The fastest way to marinate pork kebab. Pork shish kebab in kiwi marinade

Exists great amount recipes, but there are the most popular and affordable ways to quickly marinate kebab. The name of the dish comes from the Tatar word “shish-lyk” and means “something on a spit.” In medieval Rus', chickens, hares, and piglets were cooked on spits, and such meat was called “spinned.” Therefore, “kebab” easily “Russified” and took root in restaurants and cafes.

Meat selection

Traditionally, the dish is prepared from lamb. For cooking, the meat of a young animal, up to one year old, is used: loin (dorsal part), top part shoulder blades, ham. You should choose visually: the meat should be soft, light red, without streaks or thick layers of fat; without unpleasant odor. Frozen raw materials are not suitable.

To check the freshness of meat, you need to press the flesh with your finger: if it is repeatedly frozen, it will not change color when touched, but once frozen, it will darken.

If you cook pork kebab, take young soft meat of light pink color, without veins, slightly with fat: tenderloin (lumbar muscle tissue), neck, loin. Quick marinating meat for pork shish kebab will be made on the basis of: vinegar, mayonnaise, kefir, wine, cognac, tomato juice, mineral water and even Coca-Cola. Pork is “omnivorous”! Marinates for about 4-5 hours.

Beef is not a “brilliant match” for barbecue. If the choice is important, then you need to take fillet and tenderloin of young veal. Due to its toughness and dryness, beef loves rich marinades. It is not possible to quickly marinate beef barbecue meat. It marinates longer than pork, lamb, and poultry - 10-12 hours. The most successful marinades in this case are those made from carbonated water and kefir.

The bird is unpretentious. A quick marinade for chicken and turkey kebab is prepared from mayonnaise, kefir, sour cream, vinegar and onions. The product is kept in the pot for 3-4 hours.

Before marinating the product, you need to rid it of veins, films and excess fat; cut across the grain.

Quick marinades

In conditions of lack of time and fast pace of life, recipes on how to quickly marinate meat for barbecue come to the rescue. High-quality raw materials plus quick marinating - and the picnic will be a success!

Onion and vinegar

“Made in the USSR”, The simplest marinade for shish kebab was made by citizens Soviet Union. Vinegar and onions were used. This filling is good for pork.


  • Meat – 1.5 kg
  • Onion – 800 gr
  • Vinegar 9% – 50 ml
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Meat cut into pieces and onions chopped into rings are alternated in layers, sprinkled with 9% vinegar and vegetable oil. The closed container with the workpiece is sent to the refrigerator for an hour, after which it is soaked for 4-5 hours at room temperature. Season with salt and pepper before cooking.


It’s very easy to marinate meat for barbecue in kefir.


  • Pork – 2 kg
  • Onion – 1 kg
  • Kefir – 1 l
  • Salt, spices - to taste

Mash the pieces of pork with the onion rings so that the onions release their juice. Add a liter of kefir, spices to taste. Leave to marinate overnight. You can marinate lamb in the same way, only replace the onion with a mixture herbs(cinnamon, ginger, red ground pepper). An excellent barbecue marinade for beef instant cooking made from kefir and garlic. To the juice of one lemon you need to add 5 cloves of garlic, cut into small slices, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Thoroughly stir this mixture with a glass of kefir. The marinade is poured over a kilogram of beef cut into pieces. Aging is traditional for beef for 10-12 hours.

Mayonnaise pan

A quick marinade for shish kebab from pork or chicken is prepared as follows: 3-4 onions are cut into rings, rubbed with 0.5 teaspoon of salt until juice forms. Salted onion slices are sent to a kilogram of meat cut into pieces, poured with 200 grams of mayonnaise with a teaspoon of black pepper. The kebab should be thoroughly soaked in marinade.

Wine marinade

“Drunk Barin” - marinade for barbecue for 30 minutes, based on dry white wine, suitable for lamb and pork.


  • Onion – 1 kg
  • Meat – 2 kg
  • Olive oil – 100 ml
  • Lemon - slices
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Wine (dry white) – 0.5 l
  • Additional spices - to taste.

Pieces of lamb or pork are rubbed with spices. watered olive oil. Lay out in layers: onion cut into rings, garlic and lemon on top, then meat and so on. The last layer is the onion. This entire “stack” is filled with 0.5 liters of dry white wine. Marinating time - depending on the type of meat, from 2 to 10 hours.

Based on mineral water

The simplest marinade for barbecue is “Student”. You can quickly marinate shish kebab using highly carbonated mineral water. Thanks to its bubbles, the meat turns out tender, with a rich taste. Suitable for pork and beef.


  • Meat – 3 kg
  • Onion – 1 kg
  • Paprika, coriander, black pepper, salt - to taste
  • Mineral water – 1 l

Pieces of meat are salted, seasoned with spices and mixed with chopped onions and kneaded to obtain juice. Then all this is poured with mineral water and left for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Simple and delicious marinade For barbecue, you definitely need to season it with a sunny day, a good mood and the company of your loved ones.

Picnic season is just around the corner, which means you can enjoy yourself to the fullest juicy kebab With golden brown crust and with a smoky aroma. At first, any kebab, classic pork and dietary beef, “female” chicken and even “vegetarian” vegetable, not to mention classic lamb, seems like a delicious dish. But the weather on the first warm days can be very unstable, and sometimes you have to catch an outstanding warm day. And prepare food for the meal fresh air literally on the run, so that upon arrival I could immediately start cooking barbecue. As a rule, marinating meat remains in best case scenario as much time as needed to gather friends and drive to the picnic site. That is, the marinade should be as effective as possible, act quickly on meat fibers and consist of products available at hand.

Traditionally, when a country vacation is planned in advance, the kebab begins to be marinated the day before, so that the night before departure the meat is thoroughly saturated with the spicy mixture, acquiring elasticity and a piquant hue. Every housewife knows the recipes for such marinades in an assortment, taking into account the tastes, mood and dietary requirements of those present at the table. But, if the issue of time is acute for you and you need to marinate the kebab in a matter of minutes, you need completely different spice compositions that can quickly achieve results no worse than with long and deep marinating. But don't even think about industrial mixtures and intense artificial products. We invite you to choose one of the simple, easy to prepare and most importantly natural recipes marinade for barbecue.

The easiest marinade for barbecue
Like many other healthy and tasty things, the marinade and the approach to preliminary preparation We “inherited” meat before frying or baking from the ancient Greeks. These fans of natural elements in all their manifestations marinated animal carcasses intended for feasts in sea water. Actually, this is where the word “marinade” itself comes from, meaning nothing more than “marina”, that is, sea waves. The current state of open water bodies does not leave us the opportunity to use the ancient technique, but it gives us an idea suitable for adaptation.

Take a couple of bottles of highly carbonated mineral water - enough so that its volume can completely cover the amount of meat you have prepared. The brand and composition of the water can be anything to suit your taste (table water, medical-table water, and even medicinal), but try to find natural water, not just drinking water artificially enriched with minerals. Fill the meat in the pan with water and knead it with your hands. Cover with a tight lid and head to the picnic area. Upon arrival, carbon dioxide will have time to affect the meat fibers, minerals will permeate the meat, and road shaking will catalyze the process of marinating the future kebab.

Quick marinade for barbecue
The speed at which the marinade affects meat depends mainly on the amount of acid in its ingredients. Therefore, if the speed of marinating is critical, do not skimp on the sour ingredients: lemon juice, dry wine, fermented milk products. If necessary, take into account several requirements for the marinade recipe, namely:

  • simplicity of the cooking process;
  • availability of ingredients;
  • naturalness of ingredients;
  • universal taste, pleasant for most eaters;
  • speed of cooking and impact on meat;
  • effective in tenderizing meat.
Unconditionally leading, leaving competitors behind, classic marinade, consisting of kefir, onion and ground black pepper. To prepare it, take two large onions and a generous pinch of pepper for two liters of medium-fat kefir (you can replace black chili, but paprika and white will not work - they have too mild a taste, not intense enough for a quick marinade). Peel the onion and cut into rings of arbitrary thickness, remember to release the juice. In a saucepan or large salad bowl with a lid, mix the meat with onion juice and pulp, season with pepper and pour in kefir. Mix well, cover and leave for an hour, after which you can start preparing the kebab.

For those, who spicy taste and the spicy aroma of fried meat puts it above the desire for harmony, you can replace kefir with mayonnaise. You can use about half as much of it as kefir, just to coat pieces of meat. In addition, mayonnaise acts faster than kefir, so it is more suitable for pork or beef, while chicken can also be used unsweetened yogurt. The pepper can be replaced and/or supplemented with a head of garlic, peeled, split into cloves and crushed into a paste. But not everyone likes the aroma of garlic, so the option with pepper can be considered more universal, and it requires less manipulation.

Other marinade recipes for barbecue
There must be an alternative even if basic recipe you are happy with everything. Just in case, we offer you a few more successful and proven marinade recipes for quickly processing shish kebab. Each of them will need from 30 minutes to an hour to soak the kebab and prepare it no worse than the classic “long” marinating methods.

  1. Dry marinade preferable for chicken rather than red meat. On your way out of town, go to any grocery store and buy a package of meat spice mixture. Feel free to pour all its contents into the bag with the chopped meat, tie the bag tightly and shake vigorously so that the spices are evenly distributed inside. Now put the bag of meat in the trunk: it will marinate while you get to the picnic site. Before frying, shake off excess spices or place meat on skewers.
  2. Tomato marinade. Pour enough tomato juice over the pieces of meat in a bowl. Instead of juice, you can take tomato paste and lightly salt it. If you find it tomato sauce like “Krasnodarsky”, I have apples and spices in the composition, then consider yourself twice lucky. And if you can use it instead tomato paste adjika - the meat will acquire the ideal condition for barbecue in half an hour.
  3. Wine marinade- this is a bottle of dry red (for pork, beef, lamb) or white (for chicken) wine, poured into a bowl with meat for barbecue an hour before the start of cooking.
  4. Fruit marinade- a truly extreme method of preparing meat, which, if used incorrectly, can lead to the loss of all the raw materials for the barbecue. Take a few ripe kiwi fruits, cut them into slices and add them to the meat. Watch the time carefully: thanks to concentrated fruit acids, even after 10 minutes tough meat will become tender and pliable, and after 20 years it will turn into unsuitable rags of slimy biomass for cooking.
One or more of these recipes will certainly save the situation when there is very little time left to marinate the kebab. Usually in such situations you don’t have to choose, but if you do find yourself in a large supermarket or market, try to choose the “youngest” meat possible. This is a general recommendation when choosing raw materials for barbecue, but in this case it acquires a special reason: such kebab marinates much faster. Although let's not lie and admit that real kebab, cooked in good weather in friendly company, it simply cannot be unsuccessful. Therefore, we wish you a pleasant holiday and a delicious picnic.

When preparing barbecue, experts advise choosing pork, since this tender and fairly fatty meat with a neutral taste perfectly absorbs the marinade ingredients and does not dry out at all when fried.

If the desire to prepare such a dish arose spontaneously, then first of all you need to think about how to prepare the meat. That is, you need to choose the fastest marinade for pork kebab. There may be several options here.

Marinade for shish kebab with wine

Marinating meat for barbecue usually takes several hours. But this period can be significantly reduced if you choose the right necessary ingredients. As practice shows, the most fragrant and at the same time quite quick marinade for pork kebab is prepared with the addition of wine (red or white). This component gives the mixture a slightly noticeable sourness and exquisite aroma.

To cook shish kebab in this marinade, you need to take the following per 1 kg of pork:

  • 4 onions;
  • 200 ml dry white wine;
  • 10 g table salt;
  • 5 g pepper mixture;
  • 1.5-2 cm of ginger root.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the meat into cubes and place them in a deep bowl.
  2. Peel the onion and chop it randomly. There is no need to thread it onto a skewer, so pieces can be made of any size.
  3. Cut the peeled piece of ginger root into thin slices. Place them in a bowl along with the pepper mixture. No salt is added at this stage. Otherwise, the meat will lose all its juice and will be tough after frying.
  4. Pour wine over the chopped products and stir.
  5. Set the container with meat aside and wait. It will take at least 60 minutes to marinate. But here we must remember that the longer the pork is in aromatic mixture, the tastier and softer the kebab will turn out.

Now all that remains is to squeeze the pieces of pork well and thread them onto skewers (or skewers). Only after this can it be salted.

I offer you a quick marinade for pork kebab that is very simple, inexpensive and without preservatives. For this marinade you only need vegetable oil and spices. The oil penetrates well into the fibers of the meat, makes it juicy, soft and definitely does not dry it out. Spices will add aroma and taste. Here it’s up to everyone to add a ready-made set of spices, choose them yourself, or simply add salt and pepper so that only the taste of the meat is felt.

Sometimes, there are situations when you and your friend decide to go on a picnic, and then you are faced with the question of which quick marinade to choose for shish kebab. If you have always used vinegar, juice, kiwi or kefir, but these options have a chance of drying out the pork or completely falling apart. But a vegetable oil marinade will not only moisturize the pork, but also imbue it with the aroma of spices.

Remember! The taste of shish kebab depends 90% on the meat. Buy only necks or cue balls. Although the price is more expensive, the taste and softness are much better than the shoulder or back end. The neck turns out to be fattier and juicier, because it has layers of fat, it moistens the meat when frying, and the cue ball is just a perfect piece, without streaks or fat.


  • Pork neck – 1 kg.
  • Vegetable oil – 170 ml.
  • Spices: curry, basil – 1.5 tsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp
  • Onion – 2 pcs.

How to quickly marinate pork kebab

Since the neck is usually of an ideal long shape, without veins. Visually divide it into pieces and cut approximately 3 cm long pieces. The size of the pieces is not important, if you like larger or smaller ones, then you can cut them as you like. The only difference will be in the preparation.

Making a quick marinade

Place the pork in a pan or bag. Pour in vegetable oil until it almost covers. Add spices and salt, mix with your hands. Remember the pork pieces well so that they are soaked.

Take one onion and chop it into small pieces, it saturates the pork with flavor. We cut the second one into rings 0.5 cm wide and do not separate them, then they will not burn during cooking. First add finely chopped onion and mix. And then we put the rings on top. Cover the pan with a plate so that it fits tightly, and marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. If you have time, then you can leave it for a day. And if you have one hour left, leave the kebab at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Thread the kebab onto a skewer and cook over high heat for 15 minutes, turning occasionally to prevent it from burning. If fire appears, spray it with water. Serve hot immediately with your favorite sauce. Bon appetit!

  • To marinate the meat faster, cut it into small pieces.
  • They say it is best to use unrefined vegetable oil.
  • If you bought tougher pork, such as the rear end, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • They say that it is better to add salt before frying. I tried cooking in two ways and didn’t notice any difference.
  • Can be used for soaking plastic bag, it is convenient to take it on a picnic.

So, you have learned all the tips to prepare a quick marinade for pork kebab, I hope this recipe is useful to you and you will share your feedback!

Greetings, my dear blog guests! Spring is in full swing, which means it's time for picnics and barbecues. Agree that preparing them correctly is a real art. After all, even the best meat in the hands of an inept cook can turn into a “rubber” piece. A properly selected marinade for pork kebab will help save you from such disappointment.

This is exactly the kind of treat we will be preparing today. However, without a high-quality main product, it is unlikely that you will be able to prepare a tasty dish. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to freshness. The piece should be elastic and even. There should be no dried blood, mucus or any other liquid on it.

Be sure to take a closer look at the color. Fresh young piglet is light pink in color. If there is a layer of fat there, it should be white. Remember: not creamy, not yellowish, but snow-white! And also, be sure to smell the product on offer. If its aroma gives you unpleasant emotions, refuse such a purchase.

Well, choose which delicacy you like best. There are many options for spicy mixtures. Today I will introduce you to ten proven recipes. Among them there is the usual vinegar one, which will appeal to connoisseurs classic taste. For gourmets, methods with kiwi or pomegranate juice are good.

Recipe for marinade for shish kebab from 2 kg of pork with vinegar and onions

This option can be called a “classic of the genre.” Meat marinated in this way has a breathtaking aroma. A significant advantage of this recipe is that it does not require overseas products. And I think every kitchen has an onion with vinegar.

In this case, it is better to use pork with a light layer of fat. For example, the neck. Don't take too lean a piece. The vinegar will dry it out and as a result it may become harsh.

As for acid, you can use 70% vinegar or traditional table vinegar. When using the first one, do not forget to dilute it with water. And don’t neglect safety measures.

The essence is very caustic, so if even a drop gets on the skin, rinse the area thoroughly with running cold water.

It is safer to use 9% vinegar. It is he who will be present in the recipe described below.

What you need for 2 kilos of pork:

  • Onions – 2 large heads
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar – 1.5 teaspoons
  • Hot red pepper, ground black and paprika - to taste
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Cold boiled water– 120 ml

How to cook:

We wash the pork, dry it and cut it into rectangular slices.

Do not cut barbecue meat into cubes. It is much more convenient to thread thin pieces onto skewers. And they will cook more evenly this way.

Wash the peeled onion. Then we chop it into thin strips. The main thing for us is to ensure that the onion gives off all its aroma and taste. If you like it roasted over a fire, you can peel a couple more onions. Cut them into rings and string them onto skewers along with the kebab.

The mixture with vinegar very quickly saturates the muscle fibers. Just wait an hour and you can proceed to the next stage.

There is another secret: add raw meat to the meat. egg(it must be thoroughly beaten before adding to the total mass). The yolk neutralizes the strong vinegar aroma. And the protein will create a protective film on the pieces, which will additionally preserve their juiciness.

Thread the marinated pork onto skewers. Next, light the grill and fry the delicacy over coals until cooked. While frying, baste with remaining sauce.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with tomato juice

The food prepared according to this recipe turns out so juicy and aromatic. It has light notes of sourness and a bright, rich taste.

This delicacy is prepared with tomato juice. Canned can be used. Well, if you cook shish kebab in the summer or even in the fall, when the tomatoes are ripe, you can take fresh fruits, puree them and use this pulp to make a spicy mixture. In our family, everyone believes that tomatoes and meat are best friends.

What you will need:

  • Shoulder fillet – 1.5 kg
  • Onions – 5 medium sized heads
  • Mixed peppers - to taste
  • Khmeli Suneli – a little
  • Red hot peppers- taste
  • Tomato juice – 300 ml
  • Salt - to taste


Wash the spatula, dry it from water and cut into medium pieces. Transfer to a bowl.

Remember: you need to marinate in a glass or enamel dishes. It is resistant to acids present in the aroma mixture.

Add salt, pepper, hops-suneli, paprika. Peel the onion and cut it into 4 parts. And then we put it in a blender bowl and grind it into puree. We send it to the marinade.

And mix well. Top it all with tomato juice. It should completely cover the meat. Place the bowl in the refrigerator.

Let the pieces marinate. This will take approximately 2-3 hours.

Light a fire and bring the coals to the required heat. Place the pieces evenly on the barbecue grill.

Fry until done. We water ours from time to time cooking masterpiece remaining juice. How delicious and tender it will turn out!

Quick marinade with soy sauce

Do you want the meat to be soft and juicy without fiddling with it for half a day? Prepare it according to this recipe and make sure that this is the most delicious and fastest kebab you have ever tried.

Since it is used here soy sauce, which itself is salty, there is no need to add additional salt to the ingredients. Otherwise it’s easy to ruin everything.

By the way, this marinade for pork kebab can be used for any other meat. For example, beef, lamb or chicken. Check it out and you won't be disappointed!

What we need:

  • Fillet – 1 kg
  • Soy sauce – 200 ml
  • Crushed black pepper - to taste
  • Herbes de Provence - a little
  • Garlic – 3 cloves


Divide the pre-washed and dried tenderloin into small pieces. Transfer to glass or enamel container.

Sprinkle on top Provencal herbs and season the mass. Pour soy sauce over it all and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.

During this time, everything for the picnic will be ready. All that remains is to light the grill and prepare the grill. And fry the aromatic treat over coals until cooked.

How to make marinade with mayonnaise and onions

This option is good for lean pork. Filled with such a spicy mixture, it will be tender and soft. By the way, you can marinate veal and chicken in the same way.

I recommend trying to make yours in five minutes. It does not contain starch or anything else. harmful additives. Well, if you can’t make it yourself, then cook it with a store-bought one. But buy the most natural sauce with high fat content.

As for the onion, you can experiment here too. Take your choice of white or red. To give it maximum flavor, grind it into a paste. For example, in a blender, on a grater, or finely chop with a knife.

What do we need:

  • Tenderloin – 1 kg
  • Onions – 750 g
  • Mayonnaise – 250 g
  • Crushed paprika – ½ teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper – ½ teaspoon
  • Chopped coriander – 1 teaspoon
  • Sumac – 1 teaspoon

Let's get started.

First of all, peel the entire onion. We wash it and separate about 200 g. We cut it into 4 parts and place it in the bowl of a blender or food processor. Puree it and mix with mayonnaise. Cut the rest into centimeter rings.

Wash the tenderloin, dry it and cut into long pieces. Sprinkle salt and spices on top. Next, add the onion-mayonnaise mixture to the meat and mix well. Place a layer of onion rings on the bottom of the container in which we will marinate. Place pieces of pork on top of them. And so alternate these layers to the very top of the dish.

Please note: the topmost layer should be onion.

Cover the dishes and place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Place the finished pork on skewers, alternating meat pieces with onion rings. And fry on coals until golden brown.

Video recipe for marinating pork shish kebab in mineral water

This option is so simple that even a novice cook can cope with its preparation. The main secret here is to use highly carbonated water. Gas bubbles will speed up the process of penetration of spices into muscle fibers. In addition, water will not dry out the pork and will not affect its real taste. Do you want to taste the most delicious and juicy kebab? Then prepare it according to this recipe.

If you like a slight sourness, make it with mineral water and lemon. It is enough to add the juice of one citrus and the taste of the dish will radically change.

Pork shish kebab on kefir

The advantage of a marinade based on a fermented milk product is that it makes the meat very juicy and tender. Although, it will take more time for good penetration.

It can be replaced with fermented baked milk or natural yoghurt. In fact, this marinade for pork kebab involves the use of any fermented milk product that contains bacteria that provoke the fermentation process. If you marinate lean meat, it is better to use richer kefir..

What you need to buy:

  • Neck – 1.5 kg
  • Onions – 3 pcs.
  • Paprika – 1 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon - half
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Kefir – 1 glass


Wash the fillet, wipe with paper kitchen towel and cut with a knife. Do not chop the pieces too much: they should be about 5-6 cm long and oblong in shape.

We clean and wash the bulbs. Then grate one on a fine grater. We cut the other two into rings. We send the onion pulp to the neck and mix these ingredients thoroughly so that the mass is evenly distributed.

Next we add onion rings, salt and spices. Sprinkle it all with juice squeezed from half a lemon. We also add here fermented milk product and mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

If you are going on a picnic in the morning, then it would be good to make this mixture in the evening. The softened and almost ready-made pieces will just need to be held over the grill for just a few minutes.

Recipe for marinade with mayonnaise and lemon

The presence of citrus in the aromatic mixture speeds up the marinating process. After just 3-4 hours you can safely fry the yummy food. Believe me, you won't be disappointed!

This option is good because it can be used both for lean meat and for a piece with a good layer of fat. The kebab prepared according to this recipe comes out very tender, juicy and tasty.

What you will need:

  • Tenderloin – 3 kg
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 fruit
  • Mayonnaise – 250 g
  • Soy sauce – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

Let's start already.

Cut the pre-washed and dried meat into pieces. Now you need to add salt and put it in a container where it will marinate. Mix it with onion cut into thin half rings.

Pour boiling water over the citrus. Then cut into 2 parts. Grind the first into thin slices, and squeeze out the juice from the second.

Sent to the tenderloin lemon wedges and fill with citrus juice. Add soy sauce and mayonnaise to the total mass. And mix all the ingredients again.

Close the pan and refrigerate. You can grill the shashlik after a few hours, but it is better to leave the tenderloin in the marinade overnight. This way it will be even more saturated with spices and soften from the lime.

Cooking pork kebab in the oven (video)

If the weather is bad outside, but your soul requires a holiday, it doesn’t matter. You can cook delicious shish kebab in your apartment. No, no, don’t rush to make a fire in the middle of the room. There is a more “humane” way to prepare this delicious dish. For example, in a bank. To be more precise, in the oven on skewers placed in glass containers. This video recipe will help you do everything right.

In addition, marinated fillet can be baked in a sleeve or foil. And when it’s ready, just open the bag and let the dish brown slightly. This way it will not only be juicy, but also beautiful.

Marinating meat for an electric barbecue grill

Do you think you can’t make real Armenian-style pork kebab in your apartment? Nothing is impossible. Especially if you love this dish so much that you have already purchased such a wonderful unit as an electric kebab maker. Below suggested step by step recipe will help you.

By the way, to make this amazing dish, you don’t need any overseas spices or herbs. The recipe is adapted to our local conditions. And if you manage to buy a bunch of green cilantro, then the taste of real Armenian kebab provided for you.

What you will need:

  • Neck – 1 kilo
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon
  • Paprika – 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander seeds – 2 teaspoons
  • Greens - to taste


First of all, washed and dried fillet pork neck cut into arbitrary pieces.

Chop the washed tomatoes into small slices. Chop one onion into smaller pieces, and the second into rings.

Add tomatoes and onions to the meat. We also enrich it with seasonings and salt. Mix all the ingredients carefully, otherwise you will break the onion rings, which means you won’t be able to thread them onto skewers.

Leave the neck with vegetables and spices at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. Then place the pieces on skewers, alternating them with onion rings.

Afterwards we place them in special niches in the electric barbecue. Turn on the unit and put the protective cover on top. After 20 minutes, remove the cap and check the readiness of the meat with a toothpick. If pinkish fluid comes out after piercing, continue heat treatment another 5-10 minutes.

Marinade “Spicy” with kiwi

This option is considered an express method. It is ideal when you need to prepare everything quickly. Let's say there are literally a couple of hours left before the picnic. Believe me, guests will not even guess that you prepared this masterpiece in such extreme conditions.

When choosing kiwi, I advise you to give preference to ripe and even overripe fruits. They are soft, so they will crush easily and release maximum juice to the meat. This marinade for pork kebab will give the meat an unusual, refined taste. And the acidity of the fruit will ensure that the dish is quickly prepared.

What you will need:

  • Pork shoulder – 2 kg
  • Onions – 500 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Kiwi – 200 g


We wash the shoulder blade, dry it and cut it into pieces so that it is convenient to fry. Next, season with salt and pepper.

We wash the peeled onion and break it up using a blender. Then we send this mass to the meat and mix thoroughly.

Remove the skin from the kiwi fruit. And crush them thoroughly with your hands. Or, alternatively, you can also grind them in a blender. The main thing here is that the kiwi releases its juice as much as possible. Then mix the components again.

Leave to marinate for 2-4 hours. And then we place the pieces on the barbecue grill or put them on skewers and fry them until golden brown.

Secrets of delicious pork kebabs

Even the most best marinade will not save you if you choose the wrong meat. It must certainly be fresh and chilled, but not frozen. Thawed, destroyed fibers are not suitable for barbecue. Ideal option considered to be the neck, the inside of the ham, the shoulder or the tenderloin. This also affects the calorie content of the finished dish.

Do not take pieces that are too fatty, because when frying them, the fat will drip onto the coals and burn. Because of this, the dish will acquire an unpleasant odor.

There are differing opinions on how to properly salt a dish. Some experts beat themselves in the chest, proving that it is necessary to add salt to a product that is already being fried. Others believe that there is nothing wrong with immediately salting the pieces. In general, experiment by trying both methods.

Make a marinade for pork shish kebab with mustard and vegetable unrefined oil. These two products are considered excellent organic solvents. For example, oil “takes away” the aroma of spices and saturates muscle fibers with it.

If you don't have much time, add a couple of tablespoons of vodka or cognac to the mixture. Thanks to alcoholic drinks the pieces will be saturated with spices faster and become softer. By the way, meat will also marinate very quickly in wine.

Serve the finished yummy with fresh vegetables, herbs and Caucasian lavash. In addition, it harmonizes with orange or fruit juice, as well as semi-sweet red wine. Don't forget about sauces. WITH fried meat I'm really asking for mustard, satsebeli, and ketchup.

I am sure that the marinade recipes from today’s article will be useful to you. And at least one of the ten options will become your favorite. Cook with love! That's all I have for today. Until new delicious recipes!