaze, you can make patterns on the cream, if the top cake is covered with some kind of cream.

Note. If the icing has become cold and thickened, it is poorly spread on the cake, you need to heat it by adding a little water, and if it is liquid, boil it with a spoonful of sugar.

Icing from cocoa and condensed milk, recipe

A piece of cake covered with chocolate icing made from cocoa and condensed milk

Icing with cocoa and condensed milk


  1. Mix in a saucepan half a can of condensed milk, 2 tbsp. cocoa spoons and cook until smooth.
  2. Remove from fire and add 0.5 st. butter spoons..
  3. Pour over the cake immediately and set aside to cool.

Cake covered with chocolate icing made from cocoa, butter and condensed milk, which is used in pastry shops

Chocolate icing made from cocoa used by professionals

This glaze recipe is used by professionals in pastry shops. He is quite simple.


  1. Melt in a saucepan 1 st. a spoonful of butter, add cocoa and condensed milk, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  2. Mix well, and you can decorate any pastry.

Powdered milk and cocoa glaze recipe

A piece of cake decorated with chocolate icing made from cocoa and milk powder

Icing made from cocoa and milk powder


  1. We fill 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin 0.5 cups of water and let it swell.
  2. Mixing 1 st. spoon of cocoa and milk powder, 4 teaspoons spoons of sugar, pour 0.5 cups of water and heat until all ingredients are dissolved.
  3. Swollen gelatin is also dissolved on fire, but do not allow boiling.
  4. Mix hot gelatin, boiling milk powder mixture, butter (30 g) and mix again.
  5. The icing is ready, decorate the cake with it and set to cool.

After a couple of hours, the icing will harden, and the cake can be served with tea.

Recipe for icing with milk and cocoa

Sliced ​​cake covered with cocoa and milk chocolate icing

Icing made from cocoa, milk and flour

The density of such a glaze depends on the milk and flour taken according to the recipe, the more flour, the thicker the glaze, and the more milk, the thinner it is.


  1. Pour into a stainless steel saucepan 1 st. a spoonful of flour and cocoa, half a glass of sugar, 75 ml of milk, knead everything, and cook, stirring, with a slight boil, until the desired density.
  2. Turn off the fire and add 50 g butter, stir until the oil is completely dissolved.

Glaze is used for coating cakes and cakes.

Note. The presence of butter in the glaze gives it a shine.

Lean cocoa chocolate icing recipe

Ice cream topped with cocoa chocolate icing

Lean cocoa chocolate icing


  1. Mix in enamelware 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of water and cook over low heat, stirring all the time, until it thickens.
  2. Remove from fire, add 1/3 teaspoon tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 tsp. a spoonful of cognac, mix it all together.

We cover pies, cakes, muffins with hot icing, and cold is suitable for watering ice cream.

Profiteroles stuffed with ice cream, decorated with lean cocoa chocolate icing

Lean chocolate icing in a cold way

The recipe for this lean cocoa glaze is original and does not require cooking. It can be prepared in a hotel, in nature.

This glaze does not harden for a long time, it can be used to cover both hot and cold sweets.


  1. Mix in a deep bowl 3 art. spoons powdered sugar without lumps, 1 tbsp. spoon potato starch, 3 tbsp. cocoa spoons.
  2. Adding 3 art. spoons are very cold water , knead again, and the glaze can be used.

Donuts decorated with white icing and lean cocoa chocolate icing

Cocoa Butter Glaze Recipe

Cupcake decorated with chocolate icing made from cocoa and butter

Chocolate glaze made from cocoa and butter


  1. Combine in a saucepan 3 art. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, 3 tbsp. tablespoons cocoa, 60 g butter, knead everything and set to cook until the butter melts.
  2. We dilute more 3 art. spoons of milk and continue to cook, stirring.
  3. If frosting is thick, add another 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk.

When the icing is ready, it should slowly drip from the spoon in thick streams.

How to make thick cocoa frosting?

Custard cakes covered with thick cocoa chocolate icing


This is a very common frosting. It tastes like dark chocolate, but sour.


  1. Mix in a saucepan 100 g sour cream, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and cocoa, cook over low heat, stirring all the time.
  2. When the frosting boils, add 2 tbsp. butter spoons and boil until the butter melts.
  3. Turn off the fire and immediately cover the cake and pastries with it, otherwise it will cool down and thicken greatly.

Chocolate glaze from cocoa and sour cream

Strawberries in chocolate icing with cocoa and sour cream

Chocolate glaze from cocoa and sour cream


  1. Combine in a stainless steel saucepan 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar add 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, mix, and set to cook until the glaze thickens (10-12 minutes), stirring all the time.
  2. When the frosting thickens, add 30 g butter and continue heating until the oil dissolves.
  3. Remove from heat and immediately decorate fresh pastries with icing, or prepare a strawberry dessert in icing.

How to make cocoa frosting in the microwave?

Easter cake covered with chocolate icing made from microwaved cocoa and sprinkled with nuts

Microwave cocoa chocolate icing


  1. Warm up on fire 3 art. spoons of milk and half a glass of sugar.
  2. Combine in a microwaveable bowl 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 3 tbsp. cocoa spoons, warm sweet milk, 1/3 of a dark chocolate bar put everything in the microwave. The frosting will be ready in 4 minutes.

We cover the top of cakes, Easter cakes, cakes and muffins with icing.

The beautiful buttery sheen of cocoa icing will add an appetizing look to your cakes, muffins, brownies and donuts. It can also decorate ice cream, sweet semolina and other desserts.

Video: Chocolate icing. Cooking secret. Video recipe

Chocolate icing for a chocolate cake can transform even the simplest and most uncomplicated dessert. Just a couple of simple ingredients good recipe, and an excellent decoration for homemade sweets will be ready in just a quarter of an hour.

How to make chocolate frosting?

The easiest way is to make the icing for the cake from a chocolate bar. Nothing else is needed to make it, but you can add a recipe a small amount butter. Before melting chocolate for icing in a water bath, you need to build a structure from a pot of water and a saucepan. It is not recommended to melt chocolate on an open fire, it can curl up.


  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • oil - 20 g.


  1. Break the tile and transfer to a saucepan.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, place a bowl of chocolate on top.
  3. Stirring constantly, wait until all the slices dissolve.
  4. At this stage, the glaze is removed from the stove, oil is added, mixed well.

Chocolate made from chocolate, the recipe of which is described below, is prepared very simply and quickly. To enhance the taste, you can supplement the composition with a spoonful of cocoa powder. You don’t need to wait until the fudge cools down, it is applied hot for dessert, so the cake is better soaked, and the icing itself hardens, forming a glossy surface.


  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan without boiling.
  2. Throw in the butter, and pieces of chocolate, dissolve, stirring constantly.
  3. Mix cocoa with sugar and pour the milk-chocolate mass into this mixture in a stream.
  4. Stir until sugar dissolves and apply to cake while hot.

This recipe for chocolate icing is the simplest and most hassle-free, the tile can be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven, butter must be added to the composition, optionally supplemented with a spoonful of cocoa for a richer taste. If the resulting fudge is too thick, pour in 20 ml warm water or milk. This icing option is not suitable for creating drips, but it is suitable for coating a soufflé cake.


  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water - 20 ml.


  1. Break the tile, melt it in a convenient way.
  2. AT hot chocolate throw in the butter and a spoonful of cocoa, mix thoroughly. Pour in warm water if necessary.
  3. Chocolate icing for cake milk chocolate ready for use.

The most common dessert design option is to make chocolate and cream icing for the cake. Such fondant can be decorated perfectly different sweets, it is more like ganache - a thick and quickly hardening cream. Choose dark, high-quality chocolate that lends itself well to melting; cream needs an exceptionally high fat content, at least 35%.


  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • cream 35% - 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g;


  1. Break the chocolate, transfer to a bowl.
  2. In a saucepan, dissolve the powder in the cream, heat without boiling.
  3. Pour the cream over the chocolate slices, wait for them to dissolve.
  4. Throw in the oil, if necessary, break through the mass with a whisk.
  5. Dark chocolate icing is ready to use.

Chocolate and butter cake icing is a common option for decorating homemade desserts. It is important to remember, when choosing a base for fudge, that the greater the percentage of cocoa beans in the composition, the thicker the substance will come out. If you want to get drips on the surface of the cake, you need to increase the amount of milk, given that the icing will harden during the cooling process.


  • bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • milk - 100 ml.


  1. Heat the milk in a water bath.
  2. Throw in the chocolate pieces, stirring constantly.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, throw in the oil, mix thoroughly and use immediately.

The mega-popular one is actually prepared insanely simple. This fondant will turn an ordinary cake into a real masterpiece. And the glossy mass is obtained by adding gelatin, the rest of the ingredients are quite familiar to such recipes. Given that the base is made from white chocolate, the sugar in the composition will be superfluous.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • cream 35% - 100 ml;
  • vanilla;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • white chocolate - 150 g.


  1. Pour gelatin with a little water.
  2. Mix milk and cream in a saucepan, heat without boiling.
  3. Remove milk from heat, drop in chocolate pieces, stir until melted.
  4. Add vanilla and gelatin, mix well until smooth and glossy.
  5. Strain the mass through a sieve and apply to dessert while still hot.

Chocolate and condensed milk glaze turns out to be insanely sweet, so it is often used with unsweetened cakes, so the taste finished dessert comes out more balanced. This fondant will perfectly cope with the task of decorating not only the cake, but also other sweets. By consistency, the mass comes out denser and thicker, unlike other, more familiar options.


  • white chocolate - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 ml.


  1. Break the tile, melt in a water bath.
  2. Add condensed milk, mix thoroughly.
  3. This easy chocolate cake frosting is ready to use right away.

This one with dye can transform the most boring dessert. To decorate the fondant, you need high-quality gel dyes, but if you don’t have these, use berry syrups, although they will not be able to paint over the mixture in a rich bright color. For a glossy effect, add gelatin to the composition.


  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • white chocolate - 150 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • dye - 5 ml;
  • gelatin - 10 g.


  1. Pour gelatin warm water and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Make syrup from powder and water.
  3. Warm the cream with chocolate, pour in the syrup, beat with a blender.
  4. Pour in the gelatin mass, dye, without stopping the course of the device.
  5. Strain the glaze through a sieve and use while still warm.

Soft chocolate icing for chocolate cake does not harden on the surface, remains smooth, like a cream. This fondant is well absorbed into the top cake, so it does not need to be soaked in additional syrup. For a special flavor, cognac or brandy is added to the composition, but if the delicacy is prepared for children, it is better to refuse such an additive.


  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cognac - 20 ml;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • milk - 50 ml.


  1. Melt the chocolate, pour in the milk, heat the mass without boiling.
  2. Mix sugar with cocoa and add chocolate to the dry mixture.
  3. Add cognac, oil, mix until smooth and apply on the cake.

A simple chocolate icing made from chocolate is prepared in minutes, you just need to keep track of the time. Chocolate is stirred during melting every 10 seconds. The composition includes only simple ingredients, the result is a smooth, sweet glaze that will harden on the surface within an hour. This amount of ingredients is enough to cover a large cake.