Fish head ear with millet. Ear from pike perch with millet

They say that every housewife has an exceptional taste of borscht. That's nothing, imagine how many variations of fish soup exist! After all, they cook it separately and together, and each composition of the fishing team is a separate version of the camping brew.

Perhaps the most discussed point is cereals, their varieties and quantity. There are two main options: pearl barley or millet, and each has approximately equal number of supporters. One can argue endlessly - what products go to the bookmark, one can definitely say only this: if the spoons got to the bottom of the dish, everything was cooked correctly.

Millet can be added to any ear, regardless of the type of fish from which it is cooked: river or sea. The principle of cooking is no different from classic version, and its taste largely depends on the quality of the fish and the properly cooked broth.

In cooking, you can use not only whole or chopped carcasses. Welded from heads and tails big fish ear with millet is no less tasty and satisfying. The main taste of the dish depends, in addition to fish, on properly cooked broth and the quality of millet groats.

If you buy millet by weight, pay special attention to its color. In high-quality cereals, the grains are matte, of a pronounced yellow color. Brilliant-looking millet is not used in cooking, it is fed to birds. If you add it to the ear, it will be bitter. As a rule, you will not find such cereals in packaged packages, but you should not take it “with your eyes closed” either. Look carefully at the contents of the package so that there are no cereal moths in it.

Ear with millet for a brighter taste, dishes are supplemented with vegetables: carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes or sweet peppers, although they are often cooked without potatoes. Cooks have a special rule for slicing vegetables for fish soup - the fewer ingredients are included in its composition, the larger they are cut.

Millet is added in the process of cooking the broth, when the potatoes have reached a state of semi-readiness. If cooked without it, the cereal is poured 20 minutes before the dish is ready. The grains should have time to soften and at the same time not boil soft. Otherwise, the broth will become cloudy.

Salt and season the ear at the end, a couple of minutes before readiness. Greens are added along with spices or sprinkled with fish soup already poured on plates.

Half a kilo of fatty and large sea or river fish;

Potato - 3 tubers, medium size;

Two fresh tomatoes;

Allspice peas - 4 pcs.;

Two umbrellas of carnations.

1. Gutted, peeled and cut into pieces, dip the fish into freshly boiled water (3 liters) and wait for it to boil again. In the process, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise the ear will turn out to be cloudy. After about 40 minutes, when the fish is completely cooked, put the pieces in a separate bowl and cover it with a lid.

2. Strain the fish broth through cheesecloth folded in two layers, pour into another saucepan and quickly bring to a boil.

3. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, cool by placing under a stream of cold water. Carefully remove the peel from the tomatoes, cut the flesh into medium-sized slices. Cut the potatoes into thin, small-sized cubes, onions - medium-sized, into pieces. Rinse in cold water millet, transfer the grits to a sieve to dry.

4. Dip the potatoes, onions and tomatoes into the boiling fish broth. With a slight boil, loosely closing the lid, boil the vegetables until half cooked. Add dried millet, continue cooking until potatoes soften.

5. Separate the fillet boiled fish from the bones and lower into the ear a minute before readiness. At the same time, season the ear with spices, add salt, dip the cloves in the umbrellas washed with water.

6. Before serving, let the ear stand for ten minutes so that it absorbs all the aromas of spices and spices.

Recipe for fish soup with millet, tomatoes, bell peppers and Hungarian egg

Two heads of large fish;

400 gr. fish fillet;

Two onion heads;

One bell pepper;

A third of a glass of millet;

A spoonful of butter;

Fresh green dill.

1. Remove the gills from the heads and rinse them thoroughly under running water. Especially carefully inspect the places where the gills were located. Put the heads in a saucepan, pour two and a half liters of cold water into it and boil.

2. Remove all the foam from the boiling fish broth, dip a couple of peas of allspice, peeled onion and lavrushka into it. Turn the heat down a bit and, uncovered, cook for 20 minutes. If foam appears, do not forget to remove it.

3. Do not cut the peeled tomato pulp large pieces, pulp of bell pepper and potatoes - short straws.

4. Chop the remaining onion, fry for butter to a characteristic golden hue. Then add the tomato with chopped tomatoes, stir, heat for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat.

5. Remove the heads from the broth, strain the liquid on a fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers, pour into a separate pan. Put on intense fire.

6. When it boils, put the potatoes with bell pepper, leave to cook over medium heat until half cooked. Then add the washed millet, dip the fillet pieces, season the fish soup with spices, salt.

7. In a small bowl or cup, shake the egg well with a fork and, in a thin stream, while intensively stirring the broth, enter it into the ear.

8. When serving, pour some finely chopped greens into each plate.

Pumpkin pulp - kilogram;

600 gr. hake or any other marine fish;

Five sprigs of young parsley;

Medium sized carrot;

1. Cut the pumpkin into large pieces, put in a saucepan and pour a liter of water. With intense heat, wait for the boil, then, reducing the heat, boil for twenty minutes.

2. While the pumpkin is cooking, boil two liters of water in a separate saucepan. Put small pieces of carrots, large slices of potatoes, chopped onions into boiling water. Add Bay leaf and, after waiting for re-boiling, pour in the washed millet. Cook at a moderate temperature without letting the broth simmer.

3. Cut the gutted and peeled carcasses into pieces. Grind the pumpkin with a blender, right in the water in which it was boiled.

4. Ten minutes after the millet was poured into the water, dip the pieces of hake into the pan. Boil the ear for a quarter of an hour, constantly removing the foam. Add cooked pumpkin puree and bring to readiness, languishing on a minimum of heat, for ten minutes.

5. Add chopped parsley, salt to the finished ear, mix and let stand for at least ten minutes.

Half a kilo of small river fish;

A small parsley root;

Half a glass of millet groats;

A bunch of greens at the discretion of the cook (dill or parsley);

A small carcass of zander.

1. Put the gutted and well-washed fish into the pan along with the heads. When cleaning in without fail remove the gills from the heads, otherwise the broth will become cloudy. Pour the fish with two and a half liters of cold water, cook from boiling over low heat for forty minutes.

2. Strain the finished fish broth into a clean saucepan, bring to a boil again. In a saucepan with boiling broth, lower the thin half-rings of carrots, the onion cut in half and the parsley root.

3. After twenty minutes, put the carcass of pike perch into the boiling broth, pour in the thoroughly washed cold water millet. Cook at low temperature, uncovered, until fish is done. Foam will form on the surface, remove it.

4. Salt the finished ear to your liking, season with ground pepper. You can add some spices "For fish dishes."

5. Pour finely chopped greens into each plate when serving.

Chicken carcass, weighing about 800 gr.;

One large onion;

A kilogram of oily river fish;

1. Rinse the chicken with cold water and place it whole in large saucepan. Put the sliced large slices or strips of parsley root and an onion cut in two. Pour everything with three liters of water and put on moderate heat.

2. After waiting for the boil, remove from the surface chicken broth foam. Lower the temperature slightly, cover and continue to cook for about an hour. Lay out the finished chicken, and use it at your discretion, it will no longer be needed for the fish soup, and strain the broth into a clean saucepan.

3. Rinse the gutted fish well, especially in the abdomen area and put in a slightly boiling meat broth. Cook over medium heat, skimming off the foam, for about half an hour.

4. Put the finished fish on a plate, cool and cut into portions.

5. Put potato cubes in the broth and boil until half cooked. Add millet, continue cooking until potatoes are soft.

6. Put pieces of boiled fish in the ear, salt, add chopped greens and, bringing to a boil, remove from heat.

Oily sea or River fish- 700 gr.;

Head of bitter onion;

One and a half tablespoons heavy cream or oils;

1. Put one and a half tablespoons of oil into the cooking bowl. Add finely chopped onion, add chopped onion coarse grater carrot. On the baking or roasting program, sauté the vegetables until soft.

What is the benefit of the ear? For its preparation, fish is necessarily used, and the more expensive and better it is, the more useful it is. fish soup For you. Fish contains omega-3 fats that are very important for health, valuable for the normal functioning of the joints, calcium, which is necessary for bones and skin, phosphorus, which is suitable for brain activity, and iodine, without which the functioning of the endocrine system is impossible.

For these reasons, the ear was fed to people who were ill for a long time, patients after operations and exhausted for some other reason. It is well absorbed even by patients, and healthy people gives a very valuable nourishment. In addition, it is rich in taste, fragrant and satisfying, which cannot but please even the most capricious gourmets.

For all its nutritional value and richness, the ear is low-calorie diet dish, and may well be used in diets for weight loss.

The dish itself can be cooked from salmon, trout, silver carp, pike perch, pike and other varieties of fish. The recipe may involve cooking both from the head and from the carcass.

Secrets of preparing a fragrant first course

For those who like thicker rich soups, you can add millet to your ear. This cereal is an essential component of a healthy and proper nutrition. It contains amino acids, vitamins, proteins and minerals in a balanced amount. Millet removes toxins from the body well, so it should be on the menu of all residents of big cities and environmentally problematic regions in order to provide a kind of natural detox. And millet is very pleasant to the taste, so fragrant fish ear sure to "sound" with him in combination.

Fish soup should be prepared in an enameled or stainless steel pan in order to ready dish there was no unpleasant aftertaste of oxidation. AT ideal, for soup, fresh river fish is used as a base component. If it is not there, replace it with sea, but not with mackerel.

You can take small river fish for the broth - ruffs, minnows, perches, as they give a rich sweet taste. As a basis, you should use burbot, pike perch, perch, silver carp, nelma, sterlet, sea ​​bass etc.

How long does this soup cook?

The preparation of the broth takes an average of 40-45 minutes. After that, vegetables are added as standard, and the dish is brought to readiness for at least another half an hour. How long is millet and other cereals cooked in the ear? Usually, when laying food, it is placed together with potatoes, that is, in the middle or almost the end of cooking. Much depends on the varieties and quality of the products taken for the preparation of the first. Recipes are also varied. So indicate here exact time its cooking is problematic. Your task is not to boil the cereal.

Also in the composition of the dish include vegetables - carrots, onion, sometimes potatoes and tomatoes, herbs, parsley or celery root, spices and spices.

Burbot soup with groats

As classic recipe fish soup with millet you can bring burbot soup. This fish gives the ear a peculiar shade and is in perfect harmony with the cereal culture. Ready soup it turns out rich, satisfying and tender. It is worth monitoring the quantities of cereal and cereal products, without deviating from traditional technology, so as not to turn the ear into porridge.

Traditional recipe:

  1. Small river fish - 500 grams;
  2. Pike perch - 200 grams;
  3. Onions - 100 grams;
  4. Parsley root - 60 grams;
  5. Millet - ½ cup;
  6. Salt, pepper, fresh parsley.

Rinse small fish or trimmings, remove the gills, cover with water and cook the broth for 30-40 minutes. Put the onions, carrots and parsley root into the filtered boiled broth, after 20 minutes enter the prepared and cut into pieces pike perch, as well as well-washed millet.

Standard recipes for cooking fish soup with millet can be varied. For example, if you can’t imagine any soup without potatoes, feel free to put it in this dish as well. AT this case do it with onions.

Trout millet soup

Recipes for trout soup with millet are diverse, and we will bring you the most successful of them. This dish is guaranteed to please both households and guests, so you can safely serve it for a solemn meal.

Delicious Recipe:

  1. Water - 3 liters;
  2. Trout (carcass or head + tails) - 500 grams;
  3. Carrot - 200 grams;
  4. Potato - 400 grams;
  5. Onions - 150 grams;
  6. Millet - 150 grams;
  7. Peppercorns and allspice - 4 peas each;
  8. Laurel - four leaves;
  9. Greens - 50 grams;
  10. Salt - to taste;
  11. Sour cream.

Dip the prepared fish into a pot of water and cook it over low heat until cooked, then remove the fish from the broth and strain it. Put chopped potatoes, washed millet, grated carrots, chopped onions into the strained broth and cook for another half hour, then put allspice and peppercorns, bay leaf, salt into the broth.

Together with spices and spices, boil the soup for another 10 minutes. Separate the trout from the bones and divide into portioned pieces, dip in the ear and boil for 5 minutes. Let it brew and the flavors emerge. Put greens and sour cream in a plate, and you can enjoy incredibly bright taste dishes!

Rich silver carp soup

Silver carp is a river fish, very tasty and fatty, which is what is required for a good fish soup. If you only have heads left - do not despair, the carcass is not necessary for you, because the ear will turn out excellent from the heads. Cooking an ear from the head of a silver carp with millet is easy. First, prepare the heads for cooking.

If carcasses are also present, trim the fins and remove the gills, soak the head pieces in cold water for a couple of hours. So the fish will clear, and the broth will be transparent. Drain the water, rinse the heads again with cold water and put to boil.

Complete Soup Recipe:

  1. Water - 2 liters;
  2. Heads of silver carp 2 or 3 pieces (equivalent to 1 or 1.5 kg);
  3. Carrots - 200 grams;
  4. Onion - 150 grams;
  5. Parsley root - 100 grams;
  6. Millet - ½ cup;
  7. Potato - 300 grams;
  8. Laurel leaves, peppercorns, allspice;
  9. Parsley - a small bunch;
  10. Salt - to taste.

While the heads are cooking, peel and cut the vegetables, wash the herbs and millet. When the heads are cooked (30-40 minutes), drain the broth, and cool the fish and remove the bones. Dip vegetables, millet, spices into the broth and cook until tender. Always cook the fish soup over low heat - this will improve its taste and make the soup transparent. A few minutes before the end of cooking, dip the fish pieces into the soup, salt to taste. Let it brew for half an hour, serve with fresh parsley.

Homemade fish soup based on salmon

The taste of salmon can "decorate" any dish, especially if it's a soup. For a particularly delicious fish soup, you can buy several salmon steaks. But the taste and benefits will be no worse if you cook it from scraps. It can be the head, tails or ridges of a salmon - it's up to you to choose. To prepare a tasty and satisfying fish soup, put millet in it, it will add its own taste and give density.

Salmon fish soup recipe with millet:

  1. Salmon trimmings - 1.5 kg;
  2. Potato - 300 grams;
  3. Carrot - to taste;
  4. Onions - two heads;
  5. ½ cup millet;
  6. parsley root;
  7. Laurel leaves, allspice, peppercorns, salt;
  8. Fresh parsley, dill, green onion;
  9. Vodka - 50 grams.

Ukha is a unique traditional Russian fish dish. It was prepared by our distant ancestors. Today, this dish is prepared by many hostesses, especially if there are fishermen in the family. And today we will also tell you about how delicious and satisfying ear with millet!


A step-by-step recipe for cooking Ukha with millet with a photo

So let's get to work:

Clean, wash the fish, it should be filled with water, put on fire, let it cook for 40 minutes.

Peel potatoes and cut into small pieces.

Remove the fish from the broth, separate the bones from the pulp, strain the broth, put it back on the fire, let it boil.

As soon as the broth begins to boil, send the fish meat, potatoes into it and cook the food together for 5 minutes.

Rinse the millet thoroughly, send it to the pan with the rest of the ingredients, cook everything together for another 10 minutes.

Peel and grate the carrots, use a coarse grater.

Clean the onion and chop.

Wash the pepper, remove the middle with seeds, also chop.

Now you need to put the pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil and start frying all the prepared vegetables.

Then add bay leaf, fried vegetables to the soup, salt, pepper and mix, cook the dish for a few more minutes

Wash, chop greens.

Turn off the heat, add fragrant herbs to the soup, cover the dish with a lid and let it stand for a couple of minutes. That's it, fragrant fresh ear with millet is ready!

Video recipe Ear with millet

Pike ear with millet

And no less tasty is the fish soup with millet and today, we suggest you cook this particular dish!

So, in order to cook the ear according to this recipe, you will need:

potatoes - 250 grams;
onions - 1 head;
carrots - 0.5 pieces;
water - 1.3 liters;
pike - 400 grams;
salt - to your taste;
millet - 3 tablespoons;
dried bay leaf - 1 piece;
dill - 0.5 bunch;
black ground pepper- according to your taste.

So let's get to work:

  1. First you need to peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
  2. Then peel the carrots and rub, use a coarse grater.
  3. Clean and chop the onion.
  4. Wash, clean the pike, fill it with water and send to boil for half an hour.
  5. Then take out the fish, remove the bones, strain the broth.
  6. Next, you need to put the pot with the broth on the fire, put the pike meat, potatoes here again and cook the food for 10 minutes.
  7. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the vegetable oil, and now fry the carrots and onions.
  8. Send the fried vegetables to a container with the rest of the ingredients, salt, pepper, add bay leaf and cook together for another 10 minutes.
  9. Wash the millet and add it to the soup, stir and cook for 20 minutes.
  10. After this time, turn off the heat, sprinkle the dish with fragrant chopped dill, cover with a lid, let stand for 10 minutes. That's all, delicious ear ready!
Enjoy your meal!
Pike perch fish soup recipe with millet With step by step cooking.
  • Dish type: First meal
  • Recipe Difficulty: Easy to cook
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Time for preparing: up to 1 hour
  • Servings: 1 portion
  • Amount of calories: 29 kilocalories

Simple step by step recipe zander fish soup with millet home cooking. It is easy to prepare at home in up to 1 hour. The dish contains only 29 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • Pike perch 400 g
  • Water 2.5 l.
  • Bay leaf 2 pcs.
  • Pepper black peas 0.25 g.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Millet groats 0.5 stack.
  • Table salt 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Fresh greens 0.5 bunch

Step by step recipe

  1. In my husband's family, the fish soup is prepared only in this way, always with some kind of cereal, so the fish soup turns out to be quite thick. I like millet the best. First, let's prepare the fish, I used pike perch, I like it because it has few bones. Clean it up and wash it well. I have a carcass, but you can use the heads and tails, it will be no less tasty, but there is less meat from them. Be sure to remove the gills from the heads, otherwise the broth will be bitter. Put the fish in a saucepan, cover with water and boil.
  2. After boiling, remove the foam, add bay leaf 1-2 leaves and black pepper 2 peas. Salt to taste.
  3. While the fish is cooking, prepare the cereal and vegetables. Rinse half a glass (a glass of 200 ml) of millet groats in cold water.
  4. Peel and cut three medium-sized potatoes and one large carrot, not very large, so that when cooked with cereals, they cook evenly and do not fall apart. Peel and wash one onion. To cut or not to cut onions is a matter of taste, I do not cut.
  5. The fish is cooked quickly, 20 minutes is enough for it, especially large carcasses are cooked for about half an hour. As soon as the meat begins to move away from the bone, it is ready. Remove the fish from the broth and put on a plate to cool. If the broth is not quite clean and there are scales in it, strain it.
  6. We send vegetables and cereals to cook in this broth. They cook in the same time, but it happens that the potatoes boil faster than usual or slower, in this case you need to put the potatoes in the pan later or earlier than the millet.
  7. Fish meat is separated from the bones. Finely chop the fresh greens, we will need it when serving the finished soup.
  8. When the vegetables and cereals are cooked, add the chopped fish to the soup and you can immediately pour it into plates. Add fresh herbs to taste. Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

- this is delicious first a dish that, apart from its amazing taste is also useful. Everyone selects fish for fish soup at their own discretion. For me, for example, in most cases, an ear is cooked from the ridges of a red fish. Fish fillets I use for cooking various dishes, but the remaining carved ridge always goes to fish soup.

Currently, there are many recipes for cooking fish soup, and there are ways to cook this dish. a large number of. The taste of the ear turns out tastier if it is cooked. If this is not possible, then you can use our photo recipe and cook an ear with millet at home.

Ear with millet is a dish that children eat with great pleasure. And due to the fact that fish must be present in the children's diet, this recipe will come in handy for young mothers, just in time. So save the recipe for your cookbook and use it whenever you get the chance.

Required Ingredients:
- 350 grams of any fish,
- 1 bay leaf,
- 2 potatoes,
- 1 onion,
- 100 grams of millet,
- salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, thoroughly wash the backbone of red fish under running water. Put it in a pot of water and put it on fire.

Add a bay leaf to the fish.

When the broth is hot add salt.

Peel the onion, cut into two halves and add to the broth.

Due to the fact that red fish is cooked much faster than meat(about 20-30 minutes), we will add millet and potatoes to the broth immediately after boiling water. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the millet, and peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces.

When the ear boils for 20-30 minutes, turn off the fire and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then add chopped green onion or dill.
Ear is ready!