Juicy fragrant veal shish kebab. Delicious veal skewers - a step-by-step recipe with a photo, how to marinate and cook

Young veal has an incredibly delicate taste. It can be an excellent substitute for such common types of meat as pork and chicken. Dishes made from it are very fragrant, soft, and most importantly, not dry. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook veal skewers.

Main nuances

Most the best kebab obtained from fresh Steam veal contains quite a lot of blood, so it is completely unsuitable for these purposes. Not suitable for frying at the stake and the meat that has already been in the freezer once. In this case, it loses most of its nutrients, and the dish made from it is not juicy enough.

In order for the meat to be evenly fried, it is cut into approximately the same five-centimeter pieces. It is equally important not to oversalt the veal. Otherwise, it will give all the juices and be dry. As for the marinade, today there are many various options its preparation. However, there is one important point here. For these purposes, it is not recommended to use vinegar. It is desirable to replace it with kefir or any other suitable product. To make the skewer pierce the meat more easily, the latter is strung not across, but along the fibers. It is important to ensure that there is some free space between the pieces, which can be filled with onion rings.

To prepare juicy and tender barbecue of which will be discussed in today's publication, special attention should be paid to the choice of firewood. For example, conifers emit resin that worsens taste qualities dishes. Therefore, they should not be used to build a fire on which meat will be fried. It is best to stock up on birch, linden, apricot, plum or cherry branches for these purposes.

During the frying process, it is important not to leave the meat unattended for a minute. Otherwise, it may burn out. If a fire suddenly breaks out during cooking, it must be extinguished immediately. You also need to periodically turn the skewers so that the pieces of meat strung on them are evenly baked.

The veal pulp skewers are removed from the coals only after a beautiful golden crust. To check the readiness of the meat, a small incision is made on it. If clear juice stands out from it, then it's time to serve the barbecue. Lavash is usually used as a side dish, as well as any boiled, baked or fresh vegetables. On request, barbecue is served with various spicy sauces perfectly emphasizing delicate taste meat.

Option with kefir marinade

According to this recipe, you can cook a very tasty kebab that will appeal to both adults and children. Kefir gives the meat an unusual juiciness and softness. And the presence of spices makes it more fragrant. Before heading out into the woods, make sure you have packed everything. necessary products. This time you will need:

  • Two kilograms of veal pulp.
  • Seven heads of onions.
  • Liter of kefir.
  • Half a bunch of cilantro.

To marinate a delicious veal kebab, take an additional table salt and spices.

Action algorithm

Remove the film from pre-washed and dried meat and cut it portioned pieces. After that, it is placed in an enamel container. Pre-peeled and chopped onion rings are also sent there. All this is salted, seasoned with spices, poured with kefir and mixed.

The future veal kebab, the recipe of which is discussed in this article, is covered with a lid and left in a cool place under oppression for twelve hours. After that, the marinated meat is strung on skewers, alternating it with onions, and fried until tender. During cooking, the veal is periodically sprinkled hot water. Fully ready meal decorate with cilantro greens and serve to the table. It goes well with fresh vegetables. In addition, almost any sauces can be served with it, including ketchup, tkemali or adjika.

Option with vegetables

It's not only delicious, but also amazing. healthy dish. To prepare it, you need not only stock up on certain products, but also time. Would you like to know how to marinate veal for barbecue? Make sure you have everything you need on hand. AT this case at your disposal are:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • A kilogram of veal.
  • One ripe tomato and one eggplant each.
  • A tablespoon of vinegar (optional, as it is better to do without it).
  • Onion head.

Additionally, you need to stock up on table salt and spices. The amount of these seasonings is more dependent on the taste preferences of the cook and his family.

Cooking technology

First of all, you should do the veal. The meat is washed in cold water, dried with paper towels, if necessary, cleaned of films and veins. The product prepared in this way is cut into portions and laid out in a deep container.

After that, washed slices of vegetables, salt, pepper and spices are sent to the meat. The future veal kebab, the calorie content of one hundred grams of which is about 72 kcal, is poured with water mixed with a tablespoon of 70% vinegar, covered with a lid, pressed with something heavy and left for three or four hours.

After this time, marinated meat with vegetables is strung on separate skewers and roasted on coals. They are cooked separately due to the fact that veal is baked much longer than tomatoes or eggplant. In this case, you need to periodically water the products with marinade, drained into a bottle. Served ready-made shish kebab with pita bread, tomato sauce and greenery.

Option with beer

The meat marinated according to this recipe is distinguished by its special softness and light bread aroma. During the frying process, all alcohol will completely evaporate, so this dish can be safely given to children. For you to have a real caucasian barbecue from veal, you need to go to the market in advance for fresh products. At the same time, your list should include:

  • A kilo of veal pulp.
  • Half a liter of dark beer.
  • A teaspoon of pink or allspice.
  • Onion head.
  • Salt.

Process description

To make your guests enjoy your veal kebab, the kebab marinade does not need to be salted. In all other respects, this recipe is not much different from other similar options.

Put pre-washed and chopped meat into a suitable saucepan. Chopped onions and crushed peppers are also sent there. All this is poured with beer and cleaned for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

After this time, the meat is removed from the marinade, put on skewers, slightly salted and sent to the coals. To make the pieces juicy and evenly fried, they are periodically turned over. Ready veal skewers are served with fresh vegetables, herbs or red wine.

Lemon juice option

Meat marinated in this way can be easily recognized by its savory taste. exquisite taste. In order for your family to be able to try this dish, you need to prepare all the required ingredients in advance. In this case, you must have:

  • A kilo of veal pulp.
  • A quarter cup of lemon juice.
  • Two hundred milliliters of semi-dry white wine.
  • Three heads of onions.

So that the veal kebab you fried does not turn out to be insipid and tasteless, you need to additionally add table salt and spices.


First of all, you need to deal with meat. It is washed under a stream of cool water, dried with paper towels, cut into medium pieces and put in a suitable saucepan. Seasoning for barbecue and lemon juice are sent to the same dishes. All mix well and clean for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Thirty minutes later, onion ground in a meat grinder is added to the container with meat. Everything is thoroughly mixed and returned to the refrigerator. While the veal is marinating, you should start preparing a fire and barbecue. After the burnt wood turns into coals, you can start frying the meat. To do this, it is slightly salted, strung on skewers and sent to the grill. During frying, the future veal skewers are periodically poured over with white semi-dry wine and often turned over. Thanks to this, the meat will have time to cook evenly and soak in a pleasant grape aroma.

Hot, fragrant, deliciously cooked barbecue - dish number 1 on festive feasts many peoples. In the Caucasus, according to custom, it is prepared from lamb, in Europe and Russia preference is given to pork and chicken. But few have tried veal skewers. With proper preparation and the condition of the first freshness of meat, it turns out to be incomparably juicy and tender.

How to marinate veal skewers

For proper cooking veal will be required as good marinade, and preliminary preparation meat.

For a delicious barbecue you need:

  1. Use only fresh veal. Frozen and fresh meat will not work.
  2. Meat cut into identical pieces medium size.
  3. Don't oversalt. Not even a large number of excess salt dry out the meat.
  4. Do not use firewood from coniferous trees to build a fire.
  5. Thread the meat along the fibers.

Marinated veal for barbecue different ways, to traditional version refer to the following recipe.


  • veal tenderloin - 2 kg;
  • vinegar (wine) - 180 ml;
  • onion - 0.7 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l;
  • Bay leaf- 5 pieces.;
  • allspice - 7 pcs.;
  • seasoning "barbecue".

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the meat, remove the film if necessary, cut into medium pieces (no more than 5 cm), place in a deep container.
  2. Add pepper, bay leaf, salt and seasoning to the prepared veal. Rub the spices thoroughly into the pulp so that the meat is well saturated with them.
  3. Chop onion rings, combine with meat. Leave to marinate (7-8 hours).
  4. Season the marinated veal with vinegar and oil. Hold for about an hour.

Roast veal skewers over a fire, adjusting the process. The finished meat will be an appetizing golden color, when it is cut, transparent juice comes out. Meat will be more flavorful if cooked with onions.

Quick recipe with vinegar in the oven

Acid preservatives are often added to the veal barbecue marinade: lemon, wine, vinegar, etc. The meat is juicier and softer. Veal will be tender even in the oven if marinated in vinegar.


  • veal pulp ( better tenderloin) - 1 kg;
  • vinegar (9%) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - a pair of heads;
  • seasonings.

Read more on the site: egg roll- 6 step by step cooking recipes

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the pulp, remove the veins and films, cut into medium pieces of the same size.
  2. Chop the onion into rings.
  3. Combine prepared ingredients in one bowl. Mix well with your hands.
  4. Add vinegar and seasonings. Veal should be infused for about an hour.
  5. String the barbecue on wooden skewers. Cook at a temperature of 180 degrees, until the meat acquires a golden hue and releases clear juice when cut.

During cooking, periodically pour the remaining juice over the kebab. So the meat will be more juicy.

Cooking with kefir

The addition of kefir to the marinade for veal skewers preserves the juiciness of the meat, adds tenderness and emphasizes the taste of the product. The longer you keep the veal in kefir marinade, the better the barbecue will cook.


  • veal - 2 kg;
  • kefir;
  • onion - 0.7 kg;
  • fresh cilantro - a small bunch.

How to cook:

  1. Meat cut into medium pieces. Put in a deep container.
  2. Chop onion rings. Combine with veal.
  3. Add spices and kefir.
  4. Marinate the meat and leave under weight in the marinade overnight.
  5. When frying, pour warm water.

Serve with coriander and your favorite side dish.

Siberian veal shish kebab

Veal cooked according to this recipe is difficult to dry out and spoil.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • veal pulp - 3 kg;
  • onions - several large heads;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice;
  • tomato paste - 100-150 ml;
  • vinegar - a couple of tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice;
  • White wine.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Wash the chilled meat, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Spread a layer of whole peas on the bottom of the pan. The next layer is from bay leaves.
  3. Chop the onion into rings and arrange on top of the leaves.
  4. Put the meat on the onion, season it. Lay out the layers in order until the end of the products. The final layer is onions and lavrushka.
  5. Pour in the marinade tomato paste and vinegar. Put the kebab under a heavy press, stand for a day.
  6. Remove the press, transfer the kebab to another container (without liquid, pepper and laurel).
  7. Add lemon juice and wine to marinated meat. Let it brew for about two hours.

A special marinade makes the meat so tender that even a non-professional can cook it.

Marinade for 2 kg of veal tenderloin: 5-6 onions, 0.5 lemon juice, 10-15 peas of a mixture of peppers, 1 liter of mineral water, salt to taste.

1. Marinate the meat. The basis of any marinade for soaking kebabs is onion, salt and pepper. For fresh meat It's enough. It is necessary to cut the meat into small pieces, about 5 by 5 cm. This will allow the kebab to fry evenly, and at the same time the meat will not dry out. Wash the meat thoroughly, cut into equal pieces, pour over lemon juice, put in a bowl and pour mineral water, pepper salt. We cut the onion into half rings, send it to the meat. We leave the meat in the marinade for several hours, and preferably overnight.

2. Prepare the face. It is better to build a good fire not in the brazier, but nearby, and then transfer the finished edge with a spatula to the brazier. If suddenly the edge begins to fade, you can easily maintain an even temperature thanks to the edge in the fire. It is important!

3. We fry the barbecue. When stringing meat on a skewer, it must be taken into account that for uniform frying, adjacent pieces should not touch each other. Therefore, it is better to separate them with pieces of sweet pepper or onion. We string the meat on skewers, fry on coals until cooked (if a clear juice appears when cutting, then the meat is ready to eat). A little patience and your barbecue will certainly turn out juicy! The main thing is not to leave the grill.

Flip the kebab, do not forget:

Well, the barbecue is covered with a characteristic crust and you can remove it from the coals! We will carry out a control check using an incision. The juice is clear - it means the kebab is ready! We don't need crackers :)

Juicy, fragrant and seductive look ... How not to eat a piece? For a side dish, you can bake vegetables on a grid. Zucchini is perfect for veal or bell pepper. It's very simple, believe in yourself and trust my recipes. They are tested and practice and time! Good luck and have a great picnic!


Veal shish kebab not as popular as, for example, prepared from pork or poultry meat. And absolutely in vain. Indeed, from this meat with your own hands you can make it very tasty and delicious on an open fire or in the oven. delicious barbecue. A step-by-step recipe with a photo, which you can find below, will very clearly and easily tell you how to properly marinate meat, and then make it real cooking masterpiece. Believe me, your loved ones will be delighted with this dish, since the kebab prepared according to this recipe has received many positive reviews.

Today we will cook our veal kebab from the freshest piece of veal with a bone. If you wish, you can also purchase a loin, since this particular meat part is the most delicious. There are many marinades in which veal can be soaked. In addition to traditional vinegar, some marinate meat in dry red wine, kefir or mineral water. There are a large number of variations of ideas for marinating meat. Which way is correct and the most original is up to you.

Since beef is not a very high-calorie meat (250.5 kilocalories per 100 grams of product), it can be safely eaten by those who watch their weight.

The finished dish, cooked on an open fire or on the grill, is unusually fragrant and tender. To prevent the beef from being tough and dry, it must be marinated for at least an hour, or even more. Ready fried meat is served on the table with freshly chopped greens. The garnish usually uses fresh or baked vegetables, which are ideal. Having prepared such a veal kebab at least once, you will surely appreciate it and want to please your loved ones with this dish again.


  • (on the bone, 2 kg)

  • (1 tablespoon)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (for barbecue, to taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    To cook the original veal kebab at home, you need to purchase a piece tender veal. Next, you need to rinse the meat in cold water and let it drain off excess moisture or blot it with a paper towel. After that, the veal should be cut into big chunks without removing edges. The ribs will serve as a support on the skewer and will not allow the meat to scroll or fall into the fire.

    Then the veal should be coated olive oil from all sides. After that, the future kebab should be seasoned with salt and spices to taste. If you have a spice grinder, you can grind a few pimento flakes to give the dish a special flavor. Next, the veal must be left to marinate for 15-20 minutes, so that the salt melts properly and is absorbed into the meat fibers. As soon as the pieces of veal change color, they can be strung on skewers.

    During the time the meat will marinate, you can make fire in the grill. It is necessary to ensure that the heat temperature is appropriate and the coals burn out to the desired condition. You can regulate the heat with a fan. You should constantly watch the fire to prevent "graying" coals. It must be taken into account in advance that for veal it will take a little large quantity coal than for other types of meat. The heat in the grill should also be a little more than usual. Do not put too many coals in the brazier. It is necessary to leave some distance between the coals and the meat so that the veal can rest after roasting, on the one hand, but also not cool.

    As soon as the brazier is ready, you can send skewers with meat to it. According to the reviews of professional kebabs, the dish on the grill is unlikely to be just as tasty and juicy. The main secret The ideal skewer frying is that the pieces of meat are fried simultaneously from four sides, and not from one in turn. If you put the loin on a skewer, then it will be possible to properly fry it until a cherry color is formed.

    It is quite difficult to choose the necessary support and put a piece of meat on a skewer in such a way that the veal does not turn while you turn it over to the other side. To prevent this from happening, you can use a little trick. It is necessary to take thin skewers, and then put them under each piece on the sides. Put the skewer on the grill should be exclusively on the edge. This method of frying allows the meat to receive heat from the coals themselves, and not from the brazier.

    On the side of the ribs, you should not fry the veal for too long, because there is no a large number meat. It is enough just to allow the film that covers the rib to change in color. When you see that the pieces of meat become a little smaller, and the ribs are exposed, this indicates that the kebab is ready in its entirety and must be urgently removed from the fire. back finished meat should be well fried, and a thin layer of fat should be slightly crunchy. At the same time, the large muscular part on the inside should be pink in color, and taste very juicy.

    Put the finished treat on plates and serve hot to the table. delicious barbecue veal, grilled, ready.

    Bon appetit!