Simple recipes for thick jam and apple confiture for the winter at home. Apple dishes, confiture

I use the gelling agent "Zhelfix", but there are other analogues: Jamix, Jam for example and others. And the varieties of this remedy exist as follows: 3: 1, 2: 1 and 1: 1 (fruit: sugar). For non-acidic apples I used Zhelfix 3:1, 350 g of sugar is required per 1 kg of apples (but for cherry jam I used 2:1, i.e. 500 g of sugar per 1 kg of cherries). Apples can be peeled, or they can be cooked with the skin, they can be cut into pieces, or they can be pureed in a blender, choose the option you need. I first pour over the jars for confiture with boiling water, in which I kept the lids for them, and dry them.

I prefer not the puree-like consistency of the confiture, but the one in which you can see apple slices and they crunch a little. Therefore, I wash the apples well, dry them, remove the core and cut them into small pieces into a cooking pot.

Next, sugar needs to be mixed with a gelling agent. (If you use 2:1 or 1:1 products, then you need to mix not with all the sugar, but with two tablespoons; the rest of the sugar will be added after the fruit boils).

Mix the apples well with the prepared sugar and place over medium heat.

Bring the fruit to a boil while stirring constantly. (At this stage, the remaining sugar is added when using 2:1 or 1:1 means). If desired, you can add cinnamon and lemon zest, the confiture will become even more tasty and aromatic!

Boil the fruit over low heat for 3 minutes. With longer boiling, the gelling properties of the mixture may decrease. Remove from heat, stir well, skim off foam if necessary.

Pour the prepared confiture into prepared jars, close the lids and turn upside down. Leave for 5 minutes. Then return the jars to their normal position and cool. Store the finished confiture in a cool place (I keep it in the pantry).

Jam is a sweet fruit or berry treat with a jelly-like consistency. It is prepared mainly from fruits with a high content of pectin - a natural thickener that provides the product with a characteristic texture. Apples are ideal for making jam.

What to cook with

More pectin is found in strong, ripe or even slightly unripe fruits. These are the apples that you should choose to create the blank. Overripe fruits with loose pulp can be used to make jam, but not jam. Only fresh apples are good. Among the most suitable varieties Sweet and sour varieties are noted:

  • "White filling";
  • "Grushovka";
  • "Antonovka";
  • "Slav";
  • "Ranetki";
  • "Simirenko".

For implementation basic recipe, in addition to apples, you only need sugar. Some sources recommend using brown cane, but using traditional white will not affect the taste of the delicacy in any way. True, brown sugar will give the product a beautiful caramel shade.

As additional ingredients Other fruits, berries and even vegetables, as well as various spices, can be added to the jam.

Some sources consider jam with pieces of fruit to be a heterogeneous (heterogeneous) variety of delicacy, while others call it confiture.

Jam is often prepared in a basin: such a vessel ensures uniform heating of the product. But a cauldron, a saucepan made of stainless steel or with a ceramic coating will also work: the jam will stick and burn to the bottom of the enamel container. Four subtleties of preparing delicacies.

  1. Amount of sugar. The classic ratio of sugar and apples when making jam is 1:1. You can take more or a little less sugar, but you shouldn’t greatly reduce the amount of the sweet ingredient: the product can quickly deteriorate.
  2. Technology. The jam is prepared in several steps, this is required in order to maintain the shape of the berries and fruits, and when making jam it is important to achieve uniformity, so the product is cooked in one go.
  3. Cooking duration. Depending on the recipe, the composition can be prepared from 20-30 to 40-60 minutes. Overcooking the product negatively affects color, consistency and taste. You can’t make a delicacy without cooking: only heat treatment will help achieve the characteristic consistency of jam.
  4. Laying. To preserve for the winter hot billet placed in sterilized jars to the very edges: the less air there is in the container, the longer the jam will be stored. To protect the product from mold, you need to cover the delicacy with a circle of wax paper before rolling.

To check the readiness of the product, you need to drop a small amount of it on a saucer and after one or two minutes tilt the plate: if the jam, having thickened in air, does not flow, you can finish cooking.

Apple jam for the winter: 10 options

Wash the apples, remove the stems and core. If the skin of the fruit is thin, it may not be removed until appearance and this will not affect the taste of the jam. It is recommended to cut off the thick peel. Chop the fruit into small cubes or process with a coarse grater. Do apple jam you can by passing the main ingredient through a meat grinder. The finer the fruit is cut, the faster the delicacy will cook.


Peculiarities. A simple recipe for apple jam is a lifesaver for busy housewives who want to quickly preserve a large amount of fruit with a minimum amount of ingredients.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - half a glass.


  1. Mix apples with sugar, add water, boil.
  2. Cook for 40 minutes until the fruit softens, stir, reduce heat to low, cook for another hour, stirring occasionally.
  3. After the volume of the mass has approximately halved, check the readiness of the jam.

As a fruit base, you can use both apples and pears, mixed in arbitrary proportions: this will give the preparation a unique aroma.


Peculiarities. If you don’t have time to stand at the stove, you can make jam in the oven: you can avoid long cooking.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Mix apples with sugar and leave for 30-40 minutes to release the juice.
  2. Place in an oven preheated to 250°C. After boiling, the jam is ready.
  3. If desired, process the mixture with a blender or mince it, then boil and cook for one minute.

With oranges

Peculiarities. Preparing orange and apple jam for the winter requires the use of citrus zest. Therefore, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed with running water and laundry soap.


  • oranges and apples - 1 kg each;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - two glasses.


  1. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the oranges.
  2. Divide the citrus fruits into slices and remove the white membrane.
  3. Pour water over the apples, boil, reduce heat and cook until softened.
  4. Rub the mixture through a sieve, heat and stir in the oranges and zest.
  5. Cook, stirring constantly, for 12-15 minutes.

When preparing treats for diabetics, you can do without sugar: for 1 kg of fruit base, take 700 g of sorbitol or 500-600 g of xylitol.

With lemon and cinnamon

Peculiarities. The combination of apples and cinnamon in cooking is considered classically harmonious. It is better to buy the spice in sticks, and grind it with a coffee grinder or a special mill before adding it to the dish.


  • apples and sugar - 1 kg each;
  • lemon - one fruit;
  • water - half a glass;
  • ground cinnamon to taste.


  1. Mix squeezed lemon juice with apples and add sugar.
  2. Leave for an hour and a half until the juice releases.
  3. Pour in water, boil and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Remove from heat, cool slightly and beat with a blender.
  5. Cook for another minute, cool.

Together with cinnamon, you can add finely grated ginger into the jam, but not more than one or two tablespoons, otherwise the taste of the preparation will be too burning. Spicy taste has a delicacy brewed with five to six fresh leaves mint or basil.

With plum

Peculiarities. The delicacy is prepared without water and therefore turns out thicker. If the plums are sour, you can increase the amount of sugar by 200-300 g. If you store the delicacy in the refrigerator, it will become similar in consistency to marmalade.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon and lemon zest - a teaspoon each.


  1. Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. Mix with apples.
  2. Add sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest, leave for an hour.
  3. Heat over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Reduce heat and cook for another half hour.
  5. Cool the apple-plum mixture a little, grind through a sieve or beat with a blender.
  6. Re-boil, cook for a minute.

Instead of plums, you can use peaches or apricots.

With pumpkin

Peculiarities. To make apple and pumpkin jam, you need to use the pulp of the sweet, bright yellow fruit. After cooling finished product You can add one or two tablespoons of honey.


  • pumpkin, apples and sugar - 1 kg each;
  • lemon - one fruit;
  • water - two glasses.


  1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, mix with apples, add water, cook until the fruit and vegetable mass softens.
  2. Stir in sugar, squeezed lemon juice and one or two teaspoons of citrus zest.
  3. After the sugar crystals have dissolved, reduce the heat and cook, stirring, until the liquid evaporates.

To obtain homogeneous consistency, you can turn the boiled mixture of apples and pumpkin into puree using a blender before adding sugar.

With carrots

Peculiarities. Carrots are a hard vegetable and require a long period of cooking to soften the fruit. Choose sweet, juicy specimens that are bright orange.


  • apples - 1.2 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - four glasses;
  • lemons - two pieces;
  • water - one and a half glasses;
  • ground ginger and cinnamon - half a teaspoon each.


  1. Process the carrots with a coarse grater, add a glass of water and add three-quarters of a glass of sugar.
  2. Heat the mixture over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. This will take 40-50 minutes.
  3. Chop apples and lemons (along with zest) into small pieces and mix with carrots.
  4. Add the remaining sugar, cinnamon and ginger, pour in half a glass of water, cook until the apples soften, remove from heat, and cool.
  5. Process with a blender or meat grinder.
  6. Reboil, cook for one minute.

With chokeberry

Peculiarities. You can make apple jam of a beautiful burgundy color using ripe chokeberry berries.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • chokeberry - 300 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Pour boiling water over the berries and cook over low heat for five minutes.
  2. Add the apples cut into slices (do not remove the core), cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  3. After softening the berry-fruit mass, remove the pan from the heat, cool slightly and rub through a sieve to get rid of seeds and skin.
  4. Add sugar to the puree, boil and cook over low heat for an hour.

Instead of rowan, you can use cranberries or lingonberries. In this case, the number of berries increases to 1 kg, and sugar - to 2 kg.

In a slow cooker

Peculiarities. Even novice housewives can make apple jam in a slow cooker. This universal device will eliminate the need to constantly be at the stove. When using a multicooker, you cannot take 1 kg of apples.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - glass.


  1. Mix the apples with sugar, immerse them in the bowl of the appliance and set the “Stew” program for an hour. The multicooker lid must be closed.
  2. Mix the composition, set the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes, leaving the lid of the device slightly open. Stir the jam two or three times during cooking.

The delicacy can also be made in a bread machine by loading the ingredients into the bowl and setting the “Jam” mode for the time recommended in the instructions for the device.

In the microwave

Peculiarities. You can prepare a small amount of jam in the microwave, so using the device for making preparations for the winter is not advisable.


  • apples - two fruits;
  • sugar and lemon juice - half a glass each.


  1. Mix sugar and apples in a microwave-safe container, cover with a lid.
  2. Place the bowl in the appliance for three to four minutes, setting the heating power to maximum.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool slightly and process in a blender.
  4. Place in the microwave again for seven to eight minutes, with the device operating at 60-70% of its possible power.
  5. Stir in lemon juice.

A delicacy with a twist

To make the preparation with a more pronounced taste, water can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice. Apple or grape are great. Here are three more ideas.

  1. Peel decoction. If the peel is cut from the apples, you can add half a glass of water, boil for ten minutes, strain and use it instead of water when making jam. It is the skin that contains more pectin, so the delicacy with such a decoction comes out very thick.
  2. Honey. By using honey instead of sugar, you can make more healthy sweets. Recommended proportions: 0.5 liters of beekeeping product per 1 kg of apples. Strong heating of honey reduces nutritional value product, so it is added to the composition after the fruit mass has been cooked and cooled to 50-60°C.
  3. Cake. After harvesting the apples, the pulp remains in the juicer. This product is suitable for making jam. The delicacy is cooked in the traditional way, but instead of water it is better to use freshly squeezed fruit juice, and from the cake before cooking you need to remove solid particles, if any: seeds, skins, tails.

What to eat with

Enjoy homemade apple jam as a bite with tea or spread on crispy toast. And when you want something special, you can use the simple recipes described below.

Sweet pancakes

  1. Beat two eggs with two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Mix a glass of milk, a glass of kefir and one and a half glasses of flour.
  3. Using a blender or mixer, beat the dough without lumps.
  4. Bake pancakes.
  5. Every one is lubricated apple jam and roll it into a roll.


  1. Using a mixer, beat two eggs with a glass of sugar, add a glass of kefir.
  2. Mix two cups of flour with baking powder (one and a half teaspoons) and add to the dough.
  3. Continuing whipping, add two-thirds of a glass of refined vegetable oil.
  4. Divide among muffin tins and spoon half a teaspoon of apple jam into each.
  5. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 25 minutes.


  1. Pour 300 ml of milk into a saucepan and heat slightly.
  2. Add two and a half tablespoons of flour.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, stirring, and cook until thickened for two to three minutes.
  4. Turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave for three to five minutes.
  5. Place on a plate and top with a tablespoon of apple jam.

The apple jam recipe can be adjusted to the taste preferences of your household by adjusting the composition and proportions of the ingredients. A treat with a volume of sugar equal to or greater than the volume of the fruit base can be stored at room temperature, if there is less sweet component, the workpiece should be placed in a cool place.

Today I want to offer you a simple and unpretentious way to prepare apples. Let's prepare a spicy and very aromatic confiture from apples for the winter. So tasty and healthy home preparation– a godsend for the “hot” time of apple harvest, because preparing jam involves short-term heat treatment, minimal amount sugar in the composition and the simplest possible preparation process.

This cooking option allows you not only to preserve the rich natural aroma of apples, but also to emphasize them. delicate taste. Thanks to natural high content pectin in the apples themselves and the addition of gelling components, the consistency of the finished apple confiture is more reminiscent of marmalade or jelly. And adding warm spicy spices– cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and citrus zest - allows you, with minimal effort, to turn a handful of seemingly unremarkable fruits into a truly festive and memorable dessert. Try it!

For cooking apple jam For the winter, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Remove the seed pod and cut the apples into small pieces. Add the zest of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and water in such quantity that it covers the apples by about 2/3.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer, covered, for 15-20 minutes until the apple slices are soft.

Remove citrus zest and chop the apples until puree. You can use a blender, rub the apples through a sieve, or even use a regular potato masher if you don’t mind the strips of apple peel in the finished jam.

I do not recommend peeling apples in advance - apple peel a lot of pectin, which in combination with the gelling component gives the confiture that very appetizing “marmalade-jelly” texture.

TO applesauce add spices and pectin (I used - ready mix for preparing confiture based on citrus pectin). Following the manufacturer's instructions, I pre-mix pectin with 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Stirring over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil.

Add sugar. Select the amount of sugar according to the instructions on the pectin package. My recommended proportions are 2:1, i.e. For 1 kg of peeled apples I add 500 grams of sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil again and, stirring, cook for another 5 minutes.

Place hot confiture in sterilized jars, close with lids, roll up and wrap until cool.

Apple confiture is ready for the winter! Bon appetit!


  • 1 kg peeled apples
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla, optional

I give the calculation of ingredients for jam for 1 kg of apples, already peeled and seeds removed. If you have large quantity already peeled apples, simply increase the proportions of sugar and water accordingly.
This recipe for apple jam is also good because you can use both overripe apples and carrion, which are not used, for example, for jam, and still it always turns out delicious. Especially delicious jam will be from sour or sweet and sour apples, but even if you have sweet apples, you can always add a little citric acid to it.


These are the beautiful fragrant apples I used this time for apple jam. They were a little overripe and weren’t very suitable for eating anymore, but they were just right for jam.

Peel the apples from skins and seeds and cut them into 4-6 pieces.

One day my mother said: “Why are you peeling the apples? You’re wasting so much time!” I obeyed and made jam, peeling only the middle of the apples. And I really regretted it! The result was a completely different apple jam than usual, not as delicate in consistency and, for me, naturally, not as tasty. You can save time on something else - peel the middle of the apple not with a knife, but with a special device.

Of course, with this method, a larger amount of pulp is cut out than when processed with a knife, but this does not sadden me at all - apple centers and skins make an excellent rich compote!
We pass the peeled apples through a meat grinder.

Transfer the mixture to a pan, preferably a non-stick one, add water, heat to a boil and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. When heated, the apple mass begins to puff and, if it is not constantly stirred, apple splashes will scatter far beyond the stove. 🙂

After 30 minutes, add sugar.

Stir and cook for another 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. If desired, about five minutes before the end of cooking, add a pinch of cinnamon and vanillin, if you like these flavors. I usually add no ground cinnamon, and a whole stick, I boil it for the last 15-20 minutes, and then I fish it out and throw it away.
It’s very tasty if you add lemon zest, grated on a fine grater, along with sugar, at the rate of 1 kg of peeled apples - the zest of half a medium lemon. The jam turns out very aromatic with a wonderful lemon flavor. In this case, the addition of cinnamon and vanillin is not canceled, everything is optional. 🙂

While the apple jam is cooking, we sterilize the jars at the same time. If there are a lot of jars, it is convenient to sterilize them in the oven - washed with a sponge and detergent Place the jars directly wet in a cold oven on their sides on a wire rack. Turn on the oven, heat to a temperature of 100-110 degrees, keep the jars for 10 minutes, turn off the oven and let the jars cool. This is what I always did before, when there were preparations on an “industrial” scale. Now few cans are needed, and I sterilize them one by one with strong steam, arranging this design:

It is enough to hold each jar over steam for 5-7 minutes, the jam has never soured and not a single jar has exploded. 🙂

On the advice of my reader in the commentary to this recipe, I have recently begun to sterilize jars in microwave oven. Incredibly convenient! I pour water into clean jars to a level of 2-3 cm, put it in the microwave, as much as it will go in, and turn it on at maximum power. When the water boils, I let it simmer for three minutes and turn it off.
I just boil the lids on the stove for 5-7 minutes.

Place the finished apple jam hot into jars, trying to fill the jar evenly with the edges.

Turn the jars upside down and let cool. There is no need to wrap yourself warmly.

This apple jam is perfectly stored in a cupboard on a shelf, preferably no more than a year. It won’t spoil, of course, but time doesn’t add any flavor.
This time I had a little less than 2.5 kg of apples, of which I got 1.5 kg of peeled ones and in the end I got three half-liter jars of jam and another vase of 200 grams.

That's all the wisdom. As you can see, everything is done extremely simply, and sweet pleasure for the winter is guaranteed. Apple jam is delicious to spread on fresh bread or toasted toast, and children enjoy eating it with jam or.
You can also prepare it for the winter; it is even easier to prepare, since the plums according to this recipe are not peeled.

That's all for today. Good luck and have a nice day!

Always have fun cooking!

Smile! 🙂

The cat's point of view on some things does not always coincide with the owner's...

Apple jam is the most popular and favorite sweet treat. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The majority of the population does not know about many of the qualities of this product.

You should definitely know about beneficial properties apple jam. It preserves all vitamins and microelements. Them as in fresh apples, and in the boiled version there is quite a lot. Contains:

  • beta - carotene;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, H, C, PP);
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium.

All these components are fully conveyed in apple jam.

Sweet dessert promotes:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • strengthening heart muscles;
  • reducing blood cholesterol.

In addition to those listed beneficial effects, the product is an excellent source of vitamins, microelements, and nutrients.

Interesting apple jam recipes for the winter

Any housewife loves to experiment. Everyone probably has special recipe from grandma. There are many interesting and simple recipes apple jam, which all housewives should know about.

Before starting the process of making apple jam for the winter, it is necessary to process the fruits. They should be:

Apples do not need to be peeled. However, the jam without them turns out more tender and homogeneous.

Simple apple jam recipe

This method of cooking is traditional. The composition of the sweet includes:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • glass of water;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid.

Pour prepared ones into a cooking container.
They can be ground or finely chopped. Add all the ingredients there and put on fire. It is necessary to stir constantly so that it does not stick. After boiling, cook for about half an hour.

The jam will be thicker if you cook it over high heat. For a more liquid one, you need to reduce the heat well.

The finished dessert, when hot, is poured into sterilized jars and closed. Store preferably in a cool place.

This is a fairly simple apple jam recipe. It is convenient to cook it from any type of fruit. Overripe, sweet, and sour apples are also suitable. The result will certainly please the hostess.

Recipe with added cinnamon and vanilla

How to make apple jam with a special flavor? Just one minor ingredient can dramatically change the taste of a dish. To obtain jam from apples with a special, unusual taste, you need to add pinches of cinnamon and vanillin to it.

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • ground cinnamon and vanilla.

Apples must be prepared in advance as indicated above. Grind in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a non-stick pan. Pour water over the apples and put on fire. Cook this mixture for half an hour over low heat. Throughout the cooking process, it is necessary to stir the consistency, as it gurgles and splashes around.

After 30 minutes of cooking, add sugar. Boil the almost ready apple jam over low heat for another half hour. You can add a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon along with sugar or 10 minutes later.

If you don’t like the strong aroma of cinnamon, you can boil a cinnamon stick with jam for 15–20 minutes, then remove it.

You can make apple jam for the winter using this recipe with the addition of. It is poured along with sugar.

Zest, cinnamon, and vanillin are used at the same time. The taste is extraordinary. Remove the jam from the heat and immediately roll it up.

You can add ingredients such as cinnamon, lemon, anise, and cloves to apple jam. Cherry leaves are also used for a special aroma.

Recipe for apple jam from Antonovka for the winter

There is a special ingredient in the Antonovka apple jam recipe for the winter. This is nothing more than a whole liter of water. The peculiarity lies in the variety of the fruit itself. They contain a lot of pectin, which is great for curdling liquid. For jam you need:

  • kilogram of prepared apples;
  • liter of water;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid.

Apples must be peeled and seeded, grated coarse grater. Immediately pour all the ingredients into the pan and cook, stirring. After boiling, cook for another 40 minutes. Close while hot.

What makes this recipe special is the variety of apples. Jam from them turns out like marmalade. Each small segment of the fruit is preserved intact. The water turns into hard jelly.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

Except traditional ways When preparing a sweet dessert, it is possible to use a multicooker. This device will make the housewife’s task easier and make excellent jam.

You need to take:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2.5 glasses of water.

After peeling the apples, do not throw them away, but steam them in the multicooker itself, pouring 200 ml of boiling water. This will release the pectin from the skins and help the jam thicken.

Washed and peeled apples should be finely chopped and poured into a slow cooker, add the juice obtained from boiling the skins. Cover everything with sugar and put on simmer mode for 1 hour.

At the end of the mode, you need to mix everything and turn on the baking mode for 40 minutes. During the process, stir the jam several times.

Pour the finished dessert into jars and roll up. Making apple jam in a slow cooker is not difficult. You need to be careful with the heating temperature of the device. Jam is cooked no higher than 130 degrees. If it is possible to select the temperature, it must be set exactly at 130 degrees.

The number of apples for making jam in a slow cooker should not exceed 1 kg. Otherwise, the dessert will spill into the slow cooker and ruin both it and the jam.

If you follow the primitive cooking rules, it will not be difficult to cook thick, transparent apple jam of a beautiful bright shade. There is no need to think about how to make apple jam for the winter at home; it’s quite simple and quick to do.

This delicious dessert can be used both as a sweet addition to tea and for making buns and pies.