Puff pastry pie with minced meat and cheese. How to make minced puff pastry pie

Baking is not only a way to surprise children with a treat or guests with some gourmet dish. Often, she can provide the family with just a tasty and fairly quick dinner to prepare. For example, with minced meat it completely replaces meat with a side dish, and is cooked with less labor. Especially in today's times, when ready dough easy to buy in the nearest shop.

What is interesting for working with minced meat experienced chefs It is recommended to use frozen dough. To the extent that they advise those who make the base on their own to freeze it.

Minced meat only

The simplest with minced meat and is prepared elementarily, without additional culinary "squats". A pound of minced meat is mixed with chopped garlic cloves (a couple of pieces are enough) and an onion head. An egg is driven into a bowl with it, pepper, seasonings that you like best, and salt are poured. The mass is mixed again. The packaging of puff pastry is defrosted; if there are two sheets in it, they are rolled out separately, if there is one, it is divided in half. The greased form is lined with one sheet of dough, and it should also cover the sides. Inside the resulting bowl, the filling is evenly laid out, closed with the second part of the dough, and the edges of the pie are pinched. The top is smeared with the yolk from another egg, and the puff pastry pie with minced meat is placed in the oven for twenty minutes. Readiness will be obvious: the top of the cake will turn golden brown.

and mushrooms

You can not be limited only to the meat component. Everyone knows that any meat goes well with vegetables. So you can safely add, for example, mushrooms to a puff pastry pie with minced meat. Try to cook it according to this recipe.

A small piece of bacon, 100 grams in weight, is cut into strips. 300 g mushrooms (can be replaced with Polish or other forest mushrooms, but not champignons), two bell peppers and the onion is finely crumbled. The onion is browned on the fat rendered from the bacon, after which the mushrooms and peppers are added to it. All components are stewed until the excess water is gone, and the mushrooms do not acquire a nice brownish tint. Two eggs are driven into 400 g of minced meat, a tablespoon of the beloved is poured tomato sauce and half tea - very spicy, like Tabasco. After kneading, mushrooms, salt, oregano and pepper are added. Half a kilogram of puff pastry is divided into two parts, a hole is made in the “lid”, through which steam will escape, and into the oven. At 180 degrees, a puff pastry pie with minced meat and mushrooms will stand in it for about 50 minutes.

Minced meat and potatoes

One of the most successful for Thinness is that it is better to put not chopped, but finely chopped meat in a puff pastry pie with minced meat and potatoes. On a rolled out layer of dough, laid out in a mold, thin circles of raw potatoes are first placed, which are salted and peppered. Chopped onion is poured on top, and minced meat, seasoned at your discretion, is already on it. The cake is closed, the edges are carefully sealed, a hole is made for the steam to escape, the top is smeared with yolk or cream - and into the oven. How long your puff pastry pie with minced meat and potatoes will stay in it depends on the size of the mold and the amount of filling. Approximately 50 minutes.

Various fillings

If you are already a little bored regular pie from puff pastry with minced meat, the recipe can be enriched additional ingredients. A polkachan is taken, disassembled into leaves, cut into squares and slightly blanched. The chopped onion is fried sunflower oil, cubes of 150 g of bacon and 350 of minced meat are added (again, not ground, but chopped). For five minutes, everything is fried together, after which it is mixed with cubes of four boiled potatoes and cabbage. The entire filling is distributed over the dough, laid out in a mold, and poured with a mixture of an incomplete glass of sour cream, 100 g of grated cheese and two eggs. Since this is puff pastry with minced meat, it will bake in less than half an hour.

A hearty recipe for a slow cooker

It is quite easy to cook pastries in it, those who have owned such an apparatus for at least a month have already made sure of this. There is one trick on how to pull out a cooked puff pastry pie with minced meat in a slow cooker: the bowl is lined with strips of food parchment with a cross. Lifting the ribbons by the ends, the pastries are removed from the bowl without disturbing its shape.

To make baking take less time, chopped onion and 300 g of champignons are pre-fried; they do the same with a third kilogram of salted and seasoned minced meat. Shaping a cake is no different than preparing it for the oven. When it is ready to bake, the multicooker turns on in the baking mode with the lid closed, but the valve open - pressure is useless here. After half an hour, the cake is taken out, turned over, and the machine starts up in the same mode for the same time. If you are not too lazy to turn over, your puff pastry pie with minced meat will become ruddy on all sides, and the filling will definitely bake.

Friends, today I will share with you one very interesting recipe cake in the form of a snail. For the first time I tried such a pie in Tunisia. It was stuffed with cheese and herbs. The first thing that attracted me was the shape of the pie. Its filling can be anything really. And I propose to prepare hearty option, with meat. The meat will be dietary - minced turkey. The dough in the pie is traditionally puff, and we will decorate it with white and black sesame seeds.


500 g of ready-made puff pastry (you can take any - yeast or without)

600 gr ground turkey

1 large onion

a few sprigs of fresh thyme

salt and black ground pepper taste

1/2 egg for brushing the pie

a handful of black and white sesame seeds

vegetable oil for frying the filling

Pie preparation:

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil for 2 minutes until softened.

  2. Add the minced meat to the onion, mash it with a spatula and fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes, until the minced meat seizes.

  3. At the end, salt, pepper to taste, add thyme leaves without stems and mix the filling. By the way, thyme goes well with poultry meat, which is why I use it in many of my recipes. Moreover, it can be grown very easily at home in a pot 😉

  4. Roll out the dough into a long layer about 12-13 cm wide. I have store-bought dough, and I was lucky that it already comes in the form of a long layer, I just rolled it out a little wide.

  5. Put the minced meat filling in the middle of the strip of dough along its entire length.

  6. Roll the dough together with the filling into a roll, as if making cinnamon rolls, according to the same principle. Pinch the edge well so that nothing falls apart during baking.

  7. And finally, roll the snail out of the resulting “sausage”.

  8. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and put our snail on it, only upside down so that the “seam” remains below. Brush the pie with beaten egg.

  9. Sprinkle with sesame seed mixture. If you do not have black sesame seeds, you can only get by with white ones, it's not scary.
  10. Bake the cake for 20 minutes at 180C.
  11. When the cake is ready, turn off the oven and open the door a little, let the cake sit there for a while until the oven cools completely. Admire how ruddy and plump handsome he is!
  12. When the cake has cooled down a bit, you can cut it and serve it on the table. Bon appetit, Friends!

    minced puff pastry pie recipe with photo

Delicious and easy to prepare puff pastry pie with minced meat and potatoes. For this cake, you can use ready-made puff-yeast or yeast-free puff pastry. It needs to be defrosted beforehand.


  • Minced meat - 500 grams;
  • Onion - 200 grams;
  • Potatoes - 200 grams;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc.


Minced meat can be used chicken, pork and beef, turkey, that is, the one that you like. This recipe uses Ground beef. Add chopped onion in a blender to the minced meat or pass it through a meat grinder. Cut potatoes into strips.

Potatoes can be used both boiled and raw. WITH boiled potatoes The cake will bake faster. Nose raw potatoes The cake takes longer to bake, but is much more fragrant and tastier. Add shredded potatoes to minced meat. Salt, pepper. Mix everything.

It does not matter whether the puff pastry is yeast or yeast-free. In any case, the cake will be very tasty. Roll out the dough. How to roll out correctly? If you have store-bought dough, you don’t need to roll it out, since initially it is sold with a thickness of 1 cm.

It can be rolled out a little thinner, but this is not important. Look here according to your mood and desire.

Be sure to pierce with a fork so it doesn't tear during baking. Divide into three equal parts. Make cuts on the 2 extreme parts into strips 3 cm wide.

Put the whole stuffing in the center of the dough. Weave the strips with a pigtail, closing the filling. Brush with egg on all sides.

It is necessary to bake a cake within a temperature range of 120 - 140 degrees. It is possible at 170 degrees, but here it is important not to burn the cake, and bake the potatoes well.

Once the top of the cake is browned, cover it with foil. This is necessary so that the potatoes bake well and do not burn.

Approximate baking time is 60 minutes and depends on your oven, as many show the same temperature but bake differently. In one oven, baking is burning, in another it is drying, and in the third it is not clear how it is baked.

Unfortunately, this is how practice shows, and we will not get away from it. But, this does not mean that the cake cannot be baked. It is possible and necessary!

So once again: be guided by your oven!

Bon appetit!

Puff pastry does not need advertising. When you mention it, it immediately comes to mind gentle cream and crispy crusts. Although this is not one treat that can be made based on it. For example, baked from puff pastry: cookies, pizza, pies with different fillings and much more. The technology of making puff pastry is a very laborious process that requires certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, many housewives, in order to save time, purchase it frozen in stores.
A pie whose base is this species semi-finished product, stuffed various fillings: fruits, cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, herbs, fish and meat. Today he will tell with minced meat from a semi-finished product bought in a supermarket, ready-made puff pastry. Such pies are stuffed raw or boiled meat. The main condition for the meat filling is finely chopped or twisted in a meat grinder. Additional products diversify the taste of the filling: onions, carrots, mushrooms, herbs, cheese, tomatoes, eggs, cream and spices.

How to work with puff pastry from the store

In order for baking from this type of semi-finished product to succeed, it must be correct: defrost, roll out and bake. Work with puff pastry quite easy, while there are certain requirements that must be observed:

  • defrost it at room temperature. At high temperatures, it will quickly blur, which will complicate the work.
  • they don’t wrinkle it with their hands, but roll it with a rolling pin in one direction so as not to tear the layers.
  • To make the cake bake faster, the dough is pierced in several places with a fork.
  • for the shine of baking, the top layer is smeared raw egg or oil.
  • the semi-finished product is sent to the oven cold, because the dough will rise before the butter begins to melt.
  • products are baked in a preheated oven at a high temperature of 190-230 ° C. At a low temperature, the cake will come out dry, above 230 degrees - hard.

And now that you have learned all the basic secrets of cooking delicious pastries based on puff pastry, let's start cooking in the kitchen.

Meat pie from puff pastry with minced meat, recipe with step by step photo


Store-bought frozen puff pastry - 1 sheet (350g)
Meat (any variety) - 700 g
Sour cream - 100 ml
Bulb - 1 piece
Egg - 1 piece
Garlic - 3 cloves
Dried (or fresh) basil - 1 tablespoon
Salt, pepper, spices and spices - to taste
Oil - for frying

In order to prepare any pie from ready-made puff pastry, the latter must be removed from the refrigerator and thawed at room temperature. While the dough is defrosting, let's prepare the meat filling for our pie.

1. Spasser the onion, peeled and chopped in half rings, in oil in a frying pan until transparent.

2. Remove fat, film from meat, wash and dry. Finely chop or twist through a meat grinder, put in another hot pan and fry over high heat, stirring occasionally, about 7 minutes until golden brown.

3. In a pan with meat, put the sautéed onion, sour cream, spices, spices, finely chopped garlic, salt and basil.

4. Mix the products, set the average temperature regime and we will cook the filling for another 3-5 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, beat in the egg and quickly mix it. The filling for the pie is ready. It's time to take the test.

5. The puff pastry has already thawed at room temperature. Roll it thinly with a rolling pin to make a sheet of about 3 mm. Lay the sheet on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

6. Distribute the meat filling in the middle of the layer.

7. We turn the edges of the sheet towards each other, towards the middle of the product, and fix them on all sides, fastening them together. On the pie, we make patterned cuts or punctures with a fork with a knife and brush the top with an egg or butter to make the pastry ruddy.

8. We will send the formed cake to bake in an oven heated to 220 ° C for half an hour on the lower shelf.

9. Ready-made tasty, fragrant, satisfying, melt-in-your-mouth puff pastry pie with meat, cut into portions and serve hot or warm to the table for the pleasure of the upcoming meal to your household.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for mini chickens

I suggest making another one. delicious recipe small mini-kurniki stuffed with chicken fillet inside.

I propose to bake tasty pie from puff pastry with minced meat and potatoes. For cooking, we will use ready-made dough, so efforts and time costs will be minimized. By the way, if you have yesterday in the refrigerator mashed potatoes, you can safely use it for this recipe. This doesn't make the cake any less delicious.

On the contrary, it will acquire new shades of taste, especially if you add it with fried onions. For the recipe, you can use minced meat from one type of meat or assorted pork, beef, lamb or poultry.


  • 1 kg puff pastry without yeast
  • 300 g minced meat
  • 3 large potatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. wheat flour for dusting
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 0.5 tsp seasonings for meat
  • small bunch of fresh herbs

How to cook puff pastry pie with minced meat and potatoes:

Remove the puff pastry from the refrigerator in advance so that it thaws and becomes elastic. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil until tender in salted water. Then let the tubers cool completely, peel and cut into cubes.

Peel and chop a small onion small cube. Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely. Add chopped onions and herbs to boiled potatoes.

Salt the filling and season it with spices, following the recipe for puff pastry pie with minced meat.

Thoroughly mix the ingredients so that the filling is homogeneous.

Divide the thawed puff pastry into 2 equal parts. On a floured work surface, roll out one half of the dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick. We transfer the workpiece to a baking sheet of a suitable size, covered with parchment paper.

Spread the filling of minced meat and potatoes in an even layer on top, leaving the edges of the dough 1-2 cm free.

Roll out the second half of the dough in the same way. Using a pizza cutter, make small cuts on the dough through which steam will escape during baking. Lay out the second layer of dough on top of the filling. Carefully pinch the edges around the entire perimeter of the pie.

Lubricate the pie from the finished puff pastry with minced meat with a beaten egg using a culinary brush.

Send the cake to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Meat pie from puff pastry with minced meat we will bake for 35-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick, piercing the crust of the pie. If the toothpick comes out dry, the cake is ready.