Quick marinating of meat. Kefir for ribs. How to make quick marinade

The May holidays are in full swing. Who walks for three days, and who only a day. Everyone is hunting for nature to treat themselves to delicious kebabs,.

When they say that the meat of women's hands does not tolerate, I completely agree. At this moment, it is better to observe the witchcraft of the process and, trusting completely the man, make elegant corrections.

The experience of frying kebabs, no doubt, is colossal for everyone. However, sometimes for some reason it doesn't work. Someone marinates the meat for a day, but it is harsh. Someone suggested a unique marinade.

Therefore, prepare thoroughly, and not just fray your nerves. Remember that the meat will be fried, therefore, it will decrease by at least a third. Get ready on the basis that 0.5 kilograms per person, do not miss, enough for everyone!

Quick Pork Skewers - Recipe

  • - 3 kilograms of selected pork pulp, preferably necks with fat
  • - 1 kilogram of onion
  • - head of garlic
  • - Seasoning for barbecue
  • - Liter of kefir
  • — Liter of highly carbonated mineral water
  • - Salt

How to cook a quick pork skewers


  1. Rinse well and cut into large square pieces with a side of about 7 centimeters.
  2. Peel onion and garlic. Cut the onion into rings if you like. thread it onto a skewer. But so that he gives all his juice to the marinade, better part cut smaller. Slice each clove of garlic lengthwise.
  3. Mix meat, onion, garlic well, salt and sprinkle with seasoning (do not regret). Pour all this with kefir and leave to infuse. Enough time until you get to your favorite place for barbecue.
  4. Do not cool the mineral water in the refrigerator. Add to the marinade as soon as you arrive at the place, until you build a fire. When pouring water, be sure to mix well and cover the dish with a lid so that all the gas seeps into the meat, and not into the air.
  5. If you didn’t go anywhere, but fry the kebab at home, then the marinating time is about 1.5 - 2 hours in kefir and half an hour in mineral water.
  6. Be sure to get the softest flavored dish. Most importantly, do not overdry at the stake. This is very quick barbecue.

Do not miss another video recipe, great kebabs:

Enjoy warm weather and delicious food, good company in May.

Picnic season is just around the corner, which means it will be possible to feast with might and main juicy barbecue with golden brown and smoky flavor. At first, any kebab, classic pork and dietary beef, "female" chicken and even "vegetarian" vegetable, not to mention the classic lamb, seems delicious dish. But the weather on the first warm days can be very unstable, and sometimes you have to catch an outstanding warm day. And prepare food for the meal fresh air literally on the run, so that upon arrival immediately start cooking barbecue. As a rule, marinating meat remains in best case as much time as needed to gather friends and drive to the picnic area. That is, the marinade should be as effective as possible, quickly acting on meat fibers and consist of products available at hand.

Traditionally, when a country holiday is planned in advance, the shish kebab is marinated the day before, so that the night before departure, the meat is properly soaked with a spicy mixture, acquires elasticity and piquancy. Each hostess knows the recipes for such marinades in the assortment, taking into account the tastes, moods and dietary requirements of those present at the table. But, if the issue of time is acute for you and you need to marinate the kebab in a matter of minutes, you need completely different compositions of spices that can achieve no worse results as quickly as possible than with long and deep pickling. But don't even think about industrial blends and intense artificials. We suggest you choose one of the simple, easy to prepare and most importantly natural recipes barbecue marinade.

The easiest barbecue marinade
Like many other useful and tasty things, the marinade and the very approach to pre-preparing meat before frying or baking was inherited from the ancient Greeks. These admirers of the elements in all their manifestations marinated animal carcasses intended for feasts in sea water. Actually, this is where the very word “marinade” came from, meaning nothing more than “marina”, that is, sea waves. The current state of open reservoirs does not leave us the opportunity to use the ancient method, but it gives an idea suitable for adaptation.

Take a couple of bottles of highly carbonated mineral water - enough so that its volume can completely cover the amount of meat you have prepared. The brand and composition of the water can be whatever you like (dining room, medical-dining room, and even medicinal), but try to find natural, and not just drinking water, artificially enriched with minerals. Pour the meat in a saucepan with water and remember it with your hands. Cover with a tight lid and go to the picnic area. Upon arrival, carbon dioxide will have time to act on meat fibers, minerals will saturate the meat, and road shaking will catalyze the process of marinating the future barbecue.

Quick barbecue marinade
The speed at which marinade affects meat depends mainly on the amount of acid in its ingredients. Therefore, if pickling speed is critical, do not spare the sour ingredients: lemon juice, dry wine, fermented milk products. If necessary, take into account several requirements for the marinade recipe at once, namely:

  • simplicity of the cooking process;
  • availability of ingredients;
  • natural ingredients;
  • universal taste, pleasant for most eaters;
  • cooking speed and impact on meat;
  • effectiveness in tenderizing meat.
Unconditionally leading, leaving competitors behind, classic marinade, consisting of kefir, onion and black ground pepper. To prepare it, take two large onions and a generous pinch of pepper for two liters of medium-fat kefir (you can replace black chili, but paprika and white will not work - they have a too mild taste, not intense enough for quick marinade). Peel the onion and cut into rings of arbitrary thickness, remember to extract the juice. In a saucepan or large salad bowl with a lid, mix the meat with onion juice and pulp, season with pepper and pour over with kefir. Mix well, cover and leave for an hour, after which it will be possible to start cooking barbecue.

For those, who spicy taste and spicy flavor fried meat puts above the desire for harmony, you can replace kefir with mayonnaise. It can be taken about half as much as kefir, just to coat pieces of meat. In addition, mayonnaise acts faster than kefir, so it is more suitable for pork or beef, while chicken can be dispensed with. unsweetened yogurt. Pepper can be replaced and/or supplemented with a head of garlic, peeled, divided into teeth and crushed into a pulp. But not everyone likes the aroma of garlic, so the option with pepper can be considered more versatile, and it requires less manipulation.

Other barbecue marinade recipes
There should be an alternative even if everything suits you in the basic recipe. Just in case, we offer you some more successful and proven marinade recipes for quick barbecue processing. Each of them will be enough from 30 minutes to an hour to soak the kebab and prepare it no worse than the classic "long" marinating methods.

  1. Dry marinade better for chicken than red meat. On the way out of town, go to any grocery store and buy a package of spice mixture for meat. Feel free to pour all its contents into a bag with chopped meat, tie the bag tightly and shake vigorously so that the spices are evenly distributed inside. Now put the bag of meat in the trunk: it will marinate by the time you get to the picnic area. Before frying, shake off excess spices or send the meat to skewers.
  2. Tomato marinade. Pour enough pieces of meat in a bowl tomato juice. Instead of juice, you can take tomato paste and lightly salt it. If you find tomato sauce like "Krasnodar", I have apples and spices in the composition, then consider that you are twice lucky. And if you can use instead tomato paste adjika - then the meat in half an hour will acquire the ideal condition for barbecue.
  3. wine marinade- This is a bottle of dry red (for pork, beef, lamb) or white (for chicken) wine, poured into a bowl with meat for barbecue one hour before cooking.
  4. fruit marinade- a truly extreme method of preparing meat, if used incorrectly, is fraught with the loss of all raw materials for barbecue. Take a few ripe kiwi fruits, cut into circles and put them on the meat. Watch the time carefully: thanks to concentrated fruit acids, even tough meat will become tender and supple after 10 minutes, and after 20 minutes it will turn into rags of slimy biomass unsuitable for cooking.
One or more of these quiet recipes will surely save the situation when there is very little time left to marinate the kebab. Usually in such situations you don’t have to choose, but if you do find yourself in a large supermarket or market, try to choose as “young” meat as possible. This is a general recommendation when choosing raw materials for barbecue, but in this case it acquires a special reason: such a kebab marinates much faster. Although we will not dissemble and admit that real barbecue cooked in good weather in a friendly company, simply can not be unsuccessful. Therefore, we wish you a pleasant stay and a delicious picnic.

In today's article, we will talk about how to quickly marinate kebab. Moreover, you can take any meat, I will show it on the example of pork and chicken. The Indian summer has come and we so want the weather to please us longer with warm days. And we, in turn, often went out with friends to eat in nature delicious kebabs. It is best to take a neck for barbecue. At the market, they chose a beautiful piece of meat and marinated it home, but on the way they also bought spices for barbecue (of course, you can just add black pepper instead of spices, but today I wanted spices).

We will need:

  • 2 kg. pork
  • 0.5 kg. onion
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 200gr. mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp. spices (paprika, black pepper, red pepper, basil, coriander, dried tomatoes)

Meat mode into pieces.

We spread the meat in a bowl in which it will marinate, then three on a grater a few onions. Onions can also be chopped in a blender. But it is believed that vegetables give off their taste better when chopped by hand. This doesn't just apply to onions.

We salt the meat.

My spices are like this, but this is not necessary. You can just sprinkle with pepper and that's it, the taste will turn out no worse.

Add spices and the remaining onion to the kebab, after cutting it into small rings. If you don’t like it, you can limit yourself to shabby onions on a grater.

Add mayonnaise, I use the usual 67%.

Then we mix everything well, and marinate the chicken thighs.

Just like with pork, add grated onion.

Then we add salt, based on 1 kg of meat 1 teaspoon of salt, grind a mixture of peppers in a mill, choose the amount yourself. But do not forget that freshly ground pepper does not lose its palatability, unlike ground in advance, it becomes not so sharp and fragrant.

Then add mustard, at the rate of about 2 tablespoons per 1 kilogram of thighs.

Add 50 grams for juiciness vegetable oil. We mix everything well. We did not add oil to pork, because oil is included in mayonnaise.

We marinated the meat. We go to nature. By the time we light the fire and prepare the coals for the barbecue, the meat will already be marinated. Do not pay attention to the black grill grate, the onion that we rubbed on a grater burns very quickly, this affects the taste of the barbecue only positively. And at any time, you can peel it from the meat with a knife or fork.

Like chicken, like pork, the meat turned out juicy, tender, tasty.

All this is very quickly absorbed in nature. Now you know how to quickly marinate kebab in mayonnaise. And the meat is delicious. And all because the composition of mayonnaise includes vinegar - it helps to make the meat softer due to acetic acid, vegetable oil - it envelops the meat with an oil film, and does not allow the intercellular fluid to evaporate from a piece of meat, the result is soft and juicy meat. And finally, mustard - gives the meat a piquant taste. I want to say that meat can be marinated without spices. A little salt and pepper.

Bon appetit!

Today in our material express methods of marinating pork for barbecue. Taking advantage simple recommendations, you can even provide an unplanned picnic with an incredibly tasty and soft meat treat.

The fastest and most delicious pork barbecue marinade - recipe


  • onions - 250 g;
  • paprika red sweet ground - 25 g;
  • a mixture of aromatic - 25 g or to taste;
  • mineral sparkling water - 135 ml;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 2 pinches;
  • coarse salt - 25 g.


Cooled pork neck rinse thoroughly and cut across the fibers into slices about 4-5 centimeters in size. We put the meat in a wide enameled bowl, put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200brings and mashed until the juice separates there. onion. Flavor the contents of the dishes with salt, ground sweet red paprika and black pepper, add fragrant spices, specially selected for barbecue, pour over everything with mineral carbonated water and mix thoroughly, rubbing the marinade components into pork slices. We leave the dish with the barbecue at room conditions for about thirty minutes, covering it with a film, after which we can start cooking everyone's favorite delicacy on the fire.

Quick Marinade for Pork Kebab with Kiwi


Calculation for 1.3 kg of pork:

  • onions - 480 g;
  • ripe large - 1 pc.;


If there is a need to marinate pork for barbecue in a short time and make it soft, then better marinade than the one prepared with kiwi is not found. The enzymes contained in the juice of this fruit are incredibly helpful in softening tough meat fibers and giving ready meal original sour. Such a marinade is especially good if you don’t have a pork neck and you are preparing a barbecue from another part of the carcass. But we draw your attention to the strict observance of the requirements for pickling time. It is strictly not recommended to exceed it in order to avoid damage to the product.

We cut the pork into slices, season them with salt, freshly ground black pepper and spices for barbecue, add also the onion, cutting it into pre-thin rings, lay the chopped, pre-peeled kiwi fruit and mix. We marinate the meat in such a marinade for thirty to forty minutes and immediately proceed to frying. This method of preparing meat for barbecue immediately in nature is very convenient. While you install and fire up the grill, the pork will be saturated with aromas and become soft and juicy thanks to the kiwi.

Marinade for instant pork skewers with wine


Calculation for 1.3 kg of pork neck:

  • onions - 480 g;
  • red dry wine- 290 ml;
  • a mixture of fragrant spices for barbecue - 25 g or to taste;
  • coarse salt - 25 g or to taste;
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste.


It will take a little longer to marinate pork with wine than with mineral water and kiwi, but this method will give the meat a kind of light sourness and make the taste of the finished barbecue unique and exquisite.

Properly prepared pork neck is cut across the fibers into medium-sized slices, which are seasoned with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper and placed in a bowl. We clean the onions from the husk, cut into large rings, knead them a little with our hands and add to the meat. Pour fragrant spices for barbecue there, also pour in red wine and mix the contents of the dish with your hands to evenly distribute the marinade over the slices of pork. We leave the meat to marinate under room conditions for three hours, after which we can start frying the barbecue.

Fans of improvisation and spontaneous trips to the countryside, as a rule, do not have enough time to prepare meat for frying in advance. In this case, a barbecue recipe will come to their rescue. quick pickling, which will significantly reduce the time of languishing in dressing tenderloin, fish or chicken. And everything you need to create a wonderful sauce can be bought on the way to the picnic place and soak the treat until the firewood in the grill burns to embers.

We often come across dozens of recommendations on how to quickly soak the kebab and not get baked on the grill as a result. tough meat like sole. All advice is so contradictory that even experienced chefs sometimes the eyes wander. What recipe do you prefer and what is better to add to the marinade so that the result pleases?

Three Super Ingredients for Quick Pickling

All the ingredients that contribute to the accelerated soaking of meat with dressing are different, but they act the same on barbecue cuts. The secret of their action is that they contain active substances that soften the fibers and help the flavors and aromas of the marinade penetrate into it.

  • Kiwi. In addition to the fact that this fruit is a mega champion in terms of content useful substances, he still perfectly “loosens” the meat. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get pate instead of fried pieces. One fruit per kilogram is more than enough.
  • Alcohol, vodka and alcoholic drinksgreat helpers in the preparation of quick marinating shish kebab. True, the taste cold cuts at the same time it becomes slightly harsh.

  • Vinegar. Plain apple essence will work wonders in half an hour with even the toughest beef. So feel free to put on a kebab piece that was previously considered unsuitable.

We offer you one of the most effective recipes for those who are not used to planning their schedule in advance.

“Quick” kebab “Express in summer”


  • - 2 kg + -
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 3 heads + -
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g + -
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -


This way of marinating is “the thing” for a friendly company that decided to take a break from the dynamic city life and go somewhere in the forest. Quick marinating barbecue does not require any pre-training. Do this already when the firewood flares up properly.

1. Pork neck cut into pieces the size of a matchbox. Put them in a large bowl and sprinkle with pepper. It does not require much, the taste of meat and so it will turn out spicy and rich.

2. Peel the kiwi and chop it as you like. You can cut the fruits into thin slices, or you can chop into cubes. Pour fruit slices into a bowl with pork. The main thing is that we try to mix them properly and in no case exceed the dosage indicated in the recipe for quick marinating kebabs! The desire to flavor the meat from the heart will lead to the fact that it will begin to slide off the skewers right into the fire.

3. In the same pan we put mayonnaise, bay leaves and onion cut into rings. By the way, it also contributes to the softening of meat. Shake the dishes several times and leave the future treat for half an hour. This time will be enough for everything to marinate well.

4. We put the pieces of pork on skewers, alternating with onions, and salt. Grill the skewers, turning occasionally, for about 15 minutes.

As you can see, not every deviation from the plans ends in failure. And our quick marinating kebab is an excellent confirmation of this!

* Cookie Tips
- Some lovers of quick soak meat supplement basic recipe lemon. The juice of one fruit or slice is simply added to the marinade.
- Seasoning "For barbecue" or any other - good way bring spicy notes to the dish.
- Serve with finely chopped greens. And do not sprinkle the pieces, but simply put it on the table in a plate. Who wants to - put right amount myself.

Quick marinating kebab is just a lifesaver for those who make decisions on the go and follow their desires! And everyone else should save the recipe! After all, you never know where fate and energetic friends will lead.