How to cook thick raspberry jam. Raspberry jam "Five minutes"

Raspberry jam for the winter "Five Minute" is not only tasty, but also healthy treat. It helps with colds in winter. It is also a good antidepressant. Raspberries give the skin a healthy look. Not officially, this berry is called the "elixir of youth."
How to make raspberry jam for the winter? Let's try to reveal the secrets of its preparation in a few minutes. There are many recipes, but not all of them are perfect. There is one unique recipe titled "Raspberry jam: a five-minute recipe. Thick." Jam turns out beautiful: thick, fragrant. Below is detailed description recipe for this dessert. Prepare one more, no less delicious jam

Cooking thick raspberry jam for the winter in 5 minutes right!

After cooking, it can be used for baking cakes, toasts.

So, for cooking you need:

  • almost 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 200-230 ml of water.


First, wash the raspberries several times. Then put it in a bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top. If you want the berries to be whole, you do not need to stir them after boiling, but just shake them. First boil water with sugar, then throw raspberries. Boil for another 5 minutes over medium heat. We do this 3 times. Then pour into sterile jars. The jam gradually cools and becomes thick.
Another recipe for raspberry jam
The second recipe is prepared without adding water. For cooking, you need to take 1 kg of sugar and the same number of berries. After that, you need to let the raspberries stand in a cool place. She must sap within 6 hours. Then it is boiled, as in the previous recipe. At first, the fire is small (until the moment of boiling), after boiling, the fire increases to a maximum. The jam is cooked for 5 minutes, while it is stirred with a wooden spoon.

Jam making tips:

  1. You need to cook jam on both slow and high heat.
  2. When the jam is cooked, remove the foam on it.
  3. To make the jam excellent, you need to cook no more than 2 kg of berries.

Grated raspberries with sugar for the winter in 5 minutes!


      • 1 kg raspberries,
      • glass of water,
      • 300-500 grams of sugar.


Berries may be bruised. They are also washed and put in a bowl, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for another 5 minutes. Hot jam is rubbed with a sieve, then sorted into jars and rolled up. Raspberry jam for the winter - a simple recipe in 5 minutes is ready! Thick, fragrant, rich, vitamin jam come in handy in the cold winter season. In addition, such a delicacy is prepared quickly - 5 minutes and you're done. There are few ingredients, but the taste is unsurpassed! Be sure to cook raspberry jam: recipe "Five minutes", thick - it is not only very tasty and quick to prepare, but also very healthy and healing. You can also cook one very tasty jam for the winter -

Have a nice day and bon appetit))

Everyone loves to feast on delicious raspberry jam, but hardly anyone wants to stand at the stove for a long time in order to cook it. But because of this, it is absolutely not necessary to refuse summer vitamins in winter. After all, you need to take care of your health even in the summer. As the raspberries ripen, they must be harvested immediately. And given that the berries ripen at the same time as other vegetables and fruits, which you also want to close for the winter, there is little time left for harvesting. Therefore, it is perfect for making raspberry jam. step by step recipe five-minute raspberry jam with a photo, using which every housewife will be able to save her time.

Recipe for five-minute raspberry jam with butter

This recipe is quite unusual, because it includes butter, which is rarely found in the preparation of jam. Despite this, the product is unusually fragrant and tasty.


Ingredients for 5-minute raspberry jam:
  • raspberries and sugar - 500 g each;
  • butter - 1 tsp

A step-by-step recipe for 5-minute raspberry jam with a photo has the following process.
  1. Even in such a tender berry as raspberries, there are seeds. So that they do not spoil the taste of jam, the berries must be carefully rubbed through a sieve. This is easy to do: pour the raspberries into a sieve and knead well with your hands. The berries should be rubbed so that all the bones in the raspberries remain in the sieve, that is, a thick berry mass should be obtained, somewhat similar to mashed potatoes.

  1. Then everything is transferred to a wide dish, better - a pan with a thick bottom. Gradually, the pan needs to be “completed”. First you need to add sugar to it and bring all the contents to a boil. When you see that the berry "paste" has begun to boil, add butter to it (one small piece). This is necessary so that foam does not appear during cooking. Next, you need to cook raspberry jam for exactly 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the jam to thicken well.

  1. After 5 minutes of cooking, five-minute raspberry jam can be removed from the hot stove and set to cool for a couple of minutes. After the thickened raspberry jam should be poured into sterilized dry jars. Wipe the neck of the jars so that there are no traces of jam, and carefully roll up the finished raspberry jam - five minutes for the winter.

According to this recipe, delicious “five-minute” jam for the winter can be prepared in a matter of minutes - a real dream of any housewife!

A simple five-minute raspberry jam recipe

There are a lot of recipes for cooking raspberry jam. Still, because raspberry jam is not only a homemade delicacy, but also very useful blank for the winter, and its magical taste is not worth talking about. Therefore, every housewife seeks to roll up more than one jar of such yummy for the winter.


Another 5-minute raspberry jam recipe includes the most simple ingredients, and butter, unlike the previous recipe, is not required here. First you need to clarify the ratio of the main components:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.
Weigh the raspberries and see how many kilograms you have in total. If there are no scales, calculate the weight by bank. For example, up to 600 g of raspberries can enter a one-liter jar. So, you need to pour 300 g of sugar into such a jar.

Cooking five-minute jam step by step with a photo

Now about making 5-minute jam.

  1. It is not necessary to wash the berries, it is enough just to sort them out and clean them from sepals, branches, and so on. Put the cleaned mass in a wide saucepan or basin (copper or enameled). Berries should be laid in even layers, each of which is sprinkled with sugar. You don’t need to boil raspberries right away, let them stand for 3-4 hours at room temperature and let, under the influence of sugar, sweet juice.

  1. After that, you can put the berries on a small fire so that they warm up and release even more juice. Stir gently while cooking raspberries. Do not forget about the foam - it must be periodically removed. You need to cook jam for 5-7 minutes.

  1. Removing from heat, still hot jam must be spread out in washed (steamed) jars, applying ready-made raspberry jam to the very neck. And then it remains only to carefully roll up the glass containers with lids for the winter and wrap them with a terry towel or blanket or blanket so that they cool slowly. Store raspberries in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe for five-minute raspberry jam from grated berries

To prepare raspberry jam "5-minute" in this way, even crushed berries can be used. It is not necessary that they be beautiful, the main thing is that they are ripe and without rot.


It is necessary to prepare:
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g.

Cooking five-minute jam step by step with a photo

  1. Sort and rinse the berries, place them in a basin or other container. Add water (sugar is not used yet) and put on slow fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Shop counters are full of jars with all kinds of jams, jams, marmalade, but what could be tastier homemade jam prepared according to your favorite recipe! Is it possible to compare shop product, in which, in addition to berries, there are also dubious components such as thickeners, flavors and other chemicals, with homemade jam, in which only the most ripe, selected berries, sugar and no harmful additives. Prepare raspberry jam. The recipe "Five Minute", which turns out thick and fragrant jam. You only need to cook it for five minutes, so that's it. beneficial features raspberries are preserved, the jam is fragrant and very tasty.

- Ripe raspberries - 1 kg;
- Sugar - 600-700 gr. (taste).


Many recipes recommend washing the berries. But I would not advise doing this - raspberries are very tender, the berries soften and become watery when in contact with water. You can lower the raspberries for a few minutes in cold water, but only if the berries are strong or slightly underripe, and only if this is necessary (for example, if the berries were picked from the lower branches and there are particles of soil on them). Sprinkle raspberries with sugar, do not mix. We cover the dishes, leave for several hours until the raspberries give juice. To dissolve all the sugar, you can gently shake the bowl with berries.

After 5-6 hours, the raspberries will be completely covered with the released juice, by this time almost all of the sugar will have melted.

We put the dishes with raspberry jam on a small fire, bring to a boil. Do not let the jam boil strongly, boiling should be barely noticeable.

When heated and during the cooking process, a thick pinkish foam will appear on the surface. We must remove it with a spoon. Cook raspberry jam according to the recipe for no more than 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Our jars must be prepared in advance - washed with soda or other detergent and sterilized. The lids also need to be washed, put in a pot of boiling water and boiled. Pour the jam into hot jars (I sterilize over steam) and immediately tighten the lids.

Ready-made raspberry jam "Five minutes" is well stored at room temperature. Of course, it is better to keep an open jar in the refrigerator, but, as a rule, jam is eaten quickly and an open jar does not stay in the refrigerator for longer than 1-2 days. Good luck to you!

A few tips:
If the raspberries are not very juicy, then it is better to lay them in layers in a bowl for cooking jam, sprinkling with sugar. We spread some berries on the bottom, sprinkle with sugar, again berries, sugar, and so alternate until the raspberries run out.
So that the berries in raspberry jam do not boil too much, you need to stir very carefully during cooking and do not cook more than 2 kg at a time. berries.
The amount of sugar can be increased, focus on your taste and the acidity of the berries. According to the recipe, raspberry jam is obtained with a slight sourness and a well-defined raspberry.
Do not throw away crushed berries. They can be welded delicious compote or kissel.

Raspberries this year are a whole sea of ​​​​ruby! In 3 hours I gained 7 liters of wild berries. What to cook from raspberries for the winter? Well, of course, jam! In winter, we are happy to drink tea or milk with him, we are treated for a cold. We give the child semolina porridge to gobble up both cheeks, and not wrinkle his nose. For the first time making raspberry jam herself - the grandmother told her signature recipe and told the secret how to cook thick raspberry jam with whole berries for the winter.

How much sugar do you need for raspberry jam?

Ingredients for making raspberry jam grandma's recipe the following:

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

For raspberry jam so many berries how and Sahara. Proportion: 1 to 1.

Thick raspberry jam for the winter: how to cook

Let's move on to the main thing: how to cook thick raspberry jam for the winter - step by step:

  1. We sort out the berries, but do not wash them. Sprinkle with sugar (in the proportion of 1 kg of berries per 1 kg of sugar), layer by layer in an enamel saucepan. Leave overnight or for 6-8 hours. During this time, the berries will give juice.

2. We put the pan on the stove and turn on the average heating temperature. The contents of the saucepan will soon boil, and the sugar will dissolve. After boiling, the jam should be boiled for 5-10 minutes, and then turned off. Attention! During the cooking process raspberry jam You need to stir so it doesn't burn. But it is better to do this not with a spoon, but by rotating the pan in a circle (holding the handles). This will keep whole berries, do not crush them.

3. When the jam boils, foam forms. It needs to be removed. With foam then it’s delicious to drink tea after a hard day at the stove

4. When the jam cools down after the first cooking, we light the fire again. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn off, cool and repeat the cycle again. In total, the jam should be boiled 3 times. Thanks to this, it becomes thick and maroon. So,

Question: How long to cook raspberry jam?

You need to cook in 3 stages:

1 time: 10 minutes after boiling;

2 times: cool and cook again for 5 minutes after boiling;

3 times: cool and cook again for 5 minutes after boiling;

There is nothing difficult in this, believe me 😉

When is the jam ready?

Readiness of jam check drop by drop, after the 3rd boil. The jam must be cold. When the jam is ready, the droplet does not spread, it becomes viscous and viscous. The jam is thick, bright and fragrant.

How much jam is made from 1 kg of raspberries?

To make raspberry jam, I took just the same 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar. It should be noted that one liter of raspberries does not correspond to one kilogram. One kilogram is much more, about 2 liters. I used scales, which I advise you, so as not to guess on coffee grounds 😉

So, from 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar, we got a little less than 1 liter of finished raspberry jam:

Have you stocked up on jam yet? Share your recipes in the comments! We are very interested in this! 😉

There are many ways to make jam really thick, from the secrets of the cooking process itself to special additives. Here are some tips:

  • among natural supplements to give the density of the delicacy, you can highlight the lemon. Its slices must be added at the end of cooking to make a thick jam.
  • there are also special industrial thickeners, such as pectin or gelatin. So 5 g of the product is enough for 1 kg of berries, you also need to add it at the end of cooking, boil everything together for about 5 minutes and remove it from the stove.
  • if raspberry jam is cooked with the addition of other berries, for example, gooseberries or currants, then it is recommended to pierce the berries.
  • the readiness of thick jam can be determined by external signs: a drop of goodies should not spread, the berries in the pan are distributed evenly, do not float, and the foam is collected during cooking only in the center of the container. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the berries, if they are already translucent, then the jam is ready.

Now you can consider original recipe how to cook thick raspberry jam like 5 minutes. It will need berries and sugar in equal number(1 kg each). Here are the cooking steps:

  1. Preparation of ingredients.

For cooking, either an enameled bowl or a stainless steel pan is taken. All the raspberries are poured into the container, and only half of the sugar! Everything is mixed and set aside for 2-3 hours, so that the raspberries release the juice, and the sugar dissolves a little in it.

  1. Cooking - the first stage.

On the stove, stirring occasionally, bring the raspberries and sugar to a boil, then turn off and leave to cool to room temperature. You can even leave it overnight and continue cooking in the morning.

  1. Cooking is the second stage.

In the morning, the pan is again sent to the stove and again the jam is brought to a boil. As soon as it begins to boil, turn off the stove and add the second half of the sugar to the mass, constantly stirring the jam with a wooden spoon in order to quickly dissolve the sugar in the raspberry juice. It is this portion of sugar that adds gelling properties to the delicacy, which makes it quite thick.

Note! The cooking of berries itself does not last long, it is practically not boiled, which allows you to save all the useful properties of raspberries. You can cook a thick delicacy from frozen raspberries, the main thing is to defrost it natural way at room temperature to keep the vitamins from dying.

  1. Bank spill.

As soon as the second portion of sugar has dissolved in the mass, the jam can be poured into prepared sterilized jars and closed. But it is better to leave the jam for a couple of hours so that it is infused. Thanks to a large number sugar in jam, it will not turn sour using any lids.

Quick preparation of raspberry jam with gelatin

If you want to get practically confiture, and not traditional raspberry jam, then it is recommended to cook with gelatin. For cooking, you need 1 kg of sugar and berries, as well as about 50 g of gelatin. We sort and clean the raspberries from leaves, small litter and other things. You can not wash, but it's how you want.

Pour the prepared raspberries with sugar and leave for a couple of hours to extract the juice. Then we move the bowl or pan with the ingredients to the stove, turn on the low heat. In the meantime, dilute the gelatin as directed on the package. From raspberry jam with gelatin, periodically remove the foam. When it boils and the sugar dissolves, remove from the stove and cool a little. Now you can add diluted gelatin, mix and send to sterilized jars. Raspberry thick jam with gelatin is ready. Bon appetit!

Here we have collected tips experienced housewives how to cook thick raspberry jam with and without gelatin - in a simple way thickening. Believe me, we will be very happy if our recommendations help everyone to prepare really tasty and fragrant preparations.