What is healthier: beef or veal. Is the meat of a young bull veal

Despite the fact that supporters of the principles of a vegetarian diet convincingly, at first glance, prove the advantages of their lifestyle, scientists and doctors are in no hurry to urge everyone to give up meat. And I must say that this product really contains substances that are indispensable for the body, which are simply not found in vegetables and cereals. Especially valuable in this sense is red meat, including beef.

What is this product?

Probably everyone knows that beef is the meat of cattle. In our country, most often this product is obtained from cows. And the younger the animal, the more tender and soft the meat will be. Therefore, veal is even distinguished as a separate species, which includes the meat of animals less than a year old.

What is the difference between beef and veal?

It has already been noted that these products are obtained from the same animals, so the composition of useful substances in them is similar. At the same time, beef differs from veal in the number of certain components.

  • Both types of meat contain valuable macronutrients. Veal surpasses beef in the content of potassium, sodium, phosphorus. But in the latter there is more iron and calcium. In addition, beef contains more trace elements: zinc, fluorine, selenium.
  • As in almost all products of animal origin, red meat contains a lot of B vitamins. There are more of them in veal (the exception is B12, which accumulates throughout life), in addition, it is richer in vitamin PP. Beef, in addition to the named B12, is superior to veal in vitamin E content.

  • If we consider the energy value, then in terms of protein content per 100 grams of food, the figures will be quite comparable (both in beef and veal about 19-20 g). But in terms of the amount of fat, the discrepancy is significant, in “young” meat they are much less (about 2 g versus 12.5 g in beef). There are no carbohydrates in these products. In this case, the calorie content will largely depend on the fat content. Accordingly, the nutritional value of beef averages approximately 200 kcal, which is more than twice as high as that of veal (about 97 kcal).
  • The meat of young animals contains more water, due to which it is softer and more tender, but in the process of cooking there is a risk of its rapid overdrying.

It should be noted that The indicators are rather conditional and may differ in different sources. There are objective reasons for this. The fact is that the composition of any meat is highly dependent on the growing conditions of the animal and its diet. But according to average indicators, the ratio of the components of beef and veal will correspond to that indicated.

How to distinguish them?

Since an adult animal has more developed muscles, well supplied with blood, its meat is quite easy to distinguish by appearance. You can look for the following signs.

  • The older the animal, the redder the meat. Veal has a pale pink color, sometimes almost white with a pearly sheen.
  • Fat, which is more abundant in beef, may be present in the form of veins (the so-called marbled meat). In veal, they are whitish, almost invisible.
  • Young meat is noticeably softer to the touch, beef is more dense and tough.
  • The smell of meat from small calves tastes like milk.
  • It is worth paying attention to the size of the cut. Cuts of beef are usually larger, as the whole carcass can reach a ton in weight. At the same time, calves at the age of 6 months weigh an average of 130-170 kilograms.



How to choose?

It is important to know the differences between products, to be able to distinguish between veal and beef, but it is even more important to buy quality meat. The less time has passed since the slaughter of the animal, the more useful the product will be. Meat can be considered fresh if the specified time does not exceed 12 hours.

If the color of the product has acquired a brownish tint (applies to both veal and beef), the surface looks “weathered”, dried up, this should alert. Most likely, such meat spent on the counter too long term, and it is better to refuse to buy it.

Should not inspire confidence and the product, the veins and films in which have become yellowish and easily peel off from the meat. This is especially evident when buying beef. But even in a veal carcass, in which the layers as such are not visible, if the meat is stale, the delamination will be noticeable.

Freshness can also be checked by touch. The surface of the piece should quickly recover after pressing. This is especially noticeable on the meat of young animals, which is initially more elastic. If the hole remains, the product is stale.

We summarize the signs of stale meat:

  • brown shade of fibers;
  • "weathered" inelastic surface;
  • yellow veins;
  • stratification of meat.

But the concepts of "stale" and "poor quality" are not always equivalent. Even the freshest foods can be dangerous. If an animal grew up in an ecologically unfavorable area, received inappropriate or contaminated food, it is unlikely to be completely healthy. For example, salts of heavy metals in large quantities can be deposited in bones and internal organs, respectively, and meat in this case cannot be of high quality and useful. In this sense, veal is safer than beef, since the calf simply does not have time to accumulate a lot of harmful substances.

In any case, no matter what kind of meat you prefer, do not hesitate to ask the sellers for certificates confirming the safety of the products.

What can be cooked?

There is no fundamental difference in the preparation of beef and veal. Most dishes that are prepared from one type of meat work well from another. The same seasonings and marinades can be used. But some nuances are worth noting.

Beef is a denser meat, so it will take longer to cook it to tenderness. If you plan to cook on the grill or grill, beef should be kept in the marinade longer than veal. When young meat is cooked, a long frying threatens that the product will become tough at the end due to a lack of fat.

Of the dishes that are made only from veal, one can single out a blanket - a stew with vegetables in a white sauce.

Who benefits?

The main value of red meat is a large amount of iron. Due to this, beef is recommended for prevention and treatment. iron deficiency anemia. The risk groups for this indicator are:

  • women with heavy menstruation;
  • pregnant women;
  • injured people with heavy bleeding;
  • postoperative patients;
  • children.

Although there is less iron in the meat of young animals, it is better absorbed. It is also important that veal is less fat. Therefore, such meat will be more useful and better for children. It, among other complementary foods, can be recommended even for a child of the first year of life, of course, in a carefully ground form.

Veal is also good for diabetics and people with cardiovascular problems.


Beef can accumulate a lot of cholesterol and purine compounds, in addition, it is fatter. For this reason, this type of meat is not recommended for the following people:

  • with vascular diseases;
  • with joint problems;
  • suffering from osteochondrosis;
  • with digestive problems;
  • with weak liver and kidneys.

Veal has practically no contraindications and is quite capable of successfully replacing beef. It is only necessary to keep in mind that with all these problems, you should not eat fried meat.

Red meat is usually one of the most expensive in price, veal is even more expensive. If it is not possible to constantly buy a dietary product, sometimes you can use beef in the form of a broth. But in order to reduce the harmful side effect, the first decoction is drained after boiling and only the second is taken.

You will learn how to deliciously cook veal with vegetables with white sauce in the following video.

Veal is the meat of a 4-5 month old calf. It is more refined in taste than beef, and very tender, but from a long cooking time, the meat can become tough, due to the fact that it has a very thin layer of internal as well as external fat.

The most delicious and expensive meat is the meat of young dairy calves, they are fed only with milk. The color of the meat is pale-pale pink, almost white, the smell is very delicate, and the veal is firm and velvety to the touch. The highest quality dairy calf meat is produced in France, Britain and Holland. The cheapest meat of calves fed with cereals. Such meat is redder and slightly sharper in smell.

Veal can be cooked from meat of both sexes. But most veal is made from the male. Veal is in high demand and is a delicacy.

How to choose

Choose veal with creamy pink or pale pink meat. Fat must be very white, hard and non-sticky. Bones of a milk-fed calf with reddish marrow.

The most reliable way to check the freshness of veal is to lightly press with your finger. If the meat quickly restored its shape, it means that it is fresh and of high quality. The remaining depression testifies to the mistakes made during the transportation and storage of meat.

How to store

Veal meat is very moist and therefore spoils very quickly. You can store it in freezer, tightly wrapped and no more than two days.

Reflection in culture

Almost until the 19th century, veal was not consumed in Russia. She was considered a "sinful, sacred dish", and this became the main reason for the unpopularity of False Dmitry.

It has long been believed that if you eat veal in a dream, this is to unexpected income and to strengthen your authority.

Calorie content of veal

Dairy calf meat is covered with just a thin layer of subcutaneous fat and is very low in calories. In 100 grams of the product, there are only 96.8 kcal, which allows you to safely use it as a dietary dish.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of veal

Composition and presence of nutrients

Veal contains lipids (1-9%) and a large amount of proteins (18-20%). The meat contains various vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and copper. The liver is the richest in iron. The abundance of digestible amino acids and minerals allows us to consider veal the most useful meat. Even with heat treatment, the meat does not lose its useful properties.

The extractives are distinguishing feature veal. They don't carry much energy value, but stimulate the active production of digestive juice.

Veal is considered lean meat, because in a lean piece there is less than 1% fat, the fat content of the tenderloin is only 2.8%, and the maximum content in the brisket is 18.7%.

Useful and medicinal properties

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of veal contributes to a good regulation of the amount of glucose in the blood. Dairy calf meat is good for the health of the skin, mucous membranes, digestive and nervous systems. Veal is especially recommended for small children and seriously ill people.

Veal has much less cholesterol (per 100 g 105 mg) than lamb or beef. It also contains gelatin, which contributes to better blood clotting. That is why veal is constantly recommended for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors also advise diabetics, hypertensive patients, and people suffering from anemia to include veal in the diet. In this case, it is best to serve veal meat with sauerkraut, since the iron contained in meat is well absorbed along with vitamin C. In veal liver, iron is most concentrated - 8 milligrams. Veal is good to eat as a prevention of urolithiasis and heart attack. It is also indispensable for quick recovery from injuries, burns and infectious diseases.

Dairy calf meat is useful for everyone who cares about their health.

In cooking

Veal is exceptionally popular in French and Italian cuisines. It can be fried, but it is more useful to eat it boiled or baked. When baking, be sure to keep in mind that the meat of the dairy calf is lean and so that it does not dry out, wrap it with foil.

Veal makes excellent first courses. There is one little tip - after the first boil, drain the broth and replace it with clean water, so nitrogen-containing substances and cholesterol remain in the first broth.

We cook the broth. Meat should be put in cold water and cook for at least an hour from the moment of boiling. After the broth has boiled, do not remove the lid until the end of cooking. You should also not remove the foam, as it is a healthy protein. After the end of cooking, the broth should be infused for 10-20 minutes.

Tender and lean veal is cooked like a bird. The cooking method depends on the purchased piece. But regardless of whether you fry, stew or boil the meat, do not cook it for a very long time, otherwise it will become tough instead of tender. Veal must be stewed at a temperature not exceeding 180 degrees.

In dietetics

Veal is widely used in diet food, because it contains all useful material, vitamins and amino acids. It can be included in the diet not only for the sick, the elderly and children, but also for those who adhere to a balanced diet and weight loss diets, since veal is a very low-calorie product.

Dangerous properties of veal

Veal has a wide variety of useful properties, negating possible harmful effects on the body. In addition, this meat contains no fat, no cholesterol, no coarse fibers and also does not increase the acidity of gastric juice. The only thing that can harm when eating veal is the release of nitrogenous substances into the broth when cooking meat. However, if this broth is not eaten, then any negative consequences can be avoided.

The term "veal" refers to the meat of bulls under the age of six months. Such meat has a specific taste and tenderness. Veal refers to diet varieties meat, but is also eaten like beef.

Veal can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked, but before buying it is better to immediately determine for which dish this ingredient will be used. Regardless of the variety, the meat of young cattle is tender compared to beef or pork. For blues with broth, it is better to choose meat with fat or bones for a richer consistency.

The classification of veal combs does not differ from beef. The first category includes fillet and rib parts, rump and thigh, the second grade includes the neck and meat from the sides of the animal, the third grade includes meat from shank and shank.

How to choose veal

The main nuances of choosing veal are the smell, color and elasticity of the meat. The product is first evaluated visually, then it must be carefully checked by touch and, if possible, its smell should be assessed. If the veal is packaged, then you should separately study the information on the package and do not disregard the date of manufacture and shelf life.

What kind of veal should I buy:

  • unlike beef, fresh veal smells like fresh milk;
  • veal has a rich light red color of meat;
  • fat layers in veal are always white (they become yellowish with age and are typical for beef);
  • the color of the veal should be uniform (spots of any color on the meat indicate its improper storage, transportation or diseases of the animal, taste qualities such a product will be severely compromised);
  • fresh veal has an elastic texture (when pressed with a finger, there should be no pits, and the meat quickly takes its original shape);
  • the structure of the meat should be homogeneous (loose veal can only be with frequent use medicines or chemical additives)
  • the lighter the veal, the younger the animal was.
  • if there are extraneous odors in the aroma of veal, then you should not buy such meat;
  • the sharp and pungent smell of meat should also be a reason to refuse to buy it;
  • if the meat does not smell, then when raising livestock, chemical compounds were used to increase the mass of the animal or accelerate its growth (calves are small in size, so such experiments are not uncommon);
  • the absence of a smell may be evidence that the veal was soaked in vinegar (this procedure is used to eliminate a rotten smell);
  • veal with a swollen structure was previously filled with liquid (to increase the mass or return the presentation after winding);
  • you should not buy wet, as if washed veal (any manipulations were carried out with the meat);
  • if there are clearly visible depressions on the veal, then it was incorrectly stored or transported;
  • if the veal sticks to your fingers, then you should not buy it (this is a sign of meat spoilage);
  • if the veal fat has turned yellow, and the meat has lost its pink color and become darker, then the animal has already begun to eat bait and grass, so the meat will be tougher.

If the meat is purchased fresh and not frozen, it is necessary to visually evaluate all the pieces available. If the veal differs sharply in color, then it is better not to buy it from this seller. The meat was either mixed with stale food or stored improperly. If the pieces are cut from the same carcass, then they cannot be of a different shade.

AT daily ration each person should include a variety of food products, where meat and offal deserve special attention. Among the most popular varieties of meat, beef and veal deserve special attention, which, despite their related origin, have a number of differences. Before realizing what healthier beef or veal, it is worth understanding the difference between these species beef meat. Veal can be considered the meat of a young cow or bull, whose age is from two weeks to three months, the meat of older individuals is already called beef. Contrary to numerous claims that veal is healthier than beef, you should know that the taste and useful properties differ depending on the sex of the animal, the breed and the selected part of the carcass of the animal, the main thing is that the meat is fresh and attractive in appearance.

Beef - composition, useful properties and contraindications for consumption

Beef, unlike other types of meat, has a number of features that make it more attractive, although there are some contraindications to its use, which should be remembered by those who decide to replace other types of meat with it. It has a thick-fiber structure, the color can be from light red to dark brown, which depends on the age of the animal, the timing and characteristics of its storage. The darker the meat, the older the animal was; a too dark color may indicate its long-term storage.

The main feature is the complexity of its digestion, which requires an elevated temperature. Thus, in order to digest it, the body needs to turn on additional resources and expend excess energy. This property is used by those who want to lose weight. beef dishes are good suppliers of protein, while they have much less fat than pork, duck and goose. It is worth remembering that the meat of a cow eating meadow grass and other useful products, while the nutritional value beef grown on artificial feed is much less.

It contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins. Particularly noteworthy is the variety and quantity of B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive organs, skin condition and nervous system person. It also contains vitamins E and PP, a wide range of useful chemical elements are present, including calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, fluorine, selenium and many others.

Beneficial features include the presence a large number a protein that promotes cell renewal of blood vessels, joints and human skin. Consuming boiled beef is also recommended for those who have suffered an injury or a complex illness, due to the large amount of iron in the composition, it is indicated for people suffering from a deficiency of this very useful chemical element. Speaking about the benefits, do not forget that it depends to a large extent on the method of storage and preparation, and boiled beef is much healthier than fried or smoked. As for contraindications to consumption, it should not be abused by people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and you should also not consume it often, as this can cause a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Useful properties and harm of veal

A special type of beef meat is veal, which looks different and has a different chemical composition when compared to adult animals. Quality veal is more like pork - it has a light pink color and a white layer of fat, in contrast to the dense yellow fat of adult cows. The color indicates the age of the animal, and the lighter the veal, the younger it was. It, unlike the first test subject, contains fewer proteins, and the fat content in it is several times less, which makes it dietary product. Therefore, it is part of various kinds of diets aimed at losing weight.

Concerning useful composition veal, it contains a large assortment beneficial vitamins and minerals, but most often their amount is different, and not in favor of beef. To conclude that beef or veal is more useful, you should consider a table containing data on the chemical and biological composition:

ElementQuantity in 100 grams of beefQuantity in 100 grams of veal
Protein (gr.)14,3 19,4
Fats (gr.)30 6,8
Water (gr.)55 72
Calcium (mg)24 15
Potassium (mg)218 315
Phosphorus (mg)132 203
Sodium (mg)13 24
Iron (mg)1,6 0,8
Fluorine (mg)0,02 0
Zinc (mg)3,6 3,1
Vitamin E (mg)0,5 0,3
B vitamins (mg)0-2,1 0-1,3
Vitamin PP (mg)3,4 7,5

Comparing the chemical composition of both types, we can draw some conclusions regarding the benefits of a particular product. So, when buying beef, you overpay, because it contains large quantity water, at the same time, buying veal, you get less fat, more protein, vitamins B and PP, more veal and such beneficial trace elements like potassium, phosphorus and sodium. At the same time, beef is healthier for bones and teeth, as it has more high content calcium, there is more iron in it, so it is advisable for patients with anemia to consume, after all, beef.

What to choose

Both beef and veal, and this must always be remembered, have a lot of cholesterol, the amount of which is 78-82 milligrams per 100 grams of product. As for fat, it is much less in young animals, which is why it is considered dietary and is shown even to those who decide to lose weight. It is worth knowing, however, that fat content depends not only on the type of meat and the age of the animal, but also on which part of the carcass it was taken from. If you have not yet decided for yourself what is healthier than beef or veal, then you should know that cooking a juicy veal, due to less fat, is much more difficult, and often only professionals can do it. There is no norm for meat consumption, but it is definitely not worth overloading the body with it, as this can lead to some disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Whatever they say about harmful effects on the human body of meat products, the vast majority of people use them for food. There are, of course, those who deny food of animal origin, depriving themselves not only of the unique taste sensations, but also of the beneficial substances contained in it. Whatever were valuable products vegetable origin, without meat products life is difficult. Therefore, experts often hear, for example, that beef or veal is more useful than answering the question of what is more useful meat or potatoes.

Beneficial features

As you understand, speaking about these types of meat, we mean, by and large, one product, only with different “aging”. Accordingly, the age of a calf cannot be compared with the age of an adult, how difficult it is to compare their meat, answering the question what healthier veal or beef. The thing is that in them, although in different quantities, contain the same useful substances: vitamins and minerals. In particular, the vitamin range, consisting of some essential B vitamins, deserves attention, while an adult cow is the leader in the content of cobalamin (vitamin B12), but there are more vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9, after all, in veal. The same applies to nicotinic acid, while vitamin E is more in beef.

Comparative analysis

Given the desire of many people to live actively and eat healthy food, it is especially worth talking about the calorie content of both products. It is easy to guess that beef is more high-calorie and fat (if we take average indicators, and they differ in different parts of the animal). This has both its pros and cons. On the one hand, veal tenderloin is more suitable for those who are worried about their figure, on the other hand, veal is more difficult to cook, and this is due to less fat. Veal is very easy to overdry and spoil, respectively. It is also worth noting a larger amount of water, which also makes the cooking process more difficult.

Indicators of trace elements per 100 g

Beef Veal
Protein18,3 21,4
Fats27,5 6,8
kcal157 96,8
Calcium24 mg15 mg
Phosphorus132 203,5
Sodium13 24
Magnesium67 82
Iron1,6 0,8
Zinc3,6 3,1
Iron1,6 0,8
Zinc3,6 3,1
Potassium218 315
Selenium13,5 8,15

The meat of both animals contains vitamins of groups B, PP, E.

Is veal healthier?

Be that as it may, many try to buy veal, which is in high demand and it is difficult to find a quality product. It can be easily identified with the naked eye by its delicate pink color, although many sellers can even magically turn beef into a calf. If you are lucky enough to buy a fresh piece of veal, remember that lean veal tenderloin is ideal for hypertensive patients and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, although it contains a lot of cholesterol. It is well absorbed by the body, so it is even part of the diet and baby food.

When answering the question of what is healthier than beef or veal, you can rephrase it and ask which product has more contraindications for consumption. In this regard, veal is preferable. Suffice it to say that the adult contains more purine compounds that cause the formation uric acid which is unacceptable for people with sore joints. In addition, a cow may contain toxic compounds, especially if it grew up in poor environmental conditions. It is better to cook such meat, draining the water several times, with which some of the toxins leave. Remember also the dangers of frying, but this applies to both subjects.