Recipes for sandwiches with sausage and cheese. Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese in the oven

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

When you need to quickly prepare a hearty and tasty breakfast, help out. Of course, this is not the healthiest food, and not as satisfying as oatmeal or casserole. But the realities of life are such that a compromise must be sought in everything. And it's better to eat a couple of hot sandwiches than not to have breakfast at all just because there is no time to prepare something more substantial.
Having learned how to cook hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese and tomatoes in the oven, you can already consider yourself a culinary specialist. After all, in fact, a hot sandwich is a mini-pizza, only cooked on a ready-made dough. The beginning can be varied endlessly, and this, by the way, is a great opportunity to clean up stocks in the refrigerator. Pieces of boiled meat, chicken, sausages and ham, cheese, vegetables, fish, mushrooms - all this can be attached to hot sandwiches and cook a delicious breakfast in a hurry. At the end of the recipe, toppings for hot sandwiches will be given.

What we need:

- White bread or loaf, baguette;
- sausage, ham or sausages;
- hard cheese;
- fresh tomatoes;
- butter;
- any greens.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We turn on the oven, we need to heat it up to 200 degrees. While the oven is preheating, we will just have time to prepare sandwiches for baking. We cut the tomatoes into 4 parts, remove the middle with seeds, drain the juice. Cut the tomato pulp into small cubes.

We cut sausage or ham, sausages into circles, then cut them into smaller pieces, into pieces of any shape. Three cheese on a grater with large holes.

On one side, grease the loaf slices with a thin layer of butter. We make the layer almost transparent, otherwise the sandwiches will turn out to be greasy, oily.

On the oiled side, lay out the pieces of sausage, tomato and fall asleep with a layer of grated cheese. We shift the sandwiches on a baking sheet and put it in a hot oven, which has already warmed up to 200 degrees.

Bake sandwiches for 3-5 minutes until cheese is melted. Why is there no exact time? The fact is that cheese has a different fat content (the higher the percentage of fat content, the easier the cheese melts), and each oven has its own characteristics. Therefore, you need to watch the sandwiches - as soon as the cheese begins to melt, we take out sandwiches with sausage and cheese and tomatoes in the oven, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve immediately.

Options for fillings for hot:
- mushrooms fried with onions + cheese;
- pickled mushrooms + cheese + herbs;
- boiled chicken meat + cheese;
- boiled chicken meat + fried champignons + cheese;
- boiled chicken + tomatoes + cheese;
- sausage + tomatoes + olives + cheese;
- ham (sausage) + pickled cucumbers + cheese;
- boiled meat + pickled cucumbers + cheese;
- tomatoes + sweet peppers + cheese;

This is just a small selection of all kinds of toppings for hot sandwiches, which can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also in case friends unexpectedly dropped in on you. Just 10-15 minutes - and a large portion of delicious sandwiches is ready!

Note to the owner. To speed up the preparation of hot sandwiches, sausage and cheese are not crushed, but placed on bread in thin slices. Tomatoes are cut into circles and placed between slices of sausage and cheese.

If at one fine moment I need to feed the whole family and do it in a few minutes, then for such purposes I have a delicious, and most importantly, very valuable recipe. I cook hot sandwiches in a pan with sausage and cheese and an egg. Agree the set of ingredients is quite simple. Such sandwiches come out delicious, as they have a very simple, but at the same time original filling of boiled sausages combined with grated cheese. You ask how to fix this filling on bread, it's very simple, with the help of an egg. When it is fried, all the filling will be fixed. In addition, thanks to the egg mass, the bread will soak and become very soft and tender, so for such sandwiches I can even use yesterday's slightly dried bread (baguette), as it will still become soft during cooking. You can also serve breakfast.

Required products:
- 1/3 baguette or loaf;
- 1-2 chicken eggs;
- 200 grams of boiled sausage;
- 100 grams of cheese;
- 2-3 tables. l. mayonnaise;
- 2 tables. l. ketchup.

How to cook with a photo step by step

I cut the baguette into thin slices so that they are not thick. This will make it easier to eat them later.

I break the eggs into a bowl, add mayonnaise and ketchup.

Beat with a fork until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

I cut the sausage into small squares.

I rub the cheese through a fine grater.

I mix the egg mass with sausage and cheese. It turns out a liquid filling for sandwiches.

I spread the baguette only on one side with the filling. I put on the middle layer of the filling: neither thin nor thick.

I heat the pan, drip a little oil, spread the sandwiches stuffing down. Thus, the filling will be firmly fixed on the bread.

I turn the sandwiches over with a spatula and fry them on the other side for literally 20 seconds.

I remove the hot sandwiches from the pan and put them on a plate. Such a dish is best served immediately to the table, as they are very tasty just after cooking, as the filling will be soft, juicy and tender. The cheese will become melted and in combination with boiled sausage it will be just magical.

These are so yummy and

Let's talk about sandwiches. Be that as it may, they have taken root in our daily lives. Moreover, a sandwich with cheese and sausage is good both for a quick snack and for a festive table, if it is supplemented with some ingredients and decorated.

What are sandwiches?

Sandwiches can be more than just a cold snack. They can be made hot using the microwave or oven. In this case, even their taste changes. with sausage and cheese is always very helpful when guests, as they say, are on the doorstep, and you are not ready for their arrival.

And with the help of such a hot snack, you can quickly set the table without much effort. And the guests certainly will not go hungry.

Sandwiches in the oven with sausage and cheese

We will need the following ingredients:

  1. 1 loaf.
  2. Sausage (preferably smoked) - 100 g.
  3. Hard cheese - 100 g.
  4. Mayonnaise and ketchup.
  5. Butter (grease a baking sheet) - 30 g.

Cut the loaf, spread its pieces on a baking sheet, greased with oil. Cut the sausage into slices, and grate the cheese on a medium grater. Mixing mayonnaise and ketchup, we get the sauce. We spread bread with it, put sausage on top, and then sprinkle it all well with cheese. Put the sandwiches in the oven for five minutes (preheating it to a temperature of 200 degrees).

Additional ingredients for sandwiches

To make a sandwich with cheese and sausage, you can use completely different boiled, smoked, raw smoked.

And do not forget to supplement them with vegetables, herbs, olives, seasonings and spices. To beautifully serve treats on the festive table, first decorate the dish with lettuce, then lay out sandwiches, between which you can place radish roses, slices of cucumbers and tomatoes, lettuce peppers. And to top it off, decorate it all with curly parsley and olives. Get a bright and hearty dish.

You can come up with an infinite number of your own options, letting your culinary imagination run wild.

Microwave sandwiches

We want to tell you another wonderful recipe, how to make it with sausage and cheese. For him, it is better to purchase ready-made sliced ​​​​bread for toast. Don't have the necessary equipment? No problem! Take each piece and fry on both sides in a frying pan with oil. Here are our toasts and ready. Now put a large piece of cheese on each piece. It should be the same size as the bread. In general, for these sandwiches it is better to use ready-made sliced ​​cheese in vacuum packs. Then we put the sausage on top, and then another piece of cheese. Everything, now our toasts can be sent for a few minutes. The cheese will melt, completely enveloping the sausage. It turns out very tasty.

Sandwiches in the oven with sausage and cheese and egg

For cooking we need:

1. Hard cheese - 200 g.

2. Boiled sausage - 250 g.

3. Onion - 1 pc.

4. Eggs - 5 pcs.

5. Baton, ketchup.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add diced sausage, eggs, onions and herbs to it. Eggs are needed to hold the mass together so that it does not crumble. We mix all these ingredients and put them on pieces of a sliced ​​loaf smeared with ketchup. Then put the sandwiches on a baking sheet and heat them in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for two to three minutes.

Sandwiches with carrots

Tired of standard recipes? Please experiment, change, bring something of your own. Don't know what to add to a hot sandwich with cheese and sausage? Try adding carrots. We need products:

We cut a loaf, grate carrots, sausage and cheese on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Then carrots and onions need to be fried a little in sunflower oil. Combine the fried mass, cheese and sausage together. And add ketchup with mayonnaise. Mix all this well. Lubricate the pieces of loaf with the resulting mixture. And set it to fifteen minutes. The finished snack can be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

homemade hamburger recipe

To please children, at home you can cook an unusual sandwich - with cheese and sausage and with a little addition. Now the kids are infatuated with McDonald's. Therefore, you can cook a homemade hamburger or a cheeseburger for them - for sure they will be more healthy and tasty if you make them yourself, and not buy them in fast foods.

In general, a cheeseburger is the same hamburger, only with cheese. It is because of this ingredient that he is so loved. But in fact, these are ordinary sandwiches with sausage and cheese (photos are presented in the article), only slightly differently designed. What is this appetizer? This is a cut bun in which sausage, cheese, vegetables and greens are placed. All this is easy to do yourself.

So, for cooking we need:

1. Buns - 4 pcs.

2. Sausage (smoked or boiled) - 400 g.

3. Ketchup, mayonnaise.

4. Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, salt.

5. Lettuce.

Cut the buns in half, grease them with mayonnaise. Put a ring of onion, a slice of cucumber, a leaf of lettuce inside each, and put a good piece of sausage and cheese on top. Next, pour it all with ketchup and cover with the second half of the roll. Here we have a homemade cheeseburger. You can change the composition and add mushrooms, sweet peppers, olives inside.

Quick sandwiches

If there is absolutely no time to preheat the oven, and there is no microwave either - this is not a reason to be upset. It is quite acceptable to fry sandwiches with sausage and cheese in a pan. You will get something similar to both pizza and scrambled eggs.


  1. Eggs - 5 pcs.
  2. Baguette.
  3. Sausage.
  4. Seasonings.

Cut the baguette in half. Let's make cuts on the side. Chop the onion and mix with eggs, seasonings and sausage. Heat up the pan and pour in our mixture. Put an open baguette on top of the omelet and press it down. Fry over low heat until done. Then take it all out, open it and put the cheese inside, close it again and sweat for a couple of minutes in a pan so that the cheese melts.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, you do not need to have outstanding culinary skills to make delicious sandwiches. They are prepared very quickly practically from what is at hand. That is why they often save when you need to quickly cook something tasty and satisfying. Try to make sandwiches yourself according to one of the presented recipes, and you will see for yourself how easy and fast it is done, and most importantly - it turns out delicious!

Sausage and cheese sandwiches baked in the oven will be a great quick snack at a time when there is absolutely no time to cook other dishes. Such an appetizer turns out to be incredibly tasty and fragrant, so you should not cook it too often so as not to harm the figure. After all, it is simply impossible to resist an extra piece.

How to cook hot sausage and cheese sandwiches baked in the oven?


  • white bread (shaped or loaf) - 10 slices;
  • boiled sausage or sausages (wieners) - 320 g;
  • hard cheese - 120 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 220 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sprigs of fresh herbs - 0.5 bunch;
  • - 30 g;
  • or ketchup - 90 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 pinch.


To prepare hot sandwiches, in this case, you can use boiled sausage or even find a use for boiled sausages or sausages left over from yesterday's dinner. Cut into small cubes and place in a bowl. We also send chopped fresh tomatoes and fresh herbs there, and also squeeze peeled garlic cloves through a press. We fill the sausage and vegetable mass with mayonnaise and ketchup, mix and proceed to the design of sandwiches.

On a baking sheet, lay out slices of bread, on which we spread a spoonful of the prepared mixture. We crush the appetizer with a little pepper (ideally freshly ground), and grated hard cheese on top and put in a well-heated oven for ten to fifteen minutes.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with sausage and melted cheese



Melted cheese will add special tenderness to hot sandwiches. To prepare such an appetizer, grease slices of white bread with tomato sauce on one side and let them soak a little. During this time, we cut sausage into cubes or medium-sized sticks, melted cheese can be grated or also cut into small cubes with a moistened knife. We also grind a boiled egg on a grater, chop medium-sized bell pepper and herbs and mix the prepared ingredients in a bowl. We fill the mass with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste, mix and put it with a spoon on slices of bread with tomato. We place the blanks on a baking sheet in an oven heated to 195 degrees and let them brown for ten to fifteen minutes.

Perhaps not a single person could do without sandwiches in his life. Even if now we are more and more advocating a healthy lifestyle, giving up harmful foods, starting to eat right, then at large celebrations, receptions and feasts we allow ourselves liberties. Sausage sandwiches, the recipes with photos of which we decided to offer you, may become a violation of the regime for someone, but they are still appetizing and tasty.

And at home, when we receive guests, we do not only proceed from our own tastes, but do everything for people. Therefore, if you are planning a festive feast, if you plan to celebrate the upcoming New Year in your cozy nest with your loved ones and relatives, please them with original snacks.

Sandwiches with sausage and fresh cucumber


  • baguette (or loaf),
  • butter,
  • raw smoked sausage,
  • fresh cucumber,
  • fresh dill.


1. Cut the baguette into beautiful even circles or ovals about 1 cm thick. Spread it with softened butter.

2. Place two thin circles of sausage on top, put also thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumber circles on the sausage.

3. Decorate everything with dill (you can just put twigs, or you can cut and crush the sandwich with greens).

Sandwiches with boiled sausage and cherry tomatoes


  • rye loaf with sesame dressing,
  • mayonnaise,
  • fresh lettuce,
  • fresh parsley,
  • boiled sausage,
  • Cherry tomatoes.


1. Cut the loaf into round or oval pieces. Grease one side of each piece with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Arrange beautifully folded lettuce leaves on top.

2. Buy good quality boiled sausage (you can afford it for the holidays). Cut the loaf of sausage into such thin circles that you can wrap them as you like (in tubes, roses, envelopes).

3. Put a couple of sprigs of fresh parsley on each sausage round, fold the sausage in half and in half again.

4. Lay the folded pieces of sausage on lettuce leaves so that it does not unfold, fasten the entire sandwich with a toothpick or skewer, placing a half of a cherry tomato at the very top.

Sandwiches with smoked sausage "Ladybugs"


  • salty sandwich cookies "Cracker",
  • smoked sausage,
  • Cherry tomatoes,
  • fresh parsley,
  • olives,
  • mayonnaise or sour cream (for decoration).


1. Cut the smoked sausage into circles or ovals.

2. First put a sprig of fresh parsley on the pieces of cracker cookies, place the sausage on top, put half a cherry tomato in the center on it.

3. Cut out the heads and paws for ladybugs from the olives, place “these parts of the body” around the tomato and use sour cream or mayonnaise to make two dots on the head, as if it were eyes (take fat sour cream or mayonnaise so that it does not spread). Children will be most interested in such sandwiches, but adults will also like them.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with sausage


  • loaf,
  • creamy soft cheese,
  • fresh dill,
  • half-smoked sausage,
  • hard cheese,
  • garlic cloves.


1. Cut the loaf into portioned pieces with a thickness of at least 1 cm. Grease one side of each piece with soft cream cheese and sprinkle with fresh chopped dill (due to soft cheese, the greens will stick firmly to the pieces of the loaf and will not sprinkle).

2. Cut the sausage into sticks and put them on slices of loaf across 4-5 pieces.

3. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle sandwiches on it, add a little chopped garlic on top.

4. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180-190 degrees, put the sandwiches on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and send them to the oven for 10-15 minutes.

5. Look at them through the oven window, as soon as the cheese melts and a golden crust begins to form - take out the sandwiches and serve hot to the table. This is a very tasty and filling snack.