Pumpkin juice with orange for the winter step by step. Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter - a vitamin boost! Recipes for pumpkin juice with oranges for a sunny mood

In Russia, pumpkin is a “resident” of almost every garden, because this vegetable has long been famous for its incredible benefits and pleasant taste. Pumpkin juice occupies a special place in cooking, being the basis of many recipes. dietary nutrition. A freshly squeezed drink is, of course, the most valuable, but if it is not possible to get it, then a canned one is quite useful. When prepared in this way, the juice retains almost all its beneficial properties for many months.

It is not difficult to store pumpkin juice for the winter at home, the main thing is to do it correctly. Our tips with photos and video instructions will help you.

Pumpkin juice recipe for the winter


Servings: – +

  • pumpkin 7 kg
  • water 4 l
  • sugar 1.2 kg
  • lemon acid1 tsp

Per serving

Calories: 55 kcal

Proteins: 0.75 g

Fats: 0.17 g

Carbohydrates: 14.21 g

2 hours 0 min. Video recipe Print

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Gorgeous! We need to fix it

Advice: When preparing pumpkin, do not forget to save its valuable seeds. They can be fried, dried and used not only as tasty treat, but also as a very useful medicinal product.

Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter

Cooking time: 2 hours

Number of servings: 30

Energy value

  • calorie content - 36.27 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.68 g;
  • fats - 0.16 g;
  • carbohydrates - 31.59 g.


  • pumpkin - 3 kg;
  • orange - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 2.5 l.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First of all, wash the pumpkin and oranges.
  2. Cut the pumpkin, remove the seeds, fibers and peel off the rind in a thin layer. Cut the pulp into medium cubes or grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges using a special device for citrus fruits or simply with your hands, cutting the fruit in half. Then strain to remove all seeds and membranes.
  4. Pour 500 ml of water into the pan and add pumpkin. Cover with a lid, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. After this, cook for about 20 minutes, but exact time depends on the type of pumpkin. When the vegetable pieces become soft, remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool.
  6. Using a blender, grind the cooked pumpkin to a smooth puree.
  7. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add the resulting puree, Orange juice, sugar and citric acid.
  8. All you have to do is cook for about 15 minutes, and the delicious pumpkin drink is ready. Pour into sterile jars and seal with boiled iron lids.

Orange-pumpkin juice will be stored for several months. To do this, it is advisable to place it in a dark, cool place.

Recipe for pumpkin juice with apple for the winter

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 min.

Number of servings: 18

Energy value

  • calorie content - 55.48 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.64 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.95 g.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the pumpkin, remove the peel, seeds and fibers. Cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Pour water into the pan, add pumpkin pieces, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat until the vegetable is soft (about 15 minutes).
  3. At this time, wash the oranges and lemon under running water cold water. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from them. We clean the fruits and squeeze out the juice.
  4. Wash the apples, remove the peel and core, and cut into pieces. We pass them through a juicer. Strain the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze or napkin.
  5. Add citrus juice and zest to the pan with pumpkin, cook for another 5 minutes, remove from heat. Let it cool a little.
  6. Using an immersion blender, grind the resulting mixture into a homogeneous mass.
  7. Add sugar and Apple juice, heat to about 90 degrees, stirring occasionally.

Fragrant pumpkin-apple juice ready. Now pour it into sterilized jars and seal. Turn the canned food upside down, wrap it up and leave to cool. After this, we put it away for storage in the pantry.

There are several other ways to prepare homemade juice that will make cooking much easier, and the drink itself will be no less tasty and healthy.

  1. Through a juicer. Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel and pass through a juicer. Mix the resulting juice with sugar in the proportions of 5 tbsp. l. for 1 l. After boiling, boil for about 5 minutes. You can cook without adding sugar, but in this case you will need additional sterilization - cover the bottom of the pan with a cloth, put jars of juice on top, covered with lids, add water and boil for 20-30 minutes.
  2. In a juicer. Prepare the pumpkin in the same way as in the first point. Pour water into the juicer, place the pumpkin pieces in a plastic sieve on top. Install the juice collection device, close the lid and cook over medium heat. If desired, you can sprinkle the vegetables with sugar before serving. Sealed jars with ready-made drink You need to put it on the neck, wrap it up and leave it like that until it cools.
  3. In a slow cooker. Cut the pumpkin into slices, remove the peel and seeds. Then cut into cubes and place in a bowl. Fill with water and set the “Extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes. After this, puree the resulting mass with a blender, add lemon juice or acid, strain and then bring to a boil. All that remains is to pour the drink into sterilized jars, seal it and store it in a cellar or pantry.

Important: the beneficial properties of canned pumpkin juice are lost if it is exposed to direct sunlight, since in this case the oxidation process will begin in the product. The workpiece can be stored at room temperature, but in a dark place.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin juice

It's no secret that pumpkin juice is very beneficial for the body due to its rich chemical composition. It contains vitamins B, C, E and K, glucose and sucrose, carotenoids, pectin, starch, phytosterols and many useful macro- and microelements. Pumpkin contains five times more beta-carotene than carrots. Therefore, the product is very good for vision. Unfortunately, when pumpkin is boiled, some of the vitamin C and B2 are destroyed.

Thanks to the content of carotenoids, pumpkin juice prevents the formation of cancer cells, slows down the aging process, lowers cholesterol levels and improves vision. But you cannot exceed the dosage of such substances - this can have a bad effect on the liver. Ascorbic acid is indispensable during the flu and cold season. B vitamins improve metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

pumpkin juice Perfectly helps with insomnia or during times of stress. This drink is often recommended for restoring the liver and pancreas due to the presence of a large amount of folic acid. And vitamin B5 ensures healthy skin and mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Pumpkin juice is very useful for hypertension, anemia and low hemoglobin levels. But it is contraindicated in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, acute pancreatitis and diarrhea.

Pumpkin juice should be consumed:

  • for insomnia - add 2 teaspoons of honey, bring to a boil and drink hot;
  • for swelling - 100 ml of juice per day;
  • for constipation - every day 1/3 glass before meals for 2 weeks;
  • for men with problems with the prostate gland - half a glass 2 times a day for a month;
  • during pregnancy - half a glass daily;
  • children - 1 glass per day, from 3 years old.

Pumpkin juice is an excellent alternative to store-bought drinks that contain great amount preservatives, flavor enhancers and other “chemicals”. It’s easy to make such a drink with your own hands, and it will be completely natural. Homemade juice It will not only quench your thirst and add variety to your diet, but will also serve as excellent support for the body exhausted by the long winter. You can add anything you wish to it, for example, dried apricots, cranberries, and then the drink will turn out even healthier and tastier, just lick your fingers. Bon appetit!

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Gorgeous! We need to fix it

Not everyone likes pumpkin juice because of its specific aroma and taste.

But it's very easy to get rid of them if you add orange!

Groovy citrus will give the drink bright aroma, will add vitamins and will lift your spirits all winter.

It's time to prepare a sunny drink in jars!

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter - general principles of preparation

Only ripe, sweet, orange pumpkins are suitable for juice. If the melon crop is unripe, the drink will not be very tasty. The pumpkin is peeled, the insides and seeds are removed. Then they cut into pieces, the size of which depends on the chosen method of preparing the drink. Most often, juice with pulp is prepared from a steamed, boiled product. It is pureed with a blender or ground in any other way until smooth.

It is advisable to rinse oranges in two stages. First, simply remove dirt from the surface, then scald with boiling water to remove the waxy coating, then rinse again. To remove the zest, it is convenient to use a grater or a vegetable peeler. The juice is usually squeezed from citrus fruits into a separate container, then added to the prepared pumpkin.

What is added to the juice:

Citric acid;

Other juices.

The mixture of all the ingredients of the recipe is boiled for several minutes. The drink can be immediately adjusted to the desired taste. Then the boiling mixture is poured into containers. The jars must be sterile. The workpiece is sealed, cooled, and stored.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter “Economy”

A recipe for very profitable pumpkin juice for the winter, of which you get a lot. These products will yield about 18 liters. Therefore, you need to arm yourself in advance with a pan of suitable size. If you don’t need as much drink, reduce the amount of food proportionally.


9 kg of ripe pumpkin;

1.6 kg sugar;

1.5 kg of oranges;

5 tsp. citric acid.


1. Process the pumpkin. Peel, cut into cubes, no need for large ones. Fold in large saucepan.

2. Fill with water. The liquid should cover the pieces. You can immediately put it on the stove, let it future juice warms up.

3. Let's deal with oranges. Prepare the citrus fruits as described above. Remove the zest and add to the pumpkin.

4. Now you need to cover the pan, and after boiling, reduce the heat. Cook until the pumpkin is soft.

5. Remove from heat and cool.

6. It is most convenient to use a blender for grinding. Parry the juice.

7. If you don’t have a blender, you will have to rub the mixture through a sieve.

8. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges. Add to pumpkin drink. Make sure you don't get any bones.

9. Immediately add sugar. If the pumpkin itself is sweet, then cut the amount in half. Add lemon.

10. Boil the juice for another five minutes and pour into sterile jars. Seal and store.

Pumpkin juice with orange and lemon

The aroma of lemon is not the same as that of orange. But together they allow you to cook unrealistically delicious drink from pumpkin.


4 kg pumpkin;

4 liters of water;

2 oranges;

2 lemons;

4 g citric acid;

700 g sugar.


1. Cut the peeled pumpkin, fill it with the recipe water, and put it on the stove.

2. Remove the zest from the lemons and oranges, add to the pan with the pumpkin and cook everything together for twenty minutes.

3. During this time, you need to squeeze the juice out of the citrus fruits. You can peel the fruit, remove the seeds and puree the pulp with a blender.

4. Remove the cooked pumpkin from the heat. Cool until warm.

5. Grind to puree using any method (blender, rub through a sieve).

6. Add citrus juice, dry acid and sugar.

8. Put the heat on low and boil for a few minutes.

9. Pour into sterile containers. Cork the drink for long-term storage.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter through a meat grinder

A method for preparing pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter for those who do not have a blender, but do not want to grind the mixture through a sieve. This perfect option for owners of electric meat grinders.


3 kg pumpkin;

2 liters of water;

4 oranges;

5 g citric acid;

400 g sugar.


1. Place the peeled, prepared pumpkin in a saucepan, add a glass of water, and place on low heat. Simmer covered until soft.

2. Grate the zest very finely, add to the vegetable, and let them steam together. Cool.

3. Twist the steamed pumpkin through a meat grinder. Of course, you can crush it with a masher. But the veins will remain, and the juice will not be very pleasant to drink.

4. Add the remaining water according to the recipe to the puree, squeeze out the juice from the oranges.

5. Add sugar and adjust to taste. Also add citric acid. Stir everything well, adjust the consistency if it does not suit you.

6. All you have to do is boil the orange drink for about five minutes, you can pour it into jars!

Pumpkin juice with oranges and apples

Pumpkin juice with apples often appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores. Adults still remember its taste, but it’s time for young people to get to know it. With oranges the drink turns out even tastier.


2 kg apples;

2 kg pumpkin;

2 oranges;

1.5 cups sugar;

Lemon to taste.


1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water. Place on the stove and cook until soft. Be sure to cover.

2. While the pumpkin is cooking, you need to cut the apples and put them through a juicer.

3. Peel the oranges and skip them too. If desired, add zest to the pumpkin.

4. Cool boiled vegetable, grind through a sieve, filter the liquid.

5. Combine pumpkin, apple juice, sugar in a saucepan, stir.

6. Add lemon to taste if there is not enough acid.

7. Place on the stove. Boil for ten minutes. Since the apple juice is fresh, foam will appear on top. We take pictures periodically.

8. Pour the boiling drink and seal it tightly. The jars must be dry and sterile.

Spiced pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter

Very aromatic and delicious juice from pumpkin and oranges for the winter. It is advisable to use real cinnamon powder, ground yourself. It will be much tastier and healthier.


2 kg pumpkin;

2.5 liters of water;

2 oranges;

3 g cinnamon;

1 g vanilla;

1 star clove;

1.5 cups sugar;

5 g citric acid.


1. Remove the zest from the oranges and place in a saucepan.

2. Add pumpkin cut into pieces, add half of the recipe water.

3. Cover and steam until soft over medium heat. Cool.

4. Grind the vegetable pieces with a food processor, meat grinder, or simply wipe. In the latter option, the juice will be the most tender.

5. Squeeze citrus juice and add to pumpkin.

6. Then add the rest of the water according to the recipe, that is, another 1.5 liters. Assess the thickness. If necessary, add more liquid.

7. Add cinnamon, vanilla, cloves and lemon. Season the drink with sugar.

8. Cook for ten minutes. Catch the cloves; it is better not to prepare them.

9. Pour the boiling drink into jars, seal it tightly, and store it.

Pumpkin juice with orange and carrots

Another once popular taste. This Winter Orange Pumpkin Juice also requires carrots. To please the drink not only with color, but also with taste, choose juicy root vegetables.


1 kg pumpkin;

2 liters of water;

500 g carrots;

3 oranges;

1 lemon (dry acid is fine);

2 cups sugar.


1. Chop the pumpkin and carrots into cubes. The recipe indicates the amount of purified products. If the carrots have green centers, they need to be cut off. Otherwise the juice will be bitter.

2. Fill the ingredients with the recipe water and let them cook.

3. Remove the zest from the oranges and squeeze out the juice.

4. Add the zest to the cooking vegetables and let them soften.

5. As soon as the carrot pieces become soft, you can remove the food from the heat. Cool.

6. Grind until smooth in any convenient way. Return to the stove.

7. It's time to add sugar and orange juice. For acid, you can squeeze lemon juice or add powdered concentrate.

8. Stir the drink. Boil for five minutes and seal.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter through a juicer

A version of pumpkin juice without pulp. To prepare, you will need any juicer. Naturally, it is easier to work with an electrical device.


5 kg pumpkin;

1 kg of oranges;

2 glasses of water;

1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp. citric acid.


1. Remove the zest from the oranges, place in a saucepan, and add two glasses of water. Boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain.

2. Cut the pumpkin into pieces. Peel the oranges. It is advisable to remove the seeds.

3. Pass the vegetable and citrus fruits through a juicer. Drain the product into a saucepan.

4. Add aromatic decoction of zest.

5. Pour in lemon and granulated sugar. You can adjust the amount of additives to suit your taste.

6. Boil the juice for ten minutes, roll into jars.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter - useful tips and tricks

Pumpkin goes well not only with apples or carrots. The juice can be prepared with the addition of apricots, pears, plums and other fruits. Be careful when adding berries. For example, blackberries can make the color of a drink blue.

To prepare a refreshing juice, add a few sprigs of mint during cooking. You can put the leaves in a gauze bag to make it easier to remove later.

From pumpkin with oranges you can prepare not only juices for the winter, but also purees. Simply reduce the amount of liquid and acid added. The hot mass is also placed in jars and sealed. It is advisable to use small containers.

Pure pumpkin juice has a specific taste and aroma that not everyone likes. Pumpkin juice with orange is a delicious, bright drink that strengthens the immune system, improves mood, and energizes. It is useful for pregnant women and children, but you just need to start with a small dose to avoid allergic reactions.

Pumpkin and orange juice is rich in vitamins and microelements


Pumpkin 1 kg Orange 500 grams Lemon 1 piece(s) Sugar 120 grams

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

How to make pumpkin and orange juice at home

For cooking healthy drink you only need to take ripe pumpkin, which has bright orange flesh. Oranges should be medium-sized, thin-skinned, juicy.

Squeeze the juice out of the oranges and lemons, do not discard the peels. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and place in a saucepan - the liquid should slightly cover the pieces of the vegetable. Simmer over low heat until soft, about 25 minutes.

Using a blender, puree the pumpkin and water until homogeneous consistency, add lemon and orange juice along with pulp, sugar. Put the drink on the fire, put orange peel, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, stir occasionally. Cool the drink, remove the orange skins.

It is contraindicated for frequent diarrhea and low stomach acidity. People with chronic diseases organs of the digestive tract, before taking a pumpkin drink, you should consult your doctor.

Preparing pumpkin juice with orange and apple for the winter

Pumpkin juice with apples is a taste familiar to many from childhood. By adding citrus fruits to it, you can get a unique vitamin cocktail, which will protect you from colds and vitamin deficiency in winter.


  • pumpkin pulp – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • apples – 1.8 kg;
  • oranges – 450 g;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • citric acid - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces, add water, cook covered until soft. Squeeze juice from apples and oranges, you can add zest to the mixture.

Grind the finished pumpkin in a blender, strain, mix with juices, add citric acid. Boil the drink over low heat for 10 minutes, foam from the apple juice will appear, it needs to be removed.

Pour hot juice into sterilized dry jars, seal tightly, turn over, cover with a blanket. After a day, you can put the drink in a cool place.

Pumpkin juice can be prepared with the addition of carrots, plums, and apricots. To add a piquant aroma, you can add anise, cloves, cardamom, and fresh mint to the drink.

Not everyone likes pumpkin juice because of its specific aroma and taste.

But it's very easy to get rid of them if you add orange!

Groovy citrus will give the drink a bright aroma, add vitamins and will lift your spirits all winter.

It's time to prepare a sunny drink in jars!

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter - general principles of preparation

Only ripe, sweet, orange pumpkins are suitable for juice. If the melon crop is unripe, the drink will not be very tasty. The pumpkin is peeled, the insides and seeds are removed. Then they cut into pieces, the size of which depends on the chosen method of preparing the drink. Most often, juice with pulp is prepared from a steamed, boiled product. It is pureed with a blender or ground in any other way until smooth.

It is advisable to rinse oranges in two stages. First, simply remove dirt from the surface, then scald with boiling water to remove the waxy coating, then rinse again. To remove the zest, it is convenient to use a grater or a vegetable peeler. The juice is usually squeezed from citrus fruits into a separate container, then added to the prepared pumpkin.

What is added to the juice:

Citric acid;

Other juices.

The mixture of all the ingredients of the recipe is boiled for several minutes. The drink can be immediately adjusted to the desired taste. Then the boiling mixture is poured into containers. The jars must be sterile. The workpiece is sealed, cooled, and stored.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter “Economy”

A recipe for very profitable pumpkin juice for the winter, of which you get a lot. These products will yield about 18 liters. Therefore, you need to arm yourself in advance with a pan of suitable size. If you don’t need as much drink, reduce the amount of food proportionally.


9 kg of ripe pumpkin;

1.6 kg sugar;

1.5 kg of oranges;

5 tsp. citric acid.


1. Process the pumpkin. Peel, cut into cubes, no need for large ones. Place in a large saucepan.

2. Fill with water. The liquid should cover the pieces. You can immediately put it on the stove and let the future juice warm up.

3. Let's deal with oranges. Prepare the citrus fruits as described above. Remove the zest and add to the pumpkin.

4. Now you need to cover the pan, and after boiling, reduce the heat. Cook until the pumpkin is soft.

5. Remove from heat and cool.

6. It is most convenient to use a blender for grinding. Parry the juice.

7. If you don’t have a blender, you will have to rub the mixture through a sieve.

8. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges. Add to pumpkin drink. Make sure you don't get any bones.

9. Immediately add sugar. If the pumpkin itself is sweet, then cut the amount in half. Add lemon.

10. Boil the juice for another five minutes and pour into sterile jars. Seal and store.

Pumpkin juice with orange and lemon

The aroma of lemon is not the same as that of orange. But together they allow you to prepare an incredibly tasty pumpkin drink.


4 kg pumpkin;

4 liters of water;

2 oranges;

2 lemons;

4 g citric acid;

700 g sugar.


1. Cut the peeled pumpkin, fill it with the recipe water, and put it on the stove.

2. Remove the zest from the lemons and oranges, add to the pan with the pumpkin and cook everything together for twenty minutes.

3. During this time, you need to squeeze the juice out of the citrus fruits. You can peel the fruit, remove the seeds and puree the pulp with a blender.

4. Remove the cooked pumpkin from the heat. Cool until warm.

5. Grind to puree using any method (blender, rub through a sieve).

6. Add citrus juice, dry acid and sugar.

8. Put the heat on low and boil for a few minutes.

9. Pour into sterile containers. Cork the drink for long-term storage.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter through a meat grinder

A method for preparing pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter for those who do not have a blender, but do not want to grind the mixture through a sieve. This is an ideal option for owners of electric meat grinders.


3 kg pumpkin;

2 liters of water;

4 oranges;

5 g citric acid;

400 g sugar.


1. Place the peeled, prepared pumpkin in a saucepan, add a glass of water, and place on low heat. Simmer covered until soft.

2. Grate the zest very finely, add to the vegetable, and let them steam together. Cool.

3. Twist the steamed pumpkin through a meat grinder. Of course, you can crush it with a masher. But the veins will remain, and the juice will not be very pleasant to drink.

4. Add the remaining water according to the recipe to the puree, squeeze out the juice from the oranges.

5. Add sugar and adjust to taste. Also add citric acid. Stir everything well, adjust the consistency if it does not suit you.

6. All you have to do is boil the orange drink for about five minutes, you can pour it into jars!

Pumpkin juice with oranges and apples

Pumpkin juice with apples often appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores. Adults still remember its taste, but it’s time for young people to get to know it. With oranges the drink turns out even tastier.


2 kg apples;

2 kg pumpkin;

2 oranges;

1.5 cups sugar;

Lemon to taste.


1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water. Place on the stove and cook until soft. Be sure to cover.

2. While the pumpkin is cooking, you need to cut the apples and put them through a juicer.

3. Peel the oranges and skip them too. If desired, add zest to the pumpkin.

4. Cool the boiled vegetable, grind through a sieve, strain the liquid.

5. Combine pumpkin, apple juice, sugar in a saucepan, stir.

6. Add lemon to taste if there is not enough acid.

7. Place on the stove. Boil for ten minutes. Since the apple juice is fresh, foam will appear on top. We take pictures periodically.

8. Pour the boiling drink and seal it tightly. The jars must be dry and sterile.

Spiced pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter

A very aromatic and tasty juice option from pumpkin and oranges for the winter. It is advisable to use real cinnamon powder, ground yourself. It will be much tastier and healthier.


2 kg pumpkin;

2.5 liters of water;

2 oranges;

3 g cinnamon;

1 g vanilla;

1 star clove;

1.5 cups sugar;

5 g citric acid.


1. Remove the zest from the oranges and place in a saucepan.

2. Add pumpkin cut into pieces, add half of the recipe water.

3. Cover and steam until soft over medium heat. Cool.

4. Grind the vegetable pieces with a food processor, meat grinder, or simply wipe. In the latter option, the juice will be the most tender.

5. Squeeze citrus juice and add to pumpkin.

6. Then add the rest of the water according to the recipe, that is, another 1.5 liters. Assess the thickness. If necessary, add more liquid.

7. Add cinnamon, vanilla, cloves and lemon. Season the drink with sugar.

8. Cook for ten minutes. Catch the cloves; it is better not to prepare them.

9. Pour the boiling drink into jars, seal it tightly, and store it.

Pumpkin juice with orange and carrots

Another once popular taste. This Winter Orange Pumpkin Juice also requires carrots. To please the drink not only with color, but also with taste, choose juicy root vegetables.


1 kg pumpkin;

2 liters of water;

500 g carrots;

3 oranges;

1 lemon (dry acid is fine);

2 cups sugar.


1. Chop the pumpkin and carrots into cubes. The recipe indicates the amount of purified products. If the carrots have green centers, they need to be cut off. Otherwise the juice will be bitter.

2. Fill the ingredients with the recipe water and let them cook.

3. Remove the zest from the oranges and squeeze out the juice.

4. Add the zest to the cooking vegetables and let them soften.

5. As soon as the carrot pieces become soft, you can remove the food from the heat. Cool.

6. Grind until smooth in any convenient way. Return to the stove.

7. It's time to add sugar and orange juice. For acid, you can squeeze lemon juice or add powdered concentrate.

8. Stir the drink. Boil for five minutes and seal.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter through a juicer

A version of pumpkin juice without pulp. To prepare, you will need any juicer. Naturally, it is easier to work with an electrical device.


5 kg pumpkin;

1 kg of oranges;

2 glasses of water;

1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp. citric acid.


1. Remove the zest from the oranges, place in a saucepan, and add two glasses of water. Boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain.

2. Cut the pumpkin into pieces. Peel the oranges. It is advisable to remove the seeds.

3. Pass the vegetable and citrus fruits through a juicer. Drain the product into a saucepan.

4. Add aromatic decoction of zest.

5. Pour in lemon and granulated sugar. You can adjust the amount of additives to suit your taste.

6. Boil the juice for ten minutes, roll into jars.

Pumpkin goes well not only with apples or carrots. The juice can be prepared with the addition of apricots, pears, plums and other fruits. Be careful when adding berries. For example, blackberries can make the color of a drink blue.

To prepare a refreshing juice, add a few sprigs of mint during cooking. You can put the leaves in a gauze bag to make it easier to remove later.

From pumpkin with oranges you can prepare not only juices for the winter, but also purees. Simply reduce the amount of liquid and acid added. The hot mass is also placed in jars and sealed. It is advisable to use small containers.

In the cold season, the body needs vitamins and minerals for normal functioning. One of healthy vegetables is pumpkin, but not everyone likes its taste. A good alternative to use all positive properties This plant can be juiced from pumpkin with orange for the winter. Adding citrus fruits increases the amount of vitamins in the drink and gives it a pleasant, unique taste.

Benefits of pumpkin

Pumpkin fruits have a sweetish taste and have many beneficial properties for the body. This plant-based antioxidant is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and contains no a large number of calories. To prevent many diseases, it is recommended to regularly consume this product.

Nutritional properties and composition

Pumpkin pulp contains 90% water by weight, the remaining 10% is occupied by various nutrients. The fruit contains a large amount plant fibers and a small proportion of simple hydrocarbons. The composition of the product includes the following compounds:

Disease Prevention

The rich vitamin and mineral composition, as well as the content of a wide variety of plant acids important for the health and functioning of the body, have made pumpkin beneficial for a number of diseases. The product is mainly recommended to be consumed for the following problems:

orange peel

Orange is the most consumed fruit worldwide and its peel is a source of many health benefits. Although she does not have such pleasant taste qualities, like fruit juice and its pulp, but it is also recommended to include it in the diet, since the chemical compounds it contains can prevent the development of many diseases. For this purpose, dozens of recipes for its use have been developed.

Orange peel has the following properties:

In general, the high content of vitamin C and other antioxidants in citrus peels helps improve appearance skin, protect it from sunburn and slow down the aging process of the body as a whole.

Tinctures made from it cleanse skin pores, are a good prevention of acne and tone all vital systems. Thus, a product that many throw in the trash has many amazing properties, the health benefits of which are a proven fact.

Juice recipe for the winter

If you mix pumpkin and orange, you will get a real vitamin cocktail, which, if properly preserved, will retain its beneficial properties throughout the cold season. To understand how to make pumpkin and orange juice, you need to buy everything first necessary ingredients which include the following products:

  • about 8 kg of pumpkin pulp;
  • oranges 1.5 kg;
  • 2 kg table sugar;
  • citric acid and pure water.

The list of all products makes approximately 15 liters of drink. If you need to prepare a different volume of juice, then all ingredients can be increased or decreased in proportional quantities in this recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter. For those who like a sweeter taste, the amount of oranges can be reduced slightly.

Cooking process

It is recommended to start preparing pumpkin juice at home with orange by preparing the main ingredient - pumpkin. First of all, you should pay attention to the plant variety, since their number is quite large. To prepare the drink, you should choose sweet varieties; they usually have bright orange colors. The following types are suitable for making juice from them:

  • Hard bark. Its fruits ripen early, have large seeds and are tasty and juicy.
  • Muscat. The fruits of this variety are relatively small, but have a sweet taste and ripen late, gradually accumulating nutrients.
  • Large-fruited. Individual specimens of this type of large pumpkin can reach a weight of up to 6 kg, are resistant to various diseases and can be stored all winter.

It should be washed thoroughly, peeled, and then cut and all the seeds inside taken out. Cut all the pulp into small pieces.

Then attention turns to oranges. They also need to be washed and peeled, which should be grated on a fine grater.

It is recommended to drink this viscous drink 1-2 hours before meals. You should not drink juice after or during meals. In order to make the most of all nutrients and healing properties pumpkin-orange drink, it is enough to drink 0.5 glasses every day. If a person wants to solve a problem with overweight, then it is recommended to drink the drink three times a day, half an hour before meals, 0.25 cups. The course lasts 1-2 weeks.

If a woman is pregnant, it is recommended to consult a doctor before drinking this drink.

Due to the low calorie content (40 kcal per 100 ml) and easy digestibility of the pumpkin drink, it can be drunk by people of any age: children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. However, an important aspect of drinking juice is to gradually introduce it into a person's diet and consume it in moderation, since the high content of beta-carotene and other substances can lead to allergies.

Thus, it is not difficult to prepare a drink from pumpkin with orange; it is recommended to stock up on it for the long cold season and then you can enjoy its pleasant taste and beneficial properties all winter.