Scary Halloween sweets recipes for kids. Dish “Hairy sausages”

Very soon the scariest holiday of the year will come - Halloween. In recent years, it has been popular not to acknowledge it, not to celebrate it, and to otherwise pretend that it doesn’t exist, but regardless of what you personally think, it exists and most likely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Alas, living in society, it is difficult not to accept its tendencies, so most likely one way or another you will still be faced with the question Halloween menu- you may have to prepare something for a matinee in kindergarten, a charity fair at school, or even, at the child’s request, organize a small party for friends. In general, ideas what to cook for halloween, are needed, no matter what!

Everyone in our world is a little crazy.
L. Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

I won't make up now Halloween menu- I’ll just share with you those ideas that I found on the Internet a long time ago and kept for myself just in case. This year we will spend the Scariest Night visiting friends - most likely, we will cut out something unusual from pumpkins with the children, light many, many candles and bake some cookies. This will be enough to amuse the children, tell them about the traditions of other countries and cultures, show them an example of how this holiday generally takes place, and at the same time explain why it does not fit very well into our customs. In general, will we organize something or not, do you plan, what to cook for halloween or not, I’ll still sketch out a rough list of ideas. What if it comes in handy?

The main criterion when drawing up an approximate Halloween menu there was simplicity - I was looking for quick and affordable ideas, the implementation of which does not require spending two days of time, digging up a bunch of devices and rare products and learning special technologies. Considering that I perceive this holiday solely as a way to entertain children and teach them about the traditions of other countries, I do not intend to make complex cupcakes and stand over multi-tiered cakes for many hours in a row. One, two, and that's it, terrible Halloween menu ready!

1. Fruits Halloween is a rich theme. A little imagination can turn bananas into ghosts and tangerines into pumpkins. To realize these ideas, you need almost nothing except, strictly speaking, the fruits themselves. Oh yes, a couple of spoons will also come in handy lemon juice- so that bananas, apples and a number of other juicy delicacies remain fresh for a long time and do not darken, you should sprinkle them with lemon, otherwise your ghosts will quickly turn, if not into representatives of the population of the African continent, then definitely into mulattoes.

By the way, you can play with anything, for example, an apple: choose beautiful blood-red fruits, dip them in melted chocolate - ready, a scary treat in the spirit of Halloween in your pocket. Oh, better on a plate!

2. Stuffed eggs- an easy way to make something worse. Spiders made of black olives or eyes made of green olives and red ketchup pupils will scare anyone. These dishes are probably not suitable for a children’s party, but they can be offered to adults.

By the way, the same black olive spiders can be used to decorate not only stuffed eggs, but also any salad or even pizza. It turns out that with a minimum of labor costs, a maximum of fear and taste comes out!

3. Witch's broom- one of the main attributes of the holiday! It's easier than ever to make it from a piece hard cheese, straws and sprigs of green onions or any greenery. The simplest things, as a rule, cause the biggest stir - I’m sure these “brooms” will sell out right away!

However, you can make a broom in a sweet version - buy chocolate candies with a characteristic grooved edge (or make them at home, just pour the chocolate into special molds), slightly warm the straw, insert it into the center of the candy or glue it with a small amount of chocolate. Not as impressive, but still an option.

4. Great option Halloween decor - food appliques. An ordinary cucumber circle easily turns into all kinds of faces and scary faces. Instead of a cucumber, you can take carrots, pumpkin, beets and a lot of other products.

Yes, you can also experiment with shapes - for example, cutting out a skull is also not that difficult, if you have the desire.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Impressive Halloween Dishes: Recipes and Ideas

Let's start with the most important thing - the main dishes, which will become the main ones on the table, which means they are bound to impress with their appearance, and excellent taste.

Simple dishes for a large company

Eyeballs in bloody slurry

You probably know this recipe, but in its traditional everyday version. But we need to make it look terrifying. Therefore, we will cook in a special way and say the spell:

Put out your eyes, but don’t fade away,

Boil the red fragrant mash,

So that the guests remain well-fed,

Yes, we're happy.

From jokes to action. To prepare meatballs in tomato sauce we'll need it.

For minced meat:

  • 0.5 kg minced chicken, turkey or beef.
  • ¼ cup pesto.
  • ¼ tsp. ground pepper.
  • ¼ cup grated cheese.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • 1 tsp salt.

For the sauce:

  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 carrots.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Celery (a couple of stalks).
  • Black pepper, salt.

First we will prepare the bloody “slurry”:

  1. Grind the previously peeled tomatoes with a blender or three on a grater.
  2. In a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, fry grated garlic and finely chopped onion. Add celery, carrots and spices there (also grate first).
  3. Simmer this mixture for about 10-15 minutes, then add tomato puree and bay leaves (a couple of pieces) into the frying pan.
  4. Stirring, simmer the sauce over low heat until thickened for about an hour.

Next, everything is simple: mix all the ingredients for the minced meat thoroughly, form small balls with your hands dipped in water. Cut the olives into rings. Pour the sauce into a special form and lay out the minced meat, decorate each with a pair of olives on top. The result was big-eyed meatballs. Place the pan, covered with foil or a lid, in a preheated oven and wait for about half an hour. We take it out, remove the foil and leave it open for another 10 minutes. Guests will be delighted!

Sliced ​​and delicious baked hand

Another hot one hearty dish will decorate your table. When finished it looks very realistic, like a real human brush. How to achieve such similarity? Pretty easy. So, DIY hand. Sorry for the tautology.


  • Minced meat 600-700 grams (any).
  • 2 eggs.
  • Greenery.
  • Tomato sauce.
  • Onions (2 pcs.)
  • Carrot.
  • Cheese (100-150 grams).
  • Salt and spices to taste.

How to prepare the dish:

  1. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  2. Mix vegetables with minced meat, add egg, spices and herbs, knead well.
  3. Now comes the fun part. Use your imagination and carefully place the minced meat on a parchment-lined baking sheet in the shape of a human hand.
  4. Cut out “nail” plates from the second onion and press the blanks into each finger.
  5. Lubricate the entire surface, except the nails, with ketchup.
  6. Cut the cheese into thin slices and spread to cover the entire “brush”, excluding the nails.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place our dish there. We wait a little over half an hour. Place it on a beautiful plate very carefully so as not to damage the shape. Bon, brutal, terrible appetite!


At least one salad must be on the table. So let it also correspond to our theme. I propose to decorate it with creepy layers of pink ham, in the shape of a human face from which the skin has been removed. I’ll attach a photo for clarity and share the recipe. However, the composition may be different, at your discretion.


  • Ham (about half a kilo).
  • Cheese (300 grams).
  • 4-5 eggs.
  • Olives or olives.
  • Mayonnaise for dressing.
  • Food film.
  • A mask made of thin plastic (any face-shaped).


  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse or fine grater.
  2. Cut the ham into cubes, about 1 cm or smaller. We leave some for decoration. In the finale, we have to make the thinnest slices and cover the entire surface of the salad with them.
  3. Mix ham, cheese, boiled and chopped eggs. Can add fresh cucumber for more juiciness. Season with mayonnaise.
  4. Now cover the surface of the salad laid out on a flat plate with cling film and gently press the mask into the shape of your face. Remove the mask and film. You should get a nose, chin, eyebrow line and depressed eye sockets. We lay out thin slices of ham using the papier-mâché principle. Place half an olive in the eye area.

Which of the guests do you think will be the first to stick a spoon in the face or poke a fork in the eye?

When the main courses are ready, the question invariably arises of what appetizers to prepare. After all, they are the ones who give the table a special elegant (in our case, terrifying) look.

Spider eggs

How? Have you eaten eggs with spiders yet?! Yes, this is the most squeaky thing now, a real delicacy, but what does it look like? Mmmm, a brutal appetite immediately awakens and you want to eat them all in one fell swoop. I think it’s not worth teaching you how to stuff. Anyone can mix a carefully removed yolk with mayonnaise, a piece of soft butter and spices. But I’ll tell you more about spiders.

We take 5-6 small olives and cut them into halves, carefully press the first one into the half of the egg already filled with “minced meat”, and cut the second lengthwise into 6-8 parts to make spider legs. We place them along the “torso”. All is ready!

Ghost Pizza

As you have already noticed, I tried to choose simple recipes so that you spend less time on preparation. The main and most important part is the presentation of dishes. They must really impress the guests. I offer it as a snack simple pizza on ready-made puff pastry, which can be bought at any store. Don't forget to defrost the sheets first, and then get creative!

You can roll out one layer in the shape of a skull. Then be sure to make holes in the shape of the eye sockets and nose. Design the second one as a little evil ghost. Here, too, be sure to make eyes from olives. The remaining ingredients are up to your taste. Bell peppers, ham, salami, boiled chicken, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, squid, onions, but most importantly – cheese, there should be a lot of it.

Do not forget that the dough should be prepared for no more than 20 minutes.

Well, where would we be without a sweet dessert on such a terrible holiday? And here I have a couple of recipes for you in Halloween style and more.

"Not ladies' fingers: scary and terribly tasty"

Traditional cookies in England (I have a recipe in mind) will be just right for the table. They will be made in the shape of human fingers, which smell so good and instantly melt in your mouth.

We have to:

  • A pack (200-250 grams) of butter.
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.
  • 300 grams of flour.
  • 1 egg.
  • A third of a teaspoon of salt.
  • A pinch of vanillin.
  • Red jam.
  • Baking powder (1 tsp)
  • Whole peeled almonds.


  • Beat the softened butter with a mixer or a regular hand whisk. In the process, add the egg and powdered sugar.
  • Mix the flour with baking powder, vanillin and salt, then add to the butter-egg mixture.
  • Knead the dough, roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • From cold dough we fashion the likeness of human fingers. Keep in mind that they will expand in the oven, so make them thinner if you don’t want thick “sausages.”
  • Pour boiling water over the almonds and remove the skin. Although you can leave it as is. Gently press a nut into each “finger” in the form of predatory nails. At the junctions (“cuticles”), squeeze out a little red jam from the syringe to make bloody smudges.
  • Preheat the oven to 165 degrees, place your fingers on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake. Remove after 20 minutes.

Our cookies are ready. If you tried hard, they turned out to look like witches, clumsy, curved with scary sharp nails. You can put them on a plate or use them as a decoration for dishes, cakes, pastries, and desserts. Just stick it in regular pie Such fingers are quite a terrifying sight.

Gouge out your eye

This dessert will stare at the guests throughout the party, and when it comes to it, they will be horrified by surprise. A bloody filling awaits them inside! It will take about two hours to prepare, plus overnight in the refrigerator. But what a beauty it will be!

You will need a perfectly round bowl, and a few inexpensive ingredients:

  • Sour cream – 500 grams.
  • Milk – 200 grams.
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons.
  • A pinch of vanillin.
  • Gelatin (1 package).
  • Apple or mint food flavoring.
  • Apple juice (half a glass).
  • Blue food coloring.
  • Red jam or fresh cherries or strawberry.

Let's get started.

  1. Let the gelatin swell in half a glass of water.
  2. Mix the sour cream and milk thoroughly; you can beat it with a whisk or blender.
  3. Add vanillin and sugar, mix again.
  4. In a small amount of water or apple juice dilute a little blue food coloring. You should get a rich blue tint. Separately, in a small glass, make a more saturated solution, from which we will prepare the pupil.
  5. Place the swollen gelatin on the fire and stir constantly until it completely dissolves.
  6. Now let's begin the creative process of “assembling” the eyeball together. Add most of the gelatin mixture to the sour cream mixture and stir for 5 minutes. Don't forget to leave for the iris and pupil.
  7. Add flavoring to the colored juice to taste (to obtain a mint flavor). You can do without it. Then add the remaining gelatin. A quarter of a teaspoon should remain for the pupil.
  8. In a round shape, at the very bottom, carefully drop a few dark drops of juice into the center. Place in the refrigerator for about half an hour. During this time, our pupil should freeze.
  9. Carefully pour the blue juice on top. Let it freeze again, now for an hour.
  10. Pour half of the sour cream mixture over the blue layer. When it has hardened about halfway, place chopped berries or jam in the center. Add the rest of the mixture and refrigerate overnight.
  11. Before turning the mold over onto a flat plate, you need to keep the finished dessert warm for 5-10 minutes so that it is sure to come off the walls. Or wipe the outside of the dish with a warm cloth.
  12. Ready! The eye with bloody contents came out very realistic and tasty. Be sure to try it!

Recipes for the little ones

If there are kids at the party, then children's dishes must be present. Organize a separate room for little guests buffet table. Sometimes you can’t force them to eat hot dishes, but snacks and sweets are sacred for children. And on the eve of All Saints' Day, you need to come up with something special, memorable and terribly tasty.

Hell's peppers

For the main course, I suggest you choose these cute ones stuffed peppers. The filling can be navy-style spaghetti, with meat and tomatoes, or rice with vegetables and cheese. The main thing is to carefully cut out a nose, a scary smile and eyes in a multi-colored pepper. Then stuff them with the prepared filling, add grated cheese on top and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Don't worry if the filling starts to come out of the holes. This will be even more impressive, and the kids will eat them with pleasure.

Sausage mummies

No child will refuse such a snack. It's the same hot dog, only cooler. You will need a package of puff pastry, some mayonnaise, sausages, and an egg.


  1. Defrost the dough, roll it out and cut it into even strips.
  2. Carefully and tightly wrap each sausage.
  3. Place in the oven for about 15-20 minutes. Then take it out, brush it with beaten egg using a pastry brush and leave it again for 5 minutes.
  4. Our mummies are ready. All that remains is to make them eyes from mayonnaise and a piece of olive. It is not forbidden to add ketchup.

Witch's brooms

like this simple snack you can easily do it in half an hour. You will need straws (sweet or salty), cheese (regular or braided), green onions or fresh dill. We cut the cheese into slices and make an even thin fringe. If you have a braided cheese, you won’t have to cut anything. Now we carefully wrap it around the edge of the straw and tie it tightly with onion or dill. We put it on a plate in disarray, as if the witches really flew to the Sabbath and threw their brooms at random.

Damn salad in orange

To get kids to eat salad, you need to present it correctly and effectively. For children, we cut out the pulp from oranges with our own hands and create eyes, a nose and a terrible crooked smile. Looks like mini pumpkins for Halloween, right? Now fill them with any salad. It could be a banal Olivier salad or a cocktail salad of ham and cheese, or maybe a finely chopped fruit mixture. We hand out small dessert spoons and invite you to try.

Bloody apples

There are many beautiful apple desserts. Recipes for apples in caramel or hot chocolate are popular. They are certainly beautiful, but we need them to be just hellishly beautiful. Therefore, we make bloody apples using wooden sticks, on which we put fruit and dip them in white chocolate. Pour red jam or topping in the form of bloody smudges onto the frozen glaze.

Edible caterpillars

This healthy vitamin dessert is made in minutes and eaten in seconds. Take note! To prepare it, we need wooden kebab skewers and seedless quiche-mish grapes. Place the berries on skewers, decorate the outermost one with drops of melted chocolate to create eyes, and serve.

Traditional Halloween Drinks

Such delicacies cannot be eaten dry; they must be washed down. I advise you to give preference to red drinks. For kids, tomato, cherry, and pomegranate juice are suitable. And adults can drink wine in honor of the holiday, or something stronger. For example, this originally designed Bloody Mary. What do you think of the idea?

If you decide to serve light drinks, then do not forget to decorate the glasses, for example, like this.

Or like this.

Or maybe you’ll like this option. Simple and tasteful.

Don't forget to create a general atmosphere. Buy white and red candles. Melt the latter and drip a little onto the white ones to make it look like blood. Cut out silhouettes of bats from black paper and hang them around the apartment in the most unexpected places, and make ghosts out of balls and ordinary gauze.

The tablecloth on the table should not be snow-white and immaculate. It’s better if you find an old one, which you won’t mind throwing away later, and properly mutilate it, tear it, scorch the edges, and stain it with red paint. You can write the names of dishes on pieces of paper, attach them to toothpicks and insert them into each masterpiece. In a word, fantasize, dear readers, I’m sure you’ll turn out scary delicious dinner with all the necessary paraphernalia.

Well, you can leave your reviews, comments and wishes right under the post. If you have your own interesting recipes for dishes for children and adults, be sure to share. Well, I’ll soon reveal one big secret to you, so subscribe to my updates so you don’t miss the most interesting things!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Halloween dishes are scary on the outside, delicious on the inside. According to legend, in order to drive away all evil spirits, you must look scary, decorate your house with scary paraphernalia, and also cook holiday dishes.
INGREDIENTS:- 500 g chocolate cake mix
- 400 g long licorice leg candies
- 2 glasses chocolate cream or glaze
- dragee candies
- confectioner's sugar for sprinkling (optional)
1. Bake cupcakes using cake mix (directions on package). You will need a muffin tin. They usually bake for 15-20 minutes, check for doneness with a toothpick. Let cool completely.
2. Cut the licorice candies into 7 cm pieces. Spread the cream on 1-2 cupcakes at a time and decorate immediately so that the cream does not dry out. Frost the tops of the cupcakes, insert pieces of licorice candy instead of stems (3 on each side is enough, although unscientific). Insert candies in the shape of teeth and eyes. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar.

Punch "Dead Hand"

All you need is a new rubber glove. Preferably not made of thick rubber. Gray medical gloves work well for this idea.
Fill the glove cranberry juice or fruit drink, any red liquid, tie at the bottom with an elastic band, put in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Then remove from the freezer and remove rubber glove from our "hand".

Cookies "Dracula's Prosthetics".
1) 500 grams of your favorite round cookies, the larger they are in diameter, the more impressive they will look
2) Half a glass of red icing or your favorite cream colored red and even condensed milk.
3) A glass with a quarter of small marshmallows or soufflés (details in preparation)
4) 48 pieces of almonds

1) Half a glass of powdered sugar
2) 1 tsp. milk
3) 1 tsp. sugar syrup(corn or invert)
4) Food coloring

1) Prepare the cookies, if you made them yourself, let them cool, then cut the cookies in half for a total of 48 pieces.
2) Now you need to prepare the glaze, you can buy the glaze ready-made in the store, you can also prepare it yourself, or you can simply use your favorite condensed milk or boiled condensed milk, after adding red dye to it. Preparation homemade frosting: In a small bowl, mix the powdered sugar and milk until it forms a paste. Add the sugar syrup and almond extract and beat until the frosting is smooth and glossy. If the glaze is too thick, add a little more sugar syrup.
3) Spread frosting on all cookie halves and place marshmallows on 24 cookie halves in tooth order as shown in the photo. And cover these halves with the second half of the cookies. If you think the structure is not reliable, then you can place more marshmallows behind the decoratively laid out row of teeth.
4) If you haven’t found small marshmallows or as they are also called “Marshmallow” or the desired shape soufflé, then just buy your favorite marshmallow and decide on the shape you need.
5) Insert almond pieces in place of the fangs and delicious cookies"Dracula's Prosthetics" are ready!

Cookies "Witch's fingers"
150 g butter
1 tsp vanilla sugar
200 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 egg
350-400 g flour
almonds, chocolate
1. Cream butter at room temperature with sugar and vanilla sugar 5 minutes. Add egg, mix. Mix salt, baking powder and flour, add little by little, kneading the dough.
2. It should turn out firm and not sticky, but do not overdo it with flour, otherwise the cookies will be difficult to form. If you add little flour, the cookies may spread too much in the oven.
3. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
4. Take out a small piece of dough and roll it into a “sausage” with your hand on the table. This is the base for the finger. Shape your finger. Melt the chocolate, add a little water and lubricate the nail area and the end of the finger. Place an almond on each finger and press down.
5. Bake cookies for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Bon appetit!

Dessert "Grave"
Cookies are smooth, oval or rectangular in shape
300 grams of chocolate cookies
Gel dye
Gummies in the shape of worms, snails, etc.
Prepare a mold for the finished dish. Grind the chocolate cookies into very fine crumbs; if you think they are not dark enough, then simply add cocoa powder and stir, this should darken the cookie crumbs. Place in a dish. Then, on the smooth cookie, which should look like a tombstone, apply the word “RIP” or another ominous theme with an edible ink pencil. Such pencils are sold in many large stores or confectionery departments; they are already edible and ready for easy application. Place cookies with inscriptions in a dish with chocolate cookie crumbs, then arrange gummy worms and snails.

Fruit bowl made from orange “Fear”.
Large oranges
Any fruit for filling
Prepare large oranges, so it will be more convenient for you to cut them, then cut off the “butt” and peel the pulp. Then proceed to cut out the eyes and mouth. Then finely chop your favorite fruit using orange pulp, or prepare another filling and fill the orange.

Meringue with nuts "Dead Man's Bones"
Another one simple idea for a Halloween dessert that can be made with a minimum of ingredients. You can add any nuts to your taste.
3 squirrels,
half a glass of sugar,
50g nuts
Chocolate shavings for decoration
Preheat the oven to 70-80 C and prepare a baking tray lined with baking paper. Beat the whites with a mixer until medium foam. Without stopping beating with the mixer, gradually add sugar and beat until elastic foam. If the eggs are large and the foam does not become stiff, then add a few more tablespoons of sugar; if the foam does not whip, pour in 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Pour the nuts, crushed to the size of rice, into the whites and quickly but carefully mix with a spoon. Place in a pastry syringe. or polyethylene and cut off a corner. And place on a baking sheet in the shape of seeds. Place in the oven and bake the cakes for 1-1.5 hours. Note: Since nuts contain a lot of oil, it will break up the bubbles formed by the proteins. Therefore, if the nuts are ground very finely or they are mixed in for a long time and intensively, the mass may fall off, i.e. baked meringues will be hollow inside and may remain sticky in the middle.

Chocolate Spider
2 cups flour half tsp. baking powder
half tsp salt
1/8 tsp soda
10 tablespoons butter, softened
half a glass and a quarter of sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
thin sweet sticks (straws)
one and a half bars of chocolate
Chocolate sprinkles
Little red candies
Mix all the ingredients for the dough, knead well and refrigerate for 15 minutes. While the dough is cooling, preheat the oven to 175 C. And prepare a baking tray lined with baking paper. Remove chilled dough and form the body of the spider, creating just a ball, place it on a baking sheet, leaving a distance of approx. between the balls. 3.5 cm (they will spread later). Bake for 6-7 minutes, remove from the oven, but do not transfer immediately, because... they will be very soft and stick to the paper. Let them cool on the baking sheet for 3-4 minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack with a spatula and at this moment, before the dough has yet become hard, attach the legs to the spider. After the body with legs is formed, melt the chocolate, very carefully coat it with chocolate or dip the spider in chocolate and top chocolate decorations with sprinkles. Let cool and the chocolate spiders are ready.
Note: When covering with chocolate, be careful, the spider can easily lose its legs.

Meatloaf "Mummy"
1 kg. ground turkey or beef
1 small white onion, finely chopped
1 egg
1 glass skim milk
1 cup breadcrumbs
quarter tsp salt
quarter tsp ground black pepper
1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons brown sugar
250 grams pappardelle pasta (or noodles)
large mozzarella ball
2 pcs pitted black olives.
Preheat the oven to 180 C. And prepare a greased round pan. Mix the minced meat, egg, onion, milk, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and place in baking dish. Mix sugar and ketchup and coat meatloaf evenly. Place in the oven and bake for 1 hour. 20 minutes before ready meatloaf Start cooking pasta according to package directions. Drain the water. When the meat is ready, place it on a plate and garnish with pasta, place slices of mozzarella and cover a little with pasta, add olives and the mummy is ready.

Milkshake "Ghost"
For the milkshake:
500 ml milk, 200 grams of ice cream without added vegetable fats, 50 ml berry syrup if desired
To decorate the glass:
1 teaspoon Nutella or white chocolate melted sprinkles ("drizzle") Black marker
Draw a little ghost face on your glasses with a black marker (it will wash off easily) Dip the rim in melted chocolate or Nutella, then colored sprinkles Fill the glass with milkshake.
Beat everything for a milkshake with a mixer. You can add fruits and berries.

Snack “Monster Paws”
Cheese with holes
We cut all the ingredients except the olives into thin slices, the olives in half. Place the ham on the bread, then the cheese, use a knife to cut out the shape, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, take it out and until the cheese has cooled, attach the olives.

Chocolate dessert “Witches Slaps”
400 grams milk chocolate
8 round cookies
8 mini ice cream cones
1 bag of M&M'S candy
Melt the chocolate from the microwave. Lay out the parchment paper. Quickly dip the cookies in the chocolate, place on the paper, then dip the cone in the chocolate and place on the cookies, decorate with candies and place in the refrigerator until the chocolate sets and you're done!

Have a good mood and delicious food!














We offer you 4 types of Halloween cookies that will decorate your holiday table and create a festive atmosphere with their appearance.
Cookies in the shape of a ghost, scarecrow, pumpkin and witch fingers.

Recipe No. 1. Gingerbread Ghost Cookies for Halloween

If you decide to celebrate Halloween at home, then try making Gingerbread Cookie for Halloween for a party. You will need 15 bamboo sticks, thin ribbon, yellow food coloring and a black cooking marker, a small piece of cellophane or a piping bag with a tip. All other ingredients needed for cookies and frosting are usually found in any kitchen.

Taste Info Cookies

  • cream margarine 90 g;
  • sugar 110 g;
  • wheat flour 170 g;
  • ground cinnamon 3 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • Ingredients for icing sugar:
  • egg 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar 280 g;
  • food coloring 1 g.

Quantity: 15 pieces
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

How to make a cute "Ghost" for Halloween

Cooking shortbread dough. Grind fine sugar with softened creamy margarine, then add one raw yolk. Mix in a separate bowl wheat flour With ground cinnamon, combine dry and wet ingredients. Wrap the dough cling film, put it in a cool place, after 10-15 minutes you can continue working with it.

While the dough is resting, cut out a cookie template from thick paper.

Divide the dough into 15 equal pieces, roll out the pieces to a thickness of 7 millimeters. Cutting out ghosts sharp knife according to a paper template.

Insert bamboo sticks into raw dough. Bake the cookies on a dry baking sheet for 12 minutes. Temperature 165 degrees.

Prepare the sugar glaze. Grind two raw whites in a deep bowl, gradually adding powdered sugar to them. A small amount of Mix white glaze with yellow food coloring. You will need this glaze to paint the eyes.

Place the icing in a plastic envelope or pastry bag. We completely paint over the ghost blanks with white glaze. The thickness of the layer is approximately 2-3 millimeters.

To give volume to the details of the ghost's clothing, we apply additional layers of white glaze, which are indicated on the template. We make each layer after 15-20 minutes, this time is needed for the previous layer to dry.

We draw the yellow eyes after the last layer of white icing has dried.

We wait 20 minutes, draw a mouth and eyes for all the ghosts with a black edible marker.
Slightly dry icing looks ready, but it's not! It is wet inside and you can very easily ruin all your work. Dry the cookies in a dry, ventilated place for 10-12 hours.

We tie bows to the finished cookies on a stick. Now you can invite your friends to a Halloween party.

Teaser network

Recipe No. 2. Halloween Scarecrow Cookies

Scarecrow cookies on a stick with sugar icing will decorate your Halloween table and scare away evil spirits from your home. The recipe is simple, but painstaking. You will need 20-30 minutes to bake shortbread, 10 minutes to mix the sugar icing, and about 1 hour to apply the design. After this, the Halloween cookies should be left in a dry place for the icing to dry completely for 10 hours.
To decorate the cookies you will need 12 wooden sticks.

Cooking time: 1 hour 50 minutes.
Quantity: 10-12 pieces.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry:

  • butter (margarine) – 90 g;
  • flour – 165 g;
  • sugar – 130 g;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon, vanillin.
  • powdered sugar – 290 g;
  • protein – 40 g;
  • food paints.

A method for making original Scarecrow cookies for Halloween

Let's make the dough. Mix all the ingredients for the dough in a food processor. It is better to soften butter or margarine at room temperature first, as these cookies should not be too crumbly. From these ingredients you will get about 400 g of shortcrust pastry, this amount is enough to prepare 12-15 large cookies.

Cut out the scarecrow from thick paper (dimensions in centimeters).

Divide the dough into equal parts, roll it out (0.7-0.8 cm), cut out the scarecrow according to the sketch with a sharp knife.

Insert wooden skewers into the raw cookies. Bake for 11-13 minutes. Baking temperature 170 degrees.

Mix egg white, powdered sugar and food coloring colored glaze for drawing. To paint the scarecrow you need green, orange and black paint.

On all blanks, we first mark the outline of the future drawing. Then use a brush to apply a thin layer of black glaze to the brim of the hat.

Mix thick light green icing, fill a pastry bag with it, and draw a dress for the scarecrow. You can draw a white pocket on the dress and color it with polka dots. If you don’t have a pastry bag with a nozzle, you can use a regular thick bag, the tip of which needs to be cut off. Each layer of glaze must dry naturally. A layer 3 millimeters thick dries in 15-20 minutes.

Using orange glaze we draw the pumpkin head and hands after the green paint has dried.

We wait another 15-20 minutes, draw a black hat.

Small and delicate details on cookies can be made by placing icing of any color in a pastry bag to which a cream tip with the thinnest hole (1-2 mm) is attached. Draw the eyes, mouth, thin threads on the dress and the scarecrow is ready.
Trick or Treat!

Recipe No. 3. "Pumpkin Jack" for Halloween

This Halloween cookie recipe is pretty simple. Having spent very little time, you will prepare original Halloween sweets from shortcrust pastry with sugar icing. To make Halloween Jack Pumpkin cookies you will need a small piece of thick cellophane or a pastry bag with a nozzle, food paints and a standard set of products for shortcrust pastry.

Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes
Quantity: 10 pieces.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry:

  • cream margarine 120 g;
  • flour 175 g;
  • powdered sugar (or sugar) 130 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon 6 g.

Sugar glaze:

  • powdered sugar 260 g;
  • raw egg white 45 g;
  • food coloring: orange, black, light green, red;
  • black culinary marker.

How to Make Sugar Cookies for All Hallows' Eve

We make the dough, taking all the ingredients for it at room temperature. Grind sugar and margarine, add raw yolk. Combine flour mixed with ground cinnamon with the ground mass and knead the dough.

From thick paper we cut out a pumpkin according to the sketch. Dimensions are indicated in centimeters.

Place the dough in a cold place for 15-20 minutes, and then divide it into equal parts (about 10 pieces). Roll out the pieces thinly (0.6-0.7 cm), cut out pumpkins.

Place a silicone baking mat on a baking sheet. Carefully arrange the cookies, leaving small gaps between them. Temperature 165 degrees. Bake for 12 minutes. We transfer the drawing from the sketch to the finished blanks with a simple pencil.

Mix white sugar icing. Gradually add powdered sugar to the egg white, strained through a fine sieve. When the mass thickens enough, you can mix it with food coloring.

Apply a thin layer of black glaze randomly to the pumpkin blanks in the mouth area with a regular brush. Then we roll up a cornet from thick cellophane and fill it with orange glaze. We draw a pumpkin as shown in the photo.

Leave the cookies for 20 minutes in a dry and warm place, and then draw white teeth and eyes.

To draw a wicker hat, you need to make a cornet with a thin hole or use a pastry bag with a thin cream tip. Using light green glaze, draw thin vertical lines, and after 20 minutes, draw short horizontal stripes.

After the green icing has dried, draw a red bow. Leave the Pumpkin Jack Halloween cookies in a dry place for 10 hours for final drying.

Recipe No. 4. Halloween Witch Fingers Cookies

The celebration of Halloween involves general fun, jokes, outfits and paraphernalia associated with the horrors of the other world. Culinary baking is no exception.

Wrinkled, with traces of dried blood and centuries-old dust, inspiring horror and awe, the witch’s fingers will beckon on this day with their crumbly-delicate taste and repel with their terrifying, disgusting appearance. This treat is certainly not for the faint of heart. But those who try these cookies will become invulnerable against all evil spirits for a year.

So, to prepare 400 g of Witch's Fingers cookies you will need the following ingredients:

  • Softened butter– 100 g;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Flour – 250 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Chocolate – 20 g;
  • Peeled pumpkin seeds – 20 g;
  • Baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • Vanilla sugar - a bag.

Witch fingers will take about 40 minutes to prepare.

The sequence of actions in preparing this scary but delicious cookie:

Grind butter with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to beat, add the egg to the mixture.
Combine the sifted flour with baking powder and add in parts to the butter mixture. You may need 1 more handful of flour.
Divide the resulting lump of shortcrust pastry in half, put it in a bag and send it to cool.

After 10 minutes, take out half of the dough, and let the other half cool.
Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
Separate a small lump from the dough and form it into a sausage of the desired length.

On one side, press the resulting sausage with your finger - this will be the place for the nail plate.

Make transverse cuts with a knife on the folds of the phalanges of the fingers.

Melt the chocolate a little in the microwave. Add 50 ml to it hot water and stir well.

Lubricate the place for the nail plate with chocolate solution.

Insert a peeled pumpkin seed instead of a nail.

Lubricate the folds of the phalanges with the chocolate solution and apply a shadow on the sides of the fingers.

Place the witch's fingers on a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat.
Place the baking sheet in the oven.

In about 10 minutes the witch's fingers will be ready.

Despite (in in this case- in the literal sense of the word) for a terrifying-looking cookie, it has the delicate crumbly taste inherent in this type of dough with a certain amount of chocolate aroma.

The presentation of such cookies can be the most unpredictable: from packaging in a candy box or from a witch’s “fives” tied with a black ribbon to serving cookies in a black hat borrowed from the witch herself.
Try it! Happy Halloween!

Have you decided to celebrate Halloween? And you're probably already wondering what to cook. Indeed, what would a holiday be without traditional treats! How to cook delicious and original dishes for Halloween – today the online magazine “” will tell you.

After consulting with knowledgeable people who have been celebrating this Catholic holiday for many years, we came to the conclusion that original and tasty dishes on the table are the most desired moment of the holiday itself. This holiday especially pleases American farmers: this is where you can put pumpkins and other gifts of the autumn garden. However, not only garden fruits and vegetables can be used in cooking. The most important thing is to serve the treats in an unconventional and creative way. Ready? Then let's get started!

Planning the menu

First you need to decide what exactly will be on your table: appetizers, main courses or desserts? Or maybe all together? Well, let's surprise your guests. Well, how to do this - we will now tell you everything in detail.

What's a table without snacks? Indeed, Halloween snacks can be very diverse: fruity, sweet, salty, and spicy. We also include in this category various salads. Moreover, snacks and salads can be the most ordinary (those that you are used to preparing on holidays, weekends, or in general). The main thing is to submit and format them correctly.

Get ready: we have found for you the most original options from the most regular products. And no unicorn tails or crow eggs in the recipes. You can find all the ingredients in any supermarket, market, or bring them from your own garden. So let's begin.


fruit plate

Fruits can and even should be served in an original way. Slice the bananas in half - they make great ghost bananas. Eyes and mouths can be decorated using spicy cloves or chocolate icing (crumbs). Peeled tangerines will make excellent holiday pumpkins. An impromptu tail can be cut out of apple marmalades. In a pinch, green beans will do *pardon*.

Fruits can also be decorated in the form of smiles. Cut the apple into slices and place marshmallow “teeth” between two slices. To prevent the “teeth” from falling out, connect them together thick boiled condensed milk.

Frightened sprats

Sprats will also fit well on the holiday table. Choose canned food that contains large and uncrushed fish - it will be easier for guests to get them. Prepare the salad: mix a couple of boiled grated eggs, a couple of cloves of finely grated garlic, and mayonnaise. If you wish, you can add cheese (in this case you will get the famous “Jewish” snack).

Try to keep your mixture fairly thick. Place it in a small salad bowl. Place the sprats in the same salad bowl, tails up (respectively, fish heads should be “hidden” in the salad). Separately, you can serve croutons from a loaf or black bread in a vase.

Original croutons

Thinking about what dish to cook for Halloween? Any salad served on croutons or in tartlets will be a good option for a festive table.

Will also fit potato chips, and a cracker (salted, with sesame, with pepper - for unsweetened sandwiches; with chocolate icing, with nuts, sugar – for sweet and fruity ones). You can get creative and serve non-standard sandwiches and salads.

Snack ladybug sandwiches

Both adults and children will be delighted with tomatoes ladybugs. Take a saltine cracker, cover it with a layer curd cheese with herbs (with pickled cucumber, mushrooms or any other favorite you and your guests).

Cut the cherry tomato in half and place it on top of the cheese in the form of bug wings. Decorate with mayonnaise or cloves - dots on the wings. Use olives for the head and greens for the antennae.

Snack "mouse"

Place cheese cut into a triangle on a saltine cracker (works best Adyghe cheese, tofu, but you can use any other). You can even use an egg: in this case, simply cut the egg in half - this will be the improvised torso of the mouse.

For the ears, use sliced ​​sausage or any other sausage product. For the nose, cloves, black pepper, a piece of olive are suitable; for the eyes you can use the same thing or sesame seeds, and for the tail – greens.

Bread coffins

Delight your guests with delicious “coffins” made from pieces of black or “Borodinsky” bread. To do this, use a knife to cut 2 pieces of bread for 1 sandwich. They can be fried in a dry frying pan or lightly dried in the oven/toaster. Between the “lid of the coffin” and the “bottom” make a layer of curd cheese with any filling.

You can also simply use mayonnaise with grated garlic or any salad prepared in advance. By the way, sausage, cheese and fresh cucumber have not been canceled either. Decorate the lid with a “cross” of Korean carrots or strips of bell pepper (tomato, fresh/pickled cucumber are also suitable).

Olive Spiders

Egg snacks. Yes, where would we be without the most common product that almost everyone has in their refrigerator? Eggs can be supplemented with any vegetables, cheese, or mayonnaise.

To make savory spiders, hard-boil eggs. Cool, cut in half. Remove the yolks to a separate bowl. Let’s immediately make a reservation that it is better to cook not in portions, but for everyone at once: so as not to cut the egg and prepare the filling separately for each guest. So, put the yolks in a bowl and mash them with a fork, add mayonnaise and garlic (instead of garlic, you can use finely chopped fried onions), mix everything well. Now spoon the resulting filling into each egg half with a teaspoon.

Making a spider is quite simple: use canned olives. Cut the olive in half, one half is the body of the spider, and the second will need to be cut crosswise into equal amount- these are paws. Place the appetizer on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Halloween snack “Fly agarics”

It's quite tasty and interesting snack. You can use ordinary chicken eggs with ordinary tomatoes (then it is better to place them directly on a plate and trim the egg “base” a little so that the “mushroom” sits firmly in the plate), and quail eggs with cherry tomatoes.

For the last option, hard-boil quail eggs and “thread” them onto skewers. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place on top of the eggs. Add a little mayonnaise between the “cap” and “leg”. Decorate the hat with mayonnaise dots and the leg with greens. How many mushrooms there will be on a skewer is up to you. You can use short toothpicks rather than long skewers.

Egg molds

There is also the opportunity to take advantage of the progressive innovations of the 21st century. Now there is a huge selection of special shapes that give products an interesting look. For example, an egg mold. Just in time for Halloween, you're sure to be able to find something suitable.

Such items are sold both on the Internet and in stalls selling kitchen utensils and household goods. In this case, you just need to boil the egg, peel it and “press” it in the mold for a few minutes. The festive skull is ready!

Orange vases

Dishes served in orange “tins” look very colorful, fun and appetizing. Cut off the top of the orange, carefully remove the pulp, cut funny faces on the peel - the salad mold is ready! You can put any salad in such “vases”: both vegetable and fruit.

In fruit salad you can just add the remaining orange pulp. Various sweets also look good in such “vases”. Experiment - perhaps your imagination will give you many new interesting options!

Halloween salad decoration

Use your imagination when decorating familiar dishes: an ordinary herring under a fur coat can turn into a masterpiece under your hands.

Just like any other *good* salad.

Unusual hot food for Halloween

You and I have reached hot. You will be surprised, but even here the most ordinary products could not be avoided. If you don’t have time to invent something, you can always create familiar dishes. Again, the highlight is in the presentation.

Hot dogs with fingers and other experiments with sausages

Take regular hot dog buns, cut them, place a pre-prepared hot dog inside and garnish everything with ketchup. Finger-shaped sausages are prepared as follows: peel the sausages, cut off the tip on one side, preferably with uneven, torn edges. Make several cuts on the sausage itself to imitate knuckles. Place the sausages in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. On the still hot sausages, use a knife to make small nail-shaped cuts. The “fingers” are ready!

You can also play with the theme of mummies and severed fingers in other dishes. Great idea - stylized sausages in dough *wink*

"Dissectioned Corpse"

This is an even more unusual presentation of sausages! To do this, line the table with a white tablecloth with pre-applied “bloody” handprints and smudges. Place an old shirt and jeans on the tablecloth in the shape of a lying person. old clothes can also be stained in advance with red paint or already on the table with ketchup. Instead of a head, use a round plate with cutlets; you can put a pile of mashed potatoes in the shape of a face, pouring it generously with goulash and tomato paste. The insides of a “corpse” can be imitated by any sausages, cutlets, kupats and other meat delicacies.

Actually, here’s a photo of such a table setting: we’re sure your guests will be *crazy* impressed.


Yes, everyone's favorite spaghetti can also take part in the holiday feast. And even become the “highlights” of the program. Well, why not with the current variety of pasta? Different not only in form, but also in content: spinach, tomato, wheat, rice, buckwheat, carrot, with squid ink (black), with chili pepper and... the list can be endless.

It’s enough to use them as a side dish, and come up with some tasty food for the main course. meat sauce, for example, bolognese or goulash with meat cutlets. Prepare pasta “eyes” from minced meat or chicken eggs- both children and adults will be satisfied.

Stuffed peppers

A classic dish can be turned into a festive one. For example, if you don’t just peel the peppers before stuffing, but also cut out their faces, like Jack-O-Lantern. These peppers can be stuffed with anything: the classic combination of rice and minced meat (by the way, these peppers will not fall apart even if they are cooked in sauce).

You can also place pre-cooked navy-style pasta into raw decorated peppers. By the way, any vegetable salads will also look great in such edible “salad bowls”.

Recipes with pumpkin

Porridge in pumpkin

Well, tell me, what would a festive Halloween table be without pumpkin dishes? You can cook interesting and tasty dish- porridge in pumpkin. You will surprise all your guests with such delicious and very beautiful dish. To prepare pumpkin porridge you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin itself - 3 kilograms, no less (if you are cooking for a family)
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste
  • Garlic – to taste (at least 2-3 cloves)
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Buckwheat - half a kilogram
  • Meat - half a kilogram
  • Vegetable oil (or olive) – 2 tablespoons

Wash the pumpkin thoroughly, cut off the top, carefully clean the pumpkin from pulp and seeds. The thickness of the walls of the pumpkin should be at least 1.5 cm. Grease the inside of the resulting “saucepan” with pepper, salt, and sugar. Then place the pumpkin with the lid in the oven (place the lid next to it, do not cover the “saucepan” with it). Bake for an hour at 180 degrees. Meanwhile, heat the buckwheat in a dry frying pan. Then fry in another pan vegetable oil onion, part of the pumpkin pulp and meat cut into pieces. After frying the products, combine them together in a saucepan (regular, our pumpkin one is still baked in the oven!) and cook buckwheat porridge (the most common one using the simplest method). By the way, you can cook the porridge first, and only then add the fried meat - as you wish. Meanwhile, our pumpkin saucepan “came up.”

Remove it from the oven and fill it with the resulting porridge. Add a little water (half a glass), unpeeled (but washed!) cloves of garlic and cover with a lid. Before putting the pumpkin in the oven, you can grease its walls with oil for a beautiful shine. Now put the pumpkin in the oven for about another hour and at 180 degrees. After the specified time, the porridge is ready - enjoy! *good*

In the same way you can prepare vegetable stew in a pumpkin. Moreover, everything is much easier to prepare. The pumpkin does not need to be baked in the oven first, but chopped vegetables (onions, garlic, potatoes, pumpkin pulp, bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, cabbage (you can choose vegetables to taste)) fry in a frying pan. Just place everything in the pumpkin, add pepper, sugar, salt, butter to taste and bake for two hours at 180 degrees. But if you want to add meat to the stew, it is better to fry it in a frying pan first. You don’t have to use the lid: a piece of dough or foil will do instead.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp

Why don't you cook some delicious aromatic pumpkin soup? It will definitely warm you up on a cold autumn evening and perfectly satisfy your hunger. Here are the ingredients you will need for our wonderful soup:

  • Pumpkin - according to desired weight and size
  • Peeled shrimp - 300 gr
  • Cream - to taste (but not less than about 5 cups)
  • Water - liter
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt and spices - to taste ( nutmeg, curry, pepper, coriander, cumin)

Prepare the pumpkin in the same way as for porridge. Cut off the “lid”, clean the pumpkin from seeds and pulp. You can make the walls a little thicker - 2 cm. Bake the pumpkin and lid in the oven for 1 hour at 180 degrees. While the mold is being prepared, let's start making the soup itself. Cut the remaining pumpkin pulp into pieces, place in a saucepan, cover with water and leave to cook. Meanwhile, fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan. After frying, add the sautéed vegetables to the boiling pumpkin pulp. Add salt and spices there.

Bring the soup to a boil, then leave to simmer for another 5-7 minutes until the pumpkin is ready. As soon as the pumpkin is cooked, grind all the vegetables in a saucepan with a blender until smooth. Then pour the cream into the soup, stir and cover with a lid. While the soup is infusing, fry coarsely chopped garlic in a frying pan until golden brown, add peeled shrimp to it and fry until tender. Ready mixture add to soup. By then the pumpkin casserole should be ready. Pour the soup into it, cover with a lid and put in the oven for literally 15-20 minutes.

You don’t have to send it, but just place it on the table in a pumpkin. Of course, not everyone likes to tinker with the pumpkin pot. Some people pour the soup directly into the raw pumpkin. However, not everyone knows that creamy soup can turn sour very quickly. raw pumpkin. If you don’t want to bother, eat the soup right away. This is why the pumpkin soup pot is pre-cooked in the oven.

Or you can even pour the soup into plates or large mugs - this way you will save yourself a lot of time, but you will lose in the surroundings. Although on taste qualities This will not affect the soup in any way. The soup can be decorated with fried pumpkin seeds. By the way, aromatic croutons prepared with your own hands are perfect for this soup: cut the loaf into portions and fry in olive oil with your favorite spices (basil, oregano or Provencal herbs). Serve immediately. *wink*

Scary desserts for Halloween

And finally we move on to desserts..

Sweet pumpkin with honey in a slow cooker

And welcome pumpkin to the table again! We offer you a recipe for a very tasty, healthy, simple and quick recipe preparing pumpkin delicacies in a slow cooker. To cook pumpkin in a slow cooker you will need:

  • Pumpkin – 500 gr
  • Butter – 25-50 g
  • Honey – 3 tablespoons

The pumpkin must be washed, peeled and seeds removed, cut into pieces and placed in a multicooker bowl. Add a piece of butter to the pumpkin (half of the total amount). Select the “Extinguishing” mode for 45 minutes. About 15 minutes before the end of the stewing cycle, add the remaining oil and honey to the bowl and stir. After finishing cooking, place the pumpkin on plates and bon appetit!

Pumpkin pie with condensed milk

Prepare this pie for your guests - they will never forget its taste! Pumpkin makes not only delicious porridges and soups, but also sweet pies. Don't believe me? Then you can check. Just stock up on the ingredients needed to prepare this delicious dish in advance:

  • Pumpkin puree- 500 g (you can buy it in a store or cook it yourself by boiling the pumpkin and grinding it in a blender until smooth)
  • Flour - 200 -250 g (for dough)
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Butter - 150 g (for dough)
  • Condensed milk - 2 cans (400 g)
  • Water - 3 tablespoons (for dough)
  • Salt - a pinch (for dough)
  • Sugar - 150 gr
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Ground cloves - on the tip of a knife
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  • Whipped cream - optional

Combine sugar, salt, butter and flour. Add cold water and stir. You should get a soft dough. Roll out the dough into the mold, making high sides and put the mold with the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour. Mix pumpkin puree, condensed milk, eggs and spices thoroughly until smooth and homogeneous. Now place the filling in the cooled shaped dough and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour.

The filling should be brown, with the middle a little runny. Allow the pie to cool completely before serving. If you wish, you can decorate it with whipped cream. That's it - quick and easy!

Halloween cookies

Cookies are a classic of the genre. You can bake it, buy it and decorate it the way your imagination tells you. Halloween cookies can be baked in the shape of fingers, and the nails can be lined with almonds. To make the cookies shine, brush them with beaten egg before baking.

For “blood” you can use raspberry, strawberry, cranberry jam or jams. It’s very easy to make “ghosts”: cover the finished cookies with icing or buttercream. Suitable for peepholes chocolate chips. As you can see, imagination is everything! *yes*

Cakes and pies: design ideas

Today there is a wide variety of cakes: you can come to the store and choose the one you like. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, many confectionery shops bake themed cakes. Also a delicious cake You can also order confectioners. Or you can bake your own signature cake, decorating it according to the Halloween theme: on a snow-white butter cream depict “bloody” footprints using raspberry jam or strawberry jam.

If your daughter still has an old Barbie doll, don’t throw it away: you will have a wonderful reason to surprise your child for the holiday. Place the doll's body on the cake, and the cake itself will play the role of a festive Halloween dress. Terribly beautiful! For more daring and extravagant people, options for a cake in the shape of a snake and even... a cat litter box may be suitable... However, whether anyone will dare to try such “disgusting” is a big question *shock*. With imagination, as practice shows, anything is possible! *buba*

Halloween Drink Decoration

Oh yes, we almost forgot! What's a feast without decorated Halloween drinks?! Drinks can be very different: alcoholic and non-alcoholic, hot and cold. The choice is yours. The main thing is to present them correctly to guests.

The rims of glasses for juice or spirits can be lightly dipped first in water and then in sugar. Sugar can be colored food coloring. You can dip the edges in jam - that’s a “blood” on your glass. If you want to surprise your guests, then serve them a shot of vodka (or any other strong, but clear and light alcoholic drink) with a “bloody” syringe, without a needle, of course. The "bloody" contents can be anything - and pomegranate juice, and tomato and cherry compote - most importantly, non-alcoholic and red. The guest will decide for himself: mix everything in a glass or drink a glass and “snack” with the contents of the syringe *mosking*.

By the way, you can use special dry ice for drinks in glasses with alcoholic content: it will make your drink “smoky” and add a special chic to the atmosphere

Halloween favors for guests

Be sure to think about what kind of memorable gift you can give your guests. Perhaps you can buy them pumpkin candles, hand out plastic spiders, or make a memorial card for each one. Or you can please them with sweet gifts.

Rubber hand

Take a regular rubber glove (pharmaceutical, not household) and place various sweets inside: candies, dragees, chewing gum, etc. tie everything with a beautiful ribbon.

Ghost lollipops

You can make your own lollipops from sugar syrup or buy ready-made ones. Or even use ready-made wrapped sweets and skewers. Wrap them in snow-white paper napkins, tie them with a ribbon, draw eyes and give them to your guests: both adults and children will be happy to receive such a gift.

Well, once again we wish you a great Halloween and delicious feast– enjoy the prepared dishes and great company!