Delicious five-minute blackcurrant. Redcurrant jelly "five minutes" - a recipe for a slow cooker

"Quick" blackcurrant jam is prepared very simply

Blackcurrant - very tasty and useful berry, which differs high content vitamins B and C. This product has a beneficial effect on many functions human body. The berry is able to improve blood circulation, fill the body with tremendous energy and health. A wide variety of desserts are prepared from blackcurrant, such as jellies, juices, compotes, jams. The recipe for making jelly is quite simple, moreover, it allows modern housewives to save time, and blackcurrant “five-minute” jam is prepared very quickly.
In modern life, people sometimes lose the desire to engage in conservation, since this is a laborious process. We bring to your attention an express recipe for making fragrant blackcurrant jam and jelly. Such recipes are often called "five-minute". The name speaks for itself: you can easily and quickly cook delicious treat and keep it for a long time.

It is important to note that with this method of preparation, blackcurrant retains more useful substances, and the cooked product has a characteristic sourness.

Features of cooking "five minutes"

Blackcurrant express jam has a beautiful, rich color. The dessert is not liquid and looks more like jelly. The secret here is that when cooking is added sugar syrup more liquid consistency, but after cooling, it thickens and takes on a jelly-like appearance. Be careful if the jam remains liquid after cooling, then the dessert is not ready yet. In this case, put it on fire again - the excess water will evaporate, and the mass will acquire the appropriate consistency.

When the blackcurrant jam is ready, it sticks slightly to the sides of the dish rather than dripping down them. When cooking, it is important to take into account this particular sign of readiness. For cooking delicious dessert you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. berries;
  • 6 art. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. boiled water;
  • container made of stainless material;
  • pre-prepared jars.

You need to cook jam for 10-15 minutes

You need to prepare the “five-minute” as follows: we take half the norm of sugar, dissolve in water and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared berries into the syrup, before that we sort them out, wash and dry them. Cook for 7 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Add the remaining granulated sugar and cook for another 5 minutes.

We prepare jars for storage as follows: rinse, rinse with boiling water or steam in the microwave. We boil the lids.

Pour the finished cooled jam into jars and cork with lids.

The dessert turns out to be very rich and healthy, and cooking it according to this recipe will not take you much time.

Cooking homemade jelly

The recipe for this blackcurrant dessert is very simple. For cooking, you will need a little more sugar than for five-minute jam. Jelly can be stored even under normal room temperature. As in the first recipe, currant berries are sorted, washed and dried thoroughly. Then you need to weigh the berries to calculate the amount of sugar. To make jelly, the ratio of berries and sugar should be 1:1.5.

Jam according to this recipe is very rich and healthy.

In a wide bowl, spread the berries evenly and fill with water (you will need 2 cups per 1 kg of berries). Cook currants on low heat for 15 minutes after boiling. Don't forget to take off the foam. Next, add granulated sugar and cook for about 15 minutes more. Blackcurrant jelly is ready when the mass begins to thicken and, as it were, stick to the walls of the container. The mass is carefully placed in jars and placed in a cool place.

As you can see the recipe homemade dessert from blackcurrant does not require much effort to prepare, it is only important to observe a few simple recommendations. Bon appetit!

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Summer is in full swing, and we are happy to try to eat our favorite berries. For some, it's strawberries, others prefer raspberries, but for me there is nothing tastier than blackcurrant!

You can make sweets, jam, sweets from it, but I will offer you jelly-like currant jam, which has many interesting recipes.

Blackcurrant jelly is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Fruits have many, simply magical properties. IN summer time V fresh they are able to perfectly improve the body, and in winter time saturate us with vitamin C and other valuable substances.

What blackcurrant has beneficial features and contraindications?

First, let's look at the benefits that this berry brings. What vitamins can be found in it?

  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • carotene;
  • niacin etc.

Not devoid of currants and trace elements:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Based on this composition, one can understand why traditional healers revere her so much:

  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • due to the large amount of antioxidants, it successfully fights cancer;
  • affects brain health;
  • helps with disorders of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea;
  • enhances blood circulation, therefore it is used in the treatment of the female genital area;
  • cures skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema;
  • acts as a medicine for kidney diseases, as it has a diuretic effect;
  • thanks to vitamin composition prescribed for avitaminosis.

However, not everyone will benefit from blackcurrant. Fruits are not recommended for the following diseases:

  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach, including ulcers and hyperacidity;
  • increased thrombosis.

During pregnancy, contraindications should be taken into account. If they are present, the berry is best consumed in limited quantities.

How to make jam?

Many readers do not like to mess with jam, especially in the summer. It's hot, but I don't want to stand by the stove! But if blackcurrant grows in your country house, five-minute jelly jam will come in handy. It is not difficult to prepare it. Consider the recipe step by step.

Five Minute


  • 4 tbsp. fruits;
  • 6 art. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. water.


  1. Pour half of the sugar into the water.
  2. Boil.
  3. Put currants and boil for 7 minutes.
  4. Pour in the rest of the sugar.
  5. Cook for 5 more minutes.
  6. Pour currants into sterilized jars and roll up.

Store the prepared jam for five minutes in winter in a cool place.

Jam for 7 cups of berries

You can make jam in any proportion. It all depends on how many berries you have. Here is a recipe for 7 cups of currants. Ingredients:

  • 3 art. water;
  • 10 st. granulated sugar;
  • 7 art. fruits.

The method of preparation does not differ from the previous one. The difference is only in quantity.

Jam for 11 cups of currant

Here are more proportions for more jam. The recipe for 11 glasses of berries will require the ingredients:

  • 1.5 st. water;
  • 11 art. berries;
  • 13 art. Sahara.

Jam for 22 cups of currant

And here is another recipe for 22 cups:

  • 6 art. water;
  • 26 art. Sahara;
  • 22 art. berry base.

However, in the last recipe for 22 cups, the cooking method is slightly different:

  1. In 6 st. water pour 12 tbsp. Sahara.
  2. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour currants and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar, boil and remove from heat.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars.

Whichever recipe you choose, the jam-jelly will turn out very tasty!

Jam in a slow cooker

Of course, not everyone wants to stand near the stove in the heat. So if you have kitchen appliances who will make the jam for you will be just fine!

I offer a recipe that will make life easier for many housewives. Cooking jam in a slow cooker!


  • 700 g of the main product;
  • 700 g sugar.


  1. Wash the fruits and put them in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour sugar on top and let the products stand a little. This measure allows you not to add water. The product should release juice.
  3. Turn on the "extinguishing" mode and leave for 25 minutes.
  4. At this time, sterilize jars and lids.
  5. When the jam is ready, let it cool down a bit.
  6. Sort by banks. If you want the jam to be stored all winter, the filled jars must be additionally sterilized in hot water.

So, cooking in a slow cooker is less troublesome, but it does not allow you to immediately prepare the product for long-term storage. If you won't be eating jam anytime soon, it's best to cook on gas the traditional way.

This dish can be used as a complete dessert. Over time, having settled in jars, it hardens and really resembles jelly. It is not a pity to treat relatives and friends with such a dish.

What are the benefits?

The advantages of this cooking method are obvious. Usually, in order to get a quality harvest, you have to defend the fruits for some time with granulated sugar so that they let the juice flow. Then the currant boils for a long time.

The secret of this dish is in large numbers granulated sugar, acting as a preservative. Of course, at the present time, the option is not cheap, but if you value time, then this is for you.

Until we meet again, friends!

If you still doubt whether you should try to prepare for the winter Jam "Pyatiminutka" blackcurrant, then leave all doubts behind, and quickly write down the presented recipe in your cookbook.

As soon as you try the first spoonful of this fragrant, sweet dessert with such a unique taste, every year you will harvest currant jam to please your loved ones delicious tea party And homemade cakes. Do not forget that such a “bright” jam can cause an allergic reaction in a small child when regular use and even lead to diathesis.

Blackcurrant jam recipes "Five minutes"

You have excellent blackcurrant jam recipes "Five minutes", which will allow you to prepare a fragrant homemade delicacy for the winter without the addition of preservatives and various flavors that are filled with store-bought berry rolls. The main advantage of blackcurrant is not only in its pronounced taste and rich aroma, but also in unique benefit for the body. Currant be famous high content ascorbic acid, so in the summer do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating plenty of fresh berries, and for the winter prepare a few jars of fragrant jam.

Of course, when you cook, you expose them to a long boil: the berry mass should be boiled for a long time in syrup to get delicious jam, and, as is known, during a long heat treatment all useful components are destroyed. However, in this recipe there is no need for long cooking, which allows the currant to retain its full vitamin potential.

You probably already know about the raspberry or strawberry Five Minute recipes, and noticed that they do not have water in the ingredient list. In the case of strawberries, there is no need for water, since the berry gives a lot of juice, but currants will not release much juice, so you will need water for syrup. As for sugar, in this recipe you need to deviate from classical proportion berries and sugar - 1 to 1, since black currants will need large quantity sugar, approximately 1 to 1.5.

Only under these conditions will you receive delicious jam "Five minutes" which will be kept for a year. And if you cook, then before starting cooking, you should leave slices of fruit covered with sugar for at least 12 hours.

    Black currant - 1 kg

    Sugar (sand) - 1.5 kg

    Water - 300-330 ml

Homemade jam will become a real vitamin miracle with a rich berry flavor, which can not only be served in a tea bowl, but also used as a filling for delicious baked pies, puffs and rolls.

Store a treat fast food should be in the refrigerator, it is not necessary to close the jars at all iron lids, you can limit yourself to kapron. Jars of jam should not be stored for more than one year, so that it definitely does not deteriorate, does not lose its taste.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" blackcurrant

When picking berries, try to select only the most ripe ones, they have a rich “black” color, unripe and greenish ones will give extra acid to your jam, remain hard and sour in sugar syrup, and if there are a lot of them, they will even spoil the taste of your workpiece. Then all the collected berries must be sorted out from the garbage, if necessary, cut off the small tails, and then put them in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water. Be sure to pay attention to the remnants of debris, twigs and pieces of leaves do not get into the berry mass, this can shorten the shelf life of your preservation.

Before adding sugar to the berries, be sure to remove excess liquid by throwing it into a colander. While the water is draining from the currant, you can start preparing jars. For jam, it is better to take jars of small capacity - 0.3-0.5 liters, it is convenient to store a treat in them, and already open jar you can eat quickly instead of storing in the refrigerator.

The most convenient way to sterilize half-liter jars is to use the oven: the jars must first be washed with soda solution, then placed in the oven and turned on at 100 degrees. On a baking sheet, be sure to lay a towel, and arrange the jars so that the walls do not touch each other.

Sugar syrup is brewed separately: required amount sugar (according to the number of berries) must be poured with water, mixed in a saucepan with a thick bottom or a cauldron, and then put on a small fire. Boil the syrup for a few minutes after boiling, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. The syrup must be stirred, otherwise it will burn to the bottom.

When the sugar dissolves, put the berries into the boiling syrup and boil them for another five minutes. It was such a short cooking that gave the jam its name - “Five Minute”. It remains only to spread berry jam in jars, and tightly close with a clean sterile lid.

If you cook blackcurrant jam "Five minutes", jelly you definitely won't be able to. Short-term cooking does not allow the berries to “turn sour”, it will turn into a homogeneous berry mass, the berries will remain whole, slightly wrinkled, soaked in sweet syrup. A delicacy can be called jelly only by its consistency during storage in a jar, after a couple of months the jam will become thicker, literally turning into jelly.

To assess the degree of readiness of the sugar syrup, which then should turn into jelly, you should pay attention not to the walls of the cooking utensils - a sweet “plaque” should appear on them, such a raid does not flow down the walls, but remains a “crust”.

Turn out very tasty berry mixes based on blackcurrant, for example, which also cooks quickly, but you will need a lot of time and patience to remove the pits from cherries.

Blackcurrant berries for making five-minute jam are really boiled in sugar syrup for only 5 minutes. The total cooking time, taking into account the sterilization of the jars, will, of course, take a little longer. However, in any case, this is the most fast way prepare berries for winter storage.

This recipe is the simplest, because for its preparation, apart from berries and sugar, almost nothing is needed.

Let's take the components in such quantities:

  • berries 1 kg;
  • sugar a little less than 1.5 kg;
  • water 1.5-2 standard glasses.

We act like this:

Step 1. We prepare all the components, especially the berry. Currants need to be sorted out, to separate all the twigs, leaves and dirt. Rinse under a sieve, inspect again and, if necessary, rinse again with water.

Step 2. We prepare sugar syrup - this is a highly concentrated solution of sugar in water. To do this, pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add sugar and gradually heat (preferably over moderate heat), stirring regularly. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the crystals.

Step 3. In the meantime, prepare the jars: first, rinse with soda, then wipe dry and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C, or keep the same amount of time over boiling water.

Or you can just stand the jars in the microwave, turned on at full power, for 4 minutes. Lids also need to be sterilized.

Step 4. As soon as the sugar dissolves completely, put the berries in boiling syrup - exactly 5 minutes.

Step 5. We lay out our five-minute currant in jars and close with any lids (you can also use screw ones). Cool under a blanket, then store in the refrigerator.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam - an excellent preparation for the winter

The details of the process (how to make blackcurrant jam for the winter) can also be seen in the video:

Five-minute currant jam: a recipe for making jelly in a slow cooker

To be fair, we note that currant jelly we can do it in any way of preparing a five-minute meal. After all, we use a very saturated solution of sugar - syrup, in which there is practically no water.

But it still doesn't hurt to consider another recipe. This is the simplest option for five-minute currant jam, because O Most of the work will be done by the technique, namely the multicooker.

For ease of preparation, you can measure everything with a glass - the same for all components.

Ingredients (in glasses):

  • berries 8 glasses;
  • sugar 10 cups;
  • water 2 cups.

The instruction is very simple:

Step 1. To make a five-minute blackcurrant for the winter, sort out the berries, wash them and cover them with sugar. You can lightly crush with a wooden spoon (the dishes can be made of any material, but metal is not desirable).

Step 2. Leave the berries in this form overnight (6-7 hours) at room temperature.

Step 3. Juice appears the next morning - this is exactly what we need. We shift the mass into a multicooker and set the program "Multipovar" (the temperature is low - only 120 ° C). We cook currant jam for 10 minutes, and do not close the lid.

Step 4. Pour the five-minute currant jelly jam into pre-prepared jars and twist. We put it in the refrigerator.

Five-minute blackcurrant jelly for the winter: a recipe without water

And this cooking method will allow you to get the most thick jelly from currants, which is possible, because water is not involved here at all. We can say that it is "extracted" from the juice of berries, so we do not need any additional moisture.


  • 10 glasses of sugar;
  • 8 glasses of berries.

The sequence of actions is about the same, only this time we will cook in regular saucepan and not in the multicooker.

Cooking progress step by step:

Step 1. We wash the berry and cover it with sugar. You can stretch the fruits a little, although this is not necessary. And leave for the whole day - for about 12-15 hours.

Step 2. Now pour this mass into a saucepan, bring to a boil and remove all the foam.

Step 3. After boiling, you can cook currants for no more than 10 minutes and pour into pre-sterilized jars. Roll up, cool under a blanket and store in the refrigerator.

Currant goes very well with raspberries.

These berries can also be used for homemade preparations, and they are usually taken in the same ratio.


  • 0.5 kg of currants (this is 2.5-3 cups).
  • the same amount of raspberries;
  • 0.7 kg of sugar (this is 3.5 cups);
  • 2-3 glasses of water.

How to cook five-minute blackcurrant jam according to this recipe:

Step 1. We collect and sort out the berries, carefully remove all the leaves, remove the stalks from the raspberries and wash them (preferably through a sieve).

Step 2. Cook sugar syrup: pour sugar with water and bring to a boil so that all the crystals have time to dissolve.

Step 3. Pour the fruits of raspberries and currants into the syrup and cook for 5-10 minutes from the boil, then turn it off immediately.

Step 4. We pour our five-minute currant and raspberry into pre-processed jars and roll it up for the winter.

Dietary recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam with orange

And this cooking option is interesting because, in fact, you don’t even have to cook anything. Moreover, in this case they put much less sugar, so this delicacy is suitable for almost everyone - including those who regularly monitor their figure.

Let's take the following components:

  • currants 8 glasses;
  • sugar 4 cups (you can add a few tablespoons of honey);
  • 1 orange.

The recipe is very simple and includes the following steps.

How to cook:

Step 1. We wash the berry, cut the orange together with the peel, peel it. True, citrus can be peeled if the peel is quite dense. The fact is that its white part can add to finished product a little bitterness.

Step 3. Add sugar in small portions, stirring constantly so that the crystals dissolve completely. Once again, carefully beat the mixture of berries, orange and sugar in a blender.

Step 4. Sterilize jars and lay out raw jam from currant. Then the containers are removed for storage in the refrigerator.

Such a delicacy is especially useful with low-calorie, useful products- for example, with oatmeal and rye bread.

Currant five-minute jam - great for bread

It can also be combined with fat-free cottage cheese. Such a dish will be a good alternative to a regular dinner - after all, sometimes it is very useful to unload yourself.

Bon appetit!

Currant jam 5-minute, the recipes of which I offer you today for consideration, is one of my favorites. In fairness, I must say that I am still Carlson, and I love almost any jam. But there are two favorites - five-minute currant jam, the recipe of which I will give a little lower, and jelly-like currant jam. I tried such a jam, similar to thick jelly, while still a student, from the hostess, from whom I rented a room. It was so delicious, just incredible! No one cooked this at our house, so I remembered the taste and texture for the rest of my life. And, to my joy, not so long ago I found a recipe for this wonderful jam on the net, so I have been preparing it for the second year myself. Therefore, I share currant yummy with you. In addition, I can’t help but tell you about the most vitamin cooking option - blackcurrant jam without cooking tastes like summer itself!


The fastest and thickest five-minute currant jam

Such jam is cooked so quickly that it practically does not have time to lose vitamins. Try to cook only 2 liters of jam at first, and if you like it - I think you will definitely like it - just double or triple the amount of ingredients. So, to prepare such a jam in the amount of two liter cans, you will need to take the following products:

  • Black currant - 5 glasses without a slide;
  • Filtered water - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 7 glasses.

Yes, there is quite a lot of sugar, but it makes a wonderful sugar syrup. In addition, currants for this jam can be used both very ripe and medium ripe, in any case, the taste will be very balanced. You can cook jam both from freshly picked berries and from frozen ones, it turns out the same thing. First you need to sort out the currant. We remove all the branches, thoroughly wash the berries several times to remove all the garbage, which is usually a lot.

Pour the berries into a colander, let the water drain a little. Now take a saucepan or your favorite enamel basin in which you make jam. Pour the required amount of water into it. After that, you will need to pour currants there - immediately in cold water. We wait until it boils. As soon as it boils, add granulated sugar there and mix everything rather quickly, but gently mix so as not to crush the berries.

Looking forward to a re-boil. By this time, dry and sterilized jars should already be waiting for us on the table. Pour the jam hot, roll up the jars immediately.

We take into account an important point - currant jam is prepared only in small portions, if you cook the whole crop at once, the currant will overheat while it boils, the pectin will collapse, and the jam will not be so thick!

Currant jam 5-minute

Very similar to the previous recipe, tasty, thick, with whole beautiful berries. The proportions of the products and the method of preparation are slightly different, try making some jam, I think the result will not disappoint you. Again, the same rule applies here as in the previous recipe - so that the pectin does not collapse when overheated, we cook the jam in small portions - it boils quickly, pours quickly - and voila, everything is ready. For cooking, you will need to take the following products:

  • Currant - 5.5 glasses;
  • Water - 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar -7 cups (divided into 2 portions).

Let's prepare the berries first. We sort out the currants very carefully, making sure that branches and other debris do not fall into the workpiece. Then we take cold filtered water, pour it into a container in which we will cook jam. There we add currant berries and half the sugar. We mix everything, put on fire and wait for boiling.

As soon as it boils, we time the timer for exactly 5 minutes. After this time, add another half of the sugar, 3.5 cups. Stir so that the sugar just has time to dissolve. There is no need to wait for a re-boil.

The jars should already be prepared, sterilized, clean and dry, as well as the lids. Immediately pour hot jam into jars with a ladle and roll everything up. Don't flip, it's not necessary. Just wrap until cool. It is well stored up to 3 years, does not even sugar.

Currant jam without cooking

Super-simple jam, it really takes 5 minutes to prepare, no more. The proportions are incredibly simple, 1:1, in addition, you can make such jam even from frozen berries. If you cook according to all the rules so that the vitamins are preserved, then you will need to crush the berries with a wooden spoon. But then there is no question of cooking speed. But real lazy people, like me, prefer a meat grinder or a blender. For cooking you will need:

  • Sugar - 500 grams;
  • Currant berries - 500 grams.

It is prepared like this - first you need to sort out the blackcurrant berries and remove all the garbage. After that, you need to rinse the currant a couple of times, and pour it into a colander so that the water drains. Since the jam is “raw”, there should be no water in it, the berries are needed, albeit not dry, but still well dried.

After that, the berries are crushed - as already written above, either with a meat grinder or a blender. And then the berry mass is covered with sugar. We haven’t rolled anything up yet, it may need editing. First, leave a bowl of jam at room temperature under a towel, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as it dissolves, we try. Perhaps there is not enough sugar for your taste, then add more, and wait and try again.

Jam can not be rolled up, but simply covered with dry lids. It is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, it can stand up to a year. If you are afraid that it will go bad or moldy, you can pour 1.5-2 cm of sugar on top, then nothing will happen to him. A small note - such raw jam can be made from any seasonal berries, be it raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, and so on.