How to cook lamb meat for barbecue. Lamb shish kebab - recipe in Caucasian style

Right choice ingredients is the key delicious dish, therefore, below we describe how to choose the right meat and which part of the lamb is best to cook shish kebab from.

The most delicious lamb shish kebab comes from young meat, since it is very soft and lacks characteristic unpleasant odor. The ram should be no more than one year old. Its color will help determine a good carcass; young rams have noticeably lighter meat than older ones. If we talk about which part of lamb is better suited for barbecue, then preference should be given to the ham or the front shoulder. Usually these parts of the carcass are used due to their meatiness and lack of connective tissue. You should also avoid frozen meat as it loses its taste qualities. In order to check whether the lamb has been frozen, you need to press on it with your finger. Meat that has been frozen will be irrevocably deformed and water will appear on it at the point of pressure. Fresh lamb, in turn, will quickly return to its original shape.

Remember that only from good meat it will turn out the most delicious and juicy kebab from lamb.

Marinade for lamb shish kebab

The basis for a good shish kebab is the marinade.

Before marinating, you need to cut the meat into squares approximately 4-5 centimeters in size. Meat of this size will be able to marinate well, will not become too dry during the frying process, and at the same time will be the juiciest. For marinating, you need to use a deep container made of glass, ceramics, stainless steel or any enamel dish. It is strictly not recommended to marinate meat in an aluminum pan, as in this case the lamb will have an unpleasant metallic taste. When aluminum comes into contact with products such as lemon acid or vinegar used in the marinade, harmful substances are released, which a person already feels when consumed cooked meat for food. You should salt the meat about half an hour before cooking, because salt can draw the juice out of the meat and the kebab will turn out very dry.

Lamb shish kebab recipes

There are many variations on how to marinate and how to cook lamb kebab. Better recipes will be presented below.

Caucasian-style lamb shish kebab


  1. 1.Lamb
  2. Greenery
  3. Salt to taste and other spices
  4. Grape vinegar
  5. Purified cold water

Pour clean drinking water into the container and add 2-3 tablespoons grape vinegar. Mix until smooth.

In a free bowl, place layers of already chopped lamb and onion cut into rings. You can add spices to your taste, but do not forget that salt is added at the end. Pour the prepared marinade over the meat so that the liquid completely covers it. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place out of direct sunlight. For example, in the refrigerator. Leave to marinate for 3-4 hours. At this time, you can prepare the grill. When threading pieces of meat onto skewers, you need to leave at least small gaps between them. The meat will fry for about 20 minutes; while cooking it, the skewers need to be turned regularly. During the frying process, you can sprinkle the kebab with the remaining marinade, so the lamb will be saturated with its smell. At the end of cooking, you can remove the meat from the skewer and serve, garnished with herbs.

Armenian lamb shish kebab


  1. Mutton
  2. Spices to taste

    Bulb onions


    bell pepper


Many people consider this lamb shashlik recipe to be the most delicious of all existing ones.

Place the chopped and washed meat in a bowl, periodically sprinkling it with vinegar. Next, add spices to taste. Cut the onion into rings, put it in a bowl and mix everything well. The onion should release its juice, pay special attention to this. Place in the refrigerator to marinate. Armenian kebab is marinated for quite a long time, about 10 hours, so it is recommended to prepare the meat the evening before the day of its preparation. Meanwhile, wash the tomatoes bell pepper and eggplants. Remove seeds from vegetables. After the time has passed, we string everything onto a skewer, alternating meat, onions and vegetables. The latter, by the way, need to be baked whole. The shish kebab takes about 20 minutes to prepare. Serve vegetables and meat in one plate.

Azerbaijani-style lamb shashlik


  1. Mutton
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Lemon
  4. Butter
  5. Wine or lemon vinegar
  6. Tkemali sauce
  7. Dill and parsley
  8. Black ground pepper and other seasonings

The Azerbaijani kebab recipe is quite simple.

Place the meat in a container and sprinkle it generously with ground black pepper. Afterwards we water it with wine or as a last resort lemon vinegar. Mix thoroughly and place in a cool place for 5-6 hours. Before cooking, do not forget to salt and grease the lamb butter, this way we will get a delicious kebab. Cook on skewers until done. Served with shish kebab fresh tomatoes, greens, lemon slices and tkemali sauce.

Lamb shish kebab under mineral water


  1. Mutton
  2. Mineral water
  3. Lemon
  4. Spices to taste
  5. Fresh vegetables

Many kebab lovers claim that marinating meat using mineral water makes the dish very tasty and juicy.

First, cut the meat and place it in a marinade vessel. Next, cut the onion into half rings and add to the lamb. The lemon should be cut into two parts. Cut one of them into medium-sized slices and add to the marinade. After all this, you can also add spices to the meat to taste. Mix all the contents of the marinade thoroughly. Pour the ingredients clean mineral water. The liquid should completely cover the lamb; this will require about 500 milliliters of mineral water. After this, you need to squeeze the citrus juice from the second remaining half of the lemon into the marinade and put the meat in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. If desired, the kebab can be salted about half an hour before cooking. Frying the meat on the grill will take about 20 minutes. It is recommended to serve the dish on a plate with fresh vegetables.

Lamb shish kebab with pomegranate sauce


  1. Mutton
  2. Seasonings
  3. Garlic
  4. Lemon
  5. Butter or sunflower oil
  6. Lemon
  7. Pomegranate juice
  8. Greenery

For this recipe, the meat needs to be cut into smaller pieces than usual, about 3-4 centimeters. Next, cut the onion into half rings and, lightly sprinkling it with salt, mash it until the juice releases. Having achieved this effect, put the lamb and onions in one bowl. Then mix coriander, red Bell pepper, dried basil and thyme - about a teaspoon of each seasoning. If some seasonings are missing, they can be omitted or replaced to taste. Add this mixture to the marinade. Then peel 3 cloves of garlic and press them onto the meat. You can just chop it finely. At the end, you need to add 2 tablespoons of butter or sunflower oil, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and about half a glass of pomegranate juice to the meat. Mix everything thoroughly so that each piece of meat is well marinated. Leave the kebab in the refrigerator or any other cool place for 5-7 hours. Since the salt has already entered the meat along with the onions, it is not recommended to add additional salt to the kebab. You need to fry this kebab for no more than 12-15 minutes, otherwise due to its size it will turn out too dry. The dish is served to the table while still hot and, as a rule, decorated with herbs.

Lamb shish kebab is one of the most delicious and... healthy dishes. Young lamb has a tender and juicy meat, quickly absorbs aromas, so it is often used in preparing snacks. There are an endless number of roasting techniques and marinating methods that should be covered in the recipes below.

How to cook lamb shish kebab?

Lamb shish kebab will turn out to be extremely tasty if you cut it responsibly, properly, marinate it and fry it correctly. There is a huge choice for excellent results spicy marinades and special aromatic coals. These additions will be useless if you don’t know how to choose lamb for barbecue.

  1. The most tender and delicious kebab is made from 2-month-old lamb. This meat is considered a delicacy and can only be bought in early spring.
  2. Meat from one-year-old lambs is more accessible. It has a bright red color, white fat and a specific sweetish smell.
  3. The meat of old animals is not suitable for cooking due to the strong specific odor.
  4. For shish kebab, use the loin, tenderloin or the flesh of the hind leg.
  5. When purchasing meat, it should be chilled and not frozen; this will directly affect the result: chilled pieces always come out drier and looser.

Lamb kebab - classic recipe

Lamb is one of the important components, because it directly affects the taste, color and aroma of meat. Dairy lambs are marinated in a dry marinade of salt, spices and onions. For older meats, use a combination of lemon juice, oil, cumin and coriander. You can spice up the lamb with paprika, garlic and black pepper.


  • lamb pulp - 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil- 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 120 ml;


  1. Remove membranes from the meat and cut into pieces.
  2. Add chopped onion into rings and mash.
  3. Season, add juice and oil. Stir and set aside for 4 hours.
  4. Thread onto skewers and fry the classic lamb kebab for 15 minutes.

Caucasian lamb shashlik recipe

Caucasian-style lamb shish kebab is a popular cooking method, characterized by simplicity and incredible taste. You just need to prepare a marinade from vinegar and herbs, and immerse the lamb for several hours. Dairy meat will require less time to marinate. Fresh herbs and baked vegetables will emphasize the Caucasian flavor.


  • lamb pulp - 1 kg;
  • onion - 500 g;
  • grape vinegar -60 ml;
  • fresh cilantro and parsley - a handful;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • water - 700 ml.


  1. Chop the pulp and chop the onion into rings.
  2. Add vinegar, herbs, meat and onions to the water.
  3. Marinate for 7 hours.
  4. Thread onto skewers, alternating with tomatoes, onions and peppers.
  5. Fry Caucasian lamb shish kebab for 15 minutes.

Lamb kebab on kefir

The lamb shish kebab recipe differs in different marinades and cooking times. The easiest and most affordable way is to use kefir. Fermented milk product It will perfectly soften the meat, add a slight sourness to the pulp and relieve the dish of a specific smell. The marinating process will take no more than 4 hours, which is quite justified.


  • lamb - 550 g;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.


  1. Chop the lamb and onion.
  2. Layer in layers, season with juice and set aside for 40 minutes.
  3. Pour in kefir and marinate for 3 hours.
  4. Fry delicious lamb shish kebab on the grill until golden brown.

Lamb kebab “seeds”

Lamb - popular dish, popularly known as “seeds”, thanks to the juicy and tasty pulp of which it is impossible to tear yourself away. “Seeds” are prepared simply: you need to peel the ribs from the membranes, cut into portions and, skewer, fry, then cut the flesh from the bone and, flavored with paprika, serve with sauce.


  • ribs - 900 g;
  • zira - a pinch;
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch.


  1. Cut the ribs and season with spices.
  2. Thread onto a skewer and fry for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove from skewer and trim off flesh.

Lamb kebab with kiwi - recipe

Marinade for lamb shish kebab with kiwi - The best way quickly prepare the meat. To soften it, you need an acidic environment. Kiwi - exotic fruit, V chemical composition which contains natural acids, so it is perfect for marinade. The meat should be kept in the marinade for no more than an hour, so as not to turn it into a hard “sole”.


  • lamb pulp - 900 g;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • mineral water - 250 ml.


  1. Chop the meat and onion.
  2. Grind the kiwi.
  3. Combine the products, add water, stir and set aside for an hour.
  4. Thread the meat onto skewers and fry the lamb kebab until golden brown.

Lamb shish kebab in pomegranate juice

For barbecue - a great way to show your imagination and try original marinades. One of which - with pomegranate juice - is especially tasty and piquant. You should be careful about the process and marinate the product for no more than three hours, since the juice contains tannins that will make the meat “rubbery.”


  • lamb - 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • clove of garlic - 6 pcs.;
  • pomegranate juice- 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • coriander and black pepper - a pinch each.


  1. Chop the lamb and onion. Knead it. Season, add lemon and pomegranate juice, oil and garlic.
  2. Mix everything and set aside for 2 hours.
  3. Skewer and grill the best lamb skewers for 20 minutes.

Lamb shish kebab on the bone

Lamb shish kebab on the bone is particularly juicy and tender. The bone retains fat and juice in the meat and keeps the flesh from drying out. Bone-in brisket is an excellent choice for this method of cooking. This meat marinates well, quickly fries and is easy to serve, so it is often prepared at picnics and trips to the countryside.


  • lamb loin - 1.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • paprika - 10 g;
  • coriander - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml;


  1. Cut the loin into slices.
  2. Season, drizzle with juice and oil.
  3. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
  4. Thread onto skewers and grill over coals until done.

Lamb shish kebab with wine

Juicy lamb kebab will become much tastier if you marinate it in red wine. After this soaking, the meat acquires an expressive shade, unusually juicy flesh and a traditional Caucasian flavor. To make the meat tender and aromatic, you should keep it in the marinade for an hour, then fry it for 15 minutes.


  • lamb pulp - 1 kg;
  • onion - 500 g;
  • red dry wine- 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon.


  1. Chop the lamb pulp and chop the onion into rings.
  2. Layer, season, add oil and wine. Marinate for no more than an hour.
  3. Thread onto skewers and grill for 15 minutes.

Lamb kebab in the oven - recipe

Lamb kebab in the oven - an appropriate replacement traditional way cooking on coals. At home, you won’t be able to achieve everyone’s favorite smoky flavor, but a properly selected marinade and a high-quality piece of meat with a moderate amount of fat will provide the dish with juiciness and excellent taste.

I want to raise the topic of marinade for lamb shish kebab. And it’s not at all accidental. Do you know what I consider the most truthful “indicator” of the onset of spring? No, not a calendar that eloquently indicates that it is the first of March. And not even the sun's timid attempts to hint that it will soon be warm. And not gradually reducing the amount of outerwear on cheerful passers-by. And the smells. The tart aroma of budding buds on trees. The smell of slightly warmed asphalt. And of course fried meat. When the time for barbecues and picnics begins, then real spring begins with a smooth transition into summer. Therefore, I just can’t get around the topic of barbecue. And I’ll start with the most successful marinades for delicious kebab from lamb. This meat requires a special approach. After all, the specific aroma and harshness often scare away. But not us! We will properly process and marinate the lamb. And then we will enjoy the soft, juicy and tasty lamb kebab. Go?

Marinade for shish kebab from tough meat (lamb) with vinegar

To make the lamb soft, you definitely need to add acid to the barbecue marinade. Tangy wine vinegar and lemon juice will do the job of tenderizing the meat 100, no, even 1000 percent. And to soften the acid, add a pinch of sugar. Lamb kebab with this marinade will turn out simply excellent!

Ingredients for marinade for 1 kg of shish kebab:

  • light vinegar– 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon (medium size) – 1 pc.;
  • onions (yellow, large) – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - a pinch;
  • odorless vegetable oil (sunflower or vegetable) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tsp. (taste);
  • coarsely ground black pepper – a pinch;
  • thyme, marjoram, savory and oregano - a pinch each.

Method for preparing marinade with vinegar:

Start cooking vinegar marinade for lamb after preparing the meat. Wash it. Slice in portioned pieces. Place in an enamel deep bowl. Don't forget to remove fat and films. This will eliminate the specific smell. Peel the onion and cut into fairly thick rings. Approximately 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Can also be cut into half rings. But then you won’t be able to fry the onion along with the lamb on skewers. Add onion to lamb. Add spices and salt there. Add a pinch of sugar to balance sour taste. It is not necessary to use all the spices. You can only put those that are in stock. Or use ready-made seasoning. Pour in vegetable oil. Don't forget about acid - vinegar and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly with your hands and leave for an hour at room temperature. Then place in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours.

And for lovers of lamb, I have an excellent one, which always turns out tasty and aromatic.

Kiwi marinade for lamb shish kebab

Kiwi works real miracles with meat! Even lamb kebab Tough meat in kiwi marinade will be soft and juicy. Just don't overdo it with the amount of kiwi. And marinating time. Otherwise you will have to fry the minced meat.

For a kilogram of lamb take:

  • kiwi (medium size) – 1 pc.;
  • onion(yellow, large) – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon (medium size) – 1/2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • coarsely ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • coriander, thyme, cumin, basil, paprika (ready-made seasoning for barbecue/lamb) - to taste and availability;
  • odorless sunflower oil – 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to prepare kebab marinade for kiwi lamb:

Prepare and cut the meat. Place in a large bowl. Blend the onion into a paste with a blender. Or rub it on coarse grater straight into the meat. Puree the kiwi in a blender too. Or crush with a potato masher. Pour the puree into the meat. Add spices. Add some salt. Pour in the oil - the last ingredient in this kebab marinade. Mix thoroughly. Leave the lamb to marinate at room temperature. For 1 hour - minimum. And for 2 hours - maximum. You don't want to fry pate instead of kebab, do you? And if you are planning to cook pork kebab, best recipes You can look at the marinade.

Marinade with kefir for delicious lamb shish kebab

Kefir not only softens meat, but also gives it a slight sourness. The lamb is literally soaked aromatic marinade and becomes juicy. Why don't you try it? Well, it turns out very tasty!

To prepare 1 kilogram of delicious lamb shish kebab you will need:

  • kefir - 1,200 ml glass;
  • onions (medium size) 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • salt – 1-1.5 tsp;
  • coarsely ground black pepper – 4-5 peas.

How to prepare kefir marinade:

Trim all fat from meat. Remove films. Rinse well under running water. Dry. And put the meat in a bowl. Add salt. Add pepper. Mix the lamb shish kebab mixture thoroughly. Peel the onion. Cut into massive rings. Pour into a bowl. Stir. Pour room temperature kefir mixed with sugar into the lamb in small portions. Each time, mix the meat with the onion and massage it, as it were. You don't need too much kefir. Cover tightly with a lid. Or cover with film. Leave the kebab to marinate at room temperature for about an hour. Then refrigerate overnight.

Uzbek-style shish kebab marinade for lamb

Very interesting option marinade With character. Thanks to fat tail fat, wine vinegar, oriental spices and onions, lamb becomes so bright taste and the aroma... In general, it’s difficult to convey in words. All that remains is to try!

List of ingredients for marinade (per kilogram of lamb):

  • fat tail fat – 200 g;
  • medium-sized yellow onions - 3 pcs.;
  • coarse table salt – 1 tsp;
  • dried cumin (cumin) – 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
  • dried coriander – 1.5-2 tsp;
  • light wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation procedure:

Prepared lamb meat and tail fat cut roughly in identical pieces. The size of a matchbox. Place in an enamel bowl. Add some salt. Add pepper and other spices. Mix well. Cut the onion into rings. Add it to the bowl. Pour in vinegar. Stir again. To make Uzbek-style lamb kebab more juicy and flavorful, it is advisable to put it under pressure. To do this, you will need a lid with a slightly smaller diameter than the dish with meat. Place it directly on top of the marinated lamb. Place a weight on top. For example, a two-liter jar of jam or pickles. Then place this “structure” in the cold. You need to marinate for at least 5 hours. Maximum – a day. First thread a piece of lard onto a skewer. Then - meat pieces. And at the end - fat tail fat.

Marinade for lamb shish kebab with mineral water

Mineral water is not only excellent remedy restoring your well-being after a good party. And not only main ingredient for delicious cheburek dough. Mineral water does an excellent job of softening lamb for barbecue. Let's add juicy tomato and fragrant onion to get the most delicious marinade for lamb shish kebab!

To prepare a marinade in mineral water you will need (per 1 kg of meat):

red tomatoes, small – 1 pc.;

lemon (small size) – 1 pc.;

mineral water with high content gases – 200 ml;

large onion – 1 pc.;

black bread – 100 g;

salt and black pepper - a large pinch each.

Process and rinse the meat. Dry. Cut into portions. Place in a deep enamel bowl. Peel the onion. Cut into medium-thick rings. Wash the tomatoes. Cut into circles. Add both to the meat. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Pour it over black bread, cut into small slices. Send to lamb. Add a large pinch of salt and pepper there. It is advisable to grind the pepper coarsely. Mix everything and fill with mineral water. Marinate the lamb shish kebab in mineral water for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator with the lid closed.

With these marinade recipes, you are guaranteed a good barbecue mood!

Grilled dishes came to us from the Caucasus. The main thing in them is, of course, the meat. You can use pork, beef and even game, but the most good kebab obtained from lamb.

Dairy lamb no older than 2 months is best suited for these purposes. The color of the pulp should be bright red.

If the meat has a specific smell or a dark, weathered appearance, it is not suitable for barbecue. It is best to take chilled lamb - frozen kebab will be tough and dry. The meat should feel elastic to the touch, not slippery in any way and without protruding blood.

The ham is the most suitable part for barbecue, however, if the leg is very large, then it is meat from an old sheep. A good option for this dish is a cut from the back around the spine, loin or ribs.

There should not be too much fat: during cooking it will melt and only the veins will remain. When the meat has been selected, the time comes to take care of the marinade, the varieties of which will be discussed below.

Marinade with vinegar

Recipe Ingredients:

  1. Onions – 6 pieces;
  2. Lemon – 3 pieces;
  3. Sugar – 1.5 tablespoons;
  4. Wine vinegar 6% - 2.5 tablespoons;
  5. Refined vegetable oil – 2.5 tablespoons;
  6. Spices and salt - to taste;
  7. Lamb loin – 2.5 – 3 kilograms.

Take the meat and cut it into large pieces. If you come across veins or large layers of fat, it is better to cut them out.

Place it in a deep cauldron. Then start preparing the marinade. Take large onions, peel them and cut them into thick rings so that they can be strung on a skewer along with the meat.

After this, wash the lemons and cut into half rings. Place the chopped products on the meat, add sugar, vinegar, oil, spices and mix the whole mixture well.

You can use almost any seasonings you have on hand: thyme, basil, ground black pepper, and anything else to your taste. Cover the cauldron with a lid and leave for 1.5 - 2 hours at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Kiwi marinade

This marinade for lamb kebab includes the following components:

  1. Onions – 5 pieces;
  2. Kiwi – 3 pieces;
  3. Refined oil – 2.5 tablespoons;
  4. Salt and spices to taste;
  5. Lemon – 1 piece;
  6. Orange – 1 piece;
  7. Lamb tenderloin – 2 – 2.5 kilograms.

If you come across not very young lamb for barbecue or need to marinate it quickly, kiwi marinade is the most suitable option.

Prepare the meat, place it in a deep pan. Clean existing fruits and vegetables. Grind the onion in a blender, cut the kiwi and orange into small cubes.

Combine the prepared products in a small plate and mix. Thanks to its composition, kiwi quickly breaks down animal proteins and destroys the rigid structure of the fibers.

Therefore, the finished marinade should be mixed with meat and spices 1 – 1.5 hours before cooking. If you keep it in such a marinade, it will lose its taste and will separate into fibers right in your hands.

Marinade with kefir

Ingredients for this recipe:

  1. Onions – 4 pieces;
  2. Kefir – 1 liter;
  3. Salt – 2 teaspoons;
  4. Sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  5. Ground black pepper – a pinch;
  6. Spices to taste;
  7. Young lamb ham – 2.5 – 3 kilograms.

Kefir marinade is perfect for lamb shish kebab, it will add a slight sourness and soften it.

Take the meat, cut it excess fat, film and veins. Divided by large pieces, place in a deep container.

Salt, pepper and add sugar. Peel the onions. Cut it into thick circles and, separating the rings, mix with the prepared meat.

After this, start adding kefir in small portions and thoroughly mix everything together. Stir until the kebab is saturated with kefir.

After this, cover tightly with a lid and place under pressure. Leave for 1 – 1.5 hours at room temperature, after which you can start frying the kebab.

Mineral water marinade


  1. Highly carbonated mineral water - 300 milliliters;
  2. Onions – 3 pieces;
  3. Pepper, salt, spices - a pinch;
  4. Tomatoes – 3 pieces;
  5. Gray bread - 3 pieces;
  6. Lamb – 2.5 kilograms;
  7. Lemon – 1 piece.

Wash and dry the meat, cut into medium cubes and place in a large bowl. Peel the onion, wash the tomatoes and lemon. Cut everything into large rings.

Place in a bowl and place slices of bread on top. Add seasonings, mix everything well and fill with mineral water. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 6 - 7 hours.

Soy sauce and wine marinade


  1. Lamb ribs – 3 kilograms;
  2. Soy sauce – 150 milliliters;
  3. Dry red wine – 100 milliliters;
  4. Salt, spices - to taste;
  5. Onions – 4 pieces;
  6. Garlic – 1 clove;
  7. Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  8. Lemon – 1 piece.

Wash and place the ribs in a deep pan. Peel the onion and garlic. Wash the lemon.

The onion and lemon should be cut into thick rings. Pass the garlic through a press.

Place the prepared products on the ribs, add salt, sugar and available spices - this could be basil, marjoram, sage. Mix all the contents well, pour in the wine and soy sauce.

Mix the whole mass again. Close the lid and place under pressure. The ribs are marinated for 3 – 4 hours.

Mustard and mayonnaise marinade


  1. Lamb meat – 3 kilograms;
  2. Homemade mayonnaise – 250 milligrams;
  3. Homemade mustard – 1 tablespoon;
  4. Onions – 3 pieces;
  5. Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Dried paprika – 0.5 teaspoon;
  7. Thyme – 0.5 teaspoon;
  8. Cilantro - a pinch.

Wash and dry the meat. Cut it into large steaks. Peel the onion and chop it small cubes, until a paste forms.

In a separate container, combine mayonnaise and mustard, add chopped onion and sugar, mix everything well. Rub the steaks with salt and spices. Let them sit for 30-40 minutes.

Then pour in the resulting sauce and mix everything well. Meat with this marinade will be ready for cooking in 2 - 3 hours. Steaks can be grilled on a barbecue grid.

Honey marinade


  1. Lamb ham – 3 kilograms;
  2. Onions – 2 pieces;
  3. Dried barberry - a pinch;
  4. Fresh basil - a few sprigs;
  5. Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Corn or sunflower oil – 100 milliliters;
  7. Soy sauce – 100 milliliters;
  8. Garlic – 1 clove.

Take a lamb ham, wash, dry and cut into portion-sized pieces. Place everything in a deep enamel or stainless steel bowl.

Peel the onion and cut it into thick rings. Remove the peel from the garlic and finely chop it with a knife or grate it.

Add salt, sugar and soy sauce, seasonings, vegetable oil and chopped vegetables to the meat. All components must be thoroughly mixed. After 3 - 4 hours you can start frying.

You will love our recipes!

When going on a picnic, bookmark the recipe for Caucasian-style lamb shashlik, how to do it correctly.

If you don’t eat meat, you will need a recipe for champignon kebab in the oven. and be sure to try this recipe.

Culinary results

The marinade is the second most important for kebab after meat. Properly marinated and well-chosen meat is a 100% guarantee of excellent taste.

If you need to quickly prepare meat for frying, it is better to use a kiwi or kefir marinade.

If there is nowhere to rush, a marinade with vinegar or mayonnaise with mustard will make your lamb kebab incredibly tender, but a marinade with honey or soy sauce will add specific notes to the taste of your meat.

In the Caucasus they know a lot about meat, so they like to cook shish kebab from lamb. It contains several times less fat and cholesterol than pork. And in terms of iron content, no type of meat can compare with it; it is one third more. So, lamb is a dietary product, especially young lamb.

It is tender, without a characteristic odor, with white, wax-like fat. If its layer is uniform, it means that the animal was well fed and maintained. Excellent kebab will be obtained from the ham, neck, loin, shoulder and kidney part of the carcass, chilled, but not steamed or frozen. Such meat is easy to “calculate”; just press on the piece with your finger. The hole was filled with blood - the meat had been stored for a long time in freezer. A fresh one won’t even leave a dent after pressing.

In order for lamb kebabs to be successful, the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, they “invent.” However, its basis is always a product containing acid. It destroys the specific aroma that many people don’t like, and makes tough lamb soft. However, if there is too much vinegar, lemon juice or dry wine, the charcoal-fried meat will turn out sour, and the abundance of spices will overwhelm its taste. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow the recipe and maintain proportions. By the way, they go perfectly with lamb. spices with a minty hint: oregano, coriander, cumin, cumin.

Lamb kebab: recipe for marinade with vinegar

For one and a half kilograms of meat (about three adult eaters) take 4 large onions, 2 lemons, 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and three - refined sunflower oil, 3-4 bay leaves, salt and pepper to taste.

To the bottom enamel pan lay out the meat, square pieces with a side of about 5 cm. Size in in this case has the meaning. No need to worry about how to soak shish kebab. If the meat is cut correctly, it will be well soaked in the marinade and baked perfectly. Place onion half rings on top of the lamb. Pour in lemon juice, oil, vinegar. Put salt, be sure to be coarse, it does not dry out the meat, does not draw juices out of it, black pepper and bay leaf.

Mix well, cover and refrigerate for 7-8 hours. At room temperature it will marinate in 3 hours. Don't forget to shake the pan periodically.

Marinades with kefir (natural yogurt)

Acetic acid can be successfully replaced by lactic acid; kefir contains a lot of it. In addition, it contains a little alcohol. Sometimes the recipe recommends adding vodka, cognac, or beer to lamb shish kebab. The meat becomes pleasant spicy taste. They say that lamb kebab, the most delicious marinade to keep the meat soft, is this: water (regular or mineral) + 70 ml quality vodka+ a couple of onions + 50 ml of odorless sunflower oil. However, children will not be able to try such a kebab. Agree, kefir is a good alternative to marinade with alcohol.

Option #1: loin – 3.5 kg, kefir (low-fat yogurt) – 4 cups, onions – 3 pieces. And a bun fragrant herbs(basil, cilantro, mint).

Option #2: meat – 4 kg, unsweetened yogurt(kefir) – 1.5 l, vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons, pepper.

Option #3: lamb – 3 kg, kefir – 500 ml, onion – 400 g, khmeli-suneli (dry seasoning) – level teaspoon.

Please note that these formulations contain no salt at all. It is sprinkled on the workpieces immediately before placing them on skewers. This is done intentionally to retain moisture inside the pieces. The meat turns out incredibly juicy.

How to marinate spicy lamb kebab? Try making a fill like this. For a kilogram of lamb, take half a liter of yogurt, kefir is also suitable, a couple of onions, a tablespoon of dry paprika. Add chopped garlic (one head), chili pepper (half a pod or whole, if desired), 4 sprigs of marjoram and rosemary. The greens are finely chopped. Don't put it away in the cold. After 2 hours you can light the grill.

Lamb in soy sauce

If you give a Japanese chef a task: lamb shish kebab, the most delicious marinade, so that the meat is soft, come up with something. He will choose soy sauce and will not go wrong. The natural monosodium glutamate it contains easily takes away the smell of lamb.

Cut 2 kg fillet. Make the filling: 200 ml soy sauce, juice of one lemon. And also 3-4 cloves of grated garlic, a teaspoon of sugar and spices (parsley, tarragon, basil). There is no need for salt, there is enough of it in the sauce.

How to marinate lamb kebabs in wine and pomegranate juice?

Subtle tart taste pleasant sourness gives red wine flavor to the lamb. Salt and pepper the meat (1.5 kg), cover with onion rings, chop 5 medium onions, pour in Cahors (250 ml). Don't mix! Keep in the refrigerator overnight.

Fresh pomegranate juice is also a wonderful marinade. You will need 150 ml of it. Add 30 g of garlic, a teaspoon each of adjika, mustard powder, black and red pepper, ground coriander, turmeric, curry, cinnamon, suneli hops and 15 spoons of cumin. This is the layout for 1 kg of meat. The juice should cover about your finger. Do not pour out the filling, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Fragrant spicy sauce ready.

Marinade for shish kebab with kiwi and orange

If the lamb is old and tough, kiwi will help out.

The pulp from this fruit breaks down animal protein and destroys hard fibers. The main thing is not to overdo it: one fruit is enough per kilogram of meat. Otherwise it won’t be a kebab, it will be a pate.

Peel the lemon and chop finely. Pass two onions through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Place in bowl with meat. Add salt and pepper there. Let it sit for 6 hours. An hour and a half before frying, not earlier, mix the marinade for shish kebab with kiwi (puree).

Mineral water marinade

How to soak shish kebab in mineral water? Cut the ham (3 kg) across the grain. Fold wide enamel dishes, like onion rings (2 pieces) and tomato slices (3 pieces). In a separate deep cup, build a bowl of black bread (350 g), sparkling mineral water (600 ml) and the juice of two lemons. Combine it with lamb, salt and pepper. Marinate for 7 hours tender kebab guaranteed.

Mayonnaise filling

Mayonnaise, like mineral water, is a very popular marinade. For 2 kg of lamb it takes 250 g (jar) and almost the same amount of ready-made mustard. Add Russian if you want spicy meat. French mustard good for savory fragrant kebab. You can experiment with its quantity experimentally. Of course, onions (7 heads) and spices will come in handy.

In the summer, it’s not just barbecue that goes off with a bang. You can serve it with meat. Happy holiday parties!