Recipes for homemade pork sausage. Homemade turkey sausage recipe. Preparation of natural food film - a detailed description of the process.

Homemade pork sausage in the intestines most often prepare for Easter. She is on the list holiday menu same as painted chicken eggs and rich Easter cakes. But you must admit, pampering yourself with homemade sausage only once a year is a wild injustice, therefore I strongly recommend taking the recipe into service, and at the first opportunity to cook such yummy meat for your loved ones.

After the seasoning phase, the sausages are cut and cleaned one by one with a cloth and then placed in large glass jars and placed under "oil or pork liver”, so the sausages are preserved for a longer time, resisting everything hardening and gaining a unique and distinctive flavor.

Recipe for Ukrainian homemade pork sausage in the gut

However, preservation under "oil" is optional. In fact, sausages can be stored in a cool and dry place after they have matured and are consumed short, chopped or cut into pieces. small pieces, accompanied good bread Abruzzo crafts.

At first glance, it may seem to novice cooks that making sausage at home is a troublesome and incredibly difficult task. In fact, everything is fundamentally the opposite. Firstly, the main thing is to approach the matter with desire, and you probably have it if you have landed on this page. Secondly, arm yourself with proven and detailed recipe. It is this recipe that I offer you, and I dare to assure you that it has been tested not only by me, but also by many of my acquaintances and friends.

Fresh liver sausages should be eaten after cooking, preferably on the grill where the taste remains delicious or in a pot can be cooked with olive oil and red wine. To make ten pounds of homemade sausage would require about 7 pounds of pork shoulder and about 3 pounds of bacon. With a meat grinder, you can finely grind all the meat, including the pillow, with this grill, then add the grated skin of a couple of oranges, three cloves of finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Mix everything with your hands until you get a dough from a homogeneous aspect.

Jump into a small non-stick pan of this dough to taste it and make any adjustments with salt or spices. At this stage, take a special cheesecloth made from sausage, which can be easily obtained from a reliable butcher or the most well-stocked supermarkets, wash them with white wine and help with a funnel to get it inside the intestines, and then put them in warm water. The meat grinder fills the intestines with dough meat so as not to break the intestines. To prevent this from happening, pierce the needle with the intestines to prevent air from entering from inside the meat and accompany the sausage carefully from the machine.

To make sausage we need following products: pork meat, lard, garlic, salt, spices, bay leaf and pork intestines. Regarding the last ingredient, many people have the question of where to get pork intestines. In fact, you simply did not set a goal, or did not pay attention, that they are sold in every meat pavilion of the market. Even in large supermarkets, you can already find them.

Place the sausages next to the fireplace for a few days and they will be ready to spread on bread in about a week. Once they start to harden, after a few weeks you can keep them under "oil" and retain their fresh taste and rosy appearance. Obviously Abruzzi sausages can also be used for cooking great meals, such as pasta or pizza, or eaten with potatoes or crushed chicory.

Sausage is a typical Calabrian product made from pork meat. Calabrian fresh sausage is a sausage made from a mixture of meat obtained from shoulder and pork subbone. The fresh sausage is then stuffed into natural pig intestine, perforated and hand-tied with natural string in a characteristic chain or horseshoe shape, seasoned for at least thirty days.

Further cooking steps are also very simple. All of the above ingredients must be crushed and, using a meat grinder or combine, stuff the intestines with the resulting minced meat through a special nozzle. As a result, you get full-fledged sausage rings, which will only have to be baked in the oven. Homemade pork sausage in the intestines is cooked in the oven for about half an hour, this time will be just enough to tidy up the kitchen.

Ingredients for fresh Calabrian homemade sausages

First, the meat split. After grinding, the meat is weighed to determine right amount salt to add to the sausage in the following months, it can ripen and at the same time not salt. It is usually used at 24 to 28 grams per kilogram of dough. After salting, the dough is flavored with black pepper, red pepper and flakes and fennel. Then honeycomb. This is how to eat a good homemade Calabrian sausage!

Fresh Calabrian sausage how to cook it

As a rule, fresh Calabrian sausage is grilled: this methodology will lose some of the fat. For those who did not have the opportunity to cook fried sausage The saucepan is a viable alternative. Wet cooking retains all the fat, but if you match the right amount of vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and more, you can make sauces or two delicious and low-calorie meals.

To prepare homemade sausage from pork in the intestines, you will need:
  • 2.5 kg of meat
  • 400 g fat
  • 2 intestines (already cleaned and washed about 4 m each)
  • Coriander
  • Black pepper
  • 6 large garlic cloves
  • Chalked bay leaf

Preparation of the recipe "Homemade pork sausage in the intestines":

Enjoy your meal!

Spices for sausage

Its peculiarity lies in the production of the most valuable parts of pork: the thigh and shoulder. To suppress, you must give up ham. It should be known that the specification for the production of this sausage is very strict and even determines the length of the intestine. But those who are lucky enough to cook them at home can, of course, forgo some finesse and enjoy them in all their goodness.

Homemade Calabrian Soup Recipe: Important Warnings

Before you start pointing out the procedure for completing suppression, you should make a recommendation about everyone: pay attention to hygiene. In this preparation, as in almost all domestic canned food, artificial preservatives are strictly foreseen, and therefore, in order to avoid bacteria that could damage everything, special attention should be paid to hygiene so as not to contaminate the product throughout the entire working stage. Thus, everything that will be used must be well cleaned and sterilized.

Homemade pork sausage in the intestines is meat dish which will be appreciated by all lovers home cooking. Hearty, tasty, fragrant and mouth-watering meat delicacy, perfect not only for lunch or dinner with the family, but also for guests on festive table he will not be ashamed to submit. Finally, as always, I want to give a few tips to make your homemade pork sausage delicious the first time:
  • Carefully choose meat and lard for sausages. It should be fresh, and it should not emit unpleasant odors;
  • Before use, do not be lazy, and thoroughly rinse the pig intestines several times;
  • When the homemade sausage is ready to be sent to the oven, do not forget to pierce it in several places with a toothpick;
  • While cooking minced meat, you can experiment with spices, herbs and seasonings. So you can cook sausage with different flavors every time.

Oh, how I love picnics and everything connected with them - the forest, the river and, of course, food on fire! Most often, we cook, of course. But sometimes I pamper myself and everyone else with an unusual yummy - homemade pork sausage. The process of preparing it at home is not as laborious as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to buy fresh, suitable meat and intestines, and then puzzle the man to prepare correct coals and properly fried sausage on the grill, if you have already decided to go on vacation or cook fried sausage at home.

Containers, scissors, kitchen towels, minced meat and sausage machines should also be thoroughly washed detergent and hot water and then dried to perfection. The advice is to wash them the day before, taking care to cover them with fresh laundry.

Recipes for Canceled Calabrian: Ingredients

Pork stew. In addition to raw materials, in order to pack this sausage at home, you need to have a sausage machine, which is necessary for the seeded sausage phase.

How to prepare an abandoned house in Calabria: useful tips

The first step in this process is to mince the meat along with the lard. Everything used to be done on the tip of a knife, but today it's better to use regular minced meat to speed things up today. Particular attention must be paid to the natural gut, in which the depressed will be fired.

How to cook homemade pork sausage.

- 1 kg of pork pulp;
- 1-1.2 m of dressed pig intestine;
- 2 medium bay leaves (or 1 large);
- 4-5 medium cloves of garlic;
- 0.5 tbsp. l. salt;
- 1 tsp ground black pepper.


It is absolutely necessary to wash it cold or cold water to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. First of all, the bowels must be stripped of the portion of the lubrication from which it is wrapped, using small scissors clean and sharp, but not dipping too far, to prevent it from breaking; it should be thoroughly rinsed and then turned upside down like a sock. The inside of the intestine is what comes into contact with the animal's feces, so - although it's sold already clean and disinfected - it's good to insist on washing that particular part.

The most important thing in cooking homemade sausage is good meat. This can be the shoulder blade, and the back, and the low-fat neck part - at your discretion. The key is to keep the meat fresh. Of course, you can also use defrosted meat, but fresh sausage (like other dishes, by the way) turns out to be much tastier.

If there are connecting veins in the meat, then they must be removed. Then the meat is washed, dried and cut sharp knife into small cubes - 3-5 mm. The knife must be sharp, otherwise you will simply be tormented to cut, and the pieces will be ugly - uneven and uneven.
Salo must be in the sausage, otherwise it will turn out dry. For me, the optimal ratio is 1:4, but you can use a little more fat (according to your taste). The amount of fat is determined approximately, "by eye". If you don’t have fat at all in the prepared piece of meat, you can simply add a piece of fresh unsalted fat (necessarily fresh, otherwise there will be an unpleasant aftertaste in the finished sausage). But I try to immediately buy a suitable piece - with a small amount fat.

So, the meat was cut, laid out in a large bowl.

Now it's time for the spices. Bay leaf must be dried beforehand (on the battery or near the stove). The leaf should become very dry and brittle.

We chop the bay leaf with our hands or cut it finely with a knife, almost into dust.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of clean filtered water to the meat with spices. Do not ignore this point, if water is not added, homemade pork sausage will turn out to be dryish and therefore not very tasty.

Now with your hands knead the meat with spices and water well for a couple of minutes.

After meat, the most important thing in sausage is the intestines. You can buy a peeled casing for homemade sausages both on the market and in supermarkets (moreover, if earlier I saw only large packages, now there are also small ones - this is very convenient). Intestines can be stored in the freezer - they perfectly tolerate freezing, do not lose their properties and do not change appearance. Just do not forget to get them in this case in advance from freezer. Before stuffing sausages, I always rinse my intestines under running water. cold water from the tap. The intestines can be additionally soaked in a solution (for 1 glass of water - 1 teaspoon of 6% vinegar) so that they do not dry out.

Now you can start stuffing the intestines. I use a meat grinder for these purposes and a special nozzle for it - for sausage.

We install the nozzle on the meat grinder. At the same time, the knife must be removed from the meat grinder.

We pull the intestine onto the protruding part of the nozzle, collect it with an “accordion”, leaving a small end hanging - 20 centimeters. We put a plate under the bottom of the hanging part of the intestine - we will lay out the finished sausage on it.

We turn on the meat grinder, little by little we begin to push the meat - the intestine will fill up.

As the intestine fills, we gradually remove the empty shell of the intestine from the nozzle.

When 30 centimeters are filled, we pierce the filled part of the intestine with a needle (ordinary sewing) so that the accumulated air comes out. Pierce often - every 4-6 centimeters.

Now you need to tie the end of the intestine with a thread - an ordinary sewing thread folded in half.

We tie the intestine with a thread tightly so that the thread does not slip during cooking. It is better to make several turns.

Then tighten a little - compact the meat in the gut; it moves easily as the air "plugs" are removed. The meat should not be strongly compacted so that the shell does not burst during the frying process.

We continue to stuff the sausage until the meat runs out.

Then we also carefully tie the second end of the intestine with a thread.

Homemade pork sausage is best made 60-70 centimeters long (it is convenient to fry and looks beautiful on a dish). I get two long sausages from this amount. But you can also make small sausages - for this you need to tie with a thread every 15-20 centimeters. Moreover, the dressing places should be doubled (after about 1 centimeter), since it is more convenient to fry the sausage in one piece, and before eating, you can cut the sausage into separate sausages.

If you do not have a meat grinder or a special attachment for a meat grinder (and you want sausages), we use regular bottle from under mineral water. Must be cut off plastic bottle neck, capturing 1-2 centimeters of the cylindrical part - you get such a funnel. Carefully cut off uneven edges (so as not to cut your hand later).

We stretch the intestine on the neck with an "accordion", put the minced meat in the resulting funnel. We push the minced meat with a finger (or stick), filling the intestine. This process is simple and fast, just describe for a long time. And then proceed in the same way as in the case of a meat grinder.

The sausages are stuffed, now we put them in a saucepan or a plastic container.

Close the lid tightly and place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, and preferably overnight. This is done so that the meat is saturated with the aroma of spices and marinated. Thereafter raw sausage can be frozen. Or grill it right away.

We need a special grill grate.

Gently spread homemade sausage on it.

We close the grate with the sausage with the second half and fix it so that the sausage does not fall out during cooking. By that time, the fire on the grill should have been kindled long ago, and the firewood should have burned out almost completely so that there is not an open fire, but hot smoke (as when frying barbecue).

Fry the sausage on the grill for 8-10 minutes approximately on each side.

The finished sausage will acquire a beautiful brown-golden color.

We spread the homemade pork sausage on a dish and serve immediately, hot.

It is good on its own, and with ketchup, adjika, mustard, horseradish - to your taste. And you can also cook fragrant

Therefore, it is advisable to rinse and let it soak in water and lemon for several hours. After this time, rinse thoroughly under running water and leave to soak again with water and lemon. To bake the meat, it is recommended to leave the intestine turned upside down so that the part that was in contact with the stool remains outside, and the outside - with the fat left - must remain inside. All this must be done, whether you buy fresh gout or you buy it salted.

Homemade dinner: sausage

After you finish the meat, mix it with salt and spices and process the dough with your hands for at least half an hour. The heat of the hands will tend to melt the lard, and the dough will only be ready when the hands collapse and the pasta starts to "spin". Let the dough rest for about an hour. At this stage, the most delicate phase begins: the sausage. The success of the salami will depend on this stage; You must be very careful to eliminate the air that forms in the intestines during packaging.