Cooking shish kebab in an air grill. A real barbecue in an air grill without leaving home

As you know, nature does not have bad weather, but how often does it break our plans. Gathered with friends to get out into the forest, marinated meat, and outside the window it pours like a bucket? Do not despair if the kitchen has a modern miracle technique - an air grill. But in order to get not just fried meat at home, but a real barbecue soaked in a fire, follow a few simple tips.

Cooking barbecue in an air grill

  1. Before frying, pour a glass of beer into the bottom of the aerogrill flask and sprinkle with sawdust. Any (for example, alder) will do, except for conifers. You can make sawdust yourself or buy it at the store.
  2. To enhance the effect of cooking meat on a fire, use " liquid smoke". It is better to apply it before the hottest at the rate of a tablespoon of "haze" per skewer;
  3. Do not stack the skewers very tightly together, leave space for air circulation;
  4. And lastly, so that the kebab does not come out dry, it is better to choose a pork neck.

Pork skewers in air grill


  • pork - 1 kg;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • beer - 1 tbsp.;
  • alder sawdust - 2 handfuls;
  • "liquid smoke" - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste.


We cut the meat across the fibers into small, identical pieces, so it is evenly fried. Zucchini cut into circles, 2 onions - rings. Grind the remaining onion and herbs in a blender, add mayonnaise (can be replaced with a glass of dry wine), salt, pepper and marinate pork with zucchini in this mixture for at least an hour.

We string on skewers, alternating, pieces of meat, zucchini, tomato circles and onion rings. How to fry pork skewers in an air grill? Preheat the grill for a couple of minutes at 80 degrees. We spread the skewers on the middle grill (on the top, the meat can dry quickly). First, we cook the barbecue for half an hour at 180 degrees and an average blowing speed, then let it brown for another 10 minutes at 230 degrees. Right now, the sawdust will give the meat its flavor, and you will get a barbecue without a fire, without leaving your home!

Meat fried on a fire always causes a storm of applause from eaters, because these fragrant pieces, impregnated with wood smoke, and melt in your mouth. But the weather does not always favor us, and we want to taste this splendor in the cold and frost, so there is nothing left but to cook barbecue in an air grill. These tender slices are in no way inferior in characteristics to their "brazier colleagues", and in some cases they can even make healthy competition.

One of the most important aspects in favor of a convection oven is the fact that in the process of culinary sculpture there is no need to search for and kindle firewood. In addition, you do not need to stand all the time with a fan over the coals, like a slave over the Sultan, so that the heat goes noble. In this electrical appliance, everything is calculated perfectly: heating + blowing, just what is needed to create the perfect fire meat. But what to do with a woody aroma, because, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and, oh, how important it is for a perfect barbecue.

Some cunning people have solved this problem with the help of liquid smoke. They add this odorous water when pickling, and in the end they get fragrant dish, with a smoky scent.

However, “stones” have been thrown at this seasoning more than once, they say, it is harmful, and all that. Well, we will not tempt fate, yet health is more important and we will cook pork and chicken kebab in an air grill with sawdust. In this case, alder shavings should be poured on the bottom of the unit and at the outlet of the product, enjoy the real, natural smell of a fire that has penetrated into the bowels juicy pieces the tastiest meat.

Another nuance to achieve an excellent result, or rather, this little advice, instead of metal skewers for stringing meat slices, give preference to wooden, bamboo skewers, since we will not experience difficulties with their acquisition.

Rules for cooking in an air grill

In general, cooking barbecue in an air grill has its own subtleties:

  • Warm up the oven in advance to 180 ° C in order to determine the meat for frying in the already flaming inside of the unit;
  • A feature of the convection oven is the circulation of hot air, therefore, when putting pieces on sticks, you need to leave gaps between them, you should also do it when laying out the skewers on the grill, avoiding close contact of the portions, so that the scalding airflow can freely penetrate everywhere, and the meat is fried evenly.
  • The average wind roast time is half an hour;
  • At the end of cooking, you need to raise the temperature in the air grill to 250 ° C and then fry the skewers for another 10 minutes to brown and soak with smoke, because it is at this time that the sawdust smolders and smokes most intensively.

Having familiarized ourselves with all the simple tricks of how to properly fry kebabs in an air grill, we move on to our main goal, and we will begin to master various recipes cooking this amazing dish at home.

Marinated Pork

In general, on the way to a delicious, tender and juicy barbecue essential role marinade plays. It is this component that is able to soften and nourish the meat. fragrant spices and seasonings, so first we will offer several options for preparing shish kebab pickle for pork, and only then we will fry them. We will take all products based on 1.5 kg pork neck, cut into portioned pieces of 5x5 cm - this is the most tender meat and the dish from it turns out to be as soft as possible.

spicy marinade


  • Turnip onion - 4 pcs.;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp;
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Barbecue spices - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Pepper mixture - 1 tbsp;
  • Hot red pepper - to taste;


  1. We clean the onion from the husk and grind in a blender to a puree.
  2. We add sauce, vinegar, salt and all spices to the onion mass, after which we put meat cubes in the resulting marinade and knead them a little right in the sauce so that they better absorb all the ingredients.
  3. Next, we clean everything in a closed container in the refrigerator for the night or for 8 hours.

lemon mix


  • Lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 3 pcs.;
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Zira - 2-3 tsp;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, where we spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin large rings onion.
  2. After about 15 minutes, when the onion rings soften a little, add salt, pepper, cumin, chopped cilantro and oil to the juice.
  3. In the resulting mixture, soak the meat slices for 2-6 hours.

Now let's proceed directly to the heat treatment. After the time allotted for pickling, we put the soaked pork slices on pre-soaked (15 minutes in water) bamboo skewers, leaving a gap of 1-1.5 cm between the pieces. We can also hang onion rings, mushrooms, tomato slices and other vegetables between the meats. "things".

We lay out our skewers on the grill of the unit, so that they are at a distance from each other and from the wall of the flask, so that a gap is created for air circulation. Do not forget that the oven must be warmed up in advance, and also we fall asleep on the bottom of the sawdust. And you can bake our product for about half an hour at 200 degrees. Do not forget after 15 minutes after the start, turn the skewers over to the other side, so that our skewers are fried on both sides. After the allotted time, add degrees to a value of 230 and continue frying for 10 minutes.

That's it, you can make yourself comfortable, flavor the pieces of fragrant meat with ketchup and eat this deliciousness to the sounds of nature “Birds in the Forest”. Well, why not a picnic in the apartment.

The demand for chicken in matters of barbecue has recently literally rolled over. And this is understandable, because such tender, tasty meat, which, plus everything, is cooked in a matter of minutes, and when marinated, it absorbs all the spicy flavors like a sponge, has no competition.

However, when frying such a kebab, you need to manage not to overdry the dish, so you need to check its readiness already 5 minutes after the start of convection at a temperature of 220-260 ° C. As in the case of pork for a chicken, it is better to use wooden skewers, and you also need to correctly pickle fillet to taste white meat became saturated, spicy, and the product itself became juicy. We take all products based on 1 kg of pieces of 5x5x cm chicken.

Smoked batch


  • Mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • Soy sauce - ¼ tbsp.;
  • Onion turnip - 3 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Liquid smoke - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Seasoning for grilled chicken;
  • Salt - to taste;


  1. mayonnaise and soy sauce mix, seasoning with spices and smoked flavoring.
  2. We cut the tomatoes into circles, and the onion into rings, after which we soak in the marinade along with chicken meat for a couple of hours.

garlic sauce


  • Kefir - ½ tbsp.;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons:
  • Garlic - ½ head;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Vinegar 9% - ½ tsp;
  • Water - 1/6 st.;
  • Sugar - ½ tsp;
  • Onion - 3 heads;
  • Fresh champignons - 300 g;
  • Green cilantro, dill or parsley - ½ bunch;
  • Curry - 1 pinch;


  1. We send the greens, peeled garlic cloves to the blender bowl and grind to a gruel.
  2. We also add mayonnaise, kefir, vinegar diluted in water, granulated sugar, salt and all spices, after which we beat everything until smooth.
  3. We clean the onion from the husk and cut into rings, and the mushrooms - along in half.
  4. Pour the marinade into a deep bowl and mix with chicken slices, mushrooms and onions, then leave it for 1-2 hours.

Having marinated chicken and vegetables from the heart, let's start grilling. On skewers we alternately put meat, onion, tomato or half a mushroom, and so on. Watch the distance between the ingredients of the kebab. Then we put the skewers on the grill and fry it all at 230 ° C for 4 minutes, after which we turn it over, and after another 4 minutes we check for readiness. If no juice comes out of the chicken when pierced, then our dish is ready.

If you or your chosen one have romantic passions in your soul, then you can create outdoor recreation under the howling of a blizzard outside the window and under heavy rain, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of relaxation, let in a fire smell and cook fragrant barbecue in an aerogrill.

  • Pork pulp (preferably neck) - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon (or 1 lemon)
  • Peppercorns - 6 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 2 leaves
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Preparation time: 00:30
  • Cooking time: 00:20
  • Servings: 3
  • Complexity: light


  1. Cut the meat into portions, season with salt. Pour 1 liter of meat cold water(it should completely cover the meat). Add vinegar (or lemon juice), spices and chopped onion rings, mix well. You can add a teaspoon of liquid smoke. Put the meat in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  2. It is advisable to lay on the bottom of the air grill flask cooking foil. Thread marinated meat on small skewers wooden skewers or just put it on the lower grill of the air grill, pre-lubricated with oil. Cook at t 180ºС for about 20 minutes (until the degree of roasting you need). During the preparation of meat, it is advisable to water it with marinade, then you will get a fragrant and juicy barbecue. When the meat is ready, you can turn off the air fryer and let the meat rest a bit.

The most delicious pork skewers according to Guzeeva's recipe


  • Pork tenderloin - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • A bunch of any greens


Peel the skin off the tomato. Peel the onion and cut into 4 pieces. Remove thick stems from greens. Beat in a blender (or mixer) onion, tomato, herbs, salt and pepper until gruel.

Cut the meat into portions. Massage the marinade into the meat. Cover the dishes with a lid or film and leave in the cold for 4 hours. During this time, the meat will completely absorb the marinade.

One of the good old traditions of rest of a big and noisy company, no doubt, is going out into the countryside with an obligatory signature dish - shish kebabs. Kebabs are prepared, as a rule, in a grill on hot coals, which gives this dish an unusual smoky aroma and an unsurpassed taste, which, it would seem, would never be achieved at home.

Until some time, everything was just like that. But today, when on store shelves kitchen appliances appeared, everything changed dramatically. The convection aerogrill oven, in which food is processed by blowing hot air, can replace more than a dozen kitchen appliances, such as a double boiler, toaster, smokehouse, microwave oven, grill, deep fryer and many others. Moreover, the convection grill allows you to cook a real barbecue without leaving your home. Still in doubt? Then check out the recipe for barbecue in the air grill.

Barbecue in air grill

In fact, there is no fundamental difference between cooking barbecue on charcoal and in an air grill. If in the first case hot air comes from coals, then in the air grill it comes from the heating element of the convection oven. It remains to solve the problem of the aroma of smoke, the very one that gives the kebab an unsurpassed aroma. To prepare the dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • lamb - 1 kg (cut into portions and marinated independently);
  • small zucchini - 1 pc;
  • tomatoes - 2-3pcs;
  • bulb - 2 pcs.

Seasonings added when marinating shish kebab can be traditional, as when cooking a dish on the grill. Meat for barbecue is better to cut not large pieces so that the frying occurs more evenly, and also so that when laying in the air grill, the skewers fit between the grates, and there is a gap for air circulation. When stringing products on a skewer, it is imperative to place zucchini sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings between pieces of meat. It is best to alternate vegetables between pieces of meat. Most importantly, do not forget to sprinkle the meat strung on a skewer with liquid smoke to give it a special aroma close to the aroma of a natural barbecue.

It is not recommended to put the kebab on the upper grill of the air grill, directly next to the heating element, as the meat in this case will dry out, become weathered, losing all the juice. For cooking barbecue, it is best to use the middle grate of the air grill. A feature of the preparation of barbecue will be that the bottom of the air grill should be sprinkled with a thin layer of sawdust. They will give the barbecue the desired woody flavor.

Having set the average fan speed and temperature to 265ºC, put the barbecue for 35 minutes, and wait until the dish reaches the desired condition. Such a barbecue, of course, will not surpass the one that is cooked on the grill, but it will come as close as possible to it.

Classic barbecue in air grill

Consider and classic version cooking barbecue in a convection oven. To do this, you need to take the following products:

  • lamb or pork - 800g;
  • vinegar- 2 tablespoons;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • ground red pepper - 1 whisper;
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • salt.

To prepare the barbecue, you first need to marinate the meat. To do this, cut the meat into portions. After adding salt, wine vinegar, black and red pepper, as well as onion cut into rings, mix all the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Marinated meat must be strung on skewers and placed on the middle grill of the air grill. At this point, the kebab can be sprinkled with liquid smoke to give an unsurpassed flavor. Having set the average fan speed and temperature to 235ºC, fry the kebab for 15 minutes, and then, turning it over, for another 15 minutes. Your wonderful barbecue in the air grill is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Shish kebab in air grill video - great recipe kebabs in hotter, redmond, polaris, supra and other models. Easy to prepare, delicious. The most interesting thing is that the kebab on the video in the air grill is cooked at the same time as the potatoes. Convenient, plus energy savings. Two dishes are immediately prepared in the air grill in almost one time. We recommend reading more for aerogrill.

Ingredients for the kebab recipe in the air grill video:

  • meat (pork, beef, chicken) - 650 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • seasoning for barbecue - 2 teaspoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • mayonnaise (preferably sour cream);
  • seasoning for potatoes;
  • salt.

Shish kebab in air grill video: cooking recipe

How to cook barbecue in an air grill video to help. The whole process of cooking barbecue in an air grill will be clear to you when you watch the video. Here are some cooking secrets delicious barbecue there is no video in the air grill, but you might be interested.

The approximate size of pieces of meat (pork, chicken, etc.) for barbecue is 4x5 cm. perfect time marinating meat - 24 hours. The distance between pieces of meat on skewers should be no more than 1.5 cm, but not less than 1 cm, so that air circulates freely. Place skewers with meat at a small distance from each other. Do not allow the kebabs to come into contact with the walls of the flask.

Place skewers with larger pieces of meat closer to the center, and smaller ones at the edges. Before cooking barbecue, be sure to warm up the air grill. If you decide to use wooden skewers, soak them in water for 15 minutes. And now watch the video recipe for barbecue in air grill.

Shish kebab in aerogrill video

Enjoy watching!