Strawberry jam recipe five minutes in a slow cooker. Raspberry jam in a slow cooker - the secrets of making a healthy dessert

Strawberry jam is perhaps one of the most popular winter treats. It is not only very tasty, but also fragrant and healthy. And there are a wide variety of recipes: you can simply sugar the strawberries, you can make jam in a slow cooker or bread machine. With a bang there is a 5-minute recipe. There are also more exotic ways. For example, you can cook jam in a pan or even make it with vodka.

natural strawberry

Strawberry jam without the addition of carbohydrates is tasty, healthy and not cloyingly sweet. Due to the lack of sugar, the jam turns out low calorie and can be used by people diagnosed with diabetes. Such a strawberry delicacy can also be added to children's cereals, cook jelly from it, etc.

natural Strawberry jam, recipe number 1: put 2 kg of strawberries in enamel pan or other utensils, bring to a boil over low heat and remove. Pour the hot berry gruel into jars, and, having covered with a lid, sterilize for ¼ hours. Then roll up the jars and cool, turning upside down.

2nd recipe for strawberry jam: bring half of the cooked berries to a boil and pack in jars, almost to half the container. Put a whole strawberry on top, and put the jars to be sterilized: 0.5 l - half an hour.

Cooking method without cooking

Strawberry jam prepared according to this recipe is the most useful. In addition, to prepare such a delicacy, you do not need a lot of time and effort, and any housewife can cope with it. At the same time, for such strawberry jam, sugar is needed in large quantities, and as a result, the calorie content is high. Therefore, this recipe is not recommended for allergy sufferers, children and people with diabetes.

  • Recipe: the ratio of berries and sugar is 1:2. Mash the berries and heat up to 60 ° C. Then add sugar in portions to the strawberry puree, stirring constantly. Heat the dessert to 70 ° C and arrange in jars. Keep finished product should be in the refrigerator.

You can not heat the jam, but simply mash the berries and stir with a crush. You just have to endure room temperature until the sugar dissolves.

The fastest way

Strawberry jam, called five minutes, is very popular. It cooks quickly, it turns out amazingly tasty and fragrant. Due to the fact that the heat treatment process is short, the berries retain their beneficial properties.

  • Method one: Pour 1 kg of strawberries with sugar (1.7 kg) and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the juice and boil it. Then dip the strawberries into the syrup and cook for five minutes after it boils. Thick and viscous five-minute strawberry jam is ready!
  • Five-minute number 2 (in three doses). Take: sugar and strawberries 1.5 kg each, 1 glass of water. First, prepare the syrup, dip the berries into it and boil for five minutes. After cooling the contents of the pan, put it back on the stove. It is necessary to carry out 3 cycles in this way.
  • The third way: the ingredients must be taken in such a way that there is 1.5 times more sugar than strawberries. First you need to prepare the syrup: take water in proportion to sugar - 250 ml per 1 kg. Be sure to remove the foam during the cooking process. Pour the berries into boiling syrup and boil for five minutes. Then wrap the pan so that it cools down more slowly. The cooled five-minute strawberry jam is poured into glass jars.
  • Five-minute No. 4: with berries (0.5 kg), sugar (1 kg) and lemon (1 pc.). We combine the berry with sugar and leave to let the juice, then put on the stove, boil for a minute, cool, boil for a minute, cool, squeeze the lemon juice, boil for 3 minutes.
  • Five Minute Jam. We combine 3 kg of berries with sugar (1 kg). Put on the stove and bring to a boil. After five minutes turn off and add 5 g citric acid.

Recipe with Lemon

Lemon jam has original taste, but the sourness in it is not felt. Due to the fact that the fruit is a preservative, the product is perfectly stored all winter, without losing its palatability and not sour.

  • Pour 2 kg of strawberries with sugar (1 kg) and leave for 8 hours. After the berry releases juice, put the pan on low heat. At the end of cooking, the fire can be increased. Before turning off, add the juice of two lemons, mix everything and pour into jars.

Dessert can be made according to the following recipe (the ratio of products is the same). First, add the juice and zest of 1 lemon to the strawberries, put on the stove. After boiling, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Pack strawberry jam in jars, roll up.

With banana

Recipe for strawberry and banana jam. Pour strawberries (1 kg) with sugar (1.2 kg) for 7-8 hours. After that, put the pan on the stove, boil for five minutes and leave for 6 hours to cool. Then repeat this cycle again (boil - cool). At the end, put on fire and bring to a boil, add 2 chopped bananas, boil for 20 minutes. Pour into jars, roll up. This jam is great for harvesting for the winter.

Strawberry dessert with rhubarb

If you want to try something unusual, you can cook classic jam from strawberries with rhubarb.

  • To do this, you will need: sugar 1.2 kg, strawberries and rhubarb 600 g each. Peel the skin from rhubarb, cut into squares and cover with sugar (600 g). Separately, mix the remaining sugar and strawberries. Leave it all for 12 or 14 hours.
  • Put the dishes with rhubarb on a slow fire and boil until transparent, constantly removing the resulting foam. Add strawberry-sugar mixture and cook until tender. The calorie content of the finished product is high, so you need to use it carefully. It is undesirable to give to children.

Cooking methods for multicooker, bread machine, pressure cooker and frying pan

You can make strawberry jam in a slow cooker. In this way, the shape of the berries is preserved, but the delicacy itself is not as thick as, for example, if cooked in a saucepan over an open fire. For the necessary density, you can make it with gelatin. The latter is added according to the instructions on the package.

  • Recipe for jam in the Polaris slow cooker: sugar and berries are taken equally. The ingredients are poured into the multicooker bowl for about a day (you can start cooking immediately). Next, the “multi-cook” mode is set, the temperature is 160 ° C, the time is half an hour. As soon as the contents boil, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam. Arrange ready-made jam in jars.
  • In "Redmond" the algorithm of actions is the same, only the mode is set to "quenching", the time is an hour.

So that the strawberry jam in the slow cooker does not run away, you must first remove the air valve.

  • Recipe for making dessert in a bread machine: take strawberries and sugar 450 g each, lemon juice - 15 ml (1 tbsp. L.). We combine all the ingredients, choose the time - half an hour. If the bread maker has a mode with the same name, it will set the right time on its own. This method has one drawback: you can’t prepare a lot of it.
  • To prepare jam with strawberries in a pressure cooker, you need: berries and sugar 1 kg each, water 200 g. Pour them (except water) into a pressure cooker, leave for 30 minutes. Pour water and boil for no longer than ¼ hour. In the process, the resulting foam should be removed.
  • There are recipes for cooking in a pan in 10 minutes. Watch the video on how to cook strawberry jam in such an interesting way.

Application of gelatin

If there are overripe berries, you can cook strawberry jam with a gelling agent, or gelatin. It will get very thick.

  • Choose soft overripe berries from a total of 3 kg, combine them with a kilogram of sugar, grind (or chop). Add the remaining whole berry and gelatin (3 tablespoons of powder) to the strawberry puree. Bring to a boil and turn off.

The use of vodka

You can try to make one unusual strawberry jam for the winter: with the addition of vodka. Immediately, we note that it is not recommended to give it to children.

  • You will need: berries 3 kg, sugar 2 kg, vodka 100 ml, citric acid 1 tsp. Sprinkle strawberries with vodka (or dip in it if the berry is large), sugar on top. Then the layers are repeated (except for the berries). Leave overnight. The next day, boil, adding citric acid after boiling. Switch off immediately. Boil five times, at 3-hour intervals. For 6 times, boil for ¼ hours. The color of such a dessert turns out to be unusually bright (shown in the first photo in the article).

Frozen berry dessert

Strawberry jam made from frozen berries is no less tasty. It is mainly brewed in winter.

  • So: mix a kilogram of frozen strawberries with sugar (700 g) and leave to defrost. Next, put the mixture on low heat, add the juice of half a lemon. Boil for half an hour. After turning off the stove, leave for half an hour, then return to the stove again for 25-30 minutes.

fragrance strawberry dessert from a frozen berry is no worse than from a fresh one. Yes and useful properties he has enough.

  • Such a dessert can be made in another way: berries and sugar taken equally, leave to defrost, then boil for 10 minutes, pause for 3 hours, and boil again for 10 minutes.
  • Try strawberry jam according to the following recipe (it is prepared in a slow cooker): combine 300 g of frozen berries in a bowl with sugar (300 g), pour 40 ml of water. Set the mode "milk porridge". When the multicooker beeps, the delicacy is ready.
Stories from our readers

Making jam is an indestructible Russian folk pastime, which in the 21st century was only slightly changed into new way: now it is fashionable to cook jam in a slow cooker. Even those who vowed never to mess with baskets of berries, sacks of sugar and rows of cans, sooner or later find themselves at the electronic saucepan in the process of watching berries bubbling in syrup. However, progress does not stand still. Strawberry jam or plums in a slow cooker are innocent entertainment. The new generation chooses carrot jam and zucchini jam. Of course, we will try to satisfy not only the followers of the faithful girlfriend of the cartoon bear, the hooligan Masha, who made excellent jam not only from root crops, but also from tomatoes and fir cones. And let's remember all the old, beloved grandmother's jam recipes, familiar from childhood, adapting them for cooking in a slow cooker. Well, those who no longer want to languish over a hot basin with lingonberry jam, is understandable. Mistresses of multicookers are accustomed to the fact that they no longer need to monitor escaping milk or burning stew. Jam, of course, is a less predictable substance than semolina. If the rules for cooking jam in a slow cooker are not followed, there is a risk of decorating the entire kitchen with this delicacy. But we will learn from the mistakes of others, which means we will avoid our own. All recipes published on the site have been tested in practice. We will be grateful if you share your secrets of making jams and jams in a slow cooker.

This jam will not be classified as a dessert. But as a sauce, it is perfect for poultry, fish, and meat. One thing to consider: the sauce is very spicy. So if you want such jam, and you don’t really like scalding dishes, then just reduce the amount of chili pepper from two pieces to half.

How to cook thick jam for the winter in a slow cooker - a very tasty recipe and basic safety rules.

This thick, orange-scented jam was a revelation for me. In general, I have been eating jam since childhood. And it was homemade, because my parents, as far as I can remember, always had a dacha. Mom made jam from strawberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, apples, black currants, raspberries. Stocks of jam were stored in the cellar and gradually eaten during the winter. We also baked pies, pies and muffins with jam. At the age of 14, I ate jam so much that I simply could not look at it anymore. But quite recently a period has begun when you want to sit in the kitchen in the evening, pour some tea, open a jar fragrant jam and enjoy tea.

I know there aren't many lovers in the world peach jam or jams, because during the cooking process, the fruit loses its charming fragrantness and bright color, turning into a cloying sweetness that is not to everyone's taste. However, there great way avoid this result: add fresh lemon during cooking, which magically acts on jam, turning it into a fragrant, bright-tasting delicacy. A multi-cooker-pressure cooker will help us cope with the task quickly and without hassle.

Remember how the heroine of cartoons about Masha and the Bear made jam from tomatoes, cucumbers and spruce cones? Today we will follow her example and cook carrot jam in a slow cooker. My favorite…

It's hot outside, and in the country house a fragrant sings in full swing sweet berry, which many of us adore since childhood - strawberries. It is simply impossible to resist it, the wonderful taste and delicate aroma will drive anyone crazy. Having eaten strawberries to satiety, we proceed to the preparation of jam and jam.

Figs - I just didn’t know a sweeter fruit until ... I tried fresh figs. It turned out that it was incredibly tasty, juicy and not so sweet, just during my childhood, figs appeared on the shelves only in the form of dried fruits. I was sick of just looking at them. And now I’m waiting - I can’t wait for the fig season and I’m buying it literally in boxes. To keep the memories of a wonderful fig August, cook a couple of jars of jam flavored with ginger, cinnamon and cardamom for the winter. A slow cooker will help you turn the process of cooking jam into a pleasure.

A universal recipe for successful raspberry jam for any models of multicookers. The composition includes gelling agents.

Pepper confiture - the phrase itself sounds enchanting. Taste is awesome! Sweet and sour, with a dizzying bouquet of flavors. Fresh ginger adds a caramel note, while garlic gives it a bright, fun edge. Do not be afraid, try to cook this one, since it is not difficult to make it in a slow cooker.

Do you know the difference between jam and jam? Probably yes. What is the difference between jam and jam? And from jam? Thinking? Let's talk about these subtleties in more detail, and also cook excellent jam in a slow cooker.

Recipe for lovers of culinary experiments. I'm not sure if you want to prepare such a jam in industrial scale, but at least one jar is worth cooking. Just to try what kind of jam this is so unusual.

With the advent of cold weather, the harvesting season does not end. In winter, it is time for tropical fruits, from which you can also make jam. And very, very tasty. Try this sweet and sour emerald jam from kiwi.

To make gooseberry jam delicious, I cook it in three steps, bringing to a boil and then completely cooling. In a multicooker, this is quite easy to do. We will not close the lid, so we will have full control over the entire process.

amazing delicious jam- five minutes from sour green gooseberries. Much tastier than the so-called "royal". Perfectly cooked in a slow cooker.

All is well apple jam, only the color did not work out. Of course, it happens that it is possible to weld something that resembles molten amber. But mostly all shades of brown come out. However, there is a simple way to cook apple jam with a rich ruby ​​​​color.

You probably noticed that the site has a lot of vegetable jam. Of course, there are recipes and traditional berry jam, and jam, and delicious jam, but delicious vegetable desserts are some kind of trend this summer. So we take a slow cooker, extract zucchini from the refrigerator (for sure, you, like me, have a couple of stale ones), a couple of lemons and start practicing kitchen magic.

To make this jam in the usual way, you have to spend 2-3 days, keeping the time between boils, so that the slices of apples and pears have time to soak in syrup, but in a slow cooker on the “Stew” mode, you will cook such jam at a time!

To prepare such a jam, you only need to know one secret: apples gain amber transparency due to the fact that the jam is cooked in a slow cooker in several stages.

Strawberry jam is perhaps one of the most popular winter treats. It is not only very tasty, but also fragrant and healthy. And there are a wide variety of recipes: you can simply sugar the strawberries, you can make jam in a slow cooker or bread machine. With a bang there is a 5-minute recipe. There are also more exotic ways. For example, you can cook jam in a pan or even make it with vodka.

Strawberry jam without the addition of carbohydrates is tasty, healthy and not cloyingly sweet. Due to the lack of sugar, the jam has a low calorie content, and it can be consumed by people diagnosed with diabetes. Such a strawberry delicacy can also be added to children's cereals, cook jelly from it, etc.

Natural strawberry jam, recipe number 1: put 2 kg of strawberries in an enamel pan or other dish, bring to a boil over low heat and remove. Pour the hot berry gruel into jars, and, having covered with a lid, sterilize for ¼ hours. Then roll up the jars and cool, turning upside down.

2nd recipe for strawberry jam: bring half of the cooked berries to a boil and pack in jars, almost to half the container. Put a whole strawberry on top, and put the jars to be sterilized: 0.5 l - half an hour.

Cooking method without cooking

Strawberry jam prepared according to this recipe is the most useful. In addition, to prepare such a delicacy, you do not need a lot of time and effort, and any housewife can cope with it. At the same time, for such strawberry jam, sugar is needed in large quantities, and as a result, the calorie content is high. Therefore, this recipe is not recommended for allergy sufferers, children and people with diabetes.

  • Recipe: the ratio of berries and sugar is 1:2. Mash the berries and heat up to 60 ° C. Then add sugar in portions to the strawberry puree, stirring constantly. Heat the dessert to 70 ° C and arrange in jars. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

You can not heat the jam, but simply mash the berries and stir with a crush. You just need to keep it at room temperature until the sugar dissolves.

The fastest way

Strawberry jam, called five minutes, is very popular. It cooks quickly, it turns out amazingly tasty and fragrant. Due to the fact that the heat treatment process is short, the berries retain their beneficial properties.

  • Method one: Pour 1 kg of strawberries with sugar (1.7 kg) and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the juice and boil it. Then dip the strawberries into the syrup and cook for five minutes after it boils. Thick and viscous five-minute strawberry jam is ready!
  • Five-minute number 2 (in three doses). Take: sugar and strawberries 1.5 kg each, 1 glass of water. First, prepare the syrup, dip the berries into it and boil for five minutes. After cooling the contents of the pan, put it back on the stove. It is necessary to carry out 3 cycles in this way.
  • The third way: the ingredients must be taken in such a way that there is 1.5 times more sugar than strawberries. First you need to prepare the syrup: take water in proportion to sugar - 250 ml per 1 kg. Be sure to remove the foam during the cooking process. Pour the berries into boiling syrup and boil for five minutes. Then wrap the pan so that it cools down more slowly. The cooled five-minute strawberry jam is poured into glass jars.
  • Five-minute No. 4: with berries (0.5 kg), sugar (1 kg) and lemon (1 pc.). We combine the berry with sugar and leave to let the juice, then put on the stove, boil for a minute, cool, boil for a minute, cool, squeeze the lemon juice, boil for 3 minutes.
  • Five Minute Jam. We combine 3 kg of berries with sugar (1 kg). Put on the stove and bring to a boil. After five minutes, turn off and add 5 g of citric acid.

Recipe with Lemon

Jam with lemon has an original taste, but sourness is not felt in it. Due to the fact that the fruit is a preservative, the product is perfectly stored all winter, while not losing its taste and not sour.

  • Pour 2 kg of strawberries with sugar (1 kg) and leave for 8 hours. After the berry releases juice, put the pan on low heat. At the end of cooking, the fire can be increased. Before turning off, add the juice of two lemons, mix everything and pour into jars.

Dessert can be made according to the following recipe (the ratio of products is the same). First, add the juice and zest of 1 lemon to the strawberries, put on the stove. After boiling, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Pack strawberry jam in jars, roll up.

With banana

Recipe for strawberry and banana jam. Pour strawberries (1 kg) with sugar (1.2 kg) for 7-8 hours. After that, put the pan on the stove, boil for five minutes and leave for 6 hours to cool. Then repeat this cycle again (boil - cool). At the end, put on fire and bring to a boil, add 2 chopped bananas, boil for 20 minutes. Pour into jars, roll up. This jam is great for harvesting for the winter.

Strawberry dessert with rhubarb

If you want to try something unusual, you can cook the classic strawberry jam with rhubarb.

You can make strawberry jam in a slow cooker. In this way, the shape of the berries is preserved, but the delicacy itself is not as thick as, for example, if cooked in a saucepan over an open fire. For the necessary density, you can make it with gelatin. The latter is added according to the instructions on the package.

  • Recipe for jam in the Polaris slow cooker: sugar and berries are taken equally. The ingredients are poured into the multicooker bowl for about a day (you can start cooking immediately). Next, the “multi-cook” mode is set, the temperature is 160 ° C, the time is half an hour. As soon as the contents boil, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam. Arrange ready-made jam in jars.
  • In "Redmond" the algorithm of actions is the same, only the mode is set to "quenching", the time is an hour.

So that the strawberry jam in the slow cooker does not run away, you must first remove the air valve.

  • Recipe for making dessert in a bread machine: take strawberries and sugar 450 g each, lemon juice - 15 ml (1 tbsp. L.). We combine all the ingredients, choose the time - half an hour. If the bread maker has a mode with the same name, it will set the right time on its own. This method has one drawback: you can’t prepare a lot of it.
  • To prepare jam with strawberries in a pressure cooker, you need: berries and sugar 1 kg each, water 200 g. Pour them (except water) into a pressure cooker, leave for 30 minutes. Pour water and boil for no longer than ¼ hour. In the process, the resulting foam should be removed.
  • There are recipes for cooking in a pan in 10 minutes. Watch the video on how to cook strawberry jam in such an interesting way.

Application of gelatin

If there are overripe berries, you can cook strawberry jam with a gelling agent, or gelatin. It will get very thick.

  • Choose soft overripe berries from a total of 3 kg, combine them with a kilogram of sugar, grind (or chop). Add the remaining whole berry and gelatin (3 tablespoons of powder) to the strawberry puree. Bring to a boil and turn off.

The use of vodka

You can try to make one unusual strawberry jam for the winter: with the addition of vodka. Immediately, we note that it is not recommended to give it to children.

  • You will need: berries 3 kg, sugar 2 kg, vodka 100 ml, citric acid 1 tsp. Sprinkle strawberries with vodka (or dip in it if the berry is large), sugar on top. Then the layers are repeated (except for the berries). Leave overnight. The next day, boil, adding citric acid after boiling. Switch off immediately. Boil five times, at 3-hour intervals. For 6 times, boil for ¼ hours. The color of such a dessert turns out to be unusually bright (shown in the first photo in the article).

Frozen berry dessert

Strawberry jam made from frozen berries is no less tasty. It is mainly brewed in winter.

  • So: mix a kilogram of frozen strawberries with sugar (700 g) and leave to defrost. Next, put the mixture on low heat, add the juice of half a lemon. Boil for half an hour. After turning off the stove, leave for half an hour, then return to the stove again for 25-30 minutes.

The aroma of a strawberry dessert from a frozen berry is no worse than from a fresh one. And yes, it has a lot of useful properties.

Strawberry jam for the winter - thick, Five-minute, without cooking, in a slow cooker. Delicious Raw Strawberry Jam Recipe

Strawberry jam is a delicacy from the "taste of childhood" category. Sweet and incredibly fragrant, spread on a slice of bread or simply poured into a saucer, it always reminds us of the delicious jam that our grandmothers and mothers cooked. Alas, most modern housewives prefer not to cook strawberry jam, but to buy it in a store, thereby depriving their household of the most useful homemade dessert. And despite the fact that it’s not difficult to make delicious strawberry jam for the winter with your own hands. Especially if you follow the simple step-by-step recipes from our article.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter - recipe with photo

Strawberries are a real storehouse of usefulness and a valuable source of vitamins. But her rather short fruiting period upsets her, during which it is not always possible to get enough of healthy berries. That's why experienced housewives, as soon as the harvest time comes, they begin to prepare strawberry jam for the winter. One of the most popular recipes is a thick strawberry jam. It can hardly be called simple, since the cooking process stretches for several days. But we assure you, having tasted the most delicious thick jam from strawberries for the winter, a recipe with a photo of which you will find below, you definitely will not regret either time or effort!

Required ingredients for a thick consistency:

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Step-by-step recipe instructions for winter with a thick consistency:

Quick strawberry jam for the winter "Five Minute" - recipe

But what about those housewives who don’t have time at all to make strawberry jam for the winter for a long time? Especially for them, we have prepared a recipe for a quick strawberry jam "Five minutes". Its main advantage, of course, is its short cooking time. Besides, quick jam from strawberries for the winter "Five Minutes", the recipe of which you will find below, is also famous for the aroma and transparency of the berries.

Ingredients for the Five Minute Recipe:

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step recipe instructions for the Five Minute recipe:

  1. We start by washing and cleaning the berries. Then cut each strawberry in half. If you have large berries, then you can cut it into 4 parts.
  2. We shift the workpiece into a saucepan with a thick bottom and fall asleep with sugar. Gently, so as not to damage the berries, mix everything with a wooden spoon.
  3. Add lemon juice and put the saucepan on a small fire.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook strawberry jam for 5 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam, which will be a lot during the cooking process.
  5. Then we remove the delicacy from the stove and immediately pour it into prepared jars, cork with lids and wrap it in a blanket or blanket. Cooled thick jam can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Strawberry jam for the winter Five minutes in a slow cooker - recipe

If you have a slow cooker, then it is simply unacceptable not to use this miracle assistant in making jam for the winter. So, for example, in a slow cooker you can quickly cook a “five-minute” of strawberries. Moreover, unlike the previous recipe, in this version, strawberry jam for the winter "Five Minute" in a slow cooker will definitely not burn and will not escape from the pan.

Necessary ingredients for Strawberry Five Minutes in a slow cooker:

  • strawberries -1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 100 ml.

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for Five Minutes in a slow cooker:

  1. Sprinkle pure berries without sepals with sugar. If you have large strawberries, you can cut them in half. We leave for an hour.
  2. Pour the candied berries into the multicooker bowl and add water.
  3. Then, depending on the model of your multicooker, select the “Extinguishing”, “Jam” or “Cooking” mode. Cooking time also depends on the power of your assistant, but is usually 1 hour.
  4. Ready jam pour into jars and close the lids, store in the refrigerator.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter without cooking - a recipe for the winter

raw jam strawberry is not only delicious treat for the winter, but also an easy way to keep the maximum amount of vitamins without cooking. It is very easy to prepare delicious thick strawberry jam for the winter without cooking. It is enough to have at your disposal a meat grinder or a blender to turn the berries into a thick mass.

Required Ingredients for No Cook Recipe

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Step-by-step recipe instructions without cooking for winter:

  1. Mix pure berries with sugar.
  2. Using a meat grinder or a hand blender, grind the strawberries into a thick homogeneous mass.
  3. We lay out the jam in jars, falling asleep on top with a 1–2 cm layer of sugar. This layer will provide a preservative effect and protect our workpiece from mold.
  4. We close the jars with lids and send them to the refrigerator or cellar until winter.

Raw strawberry jam for the winter without boiling berries - step by step video recipe

Raw strawberry jam for the winter is not only quick to prepare, but due to the lack of cooking, it allows the berries to retain their beautiful color and aroma. Raw strawberry jam for the winter without boiling berries, step by step recipe which you will find in the video below, will be a real find in the cold season!

Strawberry jam recipe five minutes - 7 recipes

There are many recipes for making strawberry jam. But the dream of all housewives is simple and quick recipe. This is exactly what five-minute strawberry jam is, which is not difficult to cook.

Selection and preparation of berries for winter harvesting

Taste and appearance strawberry preparations for the winter depends on how carefully the berries were selected and prepared.

  1. It is advisable to collect the fruits yourself, and not buy. Then there is no doubt about the freshness of the berries.
  2. For preparations for the winter, only freshly picked ripe, but not overripe berries are ideal.
  3. It is necessary to separate crumpled, spoiled and too small berries.
  4. Immediately after harvesting, the berries are sorted out, the sepals are removed and washed. This must be done carefully so as not to distribute the berries.
  5. The washed strawberries are laid out in a sieve in small portions so that excess water is gone.

At the end, the berries are laid out on a clean cloth and allowed to dry.

Five-minute jam

When preparing five-minute jam, water is usually not used, but only berries and sugar. Some recipes contain citric acid. During cooking, strawberries release juice, and there is no need to add liquid. This is the most easy way, which allows you to preserve the beautiful appearance of the berries and all the useful substances. It is only necessary to prevent the jam from burning.

Before you cook strawberry jam, you need to ensure that the berries release juice. To do this, they are left for several hours. The result is a syrup of sugar and juice. Strawberries are boiled in it.

The container is put on fire. When the mass boils, you need to remove the foam and boil the strawberries for exactly 5 minutes. Jam is poured into jars without cooling, rolled up and turned over. When the preservation has cooled, rearrange its cool place.

For cooking strawberry jam, a stainless steel or brass container is ideal. You can use modern saucepans with a double or triple bottom.

As for cans, it is better to take those that are not more than 1 liter in capacity. Prepare them by first washing hot water With detergent and then placing in the oven for 10 minutes. Care must be taken not to crack the glass.

Ready jam becomes thick. The syrup should turn out to be the color of darkened berries, but without a brown tone, indicating that the jam was cooked longer than the allotted time. Berries should be partially or completely transparent and not float. Berries and syrup should be the same amount.

Classic recipe

For classic recipe it is necessary to prepare 1.5 kg of sugar and water, as well as a kilogram of berries.

The cooking method looks like this:
  1. Pour water into a bowl and add sugar.
  2. Cook the mass, stirring constantly to avoid burning. Continue to cook until the sugar is all dissolved.
  3. The composition is brought to a boil.
  4. Washed and dried berries are placed in a non-enameled container. For 1 kg, a container with a capacity of 3 liters is required.
  5. Syrup is poured into the berries.
  6. Boil the mixture for about half an hour. A third of the time - on medium heat, so that foam appears. When this happens, the vessel must be removed from the stove, remove the foam and shake the mass. The remaining half an hour, the jam is boiled over low heat.

A sign that it is time to remove the jam from the heat is the absence of foam and bubbles, indicating boiling.

There are 2 ways to determine if the jam is ready:
  1. Scoop hot syrup with a spoon and pour, for example, on a saucer. If the liquid flows out slowly, then the jam is ready, and if it flows quickly and in a thin stream, then it is worth boiling more.
  2. A small amount of syrup is cooled and poured onto a saucer. If the jam retains the shape of a drop, then it is ready, if it spreads, then no.

Fill pre-sterilized jars with jam. At least 0.5 cm should remain to the top. Banks are rolled up with lids.

Quick no-boil recipe

Strawberries are prepared as usual. For 500 g of berries, 800 g of sugar is required. Strawberries are put in a jar and covered with 400 g of sugar. Next, the mass is whipped with an immersion blender. Add the rest of the sugar and beat again. Transfer the mass to glass jars and roll up. Place the jars in the refrigerator. The jam will be good for 3 months.

Alternatively, you can make jam without chopping berries in a blender. The same amount of sugar is taken per kilogram of strawberries. The berries are cut into pieces and stacked in layers in a container. Each layer is crushed with sugar. The container is covered and left for the whole night or day, allowing the juice to form.

When the juice appears, mix the mass with a spoon and leave for another hour. Then the jam is transferred to jars and closed. Store treats in a cool place.

Thick jam with whole berries

To prepare thick strawberry jam, use the following components:
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • berries -1 kg.
The cooking method is as follows:
  1. Washed and dried berries are placed in a container, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. Cover and leave the strawberries to infuse for 9-10 hours to get juice.
  3. Place the container on the fire and wait for it to boil.
  4. The container must be shaken periodically.
  5. After the syrup boils, the container is removed from the stove, covered and allowed to stand for a day.
  6. The next day, the berries are boiled again.
  7. The cooking procedure is performed 4 times, and for 5 times the jam is boiled for only a quarter of an hour.
  8. Add lemon juice to the mass.
  9. Cool the jam for a quarter of an hour and fill the jars with it.

After seaming, the jars are covered with a blanket and allowed to stand for a day. You can store jam both in a cold cellar and in a pantry.

Wild strawberry recipe with citric acid

Jam is also made from wild forest strawberries. To do this, use a kilogram of berries and sugar, as well as a small amount of citric acid.

Washed and dried strawberries are put in a container, without tearing off the tails and sprinkling each layer with sugar. Add a little water, with citric acid diluted in it. Set the container aside for several hours, allowing the juice to stand out.

Then place the container on the stove and wait until the mixture boils. For a quarter of an hour, keep the jam on low heat. Cool the mass and then bring it to readiness.

Recipe in a slow cooker

Today, you can cook delicious jam even in a slow cooker, for which the following components are used:
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • berries - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
Five-minute jam for the winter in a slow cooker is prepared as follows:
  1. Pour sugar into the container of the multicooker and fill it with water.
  2. Set the appropriate mode for cooking jam, but if it is not there, then the one used for stewing or broth will do.
  3. Cook syrup, periodically turning off the slow cooker and stirring it.
  4. When the sugar dissolves, lay the berries previously crushed in a blender.
  5. Stir the mass and turn on the apparatus for 5 minutes.

The finished jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

frozen berry recipe

If it was not possible to prepare strawberry jam in the summer, then in the cool season - this can be done using frozen berries. But keep in mind that you will need 2 times more sugar. So, for 1 kg of berries take 2 kg of sugar.

Mix frozen strawberries with granulated sugar and mix. Allow the mass to stand for several hours. Mix the berries again and put them on a small fire. Allow the mass to boil, remove the foam and, stirring, boil for another 5 minutes. Then the burner is turned off, but left on the hot stove for another half hour. Jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Strawberry jam "Five minutes"

The original preparation for the winter will be Strawberry jam. For him, berries are mixed with granulated sugar in a ratio of 3: 1 and put on the stove. After the mixture boils, boil the strawberries over moderate heat for another 5 minutes. Add a teaspoon of citric acid and mix. Ready jam is transferred to jars.

When preparing jam, it is important not only to follow the recipe, but also to use high-quality raw materials. Getting into a jar of rotten berries or spoiled sugar will worsen the taste of the treat.

How to Make Frozen Strawberry Jam - Five Minute Strawberry Jam Recipe » Suseki

Some people do not make jam from frozen strawberries, fearing that it will spread. But, these are vain fears if you listen to the advice and recommendations of those who have already cooked such jam and got really jam, and not jam, or jam.

Ingredients: Strawberries, Citric Acid, Sugar Time to Book: All Year

I must say right away that the “five-minute” is very conditional and in fact you will spend a little more time, although this time will be spent on defrosting strawberries.

To make jam from frozen strawberries, you can take a little less sugar. After all, when freezing, excess water evaporated and only juice remained, which is already quite sweet.

Take 1 kg of strawberries and 600 grams of sugar. This is the ideal ratio for frozen berries. Put the strawberries in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, mix and let the berries melt on their own, at room temperature.

And now main secret: before putting the jam on the stove, add 10 grams of citric acid, or the juice of half a lemon, to the saucepan. Lemon will not allow the berries to spread and they will retain their bright color, and I'm not saying that lemon gives pleasant sourness and acts as a preservative.

Bring the jam to a boil, remove the foam and cook it over very high heat for 5 minutes.

Arrange the jam in jars or bowls and cool. Such jam can be rolled up, but this is not advisable. It is easier to make jam from frozen berries when you want jam, and not to prepare it for future use.

Frozen strawberry jam in a slow cooker

The only difficulty in making jam in a slow cooker is that when boiling, strawberries foam a lot, and can even crawl out from under the lid. Therefore, if you want to cook in a slow cooker, cook the jam in small portions.

Pour the frozen berries into the multicooker bowl, mix them with sugar and let the berries melt. After that, turn on the "multi-cook" or "languishing / stewing" mode for 30 minutes. Look at the jam, and skim off the foam from time to time.

To taste, jam from frozen strawberries is no different from that prepared from fresh berries. So, feel free to buy a bag of frozen strawberries in the store and make jam for your health.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker, see the video:

Multicookers significantly simplify the life of modern housewives, it is not for nothing that their popularity is growing. So it’s easier to cook jam in a slow cooker - you don’t need to stand over a red-hot berry mass boiling in a bowl. True, it will be somewhat different from that cooked by the usual method on the stove.

The process of making jam is limited to preparing berries, placing them in a multicooker bowl, and choosing the desired mode. You can cook jam or even jam in one session, although it will stretch for several hours, but during all this time it will be enough just to go to the slow cooker a few times to mix the mass, remove the foam.

They say that Redmond units are the most popular this year, which is quite understandable, given the quality, versatility and price. By the way, the RMC-M90 model looks very similar to the Polaris 0517, the functions are also almost the same. But for jam, the volume of the bowl, its coating is important. For the most popular models, the volume does not exceed 5 liters, which means that no more than 1.5 kg of berries can be processed at a time, since the container can only be filled by ⅓.

In order not to scratch the non-stick or ceramic coating, you should use a silicone, plastic or wooden spatula instead of a metal one. Very high-quality and beloved by many Panasonic multicookers generally have a small bowl of 2.5 liters.

You can make jam using the "Stew" or "Soup" modes, but the steam valve must be removed to facilitate the evaporation of the liquid. The finished dish will turn out to be more liquid, when compared with boiling syrup in an open basin, precisely because of the slow evaporation.

The slow cooker prepares jam well, jam - the berries are boiled evenly, the result is invariably tasty and pleasant to look at. But this method is good when you want to cook several jars different jam, and not when it is necessary to process tens of kilograms of the crop.

There are recipes that exclude sugar, that is, berries can be safely stored for the winter by simmering them in own juice, while they boil evenly, acquire the desired consistency.

Video "Apricot jam in a slow cooker"

From this video you will learn how to cook delicious apricot jam in a slow cooker.

Popular Recipes

A slow cooker not only facilitates the cooking process itself, minimizes the possibility of burns, saves time, but even increases usefulness. ready meal. Usually when heat treatment a lot is lost useful substances, at least vitamins disappear or are destroyed, and the “Extinguishing” mode allows you to keep the temperature at optimal level all the time of cooking, thereby increasing the benefits by 30%.


Apple jam is one of the most common, it is eaten with croutons, pies are baked with it. Its color depends on the degree of boiling, the ripeness of apples and their varieties. Fruit is prepared as follows:

  • choose slightly unripe;
  • wash thoroughly (recommended with soda);
  • peel, remove seeds and hard crusts of seed pods;
  • cut into small pieces(use a vegetable cutter).

For 1 kg of apples take 2 cups of sugar, juice of 1 lemon, 2 cups of water. Apples can not be cut finely, but left in quarters, if they are supposed to be crushed and boiled to a state of jam. First, they are placed in a bowl, approximately 1 glass of water is poured out, and the “Baking” mode is turned on for half an hour. During this time, they should become soft, and the skins can be put in a saucepan, pour a glass of water, boil until soft.

After half an hour, softened apples need to be mashed to a puree state, add sugar, pour in lemon juice (you can do without it, but then the taste will be cloying) and strained decoction of skins, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.

During this time, you will have to check the jam a couple of times, mix it. The finished product is transferred to a sterilized jar, tightly sealed.


Blackcurrant jam is saved in case of colds, because it contains a lot of vitamins, which means that with gentle cooking under the lid it will become even more useful.

For him, they take 1 kg of berries, sort, wash, let the water drain. Then they put the currants in a bowl, pour out 1-1.5 kg of sugar, close it, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 1.5 hours. During this time, you need to check several times, mix, remove the foam. That's all the worries. After 90 minutes, you can pour into jars, tighten the lids.


For apricot jam you will need 1 kg of fruit, 0.5 kg of sugar. To make the taste more interesting, you can add juice from half a lemon or some spices. Wash the apricots thoroughly, let them dry a little, take out the seeds, peeled halves and put them in the multicooker bowl. If you cook jam, then the halves should be chopped at this stage of preparation.

Apricot halves are covered with sugar, sprinkled lemon juice, close, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour.

Be sure to check how it cooks there in 20-30 minutes, mix, remove the foam. After turning off the hot jam, pour it into clean, disinfected jars, roll up the lids.


1 kg of berries are placed in a bowl, 1 kg of sugar is poured on top, the “Extinguishing” mode is turned on for 1-1.2 hours. After 30 minutes, be sure to mix or at least check the state of the jam. After shutdown ready dessert laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up with lids, turned over, wrapped for slow cooling.


For 1 kg of peaches take 800-900 g of sugar, 4 oranges, ½ cup of water. Peaches and oranges are peeled (peaches can be doused with boiling water for this) and pitted, cut into proportionate pieces, put in a bowl. Water is poured from above, sugar is poured. The slow cooker is set for 1.5 hours for "Extinguishing".

The finished jam will resemble jam in its consistency. If you need to save the pieces, then you can do without water, cover the fruit with sugar and wait until they give juice before turning it on. Simmer for 1.2 hours, turn the jars over and wrap until completely cool.

For 1 kg of fruit you will need 700-800 g of sugar. We clean the fruits, cut them, add sugar, “stew” for 1 hour. If you absolutely need homogeneous mass, then we wipe it through a sieve, and then turn on the “Extinguishing” mode again for 20 minutes.

Probably, every person likes to drink tea with strawberry, raspberry or in the winter. But in order to enjoy such a tasty and sweet dish in cold weather, in the summer you need to cook this dish. Today it is becoming more and more popular. Such popularity is due to the fact that a slow cooker is a device that significantly saves time in preparing certain dishes.

Features of making jam in a slow cooker

It is worth noting right away that a large number jams in a slow cooker will not work. This is due primarily to the fact that the volume of the bowl of this type of equipment does not allow you to fit a sufficient number of berries or fruits at once.

That is why, if you want to cook, for example, in a slow cooker, then you can not count on large volumes of a dish so loved by everyone.

It would also be useful to mention another feature of preparing such a dish as jam in a slow cooker. If you cook the dish with the lid open, then it will turn out quite thick. If the cooking process proceeds with the lid closed, then the dish will have quite liquid consistency. This feature is due to the fact that steam accumulates on the closed lid, which then enters the jam.

jams in a multicooker

To date, there are many recipes on the Internet according to which you can make jam in a slow cooker. It is worth noting right away that the reviews of many housewives about the preparation of this dish in this type of technique, for the most part, are only positive.

Now it’s worth talking about how to cook jam in a slow cooker. Apricot will be the main ingredient. To prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of fresh apricots, pitted;
  • half a lemon;
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar.

Peeled and well-washed apricots will need to be cut into halves - so the dish will turn out very beautiful. However, you can cut small cubes. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a bowl with chopped apricots. Pour all this with 300 grams of sugar and mix a little. It is advisable to carry out this process immediately in the bowl from the multicooker.

Perfect for making jam temperature conditions"Stew" or "Bake".
In order to make jam, usually 60 minutes is enough. It would be useful to mention that if you cook a dish in the "Baking" mode, then the multicooker lid will need to be opened. Remember to stir the jam regularly so that the apricot slices don't burn or stick to the bottom of the bowl. The prepared jam should be immediately poured into sterilized jars, which then need to be tightly rolled up with lids and turned upside down. OK it's all over Now. Our jam in the slow cooker is ready, all that remains is to serve it in a beautiful vase to the table and enjoy tea drinking with family and friends.