Which is healthier: beef or veal? How is beef different from veal? What is the difference

Among the varieties of meat traditionally used in Slavic cuisine for preparing main dishes and broths, beef takes precedence. Its consumption accounts for about 60% of all meat products that are included in the diet of the average resident of Eastern Europe. Veal is usually classified as a product from which delicacies and dietary dishes. To be able to serve not just food, but real culinary masterpieces, it’s worth understanding what exactly producers offer us as beef and veal semi-finished meat products.

Beef– meat that is obtained from cattle that have reached one year of age. It is sold in the form of fillets, bone parts, brisket, steaks - depending on the method of cutting the bovine or cow carcass.

Beef – valuable protein product, which also contains the necessary normal functioning the body contains B vitamins, zinc and iron. The quality of meat depends on the age of the animal, the method of feeding it, and the storage time.

Tall taste qualities fresh beef is available for processing no later than 12 hours after slaughter and cutting of the carcass. This meat has a rich red color, a specific milky smell, and a uniform structure. In a section of muscle tissue, the cross section of the muscles is clearly visible.


Young beef is soft and easy to chew heat treatment; It takes little time to prepare, and the dishes turn out tender and juicy.

Mature beef is tougher, more suitable for dishes made from minced or ground meat, and used for rich meat broths.

You can distinguish young beef from mature beef by color: the older the animal from which it was obtained meat product, the darker it is; the fat layer of old beef has a yellow or yellow-brown tint.

Veal, unlike beef, is the meat of young animals aged from one month to one year. The younger the calf, the more tender veal. The cost of this type of meat is always higher than the cost of beef or pork, but dishes prepared from it are distinguished by unsurpassed taste. Veal is an indispensable product for children and dietary nutrition: it is easily digestible and contains the maximum percentage of proteins and vitamins for semi-finished meat products.

Veal is much lighter than beef: in fresh it is soft pink in color, with a pearlescent tint when cut. The percentage of fat content in it is higher than in beef, but the fats contained in veal are easily broken down and absorbed by the body.


Delicious dishes are prepared from veal; it is added to raw smoked sausages, sausages and sausages of high grades, which significantly improves their taste.

  1. Beef is meat obtained from mature animals. Veal is obtained from young cattle.
  2. Beef has low fat content. Veal is more tender and fattier than beef.
  3. Beef has a distinct reddish color. Veal has a pink tint.
  4. Beef is used to prepare almost any meat dishes. Veal is considered a delicacy product.

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The most preferred meat for dietary nutrition is that dietary dishes made from this product are much more common than beef dishes. In fact, this meat is beef, only it was obtained from a younger individual. So what is the difference between veal and beef? This is what we will try to find out.

Why is veal better than beef?

How is beef different from veal? The difference is that the latter contains less fat than the former, but there is more protein, which is much more beneficial for the body. If in a hundred grams beef meat contains fifteen grams of pure protein, then in calf meat this figure is five grams more. At the same time, on average, beef contains thirty grams of fat (here everything again depends on which piece was cut), while in veal this figure does not exceed seven per hundred grams. It is worth noting that the low fat content in the product, in the case of meat, is not only a plus, but a minus. Yes, meat with low content fat is much more difficult to cook. In particular, more time and special conditions are required. If cooked incorrectly, veal becomes tough. In addition, it contains more water than beef, which again complicates the process of preparing this tender meat.

Useful properties of veal and beef

How is beef different from veal? Which is healthier? If you take a closer look at the differences between one type of meat and another, the difference in the content of useful elements will become obvious. Moreover, veal is more beneficial for human body product.

Calf meat contains more microelements necessary for the body, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium. But beef is richer in elements such as selenium, zinc, fluorine, iron and calcium.

Both types of meat contain B vitamins. These compounds are necessary for the full functioning of the body, in particular of cardio-vascular system. Calf meat contains large amounts of vitamins such as B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. There are more such compounds in veal than in beef. Vitamin PP is also present there. If we talk about beef, it is ahead in the content of vitamins B12 and E.

Contraindications to eating veal

Both veal and beef are quite high in cholesterol. One hundred grams contains about eighty milligrams of this compound, which again must be taken into account when choosing this product for your diet. Contain a high percentage of cholesterol.

The benefits of veal compared to beef

When giving preference to veal, you need to understand that it is more watery, as a result of which a piece of such meat can significantly lose volume during heat treatment. However, it is more beneficial for the body. This product is also better digestible, so it is even suitable for preparing children's dishes and for people who have some problems with digesting food, especially protein.

Veal is often recommended for people suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, diabetes and anemia, and all thanks to high content protein and low - fat and cholesterol. To facilitate the absorption of the product, you can consume it simultaneously with cabbage. It contains a large number of fiber, which is necessary for the digestive system.

Contraindications for beef consumption

How is beef different from veal? Does it have any contraindications? Veal has no special contraindications, except, perhaps, in cases where people are advised not to eat meat at all, and serious cardiovascular diseases. But the list of contraindications to beef consumption is much longer.

Beef is high in purine compounds. When they are digested, the body releases large amounts of uric acid, so it is not recommended for people who have problems with blood vessels and suffer from osteochondrosis. For the same reason, beef consumption should be limited to people who are prone to developing cardiovascular diseases, joint diseases and gout.

In addition, it is worth saying that the meat of an adult may contain toxic compounds and other substances harmful to human health. So, excessive consumption of this product can lead to kidney and liver problems. In order to minimize harm from beef, it is necessary to drain the water several times during cooking. But overconsumption fried meat can lead not only to recruitment excess weight, but also to the appearance of malignant tumors.

Benefits of Beef

However, despite all the harm, beef contains vitamin B12, which is necessary for the cardiovascular system and blood, in a larger volume than veal, since this vitamin accumulates in tissues during the life of the animal.

How to visually distinguish veal from beef

Veal is the meat of young cattle, the age of which varies from two weeks to three months. A six-month-old animal cannot be a source of this product. Since the calf is still milking, its meat also has a characteristic smell and taste. This is why many people value this type of meat.

Beef is the meat of an animal that is mature or older than three months. The fact is that upon reaching the age of three months, calves begin to switch to a different, plant-based diet, as a result of which the meat of such individuals begins to acquire the smell and taste of young beef.

It is worth noting that beef itself is divided into a large number of varieties. Taste of meat young bull, of course, will be noticeably different from the meat of a cow that has reached five years old. In general, the meat of a young bull contains much more water, but less fat. In addition, the breed of the animal influences the characteristics of the product. The most valued meat is obtained from an animal of the meat breed.

How is beef visually different from veal? Both meats can be distinguished by the size of the pieces and color. Veal is sold in relatively small pieces. The fact is that the average weight of a calf varies from sixty to eighty kilograms. Six-month-old calves can weigh from one hundred twenty to one hundred eighty kilograms. The largest individuals can easily reach a ton.

What is the difference between veal and beef? Photos of both meats are presented to your attention in the article. As you can see, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from the image. The cut color of high-quality beef is light red; during heat treatment it should not lose its volume and weight. However, to be fair, the color of beef can vary from a bright shade of red to almost brown. In this case, this may be an indicator of the freshness of the product. The lighter it is, the less time has passed since the cut. The age of the animal, in turn, can be determined by the layers of fat. If they are separated from the meat by film, then the animal was already old.

High-quality veal has a high tissue density. The color of the pieces should be light pink. The lighter the shade, the younger the calf was. The color of veal fat is only white. Yellow fat is found only in the meat of an adult.

Besides all this, veal should not have large quantity tendons that appear as the animal grows.

How to distinguish veal from cooked beef

How is beef different from veal? What difference does it make when cooked? Firstly, veal meat is more tender, there are no layers or tendons in it. Secondly, its smell is reminiscent of milk. Beef is tougher and darker meat. There are practically no fat layers left when cooking veal.

It is worth saying that the quality is often poor starting products can be masked with spices and sauces. So it is better to order the dish without them or separately from them.

No matter what they say about harmful effects impact on the human body of meat products, the vast majority of people use them as food. There are, of course, those who deny food of animal origin, depriving themselves not only of the unique taste sensations, but also of the beneficial substances contained in it. Whatever they are valuable products vegetable origin, it is difficult to live without meat products. Therefore, specialists are more likely to hear, for example, that beef or veal is healthier than to answer the question of what is healthier: meat or potatoes.

Beneficial features

As you understand, when talking about these types of meat, we mean, by and large, one product, only with different “aging.” Accordingly, the age of a calf cannot be compared with the age of an adult, just as it is difficult to compare their meat, answering the question of what veal is healthier or beef. The whole point is that in them, although in different quantities, contain the same useful material: vitamins and minerals. In particular, the vitamin range, consisting of some essential B vitamins, deserves attention, while the adult cow is the leader in the content of cobalamin (vitamin B12), but there are more vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9 in veal. The same applies to nicotinic acid, while there is more vitamin E in beef.

Comparative analysis

Given the desire of many people to live actively and eat healthy food, it is especially worth talking about the calorie content of both products. It’s easy to guess that beef is higher in calories and fat (if you take average values, and they differ in different parts of the animal). This has both its pros and cons. On the one hand, veal tenderloin is more suitable for those who are concerned about their figure, on the other hand, veal is more difficult to cook, and this is due to less fat. It is very easy to dry out veal and spoil it accordingly. Also worth noting large quantity water, which also complicates the cooking process.

Indicators of microelements per 100 g

Beef Veal
Protein18,3 21,4
Fats27,5 6,8
Kcal157 96,8
Calcium24 mg15 mg
Phosphorus132 203,5
Sodium13 24
Magnesium67 82
Iron1,6 0,8
Zinc3,6 3,1
Iron1,6 0,8
Zinc3,6 3,1
Potassium218 315
Selenium13,5 8,15

The meat of both animals contains vitamins B, PP, E.

Is veal healthier?

Be that as it may, many are trying to buy veal, which is in high demand and it is difficult to find a quality product. It can be easily identified with the naked eye by its delicate pink color, although many sellers can even magically turn beef into a calf. If you are lucky enough to buy a fresh piece of veal, remember that lean veal tenderloin is ideal for hypertensive patients and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, although it contains a lot of cholesterol. It is well absorbed by the body, so it is even included in dietary and baby food.

When answering the question, which is healthier, beef or veal, you can rephrase it and ask which product has more contraindications for consumption. In this regard, veal is preferable. Suffice it to say that an adult contains more purine compounds that cause the formation of uric acid, which is unacceptable for people with diseased joints. In addition, a cow may contain toxic compounds, especially if it grew up in poor environmental conditions. It is better to cook such meat, draining the water several times, which removes some of the toxins. Remember also about the dangers of frying, but this applies to both subjects.

Veal is the meat of a 4-5 month old calf. It has a more refined taste than beef, and is very tender, but from long cooking the meat can become tough, due to the fact that it has a very thin layer of internal as well as external fat.

The most delicious and expensive meat is the meat of young dairy calves; they are fed only with milk. The color of the meat is pale pale pink, almost white, the smell is very delicate, and the veal is firm and velvety to the touch. The highest quality meat from dairy calves is produced in France, Britain and Holland. The cheapest meat is from grain-fed calves. This meat is redder and has a slightly stronger smell.

Veal can be prepared from meat of both sexes. But most veal comes from the male. Veal is in great demand and is a delicacy.

How to choose

Choose veal with creamy pink or pale pink meat color. The fat must be very white, hard and non-sticky. Bones of a milk-fed calf with bone marrow of a reddish hue.

The most reliable way to check the freshness of veal is to gently press with your finger. If the meat quickly regains its shape, this means that it is fresh and of high quality. The remaining depression indicates mistakes were made during the transportation and storage of meat.

How to store

Veal meat is very moist and therefore spoils very quickly. You can store it in freezer, tightly wrapped and no more than two days.

Reflection in culture

Almost until the 19th century, veal was not consumed in Russia. It was considered a “sinful, forbidden dish,” and this became the main reason for the unpopularity of False Dmitry.

It has long been believed that if you eat veal in a dream, it means unexpected income and strengthening your authority.

Calorie content of veal

Dairy calf meat is covered with just a thin film of subcutaneous fat and is very low in calories. 100 grams of the product contain only 96.8 kcal, which allows you to safely use it as a dietary dish.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of veal

Composition and presence of nutrients

Veal contains lipids (1-9%) and a large amount of proteins (18-20%). The meat contains various vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and copper. The liver is the richest in iron. The abundance of digestible amino acids and minerals allows us to consider veal the healthiest meat. Even during heat treatment, the meat does not lose its useful properties.

Extractive substances are distinctive feature veal They don't carry much energy value, but stimulate the active production of digestive juice.

Veal is considered lean meat, because a lean piece contains less than 1% fat, the fat content of the tenderloin is only 2.8%, and the maximum content in the brisket is 18.7%.

Useful and healing properties

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of veal contributes to good regulation of the amount of glucose in the blood. Dairy calf meat is good for the health of the skin, mucous membranes, digestive and nervous systems. Veal is especially recommended for young children and seriously ill people.

Veal has much less cholesterol (per 100 g 105 mg) than lamb or beef. It also contains gelatin, which promotes better blood clotting. That is why veal is constantly recommended for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors also advise diabetics, hypertensive patients, and people suffering from anemia to include veal in their diet. IN in this case it is best to serve veal meat with sauerkraut, since the iron contained in meat is well absorbed along with vitamin C. Calf liver contains the most concentrated iron - 8 milligrams. Veal is good to eat as a preventive measure against urolithiasis and heart attack. It is also indispensable for quick recovery from injuries, burns and infectious diseases.

Dairy calf meat is useful for anyone who cares about their health.

In cooking

Veal is extremely popular in French and Italian cuisines. It can be fried, but it is healthier to eat it boiled or baked. When baking, be sure to keep in mind that dairy calf meat is lean and to prevent it from drying out, wrap it in foil.

Veal makes excellent first courses. There is one little tip - after the first boil, drain the broth and replace it with clean water, this way nitrogen-containing substances and cholesterol remain in the first broth.

Cook the broth. The meat must be placed in cold water and cook for at least an hour from the moment of boiling. Once the broth has boiled, do not remove the lid until the end of cooking. You should also not remove the foam, as it is a healthy protein. After finishing cooking, the broth should sit for 10-20 minutes.

Tender and lean veal is cooked like poultry. The cooking method depends on the piece purchased. But regardless of whether you fry, stew or boil the meat, do not cook it for too long, otherwise it will become tough instead of tender. Veal should be stewed at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees.

In dietetics

Veal is widely used in dietary nutrition, as it contains all the beneficial substances, vitamins and amino acids. It can be included in the diet not only for sick, elderly people and children, but also for those who adhere to a balanced diet and weight loss diets, since veal is a very low-calorie product.

Dangerous properties of veal

Veal has a wide variety of beneficial properties, negating possible harmful effects on the body. In addition, this meat contains no fat, no cholesterol, no coarse fibers, and also does not increase the acidity of gastric juice. The only thing that can be harmful when eating veal is the release of nitrogenous substances into the broth when cooking the meat. However, if this broth is not consumed as food, then any negative consequences can be avoided.

Among the varieties of meat traditionally used in Slavic cuisine for preparing main dishes and broths, beef takes precedence. Its consumption accounts for about 60% of all meat products that are included in the diet of the average resident of Eastern Europe. Veal is usually classified as a product from which delicacies and dietary dishes are prepared. In order to be able to serve not just food, but real culinary masterpieces, it is worth understanding what exactly producers of semi-finished meat products offer us as beef and veal.

Beef– meat that is obtained from cattle that have reached one year of age. It is sold in the form of fillets, bone parts, brisket, steaks - depending on the method of cutting the bovine or cow carcass.

Beef is a valuable protein product that also contains B vitamins, zinc and iron necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The quality of meat depends on the age of the animal, the method of feeding it, and the storage time.

Fresh beef that is processed no later than 12 hours after slaughter and cutting of the carcass has high taste. This meat has a rich red color, a specific milky smell, and a uniform structure. In a section of muscle tissue, the cross section of the muscles is clearly visible.


Young beef is soft and easy to heat treat; It takes little time to prepare, and the dishes turn out tender and juicy.

Mature beef is tougher, more suitable for dishes made from minced or ground meat, and used for rich meat broths.

You can distinguish young beef from mature beef by color: the older the animal from which the meat product is obtained, the darker it is; the fat layer of old beef has a yellow or yellow-brown tint.

Veal, unlike beef, is the meat of young animals aged from one month to one year. The younger the calf, the more tender the veal. The cost of this type of meat is always higher than the cost of beef or pork, but dishes prepared from it are distinguished by unsurpassed taste. Veal is an indispensable product for children's and dietary nutrition: it is easily digestible and contains the maximum percentage of proteins and vitamins for semi-finished meat products.

Veal is much lighter than beef: when fresh it is pale pink in color, when cut it has a pearlescent tint. The percentage of fat content in it is higher than in beef, but the fats contained in veal are easily broken down and absorbed by the body.


Delicious dishes are prepared from veal; it is added to raw smoked sausages, frankfurters and high-grade sausages, which significantly improves their taste.

Conclusions website

  1. Beef is meat obtained from mature animals. Veal is obtained from young cattle.
  2. Beef has low fat content. Veal is more tender and fattier than beef.
  3. Beef has a distinct reddish color. Veal has a pink tint.
  4. Beef is used to prepare almost any meat dish. Veal is considered a delicacy product.