How to make Adyghe cheese at home. Adyghe cheese at home: delicious under any name! Recipes for making homemade Adyghe cheese

The simplest of all cheeses and the most delicious is Adyghe cheese, cooked at home. The time for its creation varies within half an hour. The result is a rather tasty dense mass, slightly reminiscent of cottage cheese and strongly - white cheeses made from goat milk. But the advantage of Adyghe cheese is that it does not smell like a goat or a cow.

Ingredients for Adyghe cheese

To prepare this delicious tender snack minimum ingredients required. To get about one hundred grams of Adyghe cheese, which is called paneer in India, you need to prepare:
one liter of milk with a fat content of at least 3.5%, can be pasteurized;
five tablespoons of lemon juice or five hundred milliliters of whey.

Homemade Adyghe cheese. Recipe

The preparation of this cheese is quite simple. The main thing is not to digest the cottage cheese, from which the cheese head should be formed. The recipe for Adyghe cheese at home prescribes to put a pot of milk on the stove to heat up. So that the milk does not burn to the bottom of the pan, the latter should be placed in a frying pan. Milk should be heated gradually over low heat.

While this is happening, you need to add lemon juice or whey to the milk. Both of these contribute to the coagulation of milk, which is why it is formed. When the whey turns greenish and the curd turns slightly rubbery, the latter must be put into a cheese mold covered with a piece of clean cotton cloth and left in a colander, in a cup, until the liquid drains. To make dense Adyghe cheese, the recipe for cooking at home prescribes to put it under load.

As a load, you can take a glass jar filled with water. The smaller the curd mass, the smaller the jar you will need. Adyghe cheese should stand under the load for approximately twelve hours. After that, it should be removed from the mold, salted and placed in the refrigerator. I keep this cheesecake in a closed plastic container. The longer it sits, the tastier it becomes.

Mistakes in the preparation of Adyghe cheese

Many people believe that milk for Adyghe cheese can be sour by any means. To this delusion. milk mushroom creates kefir, from which it is difficult to form a dense cheese head. Gets rather a curd mass, which crumbles very much. Using store-bought kefir or yogurt as an acidifier, you also cannot cook full-fledged Adyghe cheese at home. Most likely, you will end up with a semi-liquid curd mass that will not form into a cheese head.

Where can I get a cheese mold?

At first, when I was just starting to create Adyghe cheese at home, I just threw curd mass on a piece of cotton cloth, which lined the colander. But then in pursuit beautiful shape cheese head, I purchased a metal stand for ladles, in which holes were made on all sides. I cover it with a cloth and put cottage cheese in it. In this form, after twelve hours, a full-fledged and dense cheese head is formed, famous in India, and throughout the world, paneer.

If you want to make Adyghe cheese at home for a large family or for sale, then you will probably need special forms. They can be bought at the famous in Russia. Or popular, in the West. I would recommend purchasing the molds from the German Amazon. They sell quality products at low prices.

Adyghe cheese, at home, it will turn out in the form of a sausage, if you place the curd mass in a new nylon stocking. This forms a cheese sausage. I have not tested this method. It doesn't seem right to me. After all, the cheese should be dense, not dry. Therefore, it should be under the load, and not just hang down while the whey drains.

Adyghe - view pickled cheese, prepare which without rennet. This fact refers it to vegetarian products. At home, Adyghe cheese is made from just 3 ingredients: milk, whey and salt. The taste is neutral, slightly salty, so it is used in many recipes.

Inventory: large saucepan with a capacity of at least 7-8 liters, an average saucepan for 2 liters, a slotted spoon, a colander - 2 identical ones, a bowl, a kitchen thermometer.


The Right Components

  • Whey acts as a folding enzyme for milk. That's why whey should be taken sour, yesterday.
  • Milk, on the other hand, must be fresh. Otherwise, it will curdle prematurely when heated.
  • The ratio of whey to milk depends on the ability of the milk to curdle. Therefore, the exact proportion is determined experimentally.
  • If a finished product If you plan to store in the refrigerator for more than a week, the milk temperature can be increased to 95 degrees. It is better to store such cheese in brine.
  • In production, the addition of lemon or acetic acid, but in very small doses (no more than 0.3% of the total volume of milk).
  • For better fermentation it is allowed to add 200 g of sugar to hot whey. And when the curdling process begins (after the fire is turned off), you can add a glass of cold whey to the pan.

Step by step cooking

You can store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than 6 days.


Homemade Adyghe cheese is often prepared at home, and it tastes better than store bought. The author of the video talks about the subtleties of preparing a delicious homemade product.

Adyghe cheese is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Its calorie content is relatively low: 240 kcal per 100 g of product, so it indicated for overweight people and high blood pressure. Thanks to its protein and amino acid content, it remains a favorite food for everyone who watches their figure or follows a diet.

The cheese is cooked very quickly, the milk in it does not pass for a long time. heat treatment. Thanks to this, all milk proteins and calcium are preserved in the product. It is also rich in other mineral salts: potassium, sodium, iron, zinc. Enzymes help improve digestion nervous system. And the tryptophan in its composition makes this product a real antidepressant.

If you still decide to buy Adyghe cheese in a store, you should remember that it has a shelf life of no more than a week. The brine should be clear and the odor should be neutral. Crusts on the surface and mold are unacceptable. Contraindication There may be lactic acid intolerance.

Now that we have learned so many interesting things about Adyghe cheese, it's time to find out what can be cooked from it.


Adyghe cheese eaten with sour cream, bread and even watermelon, added to salads, used in the filling of pies or pasties. By itself, it is combined with wine, fruits and herbs. Sometimes finished cheese heads are smoked. In this state, it is stored for up to one year.

When fried, Adyghe cheese does not melt, as, for example, mozzarella or suluguni. The pieces retain their structure and shape, which is why it is often used for grilling or deep-frying.

Quick Lavash Pie

We will need:

  • Lavash thin - 2-3 pieces;
  • Adyghe and hard cheese- 200 g each;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • greens (onions, parsley, dill) - a large bunch;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

Serve with fresh vegetables or vegetable salad.

beetroot salad

We will need:

  • Young small beets - 4-5 pieces;
  • Adyghe cheese - 200g;

Purchased store-bought cheeses are not at all those useful and nutritious foods what is the real homemade cheese. Today, the industry is increasingly introducing chemical components, flavors, dyes, taste and appearance improvers, which make it possible to make the product look attractive and long-term storage in any conditions. Therefore, good quality cheese can only be prepared with your own hands at home - so you will be guaranteed to know what it contains and what it consists of. Proper cheese contains a large number of vitamins and microelements, which any dairy products are famous for, in a large concentrated amount.

Adyghe cheese is not for everyone. I would characterize this cheese as simple with a rather ascetic and unpretentious taste, but at the same time very healthy. Sophisticated gourmets usually bypass this variety, although of all the cheeses on the shelves, it remains the most natural.

I liked this cheese, and today I will tell you how I make Adyghe cheese at home, which is easy to prepare and very nutritious.

We will need:

Milk (preferably country milk) - 2 liters
- curdled milk (or kefir) - 500-700 grams
- salt, spices to taste
- thick gauze and strainer

As you can see, there are a minimum of ingredients, and there will be a maximum of benefits from such cheese. Here is the number of products from which approximately 400-600 grams of Adyghe cheese will come out (the amount of product yield depends on the quality of the milk used).
What is important, after making the cheese, nothing will have to be thrown away or poured out - everything will go into action.
We take a three-liter (not less in volume) pan, pour all the milk into it and put it on medium heat (maybe a little less than average).

We bring to the state that bubbles and a film appear on the surface of the milk. You don't have to wait for the milk to boil.

Then, stirring the milk with a wooden spoon, gradually pour all the curdled milk into it. After that, do not stop stirring. We also leave the fire under the pan on medium.

You will see how the milk begins to curdle before your eyes, gathering into white lumps, and the whey remaining from under it will gradually turn from white to yellow-greenish in color.

As soon as this happens, the fire on the stove under the milk can be turned off, and stirring can be continued for another minute.
Now we are preparing the dishes into which we will pour the whey and lay out the future Adyghe cheese. For this, a large bowl is suitable, on top of which we place a strainer with gauze laid in it. It is better to take gauze dense so that the yield of cheese is maximum.

Carefully and carefully lay out and pour the contents of the pan into the prepared dish.
After letting the cheese drain a little and lie down in a sieve, with a quick and deft movement we shift it into a small deep bowl.

It is not necessary to completely deprive cheese of all whey - it is a natural moisturizer for the finished product.
Now, while the cheese is hot, you can flavor it with salt and spices to your taste.

Spices change the taste of cheese - it becomes more saturated, fragrant, but at the same time loses its pronounced milky flavor. Therefore, I often add only a little salt. How I do it - trying not to destroy the formed lump on the sides, I sprinkle it with salt on top and, for example, gently push the salt inside with a spoon. Then you can sprinkle a little spices on a cheese cap.
Now you need to let the cheese cool at room temperature, after which you can eat it or put it in the refrigerator, covering the cup with a lid or a piece of cloth. This cheese is stored for a very short time - in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Now a couple of important words about the whey that remains after making the cheese. Never throw it down the sink!

It is best to pour the whey into a convenient dish and leave it for 3-4 days in a dark place at room temperature for fermentation - you will get an excellent sour whey for making pancakes, pancakes, cookies and other pastries. Already sour whey for long-term storage can be put in the freezer.

OK it's all over Now! Adyghe cheese home cooking ready - eat to your health!

Among the existing varieties of cheese, Adyghe cheese is in great demand among buyers. Such popularity arose due to the unusual, unique taste this product. The secret of this taste lies not only in the ingredients and technology.

The fact is that this variety owes its name to the Republic of Adygea. It is customary for Circassians to make cheese from whole sheep's or goat's milk. Taste u Adyghe milk also special.

Cooking features

In addition, Adyghe cheese has a softer and more delicate texture. This cheese does not need time to ripen, so its taste has a pronounced sour-milk tint. This cheese is fresh and smoked. Nutritionists recommend this product due to its moderate salt content and comparatively low mass fraction fat - 40%. In addition, Adyghe cheese is rich in B vitamins, PP, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium.

During the production of this shop product the basis is taken milk heated to 95 degrees and sour-milk whey. When milk and whey interact, milk clots are formed, which are collected and placed in wicker baskets made of willow branches. Thus, along with cooking, product disinfection. The heads of the finished cheese are in the form of a flattened cylinder weighing no more than 1.5 kg.

Unfortunately, the Adyghe cheese that we see on store shelves is not always 100% natural product. Cheese manufacturers add all kinds of chemical components, flavor enhancers, flavorings, etc. for their better preservation. At the same time, the price of cheese remains high.

How to make Adyghe cheese yourself?

If preferences come down to ecological clean products, then do not despair. Adyghe cheese can be prepared at home with your own hands. There are many recipes.

Let's give an example of making homemade Adyghe cheese from curd.

Recipe 1

This will require 1 kg homemade cottage cheese, 1 liter of milk, 100 g of butter, 2-3 eggs and 2 teaspoons of salt.

Cottage cheese should be poured with milk and heated to a boil. After that, continue to cook it over low heat for another 30-40 minutes.

Then the whey must be drained, the curd mass is well squeezed. Add in cottage cheese eggs, butter and salt. Mix well. Put back on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Place the resulting mass in a hot form tightly in a container, cool and refrigerate for 8-9 hours. In total, the preparation of cheese according to this recipe takes no more than one hour.

Recipe 2

If it is not possible to make cheese from cottage cheese, you can do without it.

Here is another example of homemade cheese on kefir and yogurt e. This process will take much longer, 2-3 days. However, the effect exceeds all expectations.

So, you need to prepare 3 liters of milk, 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 teaspoons of salt.

We put kefir on slow fire and heat until curd mass appears on the surface. We stop heating, we carefully filter the mixture. Pour the whey into a separate container and leave it for two days at room temperature. This time is necessary so that she has time to ferment.

Two days later, we proceed directly to the preparation of cheese. To do this, pour milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and gradually add fermented whey to it. Soon you will notice how the milk begins to curdle and turn into cheese. Now the mixture must be removed from the heat, strain through cheesecloth, folded in 2-3 layers. Add to the resulting mass salt and form a cheese head out of it. It remains only to put it under the press, put it in the cold for about 8-9 hours. During this time, a certain amount of liquid may stand out from the cheese, which must be drained. You can start tasting.

In homemade Adygei cheese, you can add various spices or herbs to your own taste.

Dairy products are common in most different countries world, and many cultures have their own own recipes and the secrets of cooking such dishes. The main differences depend on the characteristics of the milk used and the specifics of the chosen starter. As the consumer market developed, many stores began to see new products made according to recipes from other countries. And one of them is cottage cheese- Adyghe. He came to us from India, where he is called differently - paneer. And each of us can easily make it on our own - in our own kitchen. For those who do not yet know how homemade Adyghe cheese is prepared - the recipe for making it at home, which I will give below, I think will be very useful!

There are several recipes for making Adge cheese at home. The resulting product is natural interesting taste, it can be consumed on its own, and as a raw material for creating other dishes.

The basis of this cheese is milk. When choosing this product, it is best to give preference to natural and homemade. But if you do not have such an opportunity, store-bought is quite suitable - with a high fat content and a minimum shelf life.

As a starter for making Adyghe cheese at home, it can be used lemon juice or lemon acid, as well as drinking yogurt without any additives (natural).

How to cook homemade Adyghe cheese at home?

To prepare this version of the Adyghe cheese, you will need to prepare four liters of milk, half a liter natural yogurt heated up to room temperature. You can also use as much salt as you like.

Take it first enamel pan, pour four liters of milk into it and stir over medium heat. Wait for the surface of the contents to go like waves, and bubbles begin to form along the edges. Next, pour the yogurt into the pan in a thin stream. At the same time, the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred with a spoon, preferably a wooden one.

The milk will begin to curdle, and a greenish whey will be visible in it. Wait until this liquid becomes completely transparent, and remove the pan from the heat.

Next, you should prepare a colander and line it with gauze, the latter can be folded into a couple of layers. Pour the curd mass from the pan inside and carefully collect the ends of the gauze. You can leave the gauze bag in a colander so that the whey gradually drains from it. At the same time, it is necessary to lift such a bundle from time to time so that as much liquid as possible comes out of the cheese.

In order for the process to go faster and more efficiently, the gauze bag can be hooked on the ends and hung. However, do not forget to make sure that a little whey still remains in the finished product, otherwise it will turn out to be too dry.

Having prepared Adyghe cheese on your own, you will get an almost full pan of whey. In no case do not pour it out, but use it to prepare various culinary masterpieces- pancakes, pies, etc. By the way, whey can be frozen and used as a starter for the subsequent preparation of Adyghe cheese.

Cheese can be used in different ways. It is quite possible to put it on a plate and consume it in in kind. Also, this product is great for making toast. Fry a slice of bread in a toaster or pan, sprinkle it olive oil, and place some homemade Adyghe cheese on top. Also such curd product can be seasoned with your favorite seasonings and fried on butter.

Adyghe cheese on lemon sourdough

To prepare this version of cheese, you will need one and a half liters of milk, one medium lemon, and salt, depending on your taste preferences. First of all, you need to boil the milk in a saucepan and let it cool down a little - to about ninety-five degrees, for this you will need only three to four minutes. In the event that you cook cheese from too hot milk, it will turn out as if rubbery, and not tender. While cooling, dissolve salt and, if desired, spices in the liquid. Also squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Next, pour the resulting juice into the hot milk and mix the resulting mixture well. After one or two minutes, you can drain the prepared milk into a colander with gauze. Then proceed according to the scheme from the previous recipe.

One more recipe

To prepare this version of Adyghe cheese, you will need two and a half liters of milk, a couple of tablespoons of kefir, four fresh eggs and a teaspoon of salt. Half a liter of milk needs to be slightly warmed up and combined with a couple of tablespoons of kefir. Leave for a day to infuse. After that, combine a couple of beaten eggs with sour milk and mix well.

Pour a couple of liters of milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil. After that, make the fire minimal and pour the milk-egg sourdough into the container. Boil at minimum power for five to ten minutes, stirring gradually, until the whey becomes transparent. Then proceed according to the scheme from the first recipe. The prepared cheese can be grated with salt and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to infuse.

By the way, the finished product is best stored in a tightly covered container, this will prevent it from weathering.

Homemade Adyghe cheese is especially useful and attractive. palatability, and using detailed recipe it is not at all difficult to make it at home. So try it and eat healthy!